How much they pay on YouTube for 100. How much can you earn on YouTube. How much can you earn from YouTube per million impressions

How much YouTube pays for views: 9 steps to create a YouTube channel + what you can and cannot make money on YouTube + 5 affiliate program requirements + 5 ways to increase profits.

The popularity of the YouTube video server has not subsided for many years.

Its main purpose is to show a wide variety of videos. You can also register on the site and communicate with other users, as in a simple chat or social network.

In addition, in order to watch other people's videos, absolutely everyone is free to create their own channel and show the world videos of their own work.

Perhaps everyone knows that you can get good money on this server!

Another question, how much does youtube pay per view? It turns out that here a person earns not just for creating his video. As always, advertising plays a significant role. Your “premium” will depend on it.

How to create your own YouTube channel?

Before calculating income, you need to create your own channel. Only registered users have the right to add videos, leave reviews, "like" other people's work, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a channel

Everything is very simple and does not require any additional knowledge. And now you can figure out how much they pay for views on YouTube.

What does YouTube pay for and how much?

Everyone watches videos on YouTube. This is a popular service, the topics of videos are diverse, the site is easy to use, has a good design and other advantages. During the day, millions of people watch various clips.

That is, there is a high probability that at least a few people will be able to see your video.

On some earning sites you can see that for 1,000 plays of a clip it is realistic to get $1,000, but this is absolutely wrong!

Earnings on the YouTube affiliate program

If your channel is really popular on the network, then you can conclude an official contract with the YouTube administration.

The essence of the agreement is that you allow the use of your videos for hosting advertising purposes. After that, ads will start appearing in your videos.

There are a number of rules according to which funds are charged for viewing ads:

  • videos should be watched only by registered users;
  • if the video is not watched to the end, then the money will not be credited;
  • the viewer needs to go to the site to which the advertising link leads and stay there for a while (usually 3 seconds, but sometimes up to several minutes).

At first glance, it may seem that making money in this way would be unrealistic.

This is wrong!

In reality, many make transitions to sites, and thereby help you earn.

If your page already has more than 10,000 viewers, then you can showcase different brands and products during the video itself.

Moreover, in this way you can earn much more, because you do not need to give part of the profits to YouTube, and the payment will be higher.

How much does YouTube pay per view (1000)?

As mentioned above, YouTube pays not for how many times your video has been watched, but for advertising in it. But if there are no views (read - activity), no one will want to promote their products or services on your channel.

The income on the channel depends on the following parameters:

  1. How many subscribers are on the channel?
  2. What is their activity?
  3. Number of plays per month?

How much do you get paid per view on YouTube (1,000,000)?

According to rough estimates, at least 30 people out of a thousand will definitely see an ad or go to the site via a link. This is how they make money for you.

Is it possible to earn on likes?

Some believe that for (thumbs up - the analogue of "I like" in this social network) is also charged. Unfortunately, YouTube only pays for ad views.

This begs the question, why then do many tearfully ask for a “thumbs up”?

Likes are needed in order for the clip to get into the top list. With this, you can increase the number of subscribers and the number of views. And we already know that the more people see the clip, the greater the amount of the fee.

How to earn money from your Youtube channel?

Above, we described what and how much they pay on YouTube. Now it’s worth figuring out where to start in order to earn this money.

First of all, obviously, you need to create your own channel (you received the instructions at the beginning of the text). Before that, think carefully about the thematic direction. It should be interesting for everyone.

Viewers should be looking forward to your new videos.

You can shoot videos on any device, but the quality must be high. It was 10 years ago that we all looked at blurry footage and didn't mind. Now the requirements have increased.

Tip: before you start shooting, read articles or even books about the frame, composition, plot, idea and themes of video / films.

Here are some interesting books on the subject to help you:

Title and author of the bookSummary
Cinema without a budget. How to Conquer Hollywood at 23 With $7,000 in Your Pocket Robert Rodriguez.
This book is written by an American director, cameraman and screenwriter.
On its pages, he shares his experience in Hollywood, reveals the secrets of how to make a good movie.
How to make a great video that the pros will envy by Steve Stockman.The author of this book believes that video can change history and save society.
According to him, a brilliant movie can be made even on the phone.
“How to become the first on YouTube: Secrets of explosive promotion”, authors: Andrey Parabellum, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Timur Tazhetdinov.This is a step by step guide on how to become a famous blogger.

The first month will take you to fill your channel.

To start active promotion activities, you need to have at least a few interesting videos on it. It is desirable that they are united by a common theme. Then it will be easier for you to increase the number of viewers.

The next step is promotion.

To increase the number of viewers, repost your videos on social networks. At first, your friends and acquaintances will “make views”.

But if the video is really worthwhile, people will share it, the videos will be displayed to other users in the recommended ones, and the number of views will quickly grow up.

What influences how much YouTube pays?

In addition to how much they pay for YouTube views, you need to know the requirements of the affiliate program to conclude a contract.

You will be paid if the channel meets the following requirements:

    In order to be dealt with, you must have at least 3,500 views per month.

  1. The number of subscribers must be more than 100.
  2. All videos must be of high quality and interesting for the public.
  3. The conclusion of the contract is permissible only after the channel has at least 10 videos.
  4. The last but not least requirement is age.

    The blogger must be at least 14 years old. Otherwise, parental consent is required.

The requirements are simple and justified. After all, if the affiliate program is available to anyone, advertisers may lose interest in it - there will be no effect from such promotion.

If you have a really interesting idea, then you can take a chance. At least you won't lose anything.

5 Ways to Increase Your Earnings on Youtube

The desire to earn more is natural. How much YouTube pays, we already understood. It remains to find out how you can increase this profit.

You can increase your income in the following ways:

How can I "wind up" the views counter?

Today, there are many ways to wind up statistics. But of course, the administration of the resource is not stupid either. No one will pay for deceit and, perhaps, you will even lose the channel.

There are 2 ways to wrap:

  • natural,
  • artificial.

The natural method involves accompanying the video with a small text.

The trick is that the "cover letter" should be SEO-friendly, that is, it should contain keywords that users can type into the search bar.

The number of characters should not exceed 2,000. Remember that YouTube is a video hosting service, not a readers' forum.

If you make a description on the topic of the video, then such a "cheat" will not entail punishment from the administration.

Also, the list of allowed methods includes the fact that we can watch our video ourselves, as well as ask friends and relatives for help.

After replenishing the balance, you will receive views.


Be warned: a sudden increase in activity on your YouTube channel will arouse suspicion, the channel will be monitored and most likely banned.

Income from the YouTube channel can be developed and increased!

We learned, how much do you pay per view on youtube and how to increase income. You just have to come up with a good topic for the channel, invest in its promotion and you will be able to create a source of stable income.

On my site about making money on the Internet, I constantly tell you how to make money. Today you will learn how to make money on youtube and how much money you will be paid for 1000 views.

Making money on YouTube is similar to the business of bloggers who keep their diaries on the Internet. Video bloggers - keep their diaries on youtube in the form of video files that other people watch. Video bloggers shoot videos and post them online on various topics. The more interesting the video, the more people will watch it. They pay money for the number of views. You have probably seen ads at the beginning of clips or movies, or maybe in the middle. That's what they charge money for.

The more people who watch your video, the more money you will earn. The number of views is the most important indicator. Usually it is measured in units of multiples of 1000. Not 100 views and not 10, but a thousand.

How much does youtube pay per 1000 views

Every day, millions of people watch jokes, clips and movies on the Internet. Most of them are located on YouTube video hosting. Each user has their own channels, which can be many. It's like channels on TV. If you have a popular channel with a lot of views, then you can make money from it.

Income also depends on the subject of your channel. Advertising in entertainment videos is paid less than in videos about making money on the Internet.

Website owners use video to get traffic. To do this, insert a link to the site in the description of the video. The user who liked the video will definitely follow it.

Views: 670
Added: 07/09/2018

How much can you earn from You Tube videos? How much does YouTube pay per view? You will be surprised, nothing pays! Why? Read all the details in this article!

Hi all!
Today's article will be devoted to You Tube.
YouTube is currently the most popular video hosting in the world.
In general, this is not surprising, since Youtube is owned by the global search engine giant Google.
Shooting vidyuhi has become much easier than, say, 10 years ago.
Guess). Now even mobile phones are equipped with video cameras, that is, the first video can be filmed already from the phone.
I covered this topic in detail.

It is not surprising that there are more and more people who want to make money on YouTube every year.
Of course, no one wants to work for free and will not - this is logical).
The first question that comes to mind...
How much does YouTube pay per view?
You Tube pays nothing for watching the videos you make.
It pays for people to watch ads on your channel.
Revenues have slumped in recent years.

In general, the life of a blogger (I am a blogger) and a video blogger are very similar, everything is the same for us. Although I know YouTube firsthand, not the payouts you expect, your video is blocked in some countries, the background music turns out to be someone else ... =).

(Further in the article I will call video bloggers bloggers for brevity.)

Let's look at how much You Tube pays, what you can earn on and how many views you need to make more or less decent earnings, say 30 thousand rubles.

How much does YouTube pay for viewing ads on your channel

It is not difficult to start making money on You Tube.
To do this, you need to shoot video around the clock
to have at least 10 videos on your channel.
Do not violate the rules of copyright holders (video must be shot by you).
Good visibility of your videos.

Everything seems to be simple, but another question.

Let's make it clear right away to make money on you tube, in fact, there are only 2 ways.
1. Advertising in Google AdSense (clicks and views of ads).
2. Affiliate programs (you will be paid a certain% of purchases)

Yes, there are many more ways to make money on your YouTube channel, for example, you may be offered to shoot a video where you will talk about a product or service, but for this your channel must be popular, have a large number of views, or you have a narrow topic, Let's say you're a fisherman, making a video about fishing, you may be offered, say, to advertise spinning.

Most often, video is monetized (earnings on it) using Google AdSense advertising.
What is the essence of this income?
An ad from Google is inserted into the video (at the beginning or at the end of the video) or a banner, usually at the bottom, on the right side of the video.
You will be paid for clicking on a banner, but only if the visitor clicks on the link and spends some time on the site, otherwise the transition will not be counted.

In addition, the subject of your channel is important, say porn will collect hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, but this does not mean that you will be allowed to earn money on such a channel.

The subject of business is in great demand, the price of a click (click) on advertising is very decent.
True, it will be troublesome to bring such a channel to a decent number of views.
Where entertainment topics go better, say, jokes or a review of videos or online games.

Guys, you will be surprised). everything sucks

How much do bloggers earn on YouTube, top earnings on average

How much do youtube ad views cost?
In general, the price of a click depends very much on the subject of the channel - it can be 1 cent, 10 cents or 1 dollar per 1 ad view.
In addition, it affects how many people watch ads on your channel.
For example.
You have 100 thousand views and 1000 clicks on ads, and someone else has 50 thousand views and 2000 ad views.

How much can you earn on YouTube?
I must say, I noticed that recently the earnings of bloggers on YouTube have fallen very much.
What is it connected with?
There are many reasons.
Competition, crisis in the country (affects the solvency of advertisers and the amount of advertising).
In addition, the price of a click on an advertisement in different countries will be different. In Russia, the price of a click on an advertisement is not high enough.
Which countries are in the top by cost per click for YouTube ads?
USA, UK, as well as many non-rich countries.

Now many even top bloggers cannot reach a decent income.
Behind the young promoted channels are experienced producers.
It is very troublesome to get into the top now.
In order for the video channel to reach the top for key queries, you need to shoot videos daily.

So all the same, how much does 1000 views on youtube ads cost?
On average, this is 20 cents, at the current rate of 66 rubles a dollar = 13 rubles.
How much is 1,000,000 YouTube ad views worth?
200 dollars = 13 thousand rubles.
Accordingly, in order to earn 30 thousand rubles a month, your channel must be viewed by more than 2 million people per month.
Here are the numbers.)


It is possible, though there are pitfalls, in particular.
YouTube will keep half of the money you earn.
Advertising is ordered only on promoted videos, with a large number of views or on a channel with a large number of subscribers.
How much do popular YouTubers in Russia earn?
On average, about 100 thousand rubles.

Making money on your YouTube channel is real!
To do this, you need to come up with something new that is not there yet. You need to get into this stream, for example, if you made a video about the game Pokemon a few months ago, it would be very popular, now, I'm sure thousands of videos on this game have already been shot.
Finally, a video from a popular You Tube blogger about how much he earns.
See, you won't regret it.)

That's all for today, good luck to everyone!

Everyone knows that the most popular and visited video hosting these days is, of course, YouTube. Today, a lot of Internet users have heard that you can earn good money on YouTube and in some cases it can replace your main job and help you become very popular, but not everyone knows how it works and how much YouTube pays for 1000 views .. And so before you go further, you must remember that YouTube does not pay for VIEWS but for clicks on ads inside your video and watching the commercial before the video or at the end. Since this is a fairly common way to make money on the Internet, there are now a lot of ways to make money on YouTube from selling goods to simple monetization with Adsense.

youtube pricing: how much they pay per view

If we highlight the main aspects of earnings, then there will be only two of them:

  1. The topic of your channel;
  2. The number of monthly views.

These are not all important indicators, there are still a huge number of them: popularity, subscribers, activity, etc. But in fact, the amount of earnings is mainly influenced by views and topics.

It should be noted that with sufficiently large views, the subject fades into the background. There are more than a hundred million channels on Youtube today, and the daily number of views exceeds several billion.



Your subscribers who read the feed will see the approved video and take the necessary actions for the customer. You can also write a comment along with a like, which costs even more.

6.4. Self-posting affiliate links in order to receive a commission Let's say you have a channel with reviews of various gadgets and you are thinking of releasing a video with a review of a high-quality copy of the IPhone. You can register, for example, on the AliExpress website, take an affiliate link, place it in the description and tell users in the video that they can order the same copy in this store using the link.
From each order you will receive a percentage (10-50%). There are quite a lot of affiliate networks, as well as offers that are ready to pay you for the clients you bring.
Therefore, it will not be difficult to find an affiliate program for your channel.

How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views and for 1000000 views?

In some cases, the price can be equal to 0.1 dollars, and sometimes the fee reaches as much as 2 (about 125 rubles at the current exchange rate). In addition, it is not a fact that a person will be interested in a commercial and will not miss it - in this case, the money will not get into your wallet. So it is really possible to make money on your channel only with a huge flow of subscribers who will follow the advertiser's link. How much YouTube pays for 1000 views In the most successful scenario, out of 1000 runs of the video, 10-15 people will follow the link to the advertiser's website, and only for them will you receive your long-awaited payment.

How much does youtube pay for views: 5 ways to increase money


Why do many people want to know how to make money on Youtube? Why YouTube? Yes, simply because it is the most popular video service in the world. This is a site where users from all countries where this service is allowed can be at the same time.

Here you can upload videos from any device and from anywhere in the world in order to show it to your subscribers, which will help increase virtual coins in your electronic wallet (which can then be turned into real ones). Youtube, with its multibillion-dollar views, has long been a platform for making money.

Russian video bloggers have successfully picked up the experience of foreign colleagues and are now able to receive money on a par with show business stars.

After confirming the linking of one account to another, enter your contact details and send a request. After that, you will be notified that the connection has been established.

Advertising Foreign advertisers, in particular European or American ones, pay much more for the information posted about them than Russian ones. An important point: only clicks or clicks on ads are monetized.
The more popular the video or the channel as a whole, the more chances you will have to conclude an agreement with reputable partners. For example, YouTube's record for views will certainly not go unnoticed by advertisers.

Hence the difference in cost. Among the people who talk about how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, some earn 300 euros for 400,000, while others make 100 euros for 1,000,000. Decide on the ads you are going to show.

how youtube pays for youtube views

What is the best video editing software? How to become a successful blogger on YouTube? How much do vloggers earn? Promotion of your own YouTube channel. How much does 1000 clicks on advertising cost It should be noted that it is impossible to calculate the exact amount, since one click or view can cost from half a cent to one dollar, and sometimes more.

It already depends, directly, on the subject of the channel. The more common the topic, the more advertisers will buy ads, which means the price will increase. Simply put, the broader the channel, the more it will receive from one click. So how do you calculate how much YouTube pays for 1000 views? It is impossible to get an exact answer to this question, someone earns $ 1 per thousand views, someone more.
It all depends on the subject and, of course, on the audience of the channel. The average amount of income per 1000 impressions is $2.
Topics are designed for different segments and groups of the population:

  • finance and economics;
  • children's entertainment programs;
  • humorous channels;
  • cars;
  • films and reviews of novelties of cinematography;
  • sports and much more.

The most popular views on YouTube are usually humorous and musical videos, but this does not mean that they are the most profitable. Do not forget about the legislation regulating the scope of copyright protection. Please read it carefully before you start creating a channel. How do you earn on YouTube for views? To get started, you will need to create your account in Now you need to enable channel monetization.
Nowadays, the Internet offers each person not only access to tons of various information and services, but also an absolutely real opportunity to earn good money without leaving home. This is due to the fact that the global network is constantly developing and receiving financial investments. You can make money on the Internet in various ways: write comments on posts on social networks or various articles for websites, post photos, create special programs. However, according to statistics, one of the most popular types of earnings is maintaining your own video blog or channel on the World Wide Web. In this article, we will look at how much YouTube pays for views, ads, subscribers and likes.
The amount is small, but at the same time, if the channel has an audience of 100,000 subscribers, then the monthly income will be quite significant. How much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views It would seem that if an average channel earns $ 2 per 1,000 views, then $ 2,000 per million views.

But this is far from true. It is also impossible to calculate the exact amount for 100,000 views. Topics, subscribers, advertising, because in addition to affiliate programs, the channel can also earn from advertising various goods and services.

One of the most popular such services is SocialBlade. It allows you to see the earnings of absolutely any channel.

The age of the Internet makes people active users of the global network. There is no such person who has not heard of YouTube. This site is the largest video service that millions of users from all over the world visit for free every day. What is so interesting about the video content that can be seen on YouTube? Here, each person, at his request, receives a whole selection of videos of different genres and different specifics. Moreover, this video sequence never ends, and for the user there is a great opportunity not only to learn useful information, but also to have fun. The authors of the stories at this point receive a small bonus from the site for the fact that his work was in demand. If you find out how much they pay today for 1000 views on YouTube, then perhaps the authors of the video will come in the ranks, because here lies one of the sources of good income.

The site is becoming more popular every day, and in connection with this, the amount of money that passes there is increasing. But for many, the question of how you can make good money on YouTube with the help of views remains unresolved. What exactly needs to be done to make money from YouTube? And how much reward can you expect using this service?

Video features

There are some key points that determine how much they pay for watching videos on YouTube:

  • plot theme;
  • number of impressions per month;
  • the popularity of the videos;
  • user activity and other indicators.

Basically, the amount of money earned depends on the subject of the video and the number of views. But with a huge number of impressions, the topic of the video does not matter. The YouTube site is a source of various information and a great place where you should make money on advertising. Today, more than 100 million channels are open on this video hosting, moreover, more than a billion impressions are registered on the site every day. And he is ready to pay money for good and popular videos. If you wondered how much 1000 user views on YouTube cost, then we will give small numbers as an example.

For a thousand impressions of a YouTube video, on average, you can earn $ 2 - $ 5. The amount of payment, as mentioned earlier, depends directly on the subject and the number of impressions. In general, this is a small figure, but at the same time, if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers or more, the amount of earnings per month will be very decent.

How much can you earn from YouTube per million impressions?

Reasoning logically and knowing how much YouTube actually pays (about $ 2 for every 1000 views), we can calculate that $ 2000 is paid for a million. In fact, everything is not so and the exact amount for 1 million impressions cannot be calculated.

Advertising activity, certain topics and the presence of subscribers - this is not the whole list of parameters that YouTube pays for. Even considering this situation, when showing a video about a million times, you can earn about $ 1,000. And this figure is also approximate.

There are many services on the network with which you can see how to earn a certain channel. One of the leaders of such services is SocialBlade. With it, you can get information of interest from any channel.

You can go to the service and see how much some popular foreign blogger earns. His earnings range from $250 to $4,000. With all this, the audience of the channel and their demand for a particular product are very important.

In order to receive money on views, you need to connect to an affiliate program. Each new user can activate the monetization of their personal channel and earn money for every 1000 directly through YouTube.