Weapon Scattering Circle mod for WoT. Secrets of shooting in World Of Tanks Mod displaying the true scatter circle

Where will the projectile go?

Mod developers are not going to rest on their laurels. This means they are coming up with new fashions to please tankers. And now we will be pleased with the “Gun Scattering Circle” mod for wot. This is a legal mod, so you can use it and not be afraid of getting banned from potatoes.

The thing is that the standard mod will not show exactly where the projectile will land, but only the direction of the gunner. Of course, everyone understands that a projectile cannot fly anyhow, but precisely takes its direction according to a mathematical formula. Well, of course, counting in your head is not necessary in our time. Our “Gun Scattering Circle” mod can handle this.

This situation is familiar when you choose a direction, but the projectile arrives at a different point. And there’s negativity on the outside, but of course.

All this can be used by installing this mod. It will add a second alignment in the sniper and arcade sights, which will correspond to the gun's dispersion circle. It works in two modes:

  • displaying the client scatter circle;
  • displaying the server scatter circle;

All this does not depend on the enabled checkbox in the game "Use server sight", but is enabled in the settings file \World_of_Tanks\res_mods\Game Version\scripts\client\gui\mods\DispersionCircle.cfg in the line "UseServerDispersion": false. By default, the client scatter circle is displayed.


Copy the scripts folder to WOT/res_mods/game version/, confirming the replacement.

When playing WOT, sometimes you come across situations that seem contradictory and wrong. Many have noticed that, even with final alignment, a projectile fired from a gun flies past its target. Some may consider this a bug, while others will simply think that it is an accident, but in fact, in addition to the aiming circle, other mechanics are involved when firing, which are hidden from the players by the developers.

Firing accuracy is largely influenced by factors such as accuracy, which is calculated using very complex formulas. And in order to hit your opponent’s equipment more often, you need to understand the difference in the work of these two mechanics. Thus, the range of information differs in that it characterizes the degree of readiness of the gunner from the tank crew, while the accuracy reflects the characteristics of the gun itself.

The creators of this mod revealed the accuracy parameter by introducing a scatter circle in the sight of a combat vehicle.

Having installed this modification, it becomes clear why shells sometimes fly past the enemy. After all, the scattering circle has a smaller radius than the convergence circle.

Another interesting point is the fact that the scatter circle reaches its minimum radius faster than the convergence circle. That is, simply put, the first one is reduced faster. This explains approximately the same accuracy with full and partial aiming, when shooting is carried out in orientation to the aiming circle.

When installing this mod, by default, it displays client circle scatter. But there is also the option of replacing it with server scatter circle(to enable it, just replace the parameter false on true in line "UseServerDispersion": false). Which is more preferable for the game, especially in conjunction with the client circle of information.


  • Copy folder res_mods to the game directory WOT, confirming the replacement of files;
  • The mod is configured in the file WOT\res_mods\configs\BBMods\Auxilium\DispersionCircle.json.
5 years and 7 months ago Comments: 4

Today we will talk about many secrets of shooting in our game. Namely, we will find out how various processes occur during shooting, how everything works in general, and we will find a couple of bugs (as well as their causes).


If you've been playing tanks for over a thousand battles (and I have no doubt) you've already fired a lot of shots. And you have often observed how this happens visually, but you do not know how it happens systematically. The server on which you play takes into account the position of your tank, gun, turret. After pressing the shot button, your computer transmits the shot data to the server. After which the server transmits the result to your computer, i.e. punched, covered, etc. All server considerations (position of the tank, gun...) affect the trajectory of the projectile. For example, you raised your gun up and fired, the trajectory, that is, the trail left by the projectile will be directed upward. If you shoot to the side or down, then naturally the trajectory will be directed to the side or down. This is the dependence of the necessary factors on the trajectory of the projectile.

Not all tanks in the game have the same trajectory; for example, the KV-2's projectile flies slowly and is a little arty-like. And with a tiger, for example, the projectile flies quickly and smoothly. Therefore you can do conclusion that the trajectory of a projectile also depends on the type of gun and projectile.

There is a very common concept in the game - anticipation. Let's say someone is driving in front of you at breakneck speed, to hit him you naturally need to shoot a little ahead. This calculation is anticipation. This indicator directly depends on the speed of the projectile and.

Players with a weak Internet connection may have experienced a bug. Your projectile flew through the tank without damage. In this case, due to a weak Internet, the server simply did not have time to send you the result of the shot, or yours did not have time to inform the server that the shot was fired. This bug happens very rarely, but if it happens to you often, then it’s best to change the game server. If changing the server did not help, then you need to improve your Internet.

Scatter circle.

For many, it is no longer a secret that the sight is a circle, and not a crosshair inside it, and that you need to wait for this circle to close for more accurate shooting. But few people know where the projectile most often flies in this circle. About 4-5 patches ago, the developers made shots more accurate. According to them, about 20% of the shots flew towards the edge of the aiming circle, about 45-50% into half the circle, and only 4-8% into the very center. In one of the updates, they reduced the percentage of the probability of a projectile flying to the edge of the circle to 1-2%, and in half a circle to 60%, in the center it was increased to 20%. The probability of where a projectile will fly does not depend at all on the type of gun, projectile, server, type of tank, your country, time of year, etc. This is a purely random calculation. The only thing that can be highlighted. All tanks in the game have different aiming circle sizes, and the narrower it is, the higher the accuracy.

In this section we can also highlight a bug. As before, those who have a poor Internet connection experience the following problem: the projectile flies outside the circle. That is, you took aim at the enemy, fired, and the projectile flew not into the aiming circle at all, but beyond it. In this case, you just need to check the “Use server sight” box in the settings and you can get by by changing the Internet.
Shooting accuracy.

In general, everyone wants to shoot accurately, hit and penetrate. Now we will figure out what is needed to successfully hit the enemy, even from very long distances:

  • 1. You need a fully trained (100%) person, in our case a gunner.
  • 2. Additional modules (stabilizer, aiming drives).
  • 3. Additional skills (combat brotherhood).
  • 4. Premium equipment.
Of course, few people can fulfill all the above points, but everyone can fulfill 1 point and it is the most important. A gunner fully trained to 100% levels the gun much faster and makes it more accurate than a 50% gunner. Whatever scythe gun you have, a trained gunner will make it more comfortable. All other points are of little influence, they only improve the result by 5-10%, which is hardly noticeable, but still exists.

Mixing time.

The aiming time is the time during which our sight (the aiming circle) will narrow as much as possible. This indicator is indicated in the characteristics of the guns, but in the characteristics only half of the information is shown, while the full information doubles in time. For example, for borscht the mixing time is shown in the characteristics as 2.3. This means the total mixing time is 2.3*2= 4.6 seconds. That is, we will need 4 and a half seconds for complete mixing.

Like accuracy, convergence time also has necessary factors. They are the same, only fur-water is added. The driver has a skill that, when learned, will make your alignment circle narrower while driving, i.e. It won't be scattered so much.

Correct shooting.

And now some information for beginners. Many novice players simply do not know how to shoot correctly, which often leads to missed shots and misses. If you are still in the sandbox, then the ability to target various hatches, holes, etc. you won't need it. You just need to learn how to hit. For a successful hit you need: complete information, good aiming (in sniper mode!). It is not necessary to always shoot in sniper mode; sometimes you need to shoot in arcade mode. That is, when you circle someone and the time to stop, information, etc. you just won't have enough.

If you have already reached level 6-8 tanks, then it will be more difficult for you. Here you already need to be able to punch. For this purpose, I would not advise you to download skins with penetration zones, because... they are absolutely useless. Judge for yourself what a player can see near the tank from 200-300 meters. What if the enemy is in the bush? The only use of skins is only when attacking from close. My advice is to download the Wot Tank Viewer program and turn on all the armored tanks one by one (with which you are having difficulty) and in the armor mode look at the armor of each tank. Of course, you will not remember the thickness of the armor of each armored tank in all vulnerable places, so you must always know that the most vulnerable places in the forehead are the lower armor plate and the various machine gun turrets. If the enemy only gives you a turret, then always find the commander’s hatch on his turret (almost everyone has one) and shoot there. You can also train with friends in training on your own by shooting at each other in different places.
This ends my guide, good luck on the battlefields!

In the archive version for the client:
There is a video inside

Description: Mod Gun dispersion circle for WOT to determine the real dispersion of a gun when firing, a mod for quick aiming.

Main changes:
- The mod has been updated for patch;
- Added 6 options for narrowing the scatter circle - mod for the sight;

The mod is simply super and was invented to speed up the aiming of a gun for firing - everyone will probably ask how this is? This is because the WoT developers made the standard mixing much larger than it actually is and often you don’t need to wait for the complete mixing. Naturally, this does not mean that you can shoot without waiting for information at all. After all, each tank has its own gun dispersion circle, one gun has more, another has less, but with mod DispersionCircle - Gun dispersion circle for WOT All calculations will be performed by the mod, which will help you shoot faster without waiting for the end of the scatter circle.

Many players have noticed that there are times when a projectile that is not fully aimed hits the enemy in the same way as with full aim, but of course you don’t see real circle of information- and the information has already been combined a long time ago and you can hammer the enemy. This mod will be useful during battles both at long and close distances, and sometimes when shooting at full speed. After installing the mod, you will have 2 circles, the first is the standard convergence, the 2nd is the real spread of your gun.

At the moment there is 6 types of Scatter Circle mod- simple and with advanced settings just before the battle in the hangar. Mod DispersionCircle Works in both arcade and sniper scope modes.

Option #1- has almost the same settings as the second option, only the setting is only possible by editing the config file manually, which is not very convenient.

Option No. 2 :
- replace the original convergence circle with a scatter circle
- Ability to scale the information circle
- Ability to scale the scatter circle
- Remove the effects of hitting a tank
- Remove additional effects of dynamic camera and anti-aliasing

As in any other game, in World of Tanks, there is such a thing as “recoil”. One can only notice that it exists, but somehow calculating the accuracy of the first, second and third salvo was impossible until the advent of the DispersionCircle mod.

Mod Weapon Scattering Circle for WoT

It was developed by programmers who understand the essence of the game. As it turned out, the aiming circle is actually much larger than the weapon’s dispersion circle in reality. And the convergence circle is far from an indicator of the dispersion of fired projectiles; it has a different task - to show where the projectile will fly. The display of the recoil level in the game, without add-ons, is not displayed, but with the “scatter circle” mod, this situation can be easily corrected.

Benefits of DispersionCircle

All users who have used this modification talk about its very useful effect on further gameplay. The plugin works in several modes, namely:

Show client and server scatter circle.

As you can understand, the server and client scatter circles are different and by default it is the client circle that is used to display the scatter.