Where can I find Internet Explorer browser properties? Customizing Internet Explorer Where are the internet explorer browser settings

Setting up the Internet Explorer browser. Today we will talk about a web browser, namely about a veteran of Internet navigation, well known to everyone Internet Explorer.
And so Internet Explorer was developed by Microsoft and built into the Windows operating system by default. That is, it is installed along with the installation of Windows itself and is updated automatically if you do not change the settings.

Now a little about him. Like any browser, Internet Explorer has an address bar, which can be used not only to access pages but also as a field for entering search queries. By the way, the default search engine for address bar can be customized according to the user's wishes.

Internet Explorer supports simultaneous work with a large number of tabs, has the ability to create bookmarks and has a large number of additional settings and functions that are often not expected from it, as from the default browser (browser included).

Let's look further at the simple settings.
Address bar - used directly to enter website addresses and to enter search queries. If everything is clear about the addresses, then with search queries a little more complicated. There are many search engines (Google, Bink, Yandex, etc.), to set the default search engine to the one you use, you need to go to settings (click on the gear in the mountain on the right), then select “configure add-ons”. In the window that opens, select “search services”, select the one you need and click on the “Set as default” button.

if your search engine is not in the list, follow the link at the bottom of the “Find other search services” window and find the one you need in the list and add it.

When launching a browser, at startup, each user wants to see his or her pages that he regularly views, and not those offered by default. This is very easy to do, again go to the settings, select “Internet Options” in the window that opens, the “General” tab, then in the “Home Page” field we register your site or sites via Enter, click apply and ok.

An average user, when searching for information, looks at a lot of sites, so there is often a need to save a link to a site in order to return later. To do this, you can add the site to your favorites; this is very simple; when viewing the site, click on the browser settings and select “add site to the list of applications.” Now, if you need to quickly go to this site, just click on the star icon next to the settings icon and a list of saved sites will open in front of you.

If we talk about the icons in the mountain on the right (gear-settings, star-selected sites, house-view). Then by clicking on the house we will be taken to home page or a group of pages that opens in us when we launch the browser. This is convenient when you work a lot with one site, and in a split second (with one click) you immediately get to it.

In general, we introduced you to the main functions of the Internet Explorer browser that should be configured for comfortable work in him.

Let's look at the IE menu - Tools>Internet Options. The Internet Options window contains seven tabs. The most interesting tabs for us are General and Connection (Fig. 11.5). Basic settings are collected on the Connections tab (Fig. 11.5, right). The Install button launches the New Connection Wizard. In the Settings area remote access There are three selectors: Never use, Use when there is no network connection, Always use the default connection. The first selector - Never use - is turned on when connecting only via local network.

If you are connecting exclusively via modem (and there is no possibility of connecting to the Internet via a local network), select Use when there is no network connection. This selector is also selected for connecting via a modem if it was not possible to connect via the local network. The last selector Always use default connection is selected to connect the default modem connection.

Internet access can be optimized using a proxy server. Its use is not always necessary, but it is desirable. When using a proxy server, the Use proxy server option must be checked. Disabling this option allows you to establish communication “directly”, for example, if the proxy server fails.

The General tab of the Internet Options window is shown in Fig. 11.5 (left). To reduce the loading time of the browser, we recommend that in the Home Page area, click on the From Empty button. If there is not enough disk space, on the same tab you can use the Delete files button in the Temporary Internet files area or configure their storage settings using the Settings button. The purpose of the standard buttons (Colors, Fonts, Apply or OK) should be clear to you, so we won’t dwell on them.

The options on the Programs tab of the Internet Options dialog box should also be straightforward. By default it has standard Windows applications, used for the HTML editor, Email, newsgroups and Internet calls. If you want IE to be the default browser, check the Check if IE is the default browser option.

Fine-tuning IE is done on the Advanced tab. Check required parameters in the Settings list. The list is quite extensive - after studying it, you will configure the browser with maximum (for you) convenience. There is no risk here, because the Restore Defaults button will always allow you to return to the original values.

To enter Internet Explorer configuration mode, in the Control Panel, select the Network and Internet connections category, and then select the Internet Options icon. As a result, the Internet Properties window will appear on the screen. This window contains the following tabs: General, Security, Confidentiality, Content, Connections, Programs and Advanced.

Let's look at how to work with each of them.

On the General tab, configure general-purpose settings.

In the Address field, indicate the address of the web page that the user has selected as his home page. The home web page is the page on the Internet that opens by default every time you open your browser. You can return to this page at any time while browsing the Internet by clicking the Home button on the toolbar or selecting View Go Home Page from the main menu of the Internet Explorer window.

Clicking the From current button allows you to select the currently open page as your home page. The From original button restores as the home page the page that was set when installing the browser. If Homepage is not needed, then click the button C empty. In this case, when you start the Internet browser, it will open empty page, and the Address field will take the value about:blank To delete temporary Internet files, use the Delete Cookies and Delete Files buttons. Using the Options button, you can switch to the mode for setting up and editing the settings for the Temporary Internet Files folder.

The Settings window will appear on the screen. Using the Check for updates to saved pages switch, set the required mode for checking for updates to saved pages. The Temporary Internet Files Folder area displays the location of the folder that contains temporary Internet files. In the Occupy on disk no more than field, indicate the maximum amount of hard disk space allocated for this folder.

Using the Move button, you can move the Temporary Internet Files folder to a specified location; this will open the Browse Folder window, in which, according to the usual Windows rules, you should specify the required path. To open the folder with temporary Internet files, use the View Files button. In the How many days to store links field on the General tab, indicate the number of days during which the browser should store links to recently visited pages. Using the Colors button, you can switch to the mode for selecting colors for displaying web pages. When you click this button, a window will open.

Security Settings
On the Security tab of the Internet Properties window, configure Internet security settings. The top part of this tab lists the Internet areas accessible from this local computer. The Security Level for this zone area displays the security level settings for the zone highlighted at the top of the tab. To change these settings, click the Other button. If necessary, you can restore the default security settings for each zone. To do this, click the Default button (you must first select the icon for the required Internet zone).

The Privacy tab contains options that help you configure the level of privacy when browsing the Internet. The required level of confidentiality is set using the appropriate slider. In this case, to the right of the slider is displayed short description selected level of confidentiality. By clicking the Advanced button, you can go to the mode for setting up additional privacy settings (in particular, in this mode you can configure how the browser handles Cookies). If necessary, you can configure privacy for individual websites.

To do this, use the Change button. When you click it, the Privacy window for individual websites opens, in which you can perform necessary actions. The Contents tab contains parameters for accessing information received from the Internet, parameters for the auto-fill mode, and some personal user data. Using the Settings button, you can switch to the mode for setting restrictions on information received from the Internet. This feature is especially useful for monitoring children's visits to certain websites and their exposure to certain materials. After clicking this button, the Access Restriction window opens.

When you initially open this window, the system will prompt you to enter an access password, which you should remember, since the system will prompt you for this password on subsequent attempts to enter this mode. Use the Enable (Disable) button to enable/disable established restrictions; In this case, you also need to enter an access password. By clicking the Autofill button on the Contents tab, you can switch to the mode for setting autofill parameters. This will open the corresponding window. In this window, you define the objects for which you want to use auto-fill ( possible options- for web addresses, forms, usernames and passwords in forms), and also clear the auto-fill log (using the Clear forms and Clear passwords buttons).

If the Prompt to save password checkbox is selected, the system will ask whether to save the new password after entering it in the field of the web page. If the answer is yes, the password will be saved, and in the future, when you enter a user name in a field on a web page, the system will automatically display the password corresponding to this name. To enter some personal information about the user that you provide to certain websites, on the Content tab, click Profile.

The Connections tab contains information about previously configured Internet connections. To create a new computer connection to the Internet, you must click the Install button. As a result, the New Connection Wizard window will appear on the screen (the procedure for creating a new connection is described in section).
To create a new one network connection you should use the Add button; to delete an existing one, use the Delete button (you must first place the cursor on the object to be deleted). Using the Settings button, you can switch to the mode of viewing and editing the parameters of the network connection highlighted in the list of connections. To switch to the mode for setting up local network parameters, click the LAN Setup button.

On the Programs tab, you define programs that will be used automatically when working with the Internet. In the HTML Editor field, from the drop-down list, select the program that the browser will use to edit HTML files: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel or Notepad. Depending on the value of this field, the corresponding command will be displayed in the File submenu of the main menu of the Internet Explorer window. If the HTML Editor field is selected Microsoft value Word, the File menu will display the Edit in command. Microsoft Office Word, if Microsoft Excel is selected - the command will be called Edit in Microsoft Office

Excel, if Notepad is selected - Edit in Notepad.
- In the Email field, select an email program from the drop-down list (for example, Outlook Express or The Bat!), which Internet Explorer will use.
- In the Newsgroups field, indicate a program designed to read Internet newsgroups, which Internet Explorer will use.

In the Internet connection field, indicate the dialing program that Internet Explorer will use.
- In the Calendar field, indicate the Internet calendar program that Internet Explorer will use.”
In the Address Book field, select the address book program that Internet Explorer will use. If you check the box
Check if Internet Explorer is the default browser - Every time you start Internet Explorer, the system will check if it is the default browser. If another Internet browser is used as the default, the system will offer to restore use in this quality of the Internet Explorer. Checking this box makes sense if, in addition to Internet Explorer, another browser is installed on your computer.


On the Advanced tab, you can configure additional parameters for some browser modes. In particular, using the appropriate checkboxes, you can turn on/off the display of pictures and their frames, playback of animations, sounds and videos on web pages, automatic check Internet updates Explorer, etc. Security settings are included in a separate section. If necessary, you can restore the system default settings by clicking the Restore Defaults button.

All parameters of this tab, depending on their functional purpose, are divided into groups: Microsoft VM, Security, Multimedia, HTTP 1.1 Settings, Browse, Printing, Search from the address bar and Accessibility. Let's look at each of them. Microsoft VM In the Microsoft VM group, perform the following settings.

If the Keep a log check box is selected Java language, the browser will keep a log of all active Java programs.
- If the Use Java Jit compiler checkbox is selected, then when you visit a Web site that uses Java programs, the browser will automatically create such programs and run them. In other words, this flag enables Internet Explorer to use the built-in Java compiler.

It is recommended to select the Java Language Tableau enabled checkbox if you plan to test Java programs. Settings made using the Use Java Jit Compiler and Java Language Tableau enabled check boxes take effect only after you restart the computer.

- This group allows you to configure additional security settings.
- By checking the SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 checkboxes, enable the mode in which the browser will send and receive confidential information using the SSL 2.0, SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols, respectively. The following must be taken into account:
- SSL 2.0 protocol is supported by all secure websites;

SSL 3.0 is more secure than SSL 2.0, but some websites do not support it;
- TLS 1.0 protocol has a degree of security comparable to that of the protocol
- SSL 3.0; Some websites do not support this protocol.
- By checking the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication checkbox, you enable Integrated Windows Authentication mode. Settings this parameter takes effect only after the computer is restarted.

If you select the Enable Profile check box, the browser will prompt websites to provide them with the user's profile information. If you clear this checkbox, the browser will not transmit information about the user and, accordingly, display requests from web sites.
- Selecting the Do not save encrypted pages to disk checkbox prohibits storing secret information in the folder with temporary Internet files. It is recommended to install this mode if several users have access to the computer.
- If you select the Warn about switching security mode checkbox, the browser will notify you when switching between secure and unsecured Internet sites.

By checking the Signature verification for downloaded programs checkbox, the authentication mode of downloaded programs is enabled. - If you select the Check for revocation of server certificates checkbox, Internet
- Explorer will check the validity of peer certificates on the Internet. - This setting takes effect only after the computer is restarted.
- If you select the Delete all files from the Temporary Internet Files folder when closing the browser checkbox, then when you close the Internet Explorer window, the Temporary Internet Files folder will be automatically cleared.

In this group they configure following parameters.
If you select the Enable automatic image resizing checkbox, the browser will reduce the size of oversized images on web pages. The Play animation on web pages checkbox enables/disables the animation playback mode on web pages. Some web pages that contain animation load very slowly, and to speed up their loading, it is advisable to check this box.

Using the Play videos on web pages and Play sounds on web pages checkboxes, you can turn on/off playback modes for video and sounds on web pages, respectively. By clearing the Show pictures check box, you can disable the display mode graphic images in order to speed up the loading of web pages. If you select the Show picture frames checkbox, then the picture frames will be displayed while pictures are loading. This will allow you to get an idea of ​​​​the arrangement of elements of a web page before it is completely loaded. Enabling this mode only makes sense if the Display pictures checkbox is selected.

By checking the Enhanced color reproduction checkbox, you enable the mode
smoothing images. Setting up HTTP 1.1 In this group, two parameters are configured. By checking the Use HTTP 1.1 checkbox, you enable the mode of using the HTTP 1.1 protocol when connecting to websites.
If you select the Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections checkbox, the browser will use the HTTP 1.1 protocol when connecting to websites through a proxy server.

In this group the following parameters are configured. If you select the Automatically check for Internet Explorer updates checkbox, the browser will periodically check for a new version of the program on the Internet. When a new version is detected, a corresponding message will appear and the browser will ask you to confirm its download. If you select the Enable display styles for buttons and other controls on web pages checkbox, the browser will apply the settings to style the web pages. Windows screen(see section 3.1).

If you select the Enable personal Favorites menu checkbox, links that have not been used for a long time will not be displayed in the Favorites submenu of the main menu of the Internet Explorer window. To go to them you need to click on the arrow located at the bottom of the menu. If you clear the Enable third-party browser extensions check box, the browser will not be able to use tools designed for Internet Explorer that were not developed by Microsoft. This setting takes effect only after the computer is restarted. If you select the Enable on-demand installation (Internet Explorer) check box, Internet Explorer will automatically download and install the necessary components to perform a particular task.

If you check the Show detailed http error messages checkbox, then if an error occurs when connecting to any server, the browser will display detailed information about the error and tips for eliminating it. If this checkbox is cleared, the browser will only display the error code and name.

By checking the box

Use built-in auto-fill enables the mode to automatically fill in web addresses in the address bar as you type them. In this case, the browser uses the previously entered addresses that partially or completely coincide with the desired one. If you clear the Use the same window to load shortcuts check box, web pages opened using links from any document or program other than Internet Explorer will be displayed in a new browser window.

If you select the Use passive FTP protocol (for compatibility with firewalls and DSL modems) check box, the browser will use the passive FTP protocol, which does not require determining the computer's IP address. This mode is considered safer.
Using the Underline links switch, select the desired link underlining mode:
Always - links are underlined all the time (this mode is set by default); Never - links are not underlined; On hover - links are underlined only when you move the mouse pointer over them. If you select the Show Go button in address bar checkbox, the Go button will be present in the address bar of the browser window.

By checking the Show short links checkbox, you enable the mode of briefly displaying the address of an object (link, picture, etc.) in the status bar. If this checkbox is cleared, the object address is displayed in the status bar in full format. If you select the Allow folder views for FTP sites checkbox, FTP sites will appear as a folder (like in Explorer). If this check box is cleared, FTP sites are displayed in HTML format (this is the default setting). If you select the Notify when downloading is complete checkbox, a corresponding message will appear on the screen after the files are downloaded.

In the Print area, you can configure only one setting. If you select the Print background colors and designs check box, when you print a web page, the background image will also print. Please note that depending on the printer used, print speed and quality may deteriorate. Search from the address bar. This area contains a When searching switch, which can take the following values. Do not search from the address bar - when selected, searches from the address bar are disabled.

To search, you will need to use the Search button located in toolbar browser window.
Show results and go to the most similar site - in this case, the search bar will display links to web pages with addresses similar to the one you want. In this case, the browser will open the web page closest to the address you are looking for. Only go to the most similar node - when you select this value, the search results will open the web page whose address is closest to the one you are looking for.

Only show results in the main window - in this case, the results of a search performed using the address bar will be displayed in the main window. Accessibility This group configures the following settings. If you select the Always expand text for images check box, then if the Display pictures in the Multimedia group is unchecked, the size of the picture space will increase to display all the text associated with it. If you select the Move system caret following focus and selection check box, the system caret will move depending on changes in focus or selection. This setting is important when working with programs that use the system carriage to determine the desired area of ​​the screen.

The internet explorer browser is one of the oldest. Despite the huge number of analogues at present, it is still popular among users.

The creator of the internet explorer browser is Microsoft, so it is installed by default along with the Windows operating system. However, in order for IE to work stably, it needs to be configured, and also be sure to monitor the updates of the plugins used and new versions of the software.

Knowing how to configure the internet explorer browser will help you get rid of problems that arise after the action of viruses, such as automatic switching on offline mode or blocking activex elements.

Basic browser settings

In order to enter the internet explorer browser settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen or use the key combination “ALT + X”.

In the window that appears, select “Internet Options”. Many people confuse this section of the menu with “Customize add-ons”. However, add-ons are features and plugins that you can attach to your browser, and this section is also worth a look.

Common parameters

The general settings tab allows you to select the pages you want to start working on. In addition, it is possible to select the display of individual tabs and the parameters of their behavior.

Can change appearance Internet Explorer browser beyond recognition by customizing the style characteristics that are convenient for you. To do this you can choose:

You should be careful with your design settings, as each web page has its own style, and it may not suit you or display correctly.

It's important to remember that General Settings allows you to delete temporary and offline files, as well as clear log entries. You can often hear from the service technical support or system administrator words: “try clearing your cookies.” This operation is performed from here.

Security Settings

Few people are involved in setting up browser security. And in vain. The setting is quite flexible, and since most applications use internet explorer to open pages, it can protect your computer from virus infection.

If you don't want to get into full customization, which you can access by clicking the “Other” button, you can enable one of the security levels that are included in the system and have their own settings: low, medium and high.

By controlling the parameters found in the security settings, you can control many important page display criteria for the user, such as:

  • Pop-up blocker;
  • authentication on the page and saving authorization data;
  • management of all kinds of activex elements;
  • displaying videos, animations, and specific types of queries.

If you are unsure about enabling a particular setting, be careful. Disabling some activex settings may cause page elements to display problems or block them altogether. Special attention please refer to:

  • permission to launch and download unsigned items;
  • automatically launching controls and recording permissions for them;
  • enable offline mode.

Privacy tab

Internet Explorer privacy settings allow you to control how websites access your data and how requests are processed. It is possible to enable one of the levels or set the settings manually, controlling every smallest detail of the tolerance, as well as block it altogether. In additional settings you can control the processing of cookies.

In site management, you can prioritize the display of elements and assign access levels to each resource. In addition, there is a convenient setting that allows you to block or allow pop-up ads, which sometimes are simply impossible to get rid of in any other way. Be careful when changing your privacy settings, otherwise you may accidentally disable communication with the site entirely and end up in offline mode.

Connection settings

This setting allows you to:

  • enable and configure automatic connection when opening the internet explorer browser;
  • edit the list of network connections;
  • create a VPN tunnel connection;
  • launch the “Network Setup Wizard”;
  • configure a proxy server or automatic configuration script.

If you suspect that a virus has entered your computer, or when you open any page you see a message about an error processing a proxy server, this is the place for you - in the “network settings” tab (an incorrectly entered port or proxy server address can block access to any sites).

A tunnel connection is created to transmit data securely between two points. This type of connection is also used by some providers to provide Internet access using the PPTP and L2TP protocols.

Setting up display of site content based on criteria keywords is set in Family Safety. A fairly convenient function for setting up parental controls that allows you to block unwanted resources.

Additionally, content includes displaying RSS feeds, setting up and connecting certificates, and enabling the autocomplete feature.

Program tab

Used to select html editor, a client for working with mail, for opening websites, as well as the previously mentioned “Add-on Management”.

In this window, you can edit extensions, applications, spell checkers, and accelerators that launch. Managing add-ons is very important, because with their help you can turn your browser into an excellent tool for a web designer or optimizer and analyst.

At the same time, virus programs that completely or partially block work in global network. Got here malicious code can disable activex elements, enable redirection to other pages or offline mode, and block access to social networks.

Advanced tab

Settings that are not included in any of the main parameters, but are equally important, are located in the “Advanced” tab. Additionally, from here you can do full reset internet explorer, returning to the default settings when installing the program. However, resetting does not always help to disable offline mode and return the browser to functionality.

Offline mode and other problems

One of the problematic parameters is activex. Thanks to this element, most applications and scripts on web pages are launched. Therefore, if you have filtering enabled or acceptance disabled for this element, you may experience display issues.

If your internet explorer version is lower than 11, you may encounter a problem with working offline. In order to disable offline mode, you need to go to the file menu and uncheck the box.

If you are using a modern version, you will not find this option enabled or disabled. If you have a question about disabling it, then most likely your computer is infected with viruses. In this case, it is necessary to treat it, and then delete the entry in the registry using the link indicated in the figure or change its value to zero. After this, the offline mode will be disabled and the sites will be available again.

Problems with offline mode arise due to the fact that it is designed for offline browsing. And it includes viruses and malware.


If you are using Internet Explorer 6 or 7, proceed as follows: first go to the menu in the chain Tools -> Internet Options -> Connection. If you are using Dial-up, highlight the required one, then click “Settings”. Otherwise, click on the “Network Settings” button, which is located in the “Local Network Settings” section.

Now you need to check the box next to the “Use proxy server” option, in the “Address” field enter the name of the proxy server you have chosen and in the port field, respectively, the proxy port number. If necessary, check the box next to the option “Do not use a proxy server for local addresses”, and also click on the “Advanced” button, and then specify the parameters for various protocols. At the end of the settings, click on the “Ok” button twice: the first time to close the Dial-up or local network settings window, and the second time to close the Internet settings window. Ready.

If you prefer to work in Opera browser 9, go through the menu chain Tools -> Settings -> Advanced. Now go to the “Network” tab located in the section on the left. Click on the “Proxies” button, then specify the appropriate proxy servers for the protocols. Finally, allow the use of a proxy by checking the appropriate boxes: HTTPS, HTTP, and so on.

Web browser Google Chrome appeared on the IT products market not so long ago, but has already managed to win the trust of a certain number of users. It works on the “Install and use” principle, but before starting work it is better to make a few changes to the program settings.

Choose a section Configure for work on electronic trading platforms.

Possible mistakes

If, when working on the ETP, one of the error windows appears:

"Error! The CAPICOM library could not be loaded, possibly due to low permissions on the local machine."

"CAPICOM object is not installed"

“On your computer, the tools for working with digital signatures are missing or incorrectly configured. Contact the supplier of your certificate and CIPF."

"Unable to create object by Object Programming Server."

"Your browser does not have permission to use ActiveX objects."

then you need to follow the steps described below.

How to configure Internet Explorer

1. Make sure you are using Internet Explorer. If your Internet version Explorer is lower than 10, then you need to run the 32-bit version (to do this, open the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer and run the iexplore.exe file).

If you have an operating room Windows system 10, make sure you don't open Microsoft browser Edge, whose icon is very similar to Internet Explorer.

2. It is necessary to add ETP addresses to Trusted nodes.

  • In Internet Explorer, “Tools” - “Internet Options” (“Browser Options”); go to the “Security” tab;
  • select “Trusted Sites” (“Trusted Sites”); click the “Nodes” button (“Sites”);
  • uncheck the box below “For all nodes in this zone, server verification (https:) is required” (not all ETPs work over a secure https:// connection);
  • In the line “Add the next node to the zone” enter the ETP address (via http and https);
  • insert the website address, after the double slash // put *. and website address. The entered address should take the form “http://*.kontur.ru/”;
  • Click the "Add" and "OK" buttons.

3. For the “Trusted Sites” zone, allow the use of Active-X controls.

  • in Internet Explorer “Tools” - “Internet Options”; go to the “Security” tab; select “Trusted nodes”; click the “Other...” button;
  • In the “Active-X controls and connection modules” section, check “Enable” for all parameters.

4. Download and install CAPICOM-KB931906-v2102.

5. In IE 9 and higher, errors may occur that can be resolved by using the compatibility view (Go to Browser Options - Tools / compatibility view settings / add site address).

Note: this is General settings for all ETP. On some sites it is necessary to install additional components (for example, the KriptoPro EP browser Plug-in) necessary for correct operation sites.

The standard browser for Windows is usually installed along with the operating system. If you find that for some reason the program is missing from your computer, install Internet Explorer yourself using the simple instructions below.

Installing Internet Explorer

First, make sure you don't have this browser. Click on the Start button and enter the appropriate query in search bar. If there are no results, proceed to action.

Enable the component

Why might he be missing at all? Some default builds of Windows may not include certain components. IE is considered one such component. Thus, you will always have it missing from your system until you enable the corresponding component.

1.Launch Control Panel via Start and open the “Programs and Features” block.

2.Move your gaze to the left side of the window. Click on the link "Enable or disable Windows components».

3.In a new window, find the folder with Internet Explorer. Mark it with a checkmark. Click on OK. The system itself will download and install a standard browser. It would be a good idea to restart your computer.

Download it yourself

Previous method It doesn't always help to install Internet Explorer. In this case, downloading and installation must be done manually. Let's sort it out step by step instructions using IE 11 as an example. You can find out how to download later versions of the program and understand what version of your built-in browser you should have.

1.To download latest version, go to the following address: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/17621/internet-explorer-downloads.

2.B context menu select your OS version.

3.Select one of the two blue links according to your Windows bitmap.

4.The installer will start downloading immediately. When the download is complete, open the file.

5.The installation process will begin. In a small window you will see your progress.

6.For the settings to take effect, restart your computer. After starting the system, you will see that a browser shortcut has already appeared on the Desktop.

If you bet new version browser, you will need to install the necessary add-ons again. Using them, users can control the toolbar, accelerators, ActiveX controls, web browser helper objects, search engines, tracking protection, and also enable spell checking for texts that you enter into the fields.

  1. Open the built-in Internet Explorer client.
  2. Click on the “Service” section in the top panel. If the panel is missing, press Alt. Click on "Add-ons".
  3. Click on the "All add-ons" link.
  4. Find the add-on you need and click on the “Enable” button. Do the same for each add-in. Also disable those you don't need.
  5. Click “Close” for the changes to take effect.

Download problems

Why might IE not install? Let's look at popular reasons and solutions.

1. Failure to meet minimum requirements is the most common reason. As a rule, in this case it appears small window with the notice: " Internet installation Explorer is not finished." Make sure you download the correct package. The bit size and OS must match. Internet Explorer 11 can be installed on Windows (x32 or x64) with SP1 or later, as well as on Windows Server 2008 R2.

2.All necessary updates are not installed.

Programs are not installed also for the reason that operating system There are not enough updates. The system will notify you about this in a special window. There will also be a “Get update” button. Then you need to return to the download page and install the browser.

3. Antivirus operation.

Antivirus and antispyware clients sometimes block the launch of files downloaded from the Internet. The IE installer is no exception. Try disabling your antivirus software for a while, and Windows Firewall and open the installer again. After successful installation, reactivate all the programs you just disabled.

4.The system contains old version browser. In particular, code 9C59 indicates that there is still previous version I.E. In this case, you need to clean up all the tails and delete the program.

5.Presence of viruses. If you cannot install the browser, check your computer with an antivirus. Run a deep scan in particular.

Every user should know how to install Internet Explorer if it suddenly turns out that the program has disappeared from the computer. Most likely, there was a system failure (malware could also be the cause) and the system disabled this component. Your task is to turn it on again so that the OS can download and install the browser itself.