Sorting YouTube subscriptions into thematic collections. Sorting YouTube subscriptions by thematic collections Only the best film premieres

Want to find an older YouTube video added in a specific time frame? You can do this and you don't have to use the date sort function. You can specify a specific time interval for the search.

Searching for movies after the date on YouTube can be quite difficult and inconvenient. Of course, you can sort videos by date on YouTube—just open the Filters menu and select Sort by Date. This option, however, is not a very good tool for searching for videos from a specific time frame. Sorting by date makes the first videos (those added a few minutes ago) first, and finding something that was added a few years ago requires clicking through dozens of pages of search results.

There is a much easier way to search for movies from a specific time period. We can immediately tag a specific date or date range when searching so that only movies added at that time are shown. How to do this if this option is not available in the YouTube search engine? Let's get a look.

Search for videos after a specific date on YouTube

On YouTube, we can search for videos not only using the search engine built into this website. YouTube is also fully connected to Google's regular search engine, and there is an option to search within specific time frames. You can use Google search to search for videos based on specific keywords over a specific period of time.

To do this, go to the Google website and enter the following phrase in the Google search engine:

website: keywords

The first part, i.e. "Site:" makes search limited to YouTube only. The second part of the above phrase is simply your keywords based on which you want to find something.

After pressing the Enter button, search results containing only YouTube videos will be displayed. Now we have to narrow them down to specific dates. To do this, click on the option "Tools", located just below the search engine. The search toolbar will appear.

On the toolbar you will find a bookmark "Whenever", which makes movies regardless of the date they were added. Click this link to expand it and then select the option "Date range".

A new window will appear in which you can set the time interval from which you want the search results to be displayed. If you are interested in movies added on a specific day, set the same date in both the From and To positions. If you want to search for movies only from 2005 onwards, for example, select the range from January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005.

Once you set and save your dates, your search results will be updated and only movies that match your keywords will be displayed and added within the specified time period.

YouTube is a real godsend for ordinary people on the global network.

Here you can find the answer to almost any question, acquire useful skills and even loudly declare yourself or your talent………………………

For many years, the service has been on a steady course towards development. Despite the fact that YouTube has remained unchanged for many years, they regularly supplement the functionality with useful utilities and encourage users………………………..

Thus, a kind of Oscar was introduced for the most active channels - , briliartovaya and . Among the latest innovations, we can note the presence of the End Screen function, as well as HDR.

However, even for experienced YouTube users, some are new.

→ So, today we’ll talk about the possibilities of internal search, how to quickly find fresh videos, and most importantly, get an accurate answer to a query.

For this, there are special codes that are written in the search bar along with the request. By the way, a similar function is implemented by leading search giants (Google, Yahoo, Yandex).

Tuning in to the YouTube wave: codes and how to use them

Unlike search engines, where sites are ranked based on more than 200 parameters, on YouTube the distribution of videos is determined by the number of views, relevance and about 10 other parameters.

Using internal tools, you can filter videos by length, date added, rating, and much more. To save time, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with quick codes that significantly increase the usability of the service.

1) Search for a specific channel

In order to find all the videos of your favorite channel, you should enter “name and channel” in the search bar. For example, a request might look like this (there must be a comma after the name): “zero, channel”.

This way you can exclude unofficial videos from the results.

2) Only new videos

From the name it is clear that using this code you can sort videos by date added !!!

So, for these purposes the following operators are used:

1) “today” - all video materials for today for this request;

2) “this week” - videos for the last week are sorted;

3) “this month” - allows you to filter all video files added in the last month.

For example, if you want to view the latest videos for the week on the topic of promotion, you can enter the query: “site promotion, this week.”

3) Official videos

Using this command you can find only official videos from channels. That is, various news, reviews and presentations from first-hand accounts. This will help you find the right information.

For example, you can enter the command “meizu, partner” to find relevant videos. Everything happens by analogy with other methods.

4) Only the best film premieres

Also a very useful operator that allows you to filter only movies. So, you can easily find not only the best new releases, but classics of world cinema.

For this purpose, the “movie” command is used, which is written after the request. For example, enter “dicaprio, movie” into the search bar and the entire list of films with a popular actor will appear in front of you.

You can use any request, and the corresponding films will be present in the results.

5) Best quality

Another popular code will help exclude low-quality videos from the results. Everything is much simpler here. If you want to see videos in HD quality in the results, then the corresponding operator is added next to the request. For example, you can use the query “dota 2, hd”.

You can use any other query depending on what you are looking for. Now the results will only contain high-quality videos.

6) Duration of videos

If you're tired of minute-long videos appearing in results, you can use the “long” operator. For example, the request “sport, long”, as a result, only long videos will be in the results. Their duration will range from 20 minutes to several hours.

7) Exact match

In some cases, an accurate search for information by region, etc. is required.

For these purposes, you can use the exact query by entering the "allintitle" command.

For example, it might look like this: allintitle:"bicycle racing". The results will now display content that exactly matches the phrase in brackets.

8) Mixed search

But that's not all, because you can filter the results based on your preferences. For example, if you combine some of the combinations given above, you can sort the results to your liking.

Let's look at some mixed codes:

  • “football, movie, hd” - this request will allow you to filter only movies in HD quality;
  • “counter strike, hd, today” - only HD movies for today will be shown in the search results.

This way, you can make your YouTube internal search experience much easier.

The first request will allow us to feature other videos from this blogger in our custom YouTube recommendations, the second will add his channel to our list of subscriptions, and the last will ensure that push notifications are delivered when new videos are released on this channel.

“Why not respect the request of a good person,” many of us think and, not always being seriously interested, but out of the goodness of our hearts, subscribe to YouTube channels. And then, naturally, they are shocked when they go to the authorized home page of the video hosting site - how much unnecessary stuff is there. And how now in this chaos to find what is really worth spending your time on?

The list of subscriptions of an active YouTube user can be endlessly long. Previously, until May 2015, the video hosting interface provided for cataloging user subscriptions. Using the standard functions of the site, subscriptions could be sorted into thematic folders and viewed new channel videos grouped by topic. In May 2015, this site feature was discontinued. From now on, everything we subscribe to on YouTube is listed in a long list on the left panel. And we can see new content either in the total mass of videos in the “Subscriptions” section, or on the page of each individual channel.

But not in terms of thematic grouping - news to news, educational to educational, entertainment to entertainment, etc. Moreover, we don’t even have the ability to sort our favorite channels according to the criteria we need. We only have access to the principle of building subscriptions provided by the video hosting site - first those that have new publications, and then in alphabetical order.

How to clean up your YouTube user account? And organize your subscriptions so that video content of the right content can be watched at the right time and in the right mood.

The YouTube Subscription Manager extension for browsers that support the Google Chrome store is designed to bring order to user YouTube accounts. It implements on the video hosting site the ability to sort subscriptions into separate folders and offers convenient access to sorted content.

After installing the extension, you will see a new functional block in the left panel on the video hosting site. Click on “Subscriptions Groups +”. An environment with extension functionality will open in the center of the site: this is a window with a two-panel layout, where our subscriptions are displayed on the right, and thematic folders that have not yet been created on the left. Click the “Create new collection” button and enter the name of the first folder where, for example, music channels will be placed.

Next, drag all subscriptions related to a specific topic into the created folder. If there are many channels, you can use the “hide channels in collection” option to simplify their cataloging. It will hide in the right panel those subscriptions that have already been added to a folder. Channels are deleted from folders by pressing the cross button.

For thematic folders, you can select individual icons, although from a small list of proposed options.

So, YouTube subscriptions are organized into thematic folders. These folders will now appear in the extension's function block in the left panel. Here we can expand folders and see a cataloged representation of YouTube channels. When you click the folder play button, a chronologically arranged list of videos from all channels with a single theme will open. We can send all these videos in the same chronological order to the playlist.

The extension adds its own content filtering buttons to the video display page in the “Subscriptions” section. Here we can either use the “All” switch to display, respectively, videos from all channels to which we are subscribed, or enable only individual folders by setting their switches to the “On” position.

Finally, the last feature of the extension is the ability to sort thematic folders and their contents according to different criteria. You can sort by the activity of YouTube channels, by the number of unwatched new videos, in alphabetical order and in random order, which we configure at our discretion.

YouTube Subscription Manager, like other Chrome extensions, moves to other user devices or reinstalled operating systems along with authorization in the browser using a Google account. This movement is not limited only to the automatic installation of the extension, as is the case with many others. YouTube Subscription Manager transfers to YouTube in the new Chrome all the folders we created earlier and the subscriptions sorted into them.