How to add to a workgroup. II. The procedure for the formation and activities of working groups. Access files or folders on other homegroup computers

Today, using both Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8 in one home or small business is quite possible.

While Windows 7 and Windows 8 have similar tools for sharing files online, there are differences that might puzzle you.

Basics of file sharing on a local network

When setting up or troubleshooting file sharing problems over a home or small business network, the first step is to make sure that all computers on the network are part of the same network. working group . There is an exception: if you have a laptop that is usually connected to a corporate domain and configured as a member of the domain, and you intend to leave it as such.

The default workgroup name for Windows systems is WORKGROUP. But you can use a different name. Simply put, the PC will see all systems in local network, which have the same common workgroup name. If you are joining a machine to a workgroup, in the settings Windows systems a master is provided.

To manually change the system workgroup name, call the System Properties dialog box (Figure 1). To do this, in the Control Panel, open the System section. On Windows 7 and Windows 8, click the link Advanced System Settings(Advanced system settings). Select the Computer Name tab and click the Change button to enter a new workgroup name (or new Domain name or computer name).

Figure 1. System Properties offers both a manual method for joining domains and workgroups, and using a wizard.

Once you have your computers recognizing each other in Windows Explorer, you can start sharing files by designating files and folders to be shared. But more on that in a moment.

Use HomeGroups to Share Files and Folders Locally

Microsoft is counting on you to use the built-in features in Windows to share files. home groups (homegroups). These are essentially pre-configured groupings of shared files and printers. Homegroups are generally easy to set up, but they also have a number of limitations and potential performance issues. For example, XP systems cannot be joined to a homegroup. Transferring files using home group may be noticeably slower than a standard workgroup connection.

Homegroups can be used in Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows 7, with a few important caveats. In Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, and Windows RT 8.1, you can carry out annexation to the homegroup, but not create her. In RT, you also won't be able to share local content with others. Systems installed as domain members can also be joined (but not created) to home groups.

Typically, Windows 7 prompts users to create or join a homegroup when the PC first connects to the network. Not so with Windows 8: When you set up a Windows 8.1 PC, a homegroup is automatically created if there are no other homegroups on the network. If there is another computer on the network with a homegroup, the utility will notify you and show a button Join now(Join now) (see Figure 2). If you click the button, you will be prompted to enter your homegroup password.

Figure 2: If you already have a homegroup on your network, Windows should automatically ask if you want to join it.

However, before you join a homegroup, I recommend clicking the “Change advanced sharing settings” link. Advanced sharing settings dialog box ) allows you to configure resources for the network. The program offers three sections: Private (current network profile), Guest or Public, and All Networks. The organizational chart of this utility can be confusing; this is what is shown here:

  • In sections Private(Private) and Guest or public(Guest or Public) you can specify whether to enable network discovery and file and printer sharing. You should leave these options enabled because, after all, you want your computers to see each other and share files.
  • Chapter All networks(All Networks) is more interesting. Here you can set whether users on other computers can access Public Folders (we'll get to those shortly), and determine which devices on the network can stream media across the network.

To accommodate older devices, you can also downgrade the encryption standard used by the network. Finally, you can set whether password-protected sharing will be implemented on current computer. If you enable this setting, users will need to have accounts on the computer to share files.

Figure 3. The All Networks section of the Advanced sharing settings dialog allows you to password protect shared files.

When you are done with the Advanced sharing settings dialog, you can click the Save changes button and return to the previous dialog. Click the button Join(Join now) and you will be asked to select which folders you want to share.

The Share with other homegroup members dialog box can be a little confusing at first. One thing to keep in mind is that you are not defining file types, you are defining folders saved in your user profile. Selecting Shared in the Video category, for example, means that only those files in your Video library or folder can be accessed by others. Videos saved in other directories will not be shared.

Figure 4. Windows allows you to control what is shared in folders and Windows libraries default; you have two options - Shared and Not shared.

Click the Next button to join the homegroup. You will now be able to navigate within the shared resources of other computers when you go to the Homegroup section in Windows Explorer.

More detailed information You can find information about Windows HomeGroups on the HomeGroup page on the Microsoft website.

Sharing files over the network using folders Are common

Whether your system is connected to a HomeGroup, or just part of a workgroup, you can use the Public folder to share files with anyone who has access to your computer—on the network or locally. If you created a homegroup, the General folder will be used automatically. Otherwise, you will need to enable the General folder yourself.

Again, once you enable the Public folder, any files stored in that folder or its subfolders will be available to everyone who has access to that computer. Keep in mind, however, that the Public folder on each system is a separate folder, independent of the Public folders on all other systems. This is not a single shared folder accessible over the network.

Once you have enabled the Public folder, I recommend making it new Library(Library). Click right click by her name and select Add to library(Include in library).

Share specific files and folders

I don't usually use folders Windows data by default, I think more convenient creation my own folder hierarchy. (Keep in mind that if you want custom custom folders to be automatically backed up using File History in Windows 8, they must be included in the Library.) Luckily, it's relatively easy to designate individual folders, subfolders, and files to share - for yourself, within a homegroup, or for other specific users.

On Windows 7, click (Share with) and then Individual people(Specific people); The File Sharing dialog box will open, similar to the one in Windows 8.

Interestingly, if you want to make a specific folder (other than the Public folder) accessible everyone on your network, you'll have to take a few extra steps. You must open the properties of the file or folder, select the Sharing tab and click Share.

Figure 6. The Advanced Security Settings tool in Windows 8 allows you to set the permissions of individual users by sharing files and folders.

Double-click a specific user's name and the Permission Entry dialog box will open (see Figure 7). You can also specify, among other things, whether the permissions also apply to subfolders and the files within them.

Figure 7. The advanced permissions dialog box allows you to set what a specific user can do with selected folders and files.

Windows 7 also allows you to set certain user permissions on files and folders, but this is located in a different place. Right-click the folder and select Properties, then select the Sharing or Security tab. On the Sharing tab, select Advanced Sharing and then Permissions. On the Security tab, highlight the username and then click Edit. (This works for Windows 8 too.)

Setting up shared files and folders manually will take some effort, but it will obviously allow you fine control over access and access levels to data on your PC. When you want to access something publicly accessible on another computer, you simply go to the Network section in navigation bar Windows Explorer, click the Expand button next to the specific system, and open the file or folder you are looking for.

Cloud: organizing access to your own data

Using HomeGroups and Shared Folders makes it easier for others to access your data. This also allows you to access data on multiple computers on your local network. But an even more flexible solution is in cloud technology. Services such as Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive (Microsoft) make it extremely easy to sync data across multiple machines and mobile devices. You can also access your data using any Internet-connected browser, and you can share files and folders with other people over the Internet with relative ease.

But there are downsides to the cloud-based approach to storing files and folders—besides the necessity subscription fee when you go beyond the free storage limits. For example, you often cannot grant different permissions to different people. More importantly, you typically can't sync files between systems on your local network without having to upload the same data to the cloud, where, again, you're faced with potentially having to pay for storage.

There is no one-size-fits-all way to share data

To provide access to files and folders - to yourself and others - you'll likely use different methods for different purposes.

Using home groups allows you to easily share data located in specific Windows folders, especially if you don't need to install different resolutions for each file and folder for different users.

Manually specify shared files and folders - and even drives - are the best option when you want to tightly control access or if you prefer to store data in your own directory structure.

Finally, cloud storage- ideal for synchronizing files and folders on multiple devices and when you are not connected to a local network. As a bonus, you also have the option to do remote backup important data.

In order to increase the level of investment attractiveness of subjects Russian Federation By preparing and implementing long-term investment projects that are at an early stage of development, in various sectors of the real sector of the economy, I order:

1. Create a Working Group to increase the investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group).

2. Approve the regulations on the Working Group in accordance with this order.

3. Approve the composition of the Working Group in accordance with this order.

4. Approve the work plan of the Working Group in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order.

5. Organizational and technical, Information Support The activities of the Working Group will be entrusted to the Department of Administration (V.I. Sakharov).

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

about the Working Group on increasing the investment attractiveness of regions of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. These Regulations determine the procedure for the formation, rules of work and powers of the Working Group to increase the investment attractiveness of the regions of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Working Group).

2. The working group was formed to provide methodological support, expert assessment and assistance to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the framework of the preparation and implementation of long-term investment projects, which are at an early stage of development, in various sectors of the real sector of the economy (hereinafter referred to as projects).

3. The working group in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, as well as these Regulations.

II. Tasks of the Working Group

4. The objectives of the Working Group are:

4.1. Selection and systematization of projects.

4.2. Development of proposals to attract investments for the implementation of projects.

4.3. Structuring projects with the participation of third-party experts and developing financial mechanisms for their implementation.

4.4. Providing methodological assistance to constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of projects.

4.5. Coordination of the activities of financial organizations to finance projects.

4.6. Creation and implementation of an optimized system for passing a project application in financial institutions selected by the Working Group in order to reduce the time required for its consideration.

4.7. Creation of a “Library of Working Group Solutions” to be able to use the experience of successfully implemented projects when structuring selected projects.

III. Powers of the Working Group

5. In order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, the working group exercises the following powers:

5.1. Reviews conclusions on projects at the meeting of the Working Group.

5.2. Makes a decision on the selection of a project for its implementation.

5.3. Develops standard forms of agreements and contracts concluded within the framework of the project, as well as other documents regulating the procedure for the selection and implementation of projects.

5.4. Controls and monitors the progress of projects selected by the Working Group, as well as the intended use Money allocated for the implementation of projects.

5.5. Monitors the inclusion of the selected project in regional programs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in order to receive funds from state support for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

6. The working group has the right:

6.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, the necessary information from state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, as well as public and commercial organizations.

6.2. Invite representatives of interested organizations to your meetings.

6.3. Form committees and councils on specific issues, the composition and rules of work of which are approved by the decision of the Working Group.

IV. Project requirements

7. Projects considered at meetings of the Working Group must meet the following requirements:

7.1. The project is intended for implementation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

7.2. The implementation of the project is aimed at achieving the goals of socio-economic development of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

7.3. The project aims to create financially sustainable business models that can operate independently once funding is completed.

7.4. The share of project financing from the applicant’s funds is at least 10 percent.

V. Composition of the Working Group

8. The Working Group includes the Chairman of the Working Group (ex officio Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation), two deputies of the Working Group, the executive secretary and members of the Working Group (permanent and attracted, based on the content of the issue under consideration).

9. The composition of the Working Group is approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on the basis of proposals from interested federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and interested organizations.

10. Deputy chairmen of the Working Group are appointed by order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation when approving the composition of the Working Group on the proposal of the chairman of the Working Group.

11. The executive secretary of the Working Group is appointed by order of the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation upon approval of the composition of the Working Group on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Working Group from among the employees of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

The functions of the executive secretary are registration and distribution of incoming documents to members of the Working Group, notification of members of the Working Group about the appointment of meetings, convening meetings of the Working Group, drawing up conclusions, minutes of meetings of the Working Group, and preparing other documents.

12. Membership in the Working Group is voluntary and open to all interested parties.

VI. Procedure for holding meetings of the Working Group

13. Meetings of the Working Group are held as necessary, but at least once a quarter. The date of the next meeting of the Working Group is set by its chairman.

14. To carry out its activities, the Working Group forms a Work Plan, approved by the Chairman of the Working Group.

15. Conclusions on the projects under consideration are submitted to the executive secretary of the Working Group no later than 10 (ten) calendar days before the start of the next meeting of the Working Group.

16. After receiving the conclusions, the executive secretary agrees with the chairman of the Working Group on the agenda for the meeting of the Working Group.

Information about the date, place and time of the next meeting of the Working Group, as well as the necessary materials, are sent to the members of the Working Group by the chairman of the Working Group (one of his deputies) no later than 5 (five) calendar days before the corresponding meeting of the Working Group.

Interested parties are notified of the date, place and time of the next meeting of the Working Group by the executive secretary of the Working Group.

17. A meeting of the Working Group is considered valid if more than half of its members take part in it.

Members of the Working Group take personal part in the meeting of the Working Group. If a member of the Working Group cannot take part in a meeting in person, he has the right to take part in the meeting through a representative or in absentia by submitting a written opinion containing a decision on each issue on the agenda of the meeting.

The powers of a representative of a member of the Working Group must be certified by a power of attorney issued by a member of the Working Group to participate in a specific meeting of the Working Group. The power of attorney is transferred to the executive secretary of the Working Group and is kept by the executive secretary of the Working Group.

A written opinion on issues considered at the Working Group meeting is sent to the Chairman of the Working Group no later than 2 (two) business days before the Working Group meeting. The decision of a member of the Working Group on each of the issues on the agenda of the meeting, specified in a written opinion, is announced by the executive secretary or the chairman of the meeting of the Working Group before the start of voting and is attached to the minutes.

18. At the meeting, the working group considers applications for projects, and also hears, among other things:

a) a representative of the organization initiating the project;

b) a representative of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation - on the results of the financial, legal and technological examination of the project;

c) a representative of the federal ministry carrying out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the area of ​​project implementation (as agreed);

d) a representative of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in whose territory the project is being implemented (as agreed).

19. Meetings of the Working Group are chaired by its chairman, and in his absence - by one of the deputy chairmen.

20. Based on the results of consideration of each project, the Working Group, by voting, makes one of the following decisions:

a) about project selection;

b) refusal to support the implementation of the project;

c) the need to finalize the draft based on the comments of the Working Group and re-consider the draft based on the results of its finalization.

21. Decisions of the Working Group are made by a majority vote of its members participating in the meeting, including in absentia. In case of equality of votes among the members of the Working Group, the chairperson's vote is decisive.

22. The decisions of the Working Group are documented in the form of protocols.

The executive secretary of the Working Group keeps minutes of each of its meetings, in which the following information is necessarily recorded: date, time, place of the meeting, composition of the members of the Working Group participating in the meeting, agenda items, a reasoned decision on each agenda item indicating voting results for each issue.

The minutes of the meeting are drawn up in 1 (one) copy, which is signed by the chairperson and members of the Working Group present at the meeting and the executive secretary of the Working Group.

23. Based on the decision of the Working Group on project selection, an investment agreement is concluded with the applicants of the projects selected for implementation, executive authorities of the constituent entity of the federation, financial institutions and investors in order to implement the investment project, the draft investment agreement is developed by the Working Group.

Working group on increasing the investment attractiveness of regions of the Russian Federation

Slyunyaev Igor Nikolaevich - Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Working Group)
Kruk Mikhail Davidovich - Advisor to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Working Group)
Cherstvova Elena Aleksandrovna - Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Department of Programs in the Field of Transport, Communications and Road Facilities of the Department for Coordination of State Industry Programs of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Deputy Chairman of the Working Group)
Permanent members of the Working Group:
Belichenko Anna Sergeevna - financial analyst of the Organizing Committee of the Competition "Annual Public Award "Regions - Sustainable Development" for interaction with government authorities (as agreed)
Golovanov Dmitry Sergeevich - Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Department for Monitoring and Development of Territories with a Special Status of the Department of Development, Comprehensive Assessment of the Activities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Local Government Bodies of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
Kodina Elena Anatolevna - Director of the Department of Development, Comprehensive Assessment of the Activities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Local Government Bodies of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
Moguchov Sergey Viktorovich - Executive Director of the Department of State and Municipal Projects and Programs of the Department for Work with Major Clients of the Open Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (as agreed)
Potapenko Evgeniy Anatolievich - Director of the Department of Investment Projects, Targeted and special programs Development of Subjects of the Russian Federation Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
Starykh Elena Valerievna - Head of the Department for Expertise of Programs and Projects of the Department of Investment Projects, Targeted and Special Development Programs for the Subjects of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (Executive Secretary of the Working Group)
Tsybulsky Alexander Vitalievich Director of the Department for Coordination of State Industry Programs Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation
Involved members of the Working Group:
Azanov Mikhail Valentinovich - General Director of the open joint-stock company "Angara Paper" (as agreed)
Alekseev Alexander Nikolaevich - Vice President, Head of the Directorate for Interaction with Government Bodies and Public Organizations of the Open Joint Stock Company "BANK URALSIB" (as agreed)
Kukushkin Igor Grigorievich - Managing Director of the Department for Interaction with Industry Associations of the All-Russian Association of Employers "Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs" (as agreed)
Murashov Boris Mikhailovich - Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (as agreed)
Polosin Andrey Vladimirovich - Deputy Director of the Department for the Formation of the Open Government System of the Government of the Russian Federation (as agreed)
Prozherin Oleg Mikhailovich - Director of the non-profit organization "Russian Union of Enterprises and Organizations of the Chemical Complex" (as agreed)
Prushchak Sergey Fedorovich - member of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on investment policy (as agreed)
Simonyan Nikolay Kamoevich - General Director of the closed joint-stock company "Direct Investment Agency" (as agreed)

Document overview

The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia has formed a working group to increase the investment attractiveness of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Its goals, objectives and powers are defined.

In particular, it selects and systematizes regional projects, provides methodological assistance in their development, and coordinates the activities of relevant organizations for financing projects. In addition, the group prepares standard forms of agreements and contracts concluded within the framework of the project and monitors the intended use of funds.

Requirements for projects have been established.

So, they should be implemented in Russia. Their goal is the socio-economic development of the region. They are financed at the expense of the applicant by at least 10%. In addition, projects must involve the creation of financially sustainable business models that can survive the completion of financing.

The work of the group is regulated.

It is headed by the Minister of Regional Development of Russia (chairman). He has 2 deputies. In addition, the group includes an executive secretary and other members.

Meetings are held at least once a quarter. They are considered eligible if at least half of the members are present.

The composition of the working group has been approved.

Why do you need to set up a home network? It would seem that a laptop, a computer and a couple of smartphones are working at home and are periodically used to access the Internet. What else is needed? But remember how often you have to transfer files from one device to another? You have to copy it to a flash drive and back or use Bluetooth.

Even if you do this no more than once a month, with a home local network everything will become much easier. In addition, its customization will open up a lot of new opportunities. For example, files can not be transferred, but can be launched directly on another computer or even a TV (if it has the ability to work on a local network with Windows 10). It will be possible to run games “on a grid”, print documents from any computer on one printer, and use many other features.

Basic Concepts

A home local network is several computers united by one network cable for data exchange. Today, most apartments have routers that distribute Wi-Fi. Thanks to them, setting up a local network has become a simple task.

An approximate diagram of a home local network with Windows 10 might look like this:

As you can see in the figure above, the Internet is supplied via an Ethernet wire to the router, to which the PC is connected via a patch cord (the same wire with double-sided connectors). Laptops and smartphone are connected to the router via Wi-Fi. Of course, such a connection does not create a local network by default. Specific settings are required on each device. In the above example, the various machines and gadgets, if they are not configured properly, will not be able to “see” each other.

The most important term in this whole process is the so-called groups. A Windows 10 workgroup can include a maximum of 20 machines, which are nodes of the same level, that is, they cannot control each other. In other words, in such a network all computers are equal - there is no main server.

In addition, there is the concept of a home group, which can be formed if computers already belong to a work group. HomeGroup makes it easy to share photos, music, movies, and documents from other devices. This group, unlike a working group, has a password, but you only need to enter it once to add a new device.

Creating a local space step by step

Working group

First of all, make sure that all computers have the same workgroup name. It can be anything - you set it at your discretion. On Windows 10:

  • Open Start and go to Utilities.
  • Launch the classic Control Panel.
  • Open “System and Security”.

  • Go to the “System” section.
  • On the left, select “Advanced system settings.”

  • A small window will open in which you need to select “Computer name” and click on the “Change” button.

  • In the new window at the bottom there will be an item “The computer is a member of...”: select “workgroup” and enter the desired name.

This setup must be done on all computers with Windows 10 (for 7 and 8 everything is done in the same way) that will be on the home network.

Visibility of computers on the network

The fact that computers with Windows 10 or other versions of the OS are part of the same group is not enough for them to start “seeing” each other. Additional configuration required. To enable visibility, follow these steps on each machine:

  • Open Control Panel.
  • Select “Network and Internet” and go to the Network and Sharing Center.

  • Open “Change advanced settings...”.
  • Turn on turn on general access to files and printers and network discovery.

  • You need to do this in all profiles, and also enable the “sharing” option so that network users can read and write files in shared folders.
  • Place the checkbox next to “Disable password protected access.”
  • Save.

Sharing folders

Settings Windows network 10 ends with sharing specific folders. To do this, just open the folder properties (with the right mouse button - as always), then select the Access tab and go to Advanced settings. Check the box next to “Share” and click on the “Permissions” button.

Where for full access Just check the boxes next to “Full access”, “Change”, “Read” in the “Allow” column. But you can leave some boxes unchecked and thereby limit the capabilities of local network users.

Next to the “Access” tab there is “Security”. Here click the “Change” button, and in the new window that opens “Add”. In the empty box, enter the word “Everyone”, as shown in the photo:

Now the “Everyone” group has appeared in the previous window. Select it and in the “Allow” column, check all the boxes for full access. Save all changes and reboot. The setup is complete.


After these manipulations, your Windows 10 should see the computers in its group and gain access to all open folders. This is how to briefly set up a local network using operating systems Microsoft. In reality, everything may look different: the article provides only general principles.

For example, without a router (with a DHCP server enabled and automatic distribution of addresses), two computers can be connected by a patchcord. In this case, after the first stage of setup, you will need to register IP addresses manually. This is done in properties network adapter and properties of Internet Protocol version 4. It's the same for Windows 10, 8, 7 and even XP.

IP type 192.168.0.* is registered (for each computer last digit unique except 0 and 1. You can use, for example, 5 and 7, Subnet mask and Default gateway The DNS servers are and (additional). If the router has DHCP disabled, a similar setting must also be done.

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For correct operation network, it is desirable that computers be in the same workgroup. To do this, you need to make sure of this by going to Start> Computer context menu> Properties > Change settings> Change. For example, the group selected"WORKGROUP". For a network between two computers, the computer name can be left in Cyrillic letters, but if any problems arise, the name will need to be changed to Latin.

On a computer with OS Windows XP the workgroup name must also be"WORKGROUP" , but the computer name must be different from the name of the computer with the OS Windows 7.

Next, go to the “Network and Sharing Center”, then on the transition panel click on the link “Change adapter settings”. We find our connection, go to properties, look for “Internet Protocol version 4” in the list of connection components ( TCP/IPv4) " . And we make the settings IP -addresses and masks. By the way, if the connection icon is gray, then the connection must be connected (click “Enable” in the context menu).

For IP -addresses you must enter the following values:


where the first three octets (***) are the same for the settings of all computers on the network, it is recommended to use IP -addresses from the range from to, while all computers will be located on the “0” network. For example, the network “137” is selected and IP -addresses and

Next you need to go to settings TCP/IP on a computer with OS Windows XP . To do this, go to Computer> Network Neighborhood (link in navigation bar)> Display network connections and then proceed by analogy with the settings on a PC with OS Windows 7.

Then you need to test the network with the command"Ping" . On a computer with OS Windows 7 V command line enter the command ping

On a computer with OS Windows XP enter the command ping

It also happens that Windows XP firewall may prohibit response to command ping from a remote node.

To solve this problem, you can turn off the firewall (then the padlock will disappear from the connection icon, i.e. the network will not be protected by the firewall), or go to "Change firewall settings Windows " and set exceptions by checking the box next to "File and Printer Sharing".

This completes the connection setup. Let's start creating the network.

To create a network, you need to go to the "Network and Sharing Center" by clicking on the link in the "Home Group" navigation bar and in the window that opens, click on the link "What is a network location?"

Choosing a location for unidentified network as "Public place"

You must go to the "Network and Sharing Center" link "Change sharing settings for different network profiles"

After the transition we see that the current profile is “General”

Please make sure that the marker is set to "Disable password protected sharing". This is necessary so that you can access general directories without entering passwords. Please note that in this case, access will be open only to those directories to which the “Everyone” user group of a given local node has access (the “Shared Documents” folder, for example). By the way, this does not apply to those cases when your account If there is no password, access to your “My Documents” folder will still not be open (even if a password has not been set for the account).

You may be asked to log out of the system, to which you must answer in the affirmative.

Now let's move on to the PC Windows XP , namely, we go to " Network connections" and install home network small office.

The "Network Setup Wizard" starts.

The action shown in the figure below may not be necessary if you have one network card installed.

To display computers on the network and execute a command"ping" By computer name, the following service must be running:

Start > Control Panel> Performance and Maintenance> Administration> Services > Support module NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

The same service must be running on the computer with the OS Windows 7. To do this, click on the Start link> Control Panel> system and safety> Administration> Services (run as administrator if you need to start, stop or restart services).

This completes the network settings, now on a PC with OS Windows 7 you can go to Start> Computer > Network (navigation bar, bottom shortcut).

Going to network computer we will see a list of shared folders and printers.

Now let's share folders on a PC with OS Windows 7. To do this, select the folder to which you want to share access and go to its properties.

Then click on the Access tab.

An order to create a working group is written in cases where the director of an organization is faced with the task of selecting several employees to solve some important current issue.

The working group solves any problem much more quickly and with better quality than if one specialist were working on it. Moreover, sometimes there are situations in which employees of an enterprise need to act together to achieve common goals.


Reasons for drawing up an order

There can be many circumstances that may give rise to the need to draw up an order to create a working group in the work of an organization. For example, a working group may be needed to:

  • creation of local regulatory documentation;
  • working on some projects;
  • evaluation of manufactured products;
  • inspection of machinery and equipment, etc.

Who to include in the group

The management and administration of each enterprise independently decide how many people and who exactly to include in a particular working group - in principle, it all depends on what specific problems these employees will have to work on together.

We only note that each of them performs a strictly assigned role, which means that all people included in the working group must have sufficient qualifications, a certain education and work experience. In addition, they must be able to interact with each other, regardless of personal likes and dislikes, since they bear full joint responsibility for the results of their work.

The working group can include not only full-time employees of the organization (as a rule, from different departments), but also third-party experts (especially if we are talking about some complex technological processes, equipment, machinery, etc.).

Who draws up the order

Since any order is always formed on behalf of the head of the enterprise, the direct responsibility for writing it is usually assigned to the secretary, legal adviser or other employee close to the director who has an idea of ​​​​how to write administrative documents.

Regardless of who exactly is involved in the formation of the order, in order to give it legitimacy, it is important to meet only one key requirement: that after drawing it up, it must be certified by the director himself.

General information about the document

If you need to draw up an order to create a working group, read our tips and look at the sample document below.

First let's give general information about the order. Now there is no unified standard for drawing up administrative papers, so company employees can write any such document in free form, or, if the organization has a developed and approved order form, based on its sample.

When forming an order, follow a few simple rules.

  1. Each order (including this one) must have a justification, which is always written at the beginning of the document, after the words “In connection with...”. It gives an idea of ​​the circumstances that gave rise to the order. In addition, the basis is also included in the form - i.e. link to the article and clause of the law that gives the right to write this document.
  2. The order can be written on a regular sheet of any convenient format (A4 is most often used) or on the company’s letterhead (as a rule, in cases where such a requirement is specified in the company’s regulations).
  3. You can write the order by hand (the main thing is that everything is written clearly, legibly, without errors or corrections) or typed on a computer.
  4. The document is drawn up in one copy, which is signed by the director (or an employee authorized to act on his behalf), as well as all other persons mentioned in it. All autographs must be “live” only, i.e. Facsimile (printed) signatures cannot be used on the form.
  5. It is necessary to put a stamp on the order only when the rule on the use of stamps for endorsement of papers is enshrined in the accounting policy of the organization. After drawing up, the order is registered in the administrative documentation journal (every company should have one).

Sample order to create a working group

In the header of the document it is written:

  • its name (with a short meaning);
  • number assigned in accordance with internal document flow;
  • Business name;
  • date, place of formation of the order.

Then below comes the main part, which states:

  • justification, i.e. for what objective reasons was it necessary to draw up this order;
  • composition of the working group - positions, first and last names of employees, identify the main one among them (chairman and members of the group);
  • specific goals and objectives to be solved by the working group;
  • if necessary, set clear deadlines for fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to the working group.

In conclusion, the person responsible for the execution of the order should be entered (this can be the director himself or any of his deputy, the head of a structural unit, the chairman of the working group).

Document storage

After the order has been written and executed as required, and all interested parties have read it, it must be transferred for safekeeping to the secretary of the organization or another employee who is responsible for the safety of administrative papers. During the entire period of validity, the order must be kept in a separate folder along with other similar documents, in an office to which access to unauthorized people is limited.

After the storage period for the order expires, it can be transferred to the archive of the enterprise and subsequently destroyed in the manner prescribed by law.