Asset x plugin does not show. Installing the ActiveX plugin. How to set permissions or remove ActiveX

ActiveX is a technology on the basis of which components for programming websites for Internet Explorer are created. These components are essentially ordinary programs, with the only difference being that they are launched not by the user, but by , and are executed only in the browser.

ActiveX applications are called controls. They significantly expand the functionality of the site, which is actively used by various companies. It is most likely to “meet” ActiveX controls in the corporate segment of Internet banks. With their help, software programs are downloaded and installed, and the browser displays dialog boxes for entering PIN codes, digital signatures and various functions for sending accounting reports. In addition to these purely business functions, using such components you can display an ActiveX audio and video flash player on any website, open various files using a browser and play animation.

Do you need ActiveX?

On the one hand, ActiveX technology is supported only by Internet Explorer, and most experienced Internet users use other browsers and are not aware of this technology.

But if in your life you are forced to use any sites that necessarily require the use of older versions of IE, then you simply need to use ActiveX components.

However, one must use the capabilities of this technology with extreme caution. There is a fairly high probability of “catch” a virus by allowing all sites to install ActiveX applications by default. Attackers use this technology to distribute spyware, so we need to figure out how to properly configure this application.

How to adjust permissions or remove ActiveX?

With default settings, Internet Explorer asks for permission to run ActiveX, but previously installed applications can change these settings on their own.

Only proper configuration of your browser settings can help you avoid serious problems. If you don't work in IE, then most likely you should disable ActiveX completely.

In Internet Explorer, click on the gear icon called “Tools”, then click on “Internet Options” and go to the “Security” tab.

Click on the button labeled "Other". In the Security Settings window that appears, make sure that the “Load unsigned ActiveX controls” and “Use ActiveX controls not marked as secure” options are disabled. Switch all other items in the “ActiveX controls and connection modules” subsection to the “Suggest” position.

Do the same steps, switching the zone from “Internet” to “Trusted Sites”. It would also be a good idea to add the web addresses of the sites you need to the list of trusted sites. This is done by pressing the button of the same name.

What programs need to be installed to replace the disabled ActiveX?

The program completely replaces ActiveX components. Moreover, Flash Player is already installed in modern browsers.

You can do without other programs, just like without ActiveX controls.

Controls ActiveX- these are some kind of small applications with the help of which sites are able to display video content, as well as games. On the one hand, they help the user interact with the content of web pages, but on the other hand, ActiveX controls can be harmful, since sometimes they may not work entirely correctly, and other users can use them to collect information about your PC, causing damage Your data and other malicious activities. Therefore, the use of ActiveX should be justified in any browser, including Internet Explorer.

ActiveX filtering in Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7)

Filtering controls in Internet Explorer 11 allows you to prevent the installation of suspicious applications and prevent sites from using these programs. To implement ActiveX filtering, you must perform the following sequence of actions.

It is worth noting that ActiveX filtering may not display some interactive content on sites.

  • Open Internet Explorer 11 and click the icon Service in the form of a gear in the upper right corner (or the key combination Alt+X). Then in the menu that opens, select the item Safety, and click on the item ActiveX Filtering. If everything worked out, a checkbox will appear opposite this list item

Accordingly, if you need to disable filtering of controls, this flag will need to be cleared.

You can also remove ActiveX filtering only for certain sites. To do this you need to follow these steps.

  • Open the site for which you want to enable ActiveX
  • In the address bar, click on the filter icon
  • Next, click the button Disable ActiveX filtering

Configuring ActiveX Settings in Internet Explorer 11

  • In Internet Explorer 11, click the icon Service in the form of a gear in the upper right corner (or the key combination Alt+X) and select the item Browser properties

  • In the window Browser properties go to the tab Safety and press the button Another…

  • In the window Options find the item ActiveX controls and modules for connecting them

  • Make the settings as you wish. For example, to enable the option Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls and press the button Turn on

It is worth noting that if you cannot change the settings of ActiveX controls, you must enter the PC administrator password

Due to increased security, Internet Explorer 11 does not allow you to run ActiveX controls, but if you are confident in the site, you can always change these settings.

Which used to work with cryptographic protection tools. Components ActiveX is only supported in Internet Explorer. In this regard, for the plugin to work correctly, you need to configure the browser security settings. Launch ActiveX is performed when going to the Web account website.

Installing the ActiveX plugin

The plugin is installed under an account with administrator rights. Additionally, the .NET Framework 4.5 must be installed on the computer.

Figure 1 – beginning of plugin installation

  1. select the installation folder (Fig. 2.1) using the button Browse. (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\IT Global\ (Fig. 2.2));
  2. select the type of installation (Fig. 2,3):
    1. for all users – the plugin will run on this computer for all users;
    2. only for this account – the plugin will be launched only for the user on whose behalf the installation is performed.
  3. press the button Next(Fig. 2.4).

For successful installation and further operation of the plugin, it is not recommended to change the default settings.

Figure 2 – select installation folder

In the next window you need to click the button Next(Fig. 3).

Figure 3 – continuation of installation

The plugin installation process takes several minutes (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 – installation of components

Upon completion of the installation, a window will appear indicating the successful installation of all components (Fig. 5).

Figure 5 – completion of installation

Setting up the Internet Explorer browser

To run ActiveX in Internet Explorer, you must:

As a result of the settings made, the digital signature will be implemented using the ActiveX plugin.

Possible mistakes

ActiveX for Internet Explorer is a special framework or plugin designed to detect on web pages (servers) all kinds of software components, applications created in various programming languages, and organize their functioning in Internet Explorer.

ActiveX controls have a certain similarity to applets in the Java platform. These are building blocks of client-server programs running in the Internet Explorer browser, interactive scripts for playing animation and video.

Active X is a unique technology optimized only for IE. There is no need to install the ActiveX control in the browser as such, since it is part of the Windows operating system. By default it is installed with the OS distribution.

From this article you will learn how to enable ActiveX in Internet Explorer (activate) and disable it, as well as how to configure filtering of its elements (prohibit their inclusion on web pages), how to download and install a version of the Flash plugin that supports Active-X web technology .


If the execution of elements is carried out incorrectly (for example, the browser has blocked trusted resources, interactive blocks are prohibited, IE displays the notification “Please configure... ActiveX”), you must first configure the module:

Note. By default, Internet Explorer has optimal filtering settings.

1. At the top of IE, click the “Tools” section.

2. Click “Internet Options”.

3. Click the Security tab. Click the "Other" button.

4. Scroll down the list of options to the “ActiveX controls...” section.

5. To launch elements safely and correctly, make the following settings:

“Automatic requests…” - Disable (to reduce the risk of a virus attack through the use of this web technology);

“Enable filtering…” - Enable (for selective launch, also for security purposes);

“Allow... only approved ones” - Enable (to activate only on trusted sites);

“Allow... which have not been used” - Disable (do not run blocks that have not been used before);

“Downloading unsigned elements” - Disable (also to avoid activating dubious, potentially dangerous objects);

“Download signed items” - Suggest (a download request is displayed).

Note. This article covers only the basic options. There are other options in the list for fine-tuning the functioning of ActiveX.

Attention! If you are not sure that you have set the settings correctly, you can reset the settings. To do this, in the “Per level” line, set the level of special parameters (for example, “High”) and click “Reset”.

Disable/enable filtering

ActiveX element filter - blocks the launch of elements on web pages according to the rules specified in the settings.

If you don't know how to disable/enable the ActiveX filter, follow these instructions:
1. In the menu, go to the “Service” section.

2. Click the mouse to check or uncheck the “Filtering…” line, respectively, to enable or disable the option.

If you want to allow elements to run on the current tab:
1. In the address bar, click the mouse to launch the settings block - the “prohibition sign” icon.

2. In the window that opens, click “Disable filtering...”. After refreshing the page, the part of it that was blocked will be displayed.

Installing the Flash applet for IE

Due to the specifics of ActiveX technology for IE in Windows 7 and XP, you need to install a version of Flash adapted specifically for it.

This is done like this:
1. Open the offsite - Confirm the launch: click “Yes” in the “Control...” window.

Remember that correct configuration of the Active X module reduces the risk of infecting the browser and the entire computer system with viruses, and eliminates intrusive notifications about the impossibility of launching elements on trusted web resources.

Many people use their computers for the Internet, if you also want to, then you first need to download ActiveX for Windows 10, otherwise there may be problems with some content.


ActiveX is part of Adobe Flash Player; moreover, this component is installed only together with Flash Player, so ActiveX cannot be downloaded separately. But when installing Flash Player, you can abandon ActiveX, which may result in problems. This component is responsible for:
  • Full-time work;
  • Reproduction of certain types of information in browsers;
It is noteworthy that ActiveX is installed once and works in all browsers at once. It doesn’t matter whether you use the standard one, or you have or installed, you definitely won’t have to download ActiveX separately for each of them. If the ActiveX component slows down the operation of a particular browser or is no longer needed by you, you can always disable it without removing it from your computer.

ActiveX works unnoticed, so what language it is in - Russian or English - is absolutely not important. The important thing is that ActiveX is available for both Windows 10 32 bit and 64-bit versions of the OS. The utility also works on the tablet version.

To use the Internet safely, we recommend setting up