Error Reboot and select boot device proper: causes, fixes. Start booting from usb device what is it Start booting from usb device what to do

Question: Setting: "Start booting from USB device"

I know that there are already a lot of topics with this problem, I looked through everything, but, unfortunately, nothing came of it
There are no Secure Boot or OS Mode Selection options in the BIOS.
The bootable flash drive was created by UltraISO, Rufus and the method described here:
I tried different images and assemblies, XP and 7.
Everything is useless, as a result I only get “start booting from usb device”, which is where it all ends.
Bios phoenix award workstation bios, instead of any mention of USB - only Removable.
Unfortunately, there is no way to record a disc, only a flash drive(
Thanks in advance for any help!

Answer: a way to install windows from another PC.
In short, the method is to unpack Windows from the win file directly to the HDD, then add the yf ytuj bootloader and the installation will continue, that is, we’ll skip the moment with the flash drive.

Added after 46 minutes
via the command line we prepare the disk for installation

2) list disk
3) select disk X (where X is the disk number from the list obtained by executing the previous command) read here how to find out the disk number
4) clean
5) create partition primary
6) select partition 1
7) active
8) format quick fs=ntfs label=”Win7-ATLANT-PC.RU”
9) assign letter X
10) exit
Don't close the command line

extract the wim file to disk

Now we will extract the desired OS from the INSTALL.WIM file to our disk.
The operation will be carried out using the dism command
dism /apply-image /imagefile:F:\sources\install.wim /applydir:X:\ /index:1
For ease of operation, I took a separate application dism.exe
unpack this archive to drive C:\
The Start.cmd file changes the command in it and launches it.
unpacking install.wim to the created partition
to find out what index is for your desired OS, use the command
Imagex.exe /info F:\Sources\install.wim
We see that files have been extracted to our disk.

Question: When installing from a flash drive it stops at "start booting from usb device"

Hello! I'm trying to install windows 7 on a netbook running linux uduntu operating system. I installed it using a flash drive because there is no drive, I made a flash drive with Windows 7 32x using the Windows 7 USB download Tool utility, after that I went into the BIOS section boot and put the flash drive in first place, then I rebooted and it turned out start booting from usb device and that’s how it stands, after that I turned off legacy USB Suppurt in the BIOS and it was the same. How to solve this problem, thanks in advance.

Answer: dzu, Everything worked out, thank you very much)

Question: When installing an OS from a flash drive, the message “Start booting from usb device...” is displayed on the screen many times in a row.

I reinstalled the system many times, this is the first time I’ve seen this: it writes many times in a row Start booting from USB device... I tried to wait and nothing happened. Created a bootable USB flash drive by burning an image onto it using ultraiso, as usual.
I pasted the screen.

Answer: The functionality of ultraiso is quite enough for me to create a bootable flash drive. I solved the problem by recording another image. The topic can be closed

Question: Start booting from usb device and so on endlessly

Windows 7 won’t load from a bootable USB flash drive, everything was installed fine on another computer. Is it because the BIOS is old or what? How to fix?


Message from dezraid

Is it because the BIOS is old or what? How to fix?

Try this (the OS downloaded to the USB flash drive from Microsoft installed without problems)

Question: Window 10 No bootable device

When working on Windows 10, a BSOD flashes randomly (it’s impossible to read something), after which it instantly reboots. After which the error “No bootable device insert boot disk and press any key” appears. When you reboot again, Window loads normally. What could be the problem? Lenovo g570 laptop

Answer: I checked the hard drive using Victoria, no bad sectors were found, a little more than 100 sectors with a response of 200ms, but S.M.A.R.T. In a bad condition. Blue screen error "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT". In the Windows log, exactly before a critical system stop, 3 file filters “npsvctrig”, “FileCrypt”, “aswSnx” and “aswSP” are loaded.

Question: Windows 10 error 13 disk pdo:\device\00000026

Error 13 disk "pdo:\device\00000026" appears in the Windows 10 log

cmd: chkdsk c: /f/r
reboot, then the check takes a long time, hangs for about 15 minutes at 14 percent and ends abruptly
As a result, the log shows error 13 again
Launched by Victoria....

Answer: Updating the BIOS didn't help.

Question: The /MAX key in the START command does not work (the window does not maximize)

ICE everyone! Subject, I do this:

It starts, but does not deploy. Win+Up works in principle. CHADNT?
Or is it a feature of the application itself?

Upd: a short search led me to this

But this, in my opinion, is absolutely fierce Jediism...
The idea is to give git-bash.exe the -w max or --window=max argument, i.e.:

Windows Batch file
1 2 start "" "C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe""--window=max" start /d "C:\Program Files\Git" git-bash.exe --window=max

also didn’t lead to anything: just a window quickly flashes and that’s it.

Of course, there was an idea to take and rip out that line that is passed to the system() function, which was advised by that Indian comrade from an overflowing stack, but personally, such attempts almost immediately caused a brain overload for me, because I am extremely familiar with this CMD/BAT of yours.
So I sincerely ask for help from local gurus! Thank you in advance!

Answer: Well, in general, I gathered my strength and did this:

Windows Batch file
1 START "" /B "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\mintty.exe"--window=max "-o AppID=GitForWindows.Bash" "-o RelaunchCommand=C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe" "-o RelaunchDisplayName=Git Bash" "-i /mingw64/share/git/git-for-windows.ico"/usr/bin/bash --login -i

This is of course not a pure bat, but at least it starts from there.
Well, for some reason he really swears that he can’t find the icon in the specified path, but that’s minor stuff.

Question: IObit Start Menu 8

Start Menu 8

Official site:
Platform: Windows® 8 | 8.1 | 10 (32/64-bit)
Interface: Multi/Russian

StartMenu8- specifically designed for Windows® 8. It offers the perfect solution for users who constantly work with the Windows® Start menu and are not used to the new "Metro" start screen of Windows® 8. This smart tool brings back both the Start button and the menu. Start" of Windows® OS, and provides the ability to skip the "Metro" start page, allowing desktop-only users to boot directly to the Windows® 8 desktop. It is the best Start menu replacement for Windows® 8.

  • Best Start Menu Replacement for Windows® 8
  • Easily switch between Metro and desktop interfaces
  • Faster access to programs and files
  • Customizable, simple and FREE

    Download: |

  • Answer: Start Menu 8 v2.3.0.200

    Added some advanced settings to help you customize your 10
    + Added support for Modern app"s icon background color adjusting automatically along with the 10 Theme color
    + Added option to show or hide the latest game or software news
    + Added option "Delete" in right-click menu for the items on the right panel of start menu
    + Added Bosnian version
    + Optimized the UI to be much user-friendly
    * Fixed general bugs

    In the section to the question I want to install windows 7 from a flash drive but something doesn’t work. When installing Windows 7 it says start booting from USB device specified by the author Yita Prokudina the best answer is
    1) Open the Windows image with UltraISO, go to the Boot menu - Burn Hard Disk Image.
    2) Insert the flash drive into the USB port (it should appear at the top). Let's choose it. Select USB-HDD Recording Method in the item and click Burn.
    3) A warning about information destruction pops up, click Yes. We are waiting for the recording to complete (from 5 to 20 minutes).
    4) Go into the BIOS with the flash drive inserted and set to boot from the USB-HDD first.
    5) If everything was done correctly, then after restarting the computer, if a flash drive with a recorded image is inserted, the boot will proceed from it unconditionally, that is, without the phrase “Press any key to boot from...”.
    6) The installation itself is not much different from installing from a bootable DVD, but there is one point. When the copying and unpacking of files is completed, and the computer reboots for the first time, you need to go to the BIOS again and set the boot priority back (from the hard drive by default) or remove the flash drive. Otherwise, it is possible that the download will start from the flash drive again.

    Answer from Agecobi akakizo[newbie]

    Answer from Mysterious person[guru]
    Burn the image onto a blank and install normally.

    Answer from Yergey Alekseevich Pr.[guru]
    Incorrectly created flash drive. “Correctness” depends on what system you are creating the flash drive on. I always recommend making a bootable USB flash drive to install Windows 7 using special utilities. You can read how I do this on the forum. There is a special topic where everything is detailed in pictures.
    You can do it on just a bootable USB flash drive, or install Windows 7 from an external USB HDD.
    (instead of @ put dots)

    Hello friends! Today I will talk about how to BIOS configure booting from a flash drive, and what to do if this same flash drive is not displayed in the BIOS settings. I already wrote an article about that, but today I want to write in more detail about that how to boot from a USB drive, having previously configured the BIOS.

    What is it for? Well, if you are reading this, then I think you already know why you need it. Well, if not, then I’ll tell you a secret: you can create bootable flash drives and install operating systems from them or launch other bootable disk images, for example. This is very convenient; flash drives are more resistant to mechanical damage compared to disks, and they can have more memory.

    Before you start writing the instructions, be sure to read the article, it says how to enter the BIOS.

    So, you have already created a bootable USB flash drive and are ready to boot from it. First of all, we need to configure the system so that our flash drive comes first, and the system starts from it first. There is one joke here, through which questions arise such as the flash drive is not displayed in the BIOS settings.

    Does BIOS not boot from a flash drive?

    It's very simple, when the USB device is not connected to the computer, it will not appear in the boot options.

    Setting boot from flash drive in BIOS

    We do this: connect the flash drive, go to the BIOS (if you don’t know how, read the article above, usually these are the DELETE or F2 keys). And go to the page with setting the order of boot devices. I'll just show screenshots. Remember, everything may look different for you, and menu items may have different names. Look for the item with the word “Boot”.

    If the flash drive is connected, we will see it in the list.

    Now we need to install the flash drive in the first place in the boot list. To do this, press “Enter” and select “” .

    We save all our changes by pressing F10 and restart the computer. If everything is done correctly and the USB drive is created correctly, the USB drive will begin loading. It may indeed be that USB is not displayed in the settings, most likely because you have an old computer and it does not support this function.

    After a boring story about setting up the BIOS, I would like to advise you to think about the security of your home or office, and video surveillance, in my opinion, is the best means of protection. Moreover, with new technologies you can install IP video cameras, which will give you many new and modern opportunities. For example, creating a network from several cameras and even broadcasting the video to the Internet.

    Also on the site:

    Updated: January 12, 2015 by: admin

    When trying to install an operating system from a flash drive, the user may encounter the message “Start booting from USB device...” appear on the screen, after which the system freezes and nothing further happens. This is usually due to a situation where the bootable USB flash drive with the operating system was not created correctly by the user, so the system has problems installing a new version of the OS from this device. In this material I will tell you what the “Start booting from USB device” problem is, what its causes are, and how to fix the appearance of the message on your PC.

    The screen with the frozen inscription “Start booting from USB device...” looks something like this

    Translated, this text sounds like "Starting boot from USB device...", usually appearing when loading the installation version of Windows OS from a USB device.

    The reasons why the “Start booting from USB device” message “freezes” are usually an incorrectly created installation flash drive, as well as incorrectly specified settings in the BIOS of the user’s PC.

    How to fix “Start booting from USB device”

    To resolve the “Start booting from USB device” error, I recommend doing the following:

    • Check if your USB device is bootable. To do this, I recommend using the “MobaLiveCD” software tool, which will check the boot status of your flash drive. This program does not require installation, works immediately after launch, and is quite lightweight and easy to use.

    Method 1. To work with MobaLiveCD, download and run this program with administrator rights. On the main screen, click on the “Run the Live USB” button, point the program to the path to your flash drive. If the program asks you « Do you want to create a hard disk image for your virtual machine?” — select “No”. The program will emulate the system startup from your flash drive, and you will see the result with your own eyes.

    To exit the program, press the Ctrl+Alt keys.

    To check the file system of your flash drive, connect it to your computer, right-click on the flash drive in Explorer, and select “Properties” in the menu that appears.

    • Try changing the value of some BIOS parameters. Go to your BIOS and change the “Legacy” option from “Enabled” to “Disabled” (or vice versa). Save the settings, restart your computer, and try installing the system again from the flash drive;

    Method 2. If the previous method did not help fix Start booting from USB device, try the following. Go to the BIOS, in the “Boot” tab, set the “Secure Boot” parameter to “Disabled” (if a warning appears, feel free to click on “Ok”). An additional option “OS Mode Selection” will appear, select “UEFI and Legacy OS” here (if a warning appears, then click on “OK” again). Click on F10 again, then on “Yes”, wait for the laptop to reboot.

    Then we go to the BIOS again, in the “Boot” tab we select the “Boot device priority” option, in the first paragraph we select our flash drive as a boot device. Click on F10 and “Yes” again. We reboot our PC and try to boot from our flash drive.