The computer started to slow down. Why does your computer slow down and how to fix it. Hard drive problems

If you often sit in front of a monitor screen, and you notice that your computer starts to slow down when starting up, you need to find out the reason. It is useful for every person to know the main causes of these problems and their solutions, since no one can guarantee you that you will avoid the same problems in the future.

Main reasons

Let's list the main reasons why the computer started to slow down:

  1. insufficient RAM;
  2. hard drive full; .
  3. resource-intensive programs or games;
  4. many unnecessary system files;
  5. installing a new device or driver;
  6. virus software;
  7. clogging of the system registry;
  8. hardware factors.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Not enough RAM

When there is insufficient RAM, programs begin to stop working, become slower, or become unresponsive. To prevent this situation, try not to use multiple applications at the same time. You can also solve the low memory problem by using the following tips.

Increase the amount of virtual memory (swap). However, remember that too much swapping often slows down the performance of most programs.

To increase volume you need:

Make sure the program is not using too much memory. If there is a memory leak, close the associated program and install updates for it.

But how do you know which program needs to be terminated? For this:

  • click on Task Manager;
  • go to Processes;
  • click on Memory;
  • select the option - memory usage;
  • sort the programs you use.

Another option is to install an additional RAM module.

Video: 7 reasons why your computer slows down

Hard drive full

The hard drive is divided into logical partitions, and the system uses a partition called the active partition.

Here are 6 reasons why your computer slows down due to the hard drive:

  • the system partition is initially small;
  • The system transfers all installed games and applications to this section;
  • temporary files and system recovery files accumulate on it;
  • games save save files in the active partition, the sizes of which are often huge, especially in modern powerful games;
  • part of the active section is the desktop, which is often a gathering place for various user information (videos, photos, music files, etc.);
  • There is not enough RAM.

All these problems can be easily solved. Delete temporary files (to do this, install a cleaner program), old system recovery files. If you're not playing a game, move the game's save files to the Trash. Clear your desktop of folders and files, leaving only shortcuts. Another way is to create additional partitions on your hard drive for games, programs, movies, etc.

Resource-intensive programs or games

The processor usually has a simple factory cooling system, so if you use the computer for the Internet and work in office programs, you will not notice any special problems.

But if you often use resource-intensive games and programs, then you have two options:

  • change the factory system to a more modern and powerful system;
  • install an additional cooler.

Lots of unnecessary system files

To clean your computer from system and temporary files, use the Windows utility that is already built into the system. For this:

This operation can “lighten” your computer by several gigabytes, speeding up its operation.

How to find out why your computer is slow

Let's look at 2 reasons why your computer may slow down and deteriorate:

  • after installing a new device;
  • after installing the drivers.

Sometimes a new touch keyboard or LTE modem can worsen the performance of your computer, which occurs due to driver conflicts or because the developer wrote the driver with errors. In the latter case, you will have to install an alternative version of this driver.

But what should you do when you turn on your computer to resolve the conflict? For this:

Select those drivers that have a red or yellow exclamation mark next to them, then remove them and install them again. This will have to be done even when there are duplicates of previously installed drivers.

Startup programs

Most of the programs you install begin to load automatically according to their schedule, but for the average user this is usually not necessary.

To remove programs from startup:

  • click on Start;
  • in the search below, enter the word Execute;
  • in the field of the window that appears, type msconfig;
  • Click on OK.
  • after that, uncheck unnecessary programs;
  • click on OK.

There is no need to uncheck the boxes next to firewalls and antivirus programs.

And typical programs that you can safely remove from startup include Download Master, Winamp and Adobe Reader.

Virus software

If your computer has become a victim of hackers, you can use antivirus programs to remove virus software.

They come in the following types.

  1. The firewall filters traffic passing through the network and, in the event of an attack, begins to block it, and also blocks attempts to gain access through the network without authorization;
  2. the monitor checks all files that you run on your computer for the presence or absence of viruses;
  3. The scanner performs 2 functions - scans files and cleans them of viruses.

The most common antivirus programs include:

  • Kaspersky Anti-Virus;
  • Avast;
  • Dr.Web;
  • Panda;
  • NOD32;
  • Trajan Remover;

But even the most powerful antivirus program does not guarantee 100% protection against viruses, so never start running all downloaded programs on your computer in a row, and also try not to run programs from unverified publishers and do not click on all the links in the letters that come to you by e-mail.

Do not install more than one antivirus program, as this will reduce the effectiveness of scanning and will only worsen the problem of a slow computer. Also regularly keep the program database up to date.

System registry clogged

The system registry, like the hard drive, needs to be cleaned from time to time. Usually it becomes clogged due to keys installed by programs or unprofessional work on the computer, leading to errors.

To clean the registry, use one of the programs listed below, but remember that before the procedure you need to create a registry backup:

Hardware factors

Hardware factors that negatively affect the performance of a hard drive include the following:

  • the integrity of the magnetic head blocks is damaged;
  • the surface of the discs is damaged;
  • the plates are offset relative to each other;
  • Due to the HDD falling onto something hard, the mechanical part of the hard drive gets dents, the pancakes stop spinning, and when the disks rotate, you hear shearing, clicking and rhythmic knocking, as well as various whistles and hisses.

You need to contact a service center for professional HDD repair.

Pay attention to the temperature of your computer as well. To control it, install the Everest program. The "Sensor" tab will show the value - make sure it does not exceed 50 degrees.

Otherwise you can do the following:

  • blow out the radiator;
  • check fans;
  • Remove the heatsink to apply new thermal paste to the computer processor.

Reasons why media files and sound are slow

If the game takes a long time to load, and then the mouse freezes, and the image is displayed with errors or the sound is very slow, then the reasons may be:

  • your processor is weak enough for such operations;
  • you need to reinstall the codecs.

Video: why and what to do if your computer slows down

But music and other media files can slow down for all the reasons listed above, so use the tips we indicated earlier. We hope that this article will help you solve most of the problems associated with your computer.

With the correct diagnosis of slow operation and the right decision, working at the computer will become pleasant and comfortable, so we strongly advise you to devote enough time to diagnosing problems and solving them.


Severe performance degradation is one of the most common problems that computer users sometimes encounter.

There are many reasons that can cause “brakes” in the operation of the system. Fortunately, the user can fix many problems independently and quite easily.

The most common problem is overheating

Computer parts generate quite a lot of heat during operation. To effectively remove it, cooling systems are installed inside the PC. But their work can be disrupted due to dirt and dust, or they themselves can break, then overheating occurs. As a result, the computer begins to “slow down” or even turn off at the most unexpected moment.

Let's look at what signs may indicate overheating of some computer components:

  • The PC often freezes, especially when launching games and other resource-intensive applications;
  • a sharp decrease in productivity.

Users can fix this problem without the help of specialists, especially when it comes to stationary PCs. In this case, to troubleshoot problems, it is enough to clean the PC from dirt and dust.

Here is the procedure for cleaning the system unit:

  1. disconnect the power cord;
  2. open the block cover;
  3. remove dust and dirt;
  4. checking the cooling system;
  5. if necessary, replace thermal paste;
  6. assemble the computer and test its operation.

To clean your desktop PC, you don't need any special tools. It is quite possible to get by with a soft brush and a screwdriver; a vacuum cleaner will not be superfluous, since with its help it is more convenient to remove a large layer of dust.

Laptop users are less fortunate, despite the fact that the cleaning process is approximately the same as for desktop PCs, it is extremely rare to complete it on your own the first time. The first time it is better to use the help of professionals.

Video: Optimizing Windows 7

Problems due to incorrect update

Many updates are constantly released to the operating system that eliminate bugs found. Usually they are downloaded and installed automatically. In this case, the installation of updates may not proceed correctly for various reasons.

In this case, the following problems may occur:

If the user encounters any of the problems listed above after installing updates, he needs to perform the following steps:

  1. roll back the system to a point when no problems occurred;
  2. make sure there is free space on your hard drive;
  3. check your internet connection;
  4. try installing the update manually from the Microsoft website.

Lack of free space

If your computer starts to slow down, Windows 7 may simply not have enough free space on the system disk. The fact is that when the system and programs operate, many temporary files are created; if there is not enough space to create them, the system begins to slow down. In addition, space may be needed for virtual memory.

You can free up space on your system disk in the following ways:

  1. removing unnecessary applications;
  2. transferring or erasing large files, such as movies;
  3. cleaning temporary files.

The first two ways to increase free space usually do not cause difficulties for users. But when cleaning temporary files, questions arise regularly. Meanwhile, this procedure is also not complicated.

There are two ways to do it:

  • using system tools;
  • using third party utilities.

The use of special programs for deleting temporary files is more effective, but requires higher qualifications from the user. Therefore, let's look at how to get rid of temporary files using the tools built into Windows 7.

To do this you will need to do the following:

Advice. Special utilities, such as CCleaner, are much more effective at deleting temporary files. They can often perform additional functions to increase system speed.


Computer viruses pose a major threat to information security in the modern world. They can destroy important data, steal payment information, or have a significant impact on the speed of your computer.

Let's look at the main signs of a virus infection:

  • reduction in work speed;
  • appearance of strange files and folders;
  • disappearance of information;
  • error messages appear;
  • strange processes causing heavy CPU load.

Mini telephone exchange - what is it? Review here.

At the first appearance of signs of infection, it is necessary to scan your PC to detect “infection” using installed protection means.

It is not always possible that an installed antivirus can detect all threats that have penetrated a user’s computer.

Difficulty using the browser

Often, users may experience decreased performance while browsing the Internet. It is most often associated with the installation of unnecessary extensions and toolbars.

Let's look at how to remove unnecessary toolbars inWindows 7:

Unused add-ons should also be disabled.

Do it inYandexBrowser can be done as follows:

In most cases, performing these simple steps can significantly increase the speed of opening pages and working with the browser.

Hard drive problems

Problems with the hard drive very often lead to a situation where the computer freezes completely or opening applications is very slow.

All problems related to the hard drive can be divided into the following categories:

  • hardware faults;
  • logical errors;
  • large data fragmentation.

The most difficult option is if bad sectors appear on the hard drive. They significantly slow down the operation of the entire system and may be evidence of imminent failure of the hard drive.

You can check for bad sectors using the built-in tools of Windows 7.

To do this you need to do the following:

During the troubleshooting process, bad sectors will be replaced with working ones from a special area of ​​the HDD. It should be taken into account that a large number of bad blocks indicates the possibility of an imminent hard drive failure. It is better to copy important data to avoid its loss as soon as possible.

Many programs in startup

Many programs are included in autorun when installed. Of course, the user can refuse this option, but as a rule, they do not. At the same time, any application running on the computer reduces the overall performance of the system. Therefore, it is recommended to disable unnecessary programs in startup.

You can remove an application from autorun using standard tools or using special utilities.

Let's consider how inWindows 7 remove an application from startup using the tools built into the OS:

Low hardware performance

The performance of Windows 7 can also be affected by the power of the computer's hardware. This is especially true for PCs that were purchased 5-7 years ago.

The main components that affect the speed of the system:

  • CPU;
  • video card.

The easiest way to get rid of brakes due to outdated components is modernization. During it, outdated PC components are replaced with more modern ones. But it is always necessary to ensure that the parts you purchase are compatible with those already installed in the computer.

As a rule, problems that cause a decrease in performance are not associated with breakdowns of computer parts and therefore can be easily eliminated by the user. If this fails, it is better to contact a service center for help.


Littering your computer = slowing down.

Most users do not keep track of what programs they have installed, what drivers they have; for many, the local drive C is simply full, and drive D is empty.

Many also store their files (photos, music, movies) directly on the desktop, which is highly undesirable.

Users have a bunch of completely unnecessary programs (dubious browsers, Amigo, all sorts of Comets, Satellites, Bars, Panels, some supposed antiviruses), which is why the computer slows down.

Where does all this come from, you say, if you don’t download or install anything yourself? Remember, when you download some program from the Internet, during installation it is very finely indicated - install this or that as an add-on, and there are checkboxes.

Unfortunately, people don’t notice these checkboxes, and along with the required program, a dozen more unnecessary programs are downloaded and installed automatically. Therefore, when installing programs, you should always monitor the checkboxes and uncheck them on time.

Also, during normal Windows operation, temporary files, browser caches and other garbage accumulate in it. This is one of the 10 reasons why your computer is slow. This all slows down the system and does not increase its speed in any way.

That is, the system needs to be cleaned periodically. How - I teach all my clients this and install a special cleaning program. The best option especially for you is complete prevention of your computer -

  • Reason #2 - viruses.
Viruses in the computer = brakes.

Viruses can do anything to your computer, including making your computer completely inoperable. This is why virus cleaning is an important step in restoring system speed.

There are viruses that, for example, load the processor at 100%. This causes your computer to run slowly and overheat. This happened to me once a long time ago. And until I got rid of the virus, the brakes did not go away.

  • Reason #3 - overheating.
Computer overheating = brakes.

Overheating is also one of the 10 reasons why a computer runs slowly. When, for example, a processor overheats, the built-in special overheating protection is triggered so as not to physically damage the part.

This is expressed in a decrease in the processor clock frequency, which means a decrease in the speed of information processing, and as a result - freezes and the computer slows down.

This happens especially often when you play a heavy game for a very long time, for example on a laptop. What causes overheating?

If you take laptops, then there is an imperfect cooling system. Air is drawn in and blown out through tiny holes, unlike desktop computers. And in the place where air is blown through the radiator, a layer of dust accumulates, the so-called “felt boots”.

Under such conditions, air cannot be blown out normally and accumulates in the laptop, thus causing overheating. This is why cleaning laptops from dust plays a very important role. I would add - timely cleaning. The advisability of such cleaning is about once every 2 - 3 years. This is why your computer slows down.

If you don't clean your laptop from dust in time, overheating can damage important microcircuits and parts, and then repairs can cost a decent amount.

Is your laptop overheating? I offer cleaning your laptop from dust and replacing thermal paste at home - Therefore, I advise everyone to monitor the temperature of their laptop. How to do this - I explain to all my clients and install a special program for monitoring the temperature of the chips.

  • Reason #4 - startup items.
The computer takes a very long time to boot.

Another of the 10 reasons for a slow computer is startup items. These are programs running on your computer without your knowledge that start when Windows boots. I always notice that clients have a whole bunch of programs in startup. Moreover, the user himself does not know about this.

As a result, the computer takes a very long time to boot! Since you need to launch all these programs at startup that are registered in startup. But how does this happen, you ask? Yes Easy.

Many programs register themselves in startup automatically. Therefore, this also needs to be monitored. Check sometimes what is running with your operating system. I teach all my clients how to check this. There's nothing complicated there.

  • Reason #5 - C drive is full.
Disc C = brake overflow.

Fifth of 10 reasons for a slow computer. The fact is that the system requires free space for normal functioning. And Disk C should always be at least half empty.

The desktop is also drive C. Therefore, this drive is not suitable for storing personal data. Ideally, drive C should only contain programs and games.

Text documents are possible, since they weigh little. And everything else needs to be stored and stored on drive D. Many people download torrents to drive C, which is also not desirable. Periodically you need to check the “Downloads” folder on drive C. Clean it of excess garbage. I also explain to my clients how to free up and unload the C drive.

  • Reason #6 - registry errors.
Errors in the registry = brakes.

Due to accumulated errors in the registry, the system speed decreases, which is why the computer slows down. Therefore, the registry needs to be cleaned periodically. But where do these errors come from?

For example, during the process of installing and uninstalling programs (the most common reason for the accumulation of errors). When you uninstall programs through the control panel, the so-called “tails” of these programs remain in the registry and the registry gradually becomes clogged.

Errors also accumulate during normal Windows operation. But if you don’t clean the registry for a long time, such errors accumulate quite a lot. Cleaning the registry is a mandatory step to increase the speed of your computer.

  • Reason #7 - lack of RAM.
Lack of RAM = slowdowns

Not everyone has 3 - 6 GB of RAM (random access memory) installed. For normal operation of Windows 7 (64 bit), for example, at least 2 GB of RAM is required. and that's the minimum.

If you have, for example, 1 GB of RAM, and modern applications and games are installed, the system will slow down at times.
In this case, you need to install additional memory sticks. You can also buy yourself a new computer at competitive prices!

I collect and sell system units at prices starting from 4 thousand rubles. up to 7 tr!
Selling computers (system units) inexpensively! Install RAM correctly! This is especially important for the correct operation of multi-channel mode (2 or 4 channels).

  • Reason #8 - fragmentation of files on the hard drive.

What it is? It's quite simple. Our Windows, programs, games are installed on the hard drive. So, each program consists of a very large number of small files, and during installation these files are scattered chaotically across different areas of the hard drive. This is how fragments appear.

In order for the program to start and work faster, defragmentation is needed, that is, you need to combine all the fragments of a specific one program into one whole. and so that the entire program with all its small files is in one specific area of ​​the hard drive. Now you know what defragmentation is)

  • Reason #9 - outdated drivers.
Outdated drivers = brakes

Every device needs a driver. What is a driver? A driver is a special firmware that provides communication between Windows and the device.

For example, a video card needs a driver so that the Windows system understands that the device is a video card and not a vacuum cleaner, for example).
New drivers are released every year.

Installing drivers on your computer. The most important driver that affects the speed of the system is the driver for the hard disk controller. (SATA or IDE).

  • Reason #10 - Bad blocks of the hard drive.
Hard drive bad blocks = STRONG brakes.

Today we have to find out what to do if the computer lags. In fact, there are many reasons for this phenomenon. And only after it has been established can one give various advice. However, this does not prevent users from being interested in possible ways to speed up and optimize PC performance. What tips and tricks will help you debug the speed of response to signals sent to the operating system? Why, in principle, can a computer slow down? What to do in this or that case? All this will be discussed further below.

Brake classification

What process features should you pay attention to first? For example, to classify brakes on a computer. This is an important point that can help solve the problem by 50%.

Today, there are the following types of problems that cause slow operation of the operating system:

  • hardware problems;
  • software.

Accordingly, all possible situations can be divided into 2 large categories. In the first case, it usually comes down to replacing one or another PC hardware, in the second - either reinstalling the operating system or removing the software. More on this below.


What to do if your computer lags? The first reason for this behavior may be the aging of the computer. Any equipment has its own service life. And PC is no exception. Even the most will have to be changed over the years. On average - in 5-7 years.

Accordingly, long-term use of the device leads to wear and tear. As a result, brakes appear. It is recommended to simply change the computer. Fortunately, few people face such a situation. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the alignment only as a last resort.

Breakdown and Compatibility

What to do if your computer lags a lot? As an option, you should check the functionality and compatibility of all the hardware of the device. It is possible that some component has worn out or been damaged. Or it simply cannot work properly with all the other components of the PC.

As a rule, correcting the situation is not so difficult - it is enough to detect faulty equipment and replace it. It is for this reason that beginners are not recommended to assemble their own

In practice, most often you have to deal with equipment incompatibility. This is normal. The connected components have their own system requirements. You need to pay close attention to them. Then it will be possible to reduce situations in which the computer starts to work slowly.


But that's not all. What to do if a powerful computer lags? There are a lot of options for action. After all, it all depends on the reason for such behavior. Sometimes peripheral devices connected to the machine lead to lags and slow performance. For example, a mouse or keyboard.

Why does the problem occur? Due to incompatibility! This is a common occurrence. In this case, when you disconnect incompatible equipment, the PC's functionality is restored.

operating system

All of the listed scenarios, as you might guess, relate to hardware problems. Most often, users do not encounter them at all. What to do if your computer lags?

It is likely that the operating system is to blame. In particular, if the user does not have a license installed. Pirated software builds often work with brakes or are faulty. Therefore, you should not be surprised at the slow operation of a PC with a pirated copy of the operating system. This is normal.

  1. Reinstall the operating system. We are talking about the same assembly as it was. Even if the problem of slow operation does not lie in the OS, most likely it will correct itself during the procedure.
  2. Download and install a system of a different build. Pirated software can also work properly.
  3. Install a licensed copy of Windows. The most logical solution to the problem. If the brakes appeared precisely because of pirated software, they will disappear forever.

Accordingly, everyone chooses for themselves which way to go. In practice, the most common method is to reinstall a pirated OS or download another build of the system.

System and hardware

Does your computer lag a lot? What to do? It is difficult to predict the algorithm of actions in a particular case. After all, a computer is a complex machine. As has already been said, there are a huge number of reasons that can lead to slow operation of the operating system.

What to do if your computer starts lagging? You can try to replace the operating system with an older one. Or rebuild the “stuffing” of the computer. It's no secret that all software has its own system requirements. This has already been said. If you install an operating system without taking into account compatibility and the requests set for the hardware, it is possible that brakes will appear. All this is due to the fact that the PC power is simply not enough for normal operation of the OS.

Most often, a similar problem appears when new operating systems are installed on How to act in this or that case has already been said. In practice, it is preferable to change the operating system. Especially if the user recently bought a computer.

Programs on the computer

Is your computer laggy? What to do in this situation? It is recommended to analyze the operating system. Often problems with PC performance arise due to the large amount of installed and running software. The computer simply reboots. And so it begins to respond slowly to sent commands. There is nothing surprising about this.

The problem is solved by adjusting the computer's operation. More precisely, the user must:

  • remove all unnecessary programs;
  • leave only the necessary applications running;
  • Do not turn on a large amount of software on the computer at the same time.

As soon as the PC processor is unloaded, the operating system will return to normal. This problem can occur on all computers, even the most powerful ones. After all, users often do not notice that they have certain applications open.


But gamers are interested in what to do if the computer lags in games. The question is relevant for all users. There are many options here. Some nuances directly depend on the type of application being launched.

Users may encounter the following situations:

  1. Lags in offline games. They occur very often. May be caused by mismatch of system requirements, as well as due to incorrect installation. Game settings also affect the speed of the application.
  2. Brakes in online games. In addition to the problems listed earlier, there are some other reasons for slow operation. For example, the speed of the Internet connection, as well as the performance of the game server. A large number of users simultaneously playing one or another toy can also lead to problems and slowdowns of the PC.

Based on all of the above, you can choose one or another tactic of behavior. Lags in games can be corrected by the following steps:

  • reinstalling the toy;
  • setting minimum game settings;
  • faster internet connection;
  • waiting and connecting to an online game outside of rush hour.

It should be noted that sometimes lags in games even with minimum system requirements are not eliminated. Then it is better to refuse to use this or that software. Or you will have to change your PC to a more powerful one.


But not everything is as scary as it seems. Before deleting games, you can try one more trick. Does your computer lag a lot? What to do?

Occasionally, reinstallation and updating of drivers for connected equipment helps users. It is recommended to pay special attention to the video card.

From time to time, hardware drivers need to be updated. Old assemblies become obsolete and may become damaged. Because of all this, the equipment connected to the PC does not work at full capacity. Hence the brakes. Therefore, before abandoning any game, it is best to reinstall the drivers in the operating system.


Has your computer started lagging? What to do? The simplest advice that can be received from users is to reboot the OS. Especially when we are talking about situations in which the computer did not turn off or restart for several days, or even weeks.

Sometimes the cause of the problem being studied is a system failure or a random PC error. Such situations are corrected by restarting the OS. As practice shows, this advice helps many.

Dust removal

What to do if your computer lags? The next piece of advice is to clean your computer. We are talking about the hardware of the device. Brakes and a long response of the operating system to signals supplied by the user may be due to overheating of the PC due to debris.

It is recommended to regularly clean your computer and its cooler. An additional cooling system can also be provided. This will help minimize operating system slowdown due to overheating. Especially when it comes to laptops. They also need to be cleaned from dust and other dirt from time to time.


As practice shows, slow computer operation is often caused by nothing more than the presence of viruses in the operating system. Until the user gets rid of the malicious software, the situation will not improve.

What should you do if your computer starts lagging and rebooting doesn’t bring any results? It is best to immediately check your operating system for viruses. Any antivirus will cope with this task. It is advisable to conduct a thorough check.

If viruses are detected, they will have to be removed. But before that, you can try to treat your computer. Antivirus programs have separate buttons for assigned tasks.

As soon as the user gets rid of viruses and spyware, as well as browser hijackers, the PC’s functionality will be restored. Unfortunately, sometimes it's easier to just reinstall the OS and completely format the hard drive. This step helps not only to get rid of viruses, but also to eliminate all other possible causes of slowdowns. Of course, if we are not talking about hardware problems.

Program incompatibility

Is your computer lagging? What to do? Are there any viruses? In this case, you can try to analyze the operation of the operating system. Sometimes software incompatibility causes your computer to slow down.

To eliminate the cause, it is usually necessary to see after launching which application the brakes begin. And try to activate problematic software as little as possible. Or you can independently understand at what combination of running applications your PC starts to run slowly. It is enough just not to work with incompatible software at the same time to restore full functionality to your computer.


What should I do to prevent my computer from lagging? You can clean the operating system of "garbage". To do this, it is enough to clean the computer’s system registry. CCleaner copes with this task perfectly. Manual cleaning does not give the same result as that carried out using the specified application.

CCleaner requires:

  1. Download and run the application. The portable version of the program does not require installation.
  2. Click on the "Analysis" button. Wait a few minutes.
  3. Click on the "Cleanup" button. Wait for the process to complete.

Ready! The computer registry will be cleared of unnecessary files. In addition to improving the operation of the operating system, the user will be able to notice how several gigabytes of memory have been freed up on the hard drive.

One click - solution to all problems

Does your computer lag a lot? What to do? If you don’t want to spend a long time understanding the causes of the phenomenon being studied, you can go a different route. Namely, reinstall the operating system. This advice has already been given in some situations.

By resorting to this step, the user may lose all the data on the computer. But the method allows you to work with the operating system “from scratch.” It is necessary to select the installed software taking into account the system requirements and computer power.

From now on, it’s clear what to do if your computer lags a lot. This kind of behavior is not uncommon. It should not scare the user.

A slow computer is the main problem of almost every person who works closely with it. It seems that just a few months ago, the electronic friend was fast and efficient, performing all tasks in just a few seconds. But over time, for some reason, it began to slow down, slow down and become downright dull. Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, the speed of a computer does not depend solely on it. Monitoring its condition is the direct responsibility of the user. Since the device is unable to independently free itself from all the excess that accumulates in it during operation, it begins to slow down greatly.

Why does this happen?

There are many reasons why a PC running Windows suddenly becomes dull and slow. They can be influenced by any factor that somehow affects the computer. The most common causes of freezing can be divided into software and hardware.

Software reasons are some kind of problem in the system itself, the presence of viruses or a large number of unnecessary files. In general, you can endure the following problems with your PC, due to which it began to slow down:

  • Viruses that slow down work.
  • A large volume of running unnecessary programs.
  • Too much junk in the registry.
  • Programs eat up almost all of the RAM.
  • There is not enough space on the system disk.

The user is quite capable of solving each of them independently, without resorting to the help of service centers and professionals.

The situation is more complicated with those problems that depend on the state of the hardware inside the system unit or laptop case, why Windows may not work properly:

  • The computer overheats due to dust or load.
  • The hard drive is broken.
  • There is not enough RAM.
  • The processor is outdated.

In this case, not every problem can be solved at home, since there is a chance that the device will have to be disassembled and replaced, cleaned and some components repaired. A professional can handle this better than a beginner.

How can I fix it?

You can try to do something at home for most of these problems. Manipulations with Windows, when the user begins to do them competently, can significantly speed up work with data. The main thing is to know what needs to be done and how.

Virus removal

First of all, you need to remove all malicious programs that can fill your computer and slow down its operation. Most often, the problem goes away at least partially, if not completely, and the device no longer slows down as much. As a rule, almost all computers have some kind of antivirus installed, but it is not always able to do its job and resist the virus onslaught.

To deal with all unnecessary viruses, you will need to download the Dr.Web CureIt! treatment utility. It does a very good job of detecting and eliminating all malware, does not require installation and works quite quickly. You must download from the official Doctor Web website. It is important to remember that the virus database is constantly updated, so you must download the utility immediately before use.

Before attempting to launch, the computer can clarify whether you really trust this program and whether you need to run it. You must agree with him, and then the utility itself will open. In the start window, check the only box and click on “Continue”.

The following window will open where you can configure the program itself and choose how exactly it should scan your computer. For example, you can check it as a whole or mark any specific sections.

It is recommended to set the settings as you wish. To do this, there is a wrench icon in the upper right corner. After starting the scan, you will have to wait quite a long time until the utility scans all the files and disinfects them.

Disk and Registry Cleanup

A clogged hard drive is a pressing problem when it has a fairly small amount of memory. Modern programs weigh a lot, which is why there is always not enough space. Therefore, not only drive D, intended for various programs, is often used, but also system drive C. Due to the lack of space on it, Windows becomes dull and begins to slow down even in the simplest processes.

To clean up valuable gigabytes as much as possible, you need to perform a set of measures:

  • Delete everything unnecessary - music, movies, pictures and programs that you rarely use. Important: files on the Desktop and in the Recycle Bin also take up space on drive C.
  • Delete temporary files. CCleaner can handle this task well.

Using the CCleaner program can permanently rid your computer of brakes. To start using, the program must be downloaded and installed. The program weighs a little - about 6.5 MB.
After turning it on, you must immediately go to the menu called “Cleaning”. You shouldn’t touch anything - all settings are set optimally, and an inexperienced user can simply delete something unnecessary. To start cleaning, you need to click “Analysis” and wait a little - when finished, it will be displayed how much disk space will be freed up, and what exactly the program is going to delete.

If everything suits you, you should click on the next button, “Cleaning”. And wait again until all files are deleted. After using the program, it is immediately noticeable that Windows has become faster. And in this case, the question does not arise why he began to slow down earlier. It is recommended to do cleaning at least once a month so that Windows runs quickly and without failures.

The next step is to clean the registry. All information about the computer, its settings and components will be collected here. It does not clear itself, so even if an application was deleted several years ago, information about it will still be stored and take up space.

To clean it, you should also use CCleaner. Only now you need to go to the “Registry” tab and click on the “Search for problems” item.

After the check time has expired, the user will see a list of all errors that the program has detected. To delete, you need to click on the “Fix…” button, and then agree to create a backup copy of the current state. This function is necessary so that if something suddenly goes wrong, you can restore Windows.

After the agreement, you will need to confirm your decision to clean the registry. A window will appear in which you can view each error found separately. You must click on “Fix marked” (by default, all errors are marked at once). And then - wait.

It is advisable to check for errors in the registry at least once a month, or better yet, after each deleted program, in order to immediately remove all its mentions from the system.

Sometimes too many files end up in automatic app downloads. When you turn on the PC, they start all at once, which greatly slows down Windows. To check this, you need to open the Task Manager - right-click on the taskbar, and then select “Task Manager”.

Then you need to go to the “Startup” section to remove all unnecessary programs and files from there. To do this, you need to right-click on the line and click on “Disable”.

Running a bunch of apps

If you have a lot of programs running on your computer - a browser, Skype, and some kind of game - you shouldn’t be surprised why Windows suddenly started to slow down. You just need to close everything that is unnecessary and eats up extra memory. You can check which programs are eating up a lot in the Task Manager. We open it and in the “Processes” tab we look at which programs are especially voracious. And if they are not needed, we close them. It is advisable to do this at any signs of inhibition so that they do not accumulate.

Important note: for the same reason, work in the browser may slow down. Modern Internet programs are very demanding, and each tab is a separate process. Therefore, you should not open them too much. And you need to clear your browser cache more often.

Problems with computer components

Has your computer suddenly started to get very hot, make strange sounds, and freeze at the same time? This means that something is broken or wrong in him. That's why he lies. Overheating is a clear sign that the computer is under excessive load, and also that there is too much dust in it.

To work normally with modern programs and browsers, you need a sufficient amount of RAM and processor power. That is, these components need to be replaced. Study the programs you use and then decide what exactly needs to be changed. Although it is recommended to change the system unit or the laptop as a whole, replacing a couple of RAM sticks or a processor will not help much if the video card or motherboard is not capable of handling such loads.

If the computer is powerful enough, and Windows on it has already been cleaned of everything unnecessary, but it still gets hot and makes noise, then it’s time to clean it of dust and change the thermal paste on the processor. It is better to entrust such work to a professional, that is, take it to a service center. Especially if it's a laptop. Specialists will better find out the reason why problems occur

Another reason why the system freezes and noise appears is a broken hard drive. This is expressed in the fact that all processes on the PC suddenly freeze and begin to run jerkily and unevenly. Only the mouse cursor saves life. During this process, the disk begins to make sounds that are uncharacteristic for it, and then everything suddenly returns to normal. You need to immediately download all data from such a disk and take care of checking it and replacing it, if necessary.

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