Mount and blade warband squad management. Mount and blade Warband secrets and tips. Q: What is this anyway?

The battlefields of Calradia are once again plowed by hundreds of shod hooves; knightly pikes prostrate enemies; the blades sing the sonorous song of steel; beautiful ladies praise the winner of the tournament, and proud lords in shining armor bow their heads before the new king!

But now we are not alone, and the sons of Calradia can meet face to face in battle - to find out over and over again whose ax cuts harder, whose horse gallops faster and whose helmet rattles louder...

If you haven’t played the first part, then know that you missed a very interesting game past your eyes, ears and mouse buttons. It’s not for nothing that “Corsairs” and GTA are on the list of similar projects - Mount & Blade is a great example epic game with free gameplay. First, like in a good role-playing game, we create a character, his appearance, characteristics and backstory. And then, riding a knight’s horse, we enter a fictional medieval world, devoid of religion and magic, without churches and orcs and elves. Here we fight, rustle cattle, serve the crown, recruit and become a real feudal lord. And most importantly, this is the first game where horse riding is realistically and thoroughly detailed!

What new have you brought, traveler?

At first glance, you won’t notice that anything new has appeared, except for the line “multi-user mode” in the menu. Almost the same angular graphics, the same faithful steed under the saddle, the same fearless robbers going out to cross our squad...

« Age of tournaments"is distinguished by the features of all the best original projects - the game is low-budget, and the developers focused on the gameplay, without the risk of spoiling the blankets of their horses with excessive heraldry, and the women of Calradia with chainmail and lace tops. Although in the end the game looks like an add-on, an attentive player will find a whole handful of raisins in it.

New role system will allow you to become the ruler of your own kingdom, grant lands and castles to your followers and accept noble knights as vassals. If your alter ego in the game is a man, you can win the hand of a beautiful lady. A female player is free to seduce and drag one of the unmarried lords down the aisle. Diplomacy

factions have become more branched, you can threaten, bribe and deceive. more chaotic and dynamic than the old one. We are waiting for parries, weapon blocks and changing the direction of the blow. You can now use thrown weapons in close combat and pick up any used projectiles. AI strained its electronic brains and began to behave a little more competently in battle. The soldiers do not hesitate to surround and press with numbers, and in case of great danger, they valiantly show their shining heels.

Well, the main decoration of our medieval table is the opportunity to hang on your neighbor in multi-user mode, with a hammer or a halberd... Officially, up to 64 players can face horse battles, but modifications work small miracles, and on some servers the number of participants in the bloody “banquet” reaches 128 people.

Picture dressed up in HDR and FSAA technology, characters, armor and weapons were drawn more carefully, and the assorted “drag-legs and hand-waving” were updated. The grass became thicker and the sunsets more beautiful. And with all this, the game retains low system requirements; Even on weak machines you can participate in online battles. The main thing is that the ping is good!

A sixth has joined the five familiar powers on the global map, Sarranid Sultanate, and subtly and delicately, without making almost any changes. The Sarranids live in oases in the desert, like the Kergit nomads, and prefer mounted troops. It’s a shame, but we didn’t get to see a single camel.

Kingdom at the tip of the spear

From his brother-in-law - “ With fire and sword“- the game is not different for the better. There was no meaningful campaign in it, and never appeared. Oh yes, there are more quests, and diplomacy is more branched and more complex, if we want, we’ll get married, if we want, we’ll conquer our kingdom. But where, excuse me, is the plot?! In the same " Space Rangers“We could rob or trade for our own pleasure, but at the same time there was a war going on, it was possible to solve the riddle of the Klisans or Dominators, or even simply destroy them. Time passed, technologies changed, some kind of development was felt and the denouement was approaching...

But Calradia is frozen in timelessness - states sometimes fight among themselves, castles change owners, princesses find husbands, and villages burn, set on fire by raiders. But globally nothing changes. Remember the lethargy of the opposing sides in Dawn of War: Soulstorm? If you don’t attack anyone yourself, but only make moves, then the geopolitical situation will not change one iota. One or two provinces change hands like balls, and that’s it! The world is not interactive, it waits for the player, like a bride on her wedding night, and is not capable of independent actions.

The Mongols do not invade, crusades are not declared, cities do not die out from the plague, heretics do not raise their heads, no one invents printing... A stagnant swamp, ladies and gentlemen! But nevertheless, the breath of the Middle Ages is felt in the game. A dirty, wild and cruel time, when the life of a peasant was not worth even a broken heller, when only the opinion of the feudal lord was taken into account, and then only if behind him an armed detachment meaningfully bristled with swords, arrows and pikes.

When it was difficult to distinguish this feudal lord from the leader of a bandit gang...

In this world, a position in society can only be achieved with weapons in hand.

Having finished chasing robbers and burning caravans, our alter ego enters the political arena. You can influence the situation directly - by helping to conclude a truce or storming the castles of neutral states - or indirectly, by making false accusations, challenging them to fights, or stealing prisoners. You can manage your possessions or enter into a dynastic marriage.

Subsequently, if you want, you can become a marshal and the right hand of the king - anyone. You can personally seize the throne and unite all of Calradia under your hand, distributing lands and castles to loyal vassals. And then consider that the game is completed for you.

Now we are a gang!

The main innovation of the game is the ability to fight a living opponent. If the enemy's behavior is unpredictable, unconventional solutions are used! But no global map, role-playing elements or management of small squads, no, no.

You can choose your appearance and coat of arms, and then - only an uncompromising battle! What is friendship of peoples? This is when the Swadians, Sarranids, Nords and Kergits go to beat the Rodoks! In the list of servers we select one of seven battle modes. Having loaded - class, then we buy equipment for a fixed amount, and the battle begins with the start of the next round. There are many modes, but only three of them are of cultural value. " Battle " And ""Attracts attention because the attackers are required to take coordinated actions. All other game modes turn into an endless bloody brawl. Sometimes fights even take place at “safe” spawn points between players who have just appeared!

Coordinating efforts with allies is almost impossible - there is no voice chat, no mini-map, no breakdown by squad. During a siege, it is generally unclear what is happening on the battlefield. Yes, this is close to reality, but to storm it, to be honest, is inconvenient. The composition of the team is also impossible to see. When in Team Fortress 2

I see that our team does not have enough medic or engineer, then I put aside my favorite flamethrower and pick up a syringe or an adjustable wrench. And in the “Era of Tournaments” we have to wonder whether there are too many archers on our side and whether it’s time to go into the field as a spearman... The developers kept their promise and redesigned the combat system, making it useful and effective various classes

- not only horsemen, but also infantrymen and archers. The only difference between them is the uniforms offered for purchase. Horses are available only to horsemen; archers do not have heavy armor, but they have a wide selection of small arms, just like infantrymen - melee weapons. The advantage of horsemen is further limited by the fact that during assaults and on city maps they are practically useless. Regarding procurement equipment the rules vaguely resemble

Counter-Strike -

For each enemy killed, the amount for purchase in the next round increases. The player himself chooses the things that he will take with him into battle, but to equip the “asphalt skating rink”, you need to play on this server for an hour or two. And this is where the very bad dog of the multiplayer mode is buried... A good player, after playing for some time and earning a bag of gold, is so equipped that the gap with other players increases even more and it becomes almost impossible to kill him. In principle, you can unethically rob the dead, but you will only “inherit” weapons and sometimes shields. And the class difference is felt here too - an infantryman or an archer will not be able to saddle an orphaned horse. The second flaw is much more noticeable. In Game no ratings. There's no way of knowing whether the green rookie or the best player this side of the channel has just put you in the mud.

There are no statistics, you can’t see which weapons are more loved by players, which ones are less loved, and with which class you achieved what. Online battles, unfortunately, are just as pointless and merciless as a single-player game, devoid of plot.

Best the enemy of the good. But this is not about Mount & Blade: Age of Tournaments. An excellent role-playing game in the free world has been enriched not only with new features - we have a multiplayer mode at our service. And unencrypted resources and masses of fans will bring what the developers started to perfection.

In this short guide we will focus in detail only on what is new. We will refer the curious to the article by Konstantin Zakablukovsky, published in issue No. 11 (84) of LKI for 2008.

Blood-hungry sword in my hand Bloodshed has become much more varied in the game, especially in fighting on foot

. The blows have become directional, you can use WASD from the keyboard to set exactly how you will chop or poke the enemy. You can kick the enemy, forcing him to open up, you can fight off enemy attacks with a swing, or simply block with a weapon - however, this does not save you from arrows. False swings and feints are now a mandatory part of combat with live opponents. Only a good reaction will allow the young knight to parry the blow, especially if the shield has already fallen apart into separate boards.

The halberd has become more versatile - it can stab like a spear and chop like an ax.

A heavy hammer in your hands can quickly destroy a shield, break through any block, stun and stun. A good blow can even knock your opponent down. The fallen one is open to all your blows while, groaning, he tries to get up. The shield now protects only what it covers, so a cutting blow to the legs perfectly contributes to knocking the enemy to the ground. And a shield thrown behind your back covers your back well from arrows. Horse archers are all right, but on foot

arrow place only on the castle walls. It is possible to hit decently only at short distances. A couple of arrows - and it’s time to engage in close combat. Parrying doesn't save you from

Choose your horse wisely. On a light horse, other riders will not catch up with you and you can safely poke the enemy with arrows, like a pincushion. A heavily armored stallion breaks through the formation. And if you get stuck in the infantry, take out a nimble short saber. Strikes from horseback are increasingly landing on the head, and opponents are left stacked on the ground with bloody faces...

You can dismount only by stopping the horse completely, but orders to your subordinates can be given at full gallop. But the two-level menu, hung on F1-F6, is inconvenient. Once you reach the second level of commands, you cannot go back. And you can’t make your own settings either! But you can divide the troops into several groups before the battle, rename them and give them different orders during the battle. Directly Total War

without getting out of the saddle... As a result, the battle became more varied, but at the same time more chaotic and confusing. A beginner’s hand will not immediately adapt to moving and at the same time cutting in exactly the direction that was intended. For those who are accustomed to impaling enemies on a pike in " Hero stories

“, here you will have to relearn.

The road to the throne

First steps

While we are young and no one recognizes us as the new emperor of all Calradia, we need to behave carefully. The local population recognizes only money, and nothing but money. Therefore, first of all, you need to get hold of some gold.

Honest earnings

How to earn money honestly without killing anyone? Firstly, trade

  • . The most profitable schemes:
  • buy cattle in the village, slaughter them for meat, sell them to the city;
  • buy fish and wool in the north and sell to the south;

buy clothes in the south and sell them to the north.

Other schemes must be developed on the spot, based on price differences. It is important not to travel the same routes over and over again. Secondly, you can become vassal

one of the kings. The monarch pays you a salary - small, but enough to feed the troops. Subsequently, for good service and fulfillment of orders, you can receive ownership of a village or even a castle, and little by little a stream of money flows from it. Besides, marriage may not be a good business, but it is profitable! It’s not so difficult to win someone’s heart - poetry, courtship, demonstrations of courage, completing tasks for relatives and other ritual dances... And the property of your soulmate will also begin to generate income.

The dishonest candidate for king in the “Age of Tournaments” has plenty of room to roam. If you catch a feudal lord on a military campaign and talk to him correctly, you can receive from him the task of collecting taxes in his village. You can dial two thousand. And, of course, no one plans to give them to the owner!

In villages you can steal livestock, slaughter it and sell the meat. Having recruited a squad of more terrible thugs, you can already rob villages and caravans. Here the income is already about five thousand per visit. The main thing is to have time to hide from retribution in the fortress of another nation...

Military earnings

A warrior does not earn as much as a bandit, but at the same time he gains experience and does not spoil relationships with anyone. You can make relatively good money from robbers. It is best to find their lair and keep watch near it. A bandit camp can be identified by the large number of rabble of the same type scurrying around.

If you drive right next to it, it appears on the map. By ruining it, you can also make good money. And after some time, the lair appears again - a holy place is never empty.

The second income is selling people. To do this, arm your people with stunning weapons, then by the end of the battle more wounded opponents will survive. You gather a line of connected people, find a slave trader in a tavern in the nearest city - and sell it. Knights are significantly more expensive than ordinary robbers. By the way, in the same taverns you can start a drunken fight with one of the visitors.

Royal wedding

Royal Road

How to become a king? It's not that difficult. Don’t accept vassalage from anyone, save up money, recruit soldiers, take some run-down castle by storm. If there is no opportunity for an assault, ruin relations with this faction - for example, by killing peasants. An alternative option is to find the exiled heir to the throne, swear allegiance to him, seize several possessions, appropriate all this luxury, and then sever all relations with him.

Owning your own property greatly simplifies the gameplay. The ability to collect taxes and manage your units will attract the attention of anyone! But what to do if your castle comes to besiege a good thousand enemy soldiers? To begin with, don’t lose heart, but stay strong. And then lure the lords out of the group one by one and defeat them in small detachments. If the assault has already begun, remember - cities and castles have emergency exits through which only the player can get through.

Simple recruits and city mercenaries equally grow in levels, equally require bread, cheese and cabbage for food and a couple of dozen coins to change equipment upon reaching a new level. The only difference is that mercenaries are better and much more expensive. You can also recruit troops for free - when you defeat an enemy detachment that was leading prisoners with it. Happy and immensely grateful, they joyfully join your army. In this way, you can get exotic troops into your army - for example, forest bandits or simple farmers.

But your main assistants are still not soldiers, but heroes. You can meet them in taverns, give them a generous paw and convince them to join. Their main useful property is that they are as immortal as your alter ego. Therefore, they are constantly improving their combat skills, and they can be equipped no worse than real knights. In skills, they should be given Riding, Iron Skin, and Power Punch or Power Shot first. A horse and leather give them a good increase in health, and a cavalry pike or bow is the optimal weapon for heroic associates.

Seven fights to the death

In an online game, only players usually fight. Settings sometimes allow you not only to buy equipment, but also to hire bots. Money earned during your successful game is reset when you change map or server.

How are the game modes different? In the first five modes, dead players are revived after a short period of time, and in the last two - only at the beginning of the next round.

  • Fight to the death (deathmatch). Bloodbath as it is.
  • Everyone is hitting everyone non-stop, the players come to life almost instantly. The one who scores the most frags in the allotted time wins. Team deathmatch
  • . Here, unlike the previous regime, we have comrades. Friendly fire is quite present, and hitting your comrades can seriously get you into trouble. The side that earns more frags wins. Conquest . How in Dawn of War
  • , in this mode the players' task is to capture and hold control points. Points are awarded for keeping flags on a point, and points are deducted for the death of one’s own or the loss of points. The team whose score reaches zero loses.
  • Capture the flag. The battle, which is logical, takes place on a map with a castle. One team rolls a siege tower up to the walls, storms the castle, makes its way into the courtyard and captures a control point with a flagpole. Dead besiegers are restored after five seconds. The defenders prevent the invaders from entering the castle courtyard, but their losses are recovered only after twenty seconds. Cavalry is rarely used, and with proper play, attackers have few chances.
  • Battle. As in Team Deathmatch, the players' task is to destroy the enemy unit, but those killed are not revived until the start of the next round. If none of the teams suffer losses for a long time, then the “King of the Hill” mode is activated. A control point appears on the map, and victory is awarded to the team that can capture and hold it.
  • Find and destroy (fight and destroy). One team protects two destructible objects - a catapult and a trebuchet, while the second team tries to break them. Players do not respawn. The round ends when both objects are destroyed, one team loses all players, or time runs out.

1 2 All

This is interesting: after the squad runs out of provisions, several horses may be missing.

Many features of such a game as Mount & Blade are not trivial and remain outside the scope of all guides and manuals. Most players have no idea how interesting and deep the world of Calradia is. This collection of secrets, tips and tricks is a kind of express train that dives into the most subtle details of gameplay, which can only be learned by playing for days on end.

  • Crossbows are not as effective in the rain.
  • In the rain, people and horses move more slowly.
  • You can pause on the global map by holding down the Spacebar.
  • New warriors can be hired in taverns.
  • You can also give orders to your companions in battle.
  • The higher the group's morale, the faster it moves around the map.
  • The wounded are healed faster in taverns.
  • To quickly buy and sell items you have with you, press and hold the key Ctrl and click on the desired item with the left mouse button.
  • To open the command interface in battle, press the key Backspace.
  • If you are stationed in a city or castle, then you will pay the team half the salary. The same applies to units stationed in the castle as a garrison.
  • To immediately leave the area, press Tab.
  • To aim better, press the key Shift(optical sight effect).
  • You can order soldiers to hold a certain position by holding down a key F1(moving the flag).
  • On the mini-map (during battle, press backspace) you can order troops to move to a certain point by clicking on it.
  • You can move the player's troops and prisoners in bulk from/to a squad (for example, from a garrison) if you hold down ctrl
  • If you are a commander-in-chief (marshal), and a subordinate lord refuses to go to the desired city or castle, you can order him several times in a row and sooner or later he will definitely agree to carry out the order
  • If you are not a marshal (voivode), but asked an allied lord(s) to follow you, then he (they) will not help you during the assault, but only in field battles.
  • To rear a horse, you need to simultaneously press ctrl+J
  • A lame horse can be cured in the inventory. (in this case she may lose the bonus)
  • A lame horse may die in battle (disappear from inventory).
  • You can end the game at any time through the menu: camp=>retire(summary information and the further fate of the hero will be shown)
  • If you “secretly penetrate” into an enemy city, you can use all the benefits, including a tavern, merchants, tournaments, a guild master, etc.
  • Damaged relationships with lords can be improved through wives by sending gifts (money and goods will be required).
  • With good personal relationships, enemy lords do not attack you, and their villages provide recruits.
  • There are no completely incompatible satellites. There is little morality (leadership, victories, variety of food).
  • A squad can simultaneously contain no more than 32 types of troops (the same limitation applies to prisoners in castles/cities).
  • If you jump with the bowstring drawn, the target designator will not go astray, which allows you to effectively shoot bots.
  • If you hover your mouse over a NPC while talking, it will show your level of relationship with him or his faction.
  • If BEFORE the battle in the menu “attack\send warriors\retreat” press I, the inventory will open, with which you can change equipment.
  • The key works in the same menu P. Those. you can call up the squad menu, for example, for the purpose of regrouping. Works only during field combat and only if the main character initiates the battle (and does not join one already started by someone else)
  • If the bowstring or crossbow is already drawn, the shot can be canceled by pressing the right button. In the same way, a “false swing” is made when striking with a weapon in close combat.
  • In villages with a good attitude, you can hire higher-ranking troops instead of recruits.
  • The salary of soldiers stationed in the garrison is halved.
  • Did you know that at any time you can change the appearance and name of the hero by clicking on the name or portrait of the character window?
  • The location of any lord can be found out through dialogue with a lord of the same faction. (You can also find out where your vassal is from your wife)
  • NPCs can be located not only on the first, but also on the second floor of the tavern.
  • On the global map, you can right-click on any settlement or unit and a menu will appear: follow to this place (following the unit) and information about this place (unit)
  • Horse riding skill ( riding) is important not only as a limitation when choosing a horse, but also as a bonus to increase their speed and agility
  • After the death of the lord, his squad turns into a disorderly crowd (formations are lost).
  • The likelihood of each type of warrior entering into battle directly depends on the order in which it is located in the list (the higher the unit, the higher its probability)
  • Ordinary peasants and village women can be upgraded into high-ranking units. Peasant women, for example, end up becoming sisters of war, equipped with crossbows and heavy armor (in addition there is a shield, sword and horse).
  • All additional bonuses of the starting (temporary) character are retained. (noble flag, books, starting equipment).
  • After being captured, one of the main character’s basic characteristics (strength, agility, intelligence, charisma) is randomly reduced by 1 point.
  • As honor increases, relations with lords with a bad reputation worsen (and grow with those who enjoy a good one).
  • In tournament battles you can (and should!) manage your team.
  • Captured lords in other people's castles and cities can be freed not only by quest, but by their own free will.
  • Bounty hunters are upgraded to slavers - one of the top units in the game. Their main feature is their equipment with crushing weapons, which allows them to capture enemies in large numbers.
  • Pressing a key "X", you can use alternative weapon capabilities. For example, attack with a dart as with a regular spear in close combat.
  • After creating your own kingdom, you can make your companions into lords by distributing possessions to them.
  • Allied lords and vassals can leave their prisoners in your city/castle. (For these purposes, you can use a holiday)
  • Packhorses increase the speed of movement of a squad when the inventory is loaded.
  • By showing nobility when completing tasks, you can increase your honor parameters. For example, refusing a reward for killing a criminal or for saving a village from robbers.
  • By talking with residents of villages and cities, you can get valuable information about the character of the lords, profitable goods, etc.

I will be very happy to add your tips and advice on the game. Feel free to leave comments. I will gradually expand this collection.

Easy way to play:
1. Select a Nobleman character with a noble pedigree.
2. Choose a start in Praven.
3. We complete all tasks from the merchant.
4. We accumulate troops from the villages and fight with the robbers. We sell trophies, not forgetting that we also need to arm ourselves.
It is recommended to fight the bandits in stages, starting from the weakest to the strongest:
a) Forest robbers
b) Highlanders
c) Northern bandits
d) Sea robbers.
d) Bedouins
f) Nomads
5. Along the way, we complete tasks that we take from lords, village elders, and cities with point 4
6. Sufficiently armed, we begin to take a closer look at the politics in the game.
7. If, after completing all these points, you have still not been offered land (have not been offered to become a vassal), then we will force ourselves to become friends with some king.
8. Having received a village, you need to protect and develop it (build a school, then a mill, then a messenger post, then a tower). Visit your village periodically, as bandits may appear there.
10. Getting more lands is not easy. Villages may give you (they are of little use), but castles and cities are all the kings of misery in this.
Having accumulated 120 elite troops, we go to storm the fortress of the enemy state. After capturing it, demand it as a reward. You need to win over as many lords as possible to your side during voting. Immediately approach the king and your lord friends from your kingdom, and talk with them about this topic. (upgrade the persuasion characteristics to lure them to your side)
11. Having received the castle, rejoice and do not capture other cities and fortresses until the end of the war. Otherwise, you will not receive them as a reward (if the war is not long and new territories are almost never captured).
12. In the next war, capture the enemy city. You must have at least 150-160 elite troops to successfully capture a city with 300 troops (the main thing is not to die in battle)
13. You can get married from the point of acquiring a village. But it is necessary to do this. How? Ask bards and similar people in taverns, learn poetry, dedicate victories in the tournament to an unmarried Lady. Having reached a +10 relationship with her, negotiate with her father for permission to court. Next, approach her and select the penultimate line in the dialogue. Then it's up to you!
14. Strengthen power, build relationships.
15. Everything is in your hands! Independence or war for the throne of the kingdom!

How to become a king:

There are several ways. I will describe the 2 most popular and simple ones.

1. To become independent along with your possessions, you must capture 2 cities or castles in 1 war in a row and demand them as a reward. They will give you one, but they will squeeze the second. This will cause a dialogue to appear. I think there is no need to explain what to choose in it, but you will immediately have a war with the kingdom from which you separated.

2. In the halls of cities and castles you can meet characters who dream of regaining their throne. You can use them.

Improve relations with all kings.
Don't conflict with lords.
Do not rob caravans if you do not want to ruin relations with the state and want to have a noble reputation.
Don't rob peasants.
Arm yourself as best as possible! No need to buy. There are trophies!
Recruit companions (some of them are in conflict with each other!!)
Participate in various tournaments and feasts!
Learn to use all weapons! (extremly necessary)
The larger the army, the more provisions there should be in the backpack.
Command warriors on the battlefield.

To stand on the strategic map and wait (not pause) hold spacebar.
When selling/buying, hold Ctrl.
When you are using throwing spears (for example, in tournaments) and they are almost out, then press X and you will hit the spear instead of throwing it.
If you want to speed up time, you don’t have to visit cities and pay money for it. Set up your camp and that's it!
It is necessary to maintain morale in the squad. Otherwise the warriors will start leaving!
Hire mercenaries only in case of real need (expensive to maintain)

Your army should be multinational - then it will be much more effective.

During your travels, engage in trade with cities. Buy cheap fish from the Nords and sell them in the desert.

This is the minimum knowledge that a beginning player should know.

Basics of the simplest passage, or where to start(generally speaking about VB, IG and mods, if I get around to it, I’ll write it down separately for all the worthwhile mods. Gaming experience is about a hundred mods, so decide for yourself whether you read this or not. Recommended mainly for beginners who are sitting down to play MiB for the first time).

1) If you can choose a place of birth, I choose the Khanate in order to recruit mounted warriors early (or grow into them very quickly). The main advantage is speed on the map. I'm downloading pathfinder.
2) I’m looking for the nearest looters (a squad of 5-7 people, there are the same number of mine.) If the speed is good, I take prisoners, but not many. If someone starts to catch up with us, I dismiss the prisoners, and sometimes part of the detachment, and throw away the excess from the inventory. We grow like this for several days local time.
3) If there are chests, it is at this stage that I run to them and pick up ownerless property (Tyre, Nomendal, Lublin, Rivacheg - depending on the translation and mod).
4) I replenish the strengthened detachment, switch to the steppe Bandits. I better save the captured horses. I sell junk and at the same time look for companions in taverns. I immediately supply them with horses (those previously stored). I try to find Jeremus, Marnid, and Ymir first, which gives medicine and trade.
5) A few more game days, some of the warriors have been raised to the elite. The number of people is 15-20, the speed is good, the initial capital has been raised. I buy spices and salt from the Khanate and take them to the coast. I never take a lot of goods so that they don’t catch up. In IS I use a pack horse. Along the way, I sometimes complete quests.
6) We use the proceeds from trade to dress ourselves. I dress myself first and dress the medic, and put him at the beginning of the squad so that he can develop. (In a serious battle, he is at the end). We train on pirates, they provide good experience and loot. To replace the dead, I recruit more volunteers, but not in the first village I come across, but I go to the Khanate.
7) As a result, I get a squad of about forty people, of average and good level. I'm already going to hire him for service.

CHESTS(those that I remembered):
They are standing on the streets. Contains ownerless goods.
In Tire, go across the bridge from the gate and immediately left. Then turn right, look behind the bush in the corner near the wall.
Rivacheg. Also to the left, sticking out of a haystack.
The Horde Lands - in the Dragon's Death location, in the tower, under the stairs.
In Warband - in Lublin
Three Kingdoms - in the tavern.
Heroes of Calradia - on the island
In Pendor 3.01 on IG - in Valonbray and Rani.
Solid And Shade - under the stairs by the fountain in Zendar
In The Wedding Dance - in the imperial palace

This is not the first year I have been playing hergits. The detachment is formed from veteran horse archers, mounted khergits with spears and heavy knights of other states. I change their location in the squad list as necessary before the battle. There are several tactics, I change them depending on the situation.
1) Favorite, on level ground:
a) they attacked in a flat field with spears, and crushed everyone. The final. (mainly against infantry);
b) against pikemen and alibars. We go forward and fire at the archers, avoiding getting too close.
2) If the terrain is uneven:
a) if there is a ravine, I place archers on my bank and shoot enemies as they approach. The others are waiting by the chest. When the remnants of the enemy have crossed, we attack all together, and the spearmen, galloping from the chest, manage to gain enough speed to strike. Sometimes enemies do not attack, but wait in their position. In this case, we cross under the cover of archers, then archers to the flank, the rest attack in a single formation;
b) if there is a river, we try not to get into it so as not to lose speed in the water;
c) in the mountains. If the terrain is solid rocks and mountains, I hurry everyone up, placing the archers higher (a couple of times they didn’t get back into the saddle on command, perhaps a glitch). From there they shoot the adversaries slowly crawling to the top. The rest of the army covers the slope below, protecting the archers;
d) If I consider the terrain inconvenient for battle, I retreat in a tab and immediately return to battle. The area will be different.
3) When the enemy has a lot of cavalry, if I have time, I divide the army into archers and everyone else. The archers greet with arrows, the rest attack from the flank, and somehow we surround the enemy. The heavy riders, who arrived a little later due to the difference in the speed of the horses, completed the rout.
4) During a siege. I take the composition of the troops in different proportions, because there is no need for spearmen. F1 archers under the walls, firing at them. More armored F3.

P.S. I keep medics and other companions at the end of the squad. I wrote the above based on IG and mods on IG.

Among fans of computer games, the game from the TaleWorlds studio Mount and Blade: Warband is quite popular. How to become a king in this game? A question that arises almost immediately, because one of the main changes to the gameplay was the opportunity to lead your own state. But first we need to say a little about the game itself.

When did Mount&Blade appear?

The first part of Mount&Blade was released in 2008. This was a solid RPG with strategy elements, the possibility of mass battles and normal graphics. However, the game still had many shortcomings that the developers wanted to correct in order to further win the love of the players. In essence, the game is a journey into the world of the fictional Calradia. The player will have to wander around the game world, fight bandits, participate in tournaments, and recruit warriors for his squad. And in general, do everything that a brave and skilled warrior should.

Mount&Blade: Tournament Era

So, 2 years later, a completely updated version of the game was released, to which a lot of tasty features were added. The graphical component has undergone very serious changes, a new faction has been added, and the map has been enlarged. All this allowed a game like Mount&Blade: Warband to become a masterpiece. Becoming a king is the most interesting and exciting change in the game. After all, previously players could only serve the king of another state, but they themselves would never be able to achieve such power. The new update made the game doomed to success.

Mount and Blade Warband: how to become a king in the game

Thousands of players began playing the game on the first day of the game's release in hopes of gaining complete power and eventually uniting all of Calradia under their banner. But how to become a king in Mount and Blade? It turned out that it is not so simple at all; you need to spend many hours to obtain such a high rank. So, let's look at the main steps for recognizing a royal title:

1) Create your character, paying special attention to the characteristics of leadership and persuasion, because these are the most important qualities for a future head of state.

2) Gain a little fame in battles, gather a normal army and go to the service of any king.

3) Continue to increase your fame, complete tasks and increase your army.

4) Having recruited a large army, renounce your ruler and capture any of his castles.

5) Name your state and send an ambassador to those factions that responded well to your rebellion. Most likely, these kings will recognize your right to be ruler. Continue sending ambassadors with high persuasion skill until you are recognized as the king of the new state.

But this is not all the features of Mount and Blade Warband. How to become a king differently? We examined the military-diplomatic method of seizing power. The second way is to marry the king's daughter. To do this, you need to improve your relations with the royal family, increase your fame by participating in tournaments and battles, increase honor and your friendly relations with the faction you need. If you can achieve all this, then after the wedding you will be recognized as a king. Do not rush into proposing marriage, but first become as well-known and respected a person in the state as possible.

How to defend your right to power

In fact, after the coronation you are just beginning your journey in the game. This is another plus of Mount and Blade Warband. Becoming a king is one thing, but staying and ruling successfully is another thing entirely. After the coronation, start gathering an army. Remember: a king needs a large and strong army, otherwise you risk being defeated by enemy kings or lords. Conquer cities, win over friendly lords and increase your influence throughout Calradia. Mount&Blade: Warband is a wonderful computer game that gives you complete freedom of action.