What does the hangouts app do? Google Hangouts: the simplest ways to delete the messenger for Android. What is Hangouts and can it be removed?

Google has come a long way over the past few years. Thanks to its current applications, the company has many fans around the world. Let's talk about a plugin called Hangouts. What is it and what is it for? We will try to understand this issue in this article. One thing needs to be said right away: this is a replacement for Google Talk. And, by the way, very successful.

Hangouts program: what is it and how does it work?

Let's first talk about how it came to be this utility. And this happened quite recently, when Google Talk and Google+ Messenger merged. It is worth noting that for some time these programs worked independently of each other, but in 2013 they announced the creation of an application called Hangouts. So, there are currently three platforms supported: Ghrome, iOS and Android. We can say that this messenger can be considered unified, because it has all independent applications. It should also be mentioned that there are several new functions, each of which we will look at a little below. Basically, here you can send emoticons, pictures, messages to your interlocutor, and even create video conferences, like in Skype. Wherever your interlocutor is, you can communicate with him. Well, now let's talk in more detail about how to use the program. Despite the huge range of functions, there is nothing complicated about it.

Hangouts: how to use the utility

So, first of all, we need to say that the plugin is completely free. Therefore, there is no need to pay for any activation, etc. You can use the program on your own desktop computer, and on a mobile phone, which significantly increases the demand for such a product. So you have downloaded and installed this application from Google. And when you entered it, you saw a list of dialogues instead of a list of contacts, which, of course, might seem a little strange to you. Everything is quite simple. To send a message to your interlocutor, you need to click on the correspondence that was conducted with him. If you want to communicate through the camera, then this is also easy to do, you just need to find the corresponding icon, which is located in the dialog box of your correspondence. The distinctive feature is that HD quality is available, but to use it you need high-speed Internet. During a conversation, you have the opportunity to select the quality of the video stream, which is extremely convenient. It is recommended to get a special camera that supports HD.

How to install the application?

Everything here is extremely simple, and now we will look in detail at exactly how to do this. The first thing you need to do is download the utility from the official Google website. It is completely free and takes only a few megabytes. You’ve already become a little familiar with Hangouts, you also know what it is and what the program is for, so let’s move straight to installation. You need to accept and choose the path. After this, we wait for the process to complete and enjoy the result. Please note that each Google account user has a good opportunity to install the application directly from the interface. This saves not only time, but also energy. That's probably all that can be said about installing Hangouts. We’ve already figured out a little how to use the program, so let’s talk about the strengths of the utility, and there are many of them.

Advantages, or Why users love Hangouts

I would like to point out right away that there are a lot of strengths here. Take, for example, a comfortable video conference. You can connect about 10 people to the conversation, which, you see, is a lot. It cannot be said again that using the plugin is completely free, and this is a very, very big plus. Another advantage is that mobile devices also support the use of this utility. The developers also made sure that even a novice user could fully understand the functions of Hangouts. Even a beginner who is just starting to explore the Internet will understand how to use such software. It is possible to record a video conference in automatic mode, and everything is immediately posted on Youtube. In fairness, it should be noted that there are also disadvantages, and we will now talk about them.

About the disadvantages of the plugin

Fortunately, there are very few of them. Firstly, this is a name that is difficult to pronounce, but this is not so significant. Another thing is that when creating a video conference in which about 5 or more people participate, the image quality drops noticeably, you can even notice stuttering. This is perhaps the main drawback of this plugin. It is also worth paying attention to the heating of devices that work for a long time with Hangouts in video conference mode. But that's where all the disadvantages end. As you can see, they are not that significant. And even if you use the plugin to communicate with friends, you are unlikely to create conferences for 10 people. Well, now let's talk about Google Hangouts. You already know what it is, so now a little about its distinctive features.

First launch of the program

So you've installed the Hangouts app. We discussed what it is and why it is needed. However, theory is theory, but no one has canceled practice. Now you need to go into it. To do this, you need to log in to your Gmail account, that is, by mail. After this you need to confirm the number mobile phone. You will immediately notice that there is the possibility of multi-selecting an interlocutor, and this is pleasing. Therefore, to create a conference, you don’t have to struggle for a long time. When it comes to video chat, it is now possible to join live broadcasts by invitation. However, it is still not possible to create them from the application. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that during correspondence you can instantly switch to video communication and vice versa, which is very convenient and saves time. The people you talk to most often will appear at the top as the most active. You can set the privacy mode or set the status to “out of office”, “do not disturb”, etc. As you can see, using the program is just as easy as installing Hangouts.

About the plugin's capabilities

So, it wouldn’t hurt to say what set of functions it has this program. It is worth noting that the settings here are quite flexible, therefore, it is extremely convenient to use Google Hangouts. We won’t explain what this is again and let’s get straight to the point. In the main menu, you can turn the camera on/off, send pictures to Instagram, or open the clock. When it comes to sharing photos and videos, can you exchange pictures that you have on your phone? or turn on the camera, then take a photo and send it to your interlocutor. We can’t help but mention the rich selection of a wide variety of emoticons that will clearly emphasize your intentions and tell your friend about your mood. There is also a great opportunity to watch videos from YouTube or do some drawing together. In principle, there is no point in describing all the functions of this plugin, because there are a lot of them. The best way- download and find out for yourself.

What should you pay attention to?

I would like to say again that this particular one has more advantages than disadvantages. As the only bug that happens to users shows is unexpected crashes. If the plugin does not launch on your Android device, there may be several reasons. If you previously had Talk, then it is likely that the utility will be installed in its place, but instead of the expected Hangouts you will find the previous program. In this case, it is recommended to wait a little. When the plugin itself updates to latest version, then this problem will disappear by itself. You've probably heard the expression Hangout services more than once. "What is this?" - you ask? This is still the same plugin, but now we are talking directly about the service. By the way, I would like to note that one of the main features of the utility is that after a connection is lost, it automatically restores it and shows missed messages, this is exactly what Talk did not have.


We have fully resolved the issues regarding this plugin. Now you know how it works, what its features are. Of course, there are several disadvantages here, in addition, most Google employees are busy developing Google Eyes, so quite little time is devoted to instant messengers. But if you decide to use Hangout services, then this is a great solution. You can get in touch with your relatives, loved ones or business partners whenever you want. The utility is not demanding on hardware and starts with a bang. As for the Internet connection, 2 megabytes/sec is enough. for normal communication via video conference. That's probably all helpful information on this topic, we hope it was useful to you.

Google Hangouts is a unique communication platform developed by Google. Thanks to it, people can easily communicate with each other using text messages, voice and video chat. This platform turned out to be effective both in one-on-one implementation and in communication between a group of people at once - a conference. Hangouts is integrated into Google+ and Gmail. Available for increased mobility and versatility mobile applications for devices. Hangouts is a simple application that can be easily uninstalled? Or is this a service imposed by Google, the removal of which will have a detrimental effect on your smartphone?

Google Hangouts is perceived as a messaging platform. It easily copes with the demands of a corporate environment. The advantage in this case is that employees get the opportunity to communicate using a platform that resembles social media. People feel comfortable sharing information that they know will be protected in accordance with latest standards protection. Being a Google product, the application has no problems with integration with popular platforms, sites, services and applications.

The application also has an option " Google Hangouts live" which allows Google users+ Stream videos live on YouTube. Using Hangouts, you can organize online seminars, streams, etc.

The app replaces the chat capabilities built into Google+ and Gmail, as well as the standalone Google Talk app. The program can also integrate with Google Voice, allowing users of this service to make free domestic phone calls on their smartphone or other Android or iOS device.

Google Hangouts Features

  • Voice calls;
  • Conference call for 15 people;
  • Autofocus;
  • HD video calls;
  • Exchange instant messages;
  • Google application integration;
  • Supports many smartphones, tablets and PCs;
  • Screen sharing options;
  • Smart control;
  • Live video meeting;
  • User Administrative Control Settings.

Benefits of Google Hangouts

As we already mentioned, Hangouts is usually perceived as an application intended for individual use. But in truth, there are many ways for businesses to benefit from this application. IN corporate environment the application can be positioned as a cost-effective platform for collaboration with corporate clients. Business owners and entrepreneurs can interact with their colleagues and clients through high-definition video, audio communication or text messages without leaving your office or your home. Thus, you can save costs and travel time by holding an online meeting or conference through the application.

Hangouts app is completely free. It is without a doubt one of the most user-friendly communication tools available on the market. It is clear that there is Viber and so on. But this giant is designed for communication and precisely building your own small business using all Google services at once. The easiest way to make money on the Internet, as mentioned above, is the opportunity live broadcast on YouTube.

This program effectively combines functions and functionality Google's previous business apps. In particular Google apps Talk. Thanks to its integration with Google Voice, Hangouts offers users the ability to make free domestic calls. telephone numbers from their computer devices.

How to delete Hangouts?

If you think that this application is of no use to you, then you can stop it and even delete it. First, let's look at how to safely stop this program. How to stop Hangouts?

  1. General “Settings” of the phone, “Application Manager”, go to “All” or “Running” (everyone is different, but the principle is the same), find “Hangouts” there, click “Uninstall updates” and confirm.
  2. Once again, go to “Hangouts” and click “Force Stop”, and then click “Disable”.
  3. The application will shut down completely.

Since this program is already built into most smartphones, many people do not know how to remove it from the phone’s memory for good. To completely remove this application you will need Root is right A. Usually this is done by people who are well versed in this or those who are already tired of their phone.

Because during getting Root right, there is a great chance to turn your smartphone into a “brick”. You won’t be able to remove the application without great risk, but you can stop it completely. It will occupy approximately 50 - 200 kB of memory on the phone. I don't think it will be a pity. Otherwise - brick.

Every major equipment manufacturer software tries to provide modern gadgets with its applications. Google is not lagging behind in this matter, so users of new smartphones with operating Android system may find a shortcut called Hangouts. What this is will be described below.

What is Hangouts on Android

One of frequently asked questions owners of new smartphones: Hangouts - what is this program? This application comes with the standard build of Andriod OS along with Google Play, Youtube and maps. This is special software that helps exchange messages, make regular and video calls to all users who have Google account+. This is a combined version of three other Google products:

  • Google+Chat;
  • Google Talk;
  • Google+Video Meetings.

This service has collected best sides functionalities described above and expanded them. Through Hangouts you can create video conferences for large quantity person, which is convenient for conducting webinars. You don’t need to pay anything for this service; to use it, you just need to have a Google+ account, but if you wish, you can add profiles from other systems to attend the conference.

Pros and cons of Google Hangouts

When a person is looking for convenient way for communication, he always pays attention to positive and negative sides programs. If the former significantly outweigh the latter, then the choice becomes the most optimal. In the CIS countries, the Hangouts service has not gained much popularity, but this does not mean that it is bad. Below are the pros and cons of this program, after reading which you can make a decision.

  • free use of all functionality of the service;
  • flexible communication settings;
  • full translation into Russian;
  • You can use the utility on your computer, phone, tablet;
  • starting a chat, exchanging SMS or making a video call is very simple, even a novice user can cope with this task;
  • if you have a Google+ account, then no additional registrations are required;
  • companies can conduct webinars for an unlimited number of listeners, the recording is immediately saved.
  • instant messaging is only possible between Google account holders;
  • video communication is limited, there can be 9 more people in a conversation with you at the same time (not to be confused with a video conference);
  • if there are more than 5 people with cameras in the room, the video quality may drop;
  • When communicating through the camera for a long time, a mobile device may begin to heat up due to the load;
  • setting up webinars is carried out through Youtybe, it cannot be called simple.

What can you use Hangouts for?

The new Hangouts service appeared in 2013 and was a combined version of other functions from Google. The messenger has become very popular among Western users, because many of them have already used other programs from this corporation. The plugin made it possible to communicate with friends for free via short messages, video communication. If you wish, you can send the person a photo indicating your location.

When writing a chat message through the plugin, it will be delivered to the person as soon as he appears online. The messenger is universal, so it can be installed on a phone, computer or tablet. The conversation history is saved simultaneously on all devices. The program has gained popularity largely due to the possibility of free video communication if you have an Internet connection.

For webinars

Previously, Hangouts made it possible to create a conference directly from your profile using the “Events” tab. Now the broadcast setup has changed somewhat and is carried out through a channel on Youtube. For this reason, you definitely need authorization on this site. The same account is used for all Google products. This system has two important advantages:

  1. A player from Youtube is used to transmit the signal. Thanks to this, you can embed a video on any website, page, or send a message about it to social networks. You will have the opportunity to receive comments and likes on the video.
  2. The broadcast will be recorded, so almost immediately after the end a video will appear on the channel, which can be saved or posted on other resources.

The procedure for creating a webinar has become somewhat more complicated, but the main functions of the messenger remain the same: screen sharing, sound settings (mute/unmute the microphone for participants), you can use the functionality on a computer, phone, tablet. Instructions for starting the broadcast:

  1. Go to your Youtube channel.
  2. Click on “Video Manager” in the menu under the header.
  3. On the left, click on “Live Broadcasts”. You need the “All broadcasts” item.
  4. Click on the “Schedule a new broadcast” link.
  5. Indicate the name, come up with a description. You can start the conference immediately or specify a specific start time. If you wish, you can make the video available only to those people who have a link to the event or open general viewing.
  6. After entering the required data at the bottom, click on “Start live broadcast” or “Create an event” (if it does not start immediately).
  7. You will be redirected to the Hangouts plugin window, where all the functions of the program will be available to you.

How to install and run the application

This free program, which is installed automatically on everything modern devices from Android. First, check the availability of the utility on your phone. If you have reinstalled the system or you use iOS or Windows, then to install Hangouts follow these steps:

  1. Launch Google Play.
  2. IN search bar write "Hangouts".
  3. Select the official application.
  4. Click on the “Install” button and wait until the procedure is completed.
  5. Launch the program, enter your Google account information (if required) and you can start communicating.

How to remove Hangouts from Android

This free program does not start automatically, does not load the system, and therefore does not bother most users at all. If you still want to remove Hangouts from your device, then do it as follows:

  1. Open the "Settings" section.
  2. Select Application Manager.
  3. Go to the All tab.
  4. Find the program name.
  5. Click on “Uninstall updates”.
  6. Click "Confirm".
  7. Go back to the application, click “Force stop” and the “Disable” option.

Some smartphones support enabling root rights. This is a special mode that helps developers adjust the device system and check the code. There are instructions for enabling this mode, which will allow you to completely remove the program from your phone. If you don't know how to do this, you shouldn't experiment, because your device may stop working altogether.

How to download Hangouts to your computer

This program is not a stand-alone application for the operating system. It is used only as a plugin for the browser you are using. It has the best compatibility with Chrome, but it is also possible to install it for FireFox and Yandex Browser. Installation of the program can be done in two ways:

  1. Go to the official Google app store. Enter the name of the utility and click on the “Install” button.
  2. Log in to your Google+ profile. Click on the applications icon in the right corner (looks like a tile). Click on “More”, then on “Hangouts”. On the new tab, you need to click on the icon in the form of three dots and select the option to install the program “for Chrome”.


If you use an Android smartphone or tablet, you may have seen an application called Hangouts. This is an instant messaging software that was developed by Google. It should be noted that the Hangouts application actually replaced three other instant messengers for messaging: Google Talk, Google+ Chats and the video chat service Google+ Hangouts. In addition, Hangouts can even be used for online broadcasts on YouTube.

Another important factor is that the program uses the same Google account that you use, for example, in the Goolge Play Store, although Hangouts supports the ability to add additional accounts.

What is Hangouts for?

Hangouts appeared in 2013 and combined several services. With its help, the user can communicate with other participants, and there can be several dozen of them at the same time. The application can be used on both mobile devices, and in desktop web browsers that are built on the Chromium engine.

Among other things, the application allows participants to specify their location, upload an image, send SMS messages, create a video conference, etc.

Interestingly, if the other person is offline and you send him a message, it will be delivered to him as soon as he logs online.

And yet, one of the most interesting features of the messenger is video communication. In this regard, Hangouts is perhaps the main competitor of the famous Skype program.

By the way, you can even log into Hangouts from the interface Google mail— your Gmail.com mailbox!

Where can I download Hangouts?

Hangouts is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Android, and even iOS. Since our site is dedicated operating system Android, we will tell you how to download the application to your smartphone or tablet from the Google Play Store.

But before we begin, we strongly recommend that you make sure that the application is not already installed on your device. If not, open the Google Play Store and type Hangouts in the search bar.

Select an application. On the application page, click “Install”.

Wait for the application to install on your device.

Launch the application, find contacts and start communicating.

Please note that you do not need to enter an account because you are using the current Google Account on your device. However, you can add another account through your Hangouts settings.