How to retweet on Twitter. A new type of retweet on Twitter How to retweet on Twitter

Tweet, retweet on Twitter - what does it mean? If you need an answer to this question, read our article where you will learn everything about retweets.

Do you often get asked to retweet something and you have no idea what retweet means? So, you have come to the right place - today you will learn all about retweets, their essence, differences from tweets and the role they play in social network Twitter.

What is a retweet?

So what does it mean to retweet on Twitter? Actually, to retweet means to make a retweet, but this hardly makes the essence of the term any clearer. Let's look at a simple example.

You saw an interesting tweet that you would like to tell all your readers about. What should you do in this case? Of course, you can simply copy the text, but then your followers will not know where exactly you got this tweet from. Yes, and copy and then paste... everything can be done much easier - by pressing one single button.

Do you see the underlined icon with the number “4” in the picture? This is a retweet button and counter. By clicking on this button, you will retweet and all your followers will see something like this:

Now you know what retweet is. All that remains is to find out what these retweets are for?

Why are retweets needed?

Now you know how to retweet, what it means - you just don’t know why. In addition to the main function of transmitting tweets to their followers, Twitter users use this button as a substitute for “likes” - the more people retweeted a tweet, the more popular it is. That's all - simple, isn't it?

Hello, friends! Not long ago we figured it out, today we’ll look at what retweets are and how they are done.

How to retweet a tweet through the official website from a computer

A window opens with which we can simply retweet the post or add our comment to the original tweet. If you add a comment, it will already be called a quote.

To quote a tweet, write your comment in the special field and click on the “Tweet” button:

If you don’t want to quote or comment anything, but just retweet, then leave the field empty and just click on the “Retweet” button.

As a result, we get two news on our page. A regular retweet is displayed on behalf of the owner’s account with his own thumbnail.

If it is cited, it is displayed on your behalf with an added comment. And the text simply provides a link to the source:

How to retweet in a mobile application on Android

In the same way, we find an entry that is interesting to us and click on the already familiar button:

From the drop-down menu, select “Retweet”:

It immediately appears on our wall:

We can also select “Quote” from the drop-down menu. What this is should be clear from the first paragraph of our article. This is the same retweet only with the addition of your comment. Let's try to click.

Have you been asked to retweet, but you don't understand how it's done? Then just read our step by step instructions, how to retweet on Twitter.

How to retweet on Twitter is a fairly simple question and many people find the answer on their own. However, if you want to learn about how to retweet on Twitter, what types of retweets there are, why they are needed at all, etc.

Why do they retweet?

Before you learn how to retweet on Twitter, you need to understand what it is and why it is needed. Retweets are needed so that you can easily and quickly relay to your readers tweets that you find interesting. Of course, you can simply copy the text of someone else's tweet, but this approach has several disadvantages.

First, copying and pasting takes certain time, albeit a little. Secondly, in this case, your readers will not know where exactly you got the text of the tweet, nor how many people also found it interesting. If you retweet, these shortcomings disappear.

How to retweet?

So, how to retweet on Twitter? Let's look at the most common tweet that you found interesting:

To retweet, you need to click on the underlined button.

If you do everything correctly, the number will increase by one, and all your subscribers will find the following in their feed:

Opening and closing retweets

However, some people retweet everything, which can be very annoying. You can easily block retweets from such people by going to their page, clicking on the settings icon and selecting “Disable Retweets.” Like that:

Now you won't see this person's retweets. If you are interested in how to open retweets on Twitter, then you need to perform this operation again, only instead of “Disable”, select “Enable”.

That's all, now you know what retweets are, how to do them, how to allow retweets on Twitter and how to prohibit them.

Many inexperienced users are faced with the problem of how to retweet on Twitter and what it is for. It can be compared to a repost on the social network VKontakte. Let's look at retweeting in more detail in this article.

Definition of retweet

What is a retweet? What does it mean to retweet on Twitter? Beginner users don't know what this means. This is a Twitter feature that allows you to share other people's posts you like on your page. There are two methods to retweet on Twitter: automatically and manually.

Automatic retweet

The method is suitable for you if, for example, you want to quickly retweet on Twitter without any comments on your part. The post will be immediately added to your subscribers’ feed and your page.

1.Find the desired post in your feed.

2.To make the desired button appear on a recording, hover the cursor over it. Next, select Retweet.

3.Click the Retweet button again in the new small window that appears on top of your main browser window. This is how you confirm your action.

Manual retweet

Another name for it is classic retweet. It consists of copying the text that is in the post and sending it as a new tweet on your behalf, but indicating the original author. This type of retweet allows you to leave comments on the post (no more than 140 characters).

1.Open the window to create a new tweet. Enter RT (the word for "retweet" in the system). Put one space.

If the text is too long, use abbreviations and common short forms of words to reduce the number of characters, but be careful not to distort the meaning of the original text.

4.Write your comment. You can also add it before the RT phrase.

5.Click on the Tweet button.

An alternative format for manual retweet is the same copying and pasting of text and adding a via @ after the copied text.

New retweet manually

There is no need to write RT here. You simply enclose in quotation marks the nickname of the user who posted the post, as well as the text of the post itself. The comment can be either before or after the quotes.

To open a retweet and view it, go to your personal page - all your personal posts and retweets will be there.

Retweets can also be done using third party utilities, like on Instagram, since the service does not have a function for reposting posts. A popular program is TweetDeck. This program allows you to retweet posts from multiple accounts as well. You can download the utility from the official website:

Classic Retweet browser extension for PC

If you're using the Twitter app on iPhone or the Classic Retweet extension for browsers Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, you'll find it easier to retweet since the text is automatically copied into your post, but you naturally get the opportunity to edit it before posting.

Let's look at how to install the Classic Retweet add-on using Chrome as an example..
1.Click on the icon with three lines in the upper right corner of the window.

2.Select “More Tools” and then “Extensions”.

3.Go to the bottom of the page and click on the “More extensions” link to launch the Chrome add-ons store.

4.B search bar enter the name of the extension.

5.Click on the blue “Install” button.

6.Confirm installation. You can start using the add-on immediately.

When you click the button, a new window will open on top of the browser page, which will already contain the text of the tweet and its author. All you have to do is add your comment before or after the text.

Don't worry if you accidentally retweeted it by accident, as you can always remove the post from your feed.

You can retweet in several ways: quickly without commenting and through a new post in your feed, in which you will include a link. It is also possible to quickly retweet comments using browser add-ons.