What does the windows script host error mean? Ways to fix Windows Script Host error. Removing the link to start the virus

System error called “Windows Script Host” most often occurs on Windows 7/8/10 operating systems. The main indirect reason for its appearance is official updates on unlicensed Windows systems produced by Microsoft. Also similar error may also occur during system installation. The most interesting thing is that it also manifests itself on official versions OS.

How does the windows script host error manifest itself?

The error most often appears when launching applications or when starting Windows (“Cannot find script file: launchall.js, run.vbs”). Much less often, an error may occur directly during installation operating system.

Usually the failure is accompanied by codes 80070003, 80070002 or 80070483 (and others).

What is this error?

There are no secrets behind this systemic violation. Its main reason is a failure during integration installation files– for various reasons, all components could not be completely unloaded into the OS.

Such problems are caused by: updates, installation Windows disk or simply a pirated version of the product. Additional root causes of code 80070002 include antiviruses, the use of third-party utilities to work with the system, as well as user actions on the system drive.

It should be noted that “Windows Script Host” can appear under various error codes, the most common of which are: 80070003, 80070002 or 80070483. It will take no more than five minutes to resolve the situation with this type of error. The way to fix the conflict is presented below.

Ways to Fix Windows Script Host Error

This article provides several methods that allow you to defeat Windows Script Host. These solution options are presented as optimal on the official Microsoft support resource.

1. Stopping update services

Often, an OS update process that ends with an error causes a failure. This problem, in turn, can be caused by system load, Internet failures, and much more. It will take a couple of simple manipulations to smooth out the situation.

Go to Start and visit Control Panel.

  • Go to the "Administration" section.
  • After that, go to “Services”.
  • In the new window you will need to find the item “Center Windows updates" You can sort services by name, this will speed up the process.
  • Right click. In the menu that opens, select “Stop.”
  • Restart your operating system.

This error resolution method disables the PC's attempts to receive new updates that cause the "Windows Script Host" error.

2. Set the time

Much less often, the cause of the “Windows Script Host” error can be an incorrectly set date on your device. Discrepancies with the Microsoft service server in time can create various conflicts. In addition, legally installed software strictly respects copyright, which, as you yourself understand, is not eternal.

  • In the lower right corner of the screen, on the Start panel, you can find the clock menu. Open it by left clicking.
  • At the bottom of the menu that opens, select “Change date and time settings.”
  • You can set the correct time and time zone, or use automatic detection.

Perhaps the correct date is the easiest way to solve the error.

3. Uninstall latest updates

The most difficult resolution option systemic conflict. You need to visit Windows Update and remove the updates installed in the last few days. About how this can be done:

  • Go to the already familiar “Control Panel”.
  • Go to the Programs and Features menu.
  • From the left menu, select "View" installed updates».
  • To sort software by installation date, use the “Installed” column.
  • Now just start uninstalling everything that was installed on the OS in the last five days


This article will help you fix the “Windows Script Host” system failure, most often known as code 80070002. Many computer forums advise changing service settings through the registry - in most cases this does not work, and sometimes makes the situation worse. If the manipulations described above did not help you, just try!

In this article we will look at what causes Windows script host error code 80070002 and how to fix it.

Reasons for the error

The main and most common cause of Windows script host error code 80070002 is failures during installation of applications and viruses. Maybe only part of it was loaded necessary files and because of this, the system cannot find the specified file even if it is actually located at the address specified in the error. This may happen due to an incorrect registry entry.

Windows script host is a component for running executable scripts in various languages. The script can contain any task (for example, launching a program).

The reason may also be the actions of the user himself, who could try on his own or with the help third party programs optimize the operating system. Such actions do not always have a positive effect on the performance of the OS, and sometimes, due to the use of such programs, the computer can be infected with a virus.

How to fix error 80070002

It all depends on where the error points. However, the solutions are always almost the same. Here are some examples of what a Windows script host might indicate:


It is worth noting that any file with the vbs and js extension can be specified in the path.

Troubleshooting the registry

The first step is to try to fix the registry, which CCleaner or a similar program will help you with. After downloading and installing CCleaner, launch it and in the “Registry” tab, click on the “Search for problems” button.

Correct any problems found and repeat the procedure until you see a message stating that no registry errors were found.

Removing the link to start the virus

If, when you turn on the computer, a Windows script host error with code 80070002 appears, and the path indicates the path to Nvideo_driver.js, Launchall.js or other documents with a similar extension at the end, this means that the virus itself (that is, the specified files) has been deleted, but the system still tries to start them.

Actually fixing the registry should have solved it similar problem, but since it remains, conduct a full scan of your computer for viruses and get rid of them. You can get rid of viruses using these antivirus programs, like Avast, Kaspersky, NOD, etc.

It is also worth checking your startup, and if there is something there that is unknown to you, delete it. There is also an option to go to the specified path yourself and delete it manually.

To open startup settings, open the “Run” command using Start or using the Win + R keys and enter the command: msconfig

Update problem

If the Windows script host points to WindowsUpdateDrivers, then clearing the folder where temporary update data is stored can help. But first, disable the corresponding service.

Enter the command into the execution line again, but this time a different one: services.msc.

Find "Windows Update" and disable it via context menu(right mouse button) in properties.

Go to the local drive where the OS is installed -> Windows -> SoftwareDistribution -> DataStore and delete everything located there. Then enable the service and try to update.

The next step is to uninstall recent updates. They can often be the cause of the error, especially on pirated versions of Windows.

Log into the Control Panel via the Start menu -> Programs and Features -> View installed updates. Click on the Installed tab to sort by date and delete rows one at a time until error 80070002 goes away.

Wrong time

It is also very important for the system to correctly specify the date and time, since otherwise there will be a discrepancy with the copyright of various utilities and programs.

On your desktop, click on the time in the lower right corner and go to settings.

Specify the current date and time manually or synchronize with the official Microsoft server.

Many Windows OS users have noticed that after installing updates, various types of errors often appear. One of the most common is the windows script host error. Often, this error warning can be seen under the number “80070002”. So, on the agenda is the windows script host error, how to fix it.

Reasons for the windows script host error:

As mentioned above, this error V windows system directly related to the update. Occurs in two cases:
1. There were problems downloading updates;
2. Updates are not installed correctly;

Now I will tell you how to fix the error when updating Windows OS in five steps.

Step 1: Update Center

First, we need to pause the System Update Center service. This is done quite simply. Go to the Start menu, open the Control Panel tab. Then in the new window we change the scale of the icons to “small” and find “Administration”. In this window, open the Services item, as indicated in the screenshot.

After which an additional window will appear, in it we find “Update Center” and by clicking on it, select the “Stop” item.

Step 2: Remove faulty components

Go to the Start menu and open Computer, then double-click on the local icon hard drive, on which the system is located, by default this is the C:// drive. Go to the OS folder – Windows, then – Software Distribution. We delete all the files that are in the folder called “Data Store”, and do the same with the “Download” folder.

Step 3: Connecting the Update Service

There is nothing new for you in this step, we do everything the same as in step number “1”, only now we need to connect the service back instead of “Disconnect”.

Step 4: View installed updates

You can find out which updates have been downloaded by going to the Installed updates tab in the Update Center. It is located: Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features, then find View installed updates.

Step 5: Checking the OS is ready to install updates

How to fix windows script host error, if after these steps the warning window does not disappear, you can apply one more step towards the solution. This step is also quite simple. Go to the Update Center and simply run Check for updates, after they are downloaded, agree to the installation, follow the instructions.

I hope you have found the answer to the question of how to fix the windows script host error. After installing the updates, you need to restart your PC and make sure there is no error.

Quite often, users of Windows systems encounter the problem that when trying to automatic installation updates, the system issues a warning about failure Windows services Script Host (error). How to fix it will now be discussed. There are several basic methods you can use to do this.

What does Windows Script Host failure mean?

As for the nature of the failure itself and the appearance of errors, the only reason can be that the system either does not find updates or installs them incorrectly.

For example, if communication is disrupted, a huge number of messages with a variety of different codes may appear. Of all the possible situations, the most common failures are 80070002 and 800A0046 Windows Script Host (error). How to fix this situation?

You will have to use your knowledge of manually managing services. In particular, we are interested in the update system itself.

Windows Script Host. Error. How to fix (code 80070002)

In the simplest case, you need to use the administration section, where you select the services menu (the easiest way is to launch the services editor through the “Run” console, where you enter the services.msc command).

Here you need to find the update center service and use the stop process line in the right-click menu. But this is not all you need to do to fix the problem, as the message about Windows Script Host corruption (error) may appear again. How to fix the situation?

Next, you should go to the root directory of the system and find the SoftwareDistribution directory there. It contains a Downloads folder, from which you just need to delete all the contents. After this, we return to the services section and restart the update client.

Windows Script Host. Error. How to fix (code 800A0046)?

There is another unpleasant situation. Another type of Windows Script Host failure (error) is also possible. How to fix problems when issuing the above code? First you need to understand the nature of the problem.

In this case, it is believed that the user is experiencing a system security descriptor failure. The simplest option is to simply delete the account that is causing the crash (use the group membership section for this).

However, it is better to use the Security Policy Editor (command secpol.msc in the Run menu). Here you need to use the Security Policy node, and then select the user rights section to set the client impersonation after authentication. Then you should add the user or group on the Local Security Settings tab to the appropriate list, save the changes, and restart the computer.

Finally, you can use the RPC client. To do this, use the same services section, where the line indicating RPC is selected, after which the input with the system system is set in the properties account. Again, after saving the changes you should full reboot systems.

Instead of a total

The error itself is not critical and can be fixed quite simply. In some cases, even this can help simplest option, like viewing and manually removing updates (some of them can actually cause system crashes). This is done from the same “Update Center”. As a last resort, if the user knows exactly when the error occurred, you can even use a regular system restore, only when selecting points you need to display them all, and then roll back to the specified state. But the above methods also work.

Naturally, if the simplest solutions do not give the desired result, it is better to use exactly what was presented. Of course, you will have to dig a little, but in this case one hundred percent is guaranteed.

If, when you turn on your computer, instead of your usual desktop, you see the following

So don't panic. Calm down, and let's figure out together what happened to our system and how to fix it.

So, files with the vbs extension are scripts written in the VBScript programming language. In more understandable language, a script is text file, consisting of commands written in accordance with the programming language, in our case VBScript. They are used to automate operating system management. Scripts are executed using language interpreters. There are two of these in Windows OS: WScript and CScript. Together they represent Windows Script Host or WSH.

Scripts help make working on a computer enjoyable and simple, since many processes are automated and performed without user intervention. So, we figured out the question of what run.vbs is. It remains unclear what scenario the system is trying to find.

Logically speaking, we come to the conclusion that after the greeting, the system should automatically activate the desktop. But this doesn't happen. This can only happen when another task appears before this task, which cannot be completed, and we see an error message.

The fact is that scripts can be used not only by operating system developers, but also by attackers to launch virus programs. If this problem With starting Windows appeared after cleaning the computer from viruses, then most likely the following happened: the antivirus coped with its task and the virus was removed, but traces of its activity remained in the system. They remain in the form of registry entries, according to which the system tries to run the virus script, but not finding it, it generates an error.


So, we have figured out the theory of the problem, let's now try to eliminate it. It is impossible to work on a computer without a desktop. Therefore, the first thing to do is open the desktop. You can do this using the Windows Task Manager (TD). We launch remote sensing by simultaneously holding down the buttons Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Next in the menu “ File"find and click " New task (Run)».

In the window that appears, enter explorer.exe and click OK:

The long-awaited and familiar desktop will open.

Now it is important to clean out the traces left by the virus. Launch the task manager. This can be done in several ways. For example, click the button " Start", in the search window we type regedit. The first line in the search list will be regedit.exe. Right-click and click " Run as administrator»:

IMPORTANT: V Windows registry plays a very important role. It stores data necessary for the correct operation of the operating system. Equipment settings parameters, information about installed programs, user profiles and other information that ensures stable operation of the OS. Editing registry entries must be approached very carefully, since any incorrect entry can be fatal and lead to an inoperable state of the OS.

In the program that opens, find the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\ Winlogon. Before making any changes to the values ​​of the registry branch parameters, it must be saved. Right-click on the folder Winlogon and select " Export»:

Set the name, indicate the save location and click “ Save»:

This must be done so that it is always possible to restore the original parameters if something suddenly goes wrong.

IMPORTANT: To restore the saved settings, double-click the file and agree to making changes to the registry by clicking “Yes”:

So let's edit the thread HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon.

Let's perform the following steps:

If such a value is found, delete it by right-clicking and clicking “ Delete" Click F3 to continue the search. Thus, we look through the entire registry to the end. After that reboot the computer.

If everything went well and all actions were done correctly, our problem should be solved. But it happens that after all the actions the error repeats. This indicates that the virus that infected the computer has not been removed and continues its dirty work. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a full system check. For this you can use free utilities Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool() and Dr.Web CureIt! (). After complete removal viruses, we perform the operations described above again.

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Error: Cannot find script file C:/Windows/run.vbs updated: January 25, 2018 by: admin