File manager via ssh. How to copy files to a server via SSH. Additional features and capabilities of the program

What are the different ones for?? Have you ever uploaded videos, pictures or other files to your hosting using FTP? If you are reading this article, then undoubtedly yes. What is ftp, ssh, sftp and what is RDP used for? About it . Next, we will look at the most popular and easy-to-use FTP clients.

What are FTP clients mainly used for? :

1) Placing website pages on an Internet server by the developer;

2) Downloading music and various programs by Internet users. Often this is not even recognized by many Internet residents as using an FTP client and protocol, since many public servers do not request additional data for authentication, and Internet browsers (which also have FTP clients) download files without additional installations.

FTP clients have their pros and cons, like most programs. They are all similar in their set of functions and even in their interface. But which ones are especially popular?

FTP clients:

FileZilla- a convenient and most importantly free FTP manager that will do the work with files
simple and clear. Supports most languages ​​(including Russian) and has the ability to adjust the transmission speed. FileZilla will help you download and upload files from any FTP servers. A large number of settings will make your work convenient. Moreover, FileZilla is available for different OSes, and the nice interface is an added bonus.

You can find the program and download it without any problems on the websites and

Cyberduck– FTP client with support, in addition to the main protocol, also encrypted SFTP and other less common ones, such as WebDAV, Amazon S3, Google Docs, including the protocol for iPhone and iPad – SSH.

For FTP connections, developers can use a bookmark manager, there is automatic resumption of transmission if connection is lost, support different encodings, ability to self-assign a default program for an FTP connection, built-in log.Cyberduck is a useful tool that will give you the ability to connect to remote hosts and upload or download necessary files. The program has many functions and a friendly, minimalistic interface that is pleasant to use.

WinSCPis an equally well-known FTP client that helps you securely move files from your local computer to the server. True, it is slightly inferior in speed to previous FTP managers, but it has a convenient feature - it searches for files throughout the server.

The WinSCP FTP client supports the following protocols: SFTP, SCP, SSH-1, SSH-2, which also differs from its analogues. WinSCP is multilingual, including support for the Russian language. The program runs on Windows OS.

SmartFTPis a powerful and reliable program for transferring files between your local computer and a server on the Internet via FTP. Compact and safe program will make it possible to use it for publishing and maintaining websites, downloading images, documents, films and music, exchanging files between like-minded people, creating backups of local or remote files. It is worth noting that the program is paid and is intended only for Windows OS.

Core FTPis a free but feature-rich FTP client. In addition to FTP, the program also supports HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, TLS, SSH, SFTP protocols.

The standard graphical shell and the availability of only English do not affect the simplicity and ease of use of this program.

An FTP client with flexible settings, easily integrates into browsers, supports resuming interrupted transfers, allows you to send files directly from one remote server to another, etc.

FlashFXP– a functional and convenient FTP manager that has high performance and supports the technologies necessary for the developer. Using it, you can work through a proxy without any problems, the program has no restrictions on the size of the downloaded file, can import lists of servers from most common programs, supports /TLS authorization and much more.

Using the program it is very convenient to download files that are located in different folders or even on different FTP servers. The FlashFXP graphical shell is simple and user-friendly.

In addition, FlashFXP has the ability to manage file transfer between servers (FXP).

These and many other FTP clients are used for more convenient and high-quality work on the Internet. If the FTP client you use is not on this list, share your opinion in the comments why you chose this particular FTP manager.

The second part of our review - This SSH clients. Why do you need an SSH client? SSH is an application layer network protocol that allows you to remote control operating system and tunneling TCP connections (wikipedia). An SSH client is needed to work via SSH. The client is used to log into a remote machine and execute the necessary commands.

Let's look at the most popular and frequently used SSH clients. If you use some other SSH client that is not on our list, write about it in the comments. Perhaps your advice will help blog readers make their choice.

SSH clients:

Let's start with a free programPuttywhich is used for remote work with servers, FreeBSD, *BSD. Useful and convenient program has great capabilities for connecting to the server mainly via the SSH protocol, but it is also possible to use the telnet protocol.

Significant advantages of the program are a high degree of reliability and flexible program configuration. The main drawback is that the interface is quite complex for inexperienced users, which is difficult to understand due to the lack of documentation for the program.

PuTTY makes it possible to connect to and control a remote host - a server.

Xshell– the client supports many necessary protocols and works on all Windows operating systems. All actions are performed using the command line, which allows you to connect to Unix and Linux.

There is no Russian language in the interface, but Russian encodings are supported. The flexible graphical shell makes working with this program convenient and enjoyable for professional use.

KiTTY– a compact SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client, a modified version of PuTTY version 0.64, one of the best telnet / SSH clients in the world, which runs on the Windows platform. It differs from similar programs in its rich functionality: a built-in console chat server running via port 1987, ZModem, support for links, the presence of tools for changing the appearance of the terminal and the ability to integrate into CygWin.

The free and open source program is very popular among users.

And to complete the list of popular SSH clients -ZOC,which supports telnet, SSH, SSH2, and ISDN. Paid program has great functionality and works withUnix and Windows. The ZOC program supports vt102, vt220, as well as several types of ansi and Wyse, TVI, TN3270, TN5250, Sun’s CDE. The ZOC program works with file transfer protocols, including X-, Y-, Zmodem, Kermit Protocol, etc.

For everyday work, the above capabilities are sufficient, but the real functionality of ZOC is much richer. Free trial period – 30 days.

Powerful scripting language and automatic start actions based on printed text - the main unique features ZOC.

What is the best way to use it? Due to its ease of use and reliability, most users recommend PuTTY for Windows, but the choice of SSH client depends on what functionality you need.

If we consider FTP and SSH clients in the context of hosting, their use requires appropriate access, so ftp access is issued when ordering any , and SSH access when ordering or

If you need additional information or have questions, please contact us. We will be happy to help you!

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Free SSH client for secure access to FTP servers via the secure SFTP protocol.

This application allows two-way transfer and synchronization of files on a local PC and a remote server.

At the same time, WinSCP supports not only the simple FTP protocol, but also the secure (SFTP) and also somewhat outdated today (used mostly for accessing UNIX servers) SCP.

In terms of its capabilities, WinSCP is practically not inferior to the paid FTP client CuteFTP Professional:

Comparison of SSH client WinSCP with paid analogue CuteFTP

The main disadvantage of WinSCP is that it does not support scheduling. Otherwise, the program is quite convenient and provides good tools for everyday work with FTP.

Installing WinSCP

WinSCP comes in two flavors:

  • portable;
  • and with the installer.

For the portable version to work, just unpack the entire contents of the archive and run the executable exe file. True, then it will be in English.

To Russify the program, we take out the file from our archive and place it in the folder where WinSCP was unpacked.

1. After launching the installer, the first window to appear will be to select the program language. By default, Russian will already be indicated there, so just click “OK”.

2. In the next window we will be greeted by the Installation Wizard. There’s nothing complicated here either, just click “Next”.

Click "OK" and now we have a complete, ready-made connection!

All that remains is to “Login” to the server. We press the appropriate button and receive a warning.

Cache(English cache) - buffer with quick access for storing frequently used data.

Authentication- confirmation of rights to access the system.

If you connect to a reliable server (for example, your website), then simply click “Yes” so that the program remembers this key and saves it in its cache.

Otherwise, click "No".

Authentication on the server will begin and the program will ask for a password (if we did not save it in the program for security reasons).

Enter the password and click "OK".

If we haven’t made a mistake anywhere, the main WinSCP window will open in front of us.

WinSCP interface

As we chose during installation, the program will have a two-panel interface, reminiscent of a classic file manager.

In the left panel our local computer, and on the right is a folder on the server with the site stored in it.

Transferring files can be done either by simply dragging them from one panel to the second, or through the context menu and using “hot keys”, generally accepted for such programs:

  • F5 - copy;
  • F6 - move;
  • Delete - delete, etc.

For example, let's copy the file readme.html from server to computer. We grab it with the mouse in the right panel and drag it to the left.

Before the first copying, the program will clarify whether we really want to do this?

This is done to prevent accidental damage to important files. If you are confident enough in your actions, you can disable this request by checking the “Do not show this window again” checkbox before clicking “OK”.

If such a file already exists in the destination folder, another window with a question will appear.

By the way, if you need to copy or replace several files, then in order not to answer “Yes” for each, you can use the down arrow to the right of this button and select the “Yes for all” option, or hold down the Shift key before pressing “Yes”.

But here you need to be even more careful so as not to accidentally overwrite new file old. And then the “Don’t ask again” checkbox is ticked – it’s better never to check it again.

WinSCP Settings

If you accidentally checked the above-mentioned checkbox, you can always disable it in the “Settings” - “Settings” - “Appearance” - “Confirm the following actions” - “Overwriting files” menu.

As you can see, here you can customize anything, from notifications to design style.

If the “native” settings do not suit you for some reason, here you can always adjust the program to suit you.

Filters in WinSCP

Let's return to the main window and see how else you can simplify your work with SFTP in WinSCP.

For example, when updating a website via FTP, you often have to download and upload to the server many files with a certain extension. These could be images in PNG format or some js files with scripts.

When their number exceeds a hundred, working without filtering functions becomes quite dull.

In this case, the easiest way is to use the "Filter" function, the button of which looks like a funnel above each panel.

Click on it and in the window that opens, enter a mask to select the required files.

As a result, we get in the desired panel only those files that are interesting to us.

You can learn about file filtering rules by clicking the “examples of masks” link under the filter line:

  • The "*" symbol replaces any number of printed characters.
  • "?" replaces a single character (one letter or number).
  • Masks are separated by a comma or semicolon, etc.

Using a filter, you can significantly speed up your work with files, regardless of their number.

Directory comparison

Using the comparison tool, you can highlight different files in both panels.

The comparison is based on name, size and update date.

Directory synchronization

The next tool - “Server Folder Synchronization” - allows you to configure the FTP server to automatically monitor the selected local folder and copy all new files from it:

If you do not trust automation, WinSCP allows you to synchronize manually.

To do this, simply click the following button - “Synchronize the local directory and the directory on the server.”

Script commands

Like many advanced FTP clients, WinSCP claims to support script commands.

They are implemented:

PuTTY- free client for various remote access protocols.
  • via the built-in command line, also called Console or Terminal;
  • or an added PuTTY module.

Let's see how this works using a command line example. Click the "Open Terminal" button and read the warning.

Click "OK" and get into the Console window, where you can enter your commands in the top field and get the result in the bottom.

Advantages and disadvantages of WinSCP

  • convenient and simple interface;
  • support for secure file transfer protocols;
  • the ability to filter files by masks;
  • automated file synchronization;
  • Extensive customization options.
  • slight stuttering with very large lists of files (more than 1000 in one folder);
  • no task scheduler.


It’s not for nothing that WinSCP has won the favor of thousands of users around the world. This small SSH client allows you to perform tasks that are often only possible with much more powerful and cumbersome (and most importantly paid) counterparts.

At the same time, it works quite quickly even on old PCs. And if we add here the ability to work from a USB drive, then we get the ideal tool for supporting your own website at any time and anywhere!


If you have your own website, then you have probably thought more than once about how to optimize the work of loading various content onto it.

Today, many hosting providers provide us with special web interfaces called admin panels. Their advantage is that working with files on a remote server does not require any additional applications- all operations can be performed directly in the browser window.

However, almost all admin panels only provide basic functionality. For example, they do not support simultaneous downloading of multiple files and require you to manually select each subsequent file. I'm not even talking about synchronization functions, etc.

Therefore, to fully work with files on remote servers, a special protocol was created - FTP. Despite the fact that it is more than 40 years old, the file transfer protocol is still quite popular today.

In addition to the already mentioned use of this protocol when working with websites, FTP is often used to distribute various kinds of applications and even operating systems(for example, some operating systems of the Linux family).

Modern browsers allow you to open file storages based on the FTP protocol and download files from there, however, to be able to upload content to remote servers yourself, you need special applications - FTP clients.

There are quite a lot of both paid and free FTP clients, however, based on the specifics of our site, today we reviewed one of the best free SSH clients - WinSCP.

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

There are several ways to download and unzip a zipped file to FTP server. This may be required when CMS installation, recovery backup copy. Let's take a closer look at them.

Cross-platform SFTP clients


The program runs on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux and other operating systems. Uses FTP, FTPS and SFTP protocols. Translated into 47 languages, including Russian. Convenient and easy to use client.

  • Performs standard operations, resumes interrupted downloads, and handles large files well.
  • Supports IPv6, SOCKS5, FTP-Proxy and HTTP.
  • Site manager allows remote search and editing of files.
  • Allows you to configure the queue and download speed.
  • Ability to simultaneously view multiple directories, etc.

Download from the official website:

Cross-platform client localized into more than 20 languages. Designed as an add-on for Firefox. The functionality is similar to the previous program.

  • Performs standard operations.
  • Supports major data transfer protocols.
  • Hashes and checks documents for integrity.
  • Compares directories, compresses files, and much more.

Chrome sFTP Client

Multi-platform client, installed as an add-on to Google Chrome. There is a Russian language. The capabilities are not inferior to other programs. Built-in powerful text editor with syntax highlighting and password manager. Suitable for those who are used to turning a browser into a universal harvester.

The program works under Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Free app It has extremely poor functionality and is absolutely not competitive: it does not support SFTP, proxies, synchronization, etc. Pro has all this, but you will have to pay 25-40 y.e. for it. The paid version is no different from its free counterparts.

Clients for Windows OS

Download the program from the official website:

Graphical multilingual client, distributed free of charge. Offers a choice of two interfaces: as in Windows Explorer and classics in the style of Norton Commander. WinSCP can:

  • Upload and download files from the server.
  • Create, rename and delete files and folders.
  • Supports synchronization, several types of authorization: Kerberos, public key or password.
  • Allows you to automate actions using scripts and the command line.
  • The utility has a built-in text editor and a bunch of other useful things.

Available in two versions. The LE version is noticeably inferior in functionality to its competitors, but is free. Can download files from/to the server simultaneously, restore the connection when the connection is interrupted. CoreFTP Pro is equipped with a wagonload of additional goodies and costs 25 y.e.

  • Compresses, encrypts and decrypts files.
  • Increases download speed due to multi-layer downloads.
  • You can set up templates for repeatable tasks.
  • The client has Ping and TraceRoute utilities installed.
  • Unlimited tech. product support and much more.

Standard client. Able to work via HTTP/HTTPS protocols. Maybe everything is the same as other SFTP managers. There is no Russian localization, but the interface is simplified and intuitive. The computer does not load much, turns on and works quickly.

Gftp - client for Linux OS

A cross-platform utility, but more often used in Unix-like operating systems. Eat GUI, but it also works via the command line. Supports data transfer protocols: SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc. Performs all standard operations with files and folders. Translated into many languages, including Russian.

You can register domains with us.

A free program with a user-friendly interface and a minimum of functions and capabilities. Supports SFTP, uploads and downloads files. Synchronizes data and everything. Suitable for those who prefer to do without frills in their work.

AndFTP - SFTP client for android

Works with protocols: FTP, SFTP and FTPS. Russified, has a built-in file manager, can open files different types: video, text, html, mp3, etc. Integrates with other applications. Supports work with multiple servers and allows you to configure permissions. Convenient and functional addition.

The WinSCP application is positioned as a graphical SCP/SFTP client for securely transferring content between remote servers and personal devices.

In addition to all its capabilities, WinSCP also offers a fairly nice visualized interface with flexible settings, which makes this product even more suitable for installation/use in cases where a secure connection is indispensable. You can download the Russian version of WinSCP for free on your computer for Windows using the direct official link below.

Users who actively interact with the Internet in terms of downloading/uploading any content need a professional manager that supports all the necessary functionality for high-quality file transfer.

Typically, such clients support FTP protocols and, often, this is enough, however, especially suspicious individuals may also need the SFTP standard, which encrypts the connection. Today, any reputable browser and download manager supports FTP, however, only a few applications in the Windows family interact correctly with SFTP, and those with additional plugins. But for inquisitive users there is also a special one, free product, WinSCP, which is distinguished by exceptionally comfortable interaction with all the mentioned protocols.

The procedure for installing it is standard, as always, you are asked to select a suitable language pack, confirm the license agreement, and also indicate the installation method: custom, with the ability to control installation parameters, and express, i.e. fully automatic. The WinSCP launch window, meanwhile, will prompt you for certain settings each time.

These include: selecting the required protocol, specifying the encryption method, the path to the folders/files used, entering identification addresses/logins/passwords, etc. It should be noted that it is recommended to cancel the storage and automatic entry of all the listed individual data by the utility for basic security reasons, so that a third party will not be able to use your individually configured profile.

When launched, the appearance and functionality of the free downloaded client are similar to any average file manager, however, the user interface can be presented in two variations: stylized like Norton Commander (more focused on keyboard control) or Windows Explorer. Such management implies the appearance of a lot of pleasant administrative details, which reveal the potential of the free downloaded WinSCP.

The program is very convenient in part functionality. The list of standard functions, in addition to those that involve file transfer, includes: text editor, folder synchronizer, support for URL schemes, multilanguage, a variety of filters, variable authorization (public key, password or Kerberos (GSS)), drag&drop, as well as common file operations and much more.

Nowadays, any PC connected to the Internet via any data transfer protocol requires protection. Today this is no longer an opinion - it is a rule, and not only the user’s convenience, but also his peace of mind and safety depend on its observance.

Moreover, this security must be ensured for all functions, all programs and all actions, even those that are not immediately clear at first glance. So even if the SCP and SFTP protocols, which, in turn, run on top of other protocols, SSH-1 and SSH-2, don’t tell you anything, then still remember - data needs protection. The Winscp Windows client uses these protocols in secure file copying processes between the computer and servers that support these protocols. This is the main function of the Winscp program, but it is far from the only one.

The developer company provides the opportunity free download winscp in Russian. At the same time, as updates are released, the program in automatic mode will download and install them for free.

The program is positioned as an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use secure file manager. A very convenient and simple tool for working with remote Linux servers. Winscp allows you to fully work with files on the server - it performs the entire basic range of operations: deleting, editing and creating. Allows you to move and copy, create directories and shortcuts, and, of course, change properties (recursively change rights and owner).

Program interface:

Interface Winscp programs It is offered in two versions - whichever is more familiar to you. The first option is a timeless computer classic in the style of Norton Commander, aimed at that category of users who do not like mice, but agree with keyboards in a half-word. Suitable for experienced and advanced administrators, as well as other specialists in the field of server administration.

Second option - modern style Internet Explorer , and is usually chosen by Windows OS connoisseurs or young administrators. Each interface option offers a wide range of different settings, and the choice in favor of one or the other is made when installing the software - which, however, does not negate the opportunity to change it later during use.

Winscp provides the user with a full range of tools for synchronizing directories in automatic or semi-automatic mode, and also has extensive capabilities of an integrated text editor, which can be replaced with any other. Can be used to control and command line, but scripts can significantly improve the control functionality - with their help, a number of operations can be performed automatically without constantly pestering the user with clarifying questions.

If the capabilities of scripts to solve the tasks are not enough, then the program developers suggest using the more advanced WinSCP.NET solution, which allows you to use such high-level programming languages ​​as C# and VB.NET.
The program is equipped with a completely comprehensive helper file, which can be accessed using the About button; it opens links to help desk applications.

Initially, the program extended exclusively to English language, however, now this is no longer a problem, because on our website you can download Winscp for free in Russian. Although, it is possible to download the crack separately.

Additional features and capabilities of the program:

  • simple and intuitive interface, similar in appearance with Windows OS file manager;
  • convenient sftp client for windows;
  • working with portable storage media;
  • export your own connection settings;
  • the ability to work not with the registry, but with the configuration file.
Attractive functionality and ease of use have made the WinSCP program popular, and to appreciate it personally, you just need to download and install it on your Windows computer.