How to insert a table file into html. Ural State Pedagogical University

colspan tag - combining columns

The most common use of tables of complex structures is web page markup. Look at the picture:

It turns out that we need the first and third rows to have one column each. This is achieved using the parameter colspan tag . This setting tells the browser to combine multiple columns into one. The value of this parameter is a number indicating how many columns will be merged.

For example,

This column includes two columns.

For our example:

Document title

site header
menu content
bottom of the site

Notice that the first and third rows now contain one column each.

Let's look at another example of web page markup:

site header
menu menu menu menu menu menu
news content

Count - how many rows and columns are there in this table? To do this, mentally apply a grid to the drawing. This will result in three rows and six columns.

The first row consists of one column, which includes six columns. Let's write this down:

site header

The second row consists of six columns:

menu menu menu menu menu menu

The third line consists of two columns, with the first including two columns and the second four:

news content

It's not that difficult. We visually overlay the grid on the drawing and write the rows one by one from top to bottom, describing the required number of columns in each.

Rowspan tag - concatenation of rows

What if we need markup like this?

Please note that in the second row we only have one column, because the first column extends from the first row, simply including two.

At first glance, this may seem difficult, but with a little practice you will be able to create tables of any complexity.

Let's look at another example:

a cap menu
bottom of the site

So in the first row we have two columns, with the second column concatenating the two rows. Let's write this down:

a cap menu

The second row is one column (it's just that part of it is hidden by the second column of the first row):


Finally, the third row is a single column that includes three columns:

bottom of the site

Using these two options rowspan And colspan You can create tables of any complexity. Practice.

Nested tables

As the name suggests, one table can be placed inside another, or inside any column. Let's do this using our last markup as an example.

So we have this code.


Hi all!
Let's continue learning the basics of HTML. In this lesson I will tell you and show examples how to make a table in HTML. We’ll also look at how you can set the color of the table cells, how to center the table, learn how to make a table border, etc.
HTML tables are often used in HTML to list some information. Previously, tables were used to create the framework of web pages:

...but this is already a thing of the past, since today there are more effective ways to create wireframes for a website with . I often use a table on my blog or website, for example, like in .

I think you understand why you need to learn how to create a table.

What main tags does the table consist of?

○ tag TABLE
It is the main container for creating a table, which contains other table elements such as columns and rows.
The closing tag is required.

○ tag TR

Inside the container

rows are placed:

Columns are created using a tag .
The closing tag is required.

Attention: It is impossible to create a table without using all these tags.

Now let's try to use the theory and create a table in practice.

Exercise: create a table of one row with three columns.

row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3

Exercise: create a table of three rows and three columns.

row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3
row -2 / column 1 column 2 column 3
row -3 / column 1 column 2 column 3

Is everything clear to you up to this point? Who doesn't understand, raise your hand! Yeah, we all understand, so let’s move on.

Now let's look at the attributes for the table.


Table Borders in HTML

To make the table visible, go to the tag

applies attribute "border» .

If the attribute value « border» “0”, the border will not be visible unless added to the tag

attribute "border", the border in the table will also not be visible.

Table borders in HTML - website

row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3


Try changing the value in the attribute "border" on "10" .

How to merge cells in a table

To combine cells in a table use attributes "colspan" and "rowspan" to the tag < td> .

  • colspan - merging cells horizontally;
  • rowspan - merging cells vertically.

In the values, indicate how many cells you want to merge.

row 1 column 1
row 2 column 1 row 2 column 2


row 1 column 1 row 1 column 2
row 2 column 1


More complex example:

Tables in HTML - website

row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3
row -2 / column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4


How to increase the space between table cells

To increase the distance between the text and the cell border, add the attribute "cell padding" to tag

In the values ​​of the “cellpadding” attribute, specify the indentation distance

row 1 column 1 column 2


To increase the distance between cells in a table, use the attribute "cellspacing" to tag

In the attribute values "cellspacing" specify the distance between cells

row 1 column 1 column 2


How to make an HTML table background

To make an HTML table background use the to tag


the following attributes:

  • BGCOLOR – background color for the entire table or for each cell individually. The color is specified by code or word.
  • BACKGROUND – the background in the table is filled with a picture.
Tables in HTML - website
row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3
row -2 / column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4


How to insert a picture into an HTML table

To insert an image into an HTML table, between the tag

insert tag .

row 1 cell 1 cell 2


Values ​​are specified in pixels (px) or percentages (%)

Aligning content in an HTML table

To align content in an HTML table, use the to tag attribute "align" And "valign" :

ALIGN– horizontal alignment of content in the table.

  • left - push content to left side (default);
  • center install in the center;
  • right - push content to right side

VALIGN– vertical alignment of content in the table.

  • top press the contents to the top;
  • bottom press the contents to the bottom;
  • middle set content in the middle

default cell Align the content horizontally along the right edge, vertically - press it to the bottom
Align the content horizontally along the left edge, vertically - press it to the top Align the contents horizontally in the center, vertically - press them in the middle


How to center an HTML table

To center a table, you need to wrap the table with a tag


Table code

row -1 / column 1 column 2 column 3

Additional and main tags for the table

Table for website
Title 1 Title 2
1 2


Now we're done with the tables. You can now create a table of any complexity yourself. Pin this lesson. Try creating any table yourself.
I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson. Subscribe to my blog updates.

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A table is a collection of data distributed across rows and cells. Most cells contain tabular data; others contain row and column headings that describe the content.

To create a table in an HTML document, use the tag

, it represents a container that contains all the contents of the table.

Table creation always starts with rows, which are defined using the tag

, each row, in turn, consists of cells. Tag can only contain tags for creating cells.

In HTML there are two different tags for creating cells, the first one is

  • the table consists of rows - tags
  • ,
  • each row consists of columns - tags
  • ,
  • columns have names located in the first row - tags
  • . Let's create a table where we indicate the intersection of row and column numbers as the content:


    As you can see, it didn’t turn out very nicely, we’ll decorate it.

    HTML table parameters: indentation, width, background color, frame

    For this purpose the tag

    , it creates regular data cells. By default, tag contents aligned to the left. The second tag for creating cells is the tag , it allows you to define cells that contain headings for columns or rows, the contents of such cells are displayed in bold text and center aligned. Tags And may include any HTML elements that are available for use in the body of the document.

    First titleSecond title
    row 1, cell 1row 1, cell 2
    row 2, cell 1row 2, cell 2
    Try »

    Table within a table

    HTML has the ability to create nested tables, that is, tables that are located inside other tables. To make a nested table, you need to place the code of the table that you want to make nested inside any tag


    For example, let’s take the table we created earlier and place this code in the second cell of the second row:

    First titleSecond title
    row 1, cell 1row 1, cell 2
    row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2
    First titleSecond title
    row 1, cell 1row 1, cell 2
    row 2, cell 1row 2, cell 2

    L any table in HTML is a set of rows and columns at the intersection of which there are cells. Creating tables in HTML is quite simple, you just need to imagine the final model. In HTML, tables are used not only to present data; they can be used to place text blocks, images, etc. on a web page, i.e. with their help you can create the layout of the page itself.

    TABLE element, create a table

    To create tables in HTML, the element table, and all the code (its contents) tables are located between tags . The attributes of this element set values ​​for the entire table:

    • background- an image (URL) is specified, which can be the background for the entire table;
    • bgcolor- table background color, set if the background in the form of an image is not specified;
    • border- thickness of table lines, if visible borders are required;
    • bordercolor- color of table lines;
    • cellpadding- distance from text inside cells to cell borders;
    • cellspacing- distance from the table borders to the outer borders of the cells (inside the table);
    • width- sets the table width in px or % .

    Let's write an example code for a table with a blue background, a line thickness of 1px in white, padding inside and outside the cells of 2px, width 100% of the page:

    bgcolor="blue" border="1" bordercolor="white" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" width="100%" >

    Add a line

    Each table must have at least one row, it is specified by tags . In the following example we look at an example of adding a line:

    bgcolor="blue" border="1" bordercolor="white" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" width="100%" >

    Adding cells

    Cells form vertical columns of the table; they are designated by tags . Add cells to our table:

    bgcolor="blue" border="1" bordercolor="white" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" width="100%" >

    Cell No. 1
    Cell No. 2
    Cell No. 3

    We will see the resulting table:

    Concatenating Strings

    In some cases, it may be necessary to stretch one column over several rows; for this, the attribute is used rowspan, the value of which determines the number of rows needed for the merge. Let's look at an example:

    bgcolor="blue" border="1" bordercolor="white" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" width="100%" >

    rowspan="2" >Rows No. 1 and No. 2 are merged
    Cell No. 1
    Cell No. 2

    Cell No. 3
    Cell No. 4

    Line No. 3
    Cell No. 5
    Cell No. 6

    The browser will display:

    Lines #1 and #2 are merged Cell No. 1 Cell No. 2
    Cell No. 3 Cell No. 4
    Line No. 3 Cell No. 5 Cell No. 6

    Merging Columns

    Columns are combined using the same principle, only using the attribute colspan. Let's look at an example:

    bgcolor="blue" border="1" bordercolor="white" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="2" width="100%" >

    colspan="2" >Columns No. 1 and No. 2 are merged
    Column #3

    Cell No. 1
    Cell No. 2
    Cell No. 3

    Cell No. 4
    Cell No. 5
    Cell No. 6

    The browser will display:

    Attributes colspan And rowspan can be used simultaneously. In the browser it will look like this:

    Or like this:

    Try writing the code yourself!

    Table dimensions and alignment

    The height and width can be set both for the entire table as a whole, and for individual rows and columns; this is done using already familiar attributes width And height, values ​​are specified both in pixels and percentages.

    The horizontal alignment of the table is specified by the attribute align, the meanings are already familiar to you: left, center, right. And in order to align text in table cells, the horizontal alignment attribute align must be applied to each tag td. Using CSS makes this much easier. To vertically align the contents of cells, use the attribute valign. It also has its own values ​​- vertical alignment to the center middle, on top top and along the bottom bottom baseline (the line on which the text of the current line is located).

    Table background

    The background image or color can also be set for the entire table or for an individual cell, it all depends on what goals you are pursuing. This is set - for the image - by the attribute background, the value of which specifies the path to the required graphic file. For a color background - attribute bgcolor, here the value is the name of the color.


    That's basically all you need for the entry level. At the end of the section on building tables in HTML, your first acquaintance with the HTML language ends. By using tables in HTML You can create simple web page templates, so I suggest you create your first full one right now. The material covered is quite enough for this. Forward to the conquest of hyperspace!

    / What you can’t create a website without: ∼ ∼

    A table is one of the main tools for creating web pages.

    Without using CSS, only using tables you can create pages with complex designs. If you have completed the series of lessons Making a website - the first steps, then you understand what we are talking about.

    Any table is a set of rows and columns, at the intersection of which there are cells. For example:

    Let's look at our table from an HTML perspective:

    • the table itself is specified using tags
    • the table has a name - tags
    There are a number of parameters:

    • width- sets the width of the table (in pixels or % of the screen width),
    • bgcolor- sets the background color of table cells,
    • background- fills the table background with a pattern,
    • border- sets a border of the specified width (in pixels) around the entire table,
    • cellpadding- sets the padding in pixels between the cell border and its contents.
    Let's apply these parameters:


    This is better, but our table is pressed to the left edge of the window, as is the text in it. Let's fix this by adding three more parameters:

    • align- sets the table alignment: left (right), right (left), center (center),
    • cellspacing- sets the distance between table cells (in pixels),
    • cellpadding- sets the distance between the text and the inner border of the table cell (in pixels).
    Let's apply these parameters:


    Please note that the table has double borders. If you specify cellspacing="0", then the boundaries will take the usual form:


    In general, two parameters are responsible for boundaries:

    • frame- sets the type of frame around the table and can take the following values:
      • void- no frame,
      • above- only the top frame,
      • below- bottom frame only,
      • hsides- only the top and bottom frames,
      • vsides- only left and right frames,
      • lhs- left frame only,
      • rhs- right frame only,
      • box- all four parts of the frame.
    • rules- sets the type of internal table boundaries and can take the following values:
      • none- there are no borders between cells,
      • groups- boundaries only between groups of rows and groups of columns (will be discussed a little later),
      • rows- borders only between lines,
      • cols- boundaries are only between columns,
      • all- display all borders.
    Using these parameters, you can set the boundaries the way you want. Here we will give only one example, experiment with them all yourself.


    It should be noted that borders are displayed slightly differently in different browsers.

    HTML tags tr and td

    Tables are formed row by row. Therefore, the parameters specified in the line (tr) extend their effect to all cells (td) of the line. Strings can have three parameters:

    • align- aligns text in cells horizontally, can take values: left (right), right (left), center (center),
    • valign- aligns text in cells vertically, can take values: up (top), down (bottom), centered (middle),
    • bgcolor- sets the color of the line.
    Let's look at an example:
    • width- sets the column width (in pixels or as a percentage, where 100% is the table width),
    • height- sets the height of the cell, and all cells in the same row will become of this height.
    For example, let's add to our code, in the tags


    It should be noted that if you do not set the width and height, the table will be formed according to the content (this was the case in the previous examples).

    This lesson is over, practice creating and designing tables, you will need these skills in the next lesson, where we will create tables of complex structures.

    these parameters
    1 2 3