How to remove word hyphenation in a Word document. Working with the word wrap function in Word. How to remove hyphens in Word - Selecting a hyphen

Surely many of you, when copying texts from the Internet into your own mini-archive, have encountered unfortunate transfers. They greatly harm the aesthetics of the text. Of course, they can be removed manually, but this will take too much time. Of course, no one will waste their precious time on such a meaningless activity. That is why we offer you instructions that tell you how to remove word hyphenation in Word.

Removing word hyphenation in Microsoft Office Word

Not everyone knows that the functionality of the Word program allows you to easily cope with a huge number of problems, getting rid of them manually would take a lot of your time. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about the existence of certain functions. Yes, yes, no matter how it sounds, most ordinary users who sit at computers and know how to work with office programs do not even bother learning their functionality. But in vain. After all, they have a large number of interesting features.

So, let's figure out how to remove word hyphenation in Word. You need to do the following:

If you want to set them again, you should go to the same button and select the item you need.

Removing hyphens in Word when manually dividing

A separate problem can be hyphens entered manually - you won’t be able to get rid of them that easily. In this case, automatic deletion according to the instructions above will not lead us anywhere.

Remember: transfers that were installed manually are manually removed. Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. The fact is that the document properties do not store information about dashes entered manually.

However, we have a little trick in store for such a case. You must proceed according to the following scheme:

In principle, even in this case there is nothing super complicated. If you didn’t have our instructions, you would have had to tinker a lot with manually removing hyphens in Word. But since it exists, we won’t even think about what could happen.

We continue the autumn marathon of notes on working in the Microsoft office suite. Today on the agenda is the question of how to remove word hyphenation in Word. Historically, word hyphenation has not taken root in our documents, and quite often when editing someone else’s document you find these same hyphenations and don’t understand how to remove them. Today we’ll look at how to remove standard Word hyphens and I’ll show you a few life hacks with a non-standard approach.

Microsoft Office Word has powerful functionality, including automatic hyphenation according to the rules of the Russian language

What didn't we like about the transfers? — The functionality is certainly useful, but sometimes they can be annoying. For example, when recognizing text, if there were hyphens, they may be placed incorrectly and when reading such a document, doubts arise about the mental abilities of the author, but the box simply opens.

We will consider all hyphens placed by standard Word tools to be automatic... everything that was copied or crookedly recognized from a scan will be placed manually (or maybe someone actually arranged it themselves)

Removing automatically placed word hyphenation in Word

Removing automatic word hyphenation in Word is as easy as shelling pears. Open the required document, go to the “Layout” tab (may be called "Page Layout") and in the Page Setup category, find Hyphenation. The default drop-down list will be "Auto" - simply select "None" and automatic transfers will be removed.

If the “Auto” option is not active, but hyphens are still displayed in the document, it means they were placed manually

Removing hyphens placed manually

First of all, check the automatic hyphenation (the option should be “No”). With manual transfers everything is somewhat more complicated, but it can be solved with a simple trick!

To remove manually placed hyphens, we need to use all the delights of autocorrect. The point is to replace all hyphens in the text with “Nothing”.

Open the AutoCorrect window (Combination CTRL + H) and open advanced settings... need to insert the “Soft hyphen” symbol into the find line (all this is in the advanced options on the “Special” button)

The “Replace with:” line does not need to be touched. Just click “Replace All” and all hyphens will be removed from the document; after autocorrection is complete, statistics will be displayed with the number of hyphens removed from the text.

Many will ask - why such difficulties? The trick is not to remove extra dashes and hyphens along with the hyphen, so you have to turn to “Soft Hyphen”


In this simple way we can remove word hyphenation in Word - absolutely nothing complicated! Even though the functionality is very convenient, it is not always in demand. Copying such texts from the Internet or due to recognition of a scanned document can cause a lot of trouble for the user... but now you know how to fix everything.

If you copied some voluminous text from the Internet, and after pasting it into a document or simply opening a finished file, you noticed that the hyphens placed in Word do not match the page layout, and removing hyphens manually will take a lot of time, this is where the question arises how to remove hyphens automatically in Word. This article will focus specifically on this issue. In it we will look in detail at an example, how to remove word hyphenation in Word.

Ways how to remove hyphens in Word , described in this article work both in Word 2003 and in all versions of Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

First of all, we must determine whether these are automatic word hyphens in Word or manually placed.

Let's conduct one test that will help us determine the type of transfers. Try highlighting the hyphenation sign.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Highlighting hyphens

If you were able to identify the hyphenation sign, it means that the hyphens were placed manually. If not, then the document uses automatic hyphenation, and it will be much easier for us remove word hyphens. Let's consider how to remove word hyphens in both cases.

How to remove automatic word hyphenation

Let's figure it out first how to remove automatic word hyphenation. To do this, go to the tab “ Page layout" and in the "Page Options" section select the item " Hyphenation" In the list that opens, select “No” to disable automatic hyphenation.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Disabling automatic hyphenation in Word

After this, all automatically created transfers will be deleted.

How to remove hyphens placed manually

In order to remove hyphens, which were placed manually, in the “Home” tab, in the “Editing” section, select the “Replace” item.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Opening the “Find and Replace” window in Word

In the dialog box that opens, “ Find and Replace“Click on the “Special” button, and in the list that opens, select the “Soft transfer” item.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Selecting a hyphen

The corresponding combination of symbols will appear in the “Find:” field. We leave the “Replace with:” field empty. And click the “Replace all" button to remove hyphens throughout the entire document.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Removing hyphens in Word

That's all. After this, Word will tell you how many replacements were made.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Number of hyphens removed

That's all, now you know how to remove hyphens in Word. After you have removed hyphens that do not match the page layout, and you need to automatically place hyphens, you can read how to do them in this.

If you copied some voluminous text from the Internet, and after pasting it into a document or simply opening a finished file, you noticed that the hyphens placed in Word do not match the page layout, and removing hyphens manually will take a lot of time, this is where the question arises how to remove hyphens automatically in Word. This article will focus specifically on this issue. In it we will look in detail at an example, how to remove word hyphenation in Word.

Ways how to remove hyphens in Word , described in this article work both in Word 2003 and in all versions of Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

First of all, we must determine whether these are automatic word hyphens in Word or manually placed.

Let's conduct one test that will help us determine the type of transfers. Try highlighting the hyphenation sign.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Highlighting hyphens

If you were able to identify the hyphenation sign, it means that the hyphens were placed manually. If not, then the document uses automatic hyphenation, and it will be much easier for us remove word hyphens. Let's consider how to remove word hyphens in both cases.

How to remove automatic word hyphenation

Let's figure it out first how to remove automatic word hyphenation. To do this, go to the tab “ Page layout" and in the "Page Options" section select the item " Hyphenation" In the list that opens, select “No” to disable automatic hyphenation.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Disabling automatic hyphenation in Word

After this, all automatically created transfers will be deleted.

How to remove hyphens placed manually

In order to remove hyphens, which were placed manually, in the “Home” tab, in the “Editing” section, select the “Replace” item.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Opening the “Find and Replace” window in Word

In the dialog box that opens, “ Find and Replace“Click on the “Special” button, and in the list that opens, select the “Soft transfer” item.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Selecting a hyphen

The corresponding combination of symbols will appear in the “Find:” field. We leave the “Replace with:” field empty. And click the “Replace all" button to remove hyphens throughout the entire document.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Removing hyphens in Word

That's all. After this, Word will tell you how many replacements were made.

How to remove hyphens in Word - Number of hyphens removed

That's all, now you know how to remove hyphens in Word. After you have removed hyphens that do not match the page layout, and you need to automatically place hyphens, you can read how to do them in this.

In order for word hyphenation in the text to be carried out in the mode you require, you should make the appropriate settings in the Word service. Often, a user, copying text from Internet sources, notices that hyphens are spaced more often than they should or do not match the page layout. There is no need to despair; the text can be brought into shape by putting things in order in the sections responsible for the type of hyphenation.

Removing hyphens in Word 2007

  • On the toolbar we find the “Page Layout” tab - “Page Options”.
  • Select the “Hyphenation” subsection. Check the “No” box. These manipulations are acceptable when hyphenation was carried out automatically.
  • If the hyphens were placed manually, a different scheme is used: on the “Home” tab, find the “Editing” subsection, select the “Replace” item.
  • In the “Find and Replace” tab that opens, on the “Replace” page, click the “More” button - then the “Special” button, which will open in a list.
  • In the list, check “Soft hyphen” or “Continuous hyphen”. We will see the “Find” field filled with a sign.
  • Leave the “Replace with” field empty. Click "Replace All".

Putting hyphens in order (Word 2003)

Agree, it wasn’t all that difficult? Almost the same thing can be done in the old version of Word.

  • Select the text. Go to the “Service” section on the toolbar.
  • Select the subsection “Language” - “Hyphenation”.
  • Uncheck "Automatic hyphenation".
  • If transfers were carried out manually, we follow the scheme: “Edit” - “Replace” - “More” - “Special” - “Soft transfer”. Leave the “Replace with” field empty. Click "Replace All". That is, we perform similar sequential actions as in Word 2007 (see above)!

If none of the options proposed above have any effect, simply repeat the described algorithm again, carefully and carefully. You will definitely succeed!
Conquer Word and see you again.