Earning money from CPA affiliate programs: a quick start. CPA marketing without investment: examples, earnings, reviews How to make money on CPA, is it profitable?

Earnings on CPA networks

In the previous material, we examined in detail CPA (What is CPA) networks and tried to answer the question of what they are and how they work. In this article we will try to explain how to make money on CPA affiliate programs. Many will be surprised, but to make money on CPA networks it is not necessary to have your own website, and sometimes you can even do without groups in in social networks. You can start making money as a CPA without having anything related to the Internet, but using your skills in developing advertising campaigns or sending messages.

A little higher, we already noted that to make money in CPA networks, you do not have to have your own website. There are other options for making a profit, but most of them will require financial investments from you. Don’t forget that each offer has its own conditions, for example, one may allow advertising only on social networks, and another only on its own website. Therefore, read the rules of work before you start promoting. Let's see how you can make money on CPA:

- Own website. Everything is simple here, if you have your own website on the Internet (preferably, it should be hosted on a paid hosting and have traffic), then you can start making money on CPA affiliate programs. To do this, register in one of the CPA networks and connect partnership programs to your site. After that, you place a link or banner on your website and receive income. At the same time, it is important to choose the right affiliate programs that will correspond to the theme of your site.

- Doorways. If you have a group of doorways, then you can also start making money in CPA. The main thing is to make sure that the affiliate program is not against you using a network of doorways instead of one site.

- Youtube channels. Many CPA offers allow the user to post advertisements on YouTube channels. For example, you are making videos about online games, then why not place a gaming affiliate link on your channel and make a profit from it.

- PopUp / ClickUnder - it is also possible to order an advertisement with aggressive advertising. By placing in this ad the link received from the offer. Here you will have to make an investment in advertising company.

- Contextual advertising/Teaser networks - in this case, you can create an advertising company in Google Adsense, Yandex Direct and other teaser networks. In your advertisement, place a link to the affiliate offer and active actions will be paid. Here you will have to have initial capital to make money on CPA in this way.

Email newsletter is another way to make money on CPA affiliate programs. If you have a base Email addresses, then you can create a high-quality ad in which you place a link received from an affiliate offer.

Incentivized traffic - this method supports a small part of offers. It involves rewarding the user for certain actions on the advertiser’s website. For example, a person entered an online store using a link posted on your website and if he purchased a product, you promised to send him 50 rubles to his mobile account - this will be motivated traffic. Also, the use of tasks on sites like Vmmail or VMZONa and other boxes is considered motivated traffic.

Now let's take a closer look at the process of making money on CPA networks. We will give you the necessary algorithm of actions to start earning money. This algorithm is only general scheme and is intended to familiarize users with the possibility of making money on CPA affiliates. If you are already familiar with CPAs, you may want to skip some points in this guide.

1) You need to acquire at least one tool to make money with CPA. We described the possible tools above.

2) Select one or more CPA networks and register with them.

3) After registration, select the offer (or several offers) with which you will cooperate. Pay attention to exactly which traffic sources this offer accepts and how advisable its use is. Also look at which countries this offer receives traffic from and carefully read all the rules.

5) We begin to attract users to follow these links.

6) We receive payments for our efforts.

Here is a small algorithm of actions that is necessary to make money on CPA networks. It should be taken into account that this type earning money is not very simple, and will not bring immediate profit.

How can you make money with CPA?

Now let's talk specifically about the offers (affiliate programs) that are presented in CPA networks. All affiliate programs can be divided into several categories, each of which has its own approach. Using email newsletters or creating advertising campaigns is suitable for any offer and will depend on your professionalism. We will also give an example of the themes of sites and groups that are suitable for a certain group of offers. Let's take a closer look at the main types that are presented in this area of ​​​​earnings.

Online stores are very popular in CPA networks. The main purpose of these offers is to promote and sell goods from these stores. The principle of working with such offers is quite simple. You place an advertising banner or an advertising link for an online store on your website and receive income from the purchases of visitors who came to this online store through a link from your website.

The choice of such offers is quite large and you can start collaborating with a large number of online stores. Also, many CPA networks offer their users to install additional applications, which help increase sales conversion from your website. Mainly:

- Coupon and discount generators. You place a code on your website that generates coupons and discounts on products in online stores. These coupons contain information about all current discounts in online stores. And as you know, discounts always cause increased demand among buyers.

- Generators for unloading goods from the store. You can also place on your website a catalog of products from one or more online stores. The task is quite labor-intensive, but brings its own benefits. There are special applications that allow you to post products and update them almost automatically.

This type of income is suitable for owners of websites of almost any subject. For example, if you have a website about cars, you can post affiliate links from offers that sell auto products, if you have a website about fashion, you can place links to online clothing and shoe stores. The same applies to VK groups.

Banking offers are also very widespread. Here you will receive payment for loans and user deposits in various banks, order bank card, insurance registration, etc. The essence of the offers is quite simple. You connect to the affiliate program and place an advertising link on your website (in a group, in a newsletter). After this, users who follow this link and apply for loans will bring you profit.

These offers are suitable for owners of financial websites. Also if you have a good address database Email, You can create a newsletter by inserting an advertising link there.

There are a large number of gaming offers in CPA networks. Here you will receive payment for registering users in various online games or for reaching a certain level. The principle of working with such offers is also quite simple. You advertise the link received from the offer and make money from it. Many offers pay for direct registration in the game, and some require more activity from users (reaching a level, logging into the game for several days, etc.). However, information about what level the user needs to obtain is not disclosed.

For cooperation with such offers, sites and groups that are dedicated to online games, entertainment topics, etc. Also, having a database of addresses of gamers, you can create a mailing list of messages containing a link to a gaming offer and make money from it.

CPA networks also feature offers from dating sites. Basically, this requires registration of new users, for which you will receive payment. Although there are also requirements for completing questionnaires or adding photos, being active for some time, etc.

Almost any website is suitable for working with such offers. Only strict and scientific topics should be excluded. Agree, it would be ridiculous to see an ad on a website about taxes about meeting cute girls (but even though?).

This group should include offers that pay for orders from users of various services. For example, paying for hosting or applying for an online seminar. Basically, payment for such offers is based on the deduction of a certain percentage or a fixed amount from one order. Let’s say a user pays for hosting for 1 year, and you receive a percentage of the user’s costs or a fixed amount.

IN this segment offers on various topics are presented. For each of them, sites or groups of specific topics are suitable. For example, if you have a project dedicated to the creation and promotion of other sites, it makes sense to advertise hosting.

There are also offers in CPA networks that pay users to install applications on smartphones and tablets. Basically, these offers require installation on devices running IOS or Android OS. For each installation you will receive a fixed amount. Mobile offers also require from partners a certain percentage of returns from users who install the application. For example, in the terms of the program the percentage of user return after 7 days is at least 10%. This means that 10% of users who installed this application should be using it after a week. If these conditions are not met, your payment may be denied.

Sites and groups dedicated to technology and technology are suitable for such offers. mobile devices. If you have a group in which you cover news from Apple, then why not post links to applications in it, the installation of which you will be paid for.

I would also like to highlight the offers of various travel companies in a separate group. Here you will earn money by selling tours via the Internet or ordering air and train tickets through affiliate offers.

For this type of earnings, sites dedicated to tourism are suitable. For example, if you have a blog about the countries of the world, then a link to purchase tours will fit into it very colorfully and will find its customers.

Well, another category of offers are products for mailing. These offers are similar to online stores, but here you will need to sell a certain product and receive a reward for it. Surely, you have often seen messages in various groups about watches (similar to Rolex) or about wallets, purses, umbrellas, etc. I hope you did not buy this consumer goods, because the price on such sites is inflated by 300-500% of the retail price. Well, now the conversation is not about what kind of bullshit they are trying to push on you, but about making money by finding users who are interested in these products. Basically, such offers have a certain payment for the sale of goods. And you will earn money from every order from the site (and quite good amounts). For example, if a user followed a link advertised by you and bought a “fashionable” watch for 1,500 rubles, then you will receive 500-700 rubles from this purchase.

In order to sell these products on the Internet, you need to look for suitable customers (in other words, suckers who will buy this crap). To do this, you must either have a group or a site with high traffic (from 10,000, a site or a group with at least 100,000 users). Or know where to find such buyers.

On this short review offers and the possibility of earning money on them can be considered completed. Now it remains to talk about the amounts that can be earned in the CPA.

How much can you earn with CPA?

The question regarding the amount of earnings on CPA networks is quite complex. It is impossible to answer unequivocally what exact amount you will receive. Here It all depends on how exactly you will promote your traffic sources and how many hundreds of thousands of rubles, and at the end you will get several times less. Or, on the contrary, create an advertising campaign correctly and earn money with minimal costs. In this case, everything depends on you and your ability to attract visitors.

Would you be interested in selling phones from China to Voronezh? Or wedding dresses from Moscow to Khabarovsk? Or outfits for March 8th from Minsk to Mogilev? At the same time, physically being at home at the computer.

I was interested, because in September 2013, I became interested in traffic arbitrage in CPA (a scheme for attracting clients to affiliate programs with pay-per-action).

For those who don’t know what CPA is, read the intro.

Over the course of the year, I carried out experiments with varying intensities:

  • I worked out every day for 3 months
  • then as time permits
  • at the beginning of summer I didn’t work out at all
  • and in mid-August I sold a little of the school season.

Several dozen offers were tested (offers from stores, banks, games), about 120,000 rubles were invested, about 180,000 were returned, that is, the net profit was only 60,000 rubles. Theoretically, it was possible to get more profit, but profit itself was not the main goal. The main aspirations were:

  • personal interest
  • niche testing
  • understanding the process
  • mastering technical skills

CPA has become a very popular topic recently. It is positioned as another “money” button, this is facilitated by a lot of educational materials, advertising from aggregators, a bunch of thematic public pages on social networks, and, in general, a fashion trend.

The main question that concerns any newcomer to CPA: is it possible to make money here?

The answer is unequivocal: you can!

But there are nuances, a lot of nuances, I will try to write about them further.

  • Pros of working with arbitration as a CPA
  • You work for yourself
  • Theoretically, your earnings are unlimited
  • This is an interesting and creative job

Cons of CPA

  • You will need money for turnover
  • Theoretically, you can lose your money and should be prepared for this
  • In the CPA business you are playing on someone else's field. The rules of the game are determined by advertisers and CPA networks, and these rules will very often change unilaterally not in your favor

In general, all the pros and cons are quite standard for most types of earning money online. If you worked with satellites, doorways, arbitration, etc., it’s the same.

The biggest disadvantage I encountered with CPA is the change in offer conditions.

Example: I'm testing a new browser game. Registration fee is 50 cents. It takes 2 business days to test and search for a “golden” teaser. After that, I set up a good budget and start pouring. There are about 200 registrations per day. Traffic costs me about 25 cents per conversion, that is, from this offer I earn $50 on the first day of traffic. Not millions, but not bad, considering that I don’t need to do anything further besides adding to the budget.

But the next day, the offer reduces the price for registering in the game to 30 cents. And with the same parameters, I am left with 10 dollars. Not interested…

And there are a lot of such examples when offers reduce prices, change the rules for working with them, or prohibit any type of advertising. You can understand the offers - they want to pay less and earn more. But it is precisely because of this minus that I have now stopped working as a CPA. There are plenty of other, profitable, less troublesome and no less interesting activities in the world...

A few main myths and opinions about CPAs that I have heard:

Myth one. It is enough to master the “secret knowledge” in arbitration onceCPA, and then it’s a matter of technique, just select offers - everything will go like clockwork.

My personal experience.

Wrong. Any selection, testing and launch of a CPA offer is always a creative approach, inspiration, and solving a puzzle. The flow method does not work here. Myth two.

To begin with, 10,000 rubles are enough, and then the capital will begin to grow, turn into millions, and the island, yachts, and inheritance to great-grandchildren will be provided very quickly.

My personal experience. Wrong. Theoretically, I admit that exponential capital growth in Russian CPA was possible three years ago (remember the same Tanki Online). Now definitely not - for serious profits you need serious investments.

Myth three.

a) any high-quality cases do not live long, especially when they go public

b) no one will share their case, which is this moment brings profit

c) even if one purchased case suddenly makes a profit (which is unlikely!), what next? Every time you look for/buy a new someone else’s case?

Isn’t it easier to learn the hardware once and then generate cases yourself?

Other people's cases are only suitable for one thing - for typing personal experience, in order to see how others do and do it your own way. There's no point in copying them.

firstly, if you have just started your journey in CPA or have been testing for a long time, but nothing works, ask yourself: “Why am I doing this topic?” If the answer is “For the sake of money!”, You definitely need to quit this business or change your attitude towards it.

CPA is all about creativity! Money is secondary!

And you need to approach it creatively. Like a musician who learns notes and then plays beautiful music. Like an artist who has mastered perspective and color rendering and then creates magnificent paintings. So you should memorize the initial hardware, and then generate your own ideas. Or don't do it at all.

The best and most complete alphabet of RussianCPA, of course - video course by Andrey ZolotarevFor those who haven’t watched it yet, I recommend it; the technical aspects are described superbly.

Secondly, in earning money as a CPA you can achieve the greatest success in the area that you really know well. For example, if you are a high school teacher, love your job and understand your students, you can try to launch an offer for a university or advertise language courses. If you are a gamer, you should work in the field of gaming offers. If you are a fan of newfangled gadgets, they will sell best to you.

Personally, I almost never traded in Goji berries, super power balance bracelets, or talking hamsters. For me, these are, let’s say, “grayish” goods. But I didn’t sell them not for moral reasons, but simply because I’m not interested.

But I have a fairly good understanding of the demand for seasonal items, I have been selling this seasonal item offline for many years, I know what’s what, and I always draw inspiration from sales. Therefore, the main profit in CPA was received from product affiliate programs. Although I tested quite a lot...

And finally, a couple of cases that came to hand (just always remember what I said about other people’s CPA cases):

1) ConceptClub clothing store chain, traffic - contextual advertising for the brand from Direct. This type of advertising may be the most interesting in terms of profit. If you see a freshly opened offer from a large brand, with allowed context for the brand, hurry to set up a simple campaign. Such offers do not last long; advertisers very quickly realize that it is more profitable to run their own advertising campaigns (Concept Club very quickly banned this type of advertising).

Screenshot of payments - 33 sales, 9,262 rubles received, 6,262 rubles of net profit.

2) Belarusian Wildberries, seasonal sale of dresses for school prom. Traffic from targeted advertising on VKontakte.

Screenshot of ad settings, 1239 rubles spent.

Screenshot of payments in the affiliate program - 24 sales, 2,860 rubles received, net profit about 1,640 rubles.

The first part of my review of my CPA experience is complete. If you found it interesting, ask questions, upvote, and subscribe to new articles.

Hello, dear friends. Today, I will show you a very interesting scheme for making money on the Internet. It will be based on CPA and traffic arbitrage. Earning money online will be made in the ActionADS network.

We will work with the BonusMall offer.

How much does this offer pay?

  • First purchase over 250 rubles - 200 rubles
  • First paid order - 150 rubles
  • Registration - 10 rubles.
How much did you manage to earn from the affiliate program?

Let's take a look at the statistics:

Tested it about 2 weeks ago. I received money both for registrations and for one completed purchase. Besides, I wasn't very active.

How to make money online on BonusMall?

Now I'll show you the essence this method earnings. First, you need to register in this network and find the "BonusMall" offer. Click the "Connect" button and write to support with a request to connect to this offer.

Then I bought the domain "beribolshe.rf" and linked it to the site created in the builder. When we go to the domain "beribolshe.rf", a redirect occurs to the link that we received in the "BonusMall" offer.

Select a section "Design" - "Design Management (Templates)".

Having clicked on it, we see the working field into which we need to insert the redirect script.



The working field should look like this. Instead of the word "link", insert your link.

It doesn't have to be an iPhone. We look for pictures depending on what we will offer to visitors. We post an ad like this: