Firewall work. Disable Windows Firewall. What is a firewall and how to disable it in different versions of Windows Where to disable the firewall on your computer

Hey! Glad to be with you again. I haven't written anything for almost a week, because I got involved in an adventure called "Spanish Money: To Freedom!" Whoever is in the know will understand me 🙂 Today I want to tell you about disabling the firewall in Windows 7/10. First, according to tradition, a little educational program.

What is a firewall and why turn it off?

Firewall, aka firewall (firewall), aka firewall(hereinafter these words will be used as synonyms) protects our computer from intrusions from the outside and from leakage of information into the network. In general, the word firewall in English means "fire wall", and the firewall is the same, only in German, if I'm not mistaken.

Normally, this should be a separate software product, a powerful program! For example Outpost Firewall, Comodo Firewall or Norton internet security. But third party programs, as a rule, are cumbersome, take up a lot of system resources and require a lot of knowledge and nerves to configure. Therefore, most users are satisfied with the built-in firewall in Windows. I must say right away that disassembling these programs is not included in the topic of the article, in order to receive more information, subscribe to blog updates.

However, almost all popular ones have a built-in firewall. So, if you have installed such an antivirus, then you may have a completely legitimate desire to disable the built-in firewall in Windows. Also at various problems with or vice versa - with Internet access to a computer, you can try disabling the firewall to check if it's the case. In some cases, the firewall may affect the .

Disable Firewall Windows 7/8/10

I must say right away that compared to the Windows XP firewall, the seven has quite reliable protection, and you should turn it off only if you know exactly what it was exchanged for and what will happen to you.

If you still decide to disable the Windows firewall, then I will show you how easy it is to do it step by step:

A small digression is required here. The fact is that Windows 7-10 distinguishes between Home (Work) networks and Public networks. It is easy to guess that home and work networks are local networks under your control, and public networks are the Internet. For home networks, they usually do not include a firewall, even if there is no alternative, just so as not to have access problems. For example, if you have a computer or media player connected to home network, so that there are no problems with access to computer resources, it is better to turn off the firewall in relation to home networks.

If you installed another program or an antivirus with a built-in firewall, then turning off the Windows 7 firewall is mandatory for all networks! This is necessary because the computer should not have two firewalls running at the same time, just like . Otherwise, they will conflict with each other, which can lead to severe computer slowdown or even freezing. It's like letting your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law share the same kitchen 🙂

However, most programs with a built-in firewall replace the Windows firewall and in the window it will say “These settings are managed by the vendor's application ESET Internet Security”, i.e. indicates the program that you have installed.

In this case, you cannot disable anything from the control panel, for this you need to open the program settings. For example, I have NOD32, and to disable protection, you just need to right-click on the application icon in the system tray and select "Pause firewall (allow all traffic)"

Most other antiviruses do the same.

How can I just turn off the service?

In principle, after the actions taken, the protection no longer works. But some simply disable a service in Windows called "Firewall". In this case, all firewall functions are disabled, regardless of its settings. To disable a service:

  • Pass in "Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Services" and find "Windows Firewall" in the list.
  • Right click on it and select "Stop"
  • To prevent the firewall from turning on after reboot, right-click again and select "Properties", and then change the startup type to "Disabled"

Now the firewall is disabled and will not be enabled on the next boot. Accordingly, to enable the Windows 7,8,10 firewall, carry out all actions in reverse order 🙂

Remember! That by disabling the firewall permanently, having no other alternative, you put your computer and all the data on it at risk!

If there are any access problems that disappear after turning off the firewall, then it is better to figure it out once and correctly configure the service than to turn it off completely.

From this article, you learned what the Windows 7 firewall is, how to disable it correctly, why it is needed at all, and what it can be fraught with. possible in reverse order. Share this article with your friends, they will thank you!

And this is dessert for today, dog Norman learned to ride a bike!

Hello dear readers of our site! Today I want to tell you how to disable the firewall (firewall)? The word firewall is borrowed from of English language(FireWall - fiery wall). The word firewall comes from German language(Brandmauer) and means "a wall that protects adjacent buildings from the spread of fire."

How to turn off the firewall on your computer?

First of all, I would like to say that the firewall is a security layer, which determines which traffic is “passed” to your computer and which is not. Typically, a firewall will let "good traffic" through, and keep all kinds of attacks from hackers, malware, and other types of questionable traffic out of the way.

A firewall is present in most modern routers, which are now very widely used. Also, this type of protection is built into the operating system, whether it is Windows or Mac OC. And, of course, a firewall is available in almost all antivirus programs.

But, one way or another, there are situations when this type of protection needs to be disabled. You may be installing an antivirus that has its own protection. Also, some programs conflict with it and start working normally only after turning off the firewall.

First, let's look at how to disable the firewall in the most common operating system - Windows. You will be able to use this method in different Windows versions with minor changes.

Open the Control Panel by clicking on the Start menu.

In the Control Panel, select the "System and Security" section:

Then in the sidebar, select "Turn on/off Windows firewall»:

Now you just need to check the boxes next to "turn off Windows Firewall" and after that confirm that you are aware of what you are doing:

Your firewall is now disabled!


The Macintosh operating system is also very popular around the world and its popularity is growing all the time.

So, to get started, click on the Apple icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select " System requirements:

In the "System Requirements" window, select "Security":

Then click the "Firewall" tab and "Stop".

This video will make you smile:

And that's all for today! Now you know how to disable the firewall (firewall) in the most popular operating systems peace. I hope this article was useful for you and no difficulties arose.

Subscribe to new useful articles of our site site! And share with your friends on social media. networks!

Good luck to you and all the best!

Firewall or firewall is a program that is designed to protect a PC from hacker attacks through a local network or the Internet. It analyzes all incoming and outgoing traffic and, if necessary, blocks it. Basically disabling the firewall is not required. It works stably and does not interfere with the user with pop-up notifications. However, if the firewall is blocking installation, running a program, or a trusted site, then you can turn it off in several ways.

Disable firewall in Windows 10 using the command line

You can turn off the firewall in several ways: through the cmd console, Control Panel, services. The simplest is the first way. If you are interested in how to disable the firewall in Windows 10 through command line, do the following:

  • Press "Win + R" and enter "cmd".
  • The console will open. We enter "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off", click "Enter".

  • Firewall or firewall disabled.

To turn the defender back on, you should enter "netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on" in the command line.

Disable Firewall via Control Panel

Through the Control Panel, the user can enable and disable many components of Windows 10, including the firewall. To do this, just follow these steps:

  • Click "Start", "Control Panel", "System and Security", in the menu on the left, select "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" (or set the view mode to small icons and immediately select the desired section).

  • A new section will open. Sets the "Disabled" flags.

IMPORTANT! Before turning off the firewall, it is worth installing an antivirus third party developer.

Stop the firewall completely in Windows 10

If, after disabling the firewall through the Control Panel or the command line, the defender still continues to work, it is worth stopping the service itself. It is she who is responsible for the operation of the firewall. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Press "Win + R" and enter "services.msc".

  • A new window will open. We are looking for the "Windows Firewall" service. Double click to open it.

  • In a small window, set "Disabled" (startup type) and "Stopped".

  • After disabling the service, the firewall will be completely stopped.

Add file to firewall exception

Any file can be added not only to the antivirus exception, but also to the regular firewall. To do this, we perform the following actions:

  • Click "Start", "Control Panel", select "Windows Firewall". In the menu on the left, select "Allow interactions with applications ...".

  • A new window will open. Click on the "Allow another app" button. The window will appear again. Specify the path to the program. You can also specify what types of networks it is intended for.

  • The file or program is included in the firewall exceptions.

Disable advanced firewalls in Windows 10

If you are using a third party firewall, such as Comodo Firewall, you can disable it in the following way:

  • Open the program window. Next to the "Comprehensive protection" item, set the "Disabled" mark.

  • Next, open the "Auto-Sandbox" and "HIPS" tools and also set the value to "Disabled".

In this way, you can temporarily disable protection. If you want to completely remove a third-party firewall, we recommend using the "Programs" section in the Control Panel.

For information on how to disable the regular firewall in Windows 10, see the video:

Firewall performs useful feature- protects the computer from Trojans, worms, spyware, various malicious scripts, etc., i.e. is built-in. His work does not allow attackers to realize their insidious plans.

But there are situations when the firewall blocks programs for which we have our own plans, for example, a torrent client, a network toy, an online service.

To temporarily forget about the guardianship of the firewall, you should turn it off.

Turning off the firewall

To do this, go to the "Control Panel", look for "System and Security", then select the "Windows Firewall" section.

After that, a list with shields will appear on the left of the screen. Select "Turn Windows Firewall on or off".

Now all that's left is to double-select "Turn off Windows Firewall" for the home and private networks.

Disable the Windows Firewall service

To disable the Windows Firewall service, you must run the Run utility. To do this, use the special "Win + R". In the line we write

After that, press "Enter". A window with a list of services should appear.

Here we find the Windows Firewall, double-click on the line. In the window that appears, select "Stop", and then "Apply" and "OK".

Removing the firewall from autorun

To do this, we will use the “Run” utility again, but in the line we will write another command

Then go to the "Autostart" tab, look for Windows Firewall among other programs, uncheck the box next to its line. For the changes to take effect, click the Apply button, and then OK. You can also do this with a standard firewall if you plan to install its analogue, for example, Outpost Firewall.
If the firewall has been deactivated in order to download a movie from a torrent client or to use an online service, then be sure to enable it.

In this article you will find a brief explanation of what a firewall is (firewall, firewall). Learn how to turn off Windows Firewall. And at the end of the post, there will be an overview of two free and powerful firewalls for Windows.

What is a firewall?

Firewall - from English. means a burning wall, the term is also used "firewall"(Brandmauer) what's wrong with him. means Brand - fire and Mauer - wall. The term Firewall is used more often, and the firewall is just a translation from English into German, but it would be more correct to use " Firewall". I hope you all understand what a firewall, firewall, firewall is? That is, all this is one and the same.

What is a firewall (firewall, firewall)?

- a fire wall preventing the penetration of hackers or local network or via the Internet to a computer. The firewall also prevents malware from being sent to other computers.

An illustration showing how the firewall works:

Disable Windows Firewall (XP, Vista, 7)

How to disable the Windows XP firewall?

To disable the firewall (firewall) Windows XP go: Start > Control Panel > Security Center > Windows Firewall. In the window that opens, switch to "Turn off" and click "ok". But this is not enough, Windows will constantly warn us about security, and this is so annoying, so in the "Security Center" go to the left panel in the tab "Change the Notification Method by the Security Center", a window will open where you need to uncheck all the checkboxes (their three jokes). That's it, we just disabled the Windows XP firewall.

How to disable Windows Vista firewall?

Disabling the firewall in Windows Vitsa is practically no different, unlike XP. Go: Start > Control Panel > Homepage> Allow the program to run through the firewall, then in the General tab, click Disable, apply and ok. Everything, nothing complicated turn off firewall Windows Vista no.

How to turn off the Windows 7 firewall?

Disabling the Windows 7 firewall. Let's go:
Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall, on the left tab "Turn Windows Firewall on or off" and set both values ​​​​to disable against the crosses and click "ok".

Oh yes, I almost forgot, you also need to disable the Windows Firewall service, open "Run" or simply press Win + R and type:


Find Windows Firewall.

Double-click the left mouse button and in the window that opens, click "Disable", then "Apply" and "OK".

You also need to disable the autostart of the Windows firewall, for this again in context menu"Run" (Win + R) you need to type:


go to the "Autostart" tab, find the Windows firewall, uncheck it and click "Apply" and "OK".

That's it, we just figured out how to disable the Windows XP, Vista, 7 firewall.

There are quite a few firewalls, so it is not necessary to use the standard Windows firewall. There are both paid and free ones, at the moment and have been the leader in this segment for quite a long time, and more specifically, if you say the best firewall, then this is Outpost Firewall, a firewall from Russian company Agnitum, there are versions, both paid and free. Of the free ones, today I will make a small review of two firewalls, perhaps you can use them for yourself choose the best free firewall.

An overview of two free firewalls for Windows.

Actually, this firewall no longer exists, i.e. as a standalone recently it is included in the package PC Tools Internet Security, this and and the firewall together, me old version I like it more, and to be honest, now I have this firewall installed on my laptop and I'm not going to switch to the current one, full package, with an antivirus and a firewall, but if I decide to change the firewall, then I will rather switch to a product from another manufacturer. You can download the old, great version of PC Tools Firewall Plus here.

Let's take a closer look at this program and move on to the settings of the PC Tools Firewall Plus firewall. On first run, start: double click the left mouse button on the tray icon):

we see the "Status" tab, where you can enable / disable the firewall, find out about new updates, get information about traffic.

By going to the "Application blocking" item or simply to the "Applications" section (the same thing), we can manage the list of programs installed on the computer for which you can configure traffic restrictions (outgoing / incoming). If the program for which you need to set certain restrictions is not in the list of applications, then you can easily add it by clicking on the green plus sign:

You can also remove certain program by initially selecting it and clicking on the red cross. "History" is simply a log of firewall activity. In the tab "Work" you can see information about running applications, services running at the moment. Section "Settings". This section has General settings firewall, such as password, filtering and full screen mode, as well as "small" settings related mainly to user convenience, language selection, checking for updates and other options. The "Password" sub-tab allows you to set a password for your settings to protect them from being changed by other malware. Activating the "Full screen mode" option makes it possible to receive information about the attack, including full screen mode work, for example, the player is open or the game is full screen.

A fairly powerful and functional firewall, a kind of free competitor to the best firewall Outpost Firewall (I'll talk about this firewall later).
Comodo Firewall can be downloaded here. I will not consider the details of the installation, but I will dwell a little on the settings of the free firewall.
At the first start, in principle, as in other firewalls, you can see basic parameters, at the top of the panel there are three tabs "Summary", "Protection", "Activity".

By going to any tab on the left of the firewall window, more sub-tabs are visible, for example, by going to "Tasks" you can change settings, block and allow applications, etc., similarly, as in the PC Tools Firewall Plus firewall, in principle, you can do nothing here without need change. "Application Monitor", here is a list of applications trusted by the user. "Component Monitor" - analysis of the integrity of files, the firewall can prevent malicious programs from changing them. "Network Monitor" - in this item you can configure filtering of data transmission over IP, you can close dangerous ports.

Actually, I have already said that I won’t stop separately and consider each item in detail, I just think it’s enough to explain the basic firewall settings to understand the basic functions, data, free firewalls.

On this, the article on firewalls (firewalls) for Windows is over. I think it will be useful for you.