World of Tanks is being thrown out of the game. Kicks you out of the World of Tanks game. Tanks won't start

The situation when your favorite game crashes upon launch can infuriate even the calmest players. And if this is repeated systematically, time after time, then the situation is much worse. But let’s not torment ourselves, but let’s try to help your grief a little and finally solve the problem.

World of Tanks has many millions of followers, and therefore analysis of the causes of failures in it is very relevant. In addition to crashes at launch, players can get into trouble when the program crashes when logging into their account, or during the process of loading a battle/entering the hangar. Just as you get ready and ready to go into battle, the computer shows you the “Indian folk national hut”!

Let’s say you clicked on the game launcher. After that - nothing... Either nothing is done at all, or just a flat white field. According to the designers, this is how the client is being launched. You just wait for him, you wait. But he still doesn’t make himself known.

Or you entered your login and password into the window. We press login and... what is this nonsense - again we see the desktop. Of course, you can seethe with anger and slam your fist on the table; or give up everything and do something else. But it’s much easier to stabilize the launch of the game by simply clearing its cache.

Let's assume, however, that the cache has nothing to do with it. You just cleaned it, just a few minutes ago. Or the game was installed quite recently, and nothing could have accumulated in it. Well, where could the bug be hidden here?

Destroy all mods! If, after their merciless removal, the game still does not want to appear to you as it should, then you need to look for problems in the drivers or hardware.

Try reinstalling the client from scratch (only strictly from the official website) and without any mods or other add-ons. Immediately download a good antivirus with a fresh database and scan the entire machine with it. Remember, even a lost day is not worth the risk you are now taking. We recommend using the Doctor Web Curate service - this is the safest and fastest way to check your computer for free.

Let's say you still don't dare give up mods. Then you should check them all for viruses. Then, disable all those that the antivirus approves (“condemned” ones, delete them without hesitation... and from now on, check all new ones before launching them). Now, when connecting mods one at a time, immediately check which of them will cause crashes. It may take a lot of time, but it's worth it - you want to play comfortably.

If all else fails, check whether the requirements of the World of Tanks client (in the latest version) exactly match your hardware, and whether the drivers are updated.

The first difficulties may begin at the stage of the game launcher. If the launcher crashes after launching, you will need to configure it correctly.

  1. Remove the Updates and folders from the Windows system folders: XP C:\Documents and Settings\UseName\Local Settings\temp, Vista and Win 7 C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp
  2. Launch the launcher again, specifying port 6881 and using a torrent connection.
  3. We add the game to the firewall and antivirus exceptions (if you are using a standard firewall, this is done directly in the launcher settings).

Launcher freezes, gear spins

If you see a picture like this, try the following:

The game crashes after clicking "Play"

Launcher launched normally, but when you press the “Play” button it doesn’t start or the game client itself crashes? The following options are possible.

System requirements do not meet

Although WoT performs well on older PCs, there are minimum requirements without which the game will not run. Only upgrading your computer will help.

Wrong graphics settings

Crashes are possible if you used graphics settings higher than the computer can handle. Difficulties can begin both during the battle and when the game itself starts.
To resolve this, select more modest graphics settings, starting with the recommended settings.

Rights and Compatibility Issues

Security systems in new operating systems (from Vista and newer) do not always provide games with comfortable conditions for launching. Try running Tanki with administrator rights and in compatibility mode.

  1. Right-click on the WoT shortcut and select “Properties”.
  2. Go to the “Compatibility” tab.
  3. We set the level of rights and check various compatibility modes.

Drivers for video card are not suitable

To run the game correctly and ensure good performance, be sure to install drivers on your video card.

  1. Visit the NVIDIA or AMD/ATI website to find a driver for your device.
  2. Select your video card model from the list on the website.
  3. Download the full installer (we do not recommend using the update).
  4. Install the drivers.

Windows system components are missing

For correct operation of Tanks, quite a lot of auxiliary programs are required. If they are not on your computer, you will not be able to launch World of Tanks. Let's briefly go through the components necessary for launch. link).

Individual case

If all the above recommendations do not help, you should contact the support forum to resolve the issue. To get an accurate decision, be as informative as possible when preparing your application.

  • PC configuration;
  • under what circumstances does the game crash?
  • what have you already tried to solve;

We hope that these methods will allow you to resolve the issue of client crashes and help you enjoy playing Tanks to the fullest. If none of this helps, try deleting it and again, or write in the comments, we will try to help you.

Every player has experienced World of Tanks crashing during battle. This is one of those situations that you wouldn’t wish on even your opponent. There may be just a few reasons, or there may be a whole set of reasons.

In any case, it is worth taking active measures as soon as possible to troubleshoot and fix problems that cause the game to crash

Systematic ignoring of these factors can serve as a wake-up call and mean that the computer will stop working and will no longer be destined to win.

All reasons can be divided into just a few categories:

Problems that can be resolved by the player himself.
problems caused by factors beyond the player's control.

The most important among the first is the factor of unstable Internet connection. Possible “symptoms” - the game starts, continues until a certain point, then the picture suddenly stops or goes into a loop.

And therefore the fastest methods for checking:
1) Disable any antivirus programs. Or switching them to game mode very often helps solve the problem.
2) Opened the launcher with the game World of Tanks. Go to settings and select - support - check and restore the integrity of the game . The integrity check and game update and reinstallation will begin. Problem solved.
3) Update all drivers (primarily for the video card) Wargaming also always recommends disabling the mandatory NVIDIA PhysX (installed by default) for NVIDIA video cards.

There is no need to panic, it is better to immediately begin to solve this problem

Make sure that your personal account in the provider’s personal account has sufficient funds to pay for the period of Internet use. If at the moment you don’t have the required amount, but you need to finish the match, you can use a temporary trust top-up; many providers now provide this service. If you can’t even log into your personal account, then it’s obvious that the problem is in the cable.

The above methods should help solve the problem, it definitely helped us, if you find out any other method, write in the comments.

The second group of factors should include situations where all equipment is working properly, but World of Tanks still crashes during the battle. The reason may be maintenance work on the server. As a rule, the administration notifies each player and, as an apology, gives small compensatory gifts. All that remains is to wait until the server starts working again.

Today we will look at the main bugs of perhaps the most popular tank simulator. Yes, yes, we will talk about the multiplayer online game World of Tanks. The brainchild of the Wargaming studio was announced in early 2009 and thousands of players waited for the release for more than a year. Although the game received the highest ratings from gamers, many still complain about problems with the stability of the client during the gameplay.

Minimum computer parameters for stable gaming:

  • Processor 2.2 GHz
  • 1.5 GB RAM
  • Graphics card with 256 MB
  • 7 GB of free space on HDD
  • Internet connection with 128 kbit/s channel

As you can see, the minimum requirements look very good. Somehow you can play even on old computers. But of course, to play for fun, at optimal graphics settings this will not be enough.

World of Tanks lags during gameplay

If your hardware meets the minimum or even recommended parameters, but the game still has severe stutters, then you need to optimize the performance of the computer and the client itself.

  1. Cleaning the Windows registry
  2. We defragment the hard drive
  3. Disable background unnecessary applications
  4. Update video card drivers

In some cases, even these steps help to significantly speed up “Tanks” and eliminate stuttering. But in most cases you will have to make some changes in the game client. To get started, download the WoT Tweaker program (, with which you can disable various game effects. After installing the tweaker, disable the following settings: tank destruction, dust from under wheels, smoke from the exhaust pipe, tree movement, smoke and flame. If you notice any other graphic features you don’t need, then turn them off too.

Perhaps after all this has been done, all your problems will disappear. But if not, then don’t be upset - there is a way out! Download the mod to reduce textures ( After installing this mod, World of Tanks works many times faster.

World of Tanks crashes during gameplay or on startup

If you encounter such a problem, then most likely you have several mods installed that conflict with each other. I think you already understand that you can fix it by removing mods one by one until the game starts working stably.

But crashes are not always related to mods. What to do in such cases?

The first method is to delete the preferences.xml file, which is located in the Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\\WorldOfTanks folder. This file contains game settings and often deleting it solves WoT crashing problems.

Second method: update your video card drivers. By the way, no matter how strange it may sound, for some patches you need to install an older version of the driver. There is no universal advice here. You can try at random (update first and then install the old version) or search the official forum for information specifically about your patch. Well, after updating the drivers, you will need to reinstall Java (

Third method: delete the Application.swf file, which is located in the res_mods\0.10.0\gui\flash folder. After its destruction, some mods may stop working for you, but the game will stop crashing.

Anyone who has any atypical questions can leave them with us in the comments.

Instructional video:

Launching the game is the most exciting moment. On the one hand, you want to know what will happen next, what worlds will open up before you. But on the other hand, every gamer, even those who own the most powerful computer, worries that the game simply won’t run. Unfortunately, this happens even with such popular projects as World of Tanks. And if WoT stops starting for you or doesn’t turn on immediately after installation, then this guide will help you solve your problem. If World of Tanks crashes at startup, then you should try to follow everything that is written in the instructions until the game starts working.

Compliance with system requirements

WoT is an incredibly popular game that attracts dozens of gamers around the world every day. And this can become a problem, since players are in a hurry to finally start playing, without even thinking about the fact that their computer may not meet the requirements of the game - it may not be powerful enough, have too little RAM or video memory, and so on. If World of Tanks crashes at startup, be sure to look at the official website of the game and carefully read the system requirements set by the developer. Then compare them with the configuration of your computer, and if it is unknown to you, then download and run a special program that will collect all the necessary information about your system. After this, you will be able to adequately assess the situation and understand whether it is running on your computer because it is too weak, or the reason is something else.

Drivers for video cards

If everything is in order with your computer's configuration and WoT should launch without any problems, then you should check for updates for your video card drivers. Some users who do not have much experience with computers may even forget about video drivers, not install them at all, or use the basic version that came with their video card. Naturally, in this situation, the computer will work, but the performance in terms of image will be extremely low - you will experience severe slowdowns or even movies will not start at all. And what can we say about computer games... So if World of Tanks crashes on startup, go to the website of the manufacturer of your video card. There you will need to find your specific model and download the latest drivers for it, and then install it on your computer. In the case of World of Tanks, the launch should go much faster, and the problem may completely disappear. But if not, you need to keep searching for the cause and solution.


Another important component that many gamers forget about is an error when starting the game can be caused by the lack of appropriate software necessary for the correct functioning of WoT. If we talk specifically about "Tanks", here you will need DirectX, Visual C++, as well as the NET Framework - these are the main representatives of the distribution that you will need to run almost any modern game. Naturally, WoT also needs them, so it’s not surprising that the game refuses to work without important components. Installing the latest versions of the distribution should solve the problem.

Reinstalling the game

If none of the previous methods helped you, and you still cannot enter the game, then you should try uninstalling and then installing World of Tanks again. Just make sure that this is the appropriate version of the game, with all the necessary updates, and that it is a pure client, without preliminary settings, modifications and other additional content. After this, the game can work, since the client, periodically overly loaded with add-ons, can glitch even on the most powerful computers. So if you are going to install World of Tanks, start with the basic version. Check if it works, and then add those modifications that interest you, periodically checking to see if anything has broken in the game.

other methods

Naturally, there are also, so to speak, folk methods that are offered by the users themselves. They themselves generate solutions and, for example, release patches that solve the launch problem. You can find patches on the WoT forums that will help you get rid of the problem, but you should understand that you use them at your own peril and risk. Be sure to check third-party files for viruses, because the administration of the game, which is often contacted by gamers who have something on their computer spoiled due to such patches and mods, does not bear any responsibility for the fact that you do not download from official sites, but from third party sources. In general, this method can help you, but you are taking a certain risk, so keep in mind that the consequences may be much more serious than just problems with starting the game.

Quite often people encounter a problem that irritates them most in this world. Alas, she is not connected with the neighbors and their constant friction, she is not connected with her mother-in-law, who is already so fed up that sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. Everything is much simpler, but so annoying, because a lot of players have encountered a similar problem, when you first registered for what seems like an eternity, then downloaded the game even longer, and it is huge, despite the fact that the Internet is simply useless. Yes, yes, every already experienced player vividly remembers his first day in the game, or rather outside of it, while he had to spend a whole day, or even more, to finally play such an alluring game world of tanks. Many beginners encounter this problem and, unfortunately, there is no escape from it. But even this is not as frustrating for the player as the situation when a newly downloaded world of tanks game crashes upon startup. Then everyone immediately goes into a rage, because it’s unbearable how much they have to worry about installing the game and downloading the necessary updates, and as a result, nothing works. Very often this happens both among new players and among experienced players who have been playing the game for a long time, and then all of a sudden the game stops starting.

As for the problem of launching the World of Tanks client for those people who have just begun to delve into this wonderful game, everything here is quite simple, since many of them simply do not read the minimum requirements for the game. For people of this type, Wargaming has compiled a number of recommendations for launching the game and possible problems due to which the client may not start. The fact is that the very first thing you need to make sure is that the machine on which you want to play world of tanks has the necessary technical characteristics for this, and they should be as follows:

Operating system on the Windows platform of any version such as XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10;
- availability of an Internet connection with a speed above 256 Kbps;
- a central processor with at least two active cores, with a power of 2.2 GHz;
- the presence of RAM with a capacity of 2 GB or more, for a more comfortable game it is recommended
use a computer with 4 GB of RAM;
- a graphics card with at least 256 MB of memory and DirectX 9.0c installed;
- the sound card must also be compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
- in addition, for installation and comfortable gaming it is recommended to have at least 20 GB
free space on your drive.

Very often, it is precisely because the minimum characteristics of the machine are not met that the game does not start or works very poorly. To avoid unnecessary workload, customer support recommends that you familiarize yourself with these characteristics. In addition to having the necessary technical characteristics of the computer, there are also requirements for software that must be installed on the computer, since during the game it is this that is used for its normal functioning. Such software includes the following tools:

Availability of the latest version of drivers for the graphics card installed, depending
from its manufacturer (NVIDIA, Radeon, Intel);
- if you have problems with sound during the game, it is recommended to update and install
the latest version of drivers for your computer's sound card (drivers must be
used exclusively from the official website of the developer);
- in addition to these two very important components, the player’s computer must have
The latest version of DirectX must be installed, taken from the official website
Microsoft companies;
- the presence of such libraries is required for the game to function as a Microsoft add-on
Visual C++ 2008 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 according to your operating system type
- also make sure that you have installed versions of the NET Framework program such as 1,
3, 3.5 and 4.0, since without their installation the game will not work the same as without the previous programs
- don’t forget about installing such a useful add-on as nVidia Physx.

There are cases, both among beginners and among experienced players, when even after installing all the necessary software package, the game does not want to start. In this case, it is time to talk about whether your computer is infected with viruses. Recently, they have most often begun to block access to the game, as well as steal personal data of players, which include logins, passwords and email addresses. The question of why World of Tanks crashes at launch even for regular players continues to torment me. The fact is that there are millions of such people around the world and their problems are very different depending on the cause of their occurrence. Someone installed the latest modifications that block files and lead to a general crash, so the game closes, someone accidentally deleted the necessary file instead of removing the add-ons, and someone simply interrupted the updates, and as a result, a crash occurred, after which the game stopped starting. In most cases, simply reinstalling the game helps, which not only completely creates all the original files, but also clears the game of modifications. It happens that the game crashes when starting World of Tanks and for those who have already taken this recommendation and reinstalled the game, but still something is wrong. Quite often this is due to damage to the operating system, which over time from the moment of installation becomes clogged with unnecessary programs and many files that not only burden its operation, but can also interrupt the normal functioning of everything in it. Therefore, simply reinstalling it also very often solves all the problems that may arise both while working with this game and when launching other games.

To this day, many errors in the game itself cannot be ruled out, which for some reason the developers are in no hurry to solve. Therefore, there are times when it is these bugs that lead to the problem of launching the game and enjoying the immediate gameplay. Like other well-known errors of crashing out of the battle itself, loading tanks in the air, or simply freezing in battle out of the blue, there is an error that is directly related to the client crashing. A bug that closes the game when minimizing the game panel and many, many others. All this is possible even despite the fact that you have just downloaded the game and you have all the gaming software necessary for a successful launch, and the hardware is so cool that Jov himself might envy it. If after all this the game still crashes, then you are welcome to “bomb” the game’s user support service as soon as possible. Perhaps they will not only help you solve the problem of the game crashing at startup, but also think that if the number of requests related to the game and errors in it increases, then perhaps it is worth thinking about fixing them. And, of course, if you have tried all the methods and nothing helps, then you definitely need to contact them as often as possible and then the developers will finally start thinking about the simplest players and their problems and will take care of everything.

After all, the errors that we encounter day after day have accumulated over many years from the day the game was created and released to people, and no one wants to solve them, which is very, very sad, considering that the game has gained such popularity among people worldwide.

Options to solve the problem:

Problem solving

Option 1.

Run the WorldofTanks.exe application as Administrator .

Option 2.

Removing mods. Go to the catalog res_mods –> 0.9.16 . We delete all files from the folder.

Option 3.

Update the drivers for the video card and reinstall DirectX. Download them from the official websites of your video card manufacturer.

Option 4.

Go to the folder Users on disk WITH: \. Next to the folder with username -> AppData -> Roaming . Looking for a folder and delete it.

Folder AppData by default has the attribute – Hidden . So if you don't find it:
Let's go to Control Panel -> Folders settings . Next, go to the bookmark View and at the very bottom we note: Show hidden files, folders and drives. OK.

Option 5.

Right-click on WorldofTanks.exe, select Properties A, tab Compatibility . We set the lowest compatibility – Windows 95. OK.

If it doesn’t help, we return to the starting position.

Option 6.

Let's rename the file WorldofTanks.exe to file WorldofTanks000.exe. In this case, it will be impossible to log in through the launcher. If it doesn't help, we return everything as it was.

Option 7.

Create in the catalog WorldofTanks folder with the user name (see option 4.), inside it there are sequential subfolders AppData -> Local -> Temp .

Option 8.

Removing the game client completely WorldofTanks from your computer and install it again

Don’t forget, if you have questions or problems, our forum will try to help you

Any questions left, ask...

After the release of the World of Tanks 0.8.9 update, complaints began to be received that the game crashes and randomly closes after the end of the battle and entering the hangar. Let's understand the problem!

Why does the game crash?

As Uncle Misha stated in his LJ, 99% of problems are related to mods, but there have been cases when the game was buggy even with a pristine client. So what's the problem?

At the moment, no one knows the exact solution - the developers of the game and popular mods are racking their brains to solve the problem, which lies primarily in the fact that their actions are practically inconsistent. Modders sculpt whatever they can, but in the end, ordinary players suffer.


Below is a list, go through it and choose the solution that best suits your case. All information in the article is presented for informational purposes only and is not mandatory instructions for implementation. So the author and administration of the site are not responsible for possible errors.

  1. Delete the preferences.xml file- he is responsible for the game settings, including graphics. After deleting and launching the game for the first time, all settings will be reset and set to default values, so make a backup copy just in case (if the problem is not solved, you can return it back). You can find the file here:
    • Windows 7: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml;
    • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Application Data\\WorldOfTanks\preferences.xml
  2. Check client integrity - .
  3. Reinstall Java. Go to "Control Panel > Programs and Features" (or "Add/Remove Programs" - depending on the version of Windows) and uninstall Java. Then download the latest version from here and install it.
  4. Mod XVM- a more stable version has been released. You can download it. Before installing the new version, you need to clear the res_mods folder. If you are using a modpack that includes XVM, check what version of the reindeer meter is installed and, if necessary, update it as well.
  5. Jove Modpack- if you are using a Jova mod build that contains the latest XVM patch. The same goes for.
  6. Delete the Application.swf file, which is located in the res_mods\0.9.20\gui\flash folder. After deleting this file, some hangar mods will be disabled, but many players report that the problem disappears after this.
  7. Update your video card driver, especially if you have Nvidia.
  8. Try completely uninstalling the game client and downloading the full version again, not the patch.

Well, if all else fails, you can try calling Ed's technical support service.

It's always like this when you want to play your favorite game World of Tanks and the client starts to crash, especially after long-awaited updates. Usually, when entering the game, immediately after entering your username and password, then when loading a battle, then when entering the hangar, then right in battle (the most infuriating thing, isn’t it 😉) you should never put up with this! Take care of your nerves 😉 How to cope with crashes, read on...

First, let's figure it out, does WoT crash when you double-click on the game launcher?

That is, after launching the launcher, nothing happens or a white window pops up, and then, according to the developers’ idea, the game client should start, but nothing happens.
If you have just such a problem, then, since in this article we will talk about client crashes after the launcher, in other words, starting from the authorization window (login and password).
Here we go…

WoT crashes when starting the client

So, we launched the launcher:

entered your username and password, pressed the “ TO COME IN"and here it is - crash... You are back at your desk, full of anger and disappointment... but this is not the time to sigh and be sad we are struggling -> here it will help us clearing cache, if this is your case of a client crash, then go clear the cache, read more about clearing in the article
Well, if this is not your case, read the article further...

And in order not to waste your time, we will start with removing mods. Thus, we will establish the cause of the crashes, and here there are only two reasons, either the mods are to blame, or something is wrong with your computer (drivers, hardware). Deleted??? Let's launch and see... the crashes are gone? MODS are evil, they are to blame, how to fight, read. If the crashes remain, then read the article further or after 3 paragraphs.

Well, what can you do... first, try reinstalling the games, maybe the files are damaged, and your playful hands could have done this 😉 or some kind of virus (for example, after installing a mod pack from the left resources) especially if you magically got all kinds of Yandex browser , mail services, etc. Personally, I would immediately go download Dr.Web CureIt!® and then put my trusty hardware to be scanned by the installed antivirus. Of course it's up to you, you can get away with simply reinstalling the client.
This should help, but if this is not your case, you are welcome to read the article further...

If there are sound problems, install the latest drivers for your audio card from the manufacturer's website:

Install the latest version of DirectX for your operating system from the official Microsoft website:

If you do not have the following libraries installed Visual C++, then be sure to install them from the official Microsoft website.