How to crimp an Internet LAN cable: what is needed for crimping, basic rules for crimping twisted pair cables. How to crimp a twisted pair Internet cable with and without pliers. Location of wires in twisted pair rj45

Good day, dear visitors! I then remembered that I have not yet written about how to crimp a network cable and how to crimp it. I think you know what a network cable is. This is the cable through which you most likely receive the Internet, connect a computer to a router, or two computers directly, simply by connecting the network cable to the network cards of two computers.

And you probably know that the network cable is sold without connectors. Connectors, these are the things at the end network cable, which connects to a network card, router, etc. Why is this? Can you imagine what holes would have to be drilled in order to push the connector through :). And so, a network cable is laid and after that RJ-45 connectors are crimped onto it, everything is very convenient and thought out. Well, now we have come to the point that the network cable needs to be crimped, this means that you need to put a connector on the cable and fix it.

I just have a network cable, several RJ-45 connectors, a special tool and a phone with which I will photograph all this, so that my instructions are clear and you quickly learn how to crimp a twisted pair cable.

To crimp the network cable we need:

  1. Myself network cable, immediately measure out the required amount of cable.
  2. Connectors. In theory, you only need two, but I advise you to buy more, just in case :). They are not expensive, and you can buy them at any computer store, just like a cable.
  3. Crimping tool. There are several options, ideally you need to buy a special tool, crimper. Like the one I have in the photo above. I bought mine for 75 UAH. (300 rubles). If you don’t have such a thing, you can use a screwdriver, but I don’t recommend it.
  4. If you crimp with a screwdriver, you will also need a regular knife to strip the cable.

Well, let's get started.

Crimping the network cable

There is one more nuance; we need to decide which of the two options we will use to crimp the cable.

Straight– such a cable is suitable for connecting a computer to a router, for a regular Internet cable, etc. We can say that this is a standard.

Get to the point.

Take the cable and remove the top insulation. Simply stepping back about two centimeters from the beginning of the cable, we make an incision in the top insulation; in a tool like mine, there is a special hole into which we insert the cable and simply twist the crimper around the cable. Then remove the white insulation by simply pulling it off the cable.

Now we unwind all the wiring so that they are one at a time. We pinch them with our fingers and arrange them in the order we need, depending on which cable you are crimping. See diagrams above.

When all the wires are aligned correctly, you can still trim them a little if they turn out to be very long, and it won’t hurt to align them. This means that when everything is ready, we very carefully and slowly begin to insert these wires into the connector. Make sure that the wires fit into the connector correctly, each into its own hole. Once the cable is inserted into the connector, double-check that the cores are positioned correctly, then insert the connector into the crimper and squeeze the handles.

I hope that my article was clear and you were able to crimp the network cable. If something is not clear or doesn’t work out, then ask in the comments and we’ll figure it out.

To form Internet networks, including local ones, special connecting cables with an rj 45 connector are used. The rj 45 connector is installed from two cable ends for subsequent switching between computers, routers, and network sockets.

twisted pair

Twisted pair is a cable with wires twisted in pairs and enclosed in a common sheath of insulating material. This method is used to reduce interference that can be caused by electromagnetic fields located near the cable (two wires in a pair perceive them identically), and to eliminate interference from one wire to another when a differentiated signal is transmitted.

Types of cables:

  1. UTP. Unprotected version with conventional plastic insulation;
  2. FTP. The presence of a common shielding shell made of foil. Another type is S/FTP - with an additional common copper braid;
  3. STP. A shielding shell is applied separately for each pair. S/STP – adds a shared external screen.

Cable pinout

The rj 45 cable has eight cores, each of which is painted in a different color. All 8 wires must be inserted into special sockets that the rj45 connector has (a separate socket for each wire), and then crimp the network cable.

Pinoutrj45 produced according to two main schemes:

  1. Direct, when connecting Internet connections between computers and routers and switches;
  2. Cross. Used to connect a cable to a socket from other electrical sockets or between computers directly when constructing local networks.

Important! The twisted pair cable uses 4 cores for Internet networks with a transmission speed of 100 Mbit. The remaining wires serve as a reserve for transmission over gigabit networks.

How to crimp an Internet cable depends on the choice of color scheme, which exists in two versions: T 568A and T 568B. The pinout of twisted pair cables by color is carried out according to these standards, shown in the figure below. The most common option is T 568B.

If a direct twisted pair crimping scheme is used, then at both ends of the network cable for the Internet, option A-A or B-B, if cross, then A-B. For cable routing, an identical twisted pair pinout diagram is used.

A twisted pair has 4 cores used in this way: orange + orange with white and green + green with white. If you look not by colors, but by numbers, then connector sockets 1-2 are for signal transmission, 3-6 are for receiving. Jacks that are not used are connected directly in direct and crossover configurations.

For your information. The remaining four wires can be used to connect another Ethernet line, as well as telephone communication.

If you need to crimp a twisted pair of 8 cores for gigabit connections, then crimp the cable from one end according to the T 568V scheme, and from the other - use the following pinout:

  • 1 – green with white;
  • 2 – green;
  • 3 – orange and white;
  • 4 – brown;
  • 5 – white with brown;
  • 6 – orange;
  • 7 – white with blue;
  • 8 – blue.

Performing crimping

Crimping of a twisted pair of 8 cores is carried out using the necessary tools: scissors or a stripper for stripping the insulation and a crimper - a manual crimping device. Two rg 45 connectors must be prepared for the two ends of the cable.

To crimp an Internet cable, follow these steps:

  1. Cut part of the cable to the required length;
  2. Cut off the top cable insulation approximately 3 centimeters from the end and unwind the cores formed by the twisted pairs;

Important! Take the rj 45 connector, positioning it so that the latch is at the back and the contacts are at the top. Then contact number 1, indicated on the pinout diagram, will be on the far left, all subsequent ones will be on the right side.

  1. After choosing a pinout diagram from two options, each conductor is inserted into its own socket, strictly following the color designations. The cores should be inserted all the way;
  2. Place the connector in the special groove of the crimper and squeeze the handles. The result is a ready-made connector that connects to the computer and other necessary inputs.

Transition module

Sometimes during installation or operation it is necessary to extend the Internet cables. A convenient device is used for this – a transition module. It has two ports: one rj45 connector and the other rj45. Then one cable is connected to one port, the next to another.

In this way, you can remove part of the cable with damaged outer insulation by cutting it and connecting it through an adapter module. It is important that the pinout of both connectors follows the same pattern.

Crimping rj 45 without tools

You can crimp an Internet cable at home using a regular screwdriver. Often the need for this arises when the outer insulation of the cable or the connector itself is accidentally damaged. Of course, not every home has crimpers, and buying them for one operation is impractical.

Just in case, you need to prepare additional connectors, since beginners are not always able to crimp twisted pair cables with a screwdriver the first time.

Crimping stepsrj 45:

  1. Use any cutting tool to cut off the damaged part of the cable or connector;
  2. Remove the insulating sheath, starting 5 centimeters from the cable end;
  3. Unravel the weave of all eight wires and cut them 1.5-2 centimeters from the edge of the removed outer shell;

Important! The cut must be very even, strictly perpendicular to the cable axis. Otherwise, not all wiring will be connected to the contacts.

  1. Place the wires into the connector according to the diagram. Make sure that each wire is brought to the stop wall;
  2. The contacts in the connector are slightly raised. They need to be pressed. You can use pliers for this. As a result, the contacts will be on the surface without a protrusion;
  3. The next part of the operation is to press them inward so that the sharp parts of the contacts pierce the insulation and connect to the conductors. Each contact must be pressed individually with a screwdriver blade. You will have to make some effort, but at the same time try not to deform the contacts;

  1. Then take a larger screwdriver and use it to press on the wide recess on the connector body below the contacts, so that the cable itself is firmly fixed in the connector.

Crimping rj using a homemade method is not ideal, but it can cope with its task - getting an Internet connection in an emergency.

After crimping the cable connectors on both sides, technicians usually check the connection using special instruments. A multimeter with thin probes is also suitable for this purpose. It is necessary to ring each core. If there are no devices, the functionality of the connection is checked by connecting to a computer.


The order in which twisted pair wires are routed for RJ-45 connectors depends on the purpose of the connecting line, the technology and the data transmission standard. Below are the pictures for local computer networks Ethernet for standards using copper cable - twisted pairs (Twisted Pair). The abbreviation of such standards usually looks like ##### - TX (for example, 10Base-TX, 100Base-TX) The number in the name of the standard indicates the carrier frequency of data transmission. Each standard uses special cable crimping schemes, uses different cables, and has specific restrictions on cable length and the number of connectors and switching devices.

Below is a relatively universal crimping method for 10Base-TX and 100Base-TX, only orange and green wires are involved (pins 1+2 and 3+6). The blue pair is often used for telephone lines (pins 4+5). For 1000Base-TX technologies and a number of other less popular ones, 8 contacts are used, and for Gigabit technologies I recommend using shielded twisted pair.

When crimping an RJ-45 cable, a special crimping tool is used - a crimper.

Unweaving twisted pairs should be about 8-13mm. It is inconvenient to work with a braid that is too short. If it is too long, the connector will hold less securely. Remove the insulation from the cores first no need. When crimping with a crimper, the insulation will be pressed down automatically. When laying the cable, avoid sharp bends that can damage the wires.

Straight pair crimping order

It is used in “computer-switch” schemes, when the cable goes from the workstation to the switch, hub or router.

Cross-link (cross) order

Used in computer-to-computer circuits. Allows you to connect 2 hubs that do not have uplink/normal switching, as well as for direct connection 2 computers. 2 pairs change places: 1-2 to 3-6.

The following picture shows the crimping options. 4-core cable(Two pairs): straight and cross. Two pairs may be quite enough for our local networks, with a speed limit of 100 Mbit/s. If the equipment does not support speeds of more than 100 Mbit/s, then having 8 cores will not provide any advantages at all. Theoretically, 4 pairs of twisted pair cable provide speeds up to 1000 Mbps (1 Gb/s).

Modern network equipment supports Auto-MDIX technology, which allows you to use cables with both straight and cross-crimp.

Video of crimping RJ-45 connectors:

Good day, dear readers! Today we will talk about the network cable (patch cord), thanks to which most of you gain access to the Internet. That is, we'll talk about that how to crimp an RJ-45 cable.

I think it’s no secret that the cable does not appear in a ready-crimped state (otherwise it would not be possible to insert it everywhere, and there would be extra “tails”), but in the form of just a “lace” without any connectors.

Only then, after the efforts of some mythical installers, a sort of plastic pin appears on the cable, which can be plugged into the network card.

Probably, as you already guessed, this article will talk about how to crimp a network cable, what is needed for this and what all this is used for.

The process of crimping a network cable is not difficult, although it requires sleight of hand and some skill.

Let's get started.

What tools and items will be needed

How to crimp a cable? Yes, it’s very simple, but first we need to understand what we need. And this:

    1. Not crimped cable (and also crimped, because with one easy movement of scissors it turns into elegant shorts, not crimped). You can buy it at any computer store at a price of about 5-10 rubles per meter;
    2. A pair (as practice shows, more is better) RJ-45 connectors. They cost around 5 rubles apiece. They look like this:

Note: in principle, some also squeeze with their teeth; if you use a screwdriver, it is advisable to be more careful. There were precedents.

How to crimp a cable - process and methods

First, remove the outer insulation.

Option 1. Purely Russian.
Using a knife, pressing lightly, we carefully go along the contour of our cable (if you press too hard, you will damage the core or accidentally cut off the half of the cable).

Option 2. Thoughtful.
The cable, as a rule, has a special thread (usually white nylon), we take it and pull it along the cable. This way it will cut the outer insulation, and the excess can then be cut off with the same knife.

Option 3. Best.
Most advanced crimpers have long had a built-in blade for removing insulation - just insert the cable into the hole, squeeze the tool handles and then remove the winding with your hands. It’s convenient, even, and the insulation is cut, one might say, neck to neck.

Now our cable without insulation consists of 4 pairs of twisted cores and a nylon thread. You can cut the thread immediately. You won't need it. Next, we untangle the veins and try to straighten them as much as possible.

Now we need to determine what type of cable we will make, because how to crimp the cable (in what way), and there are several of these methods.

Cable type or crimping method

There are two of them:

  • Direct, - for port connection network card with switch/hub.
  • Crossover - for directly connecting two network cards installed in computers, as well as for connecting some older models of hubs/switches

In most cases, using a direct crimping sequence is sufficient.

  • If you are not sure which type you should use, then find out from your provider’s support in what order the cores should be;
  • If you want to connect 2 computers directly, then use the crossover type;
    If you want to connect a computer to a hub/switch/, then it is enough to use the direct type.

Straight cable crimping diagram

Crossover cable crimping diagram

So, after you have decided on the diagram, you need to line up our cores (wiring) in one of the above positions. After this, you need to align the veins so that they are as parallel and close to each other as possible, namely, so that neither the veins themselves nor their tips diverge anywhere.

After this, carefully, smoothly, gently and slowly insert the wires into the connector, carefully controlling the process, namely, making sure that the colors do not get mixed up or that two wires do not fit into one track.

Having successfully inserted the cores, laid out and leveled in advance, into both connectors, we insert them (the connectors) into the crimper and firmly clamp the handles.

If everything was done correctly and carefully, then the wire is ready and now the question of how to crimp the cable should not arise before you.

In the case of a screwdriver, everything is somewhat more complicated. We need to secure the connector somewhere and secure the wires so that when crimping the wires do not come out of the connector. We take a screwdriver and push the yellow latches all the way through (they must push through the core insulation in order to make a connection to the wire).

The difficulty is that your wire may fall out when you have already clamped the latch, or if the core has not reached the latch, but you have already pushed it through. Then you will have to use another connector, because this one is broken.


These are the wires. So now, I hope, you know how to crimp an RJ 45 cable (for and not only that).

In theory, the article is quite detailed and, if you have the desire, can be very easily implemented in life, but if you suddenly have any questions, then, as always, ask in the comments - I will be happy to help.

PS: For the existence of this article, special thanks to a friend of the project and a member of our team under the nickname “barn4k”.

Despite the advances by leaps and bounds wireless technologies, in an apartment building or private household desktop computers, TV set-top boxes, file storages are best connected using a cable or twisted pair. To do this, it is important not only to correctly route the wire around the room, but also to crimp the RJ-45 standard connectors at the ends of the cable.

Types of cables for Internet connection

Depending on the type of provider, the cable can be routed to the subscriber in several ways. If the connection is made using the Wi-MAX, LTE or 3G standard, there may not be a cable at all.

Telephone cable

Used when connecting to the Internet using aDSL technology. The wire is used in two- and four-core wires; when using four wires, you can increase the length of the cable route and reduce interference. In some cases, a wired telephone is also connected via the same line. To connect, use a special cable modem or modem router.

Often a single-core copper “noodle” is used for the last mile of a telephone line; the speed and quality of such an Internet channel will be low

Providers use this type of cable to connect network subscribers cable television. Thanks to wide band transmission coaxial cable transmits both data and analog TV signals without mutual interference. As is the case with telephone line, a special modem is used for connection.

Coaxial cable is used when laying dual-use networks, for example, Internet + analog TV

Fiber optic

Fiber optic cable is used to connect either multi-storey buildings, with the installation of subscriber routers in the entrances, or houses in the private sector, since this type of cable transmits the signal over vast distances without reducing the signal level or interference. A converter, or interface converter, allows you to connect a router-router to such a cable using a patch cord made of ordinary twisted pair (UTP).

Fiber optic cable is used for laying long and interference-free routes

Twisted pair (UTP)

This is the most common and inexpensive type of connection. These cables bring the Internet to an apartment or house, and also connect client devices (computers, TV set-top boxes, printers) to the router. Cables come in four and eight cores. Four cores transmit data at speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s, and the eight-core version allows you to increase the speed tenfold.

UTP-8 is the most common wire for laying a local network

Without additional amplifying equipment, the length of cable routes will be small (up to 100 meters). Nevertheless, twisted pair connection is a popular type of connection due to the low cost of the wire and connectors, as well as the ability to cut the cable with or without a cheap tool. Whatever wire enters the house, all the same, after the interface converter or cable modem, the good old twisted pair.

Types of twisted pair

The wire for creating patch cord cables and cable routes differs both in the insulation material and in the composition of the central core (conductor). The cheap one is made of aluminum conductors and plastic insulation, designed for indoor use. Electrical resistance aluminum is higher than copper, and the signal in such a wire attenuates faster. Accordingly, it is worth making only short cables for indoor use, for example, connecting computers in an apartment or small private house to the router.

Use cheap UTP cable only indoors and when creating short network segments

The expensive wire is supplemented with another layer of insulation and a thick steel core, which takes on mechanical loads when suspended. Protected frost-resistant wire with copper conductors costs 3–4 times more, but with its help you can lay long sections of cable routes inside entrances and even between individual houses. It is worth noting that recently such routes are increasingly being made using fiber optic cable.

Protected twisted pair cable is equipped with additional insulation and steel wire for suspension

Tools required for crimping twisted pair cables

You will need crimping pliers (for 99% of the job), a utility knife or a strong utility knife, and a small flashlight.

Crimping pliers, or crimper, are the cableman’s main tool.

From Supplies You will need UTP wire and RJ-45 connectors. If the connectors do not come with silicone caps, a hot glue gun will be useful.

Using RJ45 connectors with silicone caps will not only protect the cable from damage, but also make the connection clearer

If there are no mounting pliers, a small hammer and a flat-head screwdriver with a blade width equal to the width of the contact group of the RJ-45 connector will serve as a substitute.

A cable tester - a device for checking crimped cables - will be extremely useful. If there is a break in the cable or there is no contact in one or two wires, the connection will become unstable.

The cable tester is indispensable for large volumes of cable work and long routes.

Twisted pair crimping circuits

Regardless of the number of cores, cables are divided into two types: straight and crossed. Crossovers are used to connect two computers into a peer-to-peer local network, without a router. If you use a router-router when building a network, then use cables of any type, since the router automatically detects which cable is connected.

Crimping 4-core cable

A four-core cable can be used indoors at network speeds up to 100 Mbit/s. If you examine the connectors of an inexpensive 100-Mbit router, you will find that each socket is equipped with only four contacts and using an 8-core cable will not provide any advantages. You can perform straight or cross crimping.

Direct crimping of four-core patch cord

The difference between the two types of crimping is the location of the orange and green cores.

Cross crimping of four-core patch cord

Crimping 8-core cable

There are more options for pressing in an 8-core cable, which is not surprising, because local networks with such a cable are the most common. Direct cable pressing can be done in two ways; they differ in the location of the orange cores. Type T586B is a de facto standard in the Russian Federation, and type T586A is common in the European Union and the USA.

Type T586V - the main one for crimping direct patch cords in the Russian Federation

The standards differ in the location of the green and orange cores. Core colors may vary depending on the cable manufacturer.

Type of crimping T586 is practiced in the USA and EU countries

Cable cross-crimping also has two options: for low-speed networks (10–100 Mbps) and for modern gigabit LANs.

Simple crimping is suitable for low speed networks

The difference between simple and cross crimping is the location of the blue and brown wires.

Use cross-pressure for high speed networks

How to crimp a patch cord cable using pliers

Prepare your tools: pliers, a flashlight and a knife.

  1. Using the miter knife of the pliers, straighten the end of the cable. If the cable was cut in a store with a regular knife, the end is probably beveled.
  2. Remove the insulation from the network cable. To do this, place the cable in the recess of the stripping tool so as to remove the insulation by 2–2.5 cm. Rotating the cable relative to the knife, cut it along the entire circumference. Remove the cut piece of insulation to expose the colored strands.

    Remove the cable insulation using a special tool

  3. Unbraid the veins. The length of the unbraided section should not be more than 12–13 mm. If it is difficult to align the strands, you can unbraid them to a greater length, and then trim the unbraided and aligned end.

    The wire strands are unraveled to a length of 12–13 mm

  4. Align and arrange the unbraided strands in that color scheme, which corresponds to the cable type.

    Align the cable cores according to the color scheme

  5. Taking the new RJ-45 connector, unfold it with the plastic lock facing down and carefully push the end of the cable into it along the guides. The vinyl chloride insulation tube must reach the inner locking tooth in the connector. If the wire is not inserted completely, the wires may come off.

    Carefully insert the unraveled end of the cable into the connector

  6. Check that the wires in the connector are in order and not damaged. If everything is fine, insert the connector into the connector of the crimping pliers and squeeze them all the way, but not too much.

    Crimp the RJ-45 connector with a crimper

  7. After crimping, the cable is ready for use.

Video: crimping a twisted pair cable

Crimping patch cord without pliers

If you rarely crimp cables or decide to help a friend, but the pliers are left at home, crimping can be done with improvised means that everyone has in their pantry. You will need a flathead screwdriver, a utility knife with a new blade, and a hot glue gun.

  1. Align the end of the cable with the blade of a sharp knife. Then, stepping back 2–2.5 cm from the end, make a neat circular cut on the insulation. Try not to cut through it so as not to damage the colored wires. After turning the cut section of insulation back and forth several times, separate it.

    Strip the cable insulation using a regular knife

  2. Unbraid the wires so that the length of the unbraided section does not exceed 12–13 mm. If you have difficulty aligning the strands, unbraid them to a greater length, and then trim the unbraided and aligned end.

    You can trim the wires to the desired length with wire cutters or a regular knife.

  3. Align the braided wires and arrange them in a color scheme that matches the type of cable being crimped.
  4. Now take the new RJ-45 connector and unfold it with the plastic lock facing down. Then carefully push the end of the cable into it along the guides. The insulating vinyl chloride tube must reach the inner lock tooth in the connector. If the wire is not completed to the end, the cores may come off during cable operation. Inspect the connector: the wires must be positioned correctly.

    Check that the wires are positioned correctly. If you make a mistake, you will have to cut off the connector and crimp on a new one.

  5. Using a screwdriver, push each of the eight pins down so that they cut into the corresponding colored wire. Place a screwdriver on the contact and press it down. There are only a couple of free millimeters in the connector for maneuver; if you overdo it, you can easily damage it. Repeat this action seven more times.

    Press the connector pins down until they penetrate the cable cores

  6. Using a heat gun, fill the inside of the connector with glue to secure the cable insulation in it.
  7. Check the quality of the crimp by connecting the cable to an RJ-45 socket (router or laptop). If the connector does not snap fully into place, remove it and repeat steps from step 5.
  8. When the cable has passed the test, it is ready for use.

Video: crimping connectors using a screwdriver

There is nothing complicated about crimping a twisted pair cable. Half an hour from special tool or a little longer with improvised means - and homemade the local network already works, and the cable connection is good maximum speed and no delays. Remember that a device with a cable Internet connection works faster than over the air and also reduces exposure to high-frequency radiation.