What is error 4 on tricolor TV. Why you can’t watch TV: we study the errors of Tricolor TV. Error "Short circuit..."

Early June 2017 onwards big number Tricolor TV subscribers encountered a problem. which received the name “Error 4 on Tricolor”. The symptomatology is that when trying to watch encoded paid channels, the subscriber receives a message instead of a picture - “No viewing access. The TV and radio channel is not broadcast by the operator (error 4)". And he no longer knows what to do. All encrypted channels are not shown.

The problem did not affect all tricolor subscribers, but most of them. This happened because it affected tricolor receivers of the GS E521L, GS B520, GS B522, GS B521, GS B531M, GS B532M, GS B533M, GS C592 models - and these are one of the most common models.

Error 4 on Tricolor and how to fix it - No access to view. The TV and radio channel is not broadcast by the operator (error 4)

When you try to figure out what’s going on, the first thought is to check whether the receiver sees its ID (hardwired or on the access card). And here it turns out that the receiver does not see the ID, and without ID it is impossible to decode channels and, therefore, you need to look for a solution in the area of ​​restoring ID operation. Which is what we do.

In the photo we see that the receiver does not see the access card to such an extent that it issues - No smart card. And on the 3rd line we see current version software — 3.4.299

The first step for such a restoration is to go to channel 333 - this is a special service channel from which the receiver software is updated.

Those. you need to go to channel 333 “Telemaster” and check if there is new software for the receiver. The receiver itself will check for its presence, and if there is one, it will offer to install new software - no additional actions are required on the part of the user, you just need to confirm the installation.

The screenshot was actually taken on TV channel 333. The receiver offers to update the software to version 3.7.304 - after clicking “OK” the download process will begin, and then the installation new firmware receiver

After the receiver receives consent to install new version firmware, it first downloads it from the satellite (up to 50% of the progress scale), and then installs it into the receiver’s memory (after 50% of the progress scale)

The new firmware for the tricolor receiver is in the process of being downloaded from satellite. Upon reaching 50% completion, the installation of the firmware into the receiver’s memory will begin.

After a new firmware version is written to the receiver (receiver), it automatically reboots itself and after the reboot begins to normally open and show your favorite TV channels. This happens because with the new version of the software, the receiver correctly sees the card and its ID, which means it can decode channels normally.

After updating the receiver software via channel 333, the receiver again sees its ID normally and correctly decodes the channels. The card number in the photo has been changed to something that does not exist in nature. In the third line we see that information about the receiver software version has changed.

Thus, to resolve the error “No access to view. The TV and radio channel is not broadcast by the operator (error 4)”, just update the receiver’s firmware from technical channel 333.

Important point - For some receiver models, it is also necessary to update the module software (the module software version is displayed as the 4th line in the images shown). It is performed after updating the main firmware and the same from TV channel 333. The module software update is faster than the main update. It’s easy to understand whether you need to update the module software specifically on your receiver - if the error does not go away, update it; if it goes away, don’t update it.

WARNING - Firmware firmware for the receiver is an important undertaking. If the power supply is turned off while writing new firmware to the receiver’s memory, the receiver will become inoperable. The owner of the receiver updates the firmware at his own risk.

This is how brief the instructions for error 4 turned out - we wish you good luck in eliminating it and pleasant use of the Tricolor TV system.

P.S. — The problem described is almost certainly not the last; there will be others. But there is no need to be upset about this, because there is channel 55 with a general technical information, there is tricolor technical support at 8-800-500-0123, so the next problem that arises will most likely be resolved.

Each Tricolor TV subscriber, while watching television channels, has at least once encountered errors that appear on the screen. One of these errors is “Error 4”. This is a completely standard situation, because any operator may experience technical problems during broadcasting.

Reasons for error 4

Verbatim this error says that this TV channel not available for viewing on Tricolor TV. In other words, the following specific reasons can be identified:

  • This channel is not presented for viewing by Tricolor TV, i.e. the broadcast frequency was mistakenly configured to broadcast from another provider;
  • the format of the data stream on which the broadcast is carried out cannot be decoded by the receiver, for example, the set-top box does not support Mpeg4;
  • incorrect operation of the software;
  • Due to bad weather conditions it is not possible to determine the carrier frequency, i.e. the error threshold exceeds a critical level.

Troubleshooting and troubleshooting

First of all, make sure that the channel on which the error appears is actually included in your subscription package and that it is paid for. It is also recommended to check the list of all configured channels and channels on the official website according to the subscription.

If the channels correspond to the subscription, but the error continues to occur, you need to reset the software settings to factory settings:

Does the error keep appearing? Then it's time to update the firmware to a more current one. By the way, over time, the firmware may begin to fail. For example, when unintentional power outages occur.

Firmware update occurs as follows:

A rather unpleasant situation is that none of the above methods led to the expected results. This happens when the problem lies in the hardware of the satellite set-top box. In this case, the only way out is to contact service center Tricolor TV company or your nearest dealer.

Practice shows that error 4 rarely appears on Tricolor TV. But what to do if it does appear? In this article you will learn how to fix error 4 if it occurs on your receiver satellite television.

What does error 4 mean?

The window that displays the error makes it clear that the ID number is not displayed correctly. If there is no access to it, the system automatically blocks access to viewing. What to do, how to fix this problem? From the instructions below you will learn that this requires a software update, or several other manipulations, after which everything will be fine.


The problem associated with the appearance of an error has arisen for almost all users of Tricolor TV receivers. The company decided to release a new version of the software for consumers. If you think logically and pay attention to the updates that occurred earlier, you can understand that:

  • As a rule, there are two updates - for the module and receiver software separately;
  • The system is configured in such a way that the update is first downloaded for the receiver, and only then, as an addition, for the module.

However, in the summer of 2017, users saw a message that they needed to install a module update. After completing the procedure, error 4 instantly appeared on tricolor TV. It is noteworthy that the update was installed successfully, but the error was in no hurry to disappear.

How to fix the problem

There are a few possible ways eliminate this problem. If one solution does not suit you, move on to the next one. We will also look at what to do if none of the options for eliminating error 4 helps.

Method No. 1 (Software update)

Trying to find out what the essence of the problem might be, many initially undertake to analyze the correct operation of the receiver and its unique ID (as a rule, it is already present on the access card, and if there is no smart card, it is integrated into the system itself). Here it becomes clear that the receiver is not able to recognize its own ID number, which, in turn, makes subsequent decoding of the channel impossible. Accordingly, if error number 4 appears, then you should understand the features of ID recovery.

  1. If error 4 appears on tricolor TV, you need to go to channel 333. This channel is specially designed for performing service actions. It is after the transition to it that the procedure for updating the standard software is carried out.
  2. Then check for updates. The receiver will do this on its own. When a new software version is detected, it will prompt the user to confirm the installation. After completing this action, error 4 tricolor should disappear.

What to do next? After the receiver accepts consent, it will initially carry out the installation from the satellite, and then, after reaching the 50% mark on the progress scale, it will begin installing the downloaded files into the device’s memory. This will continue until the progress bar is filled to 100 percent.

Note! If you are connected to a satellite and you have approved the installation of the updated version, do not turn off the receiver under any circumstances! Otherwise, you will not be able to completely fix the problem. In some cases, the receiver no longer displays channels due to insufficient files in the software package or due to corruption.

After everything necessary files will be downloaded and installed, the receiver will reboot itself for the updated files to take effect. After a reboot, the system should completely resolve the problem.

In the case of some models, installation of a software update for the module is additionally required. Remember that its update occurs immediately after the main firmware is loaded into the system. The module updates much faster. Mandatory installation of these files is not always required - much depends on the behavior of the system after the main firmware update is completed. If error 4 disappears, we don’t touch anything else. When saving it, we try to additionally update the module.

Important! Sometimes a software update may not help, since there is a USB flash drive in the slot. Remove it and reboot the receiver, it should help.

Method number 2 (Reset settings)

Sometimes eliminating the fourth error requires resetting the receiver to factory settings and searching for channels again. This is done very simply:

  1. Press the "Menu" button on your receiver's remote control.
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Then scroll to the very end to the “About the receiver” section, “Reset settings”.

After you reset to standard settings, search for Tricolor TV channels again, and in order to watch channels with a broadcast shift relative to Moscow of +2 (+3) hours, select the “Ural” region.

Method number 3 (Contact support)

If the previous two methods of solving the problem did not help you, then you can contact Tricolor technical support. But before you call, collect the following information:

  • ID number of the smart card;
  • The number of your agreement with the Tricolor company;

After that, you can call online on the official website, or choose any other method of contacting support.
We hope that you can easily restore access to your favorite channels by following the tips listed above.

Some subscribers of the Russian satellite television Tricolor TV encounter error 4. Error 4 appears on Tricolor TV, usually while flipping through channels on the installed receiver. Users see the following message on their TV screen:

No viewing access.
TV-radio channel is not broadcasting
(error 4).

Many people, when this problem appears, tend to immediately fall into a slight panic and even try to contact technical support Tricolor to clarify the situation for yourself and eliminate the error. However, there is no need for this, since error 4 is an incredibly simple problem to resolve and does not require any technical knowledge on the part of the subscriber.

So, first we need to understand what the fourth code actually means. Error 4 - you switched to a channel that is not included in the service package (selected tariff) of Tricolor TV. Actually, this information you are told in the above message: TV-radio channel is not broadcast by the operator. In rare cases, the cause of error 4 is a malfunction of the receiver software.

To fix error 4, you need to try a few things.

  • Updating the channel list. The main reason for the error is that the channel is not included in the Tricolor TV service package. It follows that you need to return to the channels of your operator and tariff. To complete this task, go to Menu→Search Tricolor;
  • Restarting the receiver. In rare cases, error 4 can be received due to some kind of software malfunction, which can be treated by simply restarting the receiver.
  • Reset to factory settings. Usually, the problem is solved by the two above steps (confirmed in practice by many Tricolor TV subscribers), however, there are also cases when they are ineffective. This is where an option like resetting the receiver to factory settings comes to the rescue. It is done simply: Menu→Settings→About receiver→Reset settings. Once the reset is complete, you will need to search for Tricolor channels again, but error 4 should be resolved.

What should I do if Tricolor TV displays error 4 after updating the receiver software?

We should also touch on another not very pleasant situation: this error can appear after updating the receiver’s software. The situation is quite alarming, but nevertheless completely solvable. All you need to do is go to channel number 333 and try updating the receiver's software again. If you could not find a channel with that number, then you will need to update the software using a USB drive and the firmware you need.

TricolorTV is a company that provides access services to digital channels and UltraHD channels, provides all the necessary equipment according to the contract (rental). The setup is usually handled by the company's technicians themselves, but due to the complexity of the entire connection process, you may find errors while browsing. Error 4 is one of the most common, but not all subscribers understand what it means. After all, if there is an “error” it means that you made a mistake in something, broke something or did something wrong. Let's look at this in more detail.

This number hides a ban on broadcasting a channel in a certain encoding. The fourth error shows us that The channel we are trying to access is not supported by TricolorTV broadcasting.

Since competition in the digital services market is very fierce, telecom operators have come up with the idea of ​​​​encrypting their channels, transmitting their signals with a specific signature.

This is to prevent you from “accidentally” catching a channel operated by another operator without paying that operator for access or switching to their service. Sometimes, however, failures occur - after all, everyone’s equipment is almost the same.

Causes of the problem

  • Error number 4 occurs when the receiver, configured to receive and broadcast channels in Tricolor-TV encoding, malfunctions and begins to pick up “not its own” channels. A similar failure occurs in outdated equipment, which sometimes simply “does not understand” who is friend and who is enemy, and begins to catch all channels of any encoding at once. At the same time, “their” channels also disappear.

However, more often than not, equipment failure has nothing to do with it, but the whole point is that you, the subscribers, are tired of watching the same thing. And one fine evening you decided to look for something new.

When you click on the “search for new channels” button, you should be aware that this can lead to error 4, when you actually gave the receiver a command to receive channels that it simply cannot broadcast due to differences in encodings.

As a result of this, the receiver came across a channel that is broadcast by another provider, and viewing it, naturally, is impossible for you - after all, you chose Tricolor-TV and not another operator.

  • Also, this error may occur in cases where you performed an update and did not complete it. Then, a four would mean that you need to complete the update before searching or watching TV anymore.

What to do and how to fix it yourself

Naturally, if it is your fault, then you will not want to contact technical support, even if it is very friendly and welcoming. Most compatriots prefer to cope with similar problems independently, and they are right - such simple errors in television broadcasting can be corrected “on the spot”, without resorting to particularly complex instructions.

  • Tricolor-TV itself advises resetting the receiver to factory settings. However, before you take such a drastic step, you might want to try new search channels. To do this, you need to search for Tricolor-TV channels (specifically your provider, and not all of them). To do this, go to the menu of your receiver using the remote control and select the desired option from the list.
  • Sometimes it also helps to simply turn off and then turn on the receiver. In this case, you must wait at least 10 seconds, during which the equipment will be turned off.

And only if this does not help, you can “reset” the receiver:

  • Go to the main menu;
  • Select “Settings”;
  • Enter code 0000;
  • Select the factory settings item;
  • Press the red button.

After this, the receiver will begin its restart. After restarting, it is also recommended to turn off the receiver briefly and then turn it back on.

All! Now you can again “search for channels” managed by TricolorTV.

Important! If this method doesn't work, check your location settings. Perhaps during the first search, your broadcasting region was lost, and this is what prevents the receiver from catching the channels of the required encoding.

In case the error occurred as a result of an incomplete update, you need to:

  • Go to channel 333
  • Wait for the update to complete for everything that has not been completed.

Contacting operator specialists

If you have done everything according to the instructions, and the TV still does not show channels, you need to contact technical support. Some errors may be caused by local problems on the operator's side.

Operators should redirect you to specialists who will either advise you on the algorithm of actions over the phone, or will come to you and configure the receiver correctly.

Contacts for Tricolor-TV support services can be indicated in your service agreement or on the official website. Usually the numbers hotline available for calling from 9 am to 10 pm Moscow time. You can also send a letter to the technical support e-mail address indicated on the site.

Important! When choosing the latter option, remember that they will not answer you as quickly as over the phone.

Video instructions for fixing the problem