Steam download speed. How to increase loading speed on Steam: practical tips and tricks. How content servers work

Today we will try to understand how to increase loading speed on Steam. This question arises among service users around the world, and in Russia in particular. How to deal with the mentioned problem? And why does the data loading speed sometimes drop? Even a novice PC user can understand all these topics.


The download speed of games in download managers on computers depends on many factors. For example, from the load on the Network. The smaller it is, the faster files will be downloaded to the operating system.

  • Skype;
  • antivirus;
  • Windows Update;
  • game center @Mail.

As soon as there is nothing left but Steam, you can look at the result. Most likely, the proposed technique will really help.


The following tip on how to increase loading speed on Steam almost always works. It is actively used by users.

We are talking about changing the region in the game manager settings. In some areas, downloading documents is faster, in others slower. So changing the region really helps.

So, on Steam using this method:

  1. Open the appropriate program.
  2. Go to the menu "Steam" - "Settings" - "Downloads" - "Region".
  3. Change region. If there is already a third-party area there, it is recommended to set your area of ​​residence or an area close to it.
  4. Save changes.

It is advisable to re-login to Steam after this. You can look at the result. When adjusting the document loading region, you are allowed to set any location. Especially if the program settings initially included the user’s real place of residence.

Internet problems

In some cases, people think about how to increase the speed of downloading documents on Steam at a specific time. Unfortunately, no way. There is a so-called "prime time". During these periods, game downloads may drop to zero. The thing is that prime time is something like a period when the load on the game manager is maximum. At these moments, there may be problems not only with downloading, but also with the operation of the application as a whole.

How to increase download speed? First, wait out prime time. Most often this is in the evening. After the server is unloaded, the download speed will be restored. Secondly, you can change your Internet provider or tariff plan Internet. Slow network connection means slow loading of documents. But it is better to agree to such a step as a last resort.

Now it’s clear how to increase Steam loading speed. Sometimes it happens that the problem with downloading is observed only in the mentioned application. There are many techniques that can help solve the problem.

For example, you could try:

  1. Restart Steam.
  2. Restart your computer or turn it off for a while and turn it on again.
  3. Restart your router or modem. For this purpose, the equipment has a special Reset button.
  4. Scan your computer for viruses. If malicious files are detected, clean the OS.
  5. Find and move the document called Hosts to your desktop. It is located in C/Windows/System32/drivers/etc.
  6. Roll back the operating system a few days ago. The corresponding menu is located in "Start" - "All Programs" - "Accessories" - "System Tools" - "System Restore".
  7. Reinstall drivers on your computer. It is advisable to immediately reinstall the operating system.
  8. Check for malware in your browser. If it is, you will have to get rid of such extensions.
  9. Stop using a firewall and antivirus. In Windows, the first service is disabled in the Control Panel, under System and Security.

I guess that's all. From now on, it’s clear how to increase download speed on Steam. All of the tips listed can help. The main thing is to be patient and act decisively. Sometimes updating Steam or reinstalling it can fix the situation.

In addition, some users do nothing to increase the download speed of games on Steam. They just have to wait. As practice shows, it is after prime time that the Internet returns to functionality. If the tips listed above did not help, then, as we have already said, you should think about changing your Internet tariff plan. Your download speed will definitely increase after this!

Have you ever noticed how slow the built-in browser on Steam can become? Have you suffered from slow game loading times? Or has your Steam in general been slowing down? If yes, then this article will help speed it up. Steam is not a game itself, so there are no graphics settings to help improve its performance. But there are still some things in it that can help speed it up a little.

Speeding up the Steam browser

The built-in browser in Steam is used both for the game store and for the overlay, which will allow you to quickly switch to the browser directly during gameplay. However, this browser can be extremely slow at times. Even if you are fine with speed in browsers like Chrome, Firefox or even Internet Explorer, the Steam browser may still sometimes experience some complications during its operation.

When you click on a link or open new page, there is a noticeable delay before the action completes, which is definitely not seen in classic browsers. You may have come to terms with the fact that the built-in Steam browser is just a bad piece of code. However, there are several tricks that can be used to eliminate this delay on many systems and make the Steam browser a more or less working thing.

The problem reported appears to be due to an incompatibility with the " Automatic detection parameters", which is already automatically activated by default operating system Windows. Very few users actually need this option, so it is completely safe to disable it.

Click on your keyboard Windows+R. Write in line inetcpl.cpl and press Enter. The “Properties: Internet” window should appear in front of you. Next, go to the “Connections” tab and click on the “Network Settings” button, which will be located in the “Settings parameters” section local network" Another window will open in which you will need to uncheck the already mentioned “Automatically detect parameters” option. Uncheck the box and save changes made and close the Internet Properties window.

If you are lucky, you will receive a significant increase in the loading speed of opened pages in the built-in Steam browser. We also reiterate that disabling the above option will not in any way affect the stability or speed of your Internet connection.

Speed ​​up Steam game loading speeds

Steam attempts to automatically set the download server region to your location. However, he doesn't always make the best choice. It would also be wise to change your download region to one that is less busy during major seasonal sales.

Open your Steam client and click on the button of the same name in the upper left corner of the window. Select "Settings" and go to the "Downloads" tab. You should see a "Download Region" drop-down menu. Expand it and select the region closest to you.

While you're in the Downloads settings tab, also make sure you don't have a download speed limit set. Save your changes to the Steam client settings, and then restart it.

The note: In some cases, the download server closest to you may not be the fastest. Sometimes, a server in a completely different country may be faster than the one located next to you. In general, here you will most likely have to experiment a little.

Previously, Steam provided information about server load, which literally allowed you to choose the busiest one in the this moment server, but such information is no longer available. Steam still provides information on download activity in different regions, including statistics on differences in download speeds between regions, but this information is not nearly as useful.

Speeding up Steam and your games

One way to speed up your games, as well as Steam itself, is to purchase an SSD and transfer everything specified to it. You can easily move the Steam folder, which by default is located in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam, to another disk. Just move it like any other folder and then run Steam.exe.

Apart from this, Steam also allows you to create multiple folders for your games. This means you can put your Steam library folder on an SSD or one of the larger HDDs. Set your most frequently launched and demanding games on SSD to increase performance, and all others on HDD.

To create additional folder, go to “Steam→Settings→Downloads”, and then click on the “Steam Library Folders” button. In the Steam Library Folders window, click on the “Add Folder to Library” button and create a new game folder on another drive. The next time you install a game on Steam, it will be installed in this folder.

With the Proxy compatibility option disabled, the correct boot region selected, and Steam installed on the SSD, most Steam features should speed up significantly. Probably only improving your computer configuration will help speed it up even more.

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Probably everyone knows that Steam is a digital distribution system for game content with millions of users, which allows you to download purchased games from content servers to any computer on which you are logged in. account. However, due to the huge number of users, even with a 100 megabit channel, you need to wait a long time when downloading large games and especially on the days of world releases.

In this HOWTO, I will tell you how you can increase your download speed and take full advantage of the capabilities of thick Internet channels.

1. Content servers.

A little theory. Content servers are mirrors of the main Valve server, on which all games available to clients of the Steam network are stored in encrypted form. Content servers are available in almost all regions of the globe. By default, with your Steam installation pings all available mirrors and selects the one with the lowest ping, however, low ping does not mean that the server is not currently loaded and will serve content without reducing speed. For example, 3 content servers are available for residents of Russia: in Moscow ( Russia - Central; hosted on, in Yekaterinburg ( Russia - Urals; hosted by Rostelecom) and in Novosibirsk ( Russia - Siberia). One of these servers is selected by default for everyone who connects to Steam from Russia, so it is not surprising that the speed from them does not exceed 100-300 KB/s, and on days of major releases even 60-70 KB/s. There is a solution for owners of thick channels - change the content server. I will tell you how to do this below.

2. Selecting a content server.

It is best to choose a content server right before the upcoming download of a major game based on their load statistics. Statistics are updated in real time and transmitted to the Valve head server, from where they are available to ordinary users: (opens in a new window).

You need to choose the least loaded content server closest to you. If a server is listed as having zero load, it means it is currently unavailable.

If the server name in square brackets indicated , which means it is available only to a limited number of users, for example, only to subscribers of this provider.

3. Switch to the selected content server.

So, you have chosen the best content server for you and want to switch to it right now. This can be done in the Steam client settings. Select from menu SteamSettings (Settings), go to page Downloads + Cloud (Downloads + Cloud) and indicate in the field Download region (Download region) the content server you selected. Click OK and allow the Steam client to restart. After restarting, the selected server will be used.

Don't forget in the field Internet connection speed (Approximate speed of your Internet connection) select the desired value close to reality.

Even if on normal days the speed of your downloads on Steam is not satisfactory, during the release of serious games it can be very difficult to get them “right now”. This is explained by a multimillion-dollar audience of fans who, just like you, want to get the files quickly. As a result, the download speed quite reasonably drops. Below we will reveal a little secret on how to get your hands on the content you want faster.

Selecting a server to increase Steam speed

To provide requests for all target audience, Valve makes it possible to download files not from one source, but from several. This allows for more efficient use of resources worldwide network and better satisfy users. Residents of Russia, for example, have 3 content servers available by default, located in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. However, this does not mean that you cannot choose any other. Before downloading files, you should choose the server that is least busy and closest to you. You can easily check the load and placement using this link, where the traffic is marked in color. Servers with zero load or tag will most likely be unavailable to us. Once the server is selected, switch to it through the settings menu. Inside, find the “Downloads + Cloud” subsection, and in the “Download region” line, indicate the required one. It is also advisable to enter your real speed Internet channel at the same point.

Choosing a provider to increase Steam speed

Maybe you for a long time Have you ever thought about the speed of your Internet connection, or is it time to change your tariff plan? Test your speed using your computer's browser and evaluate the result. If it is acceptable, but the download still does not work, try contacting the service technical support service company.

As a last resort, if all else fails, try leaving the download overnight, or launch Steam at an “unusual” time for you. Perhaps the period of day/night that you prefer to spend at the computer is overloaded with requests from other fans of computer games.

In our time of universal Internet, few people buy their games on separate media. After all, you can watch trailers, the opinions of players and reviewers, and choose among thousands of games right from home. Neither delivery to the retail outlet, nor geography, nor drizzling rain will no longer prevent the gamer from relaxing. You just need to go to and buy what you like.

How to speed up the game download process on Steam.

The catch is that modern games on Steam are quite large. You won’t surprise anyone with tens of gigabytes. There are more. Almost all users believe that their channel is enough for a quick jump. However, they often experience several successive disappointments. The speed is low!

How to speed up game loading on Steam?

Technical essence of the problem

Other consumer programs included. The advice is simple. Disable or limit operating speed.

  • The most typical consumer in modern world- Torrent. Most clients are able to limit download and distribution speeds. The method depends on the specific product, so for an inexperienced user it is easier to temporarily turn it off. Partially downloaded files will continue where they left off last time. Whatever the user uploads, the program tries to reduce the time as much as possible, but the distribution causes an increase in the exchange.
  • Download in the browser. Many users have the habit of opening many tabs. The page periodically polls the server and eats resources. In addition, there are sites that have pages with many such queries.
  • All kinds of background processes. Anything can happen here, and there is only one general advice: install only what you need and pay attention to how the program uses resources.

Internet speed is good. But it’s difficult to download. It's about the service itself. Millions of users access it every day. Fortunately, there are numerous mirrors (duplicate servers). How to increase the download speed in this case, read the instructions below.

Working with mirrors

Go to the Steam application in the Steam menu → Settings → Downloads. Select the region closest to you. You can play with regions, but don't use American or European ones. They give the least chance of a high-speed jump. There is also a speed limit here. This is necessary so that the game does not take over the entire available channel. Check this setting. We increase it until we find the optimal ratio between your requests to the Internet.

Server usage statistics are available at: It’s convenient that you can watch it for the last 48 hours.

Pay attention to the word FILTERED in the server name. Not everyone can use this server, but if you can, very good. Why? It is precisely because of its inaccessibility to other providers that it is less loaded. The download speed will increase significantly.

After changing the settings, restart the Steam application.