What is the battery capacity of iPhone 7. What is the battery capacity of all iPhone models. What users expected

As geeks, we don't just want details, we need them. At the last presentation, which took place on September 7, Apple talked about its new flagships iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but a significant part of the information was still missing.

On this day, we repeatedly heard about the processor and performance of smartphones, but representatives of the American company never said how much RAM they have. Fortunately, a few days ago we received the answer to this question. And today we managed to find out the capacity of the built-in batteries on both flagships.

At the latest Apple event, we learned that the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus should show slightly better battery life results than their predecessors. According to company representatives, the new A10 Fusion processor uses battery power more efficiently, which, along with software optimizations, will allow the updated series of phones to last longer on a single charge. It also turned out that the Cupertino team equipped the devices with more capacious batteries. Last year's iPhone 6S's 1,750 mAh battery has been replaced with a larger 1,960 mAh battery, while the iPhone 6S Plus' 2,750 mAh battery has been bumped up to 2,900 mAh in the iPhone 7 Plus.

Fun fact: the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus have less powerful batteries than the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Additionally, while the iPhone 7's power supply offers more capacity than any other regular-sized iPhone, the iPhone 7 Plus has a smaller battery (2,900 mAh) than the two-year-old iPhone 6 Plus (2,910 mAh).

We still have to find out how well the new products hold a charge in real conditions.

There are many rumors about the battery capacity of the new iPhone 7 model. To dispel them, we will analyze its productivity and take a detailed look at the characteristics. Apple claims that this time the iPhone battery performance is the best ever. Is this true and what actually is the battery capacity of the iPhone 7?

The battery capacity of iPhones is a rather sensitive topic, since the company is constantly working on improving it, trying to compete with other phone monsters - Samsung and Huawei. Numerous online publications predicted iPhone 7 would have unprecedented battery power and improved performance. But, unfortunately, not everything turned out to be true, although some points were predicted with accuracy.

The 4.7-inch iPhone 7, presented in September 2016, greatly disappointed its consumer with its battery capacity, which was only 1960 mAh. In fact, the 7's battery is a significant improvement over its predecessor, the iPhone 6S's 1,750 mAh battery. And, if we compare the battery of the seven with the version of the iPhone 6 Plus, then the battery capacity of the latter was significantly higher and amounted to 2910 mAh.

With a simple calculation, the battery in the iPhone 7 has increased slightly, by only 210 mAh! At the same time, the autonomy of the iPhone 7 has increased by 20%, despite the fact that the smartphone has a more powerful A 10 processor.

How can this be explained? On the one hand, it’s all about the size of the device, so to speak, the dimensions. Still, the company focused on the convenience and compactness of the iPhone 7, and accordingly, the battery capacity a priori could not become unusually high. The battery efficiency is largely ensured by the A10 operating system, which consists of 4 processor cores, with 2 of them “Fusion” being energy-saving and highly productive.

On the other hand, the 4.5-inch smart got rid of the analog audio connectors built into the body of previous models, and the space vacated by them was filled with a processor and increased battery capacity. The impressive battery capacity of the iPhone 6 Plus is justified by its increased external data.

The physical charging capacity of the iPhone 7 is 10% superior to older versions of smartphones. Of course, the autonomous long-term operation of the sixth models was noticeably influenced by the new technological chip, which makes it possible to improve performance and at the same time save battery consumption. Moreover, the charging index, which is recorded on the smartphone screen, will help track energy consumption.

To everyone’s delight, the seven has become a leader, giving consumers the opportunity to use LTE networks for 12 hours. It is now possible to stay in Wi-Fi mode for up to 13 hours, and not up to 11. Another advantage is that you can watch videos for up to 9 hours due to the compact display and economical screen resolution.

By the way, if you also use the battery case, the charge will last for as much as 26 hours of communication, and you can watch videos for up to 24 hours, plus you can surf the Internet and LTE networks for up to 22 hours.

To fully charge a dead iPhone 7, you only need to wait 2.08 hours to charge.

How to extend battery life on iPhone 7

The lifespan of an iPhone battery is indicated by the period of time required from its full charge to its complete discharge, and the lifespan of an iPhone battery is determined by the period of time between buying it in a store and replacing it at a service center or by yourself. Let's take a quick look at whether it is possible to extend the life of a battery, and if so, at what cost.

Tip 1. When charging the iPhone 7, remove excess cases, since the smartphone gets quite hot while charging, and an additional case insulates the battery and interferes with heat transfer, overheating it. This happens especially often when we leave the iPhone charging all night.

Tip 2: Don't let your iPhone run out of juice unnecessarily, as the battery may be drained to the point where it won't be able to charge again. And, conversely, if the battery is charged to 100%, you should not keep the iPhone on charge for extra time, as this threatens to lose its capacity.

Tip 3. Do not leave a charged iPhone in the sun for a long time in hot weather or in a hot room, the temperature of which reaches 32 degrees Celsius. The acceptable temperature for a smartphone is 16-22 degrees Celsius. If you charge your smartphone at high temperatures, the battery will fail. The same applies to low temperatures, and the battery life of an iPhone in winter will be significantly reduced, so don’t be surprised.

Tip 4. Save the brightness of your device by increasing its battery life. It is better to use the automatically adjusted brightness available in the iPhone 7.

Tip 5: Keep Wi-Fi turned on whenever possible, as this method of receiving data helps your smartphone reduce power consumption.

Tip 6: Update your iOS software whenever possible to take advantage of the latest energy-saving technologies.

Tip 7. Check the power consumption level of certain applications on your iPhone. After all, some economically consume smartphone energy, while others, on the contrary, instantly eat up the charge. Knowing the gluttony of your applications, you can block them in time if they are not needed.

Tip 8. Use the power saving mode indicator provided in iOS, which monitors that recharging is carried out on time and at the same time prevents its excessive consumption.

Tip 9. Unnecessarily disable synchronization with iCloud cloud storage, as well as the energy-consuming AirDrop data transfer program. This will not prevent you from using the Internet, making calls or receiving messages, and will significantly extend the life of the iPhone 7.

Tip 10. Turn on airplane mode if the battery level is very low, but you will still be able to receive and make calls.

Battery characteristics of all iPhone models.

Not everyone has the same criteria for choosing smartphones. Some people need a high-quality camera, others care more about processor power, and others just want the battery life of the device to be at its best. We decided to put together information about the battery capacities of all iPhone models so that potential smartphone buyers would not have any questions when choosing.

iPhone 2G

The original iPhone 2G, released back in 2007, is unlikely to appeal to anyone as their main smartphone, however, for the sake of completeness, we will still indicate the capacity of its battery.

Battery: Built-in 1400mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 3G

It is becoming increasingly difficult to meet the owner of an iPhone 3G, but judging by the statistics published on the Internet, the smartphone is still actively used. And why should people who are inexperienced with the latest technologies refuse it?

Battery: Built-in 1150mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 3GS

iPhone 3GS is an improved version of the “troika”, which at one time was considered the standard among smartphones. And a capacious battery played an important role in this.

Battery: Built-in 1219mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 4

The “Four” is still used everywhere - the smartphone, although it does not support iOS 8, copes with its main tasks perfectly.

Battery: Built-in 1420mAh lithium polymer battery

iPhone 4s

Starting with the iPhone 4s, Apple began packing smartphones with lithium-ion batteries. And although many users, especially of smartphones running Android, criticized the battery life of the iPhone, it only increased with each new model.

Battery: Built-in 1430mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5

The iPhone 5, although at one time it rose above the “fours”, flaunting amazing technical characteristics, its battery was not much better than that of its predecessors.

Battery: Built-in 1440mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5c

The plastic and colorful iPhone 5c is no different from the iPhone 5 in terms of processor power or battery capacity.

Battery: Built-in 1510mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 5s

The iPhone 5s, which until recently was Apple's flagship, includes a very capacious battery. Add to this the excellent work of Apple engineers to optimize the use of resources by the iOS mobile operating system and we get from 8 to 250 hours of battery life.

Battery: Built-in 1560mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6

Finally, we got to the “large” Apple smartphones, whose batteries are in perfect order. Users, even those who are not fans of the iPhone, note on the Internet how long the “sixes” work without recharging. This is due to:

Battery: Built-in 1810mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2915mAh Li-ion battery

iPhone 6s

Apple's flagships have become thinner, and at the same time their batteries have become thinner. However, despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus is smaller than that of their predecessors, they can still work for the same long time. The salt lies in the M9 coprocessor working separately and even more advanced iOS optimization.

Battery: Built-in 1715mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 6s Plus

Battery: Built-in 2750mAh lithium-ion battery.

iPhone SE

iPhone SE is a perfect copy of iPhone 5s in appearance. But the battery of the iPhone SE has a larger capacity than that of its “big brother”. The difference cannot be called significant, but the battery life of the iPhone SE is still higher compared to the iPhone 5s.

Battery: Built-in 1624mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 7

Unlike the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6 Plus, whose batteries were smaller compared to the previous generation iPhone, the batteries in the “sevens” received an increased volume. Thanks to this, the battery life of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus has increased. Smartphones last longer than iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus by 1 and 2 hours, respectively. The increase can be called insignificant, however, with daily use it is felt quite strongly.

Battery: Built-in 1960mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 7 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2900mAh lithium-ion battery.

iPhone 8

In case of iPhone 8 And iPhone 8 Plus the situation is the opposite of the previous one. The smartphones have become thicker than the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but their battery capacity has been reduced. However, the battery life of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus is unchanged from its predecessors. This was made possible by the energy-efficient Apple A11 Bionic processor.

Battery: Built-in 1821mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 8 Plus

Battery: Built-in 2675mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone X

Apple's 2017 flagship received the largest display in the history of the iPhone for its time - 5.8 inches, but its battery capacity is not a record. However, Apple did not have a serious need to seriously increase the battery capacity. iPhone X has an OLED display and the energy-efficient A11 Bionic processor, allowing it to last longer than any other iPhone without needing to be recharged. In particular, the battery life of the iPhone X is two hours longer than that of the iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus.

Battery: Built-in 2716mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XS

Direct successor to iPhone X, 5.8-inch iPhone XS, surprised by the volume of its battery, which turned out to be smaller than that of its predecessor. However, it is important to note here that the battery life of the iPhone XS has increased. The smartphone lasts 30 minutes longer than the iPhone X. All thanks to the more energy-efficient A12 Bionic processor.

Battery: Built-in 2658mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XS Max

Huge 6.5-inch iPhone XS Max set several records at once. The smartphone not only received the largest display in the history of Apple smartphones, but also the most capacious battery. Thanks to significantly increased battery capacity, iPhone XS Max can last up to 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours of talk time.

Battery: Built-in 3174mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone XR

Less expensive than flagships 6.1-inch iPhone XR equipped with a battery whose capacity is between the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max. Despite the fact that the battery capacity of the iPhone XR is noticeably smaller than that of the iPhone XS Max, the battery life of the smartphones is identical. iPhone XR also lasts 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours of talk time. Moreover, testing of the smartphone has already proven that in real conditions, the iPhone XR is a record holder for battery life.

Battery: Built-in 2942mAh Li-ion battery.

iPhone 11

The 2019 6.1-inch iPhone received a slightly larger battery compared to its direct predecessor. However, the battery life of the smartphone has increased due to the more energy-efficient A13 Bionic processor. iPhone 11 Lasts an hour longer than the iPhone XR - up to 25 hours of talk time.

Battery:Built-in lithium-ion battery 3110 mAh.

iPhone 11 Pro

Battery capacity iPhone 11 Pro has increased significantly compared to the previous 5.8-inch iPhone X and iPhone XS models. The increase in capacity directly affected the operating time of the smartphone without recharging. It increased by four (!) hours compared to the iPhone XS. A powerful improvement that makes iPhone 11 Pro one of the longest-lasting flagship smartphones.

Battery:Built-in lithium-ion battery 3046 mAh.

iPhone 11 Pro Max

6.5 inch iPhone 11 Pro Max received a battery with a record capacity for Apple smartphones. The dual L-shaped battery has a capacity of 800 mAh more than the iPhone XS Max. Thanks to this, the battery life of the smartphone has increased by as much as five (!) hours compared to its predecessors. iPhone 11 Pro Max can last up to 30 hours of talk time!

Battery:Built-in lithium-ion battery 3969 mAh.

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Apple never talks about the exact specifications of its products. They do not name the number of gigahertz, the size of the RAM and the battery capacity. Usually, everything gets around with the phrases “it will work quickly”, “it will last for a couple of days”, “you will be delighted”. In principle, this approach of the company is understandable, because Apple always tries to make information about its products as accessible as possible and not load the consumer’s brain with unnecessary numbers. But we are geeks, we are curious about everything and we love to get to the bottom of the truth. So this time we are talking about the battery capacity of the iPhone 7.

iPhone 7 battery capacity

At the presentation, it was announced that the iPhone 7 is the most autonomous smartphone Apple has ever made. Real data on battery capacity confirms this: iPhone 7 received a 1960 mAh battery, and iPhone 7 Plus - 2900 mAh. Just for comparison, here are the data on the capacity of Apple smartphones of the previous generation: iPhone 6s - 1715, iPhone 6 - 1810, iPhone 6s Plus - 2750, iPhone 6 plus - 2915. The picture has changed slightly, but has changed.

A year ago, when everyone learned that the 6s would have a smaller battery capacity than the 6, discontent and a little panic began. There is an opinion in everyday life that new smartphones will not be able to survive until the middle of the day, and therefore Apple itself will die very soon. But the very first buyers unanimously noted that the new generation works much longer than the previous one. This clearly indicates serious software optimization of power consumption, as well as improved power consumption by smartphone processors. In the case of the iPhone 7, the capacity increases by 200 mAh and this is very good. Considering Apple's experience with the autonomy of the iPhone 6s, the operating time of the 7 will be either at the same level or even longer.

What affects the autonomy of the iPhone 7?

There are several other factors besides increased capacity that will extend the battery life of the iPhone 7. One of them is the new A10 processor. This is a quad-core processor, which has 2 cores with a high frequency and 2 with a low frequency. That is, while you check your mail and communicate in the messenger, two weak cores are working and consume less energy than the other two more powerful ones. The latter take on the load when running games and other performance-demanding applications. One cannot ignore minor changes in the iPhone 7 display. The company did not increase its resolution, but added brightness. This may cause an increase in consumption, but the screen is of a new generation, and not just upgraded by software. Therefore, we can count on this not happening.