Computer software

SUBJECT: Lesson 10.

Section “Computer as a means of automation” information processes».

Lesson Objectives : develop skills and abilities to work with computer software.

Lesson objectives:

Educational :

Formation of information culture of students, discipline, perseverance, work culture, positive motivation for educational work

Developmental :

Continue to develop computer literacy,

To promote the development of the ability to compare, analyze, think logically, generalize;

Development of independent thinking, research skills, creative approach to business.

Educational : form:

knowledge basic operations of working with graphical interface Windows;

skill use standard and utility applications;

skills working with file managers, archivers and anti-virus programs.


10 computers, multimedia projector, screen.

Lesson Plan

    Organizing time

    Setting lesson goals and objectives

    Updating knowledge

4. Creating a problematic situation

5. Implementation of lesson objectives.

6. Checking the completion of tasks

7.. Summing up

During the classes.

    Organizational point: updating attention.

Hello guys. We continue to study the section “Computer as a means of automating information processes.” The topic of our lesson is “Computer and software»

    Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Today we will apply our knowledge gained in previous lessons in practice. Let's remember the basic operations of working with the graphical interfaceWindows; learn how to use standard and utility applications; We will also develop skills in working with file managers, archivers and anti-virus programs.

The objectives of the lesson are to develop skills in working with computer software.

    Updating knowledge

Now let’s remember the previously studied material. It will be useful to us today when performing practical tasks.

Attention to the screen.

You need to answer 12 questions correctly. For each incorrect answer we will receive 1 point. Our rating will depend on the total number of points.


    read the question carefully;

    select the desired option from the proposed ones graphic objects with inscriptions or photographs;

    left-click on the selected object, continue the test on the next slide that opens;

    After answering all the questions, you will be able to find out the assessment of your knowledge.

Question No. 1

Select the device that is used to install the processor, chip random access memory, video cards, sound card, network card, modem, etc. (2. motherboard)

Question No. 2

Select a device that is used to process information and control other computer devices (3. processor)

Question #3

Select a long-term memory device that is used to store data on magnetic disk (3. HDD)

Question #4

Information stored on the computer will become active (can be processed) only in the case of (1. downloading information from external memory to the operational)

Question #5

When you turn off the computer, all information is lost (4. In RAM)

Question #6

The top of the GUI folder hierarchyWindowsis the folder (1. Desktop)

Question No. 7

Which of all the listed programs of the systemWindowsAre they classified as official? (2. Data Backup, System Restore, Defragmentation


Question #8

Computer viruses– this is...(3. programs capable of self-copying)

Question No. 9

The full path to the file is specifiedC:\ DOC\ PROBA. TXT.
What is the name of the folder where the file is stored

Well done guys completed the task.

    Creating a problematic situation.

You know the theoretical material perfectly well, but how things go with practice. We will see this today. I have assignments in my hands for you: “You need to decipher the word.” To do this you need to complete practical tasks. After completing each task (without changing the sequence), you should have the letter of the encrypted word.

    Implementation of lesson objectives.

The teacher gives different tasks to the students (1 – high level of difficulty, 2 – medium level of difficulty, 3 – low level of difficulty).

Thematic assignments:



5. Archive the file

6. Using an antivirus program

    Encrypted word:


Answers on questions:

    Storage devices (letter Z)

    Screensaver (letter A)

    Remote Assistance (letter Ш)

    Favorites (letter I)

    Add to archive (letter T)

    Network attack (letter A)

    Encrypted word

The word ACCESS

Answers on questions:

    Disk defragmentation (letter D)

    Review (letter O)

    Additional information (letter C)

    Desk (letter C)

    Delete (letter U)

    Check for viruses (letter P)

    Encrypted word:


Answers on questions:

    Control panel (letter P)

    Automatically (letter A)

    Open (letter O)

    Left mouse button (letter L)

    Checking the completion of tasks.

Students sit at their desks and name the resulting words.


The teacher evaluates each student's work in class. Homework assignment.

Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software”


  1. Obtaining information about logical partitions of OS disksWindows.


Computer management select item Disk management. Windows.

Insert word: In which section...devices included item Disk management ? (1 letter word )

    Working with the OS graphical interface

Set the parameters for the “Crawling Line” screen saver. Enter the creeping text “Office No. 10”

Question: Which tab of the Properties: Screen dialog panel must be opened to configure the screen saver? (2nd letter of the word)

    Get information about your computer settings using help system Windows.

Run the commands: In chapter Service choose Advanced system information .

Fill the table

System elements

Main settings


CPU Speed

Insert word: One of the points in the sectionService is Remote... . (5th letter)

4. Working with files using file manager

- Create on Desktop Conductor:


Question: Which menu bar item is missing:File, Edit, View, Tools, Help ? (1 letter).

5. Archiving a file

Open to Desktop folder Blanks and zip any file located in the folder.

    Click the Start button

    Select All programs

    Run the programWinRaR

    Select folder Blanks

    Select a file

    Extract to specified folder

(7 letter 1 word)

6 Using an antivirus program

Blanks for the presence of viruses and, if necessary, cure it.

Insert word: The most common phenomenon on the Internet is infecting a computer using Network.... (1 letter)


Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software”


    Obtaining information about logical partitions of OS disksWindows.

Start the Disk Management utility with the command (Start - Settings - Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Computer Management )

On the left side of the dialog box that appearsComputer management select item Disk management. View information about logical partitions of OS disksWindows.

Insert word: In sectionStorage devices except point Disk management there is a point ...disk(1 letter of the word).

    Working with the OS graphical interface

Change the desktop background (Properties: Screen – Desktop)

Insert word: To select a wallpaper from a folderMy drawings do you need to press the button...? (1 letter word)

    Find information about your computer settings by using HelpWindows.

Run the commands:Start/Help and Support/Select a Job/Use utilities. In chapter Service choose Computer information . Next select

Fill the table

System elements

Main settings

operating system

OS location (path)

Insert word: You can search for information as in the sectionService, and in the section Additional... . (1 letter word)

4. Working with files using a file manager

- Create on Desktop hierarchical file system using a file managerConductor ( select folder Desktop ) :


Insert word: When selecting a folderDesktop V address bar will the message..... appear? (2nd letter of 2nd word)

5. Archiving a file

Open to Desktop folder Blanks

    Open the Blanks folder

    Select a file

    Click right button mice

    Select from the context menuAdd to archive …

    Write the name of the archive

    Select archive formatRAR

Question: What is the name of the team responsible for destroying archive data? (1 letter word)

Using antivirus program, check the folderBlanks for the presence of viruses.

Question: Check the correctness of the algorithm:

    Select folder Blanks

    Click the right mouse button

    Select from the context menuFind viruses

(1 letter word)


Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software”




    Obtaining information about logical partitions of OS disksWindows.

Start the Disk Management utility with the command (Start - Settings - Control Panel – Administrative Tools – Computer Management )

On the left side of the dialog box that appearsComputer management select item Disk management. View information about logical partitions of OS disksWindows.

Insert word: To get information about logical partitions of OS disksWindows V Settings need to choose ... management . (1 letter of the word)

    Working with the OS graphical interface

Set the exact date and time on your computer (do double click left mouse click onClock icon on Taskbars ).

Question: How is the transition to daylight saving time and back carried out: is the time adjusted automatically or manually? (1 letter word)

    Find information about your computer settings by using HelpWindows.

Run the commands:Start/Help and Support/Select a Job/Use Utilities. In chapter Service choose Computer information . Next select Show general system information.

Fill the table

System elements

Main settings

operating system

Volume hard drive

4. Working with files using a file manager

- Create on Desktop hierarchical file system using a file managerConductor.

Start/Programs/Accessories/File Explorer, select folder Desktop . On the right side of the window, create a folderStudent's last name etc.


Insert word: + allows... subfolders and files.(1 letter of the word)

5. Archiving a file

Open to Desktop folder Blanks and archive any file located in the folder using the algorithm:

    Open the Blanks folder

    Select a file

    Right click

    Select from the context menuAdd to archive …

    Write the name of the archive

    Select archive formatRAR

Question: To open the Presets folder, which mouse button should you double-click? (1 letter word)

6 Using an antivirus program

Using an antivirus program, check the folderBlanks for the presence of viruses using the algorithm:

    On the Desktop, select the Blanks folder

    Click the right mouse button

    Select from the context menuCheck for viruses

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"PO_8 kl"

lesson notes on computer science in 8th grade

T Lesson topic:"Computer Software".

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

    Educational– give an idea of ​​the composition of computer software:

      purpose of system software, purpose of OS and programs that relate to system software;

      the purpose of programs that relate to application software;

      purpose of programming systems.

    Developmental– develop information culture and the ability to determine which software a particular program belongs to.

    Educational– foster a culture of working in a group; cultivate an information culture.

After studying the topic, students should


      computer software structure;

      concept and terms: software (software), basic software, system software, operating system, interface, driver, utilities, application software, programming systems;

    be able to:

    • separate tasks of a systemic nature from tasks of an applied nature;

      understand with the help of which software what information problems can be solved.

Means of education:

    Computer Science: Textbook for 8th grade / N.D. Ugrinovich – 3rd ed. – M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2005, paragraph 1.5.1, 1.5.2.

    computers with the Windows 7 operating system installed, the graphic editor Paint.

    During the classes

    1. Organizing time

      Checking homework

Name the main parts of a computer. Definition of water devices and output devices.

    Getting to know new material

Watch a video, record basic definitions from a textbook and presentation

programming programmers

Price installed programs on a modern PC often exceeds its cost technical devices.

There is a necessary part in computer software, without which you simply cannot do anything on it.

It is called system software.

The buyer purchases a computer equipped with system software, which is no less important for the operation of the computer than the memory or processor.

In addition to the system software, the computer software also includes application programs and programming systems.

Basic software includes:

1) operating systems;
2) shells;

1) diagnostics;
2) antivirus;

3) media maintenance;
4) archiving;
5) network maintenance.

They include:

1) word processors;

2) table processors;
3) databases;
4) integrated packages;

6) expert systems;
7) training programs;

9) games;

A special group consists of programming systems

1) translators;
2) program development environment;

4) debuggers;
5) link editors, etc.

Physical education minute

    Consolidation of the studied material.

Filling out cards based on supporting notes

    Practical work" Getting to know the desktop interface and graphic editor Paint".

7. Homework.

1.Write in a notebook 1 – 2 examples of programs of each type installed on home computer.

2. Compose a puzzle on the topic you have studied

8. Reflection (2 min.)
Continue the phrases:
- Today I found out...
- I did it easily...
- it was difficult…

Supporting notes


Software - this is the entire set of programs stored on all external memory devices of the computer.

operating system



Utilities – these are utility programs that are used to expand or improve the functions of system programs, their main purpose is to automate testing, adjustment and configuration work computer system(these are special utilities designed to improve other features of the operating system).

System software is a set of programs to ensure the operation of a computer. System software is divided into basic and service.

System programs are designed to control work computing system, perform various auxiliary functions (copying, issuing certificates, testing, formatting, etc.).

Basic software includes:

1) operating systems;
2) shells;
3) network operating systems.

Service software includes programs (utilities):

1) diagnostics;
2) antivirus;

3) media maintenance;
4) archiving;
5) network maintenance.

Application software is a set of programs for solving problems of a certain class of a specific subject area. Application software only works if system software is present.

Application programs called applications.

They include:

1) word processors;

2) table processors;
3) databases;
4) integrated packages;

5) illustrative and business graphics systems (graphics processors);
6) expert systems;
7) training programs;
8) programs for mathematical calculations, modeling and analysis;
9) games;

10) communication programs.

A special group consists of programming systems(tool systems), which are part of the system software, but are of an applied nature.

Programming systems are a set of programs for developing, debugging and implementing new software products.

Programming systems usually contain:

1) translators;
2) program development environment;

3) libraries of reference programs (functions, procedures);
4) debuggers;
5) link editors, etc.

View document contents

The lesson was recorded using a phone by students for certification on the topic “Computer Software”.

The performance of students was ensured due to the high density of the lesson and the use of innovative teaching methods:

Checking the knowledge gained from the last lesson using the interactive whiteboard.

Studying new topic watching a video, recording basic definitions

Consolidating the topic of filling out the "Software Classification" diagram

Practical work "Introduction to the desktop interface and the Paint graphic editor."

View presentation content


list the main devices of a computer.

1 point

  • The process of creating or writing programs is called programming, and people who specialize in this type of activity - programmers. Development of modern software requires very high qualifications from programmers.

  • System software is a set of programs to ensure the operation of a computer. System software is divided into basic and service.
  • Application software is a set of programs for solving problems of a certain class of a specific subject area. Application software only works if system software is present.
  • Programming systems is a set of programs for the development, debugging and implementation of new software products.

  • operating system is a set of programs that control the operation of a computer.
  • Interface – this is a way of communication between a program and a user (this is a set of rules with which the user controls the operation of the computer; these are methods and means of user interaction with hardware and software).

  • Driver - This special program, which provides control of device operation and coordination information exchange with other devices, and also allows you to configure some device parameters (this is a program designed to maintain the operation of a device; these are specific programs responsible for interacting with specific devices).
  • Utilities - these are utility programs that are used to expand or improve the functions of system programs, their main purpose is to automate the work of checking, setting up and configuring a computer system (these are special utility programs designed to improve other capabilities of the operating system

. Practical work computer software


Practical work computer software

Lesson on computer science for grade 11 on the topic “Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software””

TOPIC: Lesson 10. Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software”

Section “Computer as a means of automating information processes.”

Lesson Objectives: to develop skills and abilities to work with computer software.

Lesson objectives:


Formation of information culture of students, discipline, perseverance, work culture, positive motivation for educational work


Continue to develop computer literacy,

To promote the development of the ability to compare, analyze, think logically, generalize;

Development of independent thinking, research skills, creative approach to business.

Educational: form:

knowledge basic operations of working with the Windows graphical interface;

skill use standard and utility applications;

skills working with file managers, archivers and anti-virus programs.


10 computers, multimedia projector, screen.

Lesson Plan

Organizing time

Setting lesson goals and objectives

Updating knowledge

4. Creating a problematic situation

5. Implementation of lesson objectives.

6. Checking the completion of tasks

7.. Summing up

During the classes.

Organizational point: updating attention.

Hello guys. We continue to study the section “Computer as a means of automating information processes.” The topic of our lesson is “Computer and Software”

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Today we will apply our knowledge gained in previous lessons in practice. Let's recall the basic operations of working with the Windows graphical interface; learn how to use standard and utility applications; We will also develop skills in working with file managers, archivers and anti-virus programs.

The objectives of the lesson are to develop skills in working with computer software.

Updating knowledge

Now let’s remember the previously studied material. It will be useful to us today when performing practical tasks.

Attention to the screen.

You need to answer 12 questions correctly. For each incorrect answer we will receive 1 point. Our rating will depend on the total number of points.


    read the question carefully;

    select the desired option from the proposed graphic objects with inscriptions or photographs;

    left-click on the selected object, continue the test on the next slide that opens;

    After answering all the questions, you will be able to find out the assessment of your knowledge.

Question No. 1

Select a device that is used to install a processor, RAM chip, video card, sound card, network card, modem, etc. (2. motherboard)

Question No. 2

Select a device that is used to process information and control other computer devices (3. processor)

Question #3

Select a long-term memory device that stores data on a magnetic disk (3. hard disk)

Question #4

Information stored in the computer will become active (can be processed) only in the case of (1. loading information from external memory into RAM )

Question #5

When you turn off the computer, all information is lost (4. In RAM)

Question #6

The top of the hierarchical graphic folder system Windows interface is the folder (1. Desktop)

Question No. 7

Which of all the listed Windows system programs are utility programs? (2. Data Backup, System Restore, Defragmentation

Question #8

Computer viruses are...(3. programs capable of self-copying)

Question No. 9

The full path to the file C:DOCPROBA.TXT is specified.
What is the name of the folder where the file PROBA.TXT (1. DOC) is stored

Well done guys completed the task.

Creating a problematic situation.

You know the theoretical material perfectly well, but how things go with practice. We will see this today. I have assignments in my hands for you: “You need to decipher the word.” To do this you need to complete practical tasks. After completing each task (without changing the sequence), you should have the letter of the encrypted word.

Implementation of lesson objectives.

The teacher gives different tasks to the students (1 – high level of difficulty, 2 – medium level of difficulty, 3 – low level of difficulty).

Thematic assignments:

5. Archive the file

6. Using an antivirus program

Encrypted word:


Answers on questions:

Storage devices (letter Z)

Screensaver (letter A)

Remote Assistance (letter Ш)

Favorites (letter I)

Add to archive (letter T)

Network attack (letter A)

Encrypted word

The word ACCESS

Answers on questions:

Disk defragmentation (letter D)

Review (letter O)

Additional information (letter C)

Desk (letter C)

Delete (letter U)

Check for viruses (letter P)

Encrypted word:


Answers on questions:

Control panel (letter P)

Automatically (letter A)

Open (letter O)

Left mouse button (letter L)

Checking the completion of tasks.

Students sit at their desks and name the resulting words.


The teacher evaluates each student's work in class. Homework assignment.


Obtaining information about logical partitions of Windows OS disks.

Run the Disk Management utility using the command (Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management)

Insert word: Which partition... of the device includes Disk Management? (1 letter word)

Working with the OS graphical interface

Set the parameters for the “Crawling Line” screen saver. Enter the creeping text “Office No. 10”

Question: Which tab of the Properties: Screen dialog panel must be opened to configure the screen saver? (2nd letter of the word)

Find information about your computer settings by using Windows Help.

Execute the commands: Start / Help and Support / Select a task / Use utilities. In the Service section, select Extended system information.

Fill the table

System elements

Main settings


CPU Speed

Insert the word: One of the items in the Service section is Remote.... (5th letter)

4. Working with files using a file manager

- Create on Desktop hierarchical file system using the File Explorer file manager:


Question: Which menu bar item is missing: File, Edit, View, Tools, Help? (1 letter).

5. Archive the file

Open the Blanks folder on your Desktop and zip any file located in the folder.

Click the Start button

Select All programs

Launch the WinRaR program

Select folder Blanks

Select a file

Extract to specified folder

(7 letter 1 word)

Using an anti-virus program, check the Preparations folder for viruses and, if necessary, clean it.

Insert word: The most common phenomenon on the Internet is infecting a computer using Network.... (1 letter)

Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software”


Obtaining information about logical partitions of Windows OS disks.

On the left side of the Computer Management dialog box that appears, select Disk Management. View information about logical partitions on Windows OS disks.

Insert the word: In the Storage devices section, in addition to the Disk Management item, there is an item ... disk (1 letter of the word).

Working with the OS graphical interface

Change the desktop background (Properties: Screen – Desktop)

Insert a word: To select a background image from the My Pictures folder, you must click the ....? (1 letter word)

Find information about your computer settings by using Windows Help.

Fill the table

System elements

Main settings

operating system

OS location (path)

Insert a word: You can search for information both in the Service section and in the Additional... section. (1 letter word)

4. Working with files using a file manager

- Create on Desktop hierarchical file system using the file manager Explorer (Start / Programs / Accessories / Explorer, select the Desktop folder):


Insert a word: When you select the Desktop folder, …..? will appear in the address bar. (2nd letter of 2nd word)

5. Archive the file

Open the Blanks folder

Select a file

Right click

Write the name of the archive

Select RAR archive format

Question: What is the name of the team responsible for destroying archive data? (1 letter word)

6 Using an antivirus program

Using an antivirus program, check the Workpieces folder for viruses.

Question: Check the correctness of the algorithm:

Select folder Blanks

Click the right mouse button

In the context menu, select Scan for viruses

(1 letter word)

Practical work No. 10 “Computer and software”


Obtaining information about logical partitions of Windows OS disks.

Run the Disk Management utility using the command (Start - Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management)

On the left side of the Computer Management dialog box that appears, select Disk Management. View information about logical partitions on Windows OS disks.

Insert the word: To get information about the logical partitions of Windows OS disks, in Settings you need to select ... management. (1 letter of the word)

Working with the OS graphical interface

Set the exact date and time on your computer (double-click with the left mouse button on Clock icon on Taskbars).

Question: How is the transition to daylight saving time and back carried out: is the time adjusted automatically or manually? (1 letter word)

Find information about your computer settings by using Windows Help.

Execute the commands: Start / Help and Support / Select a task / Use utilities. In the Tools section, select Computer Information. Next, select Show general system information.

Fill the table

System elements

Main settings

operating system

Hard disk capacity

4. Working with files using a file manager

- Create on Desktop hierarchical file system using the File Explorer file manager.

Start/Programs/Accessories/File Explorer, select the Desktop folder. On the right side of the window, create a folder Student's Last Name, etc.


Insert word: + allows... subfolders and files.(1 letter of the word)

5. Archive the file

Open the Blanks folder on your Desktop and archive any file located in the folder using the algorithm:

Open the Blanks folder

Select a file

Right click

In the context menu, select Add to archive...

Write the name of the archive

Select RAR archive format

Question: To open the Presets folder, which mouse button should you double-click? (1 letter word)

6 Using an antivirus program

Using an anti-virus program, check the Blanks folder for viruses using the following algorithm:

On the Desktop, select the Blanks folder

Click the right mouse button

In the context menu, select Scan for viruses