The shockers of this company are small in size. Mini stun guns. Several reasons in favor of mini-shock guns

A stun gun is a civilian type of weapon, the use of which does not cause irreversible consequences for the body and certainly does not lead to death. Based on the voltage and time of exposure, the discharge may:

  1. Cause acute pain;
  2. Cause painful shock and muscle cramps;
  3. Have a paralyzing effect
  4. Provoke loss of orientation in space and inhibition.

Despite the abundance of proposals, only products from five officially licensed manufacturers are legally permitted for use: Mart Group, Thunder, Oberon, Research Institute of Steel and the Scientific and Production Association Special Materials. All other stun guns (“Osa”, “Bumblebee”, etc.) are of illegal origin and can be dangerous for the user.

  • characteristics (power, voltage, etc.) of devices;
  • cost (ratio of cost and effectiveness);
  • user reviews;
  • expert recommendations.

There are 3 classes of electric shock devices for self-defense, into which the devices are divided depending on the strength of the discharges:

  • 1 class. Voltage – 70-90 kV, power – 2-3 W. These are the most powerful stun guns that are allowed on the territory Russian Federation. According to experts, models of this class are the best paralyzing devices for self-defense, since they can hit an attacker even through several layers warm clothes. This is especially true in the winter season.
  • 2nd grade. Voltage – 45-70 kV, power – 1-2 W. Such devices demonstrate slightly less efficiency. Their advantage lies in the optimal price-quality ratio. The cost of stun guns in this class is somewhat lower, but the effectiveness still remains high.
  • 3rd grade. Voltage – 20-45 kV, power – 0-1 W. These stun guns, according to experts, are more like a means of psychological attack on the enemy. It is unlikely that such devices will be able to neutralize them, but they will be able to scare them. The devices are characterized by low cost and minimal electrical discharge.

Top 10 best stun guns for self-defense

We offer a selection of the most popular and effective models various manufacturers. Here are collected stun guns showing top scores. The choice is based on owner reviews and recommendations from self-defense instructors.


The most relevant for self-defense in an elevator or car interior. Innovative technologies, protective covering
Country Russia
Average price: 8000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.0

The Laska-Super stun gun from NAP Special Materials is a high-power self-defense device with a charge voltage of 70 kV. A special feature of the device is the ability to use it in a confined space, for example, a car or an elevator, where the use of pepper spray or a traumatic gun would be inappropriate. Due to the lightness (330 g) and small dimensions (15.0 * 7.0 * 2.0 cm) of the electric stun gun, the model is suitable for operational use and concealed carrying.

The package includes a shocker, Charger, passport for the goods, a certified copy of the certificate and a belt holder. The product warranty is 2 years. According to experts, the model is not inferior to stun guns from other manufacturers - Newest technologies, the option of a specified exposure time limit, the use of ultra-compact surface-mount components and protective coatings for electronic elements.


Good ultrasonic range
Country Russia
Average price: 7500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.1

If you are looking for a stun gun with a stylish, discreet design and excellent combat qualities, then be sure to pay attention to the Yana 4D. It has many advantages. First of all, it is worth noting the impact-resistant case made of composite materials, which extends the durability of the device. In addition, owners will like the built-in ultrasonic generator, which affects dogs at a distance of up to 5-6 meters.

The device acts as an effective paralyzer; the frequency-modulated charge copes with the task perfectly. There is a flashlight that will effectively illuminate the path in the dark. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting its considerable size, the length of the ESA is 30 centimeters. You won't be able to carry it in your pocket, however, the model is successfully disguised as a folding umbrella. The device is perfect for both personal self-defense and additional equipment for professional security guards. “Yana 4D” is one of the most powerful and reliable means of self-defense, which in addition will please you with its affordable price.

8 AVATAR K.111

High impact power (at least 3 W)
Country Russia
Average price: 6800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.2

One of the best civilian stun guns for individual self-defense. It will perfectly scare away animals and temporarily neutralize the offender. The device belongs to the highest efficiency class, the impact power is at least 3 W. Shows excellent results even in winter, when the enemy is protected by a thick layer of clothing. The device is a contact device, so it is best suited for defense in confined spaces (entrance, elevator, car interior), where the enemy is as close as possible and it is possible to touch him with a stun gun.

“Avatar K.111” is quite compact and easily fits in a pocket or bag. The camouflaged black electrodes do not glare and do not attract attention, which makes it possible to use the self-defense device unexpectedly for the enemy. User reviews note that the model is quite durable and can withstand even serious impacts. There is a battery status indicator. The latter has a removable design and fully replenishes the charge in 40 minutes. The only disadvantage is that in very low temperatures (from -15 and below) it becomes useless.

7 YANA-5

The best self-defense against stray animals. Umbrella camouflage, shockproof body
Country Russia
Average price: 7500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The stun gun model from OJSC Research Institute of Steel called “Yana-5” is characterized by high reliability, ergonomics and impact-resistant housing. Distinctive feature– disguising an electric shock device as a folding umbrella, which allows you to constantly carry a miniature shocker in your purse without drawing unnecessary attention to the device. The manufacturer has equipped the stun gun with a built-in ultrasonic generator for effective impact on dogs and other stray animals located at a distance of up to 10 meters.

With the purchase of special cartridges, this device turns from a civilian contact weapon into a contact-remote weapon, that is, a shooting shocker. When you press the “Start” button, the cartridge shoots liners (electrodes) with wires at a distance of up to 4.5 meters, hitting the enemy electric shock. In reviews, users clearly recommend the device for purchase, noting that it is a powerful shocker for self-defense of both women and men.

6 Malvina-200-B

Best choice for women
Country Russia
Average price: 9000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Women are increasingly choosing this stun gun for self-defense. As the owners note in the reviews, the device is convenient, reliable and very powerful. The shocker is a shortened baton with an ergonomic handle. Easily produces power up to 2-3 W, which puts it in the first category of efficiency. The output voltage is also at its maximum, it can reach 90 kV. It easily penetrates a layer of clothing 14 millimeters thick and allows you to neutralize the enemy in one and a half seconds.

The range is also impressive. The ESA shows high efficiency at a distance of up to 4.5 meters, which means you don’t have to let the attacker get close. The discharge is accompanied by a loud bang and a blinding flash of light, which adds a psychological aspect to the effect. The model easily fits in a handbag, and in the case it is reliably disguised as a folding umbrella. It is worth noting that the device works flawlessly through it too. The set includes three cartridges. This is definitely one of the best stun guns for self-defense.


Shockproof housing. Affordable price
Country Russia
Average price: 4750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

“Sherkhan Thunder K.111 mini” is the most compact and powerful stun gun, which will also delight users with a very affordable price. The first class device is characterized by high efficiency, stylish design and ease of use. The owners also note the impact-resistant case, which can withstand even serious impacts. This model is a bestseller, and this is not surprising, because the Sherkhan is inexpensive and convenient not only for civilian use, it is also perfect for law enforcement agencies

Neutralization of the enemy occurs literally in 1-1.5 seconds. The manufacturer does not recommend using the attacker for a long time to avoid undesirable consequences. A short discharge is quite enough. The ESA handle is very ergonomic; it is additionally equipped with a strap that prevents you from dropping the stun gun. The device is equipped with a capacious battery that lasts for almost 200 short discharges. The model weighs only 300 grams. If you need to purchase a reliable and effective means of self-defense, but not overpay, then “Sherkhan Thunder” will be the ideal solution.

4 Shocker “Karakurt-Mini” (“Digital”)

The most compact model
Country Russia
Average price: 13,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This model is positioned as a gift. Depending on the design, it is perfect for both men and women. If you want to take care of the safety of a loved one and give an original gift, we recommend that you pay attention to Karakurt-Mini. This is a smaller version of the popular ESA. The model turned out to be very compact and lightweight, it is convenient to carry in a pocket or handbag. The weight of the stun gun is only 165 g.

Despite its miniature size, the device is very effective. It is capable of delivering the maximum permitted charge with a power of up to 90 kV. The Karakurt Mini current discharge easily penetrates a 15 mm layer of clothing. It has an expanded package, which includes two combat cartridges and an original signal and light for preliminary blinding and stunning the enemy. The body is made of durable plastic. Users note the long-lasting battery and the choice of six different colors. Among the disadvantages, we can note the considerable cost of the stun gun, as well as its less intimidating appearance; it is unlikely to be used for psychological impact.


Best price. Resistant to temperature and humidity, compact
Country Russia
Average price: 5500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The modern electroshock weapon “Phantom” is the winner of the “Best Price” nomination. This model for self-defense, despite the lowest cost relative to other nominees in the rating, it boasts a highly effective device. Advantage No. 1 is the power of the stun gun, which is at least 3 W, and the no-load voltage on the combat electrodes (90 kV). Thus, this is a first class shocker. Advantage No. 2 – resistance to external irritants. It is no secret that stun guns do not favor humidity, “thanks to” which they can fail at the most important moment. So, this model is operational in the temperature range from -15 to +50 degrees, and even 98% humidity at 25 degrees Celsius will not bother it.

The dimensions (13.6 * 6.0 * 3.0 cm) and weight (210 g) of the device are positively received by users, who note that the shocker can easily fit into a handbag or jacket pocket. According to the manufacturer (Oberon JSC), the battery lasts for 500 charge cycles. The package includes a shocker, a battery, a charger, a strap for carrying the device on the wrist, detailed instructions, technical passport, duplicate certificate and warranty card, implying repair or replacement within a year from the date of purchase. The result of contact or contact-remote application is neuromuscular blockade by high-voltage electrical impulses. Experts note that the shock will be effective even for opponents with a high pain threshold, for example, people who use drugs or are intoxicated.


The best ratio of cost and effectiveness. Laser pointer, powerful flashlight
Country Russia
Average price: 9500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

First class stun gun (90 kV, 3 W) “Thunder” from Thunder LLC – the best ratio of cost and efficiency. This self-defense model is a unique shock pistol, which is equipped with the latest technology. This is a convenient device that has proven itself in both contact and contact-remote confrontation. The action of the electroshock device causes severe muscle spasms. The peculiarity of the model is appearance, instilling additional fear in the opponent. Thanks to the comfortable handle, there is high accuracy when shooting and direct contact. The BTER cartridge is characterized by striking electrodes capable of hitting a target from a distance of up to 5 meters.

A big plus, according to users, is the presence of a laser target designator and LED flashlight to disorient the attacker and more accurately discharge. The kit includes a stun gun, a battery and a charger. A light indication on the device body allows you to monitor the state of charge. The holster for the stun gun is made of genuine leather. Reviews positively evaluate the model, highlighting as advantages its compactness (20.0 * 15.5 * 5.0 cm) and lightness (340 g), automatic charge dispensing speed (1.5 sec), the presence of a heat protection function for long-term use, Duration of continuous operation of the flashlight (12 hours). Do not forget to ask the seller for a certificate, passport for the product and a guarantee for the product confirming the legality of the sale.


The most popular. Powerful stun gun
Country Russia
Average price: 13,400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular stun gun for self-defense is “Scorpion” from MART GROUP LLC. The peculiarity of the model lies in the improved form of the device - a 35-centimeter baton with a target designator, thanks to which the accuracy of a contact-remote shot becomes close to 100%. This nuance also helps to save time, which means it increases the chances of a favorable outcome for you. The stun gun meets the characteristics of the first class - power 3 W, voltage 90 kV. The body of the device is made of impact-resistant fiberglass. When struck by a shocker, the enemy experiences acute pain and feels a paralyzing and inhibiting effect. The average duration of recovery from shock after receiving a shock is about 10 minutes.

In reviews, customers note that this is the best option for those who like to relax in nature or live in country house. Firstly, it is a shooting shocker with a shot range of 4.5 m, secondly, when the cartridge is disconnected, the device becomes an effective electric shock weapon in contact fighting, and in addition, thirdly, it can be used for self-defense directly as a baton.

How to choose the best stun gun for self-defense

Expert advice when choosing a stun gun for self-defense:

  1. Legality. Despite the absence of paperwork and the need to register the device, make sure that the stun gun you are purchasing is manufactured in the Russian Federation, has the necessary certification, technical passport and manufacturer’s warranties.
  2. Class. Regarding classification, the most powerful devices are class 1 stun guns. However, for self-defense they are quite suitable and less powerful devices– 2nd and 3rd grades. Decide in what situations you plan to use it, and whether you are ready to resist. If stray dogs scare you, pay attention to the simplest 3rd class models, which will terrify the animals with the spark of the discharge and the ozone released during this. For high-quality self-defense of life and property, devices of the 1st or 2nd classes are still preferable.
  3. Variety. Shooting models, in fact, combine the ability to deliver a discharge both remotely and by contact when removing the cartridge. But if you are afraid of being attacked in a public place (for example, a subway) or an elevator, it is better to opt for a contact stun gun.
  4. Shape and size. The domestic market offers devices of all sorts of variations: compact, resembling a walkie-talkie, or bulky batons, in the form of a pistol or telephone, masquerading as a folding umbrella, etc. Compact and lightweight models that fit in a handbag are suitable for constant wear.
  5. Power type. Shockers can be powered by batteries or rechargeable batteries. The batteries last for 1-1.5 years or 20 discharges lasting 3 seconds. The battery requires recharging after use or after a year within 8 hours of connection to the network.
  6. Fuse. The presence of a fuse is a big plus for an electric shock device. Thanks to him, you will not harm yourself through negligence. Turning on the device will not take you much time, but the safety of the weapon for the owner in a critical situation will be invaluable.

The compact shocker is perfect for anyone who wants to protect themselves in these difficult times. The small size of the device will allow you not to feel discomfort from being in your jacket pocket or purse. You can order a stun gun inexpensively on our website, where a wide range of the best models is presented:

  • Cheetah TW - 309;
  • Alarm TW 10;
  • Lightning 1103;
  • Osa 1128 and others.

Our online store offers the most low prices for goods.

Stun guneveryone needs

A powerful compact stun gun is perfect for people who do not want their self-defense device to attract unnecessary attention. Moscow is a beautiful, but quite dangerous city. All residents should buy a compact stun gun. Especially for those who return home in the dark. A powerful shocker will help you protect yourself from criminals and stray dogs. If you decide to buy a special self-defense device, our delivery will bring the selected stun gun within 24 hours from the moment you place your order. Powerful compact stun guns will help you protect yourself and your family. Having a shocker with you, you can safely move around the streets without fear for your life and health. A compact stun gun will be an excellent gift for every family member. Buying a shocker for your family means showing your concern and ensuring their safety. Today, a stun gun has become a necessity. You shouldn’t rely on blind chance and believe that troubles will bypass you on their own. Buying a stun gun is the right decision of a responsible, thinking person. Shockers - irreplaceable helpers in the fight for our safety.

The characteristics of shockers depend on various parameters. The first place in importance is the size of the device. We don’t know at what point we will need this device to protect our own lives, so we have to carry it with us constantly. The smaller the dimensions of the device, the less it weighs, which means that the ESA will not cause inconvenience when worn.

In order to understand which shockers are pocket-sized, you should understand a little about their characteristics.

Manufacturers have established an unspoken criterion by which it is possible to determine whether a stun gun belongs to a particular class. The length of a pocket ESA by these standards cannot exceed 15 cm, and its weight is 150-200 grams. For example, the smallest stun gun Osa-300 is only 6.8 cm long. Despite its miniature size, the device retains its useful characteristics at the proper level. The owner of this shocker does not have to worry about his safety.

In the catalog on our website you will find a large list of models that belong to pocket-type stun guns. If the Osa-300 device is more suitable for scaring away aggressive dogs, then the rest of the ESA series is suitable for defense against attack by intruders.

Pocket ESAs - who are they for?

Pocket stun guns are primarily designed for female owners. The small size of the shocker allows you to carry it in your pocket or handbag. The cost of such devices is low, and to wear them you do not need to obtain special permission from law enforcement agencies. However, having a pocket stun gun in her arsenal, any woman feels protected and calm.

To prevent a pocket stun gun from arousing morbid curiosity among others and to have the effect of surprise, manufacturers disguise the devices as everyday items. You wouldn’t be surprised if lipstick, a lighter, a pack of cigarettes suddenly fell out of a woman’s purse, small flashlight or mobile phone. In fact, it may not be what you think at all, but a small pocket stun gun. Devices in the form of flashlights are the most popular among buyers. The high demand for the product is due to the fact that such a shocker can really be used to light your way in dark alleys or entrances. And if suddenly a real threat to life arises, then a small flashlight instantly turns into a powerful weapon of self-defense. Many models of pocket shockers designed for young people are produced in various colors and are sold in gift boxes.

But the compact size of a pocket stun gun does not mean that the owner of the device cannot be a man. Representatives of the stronger sex also love beautiful and miniature things that easily fit in a pocket and guarantee reliable protection in the event of an attack. Reducing the size of the stun gun became possible thanks to the use by manufacturers of small-sized batteries. But, while decreasing in size, modern ESAs do not lose their functionality and provide the owner with complete safety.