USB device over current status detected! What to do?! How to fix USB device over current status detected when turning on the computer Warning usb device over current mechanical error

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I turn on the computer and a recording comes out usb device over current status detected system will shutdown in 15 seconds, what does it mean? Translated, it roughly sounds like “Discovered USB devices o with high current consumption, the system will reboot after 15 seconds."

If the error usb device over current status detected appears, do not immediately open the case system unit, first let's take a look USB port s your computer.

How to remove the message usb device over current status detected system will shutdown in 15 seconds

  1. Since the message says about a USB device error, let's start by disconnecting all USB devices on the computer, such as USB flash drives, USB cameras, mouse, keyboard and other USB devices (it is necessary to free all USB ports of the computer from connected external devices). We turn on the computer and see that the usb device over current status detected error has disappeared, if not, then go to the second point. If the message disappears, then the reason for the appearance of this message is a faulty connected USB device (the wire is broken, there is a short circuit - replace the faulty USB device with a new one).
  2. If, after disconnecting all USB devices, the usb device over current status detected message is still an eyesore, then you need to inspect all USB ports for broken parts, foreign objects, and even dust inside the ports. There were cases when, after cleaning the USB ports from dust, the usb device over current status detected message disappeared.
  3. In 90 percent of cases, as a rule, a broken connector is identified at the second stage. Which USB ports are used most often? Those located on the front panel of the system unit case. And even if you were unable to identify a faulty USB port, do not despair, disabling USB front panel ports will help in most cases.

Conclusion. The error is typical for ASUS motherboards, and it is not always worth seeking the help of a specialist to eliminate errors when turning on the computer, and even when minimal knowledge computer devices, some problems can be solved by the average user on his own. And if the described actions did not help you eliminate the reason for the appearance of the message usb device over current status detected, then Possible Solution your problem is this:

  • Check the power control jumper USBPWR, the absence of this jumper on motherboard This may also be the reason for the appearance of the message when starting the computer.
  • Malfunction of the resistor identifying the presence of voltage on one of the ports

If the computer writes a message when you turn it on USB device over current status detected! System Shut Down after 15 sec and does not boot, then most often the reason for this lies not in a malfunction of the motherboard or other components, but in problems with peripheral devices. If you translate the error into Russian, it means that the system has detected a device connected via USB that consumes a lot of current, and therefore the computer will restart in 15 seconds.
Sometimes it can be a simple glitch BIOS operation and restarting the device can really help. But if this does not happen, then there are two options that can be performed by any user without advanced computer knowledge.

How to remove the message USB device over current status detected - System Will Shut Down after 15 sec.

Step 1. We disconnect all devices connected via USB - flash drives, printer, camera, mobile phone and so on. Even the mouse should be turned off. We leave only the keyboard.

Turn on the PC and watch. Has the error disappeared? Then connect each device in turn and repeat the operation. This way you can determine which of them is responsible for the message “USB device over current status detected!” "Computer shut down in 15 seconds." Having found it, carefully inspect the cable - it may be damaged and short-circuited. Otherwise, you will have to drag it in for repairs.

Step 2. Trying to reset the BIOS settings. Perhaps there was a more global failure basic system PC I/O and will need to be reset to factory settings. Here . The easiest way to do this is to remove the side cover of the case. There is a battery on the motherboard - remove it. Wait half an hour and put it back.

The error “usb device over current status detected” is gone?! If yes, great, but if not, I’m afraid that the situation is bad and most likely you will have to take the computer to service center. However, before doing this, I advise you to do this - carefully inspect each of the computer’s USB ports to see if any debris has gotten into it, or if the contacts are bent.

Sometimes metal shavings or a piece of other conductive material that gets on the contacts can lead to a short circuit and, accordingly, problems with the operation of the PC. To clean them, use a small brush. For example, I use an old toothbrush to clean USB ports. Simple and convenient!

Fixing USB Device Over Current Status Detected error

Hello, visitor. If you've landed on this page, you've probably encountered a problem where your computer refuses to load Windows and displays the splash screen with the error:

Please enter Setup to recover BIOS Setting
USB Device Over Current Status Detected!!
Sustem Will shut down After 15 Seconds

It is a rare case when the system independently and correctly detected a malfunction. And displayed the type of breakdown directly on the screen. Inscription

USB Device Over Current Status Detected

means nothing more than a short circuit in the USB connector of the computer/laptop. What can be done about this?

The solution to a problem lies at its source.

Before you start, cancel your current BIOS settings, having de-energized the CMOS, remove the battery for a long time, simultaneously closing 2 contacts on the connector next to the battery slot labeled CLEAR CMOS. Here they are on different boards:

USB Device Over Current Status Detected: the USB device itself is damaged

The first thing the user should start with is to remove ALL devices from the USB connectors, freeing them from any flash drive, modem, transmitter, etc. Restart your computer and check if the error goes away. If the system boots normally, the reason is that the contacts of a wired mouse are shorted in the wire itself or in a connector clogged with dust. This can be easily checked by reconnecting the supposedly shorted device TO ANOTHER computer on occasion. Blow out the connectors, which, however, does not always work: dust can clog not only the contacts in the connector themselves, but also the space around the slot on the motherboard where the connector connects to the motherboard. There is only one way out: open the computer/laptop and use a brush to go over all the places where the USB connectors are attached.

USB Device Over Current Status Detected: connector damage

Yes, USB connectors on a computer are one of the weakest points: we constantly plug flash drives, external drives, modems... This is not always done carefully and there is no exact time when one of the contacts in the connector “falls”. The result will be the unexpected appearance of the indicated inscription and the shutdown of the computer, which thus protects the motherboard from damage. Exit: with the roof open and a clear view of the board, carefully inspect each of the connectors for visible damage and contacts that have fallen on each other. I will supplement the article with a specific example later.

USB Device Over Current Status Detected: Check the jumpers on the board

According to some incomprehensible logic, component manufacturers, and more often assemblers in the workshop, incorrectly (or even never) read the manuals for the equipment being installed. As a result, incorrectly set short circuits or jumpers for correct operation equipment. The system works more or less smoothly until the first failures, associated primarily with the physical aging of the equipment or improper operating conditions: dust, vibration, expiration of components. At some point this is accompanied by signal attenuation and loss of communication electronic components, the appearance of incorrect self-diagnosis signals. In the end, we have what we have. Output: Check the jumpers on the connectors labeled USBPWR, USBPOWER, etc. Where there is no jumper, BE SURE TO INSTALL. Didn't work? Check that the board is firmly attached to the case and that there are no oxidized areas at the mounting points.

USB Device Over Current Status Detected: USB cables are shorting

There are some in your computer case, and they can also collect dirt and dust or fray at kinks. Reconnect the cables.

This is all you can do at home. Good luck.

Warning! USB device over current status detected! System will shut down after 15 seconds is an error message that may appear when you try to turn on your computer or laptop. This error indicates problems in USB operation and stops the computer from booting. In this article, we will look at the main reasons that can lead to this error, and also tell you how to eliminate them and restore the computer boot.

The error is caused by a faulty USB device or cable

If you receive the error “USB device over current status detected System will shut down after 15 seconds”, then the first thing to do is check the USB devices that are connected to the computer. Most likely, one of these devices is faulty and causes this error to appear.

To check this, disconnect all USB devices (including flash drives) from the computer and try turning them on again. If after this the “USB device over current status detected” error disappears or some other error appears instead (for example, with a message that the keyboard is not connected), then this means that you are on the right track, the problem is in one of your USB devices.

If you have disconnected all USB devices and realized that without them there is no problem, then you next need to determine which device is causing the problem. This can be done by connecting the devices one at a time and trying to turn on the computer.

For example, we connected a keyboard and tried to boot the computer. If it boots, then the keyboard is working. Next we try to connect the mouse. And so on until the computer again gives the error USB device over current status detected. The device on which the error appeared is the problem.

You need to understand that an error can be caused not only by the USB device itself, but also by the cable with which it is connected. Therefore, after you have identified the faulty device, try connecting it using another USB cable. If the problem is not reproduced with another cable, then the problem lies with that cable. Replace the cable and continue using the device.

The error is caused by a damaged USB power connector or jumper

If you have checked all connected to computer USB devices and could not find the source of the problem, then Next you need to check the USB connectors. Perhaps one of the connectors is damaged and when connecting a device to it, it causes an error to appear“USB device over current status detected System will shut down after 15 seconds.” In particularly advanced cases, a damaged connector can cause an error even without connecting devices.

To check this option, you need to carefully inspect all USB connectors, both on the front panel and on the back of the computer (on the motherboard). If a damaged connector is found, then most likely that is the problem.

Damaged connectors on the front panel are quite easy to deal with. You need to completely turn off the computer, remove the side cover and disconnect the cable that goes from the motherboard to the USB connectors on the front panel of the computer. This way you will disconnect the damaged connector from the computer and it will no longer cause problems.

With damaged connectors on the motherboard itself, everything is more complicated. You can try to fix such a connector yourself, but there is a risk of making it even worse and burning the motherboard the next time you turn on the computer. Therefore, to solve this problem, it is better to find a service center that repairs motherboards.

In addition, the “USB device over current status detected” error may occur due to the absence or incorrect position of a jumper (jumper) USB power supply connectors. These jumpers may be called USB_PWR, USBPWR, or USB POWER. In some cases, there are two of them on the board (Front and Rear).

To find the location of the front USB connectors or the location of the USB power jumpers, use the instructions that came with your motherboard.

Other reasons for the error USB device over current status detected

The problems described above are the most likely reasons for the error “USB device over current status detected System will shut down after 15 seconds” to appear when the computer boots. But, in rare cases, other problems are possible:

  • Damage to chips on the motherboard. As a result short circuit or voltage drop, some chips on the motherboard may fail. In such a situation, a variety of errors and problems may appear in the operation of the computer.
  • Problems with the power supply. In some cases, the appearance of this error can be attributed to incorrect work computer power supply.
  • Problems with BIOS. In some cases, the problem may occur as a result of a failed BIOS firmware update.

Some of the users may encounter the “ Unknown Device" problem, when the system either does not correctly detect any of its devices (visible by the corresponding icon and the Unknown Device inscription in the device manager), or when connecting any external device (usually flash drive or external HDD) the latter is also not detected by the system. In this article I will tell you what Unknown Device is and how to fix it, I will describe the reasons for its occurrence. similar problem and I will outline the tools for solving it.

What is Unknown Device

When determining what an Unknown Device is, you should first start with the translation of this phrase. Translated from English this means " Unknown device ", and appears in a situation where Windows cannot identify a device and find a driver for it (which is what is displayed in Device Manager). Until for of this device the driver will not be found, this component either does not work at all or does not work properly.

Typically, Windows OS identifies most devices and independently selects drivers for them. When does this process fail or the system cannot produce automatic download the desired driver, then the user comes into play, who needs to personally identify the driver, find it on the network, and install it on his PC.

Moreover, this problem is often identified as error 43 (sometimes correlating with error 28) with corresponding options for solving it.

Causes of the Unknown Device problem

So, in defining what Unknown Device means, we will determine the main reasons that cause this system dysfunction. They are as follows:

  • As I indicated above, this missing (incorrect) driver to any device;
  • Operating system failure;
  • Driver conflict after installing new devices;
  • Damage to the OS registry;
  • Action of virus programs;
  • Breakdown of connected via USB connector devices(flash drive, HDD, USB cable, etc.);
  • The USB connector on the PC is damaged.

After we have figured out what this is an Unknown Device and what causes it, let's move on to how to fix Unknown Device on your computer.

Fixing Unknown Device is not working correctly code 43

Let's now try to figure out how to get rid of Unknown Device on our computer. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Restart your computer, often this method is very effective solution Problems;
  2. Get rid of malware on your PC. To do this, use antivirus tools such as Web CureIt!, Malware Anti-Malware, Trojan Remover and a number of others. Check out the best protection and ;
  3. Search and install the required driver for your device. Click on the “Start” button, type devmgmt.msc in the search bar and press enter. In the device manager that opens, right-click on the device labeled Unknown Device and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

Go to the “Details” tab and in the “Property” option select “Equipment ID”. You will see several values ​​consisting of letters and numbers, this is the identification data of your problematic equipment. Copy this data and enter it into search engine and look for drivers for your problematic component (it is advisable to download drivers from the developer’s website). After finding the necessary drivers, download them and install them on your PC. After installing the drivers, the Unknown Device problem is often resolved.

If they don’t have drivers automatic program installations (and you have downloaded them to your computer), use the “ Update drivers» in the properties of the problematic device (as indicated above) and, if necessary, tell the system the path to the downloaded drivers on the hard drive;


Above I gave a detailed answer to the question - what is Unknown Device and how to fix it. In most cases, the occurrence of this dysfunction is associated with the problem of installing drivers for the required equipment, and to solve it it is enough to find and install necessary drivers(or use tools like Driver Pack Solution). If nothing helps, then perhaps the essence of the problem is a hardware failure of some system component, and you should contact your nearest service center to solve this problem.