What is the most popular social network. We don’t know everything: what social networks exist on the Internet. Strategies for interacting with social media audiences

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube top the rankings social networks in the world, but users from Russia (and other post-Soviet countries, such as Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine) often prefer regional replacements for these platforms.

And this difference in popularity may have great importance for companies that use such sites for advertising, as it can completely change the marketing strategy (which is used in other parts of the world). In addition, social networks, the rating of which in Russian-speaking countries differs from the global one, can provide enormous opportunities for international communication. Currently, eight social networks are the most popular.

"In contact with"

VK (formerly known as VKontakte) is the most widespread social network in Russia these days, with more than 46.6 million visitors per month. Undoubtedly, this resource tops the ranking of social networks in the post-Soviet space.

There are many interesting opinions about this site, but it can best be described as a combination between Facebook and a data sharing service. Similar to Facebook, each user has a profile and can search and add other users as friends to see their status updates, new photos and videos.

Along with these traditional functions, users can also download audio and video files of any kind and share these resources with other people. This has previously come under scrutiny as it has at times crossed legal lines, but recent reports indicate that VK is now working with major record labels. This made it possible to launch a subscription service that allows you to legally share media files. This is why VKontakte has been leading the ranking of social networks in Russia for several years.


While VKontakte may be the most popular service among younger users (ages 18-35), OK (originally Odnoklassniki) is the more commonly preferred social network. This service has more than 31.5 million visitors per month, with a larger percentage (69%) being women. This platform, by the way, was the first in Russia and, one might say, gave rise to such a phenomenon as social networks. The ranking of sites in this category will always remain incomplete without mentioning it.

Like VK, OK allows users to create profiles, search for friends, and share status updates and images. The main purpose of creating the platform is to communicate with classmates and friends with whom users may have lost contact many years ago, so the search parameters are quite detailed.

Additionally, the site has a feature that provides information about who has visited your page (whether or not you are their friend). To view the profiles of other users, there is an anonymity feature for which you must pay (to enable “Invisibility Mode”).

"My world"

Perhaps the best generally accepted analogue of the Russian “My World” is Google+. Both of these services are extensions of the ISP Email(in the case of “My World” - mail.ru). "My World" has struggled to find its own unique niche on a broader level, but the network's popularity is not that great. However, more than 16.6 million people use this service every month to share images, music and videos, as well as to play games and meet new friends, which is why it is included in the ranking of social networks. The My World online search strategy contains several parameters that are not available in other platforms.


Social networks, which have a high rating all over the world, have not bypassed the post-Soviet space. Even though Facebook is not the most popular site in Russia, its popularity has definitely begun to grow - it now receives more than 21.6 million Russian-speaking visitors per month. This is not surprising, since Facebook is constantly changing its platform to better meet the needs of users.

Analysts believe that one of the reasons why Facebook is becoming increasingly popular in Russia is business communication. According to some sources, more than 30% of business discussions in Russia take place on Facebook. Therefore, it will not be surprising if this platform tops the ranking over time


Livejournal is a blogging platform that has been around since 1999, but has not been used in much of the world since then. This trend is far from true in Russia, where more than 15.1 million users visit LiveJournal every month. This figure is more than half of the site's total traffic.


Twitter is another classic social media site that works well in Russia. While it doesn't get as many unique monthly visitors as the other services on this list (about 7.7 million monthly visitors), it does boast a following of every user. So while Twitter may not be a mainstay for most Russian social media users, those who choose to use it do so on a large scale.

Rutube and YouTube

Rutube is essentially Russia's answer to YouTube - a social media platform focused on video sharing for content of all types. Although the service hasn't reached the same reach as YouTube, it has collected a lot of content from a variety of users.

Rutube hosts both licensed content and user uploads. The vast majority of downloads are in Russian. This high percentage of Russian content makes the platform an incredibly valuable resource for those trying to learn the language.


The first social media platform on this list, Instagram, has become extremely popular in the past few years, and its popularity in Russia is no exception. Instagram is quickly moving up the rankings, and today has 12.3 million monthly users (of which 77% are young women).

This shift in popularity is largely due to the crossover between Instagram and other platforms where users can use great photo editing tools. This allows you to enhance and capture a photo and then post it on both Instagram and other popular social media sites.

While Instagram's core features continue to be easy to access and use, there are several options for tools and third party applications, which most users don’t even know about. It is expected that this platform will soon top the popularity ratings of social networks in most countries.

Concluding this review, it is worth noting that the success of such unique social networks as VK and OK in Russia and neighboring countries may surprise those who are accustomed to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, which have a complete monopoly in the world.

There are definitely a number of advantages to sites targeting a specific user base, whether geographically (as in these examples) or based on demographics (age of users).

Social networks have become such a popular channel for promoting business that many companies are trying to be everywhere they can. They create profiles and develop a presence according to a general scenario. Small businesses, whose capabilities and resources are limited, are especially guilty of this.

But social networks are primarily platforms for communication, and they are all very different. Users are not interested in seeing the same type of discount ads and links to the site everywhere. They want to receive feedback, see life behind the scenes, and be friends with you, in the end.

Without an army of SMM specialists it is very difficult to maintain this level. In this case, it is better to make the right choice and choose quality over quantity. Therefore, stop at only a few of the most promising sites. To do this, you need to study the statistics of social network users.

In the West there are no problems with this - the data is available upon first request. In our country, it is not easy to find information about the Russian audience of social networks.

I tried to correct this misunderstanding and collected important (and, if possible, fresh) facts about users of the most popular sites in Russia. They will help you find the optimal platform for promotion.

General data on social networks

  • 45% of adult Russians log into at least one social network almost daily, 62% once a week.
  • The maximum level of involvement is observed in the age group of 18-24 years – 91% of respondents use social networks almost every day. In the 25-34 category – 69%.
  • The social network with the widest coverage in Russia is VKontakte, visited daily by 28% of respondents, Odnoklassniki in second place - 19%, Instagram in third - 14%. The choice largely depends on age.
  • In terms of the activity of authors, VKontakte is in first place - more than 36 thousand per month; Instagram is catching up with the leader at a confident pace - more than 23 thousand per month.
  • On VKontakte, the wealthiest users - 180 thousand respondents classified themselves in the category of “full prosperity”; on Odnoklassniki and Instagram there are 110 thousand such users each.

  • Young people under 18 years of age on VKontakte and Instagram are in third place after YouTube.

VKontakte data


  • 77% of the entire mobile audience in Russia – first place.
  • 97 million active users per month.
  • Most visited platform: 12 days from PC and 15 days from mobile devices per month.

  • The geography is as follows:

  • Demographics: few women more men, the predominant audience is over 25 years old.


  • 25.7 million VKontakte users publish content.
  • There are more women among the authors, the most active audience is between the ages of 25 and 34:

  • Most content creators live in St. Petersburg, the Murmansk region and Moscow.

  • The audience is most active on Mondays.

  • Best time for user engagement – ​​night, from 12 to 2.

  • The audience reacts most actively to publications with short text of up to 160 characters.

  • The most popular content format is photo.

YouTube data


  • YouTube reaches 82% of Russians aged 18 to 44 years.
  • The site is popular both in Moscow (80%) and in small cities with 100 to 400 thousand inhabitants (78%).
  • The most active audience is 25-34 years old, followed by the 35-44 year old group.
  • There are more women on the social network, but in the 18-24 year old category, viewers are mostly male.
  • 42% of users have above average income.


  • 61% of views come from mobile devices.
  • 30% of viewers find content here that is not available anywhere else.
  • The top 10 most popular video categories are as follows:

  • 58% of viewers met like-minded people here, and 65% found an example to follow.
  • The most active days are Tuesday and Sunday.

  • Time – 9 and 12-13 hours.

  • Viewers like videos with long descriptions, more than 1000 characters.

Instagram data

Instagram is growing at an incredible pace; in June, the social network crossed the . What contribution did the Russians make to this figure?


  • A year and a half ago, 9.86% of Russians, or almost 14.5 million, were registered on Instagram. According to Statista, as of January 2019, there are 37 million of our compatriots on the social network. The growth here is significant too.

  • There are more women on the social network, with 67% of users in the 18-34 age group.

  • At the same time, Instagram is maturing, and the percentage of its audience over 35 is growing.

  • The number of users from Kazan and Samara is growing more actively on the social network than from Moscow and St. Petersburg.


  • Women (76.9%) create content more often than men (23.1%).
  • There are more than 7 million authors on the site.

  • Residents of the capitals and the Sakhalin region are more active in publishing posts.

  • The best days for audience engagement are Sunday and Monday.

  • Time – from 9 to 13 and from 19 to 22.

  • Paradoxical as it may seem, Russians love to read on Instagram; the most popular are publications with long text over 1000 characters.

  • It’s better to rely on high-quality photos; the audience also responds well to links.

  • Interesting fact: 36% of users go to Instagram to...

  • Both women and men primarily follow the lives of friends and famous personalities on social networks.

  • The interests of the Russian audience are distributed as follows (data from the advertising office, 2019):

Odnoklassniki data

Odnoklassniki bypasses many brands, however, the social network occupies a leading position in popularity in Russia. Let's figure out what kind of audience you can find here.


  • Every month 45 million Russians log into Odnoklassniki.
  • Women 57%, men 43%. Most of the users are between the ages of 25 and 35, but there is also a large age audience: 14% of women and 9% of men over 56 years old.

  • 74% of users access the social network from mobile devices.


  • As of 2015, there were just over a million active authors. And now the platform is more often used for personal communication.
  • Content is created predominantly by women.

  • Odnoklassniki is a regional social network. Most of the authors live in the Jewish Autonomous Region, Sakhalin Region and Trans-Baikal Territory.

  • The site's audience is most active on Mondays.

  • The most popular times: 13 and 18-19 hours.

  • The audience reacts more actively to publications with short text of up to 160 characters.

Today people communicate more and more virtual space. The Internet and mobile devices allow you to do this almost anywhere. The most popular social networks play the role of a kind of bridge between vast distances and at the same time a small state, each of which has its own rules.

Today people communicate more and more on social networks

The concept of a social network itself has already become quite blurred, since many of those virtual platforms that are called by this name are instant messengers, video streamers, video hosting sites, and photo hosting sites. But nevertheless, all these communities are recognized as social networks.

List of the most popular Russian social networks. networks differs from similar global ones. Mainly on the first two lines:

  1. In contact with
  2. Facebook
  3. Skype
  4. Google +
  5. Viber
  6. Facebook Messenger

This is the list we have for 2016.


VK has traditionally been the leader among all other social networks in Russia and many CIS countries for many years. Last October, Contact turned ten years old, and it remains a virtual monopolist in the sphere of online communication among Russians. The average daily audience is about 64 million visitors.

Every year and mobile app, and the web version receive new features that are present in other social networks. One of these was the appearance of “Stories”, with the help of which you can tell your friends and subscribers about your life in videos or photographs. In addition, money transfers and voice messages, familiar to many, appeared.

OK.ru is the fifth most popular Russian website. Odnoklassniki constantly steps on the heels of Contact: 51 million users per day - but nevertheless can never catch up with it.

This year on social media. networks appeared broadcasts from groups, money transfers, and the “OK Video” application. Odnoklassniki also tries to provide users with the maximum number of communication opportunities. It is worth noting that both sites: VK and Odnoklassniki belong to Mail.Ru Group.


Facebook ended up in third place largely due to the existence of its Russian counterpart - VKontakte. Since it is more convenient for us to use Pavel Durov’s brainchild, and many have many more friends there, 6 million Russians log on to Facebook every day.


Skype cannot be called a full-fledged social network. network, since it is still deprived of many functions inherent in the same VK. The main feature of Skype has been and will be video calls. Yes, there are chats and the ability to add personal information, but most people use Skype specifically for video or audio communications.

Despite the emergence of such programs as Viber, WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype does not lose its popularity. Perhaps because many are not yet sufficiently accustomed to new substitutes for the old, reliable program.

Google +

Google+ is unsuccessful attempt Google create your own social. net. Unsuccessful because the popularity of Google + is decreasing every year. It’s only a matter of time before there are no users left there at all.

The most interesting thing is that Google + ranks fifth in our country. In other countries, it is practically not quoted at all due to low popularity.

The popular application is rapidly conquering the world. Today, WhatsApp is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world: the monthly audience is 1 billion. It is also quite popular among Russian users.


An analogue of WhatsApp with similar functionality. However, it is more often used to make calls than to exchange messages.

Viber is already beginning to lose ground after the emergence of such popular means of communication or social media. networks like WhatsApp.

Instagram is in eighth place, while in the world it is constantly in the lead and is located in the top five. This is the network that is used a large number of youth. It finally became possible to consider it social after Direct appeared on Instagram - chat with users.

Instagram is gradually starting to outpace Twitter. On Insta, everything is built on sharing photos, on Twitter, on short messages.

Twitter has become quite strong in the post-Soviet space, but is beginning to lose popularity to Instagram, which is still winning new users. The monthly audience is 7.7 million people.

On Twitter, the main feature is small notes about their lives that users share with each other. Naturally, the creators did not stop there and added many more different features: chat, the ability to post videos and photos, likes and reposts - making Twitter a full-fledged social network. network.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger also cannot be considered as a separate social network. This is an application that allows you to chat with your friends.

However, despite this, Facebook Messenger found itself in the top ten most popular networks. The messenger has an arsenal of capabilities similar to Viber and WhatsApp.

How are things going abroad?

  1. Facebook
  2. Facebook Messenger
  3. WeChat
  4. QZONE

YouTube is also well known to Russian users, but in the world it is ranked second, and as one of the most popular social networks. networks. Billions of videos are watched daily on the site, and the number of accounts is 1.3 billion.

Well, perhaps in a few years YouTube will become just as popular here. Service on this moment mainly acts as a server for a huge number of videos, allowing users to create their own channels, comment on each other, like or dislike.

Tumblr appeared in Russia relatively recently and is just beginning to gain its popularity. While in the rest of the world it is already in the top ten. Its monthly audience is 555 million people.

This network is used mainly by young people. In it you can share various multimedia content. At the same time, the developers try to ensure its uniqueness.

The QQ and QZONE services are known primarily in Asia. This is a messenger and a social network, respectively. It is unlikely that if you go to them, you will find your friends there.

So, as you can see, in 2016 the lists of the most popular networks partially overlap. And even if they do not merge at all, it is clear that everywhere people follow the path of instant messengers and specialized applications in order to discard the unnecessary. Although traditional social networks still occupy the top.

The top five most popular social networks in the world have not changed in recent years. Three of them - Youtube, Facebook, Instagram - are well known in Russia. The list of leaders is completed by two Chinese social networks. They did not spread influence in Europe and the USA, but became leaders due to the number of active users from Asian countries.

Dynamics of development of social networks 2004-2019

A very revealing video about which networks and what type of content are becoming more in demand.

Each social network is different in terms of user population, the nature of the content, and the specifics of working with regional areas. Different target audiences require different approaches, so differences between social networks are necessary when planning promotion.

The main thing is live users

When comparing social networks with each other, it makes sense to take into account only active users, and not the number of created accounts. In most social networks, the process of creating additional accounts is as complicated as possible - a mandatory link is established to a phone number, email, and accounts in other social networks. Owners of pages that are not logged in every day are asked to protect their data using additional bindings the next time they log in.

Maintaining business accounts on social networks and a separate budget for SMM are becoming the norm for large companies. The most popular social networks have additional functionality for registering and maintaining business accounts, and also offer integrated analytics systems for traffic, activity, and the effectiveness of promotions.

The most popular social networks in the world

According to research from analytics company Statista, the most popular social networks in the world, ranked by number of active users (in millions), as of October 2019:

China's largest social networks Qzone, QQ and the WeChat messenger have gained more than 570 million users from the Asia-Pacific region. Instagram and Twitter are popular mainly in Europe and the USA. Oddly enough, in terms of activity in social networks, Europe is still behind even Russia, so European social networks are not visible in the top 10.

Social networks: list of popular ones in Russia

Medialogy conducted a study on the mentions of platforms in social networks in August 2019. The Russian-language segment of social media was considered (Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, LiveJournal, forums and blogs). Data without self-citations were taken into account.
The leader in mentions was YouTube - 24.7 million messages, followed by Instagram - 13 million and VKontakte - 8.2 million.

In 11th and 12th places were Snapchat - 0.4 million mentions, and My World - 0.2 million, respectively.
Previously, Mediascope conducted a study on the audience of platforms; in terms of the number of monthly users, the leaders were VKontakte with 37.9 million people, Instagram with 30.6 million and Odnoklassniki with 23.1 million.
Despite the fact that Snapchat is in eleventh place in terms of mentions, it became the fifth social network in Russia by audience in the first half of 2019, according to Mediascope data.

What are social networks?

The list of popular social networks is headed by platforms for content that is easily accessible to the user: photos, videos, things that don’t take a long time to read. If you are promoting a brand on a particular social network, the content must be strictly adapted to the requirements of the audience. Don't try to promote text content on Twitter or Instagram: users of these platforms are accustomed to receiving visual material with only a small text component. Few people delve into the comments under posts for a long time; the main emphasis should be on visualization and conciseness.

Promotion on Facebook allows for variations with content. The platform is designed for a variety of content: short messages, photographs with captions there side by side with designed longreads on a specific topic. There are many communities and opportunities to discuss anything with like-minded people.;

Social networks for business promotion: what makes you make purchases?

The Sprout Social agency, which has been studying American and global social networks since 2010, has published a chart that shows what brings users closer to completing a conversion action on a social network.

  • Most users note that a quick response from a specialist is their priority;
  • Half of brand followers on social networks react positively to promotions;
  • Just over 40% expect to see it on a company page useful information;
  • 27% of users will be willing to make a purchase if you show them “behind the scenes.”

Half of the surveyed users threaten to unsubscribe from the page immediately, and 27% plan to mark the brand as spam and block it if annoying/negative/uninteresting information appears on the page. Reaching an audience and attracting new potential customers requires interesting and useful content that will resonate with target audience. When choosing materials and designing publications, you will have to sift out a lot of unnecessary things.

Social networks are not only a place for people to communicate, but also a platform for working with potential clients, prompt responses and holding promotions to attract the target audience. If you decide to promote your business or product on social networks, remember the basic principles:

  • Better good promotion in one social network than bad in several;
  • The social network chosen for promotion must correspond to the specifics of the brand: cosmetics and perfumes are best presented through social networks with visual content;
  • The content must be consistent with both the social network and the brand;
  • For some social networks, interaction with the audience is critically important, and these are additional costs for developing promotions and competitions, which must be taken into account when drawing up estimates;
  • Promotion in some social networks has a beneficial effect on promotion in search engines, this is especially true if the social network platform and search system belong to the same company.
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Facebook is the most popular social network of all time. On the site we all know, you can upload photos, update your current status, send messages to friends, and publish messages and opinions on your page. Facebook was originally called "The Facebook" - it was a kind of fantasy idea of ​​​​one Harvard University student. The social site instantly became popular and continued to grow. Facebook was initially restricted to university students only.

The social network began its journey at Harvard, and soon its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, opened it to other educational institutions. Soon the site of this social network became available not only for students and attracted millions of people from all over the world.

Many companies use Facebook to build a reputation and promote their products. There are several external companies that help support Facebook services. A service seller can create a Facebook page and post content on a regular basis in the form of advertisements.

When Facebook first appeared, two students from Harvard University accused the creator of this social network of stealing their idea. After the trial, Zuckerberg had to pay monetary damages, the exact amount of which was not disclosed. Another time the case went to court was when the co-founder and CFO filed a lawsuit against Zuckerberg after he was fired from the company, and the case was also settled for a secret amount of money.

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It is the second most famous and popular social network that allows users to send and read messages called tweets. But tweets must be short - their size is limited to 140 characters. Twitter was first created in March 2006 and launched in July 2006. By 2013, this social network became one of the top 10 most visited sites. Today there are more than half a billion registered users on Twitter. Many celebrities, politicians, world leaders, media channels and other businesses have Twitter profiles so that their fans can follow their daily lives and events.

The second top social network also became famous for the fact that they came up with the use of hashtags (#), i.e. the most widely used symbols to represent various events, so millions of people on Twitter have been able to use them in their tweets. Before it came to Twitter, the hashtag was only used as a button on the phone and was considered a symbol for numbers only.

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Linkedin is the third most popular social network in the world and is intended for professionals in any field. The site was created specifically for professionals and businesses to bring together the best jobs and the best employees in one place. Linkedin was founded in December 2002 and officially launched on May 5, 2003. In 2013, this site became one of the most popular sites among social and professional networks with more than 259 million registered users in nearly 200 countries. Linkedin is available in twenty different languages.

This network allows users to create their profiles so that they can build real professional relationships with thousands of employers, employees and other professionals in their field. Here you can find a job and discover new business opportunities through the users you connect with on this social website.

Job seekers often use the site to view HR profiles to better prepare for interviews. When you sign up for Linkedin, you can tag jobs you're interested in where you'd like to send your resume. You can also congratulate other users on their promotion and you can see who visited your page.

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the site is used for storing, collecting and sharing information. Elements that are saved on a page are called “pins.” There are several other sites linked to this site that offer news and information and also have a save option. Just click on the "Pin" button on the information you want to download on the page and it will automatically load on your page.

Users can also pin each other's pages, so you can see what your friends are interested in. Pinterest is a huge platform where you can show off your creativity and interests. The user can also tag a Pinterest page from their Twitter or Facebook profiles. Pinterest has become one of the top 5 social networks over the past few years. As of February 2013, there are 48.7 million registered users, and this number is growing rapidly and intensively.

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Google Plus, which is owned by Google Inc. is another popular network with a large number of users around the world. Google Plus allows its users to create a profile page that contains a picture, background screen, work history, your interests and education history. The user can also post status updates and sees other people's status updates and can share photos. In order to see your friends' news, you need to add them to your “circle”.

In November 2011, Google Plus profiles became the backdrop for others Google services, such as Gmail, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Voice, Google Wallet, Google Music and Android - the most common operating system for smartphones. Google Plus also has a Plus-1 button that allows its users to recommend content, something similar to the Facebook "Like" button.

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Tumblr is the sixth most popular social network that was created by David Karp in 2006. This social network is designed for micro-blogging. Users can post content and multimedia elements in a short blog form. The main Tumblr page is a combination of your favorite blogs and posts from people you follow.

In addition, here you can post images, videos, texts, quotes, or share links on your blog, and there is also the ability to share other people's blogs. The user can also set a schedule so that their posts can be delayed by several hours or days. Hashtags (#) are a great opportunity for friends and subscribers to easily find any messages and promotions. Today, there are over 213 million blogs on Tumblr.

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Instagram is the seventh popular social network that is used for mobile photo and video sharing on social media. It was created by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom and launched in October 2010. There are currently more than 300 million users of this popular social network.

Instagram allows its users to upload photos and share videos and follow other users. Users can also link their Instagram account to their Facebook and Twitter accounts, so that photos they post on Instagram will automatically appear on those sites as well. Since creating Instagram, he contributed to the emergence of some new directions on the network:

Selfie is a self-portrait taken using a smartphone or digital camera.

Throwback Thursday is a trend that started on Instagram and spread to Twitter and Facebook. Every Thursday you can post an old photo with the hashtag #TBT.

Woman Crush Wednesday - Every Wednesday you can post a photo of a beautiful lady you have a crush on.

Man Crush Monday: Every Monday you can post a photo of a handsome man.

Weekend Hashtag Project: The Instagram team suggests a specific theme at the end of the weekend. You can upload a photo that fits a given topic.

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VK is the largest social network in Russia and Europe. Although VK is available in several languages, it is mainly popular among Russian-speaking users. VK currently has more than 280 million users. The most widely used function on VK is messages. A VK user can send private messages to another user or a group of two to thirty users.

You can send audio, photos, videos, files, documents and maps in private messages. The user can also post news, opinions and share interesting links on his page. There is a “Like” button, just like in Facebook, but if on Facebook likes automatically appear on the user’s own wall, then on VK likes are information that can be hidden. A VK user can also synchronize his account with other social networks.

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Flickr is another popular site that allows the user to post and share videos, images, and web services. Flickr was created in 2005 as Yahoo Flickr, and as of 2013 it has over 87 million users. This social network offers 3 types of accounts. The first type of account is free and with such an account the user has limited storage space.

The second is “no ads”, also free, offering the same amount of storage, but without annoying advertisements. Third - Account Double type allows users to get double the storage capacity. Photos and videos you upload can be displayed in normal view, slideshow view, detail view, or have an archive attached.

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Vine is a social network for video sharing. It was founded in June 2012, and since then, Vine allows its users to edit, record and upload videos of only 5-6 seconds in length. The user can also repost or exchange photos, and can subscribe to other users.

Videos you upload can be automatically posted to Twitter and Facebook. If you want to watch videos that are uploaded by other people you don't follow, you can search by username, topic, or trending video.

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This was an article TOP 10 Most popular social networks in the world. Thank you for your attention!