The best add-ons for mozilla firefox. Mega review of Firefox add-ons

A selection of one hundred useful additions to Mozilla Firefox.

They will create you comfort and undoubted convenience on the Internet.

Description of add-ons:

  • Adblock - Ad blocker.
  • All-in-One Sidebar - Sidebar with a lot of settings and capabilities.
  • AutoCopy - Automatically copies the selected text to the clipboard, pasted by clicking on the mouse wheel.
  • Back IS Close - Changes the back button to a close button if the tab has no history.
  • BBCode - Insert BB codes from the context menu.
  • BetterPrivacy - Removes various tracking cookies.
  • BugMeNot - A service for choosing a ready-made “public” login and password for a site where you are too lazy to register.
  • CheckIt - Mini application that allows you to check MD5 amounts.
  • Clipple - Multibuffer, remembers every action associated with copying text, which can be restored through an item in the context menu; it is worth noting that even actions with the Windows clipboard are picked up.
  • CoLT - Adds an item to the context menu "Copy link title".
  • Context Search - Search for selected text from the context menu, using a list of custom search engines.
  • DblClicker - Opening links in a new tab by double-clicking the mouse slightly reduces the response, keep in mind.
  • DownloadStatusbar - Replaces the standard download window with a more compact one, which appears in a new panel at the bottom of the browser.
  • Do This Automatically - Fixes a bug that prevented torrent files from being downloaded automatically and opened in the torrent client.
  • Easy drag to go - Opening links has become even easier. To open a link in a new tab, hold down left button mouse on the link, move it up and release it. To open a link in a background tab, hold and slide it down. Using this principle, you can select text and move it to open it in Google search.
  • eCleaner - Allows you to remove traces and settings of any add-on.
  • Element Hiding Helper - Extends the capabilities of Adblock Plus, making it easier to create rules for hiding elements.
  • Extended Link Properties - Allows you to find out the file size, time last change, content type, HTTP header. To do this, click on the link right click and select “Properties” in the context menu (similar to Get File Size).
  • ExtendedStatusbar - Status bar with percentage, time, speed and amount of downloaded.
  • Fasterfox Lite - Significantly speeds up opening pages.
  • FEBE - Allows you to make and restore backups browser data.
  • File and Folder Shortcuts - Adds a panel on which you can place shortcuts to Windows applications.
  • Fire Gestures - Execution various teams using mouse gestures.
  • FireFTP - FTP client.
  • FireShot - Advanced screenshot. Unlike others, it includes a range of tools for editing a screenshot and adding graphic and text annotations. This functionality will be useful for web developers, testers and editors.
  • Flagfox - Displays the flag of the country in which the server is located. You can find out detailed information About the site.
  • FlashBlock - Blocks all flash animation on the page, replacing it with a "play" button, i.e. You can enable this or that animation. You can also delete or allow flash to be displayed on the site.
  • Forecastfox Weather - Weather forecast.
  • FxIF - View Exif image data from an item in the context menu.
  • Ghostery - Prevents well-known statistical services from tracking you.
  • Grab and Drag- Scroll pages in style Adobe Acrobat while holding down the left mouse button.
  • Greasemonkey - An environment for working with crypts.
  • IdentFavIcon - If the site does not have its own icon, then this utility replaces it with another individual one.
  • IE Tab2 - View pages on the engine installed in the IE system.
  • Image Fetcher - Adds a "Save" button to the lower right corner of the image.
  • Image Preview - By holding the cursor on small images, an enlarged copy will appear.
  • Image Toolbar - Adds a small toolbar when you hover over an image, just like in IE (save, copy, print, properties...).
  • Image zoom - You can increase or decrease the size of an image by holding the right mouse button on it and turning the mouse wheel up or down.
  • ImgLikeOpera - Improves the image cache; previously downloaded images are taken from the cache and not downloaded again.
  • ImTranslator - Online translator application.
  • InFormEnter - Inserts pre-prepared text into text fields. There is also a “Generate password” and “Repeat password” function, which is very convenient.
  • InfoRSS - RSS news crawling line.
  • KOLOBOK Smile - A button on the toolbar opens a sidebar with many smiles, 27 galleries in total.
  • LastPass - The most convenient password wizard that stores passwords on the server.
  • Lazarus: Form Recovery - Automatically remembers the text entered into forms, which can be easily recovered from an item in the context menu.
  • LessSpamplease - Allows you to quickly create a temporary mailbox from the context menu.
  • LinkAlert - Shows icons on the cursor according to the content that is located on the link.
  • Linkinfication - Allows you to double-click text links like hyperlinks.
  • MeasureIt - Ruler, you can measure any element on the page with pixel accuracy.
  • Memory Fox - Forces the browser to use correctly RAM, now there are no leaks during long-term use.
  • Menu Editor - Context menu editor.
  • Menu Icons Plus - adds icons to various browser menus.
  • New Tab King - Start page with links to the sites you visit most.
  • NoScript - Allows you to block scripts used on the site.
  • OptimizeGoogle - Customize Google for yourself.
  • Organize Search Engines - A convenient tool for managing search plugins. Allows you to edit and rename them, as well as add separators.
  • OrganizeStatusBar - Allows you to customize the elements in the status bar in any order, as well as hide them.
  • PDFIt - You can save a web page as a PDF file.
  • Personal Menu - Customize the contents of the Firefox orange button.
  • QuickFox Note - Convenient notepad in the browser.
  • Quick Note - Beautiful notepad in the browser.
  • Quick Translator - A button appears next to the selected text to translate it.
  • Remove Cookie(s) for Site - You can remove cookies for the site you are on from the item in the context menu.
  • Resurrect Pages - Allows you to restore inaccessible pages from the cache of various search engines.
  • Rights To Close - Allows you to close tabs by double-clicking the right mouse button on any part of the browser page.
  • RSS Icon In Awesombar - Returns the RSS icon for subscribing news to the address bar.
  • Russian spellchecking dictionary - Spell checking.
  • Save Image In Folder - Allows you to save images by double-clicking or from the context menu into a pre-specified folder.
  • Save Images - Allows you to batch save or open images from an item in the context menu.
  • SearhLoad Options - Configuring the behavior of the search window.
  • Search Preview - Inserts preview images into Google search results.
  • Secure Login - Password storage manager.
  • Simple Mail - Mail client.
  • Slim Add-ons Manager - Makes the add-ons manager compact.
  • Smart Text - Highlights the domain name and deciphers the address for easier reading.
  • Snap Links - Capture and open selected links by pressing and holding the mouse wheel.
  • Speed ​​Dial - Visual bookmarks on home page, like in the Opera browser.
  • Status-4-Evar - Elements and indicators of the former status bar for Firefox 4.
  • StatusbarClock - Date and clock in the status bar.
  • Stay-Open Menu - Open menus do not close if you remove the cursor from them.
  • Stf - Saves the selected text to a txt file.
  • Stylish - Allows you to make various scripts, which affect the display of the browser itself or web pages. Ready-made options are available on the official website.
  • Tab History Menu - If you click on a tab, a menu with its history will open, from where you can go to any previously visited page.
  • TabMixPlus - You can customize the behavior and appearance tabs.
  • Text Formatting Toolbar - A panel with BB codes that opens by pressing a button.
  • ToolbarAppmenuButton - Changes Firefox's fixed orange button to a more compact one that can be moved anywhere.
  • Toolbar Buttons - Adds many new buttons to the browser.
  • TooManyTabs - The second tab bar that opens at the touch of a button. You can transfer rarely used tabs to it, because here they will not use RAM.
  • TrashMail - Another service for creating temporary mailbox, which will redirect letters to your real mailbox.
  • TryAgain - Repeats attempts to open the page when the server is not found.
  • UnMHT - Tool for saving pages.
  • UpdateScanner - A scanner of selected pages for updates, works in the background, you can surf the Internet and not miss anything, since it will warn you if the page has been updated.
  • UrlCorrector - Makes it possible to enter only Latin characters into the address bar, even if the Russian layout is installed.
  • YetAnotherSmoothScrolling - Full customization smooth page scrolling.
  • Video DownloadHelper - Allows you to download videos from flash players at the touch of a button.
  • WikiLook - Search for selected text using Wikipedia, the result appears in a pop-up window.
  • Wmlbrowser - Allows you to open Wap sites.
  • Xmarks - Stores your bookmarks on the server, for this you need to create account, after that you can restore bookmarks in any browser that supports this add-on.
  • Downloader - Adds links to download music, videos and photos on VKontakte.
  • Session Manager - Most convenient manager sessions.
How to disable compatibility check:
Some add-ons are not compatible with the latest versions

The Mozilla Firefox browser has perhaps the largest library of add-ons, but this does not mean that the extensions it contains can be equally useful. Among all these extensions you can find both real “gems” and rather useless things that can only consume RAM, which, as we know, is never enough.

Therefore, before you go to the Store for the next expansion, take a look at this selection of the most useful and successful additions for Firefox browser. It is possible that this will save some of you time, and will save others from making the wrong decision.

"Bookmarks and Content"

All browsers, without exception, support bookmarking, but not all do it well. In addition, most browsers, including Firefox, do not have convenient tools for saving materials found on the Internet. Third-party extensions can solve the problem.

Evernote Web Clipper

This add-on allows you to save your favorite materials from the Internet to your Evernote account for later viewing. With Evernote Web Clipper, you can save almost any content, and add your own comments and notes to it.


Addition for saving text fragments indicating the source, as well as PDF documents, DOC, videos, web pages and other content. A distinctive feature and at the same time an advantage of Zotero is the ability to create personal bibliographies by topic.


A tool similar to Zotero, convenient and simple. Designed to save web pages and web elements to a separate folder. With ScrapBook you can save pages, images, audio and video, scripts, CSS styles, archives and then view them offline.


Designed to synchronize data between different browsers. Allows you to synchronize bookmarks, passwords, open tabs, and browsing history. By the way, history synchronization is only supported for Firefox.


An interesting addition for collecting and organizing content from the Internet, as well as sharing it with other users of the Pearltrees system. Features colorful graphical interface, presented in the form of “pearl trees”.

QuickFox Notes

A very simple and convenient tool for creating text notes. Essentially, QuickFox Notes is built into Firefox text editor with support for basic editing functions.

"Improving the Firefox interface"

In addition to add-ons designed to expand the functionality of the browser, there are many add-ons that can be used to make the web browser more convenient.


If you don't like the look of Firefox, try the Stratiform extension. This tool allows you to add originality to the icons and toolbars used in the browser, change the appearance and color of control elements and adjust transparency.

All-In-One Sidebar

An add-on to expand the functionality of the sidebar. Provides more convenient access to browser management tools, as well as to all installed extensions.

Vertical Toolbar

This extension will be useful to you useful users computers with widescreen monitors. Vertical Toolbar replaces the usual horizontal add-ons panel with a vertical one located on the left. In addition, the extension offers a number of additional functions, such as viewing and grouping open tabs as thumbnails.


Unlike Google Chrome, in Firefox, the address bar and search bar work separately from each other, which can cause some inconvenience for users. The Omnibar add-on brings them together functionality, “gluing” address and search bar into one whole.

Add To Search Bar

Designed to expand search capabilities. After installing Add To Search Bar, you can add almost any search engine to your browser, from Google to The New York Times.

Download Statusbar

Download Statusbar replaces the standard Firefox download bar with a more convenient and informative one.


A simple text translator directly on web pages. Allows you to quickly translate text by right-clicking on it.


A useful add-on that allows you to search for duplicate images. With it you can upload any image to special service, after which you will receive full list duplicates indicating size and source.


Another addition to expand your search capabilities. Only intended for searching not on the Internet, but on open web page. Unlike the standard search, called by the Ctrl+F combination, FindBar allows you to search on all open tabs straightaway.


A Firefox add-on that allows you to add custom javascript written in the format of this extension to any page. Such scripts can be used to solve non-standard problems.


In terms of functionality, this extension is close to Greasemonkey, but it works not with scripts, but with styles. Intended for custom design of web pages displayed in the browser.

User Agent Switcher

The User Agent Switcher extension formats website pages and shows how they would look in other browsers, including mobile ones.

Evernote Clearly

A kind of cleaner that allows the user to focus on text content. Highlights and formats text, pushing advertisements, distracting pictures and other junk into the background.


In addition to the usual "user" ones, the Firefox library offers a wide range of tools for developers.


An extension that allows you to customize the appearance of any site by manually editing CSS, HTML and javascript in real time.


An extension similar to Firebug, designed to control the color of web page elements by editing CSS styles. To work with color, she uses a visual palette and an eyedropper.

Web Developer

Adds many different additional tools to Firefox that a developer might need.


A simple and convenient FTP client built right into the browser.


A design tool that allows a developer to easily capture and define the color of any point on the screen.


Another design extension that allows you to measure the size of any objects on the page in pixels.


While ColorZilla and MeasureIt determine the color and size, FontFinder determines the font typeface.

"Extensions for working with mobile devices"

In addition to add-ons for synchronizing settings and bookmarks with browsers, the Firefox store has many tools designed for exchanging data with mobile devices.

Send To Kindle

The add-on allows you to send text materials to e-books Kindle for later reading in your free time.


A popular powerful extension, a service for delayed reading, designed to save pages and then read them at a time convenient for the user.


Password synchronization tool. LastPass allows you to transfer all your saved logins and passwords to your mobile browser.

“Extensions for working with video and audio”

Mozilla Firefox has everything for comfortable audio and video playback. However, you can make working with multimedia content even more convenient by taking advantage of these add-ons.


A good downloader that allows you to extract multimedia content from websites and download it to your computer.

Ant Video Downloader

Another downloader, but it’s designed to work with video. Intended for downloading videos from sites, including those resources where video downloading is not supported.

Hola Unblocker

The Hola Unblocker extension allows you to bypass country IP address restrictions, allowing users to view and listen to video and audio of almost any blocked site.

Turn Off The Lights

Fans of online cinema will certainly appreciate this addition. Turn Off The Lights dims the page with streaming video, leaving only the area with the player, making watching movies more comfortable.

"Improving Security"

Three additions that increase the level of security when surfing the Internet.

HTTPS Everywhere

The secure HTTPS protocol is used on many websites. HTTPS Everywhere uses this protocol on all resources where possible.

Web Of Trust

An extension showing the level of user trust in the site. The level of security of a resource is assessed by universal voting, in which anyone can take part.


If you don't want search engines to track your actions, install this extension. It spoofs queries, confusing search engines and preventing them from determining your preferences.

“Add-ons for interacting with social networks”


A useful tool that allows you to learn more about the people you communicate with. e-mail. Rapportive integrates with Gmail, providing additional information about recipients in a special sidebar.


Add-on for creating original and attractive digital signatures in emails.

FB Purity

The FB Purity add-on will be useful to users social network Facebook, who feel that there is too much unnecessary information in the news feeds they view. FB Purity allows you to filter content on Facebook, leaving only what the user considers necessary.


Need to download music from VK?

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not long ago I wrote an article about a fairly popular one in the world and mentioned there that the highlight of this program is that it initially contained only a basic set of properties, and everything else was left to add-ons.

It’s clear that it’s not worth even dreaming of covering all the more or less worthwhile plugins for Firefox, however, I’ll try to focus on those that I use myself. First, I think I’ll review the add-ons that help webmasters and SEO specialists in their hard work, and then move on to commonly used extensions.

I don’t lose hope that you will mention your favorites in the comments, indicating their names and brief description opportunities. I really hope to learn something useful for myself.

The best Mazila extensions for everyone

    This plugin has a number of features that can be useful not only for webmasters, but also for ordinary users. So, Neiron Search Tools is installed in the browser and allows you to:

    1. When or see on the search results page the most relevant answers from another search engine. For example, in Yandex we will see inclusions from Google results (naturally, only in the browser where this plugin is installed - in our case it will be Firefox):

    2. Have you ever had a situation where a search on a site you are interested in does not meet your expectations? Of course, webmasters have the opportunity to use Google or insert code, but not everyone takes advantage of this opportunity, which is a pity, because engines (CMS) do not always have a sane search module in their composition.

      However, Neiron Search Tools allows you to eliminate this omission. Just open the page of the desired resource in your browser and select the “Search by site” option from the menu of this extension:

      In the window that opens, you will need to enter your search query and choose the system whose results you trust more. You can search not only by pages, but also by images (by means of ), for which the corresponding buttons are used:

      It is clear that this can be done without the help of this plugin, but it allows you to introduce an element of efficiency and clarity.

    3. It also allows you to quickly translate a page opened in Firefox (using ) and take a screenshot of any part of it. Of course, you won’t get the same functionality as in or, but you won’t need to do any extra steps to launch an additional program.
    4. On this page of the Neiron service you can evaluate how well your site is represented in Yandex and Google results (based on CTR value) and how much traffic it attracts from these search engines:

    In general, the extension turned out to be quite interesting with a number of unique and popular functions.
  1. Fireshot is an add-on for Mazila that allows you to take screenshots. There are a lot of possibilities both for taking screenshots (it can easily take a picture not only of the visible area, but of the entire web page), and for their subsequent editing, adding graphic or text indicators and annotations. It seems to me that it can be very useful for webmasters, and ordinary Internet users too.
  2. .

Add-ons for Firefox to help webmasters

    is a plugin for Mozilla that needs no introduction. Using the link provided, you can find an article describing all its capabilities, which, believe me, are quite a few. Previously, this was generally the only convenient option for dissecting the code of your own or someone else’s website.

    Now the situation has changed significantly and in almost all popular browsers you will find a tool similar to Firebug, and this tool will already be built into the program from the very beginning. However, it was Firebug that became the starting point for such abundance:

    1. In Opera, you need to select “Inspect Element” from the context menu of the web page element you are interested in.
    2. Just select “View element code” from the context menu
    3. B - “Check object”
    4. And in Firefox itself from Mazila you can use not Firebug, but select “Examine element” from the context menu

    But still, this plugin is superior in capabilities to its built-in analogues. It itself can serve as a home for other extensions. For example, the YSlow loading speed meter or the same Google Assistant for site acceleration, which lives inside this particular add-on for Mozilla. In general, I advise you to try it or at least skim through the article that I cited at the beginning.

    — this plugin does not have as many clones as the one described above (in Safari, however, there are tools for developers that implement something similar), but sometimes it is simply irreplaceable.

    It will be especially useful for beginner webmasters, for whom it is not yet commonplace. Follow the link below to find a detailed article describing all the features of this wonderful add-on.

  1. - serves not for benefit or convenience, but for increasing such an indicator of your site as . This indicator indirectly reflects the site, which means it can be indirectly useful to you. If you work with your resource through Mozilla Firefox, then do not install this plugin in it - as a result, the Alexa numbers for your resource will decrease slightly (which is good).
  2. - follow the link below to find an article describing the capabilities of this powerful add-on for Firefox. It will be useful primarily to those who deal with foreign ( who buys links, for example, in, or posts articles in). Using it, you can quite easily and clearly see all the ins and outs of the site, which can become a donor for your backlink.

  3. SeoQuake is a real alternative to the SEO plugin for Mozilla described just above. It can also display many different parameters on the fly. open page using the toolbar located at the top, but also in search results can add information lines for each site:

    It has a lot of settings that are hidden in the context menu of the icon located in the upper right corner of the browser window.

    BBCodeXtra - when you write a message on a forum, quite often there is a need to insert BB codes (or format the text in some other way). Entering tags or BB codes every time is tiring, and visual editor will not always be the case. This is where a Mozilla Firefox plugin called BBCodeXtra comes in handy.

    Place the cursor in the desired text field of the desired HTML forms and select insert BB codes or tags from the context menu:


    Rainbow Color Tools is a small but useful add-on for Mazila that allows you to capture color from the screen with just one click. When making layouts, the need for selection often arises, and sometimes the easiest way to do this is by capturing it from the screen (the eyedropper tool). There are a great many programs for these purposes, but a browser plugin looks like a more attractive solution.

    Once installed, you will find a rainbow icon in the top right area of ​​the window. By left-clicking on it, you can get the color code for any part of the screen by simply moving the mouse over it and left-clicking on the shade of interest. Its code will be copied to the clipboard, which is very convenient.

    The arrow located to the right of the icon will allow you to view all previously captured colors using this add-on, as well as open the palette and see the main color scheme website opened in the browser.

  4. Flagfox - in address bar shows a flag for the country where the server of the site opened in Firefox is located (read about that). By left-clicking on the flag, you can find out the exact location of the server, and by right-clicking, you can see a context menu with many options, including.

Themes and wallpapers for Mozilla

Let's start with Wallpaper for Mazila. In fact, wallpapers are a simplified version of full-fledged themes (when installing them, only background fill color or image of the toolbar) and in order to understand how well this or that wallpaper suits your browser, you just need to move your mouse to the sketch you like, and you will see how this disgrace will look on your pet:

If you are satisfied with the preliminary testing of the wallpaper, then to install it you need to click on the version of the simplified theme you like and in the window that opens click on the “Add to Firefox” button:

Now regarding themes for Mazila Firefox. They differ from wallpapers in that they have more weight and change not only the appearance of the toolbar, but also the design of the browser control buttons, and also make changes to a number of other little things. You won’t be able to try out full-fledged themes without installation, so go directly to downloading it and click on the “Add to Firefox” button.

Wait until the theme is fully loaded (sometimes they are quite heavy), confirm your desire to see this masterpiece in Mozilla, after which a prompt to restart the browser will appear in the top area. Do this and see what changes you've made. new topic(crawl through all the nooks and crannies).

If the downloaded and installed theme does not delight you, then no one is stopping you from continuing your search and trying on. However, there are situations when you need to return to an earlier established theme, but you don’t even remember what it was called. In this case, you will need to go to the following path “Add-ons” - “Appearance” tab:

Your current theme will appear first (its name is written brightly) and the “Delete” button will be placed next to it. You can use it, but if you still need this theme, you can simply click on the “Enable” button next to any of the ones you previously installed in Mozilla Firefox. The default theme is called Default and, unlike others, it will not be possible to delete it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Mozilla Firefox - download, install and configure the most extensible of browsers called Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is a popular Internet browser that provides convenient surfing. But it contains only basic tools for browsing the Internet. The functionality can be expanded by installing add-ons that allow you to customize the browser based on your needs, independently creating a set of modules necessary for operation.

The capabilities that add-ons offer are incredibly diverse: they allow you to completely change the appearance of Firefox, simplify or speed up working with the browser, and even teach it to translate pages, use an FTP client directly from Firefox, and much more. Some of the most useful additions will be discussed below.

How to install add-ons?

All add-ons for with their brief description are presented on the official website of the browser. The installation procedure is as quick and simple as possible: just follow the link of the selected add-on. Next, the system will ask for permission to install, and if it is approved, the process will start. You can work with the new add-on after activation; to do this, you should restart the browser.

The list of installed add-ons is located in the “Tools” menu, or in the appearing panels and menus (this depends on the add-on) you can find a collection of them. The Mozilla add-on is managed through the “Add-on Manager”, the path to which is in the “Tools” > “Add-ons” menu. From here you can install recommended programs.

Adguard Adblocker

Many users dream of being without advertising. Now it has become a reality. Adguard is an add-on for Firefox that allows you to disable advertising on any web pages. It will not miss even the most competently programmed advertisements, which cannot be detected by other blockers.

Adguard has advantages over the well-known Adblock Plus. It provides wide functionality, while guaranteeing reliable protection of the browser and computer from dangerous files and other threats. The extension does not require many resources to operate and prevents fraudsters from obtaining users’ personal data.


You can also increase security by disabling scripts after installing the NoScript add-on in the Mozilla browser. It allows you to block the execution of suspicious JavaScript, Flash and other plug-ins. In addition, some trusted sites can be whitelisted. These restrictions will not apply to them. The user will be notified about the number of prohibited codes found on the sites.

Secure Login

You've probably encountered a situation more than once when you couldn't remember the password to one of your accounts. Now users register on dozens of resources, and it becomes a problem to remember passwords for each, because setting the same one is not very safe. What to do? Add-ons for Firefox will help with this. Saving passwords will make your life easier with the Secure Login extension. Just click one button on the toolbar, and the add-on will automatically fill in the registration data for any site.


With this add-on, Mozilla will give you the opportunity to view the code of pages, as well as make your own adjustments. You will also be able to find out additional information about any Internet page. To do this, just click on the icon in the browser taskbar.

Update Scanner

If you frequently go to the same sites and monitor for updates, make this process easier with the Mozilla Update Scanner add-on. The plugin will automatically monitor all updates on the pages selected by the user. Alerts about them will appear in a pop-up window in the lower right corner. Wherein new information is colored yellow, so you can immediately see what updates have appeared on the site.

Google favicon

Most sites have their own for the site. This is also displayed in bookmarks: there is a corresponding icon near the site title. This is convenient and allows you to quickly navigate the huge list when searching for the site you need. But there are times when icons do not want to be updated. will come to the rescue Google add-on favicon for Mozilla. It restores all bookmark icons.


With its help, you can save all elements of web markup for later viewing offline. In addition, the add-on offers an extensive saved pages management panel. This allows you to quickly find necessary information among the large number of web pages saved while surfing.

Google Translator

The plugin will be useful for those users who often visit web pages on foreign language. With this Mozilla add-on, you can easily translate a single part of a page or its entirety. For ease of translation, hotkeys are configured.

Awesome Screenshot


This extension will provide the ability to automate some actions in the browser using macros. If you have no idea, then this add-on will be absolutely useless for you. And those users who know how and what to use them for, and can even create macros themselves, will appreciate the limitless possibilities of this add-on, which will make it easier to perform routine operations in the browser.


Interested to know how much time you spend on a particular site every day? Then the RescueTime plugin will probably be useful for you, which will display statistics of visits to all sites, as well as the time spent on each of them.


Using this Mozilla Firefox add-ons Internet surfing will speed up. You'll be able to visit your favorite sites faster and more easily perform routine tasks such as copying and pasting information from Internet pages, as well as make adjustments to them.

Cooliris Previews

When a page loads, it does not always contain the information we are looking for. The Cooliris Previews add-on offers to open the page in preview surfing. It appears in a temporary additional window and takes much less time to load. Thus, we can determine in advance whether the page we have selected contains the necessary information or not.


Sometimes it happens that you don’t have enough time to read an interesting article. In this case, you can postpone this activity using the Save-to-read plugin. This is convenient, because now you don’t need to keep many tabs open or clean disposable bookmarks.


The plugin changes the IP to a foreign one. Now it won’t be a problem to visit sites where you have been banned by IP. In addition, this extension makes it possible to access resources that are prohibited in your country or city. By using a proxy server, it is possible to bypass these restrictions. Moreover, the pages load quite quickly in this case.

Download Statusbar

With its help, download information will be displayed in a separate status line, which will allow you to monitor the download process. Also, downloaded files can be automatically scanned by an antivirus (but this should be specified separately in the settings). The plugin partially allows you to resume downloading files: you can manually pause and then resume downloading from where you stopped.

Flash Video Downloader

The add-on is intended for downloading videos from various resources. The advantage is that you don’t need to configure anything, because the plugin already contains the necessary settings for downloading from the 200 most popular services.

Video Downloader

The extension allows you not only to download videos, but also to view them. The plugin includes a convenient video player. The extension supports downloading from almost all sites. Downloader

With this Mozilla add-on, you can download videos, music and pictures from the social network in a few clicks. The plugin displays the correct names, indicates the size and bitrate of files.


We've looked at some of the most interesting Mozilla add-ons that may be useful to the average user. Today, several thousand plugins are available on the official Firefox website, which make it possible to significantly expand the functionality and completely customize the browser to suit your needs. Each user will have their own set of useful plugins, depending on their preferences and type of activity.

Developer. Having visited this page, you can, of course, pay attention to the section “ the most popular add-ons for Mozilla, but we dare to warn you - firstly, the description of all add-ons is in English (so the information may not be entirely clear), and secondly, not everything that is popular is really needed. So, let's get to the point.

1.Speed ​​Dial

Speed ​​Dial will greatly simplify working with the browser at the start. This component will be immediately recognized by those who cheated on Opera with the “Fire Fox”. The main task of Speed ​​Dial is to remember sites specified by the user and display them as thumbnails on the start page - the so-called “tabs” quick access" Thus, you can open your most favorite and visited sites at any time with just one click. You can configure these tabs using the Speed ​​Dial button, which will appear on the toolbar at the top of the window. A new site can be added using the command: “Install in Speed ​​Dial”.

2. Adblock Plus

The purpose of the add-on is to block annoying advertising in the form of pop-up windows like “You are the 999th visitor, click and get a prize” and messages like “Violetta wants to add you as a friend.” All these “appendix nuisances” on websites using Java and Flash technologies can be easily recognized and limited by Adblock Plus. Thanks to simple operation and super-efficiency, this plugin has become one of the most popular plugins and is included in the list of “Best add-ons for Mozilla Firefox”.


ProxMate - very useful extension for Firefox users who are interested in foreign TV series, music videos, TV shows, and sports broadcasts. Despite the fact that the Internet without borders has been promoted recently, you could often observe a situation where, for example, a video on YouTube “Not available in your region.” To avoid such unpleasant situations, we recommend downloading and installing this add-on. It works like a proxy server and can replace your IP address and hide your true location. At the same time, the work of the plugin will not affect the speed of the Internet connection.


Without this add-on, active Internet surfers will have a hard time. If you don’t want to constantly feel like bait for distributors of advertising, malware and broken links, be sure to install Interсlue. The development will inform you about unreliable sites even before you visit them. When you hover over a link, you will see an information box with information about potential phishing, spyware, erroneous links, etc.

5. Update Scanner

If you constantly visit the same web resources and follow all the updates, be sure to get such a thing as Update Scanner. This plugin will monitor any changes occurring on user-specified pages completely free of charge. The information will be displayed in a pop-up window in the lower right corner. In this case, the changes will be highlighted in yellow, so you don’t have to look for what’s new on the site.

6. URL Fixer plus RU and UA

There is no point in talking too much about this plugin. All it does is correct common typing errors in the address bar. But this is quite enough to download it. After all, it often happens that you press the next key or type in the wrong language. URL Fixer not only corrects the address in which you missed the next letter, but also translates URLs that were accidentally typed in the Russian or Ukrainian layout. For example, typing in the line: “пшшпдуусьгф”, you will get what you really wanted:

7. LastPass Password Manager

Are you afraid of forgetting your email or social network password? With addition LastPass Password Manager, you will instantly get rid of this phobia! The plugin remembers all authorization codes and will help you manage all the passwords you use while surfing the Internet. LastPass Password Manager will automatically fill out all forms, and it also supports importing saved data from other password managers such as PasswordSafe, Roboform, Keepass.

8.Video DownloadHelper

This extension will not only simplify the process of downloading files, but will also be able to “rip out” videos from popular hosting sites Youtube and Rutube. Yes, yes, you can save clips and films from YouTube with just a couple of clicks. Another hidden feature of Video DownloadHelper is video conversion. But to activate it, the developers offer to fork out a little.

9.IE Tab

Despite the rapid development of web technologies and the adaptation of Internet resources to the maximum number of users, there are still sites or their individual components that can only be displayed by a browser Internet Explorer. So, in order not to launch two web browsers at the same time, you can solve the problem by installing the IE Tab plugin. After this, there will be no difficulties opening pages designed for Internet Explorer.