Chrome plugins in the address bar. Plugins and modules for Google Chrome. Browser plugins - what are they?

Today we will look at:

Many users come across such concepts as “plugin” or “extension” every day.

This is especially true when getting to know or working with modern browsers.

Let's figure out together what extensions are and how to enable plugins in Google Chrome.

What is a plugin

A browser plugin is a separately downloadable module that extends the capabilities of the web browser on which it was installed. The behavior of most plugins can be adjusted, thus customizing their behavior to suit your needs.

Enable plugins

To enable the plugin in Google Chrome, you need to go through several steps. Next, you can find out what each stage is and how to complete it.

Installing extensions

Installing the required extension can be done in several ways:

  • the first and most obvious way is to go to the Google Chrome extensions page, find the required plugin in a search engine and click on the “Install” button;
  • the second way is in any search engine find the official website of the add-on you want to download, select the version for your web browser there and download the plugin from this site.

One way or another, if you do everything correctly, the extension for Google Chrome will be installed in the browser and all you have to do is enable it.

Activating extensions

In order to enable the plugin in Google Chrome, you need to follow a number of simple steps:

Important! Previously, you could use the technical link chrome://pugins to get to the downloaded extensions page faster, but this is no longer working, but you can now use chrome://extensions instead.

Working with plugins in Google Chrome

The set of plugin functions depends on its purpose, but in the browser Google Chrome all of them have Common parameters or settings.

In order to open the functionality of the plugin itself, just click on its icon with the left mouse button.

If you want to enable the browser settings of any extension in Google Chrome, you need to right-click on the corresponding shortcut. After these steps, a standard pop-up menu for all Google Chrome extensions will open, in which you can manage the add-on settings, their behavior and display.

Thus, using these settings and features, you can quickly and conveniently configure any plugin for your needs. If, after reading, you still have or have questions, you can ask them in the comments, and we will definitely respond to them.

Flash Player for Google Chrome is initially pre-installed in the browser and allows you to fully use content created on the basis of Flash technology. Initially it is disabled, and you need to know where in Chrome Plugins enable. Google Chrome is a modern program from a major corporation designed for viewing Internet content. It provides all the solutions for quick and convenient use.

Chrome Plugins enable Adobe Flash Player - known methods

So the last one Flash Player is already built into the program, but for security reasons it automatic switching on blocked. And, what is most inconvenient - the buttons for quick launch you won't find it. Therefore, you need to go to Chrome Plugins, enable Adobe Flash Player - and the problem will be solved.

How to do it:

  • open the browser and initially make sure that its version is up-to-date: Menu/Help/About Browser;
  • enter in the address bar chrome://plugins;
  • Find Flash Player in the list and check the “Always run” checkbox.

In new versions, to activate the plugin you need to enter the address chrome://settings/content, and then check the “Allow...” checkbox next to the Flash header.

Flash Player for Google Chrome: download, install and update

If the steps described above do not help, the easiest way is to download the current version of the plugin and install it yourself. To do this you need:

  1. Download flash player for Google Chrome from the site. We have current version from the developer without viruses and spyware.
  2. Close the browser.
  3. Run the downloaded installer file. Agree to the terms of automatic renewal.
  4. At the end of the installation, restart your computer.

Don't forget to go to Chrome Plugins and enable Adobe Flash Player. Take care of timely updates plugin. It's easy to update the installed utility. Just enter in the address bar chrome://components, and in the list that opens, find Flash Player and click on the “Update” button.

Flash Player does not work in Chrome - what to do

If the flash player in Chrome does not work, and turning on the utility did not help, you need to look for another reason. It could be:

  • two installed plugins flash players that conflict and do not perform functions. One of them needs to be disabled (or better yet, disable both, download and activate the latest version);
  • Problems with hardware acceleration in settings. It's better to turn it off.
  • You can manually update Flash Player by downloading it for Google Chrome.

Another method that can help is clearing your browser cache. One of these methods will definitely activate the utility and allow you to play, listen to music and watch videos.

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Why don't games launch on Odnoklassniki and other sites? Let's solve the problem.

Many browser users often have a problem with playing Flash content, namely, it is impossible to play audio and video in Flash format using the Adobe Flash plugin. This problem often occurs, for example, with games in in social networks such as Odnoklassniki, or on other sites.

How to enable Flash Player in Google Chrome

The fact is that many simply do not know how to configure this Adobe Flash Player, although once you do this, you will forget about the problem with playing Flash content.

Read more articles on this topic:

Due to the recent virus attacks (Bad Bunny), some users are simply afraid of even the name Adobe Flash Player and avoid it. That's right, the Bad Rabbit virus penetrates the victim's computer masquerading as a quite useful Adobe Flash Player plugin, and the best option to avoid infecting your computer is not to click on pop-up links like - “Your Adobe Flash Player is out of date and needs to be updated”.

  • Please hold off on updating Adobe Flash Player, at least until the Bad Bunny epidemic subsides. And in general, you don’t need to click on different pop-up calls, just follow the basic rules.

Google Chrome browser does not play Flash content without your permission, as it is not always useful on different sites, so Chrome advises you to play Flash content only on trusted websites.

Even if you have problems playing Flash content, there are special settings in the Google Chrome browser settings itself, so this is where you need to go, and not click on pop-up calls. Let's take a closer look at where the Adobe Flash Player plugin settings are hidden in Google browser Chrome.

How to allow any page to play Flash content and enable the plugin without going deep into the settings themselves.

Using the example of a page with a game in Odnoklassniki (Fig. 1), simply click on the icon at the top of the browser (the icon is highlighted in red) and allow the plugin to be enabled Adobe Flash Player. Let us remind you once again that you can enable it only on sites you trust!


How to enable Adobe Flash Player for the old version of the Google Chrome browser?

The safest thing to do is to request permission to use Flash (recommended). Here the plugin will not be used without your permission.

  • 3 ) Next "" (Fig. 3)
  • 4 ) At the bottom of the page, select “” (Fig. 4a, 4b).
(Fig.4a) (Fig.4b)
  • 5 ) In the “Privacy and Security” section, click “” (Fig. 5)
  • 6 ) Select " Flash"(Fig.6).

(To get to this menu right away, you can simply type in the address bar: chrome://settings/content and press “Enter”.)

  • 7 ) Enable the "" option and the " Always ask"(Fig.7).

Use Flash only on trusted sites

Image of a green lock in the browser, the site is considered reliable (Fig. 8)


How to update an outdated Adobe Flash plugin

  • 1) Launch the Chrome browser on your computer.
  • 2) In the address bar, type chrome://components/ and press Enter.
  • 3) Find Adobe Flash Player.
  • 4) Click Check for updates.
  • 5) If the message “Component is not updated” or “Component is updated” appears, then you are using the latest version.
  • 6) Return to the page containing the Flash content. If it does not download automatically, in the upper left corner of the window, click on the “Update” icon (or F5 on your keyboard).

If Flash doesn't restart automatically, force quit it

Attention!!! If everything is done as written in these instructions, but something went wrong, and Flash Player still does not start, then in this case be sure to download and install Adobe Flash Player itself, and then repeat all the settings in Chrome browser.

Plug-ins in Google Chrome: how to open? Everyone has heard about browser application plugins that make it easier to work with various sites and programs; now rarely does anyone do without them. And today we will learn how to add plugins to one of the most popular ones, namely Chrome.

There are plugins that are installed automatically when you install a web browser, they are tested by the Chrome manufacturer, they can be changed and modified. Among them are Adobe Flash Player, Adobe PDF, Adobe Shockwave, DivXPlus Web Player, Java, Microsoft Silverlight, Quick Time, Real Player, Windows Media Player.

The user can also deliver third-party plugins, but this is not always safe, so you should be sure what exactly the application is and where you are installing from.
To enable the plugin, just type chrome: // plugins / in the browser line and press Enter, and in the window that opens, opposite the desired plugin, click the enable button. In the same way, we can disable a plugin we don’t need.

To download new plugins, just open Chrome settings, Extension, Other extensions and in the mountain on the left enter the application we need in the search. They are paid and free.

Flash Player is not enabled. How to activate it in Google Chrome? (Google Chrome)

In Google Chrome, sometimes videos do not play, giving the error “Adobe Flash Player is already installed, but is disabled...”. The Flash player is based on the Netscape Plug-in Programming Interface (NPAPI). The official Google website reports that all plugins created using this technology harm browser security, and most of the functions of some plugins are taken over by HTML5 code. For this reason, it was decided to abandon such plugins as of 09/01/15. But below is a way to deal with this.

Ways to enable the Adobe Flash Player plugin

First of all, let's check whether you have the latest version of the browser, if not, then update to latest version. If Flash Player does not work after the update, then you will need to enable this plugin in Google Chrome. Open the menu in the upper right corner of the Settings and management of Google Chrome window and select Settings

In the settings that open, we look for Show advanced settings...

Find the Personal Data section and click the Content Settings button

After that, look for the Plugins subsection and click manage individual plugins

In the plugins window, find Adobe Flash Player and enable it.

Easy way

In order to avoid searching through menus, submenus and generally a useless waste of time searching for settings buried in the depths of the browser, simply enter chrome://plugins/ in the address bar and press Enter in the loaded page with plugins, find Flash player - turn it on or off and check the box "Always run". In the address bar, enter chrome://components/ and find the “pepper_flash” section, click Check for updates.

Sometimes it happens like this - you installed Flash Player while Google Chrome or another browser is turned on, then you just need to restart the browser. If the problem is not solved by this method, then we can advise you to switch to another browser, for example Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc.

Hello, friends! In this article, we will look at what plugins are, how to enable or disable them in Google Chrome, and also look at how to block the one you need in the browser.

Browser plugins - what are they?

As always, first of all, a little theory from me, so that in the future you understand what and why you are doing. Or maybe you don’t need it at all. Kidding)

Plugins are special applications that are installed in the browser and significantly expand it. functionality. They can be roughly divided into two types: user and service.

The former are also called browser add-ons or extensions. You can install them in Google Chrome either using the Chrome Online Store, or by going to the website of the developer of the selected extension on the Internet. The user can independently decide which modules to connect in Google Chrome for comfortable work in the browser. These could be extensions for blocking ads, downloading music, viewing mail, or adding visual bookmarks.

Service - designed to correctly display the page you are viewing in the browser. The most popular include Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Java, QuickTime, Windows Media Player. Such plugins allow you to play audio and video on websites, view files in pdf format, display all site content correctly.

Chrome plugins are installed automatically. At the same time, when you go to a certain site, you may see a window asking you to install the missing one, confirm the installation. If you need to download it, save the proposed one and restart the browser.

Now let's take a closer look at the service plugins that are installed in Google Chrome.

Attention!!! Dear readers, browser developers have disabled the ability to manage service plugins via the link chrome://plugins/. On this moment she is not working. You can manage add-ons such as Adobe Flash Player, Java by going to the menu item “Settings” - “Show additional settings” - “Personal data” - “Content settings”

Enable plugin

You will not find all the service ones in the list of extensions installed in the browser. To do this, open Chrome and type chrome://plugins/ into the address bar and press Enter.

In the next window you will see the list of interest to us, they are all installed in the browser. Typically, such plugins do not need to be enabled, since the Internet browser does this automatically.

If it is not possible on sites, for example, to view files in pdf format, then the corresponding module in the browser is either not installed or disabled. If you see the required plugin in the list, you need to enable it. To do this, click on the button below it in the form of the “Enable” link.

Disable plugins

In order to completely disable unnecessary ones in Google Chrome, open the list as described above. Select the one you want to disable and click the “Disable” button under it.

If you go to a site where you need exactly the one that was disabled, you won’t be able to enable it directly from the page. Will need to reopen this list, and click on the corresponding button.

Plugin blocking

In some cases, Google Chrome automatically blocks those that are outdated or rarely used. If you want to block some of them yourself, do the following.

Click on the button at the top right in the form of three horizontal lines and select “Settings” from the list.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show advanced settings.”

Then, in the Personal Information group, click Content Settings.

“Launch content of all plugins” – when you open the browser, all updated plugins will be launched;

“Find and launch important plugin content” – launch will occur only when they are needed;

“Request permission to run plugin content” – the browser will block their launch on sites. To run it manually, right-click on it and select from context menu"Launch plugin."

After this, click on the “Done” button.

That's all. I think now you understand what plugins are and how they can be enabled, disabled or blocked in the Google Chrome browser.