Where is the device memory located? Android phone memory: RAM (RAM), ROM (ROM) and internal memory. Professional Android Junk Cleaner

When the tablet gets clogged inner memory, you have to put up with its slowness, impossibility, as well as other unpleasant effects. To solve this problem, you should increase the amount of external data storage represented by the memory card and free up the internal part by clearing installed applications. This is extremely easy to do if you follow simple instructions.

Expansion of internal capacity

If the tablet does not have enough internal memory, Android allows you to increase its volume through simple manipulations with the external capacity. You will need a computer, as well as the appropriate software called Partition Manager from the following developers:

  • Acronis;
  • Paragon;
  • MiniTool (free program);
  • EaseUS (freeware).

You can apply two methods to eliminate the problem of lack of internal space- re-create partitions on existing media or one with a larger capacity.

To increase the internal memory on Android, insert the memory card into the computer card reader and transfer it to HDD all available valuable data. and use it to open the memory card, on which you will find one or more partitions. Using the software, delete these sections and completely clear the card - now it will not be recognized by your mobile device.

Now create a completely new partition, which will be designed to increase the internal memory on Android. The formatting type must certainly correspond to EXT3 - although for older devices they are sometimes used file systems FAT16 and EXT2, which can be seen when examining a card originally formatted to work with specific device. A very important point is the allocation of an unallocated memory segment, the optimal size of which is 512 MB. Experts recommend allocating an EXT3 section equal to 2/3 of the total capacity of the card - this ensures maximum performance.

You can also create a FAT32 partition, which will not represent an increase in internal memory on Android - here you can store information using the media as portable storage. When formatting is complete, you can install the card in the tablet and let it independently partition the capacity to optimize the recording of important files on it. Be careful - if formatting on the tablet is interrupted, almost everyone will no longer recognize the card. However, you shouldn’t throw it away - folk craftsmen have come up with a way to “reanimate” a damaged container. To do this, you should find a mobile device on an operating system that is not associated with Android, iOS and modern mobile modifications of Windows (for example, Symbian), insert a card into it and allow it to be formatted, after which it will become .

Removing unnecessary things from the tablet

The above method will only partially help. To fully complete the optimization of device resources, it needs to be supplemented with one more action. If your tablet's internal memory is full, it's time to think about . However, users rarely want to part with useful programs, which they often collect for months, spending a lot of personal time and even money. The only option left is to transfer them to an external partition. However, how to do this?

If your tablet doesn't have enough internal memory, Android still won't allow you to transfer programs to a memory card - all you have to do is use . The best option is the Link2SD software package, which allows you to leave only program shortcuts in the internal memory, transferring them in full to the card. It must be downloaded from Google Play, installing it in the internal memory. When you launch it for the first time, you need to restart the tablet - this will allow the application to launch automatically every time you turn on the device.

If the program gives an error, you can expand the internal memory of Android only after reformatting the media and setting the Primary label on the EXT3 partition. Upon successful launch, you will have access to . To send it to external storage, simply select Link, while checking three boxes in the request. After a few seconds, a note will appear below the application information bar stating that the program is already on the SD card. Having freed up approximately 70–150 MB, you can be satisfied with the results of the work done - in most cases, this is enough to optimize the operation of the device.

When the internal memory on Android is full, not all programs can be transferred - many will require saving in the internal space to run them all. However, fortunately, the process of creating shortcuts using the Link2SD program is reversible - by running the application again, you can return necessary files to internal memory. If the conversation is about random access memory, which has a direct impact on the performance of the device, then its free volume can be increased without deleting or moving applications - it is enough to use the built-in capacity and disable unnecessary programs. However, the next time you reboot, they will again absorb part of the RAM - so you will need to remove applications in order to clear the necessary space for a long time.

The video shows a way to increase internal memory on Android:

A simple way to increase performance

The above recommendation on how to increase the internal memory of a tablet, free from various applications, will require only a couple of hours of work from you. You will feel the result for many weeks and months of using your mobile electronic device. However, be careful - if you have never had to work with formatting memory before, it is better to entrust this work to a professional, as the result may be a damaged memory card and wasted money. Of course, the tablet and operating system cannot be damaged, but working without a memory card will be very uncomfortable.

When using mobile phones in the operating room Android system Almost every person is interested in the proper use of device memory. Moreover, the internal memory of the smartphone plays an important role, which can be an obstacle to installation software, downloading files from the Internet, receiving data via bluetooth, as the message “internal memory is full” appears. In addition, the correct use of the provided volume allows you to correctly operate at the available speed. mobile device.

What is the internal memory of a mobile phone?

The internal memory is responsible for storage of information and its successful release. A certain part is filled in at the release stage of the mobile phone, after which it is not subject to unauthorized changes under classic operating conditions. It is assumed that the main purpose of the internal memory is to store universal programs and data operating system. It is this segment of the provided volume that is called ROM (Read Only Memory, which can be translated as “read-only memory”) or read-only memory (ROM).

Recently, developers have been trying to offer programmable ROMs that can respond to the specific operating conditions of the equipment. In the future, an erasable programmable ROM should be implemented, which can not only be programmed based on the specific operation, but also erase information using 15 minutes of exposure to strong ultraviolet light.

It is possible that subsequently an electronically reprogrammable ROM will appear, information from which can be erased based on pulses without exposure to an ultraviolet camera. In any case, active development of mobile technology is expected, so users can count on the emergence of new opportunities.

Features of the internal memory of a mobile phone

Currently, smartphones belong to different price segments, so you need to take this aspect into account when choosing a model with RAM (ROM). If memory is low, the device system must take care of clearing the RAM, since only in this case can space be made available for solving new problems. In addition, programs cannot always maintain the desired state when unloaded from RAM, so sometimes you have to see the starting position. Despite this, you need to know how much internal memory is offered for a mobile phone.

  1. 512 megabytes is the lot of the most budget and old mobile phones. This indicator turns out to be absolutely insufficient for a modern smartphone, taking into account the needs of current applications. For this reason, you need to start from 1 gigabyte.
  2. 1 gigabyte allows you to successfully work simultaneously with 3 – 5 programs.
  3. 2 gigabytes of RAM is the optimal indicator for middle-class mobile phones. This will be enough for demanding games, which run on low or medium settings. In addition, you can count on dozens of applications running simultaneously.
  4. Flagship models can be pleased with the presence of 3 gigabytes of memory, which allows you to work simultaneously with a large number of applications. In addition, the applications you use can be launched instantly. If you have a supply of internal memory, you can give yourself free rein to decorate the operating system and use launchers with animation. If you wish, you can play modern games, because the vastness of resources allows you to complete any task. A gaming smartphone must have at least 3 gigabytes.
  5. 4 gigabytes is an option for thrifty and wealthy buyers. There is no real need for such a volume of internal memory, but only the smartphone user can decide which option is really suitable for him. The software can be launched in the shortest possible time, because the operating system will store almost all applications in RAM. In addition, a smartphone with 4 gigabytes will not become obsolete in terms of this indicator within a couple of years.

Despite the opportunity to choose a phone with a significant amount of RAM, you need to remember that Android can easily take 100% under any circumstances, so no one has canceled control.

This memory is required for the successful storage of system and user data. What volume can be provided?

  1. The most budget models are offered with 8 gigabytes.
  2. Typical figures are 16, 32, and 64 gigabytes.
  3. Some flagships can offer 128 gigabytes.

An improved parameter immediately leads to an increase in the cost of the mobile phone. It should be noted that programs and temporary files do not require much time, so if you wish, you can even get by with 8 gigabytes with the addition of a memory card. However, if you choose modern mobile games with 3D graphics, it is advisable to give preference to flagships.

Content will require a lot of space if there is a need for high-quality photographs, decent quality music and videos. For example, a 20-minute report in HD format will require 500 megabytes, which is equal to 0.5 gigabytes.

A reasonable minimum is 16 gigabytes, but 64 gigabytes is ideal. The most important thing is to consider the style of use mobile phone and regularity of filling with content, because these are the parameters that determine the optimal amount of built-in memory.

The most important thing is to take into account the style of use of the mobile phone and the regularity of filling it with content, because these are the parameters that determine the optimal amount of built-in memory.

What's the difference?

The internal memory of any modern smartphone is initially designed for operating files and applications preinstalled by the manufacturer, while the phone's memory can be used for downloadable personal programs and content (photos, videos, music). This symbiosis guarantees a high level of functionality of the mobile device, the memory of which contributes to the successful solution of the user’s existing tasks.

All owners of gadgets running the Android operating system often face the problem of filling up the internal memory of their device. How to clean it and get rid of problems associated with ROM fullness. Let's figure it out.

All manufacturers of smartphones, tablets and other mobile equipment declare the amount of internal memory in their characteristics. But when purchasing such a gadget, you need to understand that part of this memory will already be occupied by the operating system and system programs. This poses certain problems when downloading the latest episodes of an interesting TV series or the discography of your favorite group to your device. If you don't want to see the inscription " Android internal memory is full", you have to compromise and upload one thing.

This can be avoided if, in addition to your own memory, you purchase a large flash card for your device. But not all modern devices support external drives. What should owners of such devices do, how to clear their phone memory?

There are several solutions to this issue:

  • Transfer “heavy” files (pictures, audio and video) to your computer
  • Clear memory of unnecessary (“junk”) files
  • Transfer files to the cloud

Transfer files to a flash card

But let's start by solving this issue for those devices that support SD cards. Want to know how to move files on Android? Nothing could be simpler. In order not to fill up the memory, you can save everything possible files to a flash card. To do this, specify this option in the settings:

  • Cameras
  • Voice recorder
  • Browser
  • Messengers
  • File downloader

This list can be continued for a long time. Special attention should be given to applications that work with “heavy” files. For example, image, video or audio editors. When saving files to a memory card, create a folder there (if this is not done automatically) for each application. Then you can avoid problems with your device’s memory being full.


This method of clearing the device memory cannot be used to system files. This can cause problems with the performance of the gadget and even its failure.

The easiest way to move files from the device memory to the card is using a file manager. IN Play Market there are a lot of applications in this category. The most popular today is.

Many consider this manager to be the best for Android, and for good reason. With its help, you can simultaneously move several folders and files, it is possible to save apk files of installed applications and much more.

How to move files on Android using ES Explorer:

  1. To do this, you need to select them (long press on one file),
  2. call menu ("More" button)
  3. find the “Move to” item
  4. in the proposed list you need to select “SDCard”

How to move files on Android using PC

Synchronizing your device with your computer has many benefits. You can share files and keep the amount of free memory at the required level. For example, before going to work, you can “upload” new chapters of an audiobook, music albums or videos. This procedure can be carried out every time you need to update and measure such files.

Connecting your Android smartphone or tablet to your computer is very easy. All you need to do is connect these devices using a USB cable. To do this, you do not need to download any programs or drivers. Modern computer operating systems can easily determine the type of connected device. You can enter its memory using standard conductors.

Today you can use more modern solutionAirDroid. With it, you can share files with your PC remotely. While outside your home, you can download a music album or movie from your media library and listen to it. No wires are needed for this. All you need is a stable Internet network. To which both the PC and the mobile device must be connected.

Setting up such synchronization using this service is very simple. Thanks to the user-friendly interface of the program, even those who have never had the opportunity to share their files remotely can do this.

How to transfer applications to a memory card

Any application installed from Paly Market by default is installed in the device memory. And it takes up an unreasonably large amount of space. In order to transfer applications from the memory of a smartphone or tablet to a flash card, you must have super administrator rights () and install special software Link2sd.


If the procedure for obtaining root rights is incorrect, your device may turn into a “brick”. Therefore, this procedure must be carried out very carefully, monitoring every step. But even properly rooted, it voids the developer’s warranty. Is it worth the risk? Answer you.

Some applications can be transferred from the device memory to the card without special rights and applications. To do this, go to “Settings” and select the “Applications” section. There you can find a sparse set of tools for such a transfer.

There is another way to transfer applications to a memory card - the program Android Assistant. Essentially, this is a whole package of small utilities that will help you do everything necessary actions with your Android system.

This application can be found on the Play Market. After you install and run it, you need to go to the “Toolbox” section. Among the lists of provided tools, you need to find “App2Sd”. When you click on this item, a menu will appear. Where you need to select “Application information”, and then “To SD memory card” (if this item is active).

WITH using Android Assistant you can perform batch deletion unnecessary applications. And thereby clear the memory of your device.

How to clear internal memory of Android from garbage

A very large amount of the memory of any device is occupied by garbage. In order to keep the amount of free space under control, you need to periodically clean the system of such files. The easiest way to do this is with special software - Clean Master.

By “garbage” we mean the cache of Internet pages, running applications and their remains after uninstallation. Over time, such garbage accumulates and not only causes the internal memory of Android to fill up, but also negatively affects the performance of tablets and smartphones.

Clean Master is very convenient and multifunctional tool to clean Android internal memory from garbage and optimize the device. To use it, you need to install this application and select the menu item - “Garbage”. Then click on the “Clear” button. The program's algorithms will analyze the memory and find files that can be deleted.

Storing files on cloud services

Thanks to high-speed Internet, today there is no need to download the files you need to smartphones or tablets. They can be downloaded to special services(“clouds”) and use if necessary. Almost all leading companies provide the opportunity free use cloud services. And if the space provided by such a tariff is not enough, then it can always be expanded at an additional cost.

The most popular cloud storages are:

Each of these solutions has an application for easily syncing files with a remote service. It is enough to install such an application (or several), mark the files that need to be placed on the server and, after transferring them, delete them from the device. Then, when you need to use such a file, just go to the application and click on it.

In modern smartphones, the average amount of permanent memory (ROM) is about 16 GB, but there are also models with a capacity of only 8 GB or 256 GB. But regardless of the device you use, you notice that over time the memory begins to run out, as it fills up with all sorts of junk. Is it possible to clean it?

Initially, out of the indicated 16 GB of ROM, you will only have 11-13 GB free, since the operating system itself takes up some space, plus, it can be supplied with specialized applications from the manufacturer. Some of the latter can be removed without causing much harm to the phone.

With time of using a smartphone, the memory quickly begins to “melt”. Here are the main sources that absorb it:

  • Applications you have downloaded. After purchasing and turning on your smartphone, you will probably download several applications from the Play Market or third-party sources. However, many applications do not take up as much space as they might seem at first glance;
  • Photos, videos and audio recordings taken or uploaded. The percentage of fullness of the device’s permanent memory depends in this case on how much media content you download/produce using your smartphone;
  • Application data. The apps themselves may weigh little, but over time they accumulate various data (most of it important for operation), increasing their share of the device's memory. For example, you downloaded a browser that initially weighed 1 MB, and two months later it began to weigh about 20 MB;
  • Various system junk. It accumulates in approximately the same way as in Windows. The more you use the OS, the more junk and broken files begin to clog the device’s memory;
  • Residual data after downloading content from the Internet or transmitting it via Bluetooth. Can be classified as a type of junk file;
  • Old versions of applications. When updating an application in the Play Market, Android creates backup copy his old version so that you can rollback.

Method 1: Transfer data to SD card

SD cards can significantly expand the memory of your device. Now you can find copies small size(about the same as a mini-SIM), but with a capacity of 64 GB. Most often they store media content and documents. It is not recommended to transfer applications (especially system ones) to the SD card.

This method is not suitable for those users whose smartphone does not support SD cards or artificial memory expansion. If you are one of them, then use these instructions to transfer data from the permanent memory of your smartphone to an SD card:

  1. Since inexperienced users may incorrectly transfer files to a third-party card, it is recommended to download a special file manager separate application, which will not take up much space. This instruction is discussed using File Manager as an example. If you plan to work with the SD card frequently, it is recommended to install it for convenience.
  2. Now open the application and go to the tab "Device". There you can view all user files on your smartphone.
  3. Find required file or files you would like to drag and drop onto SD media. Select them with a check mark (note the right side of the screen). You can select multiple objects.
  4. Click on the button "Move". The files will be copied to "Clipboard", and they will be cut out from the directory where you took them. To put them back, click on the button "Cancel", which is located at the bottom of the screen.
  5. To paste the cut files into the desired directory, use the house icon in the upper left corner.
  6. You will be transferred to home page applications. Select there "SD card".
  7. Now in your map directory click on the button "Insert", which is at the bottom of the screen.
  8. If you do not have the opportunity to use an SD card, then you can use various cloud Internet storages as an analogue. It’s easier to work with them, and besides, they provide a certain amount of memory for free (about 10 GB on average), but you will need to pay for an SD card. However, they have a significant disadvantage - you can work with files that are saved in the cloud only if the device is connected to the Internet.

    If you want all the photos, audio and video recordings you take to be saved directly to the SD card, then you need to do the following manipulations in the device settings:

    1. Go to "Settings".
    2. There select the item "Memory".
    3. Find and click on "Default memory". From the list that appears, select the SD card currently inserted into the device.

    Method 2: Disable automatic Play Market updates

    Most applications downloaded on Android can be updated in background from Wi-Fi networks. Not only can new versions weigh more than old ones, but older versions are also saved on the device in case of failures. If you disable automatic application updates through the Play Market, you will be able to update only those applications that you consider necessary yourself.

    You can disable automatic updates in the Play Market by following these instructions:

    However, some applications from the Play Market may bypass this blocking in the event that the update is very significant (according to the developers). To completely disable any updates, you will have to go into the settings of the OS itself. The instructions look like this:

    You should not trust third-party applications that promise to disable all updates on Android, as at best they will simply perform the setup described above, and at worst they can harm your device.

    Thanks to the shutdown automatic updates you can not only save memory on your device, but also Internet traffic.

    Method 3: Cleaning up system junk

    Since Android produces various system garbage, which over time greatly clutters up the memory, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Fortunately, there are special applications for this, and some smartphone manufacturers make a special add-on to the operating system that allows you to delete junk files directly from the system.

    Let's first consider how to clean the system if your manufacturer has already made the necessary add-on to the system (relevant for Xiaomi devices). Instructions:

    If you do not have a specialized add-on for cleaning your smartphone from various debris, then as an analogue you can download a cleaner application from the Play Market. The instructions will be discussed using an example mobile version CCleaner:

    Unfortunately, not all applications for cleaning junk files on Android can boast of being highly effective, since most of them only pretend to delete something.

    Method 4: Factory reset

    It is used extremely rarely and only in emergency situations, since it entails the complete deletion of all user data on the device (only standard applications). If you still decide to similar method, then it is recommended to transfer all the necessary data to another device or to the cloud.

    Freeing up some space on your phone's internal storage isn't that hard. As a last resort, you can use either SD cards or cloud services.

Until now, many budget devices are equipped with a small amount of internal memory. As a rule, this is 8 GB, but there are devices on which no more than 4 GB are allocated. Accordingly, they have very little space left for installing applications, videos, music and photos. What can be done in this case?

Transferring applications to a memory card or deleting them

If applications are installed in the device memory, it is advisable to transfer them to a memory card. Here's how you can do it. To get started, go to your device's settings (Settings app).

We are looking for it third party applications. For example, in our case it is the game Cut the Rope. Click on the application icon.

Once in the settings, click “Move to SD card” (in our case, “Go to SD card”, which is basically the same thing).

The game will be transferred to the memory card. This may take some time depending on the size of the application.

If you do not use the application, then delete it by clicking on the button of the same name.

Transfer video, audio, photos

In many cases free place take up video or audio recordings, and often a huge number of photographs. There are two ways to transfer these files: using File Explorer or using a computer. In the second case, connect the device to the computer using a USB cable and transfer files from the internal memory to the memory card manually.

For the first case, you will need a file manager, for example, ES Explorer. Launch the application, find the folder with the file, click on it and copy.

That's it, she was moved.

Clean your device of outdated and unnecessary data

For this you can use various applications, and some devices have proprietary cleaning utilities. We will use the SD Maid application, which has proven itself to be excellent. Download it from, install and run. Click on the “Garbage” button and wait for the system to collect all the data.

Then click "Clear" to clear the data.

In our case, the volume of garbage is very small. Sometimes, however, garbage can accumulate over several gigabytes of memory. So that.

By the way, unnecessary files can be stored in cloud storage. Many cloud storage are completely free, so you can use this service to store, say, unnecessary photos.