FTL: Faster Than Light. All ships - how to open? Races in the game Faster Than Light How to get ships in ftl

He will tell you how to do this as quickly and without problems as possible.

How to unlock all ships in FTL: Faster Than Light?

Which ship is cooler?

FTL: Faster Than Light - Kestral Cruiser

The Kestral Cruiser– the first ship that is given at the beginning of the game. Accordingly, to open it, you just need to launch the game.
Read more about The Kestral Cruiser read .

FTL: Faster Than Light - The Nesasio

The Nesasio- the second ship of the game.

To open a ship, you must have a representative of the Angie race on the crew. As soon as this condition is met, fly to the green sector of Engi and wander through it. In a random node, meet a ship by choosing the blue answer option in the dialogue, flying along the markers on the map, defeating all opponents twice - you get The Nesasio into legal possession.

Read more about TheNesasio read .

FTL: Faster Than Light - Torus

Torus- the fourth ship in the game.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Osprey

Osprey- the fifth ship of the game.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Man of War

- the sixth ship of the game.

FTL: Faster Than Light - Bulwark

Bulwark- the seventh ship of the game.

Maintain a balance between upgrading systems.
Throwing money entirely into one system will not fly you far. It’s better to upgrade everything a little, and only then concentrate on key systems (shields, weapons, etc.). Practice shows that a pharmacy, doors and second-level sensors are mandatory.

Create a cash reserve.
Don't upgrade as soon as you have money. A cash cushion of 100-150 scrap allows you to buy exactly what you need and when you need it in an unexpected store. How to create it is a separate question; on Easy it is quite simple, on Normal it is difficult. Ruthlessly sell everything that you are unlikely to use - extra guns and drones.

Ion cannons rule.
The ion charge effectively disables shields and then the enemy’s weapons, and you can also disable the pharmacy during boarding, or the engine (in case the enemy ship is charging FTL and wants to escape). In addition, the recharge of the ions is quite fast.

Use the Spacebar
Pausing the game helps a lot. As soon as a battle is brewing, immediately press the spacebar, look around, think about tactics, and go into battle.

Pay attention to the icons under the ship and enemy weapons.
If you see a teleport icon under the ship, prepare your fighters; in a few seconds you will most likely have guests on board. Be sure to look at the enemy’s guns; it’s better to fly away from ships armed to the teeth, or use appropriate tactics. Also, look closely at the details on the guns - you can see what level and how charged the enemy laser or rocket launcher is.

Take care of your team.
Your guys are your main resource. Assign them by function to the ship's compartments. Engi on the engine in the control room and in the armory will help to repair it much faster in the event of a shell hit. Upgraded piloting, shields, weapons and engines give a noticeable effect. Treat the team on time. Monitor your oxygen levels during battle. Teleport the dudes back when the signal goes off that they have little HP during the boarding.

Teleport is imba.
From experience, the sooner the teleporter and boarding team appear (2x Mantis are the best option, IMHO, rocks are much less mobile) - the easier it will be to live. And investing money in a level 3 teleport is not at all superfluous. For killing the enemy team they give you significantly more money and, sometimes, guns and extras. crew members. Unless absolutely necessary, do not teleport to unmanned ships - you won’t believe it, but you can’t breathe there. If you still decide (there are no weapons at all, for example, or there is nothing with which to penetrate powerful shields) - with a level 1 teleport you will not be able to take the boarding team back, they will die from lack of oxygen before the teleport recharges. Healing Bomb - very good addition to the boarders. And, yes, if the enemy has a pharmacy, first knock it out with a small bomb, for example, and only then teleport.

Invisibility is also an issue.
With proper manipulation, cloaking allows you to dodge almost any attack, including missiles and even boss superweapons. Turn on invisibility as soon as you see the launch of a rocket or the first charge of a multi-charge laser from the enemy. Plus, while invisible, they will not be able to teleport to you.

Drones help
A security drone makes life easier. The mk2 defense drone generally takes away the headache and makes life wonderful and amazing.

Supplements help too.
Scrap recovery arm brings tangible dividends, it is better to get it at the beginning of the game. Drone recovery arm - allows you to save wildly on drones. Well, the rest of the additions also “solve”.

The blue choice is not always the best.
It’s strange, but sometimes there are situations where the blue choice is worse than a complete refusal. For example, this happened to me: after a hellish mess, when I had just taken my feet to a neighboring system, and there was an automated ship. Three choices - provoke, spit, and the blue choice - use invisibility. And instead of calmly recovering, I chose the last option and caught two aces on a minuscule basis. The drone ship activated and methodically shot down my unfortunate starship, Game Over.

Captain Obvious reminds me.
I think it would not be amiss to note: before jumping, be sure to get treatment, repairs and stock up on oxygen. You never know what awaits you in the next system.

Faster Than Light (FTL) is wonderful.

Roguelike in space

It was released in 2012, developed by Justin Ma and Matthew Davis ( Subset Games). The genre of this space RPG is sometimes even defined as a roguelike, and this is one of my favorites, but in space games of this genre are made quite rarely.

A space game with an emphasis on combat and micromanagement

In the game you will find a constant choice of path, chance, trading and exploration. Real-time ship control is well done. Natural micromanagement is underway, you put out fires with the crew, fight off boarding (in space, yes!), pump up your guys and generally steer the ship in battle to the fullest.

I won't hide some things in my Space games Rush, which I have been making for a long time, I took from FTL. In one of latest versions I added the ship's crew and its leveling up, another interesting RPG element.

I wrote about it here:

The game is somewhat similar to , but in general it is roguelike and the analogies are more from this genre. Any game with dungeons and one life can be used as an example, but what adds to the charm of the game is that everything happens in space.

Next, you can read the game manual, descriptions of races, equipment and weapons. I understand that I’m writing this kind of material a bunch of years after the game was released, but actually normal (and even bad ones) There are not many guides for similar games, so I think someone will read this for the first time and it will be useful. I couldn’t find such a description in Russian, so I sat and translated a lot from English sources.

Describe the main systems of the ship (weapons bay, engine, etc.) I won’t, since the principles of their operation are quite simple.

You can learn about this from my video, which is at the very end of the article.

Races in the game and their features

Let's start with the fact that in the game there are several races, creatures, most humanoids, who can be both your enemies and allies. Moreover, almost everything can be crew members, even all sorts of alien bugs.

These guys... And some others

List of races and their unique traits:
  • People- as always and in all games, people are not particularly different. Except that their price is quite low in the store. Their lives are average, their combat capabilities are average, but they learn a little (+10%) faster. Station wagons;
  • Angie, I think it comes from the word “Engineers”. These guys wear kind of hoodies and sweatshirts, they cost a little more than people, but they don’t know how to fight in close combat at all, the damage is 50% of the norm. But they repair things twice as fast as others, which is quite useful;
  • Mantis. Someone who looks like a praying mantis. Conditional alien beetle. Price 55 in the store (Angie had 50, people had 45). This is essentially the opposite of Angie’s stuff. Mantis do not like science and repairs, they repair everything twice as slow, but run 20% faster, and they also have 50% more damage than others. Extremely strong guys for teleportation to the enemy side and defense;
  • Rockmen. The name of these big guys is difficult to translate, but you can type - stoneheads, people of stone. They cost 55, walk very slowly, but they have a big plus, 150 lives, while the norm is 100. The guys are slow, but tenacious, which is very useful in this game. In addition, they are not damaged by fire, and they extinguish it 67% faster than others. In general, very safe guys;
  • Zoltans(Zoltan) are some analogues of conditional elves. Energy aliens. They cost 60, but they only have 70 lives. When they die, they explode... It seems that the guys have complete disadvantages, but they add one energy point to the compartment they are working with for free, and this is a very useful thing;
  • Slug- snails. They are cheap, 45. They do not crawl slowly. In terms of parameters, everything is the same as for people. The trick is that they show neighboring rooms and are immune to mind control. So-so chips, people look more interesting;
  • Crystals- these are big guys that resemble stoneheads in appearance. Price 60, life 125. Movement speed -20% of normal. Choking affects them 50% less (from lack of oxygen), but they put out the fire a little slower than the others. In general, this is some kind of sub-race of stoneheads;
  • Lanius- available only in the additional version.
I'm most comfortable playing with Angie's crew, the quick repair feature is extremely valuable, it's just easier with her. However, in general, it is nice to get, for example, a Mantis, for defense against boarding, or buy one Rockmen to take a hit and quickly put out fires. No one is stopping you from combining races and crew.

What are we going to shoot with? Weapon

There are enough weapons in the game, there are different types. The main thing here is the principle of operation (rocket, ion, laser, etc.), as well as the ratio of damage per second and the energy required per shot. Don't forget that reloading and shooting speed can be greatly increased with an experienced crew member.

We are burning, but we also set fire to the undergrowth and the enemy with a laser beam

Main types of weapons in the game:
  • Rockets. They are very strong in this game, but there is a drawback: they require consumables. Rockets, along with money, fuel and drones, are the main game resource. They can be knocked out of enemies or bought. Missiles are cool because they always penetrate shields; energy shields do not protect against missile weapons at all, so when I see missiles from enemies, I try to disable their weapon systems, because the damage will be in any case if it hits. Shields won't save you. The damage of the missiles is quite good, in short, there are almost no downsides, except that you need to spend more money on consumables. But if you only have 1 missile, then you may only need the missiles you knock out of your enemies;
  • Laser and lasers. The main weapon of general lethality in the game. Choose a target and attack. Lasers are not required Supplies, they just shoot, but require energy to work in principle (like other weapons and systems). Some types of lasers fire in bursts, and such a burst can cut off shields, especially if you shoot not just one weapon at the same time, but several at once. When hit, the laser takes away one shield unit per shot. Overall, lasers are good, handy, and versatile weapons;
  • Ions and ion weapons. This weapon does not cause damage, but disables the enemy ship's systems. An extremely good weapon of indirect action, because by turning off shields, for example, you can freely hit the enemy with other weapons or drones, and the ability to instantly disable the enemy’s weapon systems helps enormously. The downside of this weapon is that it is quite energy-consuming; it is not the cheapest. And then you are faced with a choice, either install an ion cannon, turning off something there, or for the same energy you can normally shoot with the same laser, causing direct damage. Direct damage will have to be dealt in any case... Although ions work well together with drones or simply as an addition to the main guns;
  • Rays. In fact, this is a laser, in our classical understanding. A line of light and energy that burns everything in its path, but in the game they called something else a laser, so there may be confusion. You direct the beam into one compartment, and then select another, and it seems to follow a path from the first to the second, burning everything along the way. The beams cannot miss, so a cool pilot and engine will not save the enemy. The big disadvantage of beams is that they are very poor at penetrating shields, but overall they are a powerful weapon, especially if the enemy's shields are down. The rays perfectly burn out the crew and equipment, the destruction from them is very massive;
  • Bombs. They require rockets to fire, but the operating principle is a little different. Bombs are immediately teleported to the enemy ship, ignoring shields, but they can also miss. In general, these are almost the same missiles, but there are several interesting unique types of bombs with interesting effects;
  • Flak. A flak gun is like anti-aircraft fire. Shoots with a bunch of all sorts of garbage and debris, shoots inaccurately (in an area like a shotgun), but can cause very strong damage if there are no shields. The weapon is in many ways, it is difficult to aim where you need it, almost impossible, but the average damage is quite good, no shells are required. Another advantage is that the weapon does not require much energy. In my gaming experience- this is the best weapon in terms of price and quality, the main thing is to chop off the enemy’s shields and you can kill it. I took down some enemies with a couple of well-placed volleys.
This is the arsenal we have. What can I say? There are a lot of combinations, and your other equipment, such as the presence of drones, has a strong influence. The stage of the game and how it goes also affects. Let's say if you are lucky and everything is going well, a lot of rockets fell, then accidentally knocking out the same rocket launcher or bombs, you may well decide to place it. In another situation, you choose your own weapons, but there are risks that you will not have time to get ready as you originally wanted. In general, you can fight and win with any type of weapon in the game, except that ion weapons are more of a support.

What will we fly on?

There are several ships in the game; they are unlocked for certain merits, for example, for completing the game. The difference between the ships is quite significant, but the emphasis is on the initial equipment and crew. It’s just that, for example, in space rangers, initial equipment and other things are easily and quickly smoothed out and have little significance, but here a lot depends on luck during the game, and often you have to do a good half of what your ship was originally designed for.

Cruiser Lanius is one of the best ships

But this is good, you can complete the game with various spaceships and it will always be different style games are always interesting to play.

Here is the list of ships:

  • The Kestrel Cruiser;
  • The Engi Cruiser;
  • The Federation Cruiser;
  • The Zoltan Cruiser;
  • The Mantis Cruiser;
  • The Slug Cruiser;
  • The Rock Cruiser;
  • The Stealth Cruiser;
  • The Lanius Cruiser;
  • The Crystal Cruiser.

I will not talk about each type of ship as they differ only in initial equipment, systems and crew. Later, it will be possible to tailor almost any ship to suit other purposes and style of play, but often this is not worth doing.

Let me just say that the game is designed in such a way that each ship has its own style of play and an emphasis on some kind of tactics and strategy. For example, it is clear that The Stealth Cruiser initially has stealth systems and forces you to try and hone precisely this mechanics.


Small flying robotic ships play a significant role. They can attack the enemy directly (combat drones), can help repair compartments, can repel enemy attacks, and much more. To have drones you need to connect special system, which not only is not very cheap, but also requires energy. Therefore, you don’t always need all this and you can do without drones.

However, some ships have drones from the start, and installing such a system at the very end of the game can be useful if you have extra funds. This way you can close the vulnerable parts of your assembly, as well as somehow spend consumables (drones), which you may accumulate quite a bit as you play.

Ship upgrades

I haven’t found an adequate translation for the word augmentations, so I just call it improvements. You can place up to three such bonuses and change them at any time. If you have played Space Rangers (yes, I'm a wild Rangers fan, and I'm already tired of mentioning them), then the analogue is artifacts.

Upgrades can help strengthen weaknesses, or bring the ship's strengths to perfection. There are quite a few of them, for example there is a garbage collector (debris - game currency). With this improvement you will receive 10% more money. It is very useful to buy or get such a thing at the very beginning of your journey; it will definitely pay for itself by the middle of the game, and then you can exchange it for something else.

An example of an improvement useful in combat is an automatic reloader, which will increase the rate of fire by 10%.

There are also interesting toys in general, for example Stealth Weapons (hidden weapons). With this upgrade, you can shoot from stealth.

  • You can also read:
Upgrades complete the RPG elements, making the game very flexible. You can customize many options for a warship for different playstyles, and I also like this kind of system purely theoretically, from the point of view of a novice indie developer and game designer. A very beautiful element and at the same time simple.

Without improvements, it would not always be possible to give a ship true uniqueness, but with them you create a full-fledged, unique warship.

Game walkthrough video

On your YouTube Econ Dude channel I also made a short video about the game. This is the first episode, I’m just going through it on easy difficulty, telling you what and how, giving some advice, and writing it in one take. If I die, I die.

As in the Pixel Dungeon series, I record a new video of the series only if there is demand ( likes, comments, views and shares), otherwise I'd rather record a video on another game or another topic if people aren't particularly interested in it. But I think I’ll make 1-2 more videos on this game in any case, since in one I covered quite a bit of information.

What races are there in the game?

Federation and Rebels, apparently, are people (which is not directly mentioned in the game), but the crew of the ship chosen at the beginning of the game will not necessarily consist entirely of representatives of the human race. Mercenaries, as well as random fellow travelers who come on board during various quests, can belong to different races, which only increases the chances of survival in the difficult task of delivering secret information to the command.
So, let's consider our brothers in mind...

PEOPLE (Humans)

Homo Sapiens in Faster Than Light do not differ in any special abilities. However, they do not have any disadvantages. This is a good basis for any crew and is the preferred systems operators: while humans work on the consoles, representatives of other races can do what they do best. This is true for all alternatives in the matter of operator choice, except...

  • Attack: 1
  • Health: 100
  • Speed: 1
  • Cost: 40
  • No special features


Green-skinned humanoids, which have unique energy, which allows them to provide one unit of energy to any system, regardless of the state of the reactor. The Zoltans are the ones you'll definitely want on your crew when you're caught in a storm that's draining your ship of half its energy! But you have to pay for everything: Zoltans have a reduced health reserve.

  • Attack: 1
  • Health: 70
  • Speed: 1
  • Cost: 65
  • Give +1 energy to the controlled system.


Creatures in dark gray spacesuits. Perhaps cyborgs or even robots. As the name suggests, they are natural engineers, capable of fixing everything in half the time. True, for some reason they don’t know how to fight. Maybe your hands are not suited for this? One way or another, if in your crew there is someone to keep “in the wings” and send to repair damaged systems, then you won’t find anyone better than an engineer. But protect them from enemy landings! I don’t think anyone will send them on board anyway.

  • Attack: 0.5
  • Health: 100
  • Speed: 1
  • Cost: 50
  • Repair speed x2

MANTIS (Mantis)

Almost complete antipodes of the previous ones, Mantises are excellent fighters. But the only technique they seem to get along with is hand-to-hand combat. Mantis are simply created for boarding! Even if the enemy outnumbers them, you can run away from him for a long time throughout the ship until the teleport is recharged in order to pick up the landing force in case of failure.

  • Attack: 2
  • Health: 100
  • Speed: 1.2
  • Cost: 45
  • Repair speed: /2

Note: If you look closely at the animation, it becomes clear that what helps them succeed in battle is not the presence of claws or mandibles, as one would expect from arthropods, but... Technical boxing!


These guys are truly made of stone! With their increased health, they are the preferred repairers of hull breaches. And immunity to fire allows them to cope with any fire without any loss of health. The Rocks would be the best fighters if there were no Mantis. Just in case, remember that the “technical boxer”-mantis does a “masbala”-rock in a one-on-one fight! Moreover, it is extremely low speed It doesn’t even allow you to simply keep up with anyone or run away to the medical bay.

  • Attack: 1
  • Health: 150
  • Speed: 0.5
  • Cost: 65

Note: The Rocks do things their own way. Yes, they extinguish and repair as well as others... But look HOW they do it!


These slug-like creatures They could have been a worthy competitor to their distant relative, Jabba the Hutt, if they had been a little more sedate... And fatter!
Slug traders and scammers, famous for their telepathic abilities. Often in their sectors you can be attacked, and on their ships there are mercenaries of other, much more dangerous races, so don’t rush to board without reconnoitering the situation!
Having got a slug into your crew, you will have the opportunity to see the movement of the crew inside the enemy’s ship (and in the nebula, inside your own ship) without sensors, and also avoid unpleasant surprises in some quests.

  • Attack: 1
  • Health: 100
  • Speed: 1
  • Cost: 45


A real find! They join the team under a fortunate combination of circumstances, if you responded to a distress call in an asteroid field. The game says that they are the ancestors of the rocks, but are not that slow (although not that healthy).
They are good at boarding in tandem with a mantis, as they can isolate a compartment (block the entrance and exit from it). This allows you to either have time to break the enemy’s life support system without any restrictions, or to cut out the crew, preventing them from escaping to the medical bay.