The best forums with payment for messages. Forums with payment for messages Messages about making money on the Internet

In some orders the price is not fixed; it depends on how well the artist’s account is promoted. Active forum members earn more. The most interesting thing is that they may be asked to talk about some medical product or post a review about a bicycle, and such topics are created on forums that are not related to making money at all. I have withdrawn money from this site several times:

Payments from 200 rubles (equivalent amount in another currency) are made to Webmoney wallets (WMU, WMR or WMZ).

Earning money on forums as a freelancer

Freelance exchanges are constantly looking for performers for a wide variety of work. Forums, after promotion, are filled passively. But until people start actively creating topics and communicating, we have to wait a long time and develop the project. Freelancers help solve this problem; right now on Weblancer there is this offer:

To create the appearance of a lively and interesting forum, they are looking for people who are ready to contribute to the content. As you can see, almost $2,000 has already been paid to freelancers for their work, and there are even reviews of the order. Similar requests appear frequently; you can find forums on a specific topic:

Also, many have already been paid for the work done, and it is not difficult to complete it. Look for similar offers on Work-Zilla or post your services for filling forums for money through Kwork. It is quite possible that you will find permanent employers and professionally engage in the promotion of such sites.

Earn money online on forums through mailers

This method of using forums to make money is not the most profitable, but it is quite popular. On click sponsors, various small orders are added such as registering, posting a review, adding a comment. So here are some of them related to forums:

This list of instructions is taken from Wmmail, the best mailer on the Runet. To accomplish this, promoted accounts will again be useful in order to publish posts from them. Exactly the same orders are available on another axlebox - Seosprint. After going to the section with tasks, select the category “Posting to forums/blogs” and you will see suitable tasks:

This kind of click-sponsored work pays well, although other offers are worth considering. Specifically, on the forums on these two sites there are about 150 tasks, and if you count in general, then this is almost 20,000 tasks. All of them are suitable for beginners and do not require professional skills (or investment).

How to make money on your forum?

Do you want to earn big money? Then it’s better to think about starting your own project. This is the best option for making money on forums, and if it is well promoted, the site will be filled with people and develop, without your participation.
Starting a forum is now as easy as starting a blog. There are different engines available for this. There are paid and free options; they differ in functionality, appearance and many other aspects.

If you like the idea, use one of the best platforms:

  1. phpBB is a completely free and popular engine for which many different mods have been created. The developers continue to improve this project.
  2. Invision Power Board is a world-famous paid engine with extensive capabilities. Many applications have been created for it.
  3. vBulletin is another leader among paid engines; it has everything you need to fill, moderate and develop a forum.
  4. punBB is the simplest engine among its analogues. You definitely won’t get confused in the interface; it’s ideal for small forums with a narrow topic.
  5. YaBB – you won’t have to pay for this engine, but it has everything necessary functions. It is worth highlighting the extensive settings appearance site.
  6. SMF – choose this engine if you want to achieve the maximum fast loading and you don’t plan to attract millions of visitors per day.
  7. Intellect Board - development begins with the forum, but in the future you can move to a full-fledged website with this engine. There are all the tools for this here.
  8. ExBB is a simple, fast engine that does not consume a lot of server resources. At the same time, it is difficult to hack and pages are generated very quickly.

It doesn’t matter which engine you like best, the main thing is to make a high-quality, useful resource that will attract attention target audience. Forums are monetized in the same way as regular websites, mainly through advertising.

Having your own website means complete freedom of action and unlimited income. If your forum becomes TOP and begins to attract thousands of visitors per day, much more money will come from it than if you wrote messages or used any other methods.

How to earn from 30,000 rubles per month on forums?

For example, find any women's forum and select trending products from Aliexpress. Describe how good they are, how much you liked everything, and put a link to the product through the EPN affiliate program. If the clients you attract order something, you will receive 8.5% of the order amount.

This is one of many examples, and if you work hard and add a lot of topics on different forums, there will be stable transitions and constant enrollments. For this you will need different affiliate programs:

Earning money on forums reviews

People make money on forums different ways, But negative reviews we couldn't find it. Of course, there are dissatisfied users complaining about low income, but usually this is their personal problem. They want to do simple work and get big money for it, but that doesn’t happen.

Good day. In today's article we will discuss making money from SMS newsletters. This is a very interesting and promising option for making money on the Internet, which can bring very good income.

Despite the fact that messages in instant messengers are replacing traditional SMS messages, the latter remain relevant and as long as this functionality works on phones, you can make money with it.

It is most effective to use SMS to promote your product. Having a database of numbers and using for mass mailing special services you can notify your audience about the appearance of new products in your online store, discounts, promotional offers, etc.

Earning money by sending SMS messages

If you have received discount cards in supermarkets at least once in your life, then you have encountered SMS messaging. These are small text messages advertising, designed to attract the buyer to visit the store again and make purchases.

Your personal mobile number you informed the supermarket marketers when you filled out a special questionnaire. This method of collecting phone numbers can also be applied via the Internet.

This is done very simply. Let's assume you have an online store. Buyers have the opportunity to purchase goods from you through a shopping cart, rather than by checking out. phone call or chat.

In one of the items in the “Basket” you indicate that the buyer must enter his phone number in a specially designated column, saying that this is necessary to contact the user if suddenly “ emergencies" Here you must also indicate a link to your “Privacy Policy”, in which you inform that the entered number will not be transferred to anyone (third party, third party), but will only be used for two-way communication purposes.

A similar operation can also be done with sites where nothing is sold, but there is an opportunity for users to register their account. For example, the phone number will be used to confirm registration.

In fact, there are a lot of options for getting phone numbers of the “target audience”. The main thing is to manage them wisely.

I do not recommend that you purchase ready-made databases telephone numbers, because all of them will not bring you any benefit. Most often, they consist of trivially generated sets of numbers, and such subscribers are clearly not suitable for solving marketing problems.

How to send messages and make money from it?

Numbers you have in your database mobile phones you must put it together and upload it to Excel file. Next, you can use any service to send bulk SMS messages. For example, this could be a project such as SMS-SERVISES, where you can purchase “SMS packages” for a small amount of money.

The screenshot above shows the prices for legal entities, that is, for entrepreneurs. If you individual, then the prices for “SMS packages” for you look like this:

Next, we come up with the content of the message itself and, if necessary, accompany it with links. All SMS will be sent to your subscribers within 24 hours.

Earning money from affiliate programs through SMS newsletters

If you do not have your own website, service or online store, then make money through SMS messages you can use affiliate links to various projects. To implement this method of earning money, you don’t even have to collect a database of phone numbers, because they can be provided by services for sending messages, such as SMS-SERVISES.

In one of the last articles I told you about affiliate program Aliexpress trading platform - ePN service. So, links generated through this project can also be used in your SMS mailings. This is very convenient, because many people trust the Aliexpress website, which increases the chance of receiving affiliate royalties.

If you want to promote links from other projects, then I recommend you E-pay service. Here you will find the “Site Catalog” section, where in just a few clicks you can get an abbreviated affiliate link for projects of various thematic areas.

After you have received the affiliate link, you return to the SMS-SERVISES service. Again, buy a package according to your budget. I usually buy packages worth 3 thousand or 5 thousand rubles.

As you can see in the screenshot above, a package for 3 thousand rubles allows you to send just over 10 thousand SMS messages.
In the “Send SMS” section you need to fill in the “Message text” field. This is done in no particular order, since the content of your SMS must match the theme of the affiliate link.

Next, scrolling down the page, you will see the names of the topics that users are interested in from the database of phone numbers available to the SMS-SERVISES service. This is the Internet, food, news, forex or “other”. We choose, like the text of the message, purely individually.

In practice, out of 10 thousand messages, 10% will not be sent. Either these SMS are automatically marked as spam by subscribers, or the service has outdated data regarding mobile phone numbers. This is quite normal, a “ten percent failure” is just a small error that is always present.

How much can you earn from SMS newsletters?

The amount you earn will depend on three main factors:

  1. The quality of the telephone number database - the more interested subscribers there are in it, the greater the profit you will get;
  2. The quality of the message you compose - although SMS consists of no more than one sentence, nevertheless, creativity must be present in your words;
  3. The quality of the affiliate link is very important that you do not advertise roulettes, slot machines, investment projects and other nonsense, to which with a 99.9% probability users will not react.

Personally, spending 3 thousand rubles, I get a profit of around 2-3 thousand rubles. And this despite the fact that I only advertise products from the most popular online stores, and they, as you know, offer the worst percentage of affiliate royalties.

Hello, dear visitors of my Internet resource! Surely you know that The World Wide Web is great for many users today. Moreover, work often does not require special education, skills or knowledge in a certain field. To earn income online, all you need is a computer or laptop and some free time. In this article I will tell you about one of the ways to earn extra money online. So, you will learn about making money on forums, get acquainted with the features of such activities, and its basic rules. You will also find here a list of projects that provide the opportunity to communicate on forums and receive compensation for this. You will receive valuable recommendations and will be able to organize your work more correctly.

Features of making money on forums

First of all, it’s worth understanding the terminology. Thus, a forum is a specialized Internet platform on which many users are registered. Such a platform is designed so that people can get answers to their questions, share experiences, or simply communicate with other network users.

Often, such sites have special thematic topics in which various issues are discussed. It is worth understanding that forums can be both general (where you can discuss a variety of topics) and narrowly focused (for example, for young mothers, for builders, etc.).

The more topics and messages there are on a particular resource, the more popular it is. This means that such sites are more trusted, they are visited more often, etc.

Today you have an excellent opportunity to communicate on such resources and receive rewards for it. I present to your attention Some of the most common ways to earn money:

  1. Writing messages. This is the most suitable option for everyone who likes to communicate on the Internet and wants to receive a small payment for it. The essence of the activity is that you find a forum that offers payment for activity, register on it, carefully study all the conditions and start working. You will be able to write comments on any interesting topic, observing all the conditions (for example, the number of characters, uniqueness of comments, etc.).

You will be paid by the site owner, who is interested in increasing traffic, activity and attracting new members. For each message left on the forum you will earn about 0.01-0.05 dollars. Therefore, you should not count on a good income here, but it is quite possible to get a small additional profit.

  1. Writing and posting advertising messages. This is a good part-time job option for anyone who already has some experience in this field. Here your task will be to write regular messages that carefully and naturally offer a particular product. So, you can:
  • It’s natural to place an advertising link in the message itself or in the signature to it (the advertiser will provide you with this link; it often leads to a website or online store);
  • promote some affiliate programs (this means that you independently connect to the affiliate program of a particular project and place your unique link or promotional code to attract users and receive a certain income);
  • advertise your services or products own production, attract customers in this way and make money from it.

The most popular option is the first option, when you collaborate with an advertiser, receive a link from them and organically insert it into your message. At the same time, if you really count on good additional income, it is important to follow all the rules of the forum and comply with the customer’s requirements. For example, your message should answer the question of the topic creator. That is, if a topic asks for advice on choosing a construction company, you can only advertise a link to such a company in your comment. Otherwise, moderators may consider your comment spam, not publish it, and block your account.

The second option for placing advertising messages is suitable for those who cooperate with some online stores and other resources. By placing an affiliate link in suitable topics, you can attract users to this project or to the store’s website and receive a percentage of the amount they spend or earn.

And, accordingly, if you yourself sell a product or provide services, you can advertise yourself directly. But in any case, it is important to leave comments only in appropriate topics so that your answer is truly useful to users.

  1. Administration and moderation of forums. Surely, you know that on each such resource there are administrators and moderators who ensure that the site functions normally, users do not violate the rules, etc. Your responsibilities here will include viewing all messages left by users, blocking those who send spam , sending system notifications and much more.

You can find such vacancies on. Payment for such activities is usually negotiable. On average, moderators and forum administrators earn from 2 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the requirements. Employers will also often set a schedule for moderators where you will have either day or night shifts. This is especially true for extremely popular forums where there is constant activity.

  1. Creating your own forum. If you have enough funds to create, promote and develop your resource, this option is perfect for you. At the same time, you can earn money on various types advertising (banner and contextual advertising, cooperation with advertisers, etc.).

It will be more profitable to create a general forum, since this way you can cover a wider range of topics. However, you will need to invest in creating such a service, attracting users to it, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that now there are a lot of forums on the Internet, and you may simply not be able to overcome the competition. However, the level of possible profit here is much higher than in previous methods. Therefore, you need to carefully consider your action plan and select the most effective methods promotion.

As you can see, there are many ways to make a profit. For beginners, it is advisable to start with the simplest options, such as writing messages. As you gain experience, you can move on to more complex types work, and eventually create your own forum.

List of reliable resources for making a profit

To make money on forums, you need to find suitable projects that pay for writing messages. Today there are various freelance exchanges and where you can find various tasks with good pay, in particular writing messages on forums.

However, it is more advisable to turn to specialized services that offer cooperation only with forums. The most common services

Here is my small collection of pay-per-post forums. It is constantly updated, and information about the forums is corrected. But since it’s understandably impossible to keep track of all the forums, if anyone notices outdated information or inconsistencies, please write.
The forums are ordered from top to bottom, by profitability; at the top are the most profitable ones, at the bottom are those where you can earn only small change. If what was offered was not enough for you, there are others on the blog

linkum- in no way is a forum with payment, but at the same time, this service allows you to make money on the forum by selling your signature (if this, of course, does not contradict the forum rules). The more posts you have on the forum, the more expensive you can sell your signature. The minimum wage is 100 rubles, withdrawal is promised within a week, although recently withdrawals have been much faster.
You can also complete tasks here by posting on forums advertising posts. And post links to question and answer services, including
More services where you can sell your signature. At least on slightly different principles than on Linkum.
Binaryclub- binary options forum with payment. Payment for a post depends on the number of characters, and can reach thirty cents. The highest payment is in thematic sections, in offtopic areas it’s a penny. And one more thing, payment here is not included all the time. Sponsors send money from time to time, and the payment is turned on, but the money runs out, the payment is turned off. You need to check every day whether there is payment or not. You cannot sell your signature, or simply place advertising in it.

Forum-profit- Warning! Lately there have been problems with payments from the forum. They take an extremely long time; the problems have been present for two years now. But at the same time, the forum pays regularly, but not right away.
Payment varies depending on the rate and forum sections. A person who writes 15 trial posts receives on average 3 rubles per post. Write a thousand posts, 4 rubles per post. People who are especially useful for forums receive 5 rubles per post. Every 250 characters, the payment for the post doubles, that is, 3-6-9, 4-8-12, 5-10 -15, rubles, depending on the rate. You can place advertisements on your profile. The minimum wage is 500 rubles, payments from the forum take a very long time - 45 days for a regular application, and 10 for an urgent one.

Moneymaker- payment here is up to 10 cents for a new topic, per post depends on the number of characters, but it’s difficult to get more than a cent and a penny.

MMGP- the payment is quite strange, or rather not familiar to us. It goes not only for posts, where the payment is 5 cents, but also for advertising in your signature, of course, the more posts you have, the more you will receive. True, it is very difficult to predict how much; when I actively wrote, I received from 2 to 37 dollars, and my activity did not change much.
Payment begins to accrue after 50 posts. There are also a lot of money competitions on the forum. The minimum is $50, to a payment system wallet (the choice is quite large, but you can withdraw $50 only once a month), or $10 to your mobile phone account.

Web farmer- farming forum with payment, payment for a post depends on your rating and can reach up to 2.5 rubles. 5 rubles are given for registration, 2 for adding an avatar, 20 for a thousand views of your topic on the forum/blog. +2 rubles are given for the best answer in a topic.

Lynix- payment for a post depends on your rating and can reach up to 2.5 rubles. They give 40 rubles per thousand views of your topic on the forum/ and 70 on the blog.

Finforum- I need to warn you right away that their payments are constantly decreasing, and the information I provided may no longer be relevant. Registration costs 25 cents. To start earning money you need to write 20 - 25 test messages, it all depends on the length of your post. Payment here is up to 9 cents per message, and up to 30 per created topic, approximately 0.002 cents per letter. Although there are sections with a stable payment of 3 cents, in addition, money competitions are regularly held on the forum. But at the same time, the administration here is simply incredibly strict, the kind of strict administration you will not see anywhere else. Which slightly neutralizes the advantages of the forum. You can place advertisements in the signature.

Earnforum- money is paid only to the Nixmoney payment system. Payment here is from 2 to 4 cents per post. But to receive 4 cents per post, there must be more than 1000 messages on the forum. For a message with 200 characters, they will give 2, 3 or 4 cents. For 400 characters, 4, 6 or 8 cents. And so on increasingly.

Social-pear- payment for posts here is floating and chaotic, it can be from 0 to 10 rubles, only the administration knows how the money is calculated. There is also its own copywriting exchange, and competitions are regularly held.

E-Invest- payment here is 3 cents, paid posts are only 20 per day. But to start receiving payment, you need to order a refback from them. The resource is dedicated to investments. Ex-hort-o fee 15 rubles for a new topic, and 3 ruble I for the post. The post must have 100 characters. Despite the seemingly generous payment, activity And not visible .

Money-forum- old forum. Previously, there was a penny payment here, but they recently relaunched it, now they give 10 dollars for 300 messages. That is, it comes out to approximately 3.33... cents per message. There is no limit on the number of characters.

Investoday- payment up to two cents, the forum is mainly dedicated to making money, but there are many other topics that, unlike thematic ones, are paid quite modestly, up to 0.005 cents. Advertising on the profile is allowed, but Linkum does not see the signature.

Wmforum- back in 2012, I received one of my first payments on the Internet from this forum. Then the forum withered away and did not work for a long time. But recently it was reborn again.
Now they pay here up to 10 rubles per post, but don’t rush to rejoice. To get them you need to write a high-quality post of 1000 characters. And for a regular post, you will receive 20 kopecks. Well, in addition, competitions regularly take place on the forum, which are quite profitable by the way.

Zatok- Now there is a 50-100-500 promotion. For the first 50 messages you receive 50 rubles. 100 messages - 100 rubles. etc. Advertising in the signature is allowed. Zforum- payment up to 1.1 cents, the forum is generally thematic, there are many different topics where you can chat, the administration is quite gentle. There is no limit on the number of characters in a post. Advertising on the profile is allowed, but Linkum does not see the signature.

Sense-life- used to be an excellent business forum with a payment of 5 cents, but unfortunately now the forum has sank greatly, the payment has been preserved only in two sections, and then no more than one ruble. But this forum sells signatures very well.

Ruseo- payment of 60 kopecks per post, rather mild moderation, and besides, signatures are sold well on this forum. In addition, you can receive additional monetary rewards for your activity.

Dopobet- for registration here, and for a completely completed profile, they give 5 rubles. On your birthday, 5 more will be given out automatically. For a new topic, they give 2 rubles, for a post 20 kopecks, plus 2 kopecks for each word.

Groupmoney- payment here is in points, one point is awarded for a message, for creating a topic 3, for a topic with at least 1000 characters, you can get 25 points. Points can be spent on advertising on the forum, with 1 point = 1 ruble. Or withdraw it to WebMoney, then the point will be approximately equal to 50 kopecks.

MoneyTalksUa- on average, payment here is from 0.2 to 0.5 cents per post. You can only make 5 paid messages per day. Minimum 1 dollar.

Veshok- payment of 10 kopecks for a post and 3 kopecks for a message in a chat, in addition, sometimes you get a bonus of up to a ruble for entering. Payments from the forum take a long time, longer than a month.

Riaf- small business forum with payment, payment up to 30 kopecks. Advertising on your profile is allowed.

CashPost- payment is available only on part of the forum in the CashPost project. The payment is equal to the number of your points, that is, if you have 10 points, you pay 10 kopecks for the post and incrementally.

Сlick-wm- good mood forum, payment up to 30 kopecks per post. It will be even difficult to add anything else.

Making money on forums means receiving payment for each of your messages, creating new topic or writing a comment.

It is one of the lowest profitable ways to make money online, since the payment is quite modest. Therefore, it is used mostly by schoolchildren who like to earn money during the summer holidays. How much do forums pay? Payment on average is from $0.35 per 1000 characters. In rare cases, when the forum creator has serious intentions, the payment may be $0.5.

Why even pay users to post and create topics?

It's all very banal. Forums with payment are, as a rule, new, recently launched sites. In order to promote and attract new users, they pay those who support their development. This greatly speeds up the promotion process. This method of earning money is completely uninteresting to me due to its low profitability, but it still needs to be voiced. There are better ways to earn money. Perhaps this information will be interesting to someone. This will be especially interesting for those who like to visit forums and those who take an active part in their lives. If you belong to this type of Internet user, you can easily earn money, for example, to pay cellular communications

. Even if it’s a small thing, you will get this money for doing what you love.

I will not post links to paid forums here, although I know several of them. Payment to users for new messages - a certain period of time, the period of formation of the site, its promotion. Therefore, having posted a link to this or that forum here, I cannot guarantee that it is still paid. For those interested in this way of making money on the Internet, like making money on forums, I advise you to enter the relevant queries into search engines. To make the information more recent and reliable.

2. Follow the rules regarding the volume of text messages and their quantity. Each resource has its own rules about the permissible number of messages. On some forum you can write, for example, a hundred messages a day, but on another only no more than ten.

3. A very important aspect - it is necessary to write only constructive messages that are precisely related to the topic in which they are left. Unrelated messages that do not make any sense are not only not paid for, but also threaten with a ban on the forum.

4. All your messages should not only have a certain meaning, but grammatical errors also play a significant role. It is necessary to write messages without spelling and grammatical errors.

Messages with many errors will not be paid. If you are interested this method