Connection in “Remote Desktop” mode. Connecting in “Remote Desktop” mode How to set up a remote connection to 1c

It is often necessary to work with 1C databases from home or provide access to the databases to some remote branch via the Internet. Using Hamachi, we can connect any computers over the Internet into a regular local network, use shared folders, printers and other devices.

Hamachi is free, there is a limit of no more than 5 users on the same network. But it’s easy to get around, because... The number of created networks is not limited. For example, if you need to connect 8 remote users to the server via the Internet, we create 2 networks in Hamachi, add our server to each of them and 4 users to each network.

Hamachi setup instructions

Go to the website and register your account. After you click “Register”, a window will appear:

Select "Remote access to computers".
Next, enter your registration information and click “Continue.”

In the next window, he will offer to download LogMeIn, we don’t need it, let’s move on to setting up our account.

Next, go to “My Networks” and click “Create Networks”.

Set the network name, description and select the network type. I chose a mesh network, where every computer on that network will have access to every other computer on that network.

Next, click "Continue". In step 2, we will make requests to connect to our network require confirmation. In this case, a password is not particularly needed to connect to our network.

Next, in step 3, click “Proceed to add a client.”

Next, select “Install LogMeIn Hamachi on this computer.”

Next, download the program distribution kit.

Let's launch it and install it. We go into the program, go to the “Network\Connect to an existing network” tab.

In our account, we look at the identifier of the network we created and enter it in the window that opens.

We agree to the request for membership. Then, in our account for the network we created, go to the “Connection Requests” tab and check the “Accept” checkbox. Click "Save".

Thus, we have added one participant to our network. Next, you need to install Hamachi on other computers, send them a request to connect to our network, and accept these requests in your account.

After this, all these computers will be networked. We will be able to use shared folders, printers and other devices as if these computers were on the local network.

You can work with 1C: Accounting while at home, on vacation or on a business trip. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to buy expensive equipment, store the database in the “clouds” or carry it with you on a flash drive. You can organize access to your 1C:Enterprise 8 programs using the new 1C:Link service.

The ability to connect to an accounting or trading program at any time and from anywhere is an advantage that needs no comment. Having this opportunity, an accountant will be able to work while at home or in the country, a “mobile” employee will have the opportunity to process customer orders and write out documents directly “in the fields,” and a manager, going on vacation or a business trip, will supervise work in the office.

To organize such remote access, you can transfer your databases to a virtual server, that is, use cloud technologies. But this method is not suitable for everyone. Firstly, traditional cloud services do not always support individual settings and modifications of programs; you have to abandon the usual ways of working and adapt to the strict requirements of the Internet solution.

Secondly, users may worry about the safety of their information databases. And although most often these doubts have no real basis, for some enterprises they become a stumbling block. Not every company will agree to transfer business-relevant information to the cloud. Focusing on the needs of such enterprises, 1C has developed an alternative solution to cloud technologies - the 1C:Link service.

How 1C-Link differs from cloud solutions

The 1C:Link service allows you to work via the Internet with applications installed in the office or at home. There is no need to transfer your databases to the “clouds”; all information is stored on users’ computers, and all improvements and settings of 1C:Enterprise 8 are saved. To quickly connect to the database, you only need a computer with network access.

The security issue has been resolved as follows: the computer on which 1C applications are installed is invisible over the regular Internet; User data is not saved on external servers. The transmitted data is protected by individual keys and certificates, which are stored only by users. The service provides a secure communication channel - a network tunnel through which the user gains access to his information. In addition, additional protection can be arranged. To do this, you can independently set access for different categories of employees. It is also possible to disable access for one or all users at once at any time. You can work through “1C:Link” with the programs “1C: Accounting 8, edition 3”, “1C: Trade Management 8, edition 11”, “1C: Document Flow 8”, “1C: Small Firm Management 8”, as well as solutions created on their basis or independently in the “managed application” mode. Access can be configured simultaneously for several users, to several software products or information databases at the same time. You can do this yourself, or you can contact a partner of the 1C company.

How to independently connect the 1C:Link service

Connecting the 1C:Link service is very simple - just register on the website, download a special application and select the databases with which you want to work remotely. The entire sequence of actions consists of five steps.

Step 1. Register on the website and confirm your registration by clicking on the link that you will receive to your email address.

Rice. 1. Registration on the site

Step 2. On the computer where your 1C:Enterprise 8 is installed, download the installation file “1C:Link Publishing Wizard”, and then open it from the 1C program.

Rice. 2. Installation of “1C:Link Publishing Wizard”

Step 3. Accept the terms of the user agreement and click the button Further. The wizard will offer to download the components necessary for the operation of 1C:Link Agent. Agree to the download by checking the appropriate box.

After this, select a location to install “1C:Link Agent” or agree with the proposal. Click the button Further.

Step 4. In the new window, enter the username and password that you specified when registering in the program.

Rice. 3. Connecting the site to the 1C:Link service

Then select the name of the site through which you will connect to your applications via the Internet (the site name is entered in the format “”). Click Forward.

Step 5. In the window that opens, specify the name of the infobase to which you need Internet access.

Rice. 4. Selecting an information base

Step 6. The wizard will inform you that it is ready to download the components necessary for 1C:Link Agent to work. Allow the download by clicking the button Install.

You will soon receive a notification that the installation is complete. A notification will appear on your computer screen.

Pressing the button Forward, you will see a list of databases that are available for remote work.

Rice. 5. Available work bases

At the same time, the “1C:Link Agent” icon will appear in the system menu of your computer, through which secure access to your databases will be provided via the Internet.

Rice. 6. “1C:Link Agent” icon in the system menu

note: the list of databases available for remote work, you can change at any time if necessary.

How to connect to a working database from a remote computer

To work with your databases via the Internet, open your website ( in the browser of a remote computer and enter the login and password specified during registration. In your personal account you will see all the databases that are available for remote work.

Rice. 7. Connecting to infobases from a remote computer

Click on the desired database and work in the familiar interface.

Connecting the 1C:Link service takes a few minutes. Doing this is no more difficult than installing, for example, Skype or registering on a social network.

Your work programs will be available to you from any computer with Internet access, as usual, with all modifications and settings saved.

The service will provide a high level of connection security, and you will not worry about the safety of your data.

Working through 1C:Link does not require additional costs. The service is already included in the package of information technology support services (1C:ITS).

If you have a valid 1C:ITS TECHNO level contract, you can connect Internet access to two information bases for free, and if 1C:ITS PROF level - to five.

There are several ways to connect to the 1C:Enterprise database. It all depends on the organization of your company’s employees’ workplaces (whether they work permanently in the office or remotely) and the privacy policy. Let's consider all possible options.

Standard connection

  • the information base is located within the local network
  • workplaces have sufficiently powerful computers to operate the platform directly at the workplace.

What do you need for work?

  • The 1C:Enterprise platform must be installed at all workplaces
  • The information base must be located within the local network
  • For the file option, access to the resource with the information base must be configured for all workplaces
  • For the client-server option – access to the server.

Advantages and disadvantages

In the file version of work, computing resources are distributed among workstations; the “server” is only required to provide access to the infobase file; in the client-server version, the computing resources of both the server and client workstations are used. But in the case of “weak” computers in the workplace, this can lead to poor system performance. The main disadvantage is that it only works within the local network.

Terminal connection

Suitable for your company:

  • if the usual option cannot be used to increase stability and speed
  • system operation (only the “picture” is transmitted over the network, and not the information base data).

Used in cases where:

  • 1C:Enterprise is not installed on your computer. All computers are located on the same local network, but the platform and information base are installed on the server, and all users work “remotely” (used for more stable operation when there is a powerful server);
  • The information base is located on a remote computer outside the local network.

What do you need for work?

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage is that it can be used when the information base is located outside the local network. It can also be an advantage to increase the speed and stability of the system if all users working with the program via a terminal connection work directly on the server, because for stable operation it is enough to have one “strong link” (the server). In this case, computing resources at workstations are used only for the functioning of a remote connection, and the entire load associated directly with the operation of the 1C:Enterprise application falls on the server.

Using remote administration programs

Suitable for your company:

  • there is no possibility to apply other options.

Connecting to a remote computer on which 1C:Enterprise is installed is carried out using special programs for remote connection, such as Radmin or TeamViewer. After which you use the program as with a normal connection.

What do you need for work?

The computer to which the remote connection will be made must be configured to allow this connection. To connect several users, a server OS must be installed on the remote computer that supports the required number of terminal connections, for example, MSWindowsServer. To connect one user, WindowsXP or higher is sufficient.

In order to use TeamViewer for a remote connection, you need to run TeamViewer on the computer you are going to connect to. After which the user of the remote computer must provide you with a login and password, which TeamViewer will automatically generate. After which, by entering this data on your computer, you can connect to the remote one and launch 1C:Enterprise.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage is that this is usually the easiest and fastest way to connect to an infobase located outside the local network, in the absence of a configured terminal connection. The main disadvantage is that the user cannot work at his workplace while his computer is being controlled remotely. Also, the disadvantages include not always correct image scaling at different screen resolutions of the connecting computer and the remote one.

Via web client

Suitable for your company if:

  • your employees work all over the world (users connect to the database via a browser).

Used only for working in the “1C:Enterprise” mode, starting from version 8.2. The connection is made through a browser. As the web page address, enter the web address of the information base located inside or outside the local network. After connecting, enter the login and password of the user of the 1C:Enterprise database.

What do you need for work?

It is necessary that, in addition to the main information base, a web server (Apache, IIS) be deployed on which the information base will be published. A browser must be installed at the workplace (MS Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages


  • launching 1C:Enterprise is no different from entering a web page in a browser as usual for all Internet users
  • independence from the operating system installed at the workplace;
  • an alternative to remote connections when using low-speed communication channels (such as GPRS and telephone modems).


  • the functionality of the web interface differs from the functionality of the interface in normal mode and is not always sufficient;
  • inability to work in the “Configurator” mode.

Combined methods

Suitable for your company if: other options are not suitable. However, such a connection is extremely inconvenient and time-consuming. Example of a combined connection:

  1. connect to a remote computer of an organization user via TeamViewer
  2. on a remote computer, terminally connect to the server on which the platform with the connected database is installed
  3. after connecting to the server, launch the launch pad and go to the database

Advantages and disadvantages Advantage is that such a system can meet the organization's information security requirements when other options do not.

Flaws: duration and inconvenience during connection. Inconvenience during work.

The materials were prepared by TQM systems. We are an official partner and provide comprehensive services.

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In this article we will look in detail at simple options for providing remote access to your computer in relation to remote support and maintenance of systems based on the 1C Enterprise platform.

You can perform this setup yourself, without the help of a system administrator or 1C specialist. In the future, we will be able to connect to your 1C database instantly in order to quickly and efficiently resolve any issue or problem regarding 1C. It is important that during the process you see all our actions, control our work, and you can disconnect the access session at any time. Thus, you no longer have to wait weeks for a specialist, consultant, or 1C programmer, and then, wait months for a solution to your problem. It doesn’t matter what version of the 1C Enterprise platform you have, what 1C configuration (Accounting, Payroll, Trade Management, etc.), with the help of remote access you will directly demonstrate your problem.

The easiest and safest way to provide remote access to your computer is to use specialized programs.

The most popular remote access programs:

Let's look at each of them in more detail:


Perhaps the most popular program today. You can download and run without installation. It’s very convenient when you need high-quality 1C support, but your IT specialist is not available. Powerful functionality, free for non-commercial use. In this case, you do not need to worry about the license and cost, since we resolve these issues.

Support for a large number of platforms (Android, iOS, Windows), so our specialist can help you even from the other side of the world.

To start using it, just download the installation file for the Windows operating system from the official website

After launch, inform our specialist of the values ​​displayed in the “Your ID” and “Password” fields. The connection will happen instantly. We will solve your 1C problem, in the future we will help you set up teamviewer for free for further use, install the necessary security settings and advise you.

Brief instructions for providing remote access to 1C via Teamviewer:

  1. Download file - Teamviewer
  2. Run without installation
  3. Tell us your ID and one-time password

Teamviewer functionality: remote control, file transfer, chat, audio conference, video conference, demonstration mode.


At first glance, it is a simpler program, but it has good functionality. An important advantage is that it is free for both non-commercial and commercial use with a limit of no more than 30 computers. It consists of two parts: Server (server) and Viewer (program for connecting to the server).

It is possible to connect not only by ID (unique identifier), but also by the IP address of a computer on the network. There is an inventory function, screen recording, you can record all our actions and play them back if necessary. If you need to purchase a license, the cost of the paid version is cheaper than that of competitors.

The interface looks less modern than TeamViewer.

Brief instructions for providing remote access to 1C via LiteManager:

  1. Download server installation file - LiteManager for Win
  2. Launch and install
  3. Tell us ID

Ammyy Admin

Reliable, simple and convenient alternative to "Team viewer"! Does not require installation or administrative rights, is free for non-commercial use, fast and efficient. An ideal solution for remote connection to your computer.

To start using it, just click on the “Start working with Ammyy Admin” button:

After, you need to select the path to save the program file. The location of the file must be remembered for future use:

When the download of the program file is complete, you need to run it. To do this, you need to open the folder where you saved in the previous step and run this file:

As soon as the "Ammyy Admin" program starts, you need to provide our specialist with the data from the "Your ID" field (marked with the number "1"). If you yourself want to connect to a remote computer, you must enter the data of the remote computer in the field marked "2" and click the "Connect" button:

Connection to a remote computer using the Ammyy Admin program has been successfully completed!

Very often, users do not need full access directly to the computer on which 1C is installed, but rather need to log into the 1C database remotely in user mode. Also sometimes access is required from a tablet, smartphone and other mobile devices. To do this, you need to install a web server and publish your database on it. Read how to do this in minutes.