Copying, moving and deleting file folders. Deleting, copying, moving a graphic object. Worksheet Menu Commands

In Word, you can copy, delete, and move sections of text in a variety of ways. One of the most convenient ways is to use the Windows clipboard. The clipboard is a special memory area in which programs can temporarily place text and pictures and then get them back later. At the same time, one program can put information on the clipboard, and another can take it. This is how data is exchanged between Windows programs (for example, transferring text from a web page to Word). To work with the Word clipboard, use the buttons on the “Standard” panel.

Copying part of the text.

Method 1. Copy using the “Ctrl” key.

  1. Select part of the text.
  2. Press the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard and, without releasing it, press left button mice.
  3. While holding down the keys on the keyboard and mouse, move the mouse pointer to the place where a copy of part of the text should be located.
  4. Sequentially release the left mouse button and the “Ctrl” key on the keyboard.

Method 2. Copy using the “Copy” button.

Moving part of the text.

Method 1. Moving text using the mouse.

  1. Select part of the text.
  2. Place the mouse pointer inside the selected fragment.
  3. Click on the left mouse button.
  4. While holding down the mouse button, move the mouse pointer to the location where you want a copy of the text to appear.
  5. Release the mouse button.

Method 2. Move text using the Cut button.

Deleting part of the text.

  1. Select the piece of text you want to delete.
  2. Press the "Delete" key on your keyboard

Task 1. Basic settings word processor Word

1. Launch the word processor Word.

2. Open the toolbar menu (command View -› Toolbars) and make sure that only three panels are enabled: Standard, Formatting and Drawing. Add buttons that were not mapped to the panel standard. To do this, click on the triangle at the end of the panel –> add or remove buttons

3. Set the mode for displaying the document page by page on the screen. To do this, use the Layout Mode button in the lower left corner of the document window or the View -› Page Layout command.

4. In the Formatting Panel, set the font type (Times New Roman), font size (12 points), and text alignment method (Width).

5. Set the text display scale (100%).

6. As a unit of measurement to configure document parameters, select Centimeters (Tools -› Options -› General -› Units of measurement).

7. Set up a list for quickly opening documents: Tools -› Options -› General -› (Remember list of 4 files). After launching the program, in the File menu you can find a list of four documents that were recently opened in a word processor.

8. Enable “quick” saving of files by checking the Tools -› Options -› Saving -› Allow quick saving checkbox.

9. Set up the autosave function using the Ser- counter
vis -› Options -› Saving -› Autosave every 10 minutes.

10. Install spell checkers. On the Tools tab -› Options -› Spelling, check the Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar checkboxes.

11. Set up automatic hyphenation (Tools -› Language -› Hyphenation -› Automatic hyphenation

12. In the /My Documents folder, create your own working folder, using your own initials and group for its name (for example, ETG_1B).

13. Type the text below without pressing the Enter key:

14. Save to working folder typed text in a file named Text.

15. Make basic settings for the printed document:

  • open the Page Setup dialog box (File -› Page Setup);
  • On the Paper Size tab, select A4 (format 21 x 29.7 cm). If a non-standard format is used, select the Other item and use the Width and Height counter buttons to set its parameters;
  • Set the paper orientation (Portrait or Landscape). In landscape orientation, the long side of the paper is positioned horizontally;
  • on the Margins tab, set the margin sizes: Top - 1.5 cm, Bottom - 2.0 cm, Left - 2.5 cm, Right - 1.5 cm;
  • for the top margin, set the interval to the edge of the footer to 1.2 cm
    (the printed page number will be placed in the header);
  • If you intend to print on both sides (even pages are printed on the reverse side of odd pages), select the Mirror Margins check box;
  • To place the printed page number, use the Insert -› Page Numbers command. On the Position tab, set it to Top of Page, and on the Alignment tab, set it to Right.

16. Save the document in the working folder, giving it the name Text1 (Save As command).

Task 2. Basic operations for editing text Word documents

1. Open the document created in task 1, stored in the file Text1.doc.

2. Break the text into paragraphs using the Enter keys.

As a result, you should receive the following text:

3. Master various ways highlighting text: individual words, characters, lines of text, paragraphs.

4. Learn to copy paragraphs using the context menu. Copy the first paragraph to the end of the invitation text.

5. Learn to copy paragraphs using the control (main) menu. Copy the second paragraph to the end of the invitation text.

6. Delete the copy of the first paragraph using the context menu.

7. Delete the copy of the second paragraph using the control (main) menu.

8. Search the text for words with the same root, for example, the root computer.

9. Search the text for words that begin with the same letter, for example with M. To do this, check the Case sensitive box, the rest is the same as step 8.

10. Replace one word with another, for example you with you (command Edit -› Replace). At the same time, select the Match case checkbox.

11. Create and use in the future a text auto-replacement element when typing; for example, phone number 31-15-44 (command Service -› AutoCorrect).

12. Check the spelling of the text using the main dictionary (command Tools -› Spelling).

13. Save the file as Text2.

Task 3. Creating a standard document based on a template

As a training, create your resume, which is usually used when searching for a job. To do this, use the Resume Wizard by following these steps:

1. Call the Resume Wizard (command File -› New -› Other documents, sample Resume Wizard).

2. Select the type of resume template and the standard fields you need.

3. Fill out the resume template with your personal information.

4. Save the created resume, giving it any name.

Control questions:

  1. basic settings of the Word word processor (enabling the necessary toolbars; setting the mode of page-by-page display of the document on the screen; setting the font type and size, alignment method and text display scale; selecting a unit of measurement; setting up a list of quick opening of documents; setting up “quick” file saving and functions autosave; installing spell checkers and automatic hyphenation; setting up a printed document; ways to save a document);
  2. basic operations for editing text documents (various methods of selecting text; copying and deleting paragraphs using the context and control menus; searching for words with the same root in the text, using autocorrect, etc.);
  3. creating a standard document based on a template.

To delete an object:

· select an object with the button Selecting objects on the drawing panel;

· press the key DEL or button Cut(in this case, the object is temporarily placed on the clipboard and can be pasted again).

Copy or move an object to short distance:

· Perform one of the following actions:

To move a selected object, drag it to the desired location;

To copy a selected object, hold down the CTRL.


You can hold down the right mouse button while dragging the selected object. After releasing the button, a context menu will appear on the screen containing commands for moving and copying.

Copy or move an object over a long distance or into another document:

· select the object to be moved or copied;

· do one of the following to place the object or a copy of it on the clipboard:

To move an object, click the button Cut

To copy an object, click the button Copy on the standard toolbar;

· if the object should be copied to another document, go to the desired document;

· indicate where the object should be inserted;

· press the button Insert on the standard toolbar.

Preview document

Before you print a document, you need to see how it will look on paper. To do this you need to do the following:

· open the document;

· to see what each page of the document will look like printed, click the button Preview on the standard toolbar or menu File run the command Preview;

· a panel will appear on the screen:

Figure 7.4 - Toolbar Preview

· in the drop-down list, select the desired scale %;

· to view one or more pages, use the buttons One page or Several pages ;

· Scroll through the document using the scroll bar. To exit preview mode, click Close.

Printing a document

To print the entire document from start to finish, click the button Seal on the toolbar. The printer is selected by default.

In order to print part of a document :

· on the menu File select team Seal, a dialog box will open (Figure 7.5);

· in field Pages indicate which pages of the document you want to print (for example, 3-6);

· specify the number of copies and click on the button OK.


if several printers are connected, it is necessary from the list Printer name: select the printer type.

Figure 7.5 - Dialog box Seal

Work order

1. Open the file created in laboratory work No. 6, and call Formula editor.

2. Type several formulas as directed by the teacher.

3. Make changes to the formulas as directed by the teacher.

4. As instructed by the teacher, type the text containing superscripts and subscripts. If there are no such icons on the formatting panel, then install them yourself.

5. Draw a diagram electrical network as directed by the teacher.

6. Group the drawing.

7. Ungroup the drawing.

8. Add another transformer to the circuit.

9. Remove one line from the diagram.

10. Insert inscriptions into the drawing as directed by the teacher.

11. Group the drawing.

12. Add a title to the diagram as an object WordArt.

13. View the document using the command Preview.

14. If possible, print the document.

1. Purpose of the work.

7.4 Security questions

1. How to use Formula editor?

2. How to install an icon Formula editor, if it is not on the panel?

3. How to type superscripts and subscripts?

4. How to change the text of an object WordArt?

5. How to create a copy of a drawn object?

6. How to create an inscription on a drawing?

7. How and why commands are used Borders and Shading?

8. How to group and ungroup objects?

9. How can I display 2 pages each when viewing a document before printing?

10. How to print the entire document?

11. How to print 2 copies of a document?

12. How to print a document from the third page to the end?

13. How do I print the fifth and sixth pages of a document?

14. How do I print pages five through eight of a document?

15. How to choose a printer?


general information about electronic excel tables. excel menu

Goal of the work: learning menus and basic principles of working with spreadsheets EXCEL.

Theoretical information

General provisions

EXCEL is a software Microsoft product Office, designed for entering, processing and storing data in the form of tables, performing calculations on this data, creating graphs and charts.

EXCEL window structure

After loading, a window appears on the screen containing an empty table ready to be filled in (Figure 8.1.), divided into cells. The columns in it are designated by the letters A, B, C...IW, the rows - by numbers 1, 2, 3...

The address of the current cell is formed from the column name and row number, for example, A1 or K6, and is shown on the left on the formula bar (5 in Figure 8.1).

The table is a worksheet. Several worksheets make up a workbook. For a newly opened workbook that has never been written to disk, the default name is set Book 1, which is in the title line (1 in Figure 8.1). Each newly opened workbook contains 3 worksheets by default. At the bottom of the screen it is indicated: Sheet1, Sheet2... This table volume is sufficient to enter large quantity data.

Only part of the worksheet is visible on the screen. You can view the sheet completely using the scroll bars (12 in Figure 8.1.). Using the mouse, you can switch from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2 and others.

As in everyone Windows programs, the EXCEL window has control buttons (7 in Figure 8.1): ( Collapse window, Restore window, Close window).

The same buttons are available on the work line Book 1.

Figure 8.1 -Window structure EXCEL:

1 - title line; 2 - menu bar; 3 - standard toolbar;

4 - formatting toolbar; 5 - cell address field;

6 - line header; 7 - window control buttons; 8 - status bar;

9 - formula bar; 10 - sheet labels; 11 - column heading; 12 - scroll bars.

The default toolbar (3) contains buttons for the most frequently used commands. The user can change the set of buttons at his own discretion.

These buttons are for file operations. The first is for creating a new workbook, the second is for opening an existing workbook, the third is for saving changes, the fourth is for sending a message Email with the contents of the current sheet as the body text.

The buttons of this group are intended: the first is for printing, the second is for previewing the file before printing, the third is for checking spelling.

These buttons are intended: the first - for cutting, the second - for copying, the third - for pasting the contents of cells via the clipboard, the fourth - for copying the cell format.

The first button is intended to cancel the result of the last executed command, the second is to repeat the executed command after it was canceled by mistake.

These buttons are designed to insert hyperlinks, automatically sum selected cells, and call Function Wizards.

These buttons set the sort order of the lists in ascending and descending order.

Using the first button you can start Chart Wizard, using the second - display or remove the panel Drawing.

This is the zoom field. With its help, you can reduce or enlarge the image of the worksheet on the screen.

Using this button you can start Hint Master and get contextual help.

The formatting toolbar (4 in Figure 8.1) contains buttons that help in designing worksheets.

This field selects the font type for text in cells.

Font size.

The buttons in this group are used to assign a text style: AND– bold, TO - italics, H - underscore.

Using these buttons, you can align text in cells: to the left border of the cell, to the center and to the right border of the cell. The last button is designed to align text to the center of a selected area of ​​several cells (i.e., the selected cells are combined, but only the information contained in the upper left cell is saved, which is also centered).

Using the buttons of this group, you can set the format of numbers in table cells:

the first button is money style,

the second is percentage style,

third - setting decimal places,

fourth and fifth - increasing and decreasing the number of decimal places by one.

These buttons are used to select the cell border style (border), background color, and font color in cells.

Some of the buttons Standard panel And Formatting panel have a drop-down list (for example: font, font size, etc.), which is controlled by the mouse and provides the user with a wide range of options.

In the formula bar (9 in Figure 8.1) is displayed or adjusted
information entered into the work cell, and special buttons appear:

- highlight.

At the very bottom of the screen there is a status bar (8 in Figure 8.1) reflecting the operations being performed ( Done, Copy etc.).

Worksheet Menu Commands

Menu organization Excel programs similar to the menu organization in Windows. If there are ellipses in menu commands ... , then a dialog box follows; if the command contains the icon), then submenu commands follow.

Group File contains commands for working with the book.

Create…- creates new file, i.e. new workbook.

Open...- opens an existing workbook ( Excel files have an extension. xls).

Close- closing the current file without exiting EXCEL. If there are unsaved changes to the file, you will be prompted to save the changes before closing the file. To close all files, hold down the key SHIFT, select team Close all on the menu File.

Web Page Preview - Preview the current file saved as a Web page.

Page Options... - Set margins, paper source, sheet size and orientation, and other text placement options.

Preview - preview the file before printing.

Seal…- Print the current file or selected items. Printing options are set using the command Seal menu File.

Properties-display properties of the active file.

Exit- closes EXCEL.

Below is a list of workbooks created and stored in EXCEL.

Group Edit contains file editing commands.

Cut- deleting the selected fragment from the current document and placing it on the clipboard.

Cancel- canceling the last executed command or deleting the last entered fragment. To undo multiple commands at once, click the arrow next to the button and select the actions you want to undo.

Copy- copying the selected fragment to the clipboard.

Special insert...- insert, create a link or embed the contents of the clipboard into the current document in the selected format.

Fill) - contains commands for fast way copying or filling out the table.

Clear } - contains commands for deleting table contents.

Delete…- deleting the selected object.

Delete sheet- deleting the selected sheet from the workbook.

Move / copy sheet... - moves or copies the selected sheet to another location in the workbook or to another workbook.

Find... - searches for a specified set of characters in selected cells or tables and selects the first cell containing these characters.

Replace…- search and replace specified text and formatting.

Go...- moving around the sheet and selecting ranges and cells with specified characteristics.

Connections...- establishes and changes connections of the selected object.

An object-allows you to make changes to an object embedded in EXCEL (for example, text WORD or drawing).

Team group View determines the screen appearance.

The mouse icon indicates that the command is in effect.

Normal mode- switch to normal viewing mode, which is used by default for most tasks Microsoft EXCEL, such as entering, selecting and formatting data, creating charts.

Page layout- switches the active worksheet to page mode, which allows you to change data and still see it as it will be printed. To change the pagination of a worksheet, drag the corresponding page border left, right, up, or down. Scaling pages to ensure proper placement of rows and columns is done automatically in this mode.

Formula bar- displays or cancels the formula bar.

Status bar- display or hide the status bar.

Toolbars) - displays or hides toolbars.

Headers and footers- enter and change text located at the top and bottom of each page.

Notes- enable or disable the mode for displaying notes on the sheet.

New view- creating different sheet views. Views allow you to view data in different modes.

Full screen- removal of most control elements from the screen, which increases the visible part of the document. To return to the original mode, press the key ESC.

Scale- selecting the scale of the document image on the screen.

Group Insert contains commands for inserting various elements into a file.

Cells-adding cells starting from the cursor position. In this case, the remaining cells of the table can be moved to the right or down. It is also possible to add an entire row or column.

Strings- insertion of lines.

Columns- inserting columns.

Sheet- adding a new sheet to the workbook to the left of the current one.

Diagram- launch Chart Wizards, which allows you to create a new diagram on a sheet or change an existing diagram step by step.

Page break- insert a page break before the selected cell.

Function- conclusion Function Wizards to perform calculations.

Name) - allows you to name cells, for example, instead of A1, assign the name Alfa.

Note- adds a note to the active cell.

Drawing) - inserts a picture into the active worksheet. Expands the submenu:

Pictures... From file... Autoshapes Organizational

diagram WordArt object... From a scanner or camera.

An object- insertion of objects created by other programs.

Team group Format serves to change the size of cells, columns, rows, sheets, set the style (cash, percentage), etc.

Team group Service used to check spelling, configure panels, install and remove protection, etc.

Team group Data serves for sorting, summing up columns, creating water tables, etc.

Team group Window used for working with windows.

Reference contains background information about EXCEL.

Work order

1. Download EXCEL and familiarize yourself with the theoretical information.

2. Find the numbers of the workbook, sheets, rows, columns on the screen.

3. In cell A1 enter the name of the current month, in cell A2 enter the date, in cell A3 - the current time and observe how the information is displayed in the window with the address of the working cell.

4. Starting in cell B1, enter information into the tables.

Note: in Russified EXCEL the default decimal separator is comma.

Product cost 1384.55 RUR RUB 394.4
In percentages 19, 2 % 8, 75 %

5. Learn and try out the basic functions of the worksheet menu.

1. Purpose of the work.

2. Brief descriptions progress of laboratory work.

3. Written answers to test questions as directed by the teacher.

8.4 Security questions

1. How do I switch from one worksheet to another?

2. What is the purpose of the buttons located on the standard toolbar?

3. What is the purpose of the buttons located on the formatting bar?

4. What are the functions of the main worksheet menu commands?

5. What is the purpose of the workbook control buttons and functions of the Book 1 system menu?


Methods for manipulating files and directories are usually intuitive when using modern operating systems with graphical interface, however, still require some explanation.

The main manipulations with files and directories are:






Creating shortcuts;

Change the current directory.

The main environment for performing these actions in operating systems with a graphical user interface are:


A program that displays files on a computer (for example, Explorer) (Fig. 6.2).

Rice. 6.2. Explorer program.

To create a new file or directory, go to the desired folder, click right click mouse, select New from the context menu and then Folder to create a new directory or one of the available file types to create a file. For example, if you need to create text file, then select Text document.


Selecting this item can also be recommended when creating files of an unknown type or one that is not displayed in this menu. When creating an empty text document an empty file appears, which can later be filled with any content.

As a result, the icon of the new directory or file will appear in the Explorer program window, after which you can give it any name. When you have finished entering your name, press Enter.

To delete files and directories, modern operating systems use the Recycle Bin deletion system. When deleting, the file is not thrown out of file system finally, but is transferred to the Recycle Bin, from where it can be restored if desired. Files thrown into the Trash, which is a special system folder, continue to take up space on your computer’s hard drive.

To delete a file (move it to the Recycle Bin), select it in Explorer and press the Delete key. You can also right-click on it and select the appropriate command from the context menu.

To delete several files at once, you need to select them all. To do this, click on each of them in turn while holding down the Ctrl key. If, while holding down the Ctrl key, you click on an already selected file, it will be excluded from the selection.

If you need to select several sequential files at once, you can first click on the first of them, and then, while holding down the Shift key, on the last one, or vice versa.


These methods for selecting a group of files can be used not only to delete, but also to perform other actions, such as copying or moving.

If you are completely sure that the file you are deleting will no longer be needed, then you can delete it immediately, without placing it in the Recycle Bin, by selecting it and pressing Shift+Delete.

It is recommended that an untrained user always delete files to the Recycle Bin. To empty it (which needs to be done from time to time), you need to right-click on its icon on the Desktop and select Empty Trash from the context menu.

There are two ways to copy and move files and directories, and create shortcuts. The first one is using the clipboard. This is done as follows.

Having opened the desired folder, select one or more files and press Ctrl+C (or select Copy from the Edit menu).

Then open the folder where you want to copy the files and press Ctrl+V (or select Paste from the Edit menu) - the files will be copied. If you want to create a shortcut, choose Insert Shortcut from the Edit menu instead.

To move files, select them and press Ctrl+X (or select Cut from the Edit menu). After opening the destination folder and pressing Ctrl+V (or selecting Paste from the Edit menu), the files will be moved.

The second way is to use drag and drop ( Drag and drop) (Fig. 6.3). In this case, files are dragged with the mouse while the left button is pressed. The following must be kept in mind:

You can drag and drop files as in open windows folders, and just on the folder icon, as well as the drive;

When you drag files or folders to a folder that is located on the same drive as the original one, the files will be moved, and when you drag them to a folder located on a different drive than the original one, they will be copied;

When you drag files with an executable (EXE) extension, shortcuts will be created on them;

If you need to copy files, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging them, and hold the Shift key when moving them;

If you drag files with the right mouse button rather than the left one, when you release it, a context menu will appear in which you can choose what to do with such files: copy them, move them, or create shortcuts.

Rice. 6.3. Drag and drop a file from one folder to another.

To change the current directory, you need to select the desired directory from the folder tree on the left side of the Explorer program and click on it. The contents of the selected folder will be displayed on the right side of the window. Alternatively, you can enter the path to the desired folder in address bar at the top of the window, similar to how you enter website addresses.

To rename files, right-click on the desired file and select Rename from the context menu. You can also highlight required file by clicking on it with the mouse and pressing the F2 key.

A document fragment can be text, an object, a drawing, etc.

In order to delete a fragment, you need to select it and press the key .

In order to copy a fragment, you need to select it and then:

select menu command Edit -> Copy(in this case, the selected object is saved in the operating system clipboard) or press the keys< Ctrl >> ;

set the cursor where you want to copy the fragment;

select menu command Edit -> Paste(in this case, the object can be inserted several times while it is in the buffer) or press the keys +.

In order to move a fragment, you need to select it and then:

select menu command Edit -> Cut(in this case, the object is also saved in the clipboard and simultaneously removed from the screen); set the cursor where you want to move the fragment;

select menu command Edit -> Paste or press the keys +.

You can also use the buttons on the standard toolbar to copy and move.

Another way is to use the context menu, which can be called up after selecting a fragment by clicking on the right mouse button.

Correcting incorrect commands. If any incorrect command is executed (for example, you deleted the wrong thing, etc.), you can always cancel last action. For this:

select a team Edit -> Cancel;

or click on the button Cancel entry on the standard toolbar.

Save the document and exit the program. When creating a document in Word, by default it is temporarily saved in the computer’s memory under the name “Document No.,” where No. is serial number, starting from 1. But it’s best to give it your own name, especially if you work on the network. To save a document you need to:

Rice. 4.2. Saving a document

In the dialog box that appears, perform the actions indicated in Fig. 4.2;

After completing the steps, the file will be saved on the disk and in the folder you specified.

If your document has already been saved before, you can save it again after making changes:

Exit the program. To exit the program, you must do any of the following:

execute menu command File-> Exit;

press the button Close in the upper right corner of the screen;

press the keys + ;

Press the left key twice on the system menu.

Installation of protection and autosave. If you need to protect your document from unauthorized viewing, then before saving it you need to do the following:

select menu command Tools -> Options; perform the actions indicated in Fig. 4.3.

Opening a document. With Word you can open any document created in Word or other text editors. To do this you need:

Rice. 4.3. setting passwords when saving a document

select a team File-> Open or click on the button Open

In the dialog box that appears, perform the actions indicated in Fig. 4.4.

Call for help. There are several types of help: Assistant, who gives advice during the work process. To call Assistant, you need to press a button Microsoft Word Help on the standard toolbar;

press a key .

We welcome everyone who is learning how to use a computer. In this educational video lesson by Andrey Sukhov, number fourteen, you can study and learn what copying, moving and deleting files and folders is.

Working on a computer essentially comes down to manipulating files and folders - we can create, copy, move, rename and delete them.

Let's look at all these operations using a very real example.

So, you needed a book, you found it on the Internet and downloaded it to your computer. EBook- this is a file and by default it will be downloaded to the folder Downloads. This folder is temporary storage, that is, downloaded files from here should be transferred to other folders or deleted. This is absolutely not necessary, but I still recommend maintaining order here. Very often I find dozens and even hundreds of files in this folder on users’ computers. At the same time, users themselves often do not even suspect their presence. Therefore, I propose the following work algorithm...

If you have found some information and want to download it for yourself. Then all the files that you download go into the folder Downloads. But if suddenly the information received is no longer needed, it can be sent to Cart, that is, delete it from the computer.

Let's look at one example from the author of the video lesson, Andrey Sukhov. He will tell you how to create a new folder for books downloaded from the Internet. To do this in the folder Documentation create a folder Books and start moving all the downloaded books there. To create a new folder we click on the tab home to folders Documentation and find the button Create a folder. Enter the name of the new folder Books and now she has appeared. There is another option to create a folder, but using the context menu. We can select the context menu in any free area of ​​our open folder.

To move files from the Downloads folder to the selected folder, you should select the files and use the context menu to select the copy option, you can use Ctrl+C. Now let's go to the folder Books and paste the copied files there, for this in free space press folders using keys Ctrl+V or via the context menu Insert. Using these manipulations, we create a copy of the copied files from the Downloads folder. To avoid copies, we delete the files in the first folder to the Trash.

In order to delete files in a folder, you must select them and press the Delete button on the keyboard. All files are moved to the Trash, and once in the Trash they can be deleted. What is a recycle bin - this is a special folder where everything is located deleted files. The Recycle Bin acts as a buffer before files are permanently deleted. If you suddenly deleted it by mistake, you can restore it. To do this, you will need to select the file and right-click on the file. A context menu will appear and select recovery there.

All other files in the Recycle Bin can be permanently deleted. You can permanently and permanently delete files from the Recycle Bin or using the keys Shift+Delete.

You can move files using the menu Cut and keys on the keyboard Ctrl+X. Pasted in the same way as copying or using buttons Ctrl+V. Another option is to drag and drop from one folder to another. To do this, you need to select the folder to which you want to move the files. If this folder contains the same file names, then operating system We will be warned about this when replacing files.

If you liked this training video lesson, then recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. We wish you success and good luck, join our social groups.

In the next video lesson from the course “Windows 10 Basics” you will learn how.