Block advertising windows. How to remove pop-ups. Android pop-ups, defeated

This opportunity is provided both by the browsers themselves and by extensions for them. Of course, it is better to use, so to speak, “comprehensive” protection to prevent the appearance of unwanted windows.

Browser settings

1. click on the button with three horizontal sticks on the toolbar (upper right corner);
2. select “ Settings»;
3. press "";
4. in the section " Personal data" click on " Content Settings»;
5. in the section " Popup windows» select the option «».

Here, by clicking on " Exception management", you can add to the white list those sites from which pop-ups will not be blocked.

1. click on the square with three horizontal sticks in the upper right corner;
2. select “ Settings»;
3. press " Show advanced settings»;
4. in the section " Personal data protection" click on " Content Settings»;
5. in the section " Popup windows» select the option « Block pop-ups on all sites».

Similarly, as in Chrome, here you can create a whitelist by clicking on “ Exception management».

2. select the option " Settings»;
3. select the tab " Content»
4. find " Pop-up blocker» and check the box.

You can also configure exceptions here.

1. click on the Opera logo (upper left corner);
2. select " Settings» - « General settings»;
3. in the “ tab Basic» find section « Specify how to deal with pop-ups" and select " Block unsolicited».

1. On the toolbar, find the item “ Service»;
2. select " Browser properties»;
3. select section " Confidentiality»;
4. find " Pop-up blocker»;
5. check the box next to “ Block pop-ups».

Installing extensions

Using the built-in capabilities of browsers is often not enough to effectively block all pop-up windows. For these purposes, it is recommended to install a special application that blocks not only banners, but also other advertising. One of best programs, fully performing their work, is .

To install this extension for your browser, you need to click here, and on the extension page click on the “Install for...” button (instead of the ellipsis there will be the name of your browser). It's nice that the extension works not only on the most popular browsers ( Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, Yandex.Browser (Yandex.Browser will be identified as Chrome, since it is almost a complete copy of it, and all applications available for Google Chrome are available for Yandex.Browser, respectively)), but also for mobile devices on Android.

However, you can choose a security application according to your taste. There are also extensions Adblock, Adguard and others, but the principle of their operation is not very different from each other.

Pop-up advertisements are extremely frustrating on the desktop, but sometimes this problem occurs on desktop as well. mobile devices. If you're tired of pop-ups on your Android phone, I'll explain how you can block them.

Pop-up ads typically come in one of three forms:

  1. When you browse the web
  2. Full-screen in-app ads
  3. Notification area announcements

Let's discuss each of them to help you beat pop-ups on Android.

If the sites you visit regularly publish pop-up ads, you can disable them in several ways.

Built-in Chrome Features

Since Chrome is Android's default browser and you're likely to use it a lot, it makes sense to disable pop-ups on it first. To change its settings, open Chrome and click the Three-Dot Menu button. Select Settings. Then go to site settings.

In this menu, you will see a list of settings that affect how websites interact with your device. Click the Pop-ups tab and make sure the slider is set to Block pop-ups. That's all.

Another step you can take to stop pop-ups in Chrome is the data saving mode. While its main purpose is to reduce mobile data usage, enabling this mode also strips unnecessary elements from websites. To turn it on, go to Menu > Settings > Data Saver and toggle the slider to the On position.

Naturally, pop-ups aren't essential to viewing page content, but enabling this setting may make some websites look weird, you can decide if it's worth it.

Try Opera

If you're not committed to Chrome, trying a different browser is a great option for blocking pop-ups. One of the best options is Opera, which automatically blocks pop-ups and other annoying content as you browse. Opera is a reliable browser anyway, so you have nothing to lose.

You have two options for using Opera on Android. Standard Opera browser offers most features, while Opera Mini is a slimmer package. It takes up much less space on your phone and compresses web pages to save data. Both block pop-ups, so give them both a try and choose the one you like best.

Block pop-ups in full screen mode

We've figured out how to stop pop-ups appearing in your browser, but what about pop-ups that occur while using other apps or just looking at your home screen?

Pop-ups in a separate application

If you see pop-ups when you play a certain game or use an app, that app is most likely the culprit. In these cases, you need to decide whether the app is worth using despite the ads. Ads help developers make money from free applications, but you might not want to put up with intrusive pop-ups.

To stop pop-up ads in the app, you can purchase Pro version or a version of the application without advertising. You'll usually find them as a separate download in Google Play or as an in-app purchase. Unfortunately, not every developer offers them.

In addition to purchasing the paid version, the only way blocking pop-ups within an application means stopping using it. You can also put your phone into "airplane mode" to stop ads in any app or game, but this won't help if the app requires internet access to run.

Pop-ups from unknown sources

Pop-ups that appear when you are using another application are terrible and annoying. In this problem, the most important thing is to find out which application is displaying the pop-ups.

First, review all the apps you just installed. Perhaps one of them is malicious and causing pop-ups.

Apps like “system cleaners” and “wallpaper collections” very often come with advertisements and may be your problem. View latest reviews about apps you're unsure about and see if other users have complained about pop-ups. Uninstall any problematic apps and check if the pop-ups remain.

If this doesn't fix the problem, the next step is to check which apps have permission to appear in other apps. Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > More > Special access to apps > View by other apps. Here you will see everything installed applications, for which you have given permission, even if you do not use them.

Review the list and see if anything seems suspicious. Some apps have legitimate reasons to attract others. For example, your SMS application may have a quick response window, or you can use a password manager that populates other applications. But if you see an app that shouldn't have permission, tap it and set the Allow display in other apps option to Off.

This is why it is so important to be careful about app permissions. If you never give apps permission to do anything dangerous, it greatly reduces the risk.

Malware scanning

If you are still having problems with pop-ups after uninstalling the problematic apps and eliminating display permission over other apps, you should run a virus scan. This is especially important if you installed applications not from Google Play. Downloading apps from shady sources can cause problems.

You don't need to have an antivirus app installed on your phone all the time. But if you've reached this point and are still suffering from pop-ups, it's worth simply installing it to run a scan. Malwarebytes for Android is a decent choice - download it and run a scan to check for infections. You don't have to pay for premium service.

If Malwarebytes doesn't find anything, you'll probably have to reset everything to factory settings.

Although technical pop-ups are not shown, notifications are still a problem and equally annoying. If you see spam in the notification area, a quick toggle of the switch can close them permanently. These instructions will vary slightly depending on the type you are using. Android versions.

Slide out the top of the screen to reveal the notification area. After long pressing on the relevant notification, you should see the name of the app responsible for it.

Depending on the Android version of your device, you may be able to tap the "about app" button to access that app's notification settings. At any new version Android, you can also visit Settings > Apps and tap the app name to open these settings.

In Android 7.0 Oreo, select the app notifications option to change certain settings notifications. In Android 6.0 Marshmallow, you will need to tap the Notifications button and then select Block All to stop notifications. Android 5.0 Lollipop users can simply uncheck the "Show Alerts" option.

Unless you want to hide every notification from an app, you'll have to dive into its specific settings. Find the gear icon or three-dot menu with the line “Settings”. There may be an option in the notification header to disable certain types of notifications.

For example, to turn off the annoying IMDb app's new trailer notifications, you have to tap the person icon in the top right corner, then tap the three-dot menu and then Settings. Select Notification Settings and you can turn off trailer ads.

Android pop-ups, defeated!

We've looked at how to stop the three main types of pop-ups on Android. No matter where these ads come from on your device, you'll know how to deal with them.

It's worth noting that ads allow online publishers and app developers to offer their content for free and still make money. Without ads, you'll have to pay for apps and information we take for granted. Therefore, when blocking pop-ups, it is certainly important to remember that advertisements affect the quality of websites and mobile applications. My blog also has advertisements, thanks to them I earn money and can continue to share my knowledge and experience with you.

Have you encountered pop-ups on your Android phone? Did the methods presented in this article work to block them? Share your impressions and tips in the comments!

Pop-up windows in the browser are a rather unpleasant problem, because they not only interfere and irritate, but also significantly slow down the computer. To deal with so-called pop-up windows, you need to perform a whole range of actions.

First of all, check your browser settings. Modern Internet browsers such as Mozilla FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Apple Safari have a built-in pop-up blocker that is enabled by default. In addition to blocking, browsers can selectively allow desired windows to open. To enable/disable blocking and manage exceptions, you need to call the “Settings” menu and then follow the path:
  • in Mozilla FireFox: “Content”;
  • in Opera: “Websites”;
  • in Chrome: “Show advanced settings” – “Content settings”;
  • in Internet Explorer: “Internet Options” – “Privacy”;
  • in Apple Safari: “Block pop-ups”;
  • in Yandex Browser: “Show additional settings” – “Content settings”.
However, browser capabilities are not good enough to deal with all types of pop-ups. As is the case with viruses, developers of this type of intrusive advertising are constantly improving technologies for overcoming browser protection. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally install special extension, which removes pop-ups more successfully. One of the most popular extensions is Adblock, it can be downloaded from the official website. It is likely that after installing the extension, pop-up windows will no longer bother you. But in especially severe cases, you will have to continue and install one of the utilities for blocking pop-up windows. For example, the Adguard program works with all browsers and, in addition to window blocking, has a number of other useful functions- like protection against malware software. Pop-up windows are a consequence of various malicious software entering your computer, so it is advisable to remove such pests. Go to “Control Panel” – “Programs” and remove all suspicious programs. If your windows problem is recent, sort the list of software by date and take a close look at what was installed on your computer during that time period. Malicious pop-up programs can be installed as browser extensions and add-ons. Therefore, the next step is to study the extensions and add-ons installed in the browser and remove or stop unnecessary ones. This is done through the Internet browser menu in the “Add-ons” or “Extensions” section. Next, you need to clear the cache, as traces of viral advertising windows may remain there. IN different browsers this can be done through “Settings” – “Security” (or “Privacy”) – “Delete browsing data”.

Many people face the problem of pop-ups on the Internet.

Whether it's spam or just junk information, they pose a security risk to your computer. However, they can be effectively neutralized using our tips. A lot of useful information How to block pop-up windows can be found by following the link Below we will briefly look at the four main methods.

Method 1: Run a pop-up blocker in your web browser

Each web browser can be configured to block ads that pop up:

  • To access the blocker in Internet Explorer, click Tools > Settings > Privacy, and then check the “Block pop-up windows” checkbox.
  • The Google Chrome browser should do this automatically, but you can make sure the setting is enabled by going to Settings > Show advanced settings > Content settings and then checking to see if the option: “Prevent any pop-ups from being shown” is checked. .
  • Like many browsers, Mozilla Firefox should also block them automatically. If for some reason this does not happen, go to Settings > Preferences > Content and click the “Block Pop-Ups” feature.

Method 2: Add an extension to your browser

For added security, you can get an extension for your browser. To do this you need to go:

  • In Firefox: Select Tools > Add-ons > Get Extension.
  • In Chrome: Go to Tools > Extensions > Get More Extensions.
  • If you are using Internet Explorer: Go to Tools > Manage Add-ons.

After that, find the pop-up ad blocker that best suits your browser. The most popular extensions are:

  • Popper Blocker
  • Adblock Plus
  • Better Pop Up Blocker
  • Flashblock
  • NoScript

Method 3: Using special blocking programs

Apply special programs, if the browser you are using is not able to block all windows that pop up while using the Internet. Although good blocker– the pleasure is not free, you can find good programs that don’t cost a penny. Here are the most popular options:

  • Smart Popup Blocker
  • Popup Free
  • AdFender
  • Ad Arrest Popup Killer

Method 4: Protect Your Privacy Using Your Computer Settings

On your device, click Start > Control Panel. Find the “Internet Options” > “Privacy” tab. Turn on “Pop-up blocker”. Click “Settings” and set the filter to the maximum level. Close “Settings” and click “Apply” to save your privacy changes.


From time to time, pop-up windows on websites may carry a virus, Trojan, or other malware. Therefore, be sure to regularly scan your computer with antivirus software.

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Pop-up windows in Yandex Browser are perhaps one of the browser settings issues that bother the user in the first place. After all, these tabs not only display advertising banners and ads. Through them, sometimes attackers try to infect a site visitor’s computer with various viruses, adware and spyware. In other words, pop-up windows in the browser are in most cases a source of trouble and trouble.

This article will help you remove pop-up windows in Yandex Browser using its standard options and modules, as well as by connecting third-party addons.

Blocking by standard means

Advertising in Yandex Browser is blocked quite well by built-in software mechanisms. Therefore, the first thing you need to do to remove pop-up ads is to properly configure your web browser options.

How to block pop-ups?

1. Click the menu button.

2. In the list that opens, select “Settings”.

3. Use your mouse wheel to scroll the contents of the tab to the very bottom. Click the “Show advanced settings” option.

4. In the “Personal Data” block, check the settings (they must be enabled):

  • “Enable protection against malicious sites...”;
  • “Warn when entering numbers bank cards…»;
  • "Block pop-up ads in your browser."

5. In the same block, click “Content Settings”. In the “Pop-up…” section, the “Block pop-up windows” add-on must be enabled.

Attention! If you need some pop-up windows to work, so that the browser does not filter them, you need to enable the “Manage Exceptions” feature. Then in additional panel indicate Domain name(site name) that needs to be unblocked, select the “Allow” action and click “Finish”.

You can also disable pop-up windows and advertising in the Yandex browser using its built-in extensions:

1. Open the menu again (button).

2. Go to the "Add-ons" section.

3. In the “Security” block, click the mouse in the column of each plugin and move the slider to the “On” state. Together, these filters allow you to prohibit and remove most of the unnecessary and potentially dangerous elements on the site:

  • Anti-shock - disables banners and advertisements with so-called shocking content (porn, erotica, products from sex shops, drugs, violence, etc.);
  • Flash data lock- removes animated videos, frames and banners created on the Flash platform.
  • Adguard is a powerful filter that provides a “clean” Internet (without advertising). Enabled Adguard guarantees that 90–100% of advertising on sites will be hidden from your view. This extension can block any type of banners, video ads, text ads, etc.


You can also remove pop-up windows using additional extensions. Let's look at the most effective ones.

Cross-browser addon, also supported by Yandex. Provides comprehensive protection against advertising and online surveillance. Prevents the loading of Adware modules (advertising software), the loading of virus and phishing sites. The additional panel displays filtering data (the number of blocked elements).

1. Go to the offsite of the anti-banner -

2. Click the “Install…” button. "

3. Once the download and installation is complete, the addon can be used. By default, it contains optimal filtering settings, but they can be changed at any time in the settings panel (for example, if you need to allow advertising to be displayed on a certain site, that is, add it to the white list).

Similar to the previous addon. It also provides comfortable surfing without intrusive banners and pop-ups. It can be downloaded and installed on the developer’s official website:

  1. Open -
  2. Click the “Get…” button on the main page of the resource.

Along with global filtering, you can use highly specialized solutions:

  1. Open in your browser: Menu → Add-ons.
  2. At the bottom of the page that opens, click “Extension directory…”.
  3. IN search bar catalog please make a corresponding request. For example, if you only need to get rid of ads that pop up on Youtube, install “Adblock for Youtube" etc.

Additionally, to protect your PC from virus attacks through additional windows, install NoScript Suite Lite. This addon partially blocks the action of interactive elements and scripts on pages. And thus prevents the downloading of malware and allows you to remove the pop-up window.

Equip your Yandex Browser with filtering tools to organize a comfortable and safe visit to websites!