Mobile developer. Mobile application development courses Mobile application programming courses

Online school for mobile developers.

Everything is serious: 9 months of training, lectures from top developers, practical tasks, testing, chat with teachers and materials for independent work.

Below the cut is the necessary knowledge to get started, a training plan, meeting teachers and an employment program for Academy graduates.

Necessary knowledge for training

We are not starting from scratch. The program is intended for beginner developers with knowledge of Java.

Your first application

We will teach you how to work with the Android platform and show common architectural approaches. We will study popular libraries, Unit and UI testing, working with Google Play Services.

Each student will create their own application during the learning process. At the end of each training block, you will complete tasks - use the acquired knowledge to work on your own project. The result of the training will be a working application that you can safely show to your employer or colleagues.

Training program

designed for 9 months. The program consists of 6 blocks, each block lasts 6 weeks. Student workload - 4-6 hours per week.

Training takes place on the OpenProfession online platform. You can follow our schedule or study at your own pace.

Block 1

Get to know the Android platform, Android Studio and the build system - Gradle. Learn what debugging and logging are. Learn the basic entities of an Android application and work with Activity and Fragment. Get to know the interface elements - View, ViewGroup.

Block 2

Teachers will talk about working with lists using RecyclerView and show tools for multithreading in Android. You will learn networking using Retrofit2/Okhttp3 and become familiar with reactive programming, in particular RxJava2. Learn to work with notifications and Room - an ORM wrapper for SQLite.

Block 3

You will learn how to properly divide an application into modules. Learn MVP and MVVM patterns, and also get acquainted with CLEAN - clean architecture. Understand the power of dependency injection using the Dagger2 and Toothpick libraries.

Block 4

Consider Unit and UI testing: Mockito, PowerMock, Espresso, Robolectric. You will work with ORM wrappers: Room, GreenDAO, Realm, as well as popular libraries - Picasso, EventBus, ButterKnife and other industry standards.

Block 5

Teachers will talk about Material Design Components. Learn to work with animations and create custom interface elements. Get acquainted with the custom LayoutManager.

Block 6

You will learn to work with custom services and peripherals: Google Firebase, Google Analytics, Google Maps, Push notifications, sensors and camera. Learn to sign and publish your application on Google Play.

Training format

New knowledge. Each training block contains video lectures and live coding sessions.

Practice. Test your knowledge by completing tests and assignments in educational materials. And of course, apply your new knowledge in your first application.

Communication. Ask questions and receive feedback from teachers, communicate with other students in the chat.

Development. The program teachers developed teaching materials and compiled a selection useful links so that you continue to learn new things even outside the Academy.


You will learn from leading e-Legion developers. Meet:

Developers Azret Magometov nullpex and Marat Taychinov have been creating mobile products for various business areas for many years, which are used by millions of people every day. In the program, the guys not only tell the theory, but also share life hacks.

Interview at e-Legion

We will interview each graduate. The number of projects in e-Legion is constantly growing, so we are always looking for talented developers.

We have already organized 6 online and offline schools of mobile developers in St. Petersburg and Kazan, graduated 857 developers and 10 of them work for us.

Complete your training, receive an OpenProfession certificate and send your resume to the e-Legion HR manager.

Go learn

- February 5th.

Still have questions? Join the webinar, where teachers and organizers of the Academy will answer all questions and talk in detail about the learning process.

MOOCs (Massive open online courses) are increasingly gaining popularity. You can learn anything from them, and, naturally, various aspects of mobile development. We have selected mobile development courses for you: for beginners and experienced developers and designers of applications for iOS and Android.

There are plenty of options - you can start with proven: well-known MOOC platforms. Thus, several courses in English will soon begin on Coursera.

For those who still prefer to communicate with teachers, is suitable. Every week you will call your personal tutor. For example, with an iOS developer (Swift course) or an Android developer. Duration: depends on your productivity - from 3 months.

A very interesting offer for those who have little time - learn how to make applications on iOS in a month. Pre-registration is currently underway.

Also on YouTube there is a set of videos “iOS Development Course Beginner” - a course on learning Objective-C (50 lessons) and Swift (40 lessons, updated). The course is completely free and, as they say, the best in RuNet:

Finally, right now e-Legion and Google are hosting a free online school for Android developers - LearnDroid. These are 13 video lessons with tests that are released every week starting March 30th. All topics in the program were selected and agreed upon with Google representatives. Teachers are leading developers of e-Legion, Google, Tinkoff,,, JetBrains, Kaspersky Lab, Parallels, LinguaLeo, Aviasales and ABBYY. At the end, the most diligent will receive a pleasant bonus in addition to knowledge - a company certificate.

If you have taken or know of any other courses, write to us and we will tell our readers about them!

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Modern man It’s hard to imagine without a mobile device in your hands. Phones, smartphones, tablets, netbooks and other communicators are designed to make our lives easier and provide fast access To necessary information anywhere in the world.

In addition, the market is also growing mobile applications, with which you can do anything - communicate, make purchases, book hotels, call a taxi, order food, transfer% time to mobile internet Russians devote it specifically to applications. In business, having an application becomes as necessary as having a website. Therefore, the demand for professional mobile developers is growing every year.

Do you want your child to master one of the most popular and trending professions in the IT field and learn how to make their own application? Then give him a course on creating mobile applications at the CODDY programming school for children!

Application development training

A mobile application is a program designed for use on mobile devices. This software usually developed based on the interests of people and their needs for a specific platform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) in a high-level language and compiles to native code operating system, which gives maximum performance.

Even a child can write a mobile application. Today, there are two main ways to do this - learn online lessons and application designers yourself, or take developer courses in Moscow. The latter is a must if you want to become a specialist in this field and learn how to create a high-quality and functional product. Our course will allow your child to easily master the promising and highly paid profession of a mobile application developer. The training is conducted by experienced and practical teachers who will reveal all the secrets of creating cool and professional applications. This course It is recommended for every coded student aged 9 years and older and is aimed at showing Android development in practice.

Initially using Android was very limited, but now it is the most generally accepted platform for developing mobile applications, which is one of the strongest rivals to another popular OS - Apple.

Advantages of Android Application Development

  • Profitability. With Android you can create complex applications using minimum costs, since the Android development kit is freely available.
  • Easy integration. Android can be easily integrated into any system. Developers can take full advantage of their imagination and creativity to create compelling applications that have never been used before on other platforms.
  • Coding Android apps is much easier than coding apps on other platforms. Android applications are coded in Java.
  • Easy application distribution. In addition to Google Play, which is the official application marketplace, you can use other third-party distribution resources.
  • Excellent compatibility with devices. Android apps work seamlessly on devices from various manufacturers.

What will learning mobile application programming give you?

During the course your child:

  • learn to program for Android;
  • will be able to develop his own mobile application for Android;
  • learns how to create a user-friendly mobile interface.
The Android mobile application development course consists of 3 modules.
The first module is devoted to the basics of the language Java programming, as well as studying application development tools.
In the lessons of the first module we will study the following topics:
  • Java programming language: its syntax and basic constructs
  • writing and compilation Java programs on the computer
  • object-oriented paradigm in programming using classes
  • Android application development environment: Android Studio
In the second module, children will begin to write their own applications, through which we will study the main aspects of Android development, such as:
  • Android application structure
  • working with resources
  • Creation XML files markings
  • concept of Activity and working with screens
The third module is devoted to the development of individual projects for children. During the classes we will cover:
  • processing events occurring in the program
  • dynamic creation and management of UI elements
  • working with multithreading
  • work with the Internet in the application

Considering that Android platform is developing extremely actively, this knowledge will enable the child to start earning money now and find a promising job in the future. He will gain practical skills in creating applications and will effectively use the capabilities of the Android platform and resources immediately after completing the first module.

How do we understand that a student has mastered the program?

During training, we evaluate both the practical side of the issue (how to do it?) and the understanding of the topic (why and why).

Students demonstrate their knowledge by solving problems in their own way, explaining algorithms in their own words, helping classmates correct mistakes, and creating presentations on their completed projects.

Mobile developer is a specialist who develops software applications for various mobile devices: tablets, smartphones. The profession is currently the most fashionable, promising and in demand. After all, it is in the field of mobile development that such interesting new products as voice and gesture interfaces have appeared. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

There is an acute shortage of specialists in this profile on the job market. And in the future the situation will only get worse, as modern world It is no longer possible to imagine without mobile devices, which are used not only by advanced youth, but also by all segments of the population. More and more people access the Internet from mobile devices. The Russian mobile device market is the fastest growing. The man of the future does not want to be tied to the office with his heavy computer equipment, when there is a real opportunity to solve any issues using mobile devices literally on the go.

A bunch of computer programs relocated to mobile devices and operates successfully there. And in the future their “mobilization” will only intensify.

Advantage and uniqueness of the profession mobile developer the fact that everything depends only on you: having an initially good idea and competently implementing it into the world mobile technologies without investing resources, you can do the most short time create an international project similar to Instagram and become a millionaire.

Mobile apps are extremely popular among entrepreneurs different levels. If the application is relevant, easy to use, functional and solves important issues users, it significantly increases the number of customers and increases business profits.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a mobile developer are not clearly defined at the moment due to the youth of the profession. He has to be a designer, layout designer, and programmer at the same time. In general, the activities of a mobile developer can be divided into several stages:

  • preparatory period in creating the application - determining specific customer requirements in the form of technical specifications;
  • creating a mobile application that combines such essential qualities as trouble-free operation on one of the mobile operating platforms ( Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows Mobile), convenient user interface, multifunctionality, profitability for the customer.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. A highly paid, in-demand profession.
  2. The clarity of standards and guidelines greatly facilitates the design part of a mobile developer’s work. Guideline is detailed descriptions elements in mobile applications, and they are different for each platform.
  3. The resource investment for mobile development is low.


  1. The policy of companies producing mobile devices does not allow the developer to quickly make amendments to the application, since any action is checked by company employees. So, Apple checks for any update within a week.
  2. Users' pickiness about the design and functionality of applications causes many unpleasant moments.

Place of work

There have been no boundaries in the IT field for a long time. You can work without leaving home for any transnational company in the world or private business. Jobs for a mobile developer can be found on freelance exchanges and job sites. Or you can create your own mobile application development business.

Important qualities

One of the most important qualities of a mobile developer is the ability to respond constructively to criticism from users who leave their feedback on the operation of applications on Google Play and App Store. After all negative reviews are not always intended to offend the developer. As a rule, they indicate some specific problems in the mobile application and the developer should solve them.

Required personal qualities:

  • Analytical mind;
  • attention to detail;
  • high efficiency;
  • ability to plan and meet deadlines;
  • desire to improve professional skills;
  • studying new technologies for mobile operating systems.

Professional skills and knowledge

knowledge of programming languages:

  • Apple iOS - Objective-C, Swift
  • Google Android - Java, Scala
  • Windows Mobile - C#, VB.NET;
  • ability to create applications for Android, iOS, Windows Mobile;
  • application debugging;
  • knowledge of the basics of programming for iPhone and iPad;
  • knowledge of new technology libraries
  • for iOS - Siri, for Android - “OK, Google”;
  • working with a SQLite database.

Mobile developer training

An international educational institution that provides training. Operating since 1999. 42 branches in 16 countries. The largest authorized training center for Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. Students receive international certificates and an international diploma. The main goal is the employment of every graduate.

The peculiarity of mobile applications is that they are created using ready-made solutions like a designer. This makes it possible to obtain the necessary education in the shortest possible time by completing special courses. Many experienced users of mobile applications independently master the skills of developing mobile applications on various Internet services, but this is a long journey of trial and error, which is better to go through under the guidance of an experienced developer. In addition, the theory must be immediately supported by the practical application of the acquired knowledge, which is provided for in the course programs. The courses are taught remotely, which is very convenient in terms of saving time and money.

But even after completing the coolest courses, independent work on self-improvement of professional skills is necessary on an ongoing basis.