Windows 10 desktop gadgets

One of the most requested features of Windows 7 has always been the desktop gadgets that originally appeared in Windows 7. Windows Vista. In addition to a number of built-in gadgets in Vista and 7, both operating systems support the installation of third-party gadgets from the Internet that offer fast access to various information with minimal consumption of system resources.

You may have noticed that Microsoft ditched gadgets after the release of Windows 8. They aren't in Windows 10 either, at least at this stage. The company has removed this feature for security reasons. Moreover, Microsoft even offers a tool to completely disable the sidebar and gadgets in the Windows 7 operating system.

In new Windows versions dynamic tiles act as desktop gadgets to some extent. For example, the Weather app tile displays as much or more information than the weather gadget. The same can be said about most other tiles. However, despite the fact that they are more informative, they cannot be fixed on the desktop, unlike gadgets, therefore, in order to find out the current air temperature outside the window, for example, the user is forced to open home screen or the Start menu (in Window 10).

Personally, I did not feel the absence of these gadgets, since I never used them. However, there are quite a few people who really love this feature. If you are one of them and still using Windows 10, keep reading this article, because here we will tell you how to install gadgets in the new version. operating system from Microsoft.

For the last few year s third party developers released many solutions that allow you to install gadgets in Windows 8 and 8.1. Most of them work in the top ten, but not all of them are good enough to spend your time on them.

Below are two best apps to help you install native desktop gadgets from Windows 7 on Windows 10.

We already mentioned this program in one of our previous articles when we talked about . This program is also great for installing gadgets in Windows 10.

The Desktop Gadgets Installer adds all the native gadgets available in Windows 7. All you have to do is just install the program.

In addition to gadgets, the Desktop Gadgets Installer also adds a Gadgets option to the desktop context menu that provides quick access to all installed gadgets - just like in Windows 7.

To download the program (it is fully compatible with Windows 10 x86 and x64.), visit the official website, which, among other things, contains more than 500 additional gadgets.

The Desktop Gadgets Installer does not include any "surprises" i.e. you can be sure that in addition to gadgets, browser toolbars or other "garbage" will not be installed on your system.

Like the program above, is free application to install gadgets. The program was originally developed for Windows 8/8.1, but it is fully compatible with Windows 10.

By installing 8GadgetPack, you will get a sidebar to house your favorite gadgets. In total, the program contains 45 gadgets, including a clock, a calendar, a currency informer, a processor indicator, etc. 8GadgetPack also adds the Gadgets option to the desktop context menu.


After installing one of the applications listed above, you will be able to install and download hundreds of desktop gadgets from the internet, but you have to be careful. We recommend downloading gadgets only from reliable sources, as many of the gadgets available on the Internet are nothing but malware.

Have a great day!

Computer users who switched from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or bought a personal computer with ten pre-installed often wonder - Where did the widgets go?. It is not difficult to answer this question. Starting with Windows 8, the company is more does not use widgets in their operating systems.

For many users who are used to widgets, this is pretty bad news. But don't get upset. In this article, we describe the process return of gadgets in the operating system Windows 10 in place. For an example of restoring widgets, we will use free programs Gadgets Revived And 8GadgetPack, the installation and operation of which we will consider in the new Windows 10 Pro operating system.

Returning Widgets Using the Gadgets Revived Utility

Program Gadgets Revived is absolutely free. You can download the utility from its official website After downloading the installer, you can proceed to the direct installation. Having launched the installer, a window will appear in front of us, where we will be asked to select the installation language.

Let's choose a language and continue, after which we will get to the start window of the installer. In the start window, press the Next > button and move to the language selection window.

By default, we already have the Russian language, so we continue the installation.

In the window that appears, we need to click the Install button, after which the installation of the program will begin. After completing the installation, the installer will display the last window in which we will press the button Finish.

Now you can start installing widgets. To do this, go to the Desktop and right-click on it. In the appeared context menu select " Gadgets».

A window should appear with widgets that were preinstalled in the seven.

To add gadgets to your desktop, simply drag needed for it. For example, this is how the dragged widget “ Watch» on the Desktop.

From the overview of the utility Gadgets Revived it can be seen that it almost completely copies appearance and the functionality of built-in widgets in the seven. For example, the clock gadget has similar settings to Windows 7 gadgets.

If the pre-installed gadgets are not enough for you, you can find hundreds of new gadgets on home page

To install the gadget you like, just download it from the official website. After that, open the downloaded file and in the window that appears, click the Install button.

For example, this is how the installed beautiful watch Ferrari Clock on the desktop.

You can download this clock widget at

We return widgets using the 8GadgetPack program

Another interesting utility is 8GadgetPack. The utility is also free and can be downloaded from the official website After running the setup file, we will be taken to the start window of the installer.

Click the Install button, after which the installation will begin 8GadgetPack in Windows 10. At the final stage of the installation, the last window will appear in which you must click the button Finish.

By setting 8GadgetPack, you can start using gadgets. To do this, also go to the Desktop and right-click on it. In the context menu that appears, select the same item " Gadgets».

The tool should open 8GadgetPack with a set of gadgets, which in its appearance resembles the previous utility, but is slightly different.

The main difference 8GadgetPack from Gadgets Revived is that all gadgets have already been added to the first one, and they do not need to be downloaded separately. IN 8GadgetPack included more than fifty applications and with each new version this list is expanding. To install their gadgets in the same way as in Gadgets Revived, you need to drag it to the desktop. For example, the image below shows a dragged gadget " Digital clock».

If you press the key combination Win + Q to bring up the application search in Windows 10 and type in it " 8GadgetPackTools”, then we can open the advanced settings menu.

The only unpleasant moment will be that the menu will be on English language. To make it easier for our readers to understand this menu, we have signed each item in Russian in the image below.

Summing up

It is not known for what reason the developers removed widgets from the new Windows operating systems. Perhaps this decision was made due to their low popularity. But whatever their decision, widgets are still popular with many users, as they help to find out various information directly from the desktop screen.

Thanks to tools like 8GadgetPack And Gadgets Revived, users of the Windows 10 operating system will be able to use the widgets they are used to in the seven. And we, in turn, hope that detailed overview programs 8GadgetPack And Gadgets Revived will help our readers install widgets on Windows 10. I would also like to note that in 2016 Microsoft promises to release two major updates, perhaps they will add support for gadgets or find an alternative to them.

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Gadgets for Windows 10, also called widgets, are the most controversial option in the operating system. By installing them, most users do not even imagine that a personal computer can be used efficiently without them. There is another part of users who have never worked with gadgets.

And what is it in general? Widgets are separate small programs that appear on the desktop. They perform some specific simple function, for example, they are a calculator or a player for music files. There are also gadgets on Windows 10 that show the level of processor load, time or weather.

Thanks to them, many important functions can be concentrated compactly on the desktop.

As a result, working at the computer will become much easier and more comfortable. Such mini-programs need to be installed once to enjoy all the time. They start when you turn on your computer. automatic mode. RAM and the processor is not heavily loaded when the gadgets are running.

Why were widgets removed from the latest version of Windows?

You might have noticed that already in Windows 8, desktop gadgets were removed. And in a later version, the developer did not return them back. Why was such a step taken? For what reasons was this done?

The developer decided that they were no longer needed. As an alternative, Live Tiles have been integrated into Windows 8. New interface was not to everyone's liking. However, live tiles are in many ways similar to gadgets in their functionality. You can see a lot in them. useful information which is updated online.

In addition, the developer saw a potential danger in such programs. Most likely, the Microsoft company in this case was simply reinsured. It's hard to imagine such a small component of an operating system compromising security. It is unlikely that attackers use parts of the software code of gadgets to carry out their business. There is a possibility that activating widgets results in performance degradation. But you can find out about this only if you run this component and track the change in processor temperature. Windows 10 gadgets are not found on the developer's website.

Most of Windows users 10 just accepted it as a fact that it happened. They began to actively use tiles. There were, however, those who decided to look for workarounds and return the lost interface element. They wondered how to return gadgets for Windows 10?

Especially for such conservatives, some third-party developers have released programs that replace widgets in functionality. Where can you find such programs? How to install and use them?

About gadget replacement programs in Windows 10

8GadgetPack is one of the most popular programs to solve this problem. The program allows you to return widgets to your desktop. The elements that are displayed are very similar to the widgets in Windows 7. The installation of the program is quick and does not require much effort. The user must download the installation file. After the download is complete, it should be launched to start the installation of 8GadgetPack.

The program supports the interface in Russian, using it is extremely simple.

By visiting the official website of the program, you can see a list of widgets that the developer offers. 8GadgetPack has a lot of widgets, including a gadget to disable personal computer. Present in the set is a gadget with a clock, calendar, weather and many other useful widgets. 8GadgetPack also functions perfectly in the Windows 8 operating system.

Windows Desktop Gadgets is another program with which you can return gadgets to your Windows 10 desktop. However, the program has a serious flaw. The list of widgets includes only those included in the package for Windows 7. The Gadget Bar from Windows Desktop Gadgets mimics items from Windows 7. In addition, the program supports files that have the ".gadget" extension. Files with this extension can still be found on the Internet. It is not difficult to understand where the installed gadgets are located. They are located in the familiar control panel.

To solve the problem with the lack of gadgets in Windows 10, you can install MFI10. This analogue is a little more complex. Along with the programs, it has many other great options that were “cut” from Windows 10. The installation file (installer) has the “.iso” extension.

  • The MFI10 interface, unfortunately, is not translated into Russian.

You will have to use the English version. The functionality of the program will please any user.

  • MFI10 program is equipped with Media Center and NetFramework, has movie maker and DirectX 9.

Of course, on the network you can find a dozen analogues of the above programs. However, 8GadgetPack and Windows Desktop Gadgets confidently retain the palm. And it's well deserved. It is only necessary to warn against downloading files from unverified sources. This can cause viruses to infect your computer.

How to manage gadgets and which ones exist

The interface of gadgets is extremely simple. These mini-programs always have a cross, some dots, an arrow, and a wrench. Each of these symbols is responsible for a specific action.

When you click on the cross, the program closes and disappears from the panel. The arrow allows you to control the size of the window, making it larger or smaller. When you click on a few points, the gadget will move.

To configure specific settings, the gadget will need to click on the wrench.

Most programs do not have any settings, as they are responsible for one, specific function. However, if they exist, they are very simple.

Consider the most popular mini-programs for the Windows 10 operating system. How can each of them be useful?

  1. virus blue. The time is displayed, you can find out about the temperature and parameters of the processor.
  2. simple system date. Provides information about date and time, calendar.
  3. Rockstar extras. You can learn about the download CPU and its temperature. In addition, the gadget provides information about the characteristics of the video card.
  4. It is considered the most informative mini-application about the weather. The user is provided with all the nuances about the weather: temperature, precipitation, cloudiness percentage, humidity, etc. In this widget, you can track many of the parameters that describe the weather. It is worth noting that the gadget informs you in advance about changes in temperature and the appearance of precipitation.
  5. Designed specifically for those who are used to monitoring all the parameters that indicate the performance of a personal computer. From the gadget it will become clear how many cores are in the processor, how busy the CPU is, what temperature the processor has. The mini-program has many settings and allows you to fine-tune the parameters. What will be displayed in the Intel CoreSerie gadget is up to the user to decide.
  6. Accu Weather Mini. It will also tell you about the weather in a particular place. As in ProWeather, you can see detailed information about the current weather and a forecast for a couple of days.
  7. Trash dump. With full confidence, this gadget can be called the most creative mini-program for Windows 10. Together with this gadget, an unremarkable basket becomes an original little thing. The user can change the appearance according to his mood. You can choose from 50 different elements with an empty or filled view. The program settings allow you to monitor the amount of space filled. The indicator will tell you about the level of fullness. This gadget will help decorate boring everyday life. Trash dump includes a large list of radio stations. In addition, the gadget is equipped with a calendar.
  8. Nvidia GPU Temp. Displays all characteristics NVIDIA graphics cards. In particular, the type of video card and temperature are visible. And the temperature of the video card can be displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The interface can be presented in different colors. There are 5 colors to choose from.
  9. Poison/Toxic/H20. It is a very extensive and convenient gadget. It contains three assemblies of programs. Included Poison/Toxic/H20 network traffic and clock, the main processes running on the computer. It provides operational information about the battery charge, the level of memory and processor load, the parameters of internal and external drives and the state of the Internet.
  10. control system. The program helps to control the functionality of the operating system. Control buttons are conveniently located. The design and the number of various functions will please everyone.

What else is popular?

  1. unit converter. It will be relevant to those who are confused in units of energy, area. This is perhaps the most handy gadget to convert various values. Mass, length, time and temperature can all be translated quickly.
  2. multi meter. From it, the user receives operational data on CPU load, amount of memory, and memory used. The interface can be configured so that information is updated at regular intervals.
  3. launch control. You can add links to programs for quick start. You can set up quick access to various system options. In the main section, groups with labels are added, removed and edited. Through the additional menu, you can fine-tune the appearance in detail.
  4. Provides information about disk partitions. You can see the free space that is available in each of the sections. Through the wrench, you can customize the sections to display.
  5. Clapboarder gadget. Works with clipboard. Elements do not disappear without a trace, they are displayed as a visual feed. If you click on an element, it is immediately sent to the buffer and is visible in the gadget. It has a wide choice of themes, you can adjust the level of transparency, the length of the tape. A maximum of 100 items can be displayed. The ribbon style is also customizable.

To safely remove external devices, you can use Remove drive safely glassy.

Program Gadgets and XGadget

Gargets revived adds Gadgets to the Windows 10 Options menu. The package contains all the standard Windows 7 gadgets. There are widgets in the set that will tell you about the weather, news and CPU usage. There are also gadgets with a news headline, a calendar. If some gadgets are missing, they can be installed separately. Additionally, you can adjust the size, transparency level and some other settings.

There is also the XGadget program, which will help you quickly decorate your desktop with the necessary widgets.

The program window already contains standard widgets and gadgets in Windows 10 that can be downloaded.

So, ways to return gadgets to Windows 10 were considered. It is clear that every user will be able to download the above programs. Thus, the most difficult problem is only the choice of gadgets. What will be on the gadget panel should be decided by the one who will use the computer.

After windows installation 10 and transition from previous operating systems or updates, you will not have gadgets - you need to download them yourself.

Gadgets for the desktop of a netbook, laptop or computer, this is one of the components that improve the functionality of the OS, in particular Windows 10.

You can download gadgets for Windows 10 for free right here, more precisely on this page - the links are at the end of the sections.

Before downloading, please note that you will not be able to install them one by one on a clean OS, as in the seven.

You need to first download the pack or installer that was used in whist and seven, only then you can install at least hundreds of them.

However, this is not a joke at the moment their number is approaching a thousand - there is plenty to choose from

Free download for desktop windows 10 gadgets from the seven – Desktop Gadgets Revived

At the bottom of this section, you can download the installer for your windows 10 - "Desktop Gadgets Revived" which were in the seven.

After that, installation on a laptop or computer of any other will be available to you, and there are quite a few of them: weather, speed measurement, temperature, automatic shutdown and many other useful features.

Their advantage is that, unlike programs, they practically do not take up space and do not affect performance.

Who wants more, you can remove the installer. Removal is simple - like a regular program.

Download free desktop windows 10 gadget installer - 8GadgetPack

There are much more of them here than in the first version - somewhere around fifty, and after installation you can replenish this collection with your own.

Keep in mind that it is not possible to install both sets - the system will politely ask you to remove one.

Of course, you can do without these "little creatures". There is an alternative in the form of programs in which the functionality is greater, but the load increases accordingly. Good luck.

operating system:
Windows 10

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