The motive does not work on October 12 of the year. The operator's network suffered the largest outage in history. What's wrong with Motiv in Yekaterinburg

Official statement from Motiv about communication problems: “Hackers are to blame”

Motiv released an official statement about the communication problems that the company's subscribers experienced today. “Hackers are to blame. The cause of the accident was a large-scale DDoS attack on the Motiv network. Work to isolate network segments continues. The company's technical specialists are doing everything possible to restore communication in as soon as possible", the company said in a statement.

The GSM network has already been restored, the company’s press service noted, explaining that the company’s subscribers can already make calls.

Motive also promises compensation to all subscribers left without communication. “The types and timing of compensation will be announced additionally,” the message says.

Let us note that problems with communication arose early this morning for some Motiv subscribers in the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, as well as in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Initially, a source in the company’s management said that at 4 am, the fiber-optic communication lines simultaneously broke at several base stations.

In the Sverdlovsk region, subscribers of the popular Ural cellular operator "Motiv" unexpectedly discovered this morning that they do not have a connection to the network, a VEDOMOSTI Ural correspondent reports.

Residents of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk actively leave relevant messages in in social networks.

“What happened to Motiv? There’s no connection. Many friends of our acquaintances have the same nonsense,” the famous Yekaterinburg blogger Ivan Kolotovkin wrote on his Facebook.

“I’m also now finding out what’s going on. All four phones in the family are without connection,” commented Channel Four presenter Olga Knysh on his post.

“I have two SIM cards in my phone: MTS works, but Motive doesn’t. I’m up to hotline I called for about half an hour. The help desk says that they have emergency work, and a number of SIM cards may not work. But they didn’t say how much exactly. They said they would fix it within 72 hours maximum. In principle, our entire family was left without communication,” notes a student from Yekaterinburg named Alena.

As a resident of the Ural capital named Alexander notes, there has been no connection on Motiv for more than four hours. “My colleague can’t get through to his wife. Another is trying to contact his son, a classmate, to find out if he got to school, but he has “Motive”. His teacher has the same operator. People are already starting to panic,” - said the Ekaterinburg resident..

According to Ural Internet users, many Motiv subscribers simply do not have an operator icon on their cell phone.

“Motive” itself explains that some SIM cards have a connection and notes that the time frame for restoring network operation is still unknown. Whether any compensation will be paid to subscribers left without communication in the future has also not yet been determined. "There was a serious accident on the network. Emergency restoration work is currently underway. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say when the work will be completed. We are doing everything to restore communication as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience. Some SIM cards actually have connection We'll find out why this happens. Please be patient. Technical service doing everything possible to restore communication. To check registration on the network, we recommend periodically rebooting your equipment. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope for your understanding,” said the press service of the Ural telecom operator. According to some reports, the repairs will last at least two days, during which time some subscribers will not be able to be in touch.

It is interesting that Yekaterinburg residents who use the “Transport Online” service from EMUP TTU, due to problems with “Motiv”, today cannot determine the location of the tram and trolleybus they need. The company’s website states that the lack of data is due specifically to an accident on the network of the Motiv cellular operator.

"Motiv" is one of the oldest operators cellular communication Sverdlovsk region, the company was founded in 2000. It positions itself as a company that provides low-cost mobile communications. Recently, Tele2 has been actively pushing it out in this segment in the region. “Motive” also operates in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and Kurgan Region.

Cellular communications with the ringing name “Motiv” appeared on the operator market a very long time ago. Having started under the brand of another company, Motiv soon began to operate independently. The number of subscribers of this cellular service is increasing every day. The number of tariffs that network users happily accept is also growing.

Meanwhile, despite actively informing subscribers, some users, especially those who have recently joined this operator, have many questions about connecting to services. A particularly popular user question is how to connect to the Internet on Motive. Of course, you can dial their company phone number (111) or contact a communication salon. But sometimes it’s much faster to do independent research and find information that tells you step by step how to do this or that action.

The most useful instructions for setting up your phone

In general, the algorithm for how to connect the Internet on Motive is simple, and almost any subscriber will be able to independently figure out the settings, thanks to which he will become a joyful owner of the Internet in his smartphone.

Different operating systems have different settings

It is worth considering that smartphones with Android and apple phones somewhat different. Let's look at the setup process on Android. This set The actions are almost the same for all mobile operators, only the information that needs to be entered into the settings fields changes.

Manual setting

So, how can you connect the Internet yourself on Motive, manually? Find the “Settings” field in the smartphone menu. Next we look for “ Wireless connection" and go to the "Networks" tab mobile communications" We move on by finding the APN or “Access Points” section. We are looking for the “Settings” tab (you need to look for it either at the top or at the very bottom of the display). In this tab, look for the “Create APN” menu bar. The Russian equivalent of the spelling is “New access point.”

Then you need to fill in the following fields:

  • APN -
  • Name - MOTIV.
  • Username - motiv.
  • The password is the same as the username, here it is also written motiv.

If you are not a pro in settings, it is better not to touch other fields, since after entering the basic data, the remaining fields will be configured automatically. After this, you need to save the profile in the functions tab - “Save”. Make sure that the new access point is now in the list of available ones, and restart your mobile gadget. After which you can enjoy all the benefits of connecting to the network: communication, applications and much more.

Automatic setup

If you don’t want to rack your brains by filling out a lot of fields, but are still interested in how to connect to the Internet on Motive, then select the “Configure the connection automatically” option - it’s even easier than the manual method. This service from Motiv is called “Auto-tuning”. By pressing a few keys on your phone, you will receive settings for MMS, GPRS, WAP, which will allow you to enjoy absolutely all the advantages of the mobile Internet.

To connect the Internet to "Motive" on your phone in automatic mode, press the following key sequence on the screen: #919 and “Call”. The instructions from the telephone autoinformer will prompt you for further actions, and by pressing a couple more keys to select, you will receive an SMS containing the data you need, you need to save them and also reboot the phone.

Unlimited Internet

Users of cellular companies want to use tariffs with limited traffic less and less, because modern conditions dictate different rules for using the Internet - they want to watch endlessly many pictures, videos, download applications, without looking at the amount of downloaded data. Therefore, it has become more relevant than ever unlimited Internet. The “motive” for how to connect and use this tariff, of course, is described by calling 111. But in short, this is simply changing the tariff from your current one to a new one without restrictions on downloading data. This company has several options: at the moment it is “ Full stuffing" and "Half a kilo."

Why is the “Motive” connection not working today, 10/12/2016? This was the question asked by subscribers of a large mobile operator in Yekaterinburg. According to the local portal, the company was hit by a hacker DDoS attack in order to disable its equipment. As a result, many subscribers from the Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug were unable to use communications.

“Motive” from Yekaterinburg: no connection 10/12/2016. Having learned about this, users began to ask for reimbursement of expenses. As representatives of the operator said on social networks, there is no information about compensation yet. However, closer to noon local time, subscribers began to report that coverage had been returned.

Emergency: no Motiv network in Yekaterinburg

“Today, October 12, an accident occurred on the MOTIV network. As a result, subscribers may experience difficulties when using voice services communications and data services in the 4G network. At the moment, the company’s specialists are restoring communications,” the official message of the cellular operator is broadcast by “Business Quarter”.

The portal managed to find out another version of the accident: the fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) allegedly broke.

Some subscribers claimed that due to the accident, they only lost their MicroSIM network, while owners of regular SIM cards were able to reach them. Residents of Yekaterinburg also turned off the popular “Transport Online” service from EMUP “TTU”.

Ural mobile operator Motiv celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The operator provides coverage in a territory of 1,594 settlements Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.