What is a timeout operation in the game. Operation timeout: possible causes of the error and methods for correcting it. Similar "Connection refused" error in Minecraft

The 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) error is one of the most common. What is 504 Gateway Timeout (time out)? As a rule, this kind of error can occur if a huge number of requests are sent to the server on which some web resource is located, and it simply does not have time to process them, that is, it cannot return within the set time limit HTTP response. As a result, the connection may even be interrupted, and the user will not get access to the web resource. This is due to the fact that the server does not have time to process old requests, which have already accumulated a lot, and there are also new ones that queue up and do not have time to be processed.

How to resolve 504 Gateway Timeout (time out) error?

The problem may also lie in the script, which does not have time to cope with the task in time. In most cases, this happens when the script accesses third-party nodes. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to increase the value of the PHP max_execution_time parameter. If the problem is not solved, then the script itself will have to be optimized in some way so that it can perform tasks in set time.

Only the server administrator can cope with the urgent problem, which should increase its performance several times. It can only be achieved if the number of random access memory computer, and also change the processor to a more powerful one. In addition, you will need to increase the number of httpd processes directly in the Apache environment. It may also happen that the site generally has to “move” to another hosting. Such a need will arise only if the site is located on a regular virtual hosting, the administrator of which either will not respond to requests, or refuses help, or if he fails to solve such a problem.

There is another solution that may appeal to most users. This option involves optimizing the site itself. That is, the site administrator will need to optimize scripts, SQL queries, and much more so that they can be executed in less time.

The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code that means that one server did not receive a timely response from another server that it accessed while trying to load a web page or complete a browser request. It can occur along with 502 Bad Gateway.

In other words, a 504 error indicates that the server on which the site is located and the computer on which the 504 error pops up does not have a stable, fast enough Internet connection.

How can you see the 504 error

Individual sites are allowed to customize the display of the Gateway Timeout error. Here are some common ways to display such an error:

504 Gateway Timeout HTTP 504 504 ERROR Gateway Timeout (504) HTTP Error 504 - Gateway Timeout Gateway Timeout Error

The 504 Gateway Timeout error appears inside the browser window like a normal web page. It can have familiar site headers and footers and a nice English message. Also, a similar error can be displayed on a completely white page with a large 504 at the top. It's the same message no matter how the site shows it to you.

Be aware that 504 Gateway Timeout and 502 Bad Gateway ngin errors can appear in any browser, operating system and on any device.

Causes of Error 504 Gateway Timeout

In most cases, a 504 Gateway Timeout error means that any server that issues a “timeout” is “down” or not working properly.

Since this error usually occurs between servers on the internet, it is likely not related to your computer, device, or internet connection.

How to Fix 504 Gateway Timeout Error

  1. Reload the web page by pressing the refresh/reload button, in F5, or by repeating the URL from the address bar.

Although the 504 Gateway Timeout and 502 Bad Gateway error reports an error out of your control, the problem may be temporary. Just reload the page - it's quick and easy.

  1. Restart all network devices. Temporary issues with your modem, router, switches, or other network equipment can cause a 504 Gateway Timeout error. A simple restart of these devices may help.

Hint: While the order in which these devices are turned off is not important, the order in which they are turned on is very important.

  1. Check your proxy settings in your browser or app. Make sure they are correct. Incorrect proxy settings can cause a 504 error.

Clue . See Proxy.org for an updated, verified list of proxy servers you can use.

Note. Most computers do not have proxy settings, so if your settings are empty, skip this step.

  1. Change the DNS server. It's possible that the 504 Gateway Timeout error you're seeing is caused by a problem with the DNS server you're using.

Note. The DNS server currently in use is probably automatically assigned by your ISP. Luckily, there are other DNS servers available for you to choose from.

Clue . If not all network devices receive an HTTP 504 or 502 error Bad Gateway error, but they are all on the same network, changing the DNS server will not work. If this sounds like your situation, move on to the next idea.

  1. If there is no change, please refer to the site. This is the only thing you can do. Chances are good that the site administrators are already working to fix the root cause of the 504 Gateway Timeout error.

Most sites have Accounts social networks which they use for support. And some even have phone numbers and email addresses.

Clue . If it starts to look like the site is throwing a 504 error for everyone, search Twitter for real-time information about the site being down. The best way to do this is to find #websitedown on Twitter . For example, if Facebook might not be available, search for the #facebookdown tag.

  1. Contact your Internet Service Provider. It is most likely that after the above troubleshooting, the 504 Gateway Timeout popping up is a problem caused by a network problem that your ISP is responsible for.
  1. Come back later. At this point, you've exhausted all options and the 504 Gateway Timeout error is resolved by the site administrator or ISP.

Check the site regularly. No doubt it will start working again.

Fixing a 504 Error on Your Own Website

In most cases, this happens not through your fault, but not through the fault of the users of your resource. Start by verifying that the server can properly grant access to all domains that your applications require access to.

High volumes of traffic can cause your server to throw a 504 error. Although a 503 or 502 Bad Gateway error would be more likely.

Particularly in WordPress, the 504: Gateway Timeout message sometimes occurs due to corrupted databases. Install WP-DBManager and try using "Restore DB" and then " Optimize DB". See if it helps.

Make sure your HTACCESS file is correct. Especially if you just reinstalled WordPress.

Connect with technical support hosting. Perhaps the 504 error your site is returning is related to a problem on their end that they need to resolve.

More ways to see the 504 error

Gateway Timeout error when receiving in windows update generates error code 0x80244023 or message WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT.

In programs for Windows base that initially access the internet, a 504 error may be displayed in a small dialog or window with an HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT error and/or a message The request was timed out waiting for a gateway (Gateway request timed out).

A less common 504 error is Gateway Time-out: The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server (the proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server), but troubleshooting (mentioned above) continues.

Probably, all people who actively use the Internet encountered an error when entering a site ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. However, few people know how to fix it, in turn. In fact, the corresponding message does not mean anything terrible, and in most cases the problem can be fixed, resulting in getting to the site.

What is this ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error and how is the corresponding message translated

The message "ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" is translated as follows: connection timed out. The fact is that web browsers have a time limit set during which it waits for a response from the requested web server. If the site has not responded within the specified period, then an appropriate error is displayed.

As you can see, figuring out what the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error means is not difficult. And knowing what it is, you can try to solve it.

How to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error and get to the requested site

The easiest way to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error is to free up RAM and reduce the load on CPU. The fact is that when the computing resources of a computer are clogged, it has little power left to process new calculations, including opening website pages.

If you can't connect to the site, see how to resolve the issue.

To do this, you need to close all unused applications. Another option is to restart your computer.

It happens that the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error appears in one browser, but in another browser all sites open normally. In this case, the problem is easy to solve, since it is connected with the fact that the firewall blocks the program from accessing the network.

To fix this you will need:

  1. Open the "Control Panel";
  2. Select "System and Security";
  3. Open "Windows Firewall";
  4. Go to "Advanced options";
  5. Go to the "Rules for incoming connections" tab;
  6. Find the desired browser in the list and double-click on it;
  7. In the window that opens, select "Allow connections";
  8. Press "OK" to save the parameters.

After appropriate actions, the error should stop bothering you. However, if you are using another firewall(Not Windows firewall), then you will have to find instructions for working with your firewall or study the program yourself.

Also, the corresponding problem may also occur in cases where the computer is connected to the Internet not directly, but through a proxy. If it is local, then you should see if everything is in order with the connection on the computer that distributes the Internet. If a person uses a web proxy or VPN, then he should try to change them to others, or try to go online without them. The order in which the proxy and VPN are configured depends on the application that is used for this purpose.

If all of the above actions did not help fix the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error, then most likely the problem is either on the server side on which the site is published, or on the provider. In this case, you can’t do anything, but you just have to wait until the site returns to service or the provider fixes the malfunctions in itself.

Modern Internet browsers and systems for connecting to the World Wide Web, although they are high-tech developments, nevertheless, very often when visiting any web resources, as well as when working on a local network, an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error message may be displayed. What to do in this case? Let's try to briefly consider the method of eliminating such a problem.


First, let's look at what it actually is. If we approach the translation of this term from English literally, then, roughly speaking, this can be interpreted as a connection interruption due to a timeout. Expectations for what, you ask?

The fact is that when you enter any page on the Internet or when you access a local computer terminal connected, say, to your home, or a request is sent to the server. When a response is received, either a web page is loaded or a web page is accessed. remote computer. The nature of this type of access is such that it specifies a certain period of time allotted for receiving a response to a request. If this time is exceeded, the system both informs the user that the connection is down and displays the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT notification. What to do and how to get rid of such a situation, we will now figure it out, incidentally considering the main reasons for its occurrence.

Why does an error message occur?

First of all, you need to clearly distinguish between types of errors. There are two interpretations of messages. The first position described above is, as it were, general (standard), but there is one more point associated with the appearance net errors::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. Here we can also say that the error is associated with a violation. And this applies equally to local networks and Internet connections.

Often the reasons for the appearance of such errors can be an unstable connection, since constant interruptions do not make it possible to receive a complete response data packet.

A very common situation is with online games that use the multiplayer mode. It is clear, after all, that with a fairly high popularity of the game and a huge number of players currently connected to game server, the latter may simply not be able to handle so many concurrent requests. This is somewhat reminiscent of well-known situations with DDoS attacks, when server disruption is provoked by too many simultaneous accesses.

Sometimes the appearance of such an error may be due to the functioning of antivirus software or the built-in firewall (firewall) Windows Firewall. Such security tools may erroneously identify website data as potentially unwanted or dangerous content when in fact it is not.

In some cases, the error may be due to incorrect proxy server settings in the system or attempts to anonymously access the Network through online proxy servers in order to hide your true IP address. For all these situations, there is a solution. Let's consider each of them.

ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error: what to do?

If the error occurs while trying to access an Internet site, the easiest way to get rid of this is to re-login after a certain period of time.

By the way, quite often such errors appear in the browser. Google Chrome. In general, it is better to reboot computer system along with all installed routers such as ADSL modems or Wi-Fi routers. Note that after disconnecting, it is advisable to wait at least a 10-second pause to reset the router settings.

In the case of games or content blocking by Windows security systems or antiviruses, you must add a list of exceptions (allowed sites), the game resource or the site with which you intend to work.

As for proxy servers, as a rule, they are not used in the main settings. In this case, in network connections, using the network settings, you need to uncheck the box "Use a proxy server". If a similar situation occurs with connecting to local networks you can enable the "Do not use a proxy server for local addresses". If the proxy is still used, you need to contact the provider and get the correct personal settings.

Modifying the Hosts File

But there are situations when even when using the above methods, a message is still displayed that an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error has occurred. What to do in this situation? Use System Edit

To avoid digging into file managers in search of it, you just need to write the line notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in the Run menu. After opening the file, you can see that somewhere below there is an entry ":: 1 localhost". By default, it should be the last one. If there is anything else after this line, you just need to delete it all and save the changes on exit. Now it remains only to restart the computer terminal and the problem will disappear. Please note: in some cases, if the problem is related to the "locale", it may be necessary to restart the server itself through which the connection is made.


That, in fact, is all about connection problems and situations when an ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error occurs. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with this, and the ways to correct such seemingly unpleasant situations are quite simple. It’s just that sometimes you need to pay attention to each specific case, find out the root cause and apply this or that solution.

Error code er connection timed out is a fairly common error that can occur when working with the Internet through one of modern browsers. Before proceeding with the correction, you should understand - what is it all about? Translation of «err connection timed out" roughly means that the connection to a particular resource was interrupted due to a response timeout.

The thing is that the procedure for accessing the server, site, resource during world wide web configured so that this process must meet a certain period of time. If this does not happen, then the message “err connection timed out has ended” appears. Therefore, in order to solve this situation, it is very often necessary to improve the quality of the Internet connection.

Correcting the situation

So, what does err connection timed out mean, we understood, now it remains to figure out the method of treating this disease. The resources of any equipment are not unlimited. Therefore, after a long work of some elements of the PC, they should be given the opportunity to rest a bit. Therefore, the first step in how to fix err connection timed out is to restart the computer and all systems associated with network access. That is, it is necessary not only to restart the equipment - it is necessary to turn it off for a while (at least 10 seconds), and then turn it on again.

Did not help? The error “err connection timed out” appears again - what should I do? A possible reason may be hiding in the settings of the installed antivirus program and firewall.

The solution will require:

  • Decide on the Internet browser you are using.
  • Go alternately into the settings of the anti-virus program and the firewall.
  • Add the browser to the list of allowed applications.

In some situations, this method does not help either. For example, when using a proxy, an unpleasant inscription “err connection timed out” appears. What to do? The solution to the problem is also not the most difficult, so any user can handle it - just follow the instructions:

  1. Through the "Start" button, go to the control panel, where select the "Tools" submenu.
  2. Go to Settings, then to Advanced.
  3. Find information related to proxy servers, open options, disable their use.
  4. Try to access the previously requested resource.

The last option, if none of the proposed helped, would be to use a special ADWCleaner programs, which must be installed and run in scan mode. After completing this process, in the list of displayed information, find folders that contain the name "Mail.ru" or "MediaGet". Uncheck these options (if a person uses similar applications in their work), click "Clear". After that, restart the PC and access the desired sites.