Filling with color in photoshop elements. How to fill an object with color in Photoshop. Filling a background layer in Photoshop.

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Fill tools are tools that allow you to fill (fill, paint) a selected object, part of an image, or layer with color. IN Adobe Photoshop

For filling, the Paint Bucket and Gradient tools are provided. The Paint Bucket and Gradient tools on the toolbar occupy one cell, but the icon of the last selected tool is always displayed. To select another tool, you must click right click

mouse on the arrow next to this icon and select the desired tool from the pop-up menu. A pop-up menu can also be called up on the screen by clicking on the icon and holding it down for a while.

The Paint Bucket tool is used to fill an area with a base color or selected pattern with colors that are close (within tolerance) to the color of the clicked pixel. For example, if you want to replace all the red pixels in an image with blue, you would set the foreground color to blue and then click on one of the red pixels in the image.

You can also use the Fill command in the Edit menu to fill. To do this, you first need to select the area to be painted using any of the selection tools, and then select the command Edit - Fill. If you need to fill the entire layer, then you do not need to create a selection. After selecting the Fill command, a dialog box for this command is displayed on the screen, in which you can set the same parameters that are set for the Paint Bucket tool in the Options panel.

The Gradient tool allows you to create a gradient fill, i.e. fill, which is a gradual transition from one color to another.

To set a gradient fill, you must:

  • Step 1. Select the area that needs to be filled with a gradient. If you need to fill the entire layer, then you do not need to create a selection.
  • Step 2. Select the Gradient tool from the toolbar.
  • Step 3. Set the foreground color (the starting color of the gradient) and the background color (the final color of the gradient).
  • Step 4. Set parameters for the tool in the Options panel.
  • Step 5. Move the mouse cursor inside the selected area.
  • Step 6. Click left button mouse and, while continuing to hold down the mouse button, draw a straight line. The start point of the line determines the position of the foreground color, and the end point of the line determines the position of the background color. The length of the drawn line determines the smoothness of the transition from one color to another: the shorter the drawn line, the sharper the transition between colors.

In the Options panel, the following parameters are set for the Gradient tool.

To create a complex gradient (a gradient that contains transitions between three or more colors) or edit an existing gradient type, use the editor gradients Editor, which you can open by clicking in the Gradient parameter view field.

Very often when working in Photoshop you need to fill a selected area or an entire layer. And if masters and professionals do this with ease, then beginners may experience some problems in figuring out how to carry out such a task.

By the way, if you don’t know what the difference is between concepts such as opacity and fill in Photoshop, then the article at the specified address will help you figure it out without any problems.

Now let's try to figure out how to do the filling. This is why we wrote this article on the topic of photo processing in Photoshop.

Filling a selected area in Photoshop:

To select an area, select the Lasso tool (to do this, press the L key on the English keyboard) or the Rectangular Marquee tool (M key).

Then make a selection and right-click inside this area, after which you will need to select “Fill”:

Then in the new window you need to select a fill color; to do this, in the drop-down menu next to the “Use” item you need to select the foreground, background or color of your choice:

When you select a color and click on the “OK” button, the selected area will become filled with the color you need.

Fill an entire area or a selection using the Fill tool

First you need to activate the “Fill” tool, to do this, press the “G” key on your keyboard; if the “Gradient” tool becomes active, instead of the “Fill” tool, then press the hotkey combination Shift + G.

Then select a color from the color picker, then select an area if you want to fill only part of the image or just click on the screen and this tool it will work. That's all.

Photoshop background fill:

Not many even very experienced users know that you can change the background not only of a picture or part of it, but also around the document. In Photoshop, the background around an open image is always gray. However, it can be easily changed to any other! All you need to do to do this is select a color in the main color palette window, then activate the Fill tool as described above, and finally hold down the Shift key and click on the gray background of the document.

Photoshop is one of the most powerful photo processing tools. Offers its users a huge number of functions and capabilities. One of the frequently used features is the Fill tool in Photoshop. This tool allows you to work with color and adjust photos, changing colors, making them richer and brighter. Also, using a fill allows you to replace some colors in a photo with others, which helps express your artistic intent more vividly.

Types of fills

There are two types of fills in Photoshop - Fill and Gradient. To see where the fill is in Photoshop, you need to click on the “Bucket with a Drop” icon, and the fills tab will appear. Both the Fill and Gradient tools are on the same tab. To select a particular type of fill, right-click on the icon and select the desired tool from the pop-up window.

The Fill Tool is used to fill Photoshop's basic shapes with color, or patterns. Used for painting backgrounds, objects, creating patterns or ornaments. The Gradient tool is used to fill with a smooth transition from one color to another. Allows you to smooth out the transition of colors, making the transition border almost invisible. Can also be used to highlight color transitions and draw transition boundaries. Existing types Fills are configured with various parameters that allow you to select different conditions when filling objects.

Making the fill

When working with color in Photoshop, you need to consider the fill type you choose. In order for the fill to be done correctly in Photoshop, you need to select its type and configure the parameters. Thus, for filling using the Fill tool, the following parameters are configured:

  • Fill – sets the parameter for filling the main area (solid color or pattern);
  • Pattern – select the type of pattern to be filled;
  • Mode – fill blending mode;
  • Opacity – sets the degree of transparency of the fill;
  • Tulerance – sets the degree of proximity of the colors that will be filled;
  • Contiguous – close areas that fall under the Tulerance value are painted over;
  • Anti-aliased – creates a semi-transparent border between painted and unpainted areas;
  • All Layers – filling is carried out on the active layer at the time of filling.

How to make a fill in Photoshop, using the Gradient tool and custom tool options:

  • Select the fill area.
  • Select the Gradient tool.
  • Select the main color and background color.
  • Select options and settings in the settings panel.
  • Place the cursor inside the selected area.
  • By pressing the left mouse button and moving the cursor, draw a straight line. The shorter the line, the more noticeable the transition between colors.

On the “Options” tab, you can configure fill parameters. Customizable parameters allow you to change the degree of transparency, blending modes, styles, borders of the beginning and end of the fill. Working with color and applying Various types fills, you can achieve unique solutions and high-quality images. The use of filling is necessary in almost all types of image processing, regardless of the complexity of the problem being solved and the intended processing goals. Therefore, we suggest using this guide when working with Photoshop.

"Marvelous! Simply extraordinary! This can't be! — these are some of the exclamations you may hear from people who see the new content-aware fill features of Adobe Photoshop CS6 in action. Indeed, companies

Adobe managed to do the impossible, open new page in the field of computer graphics.

How often have you seen beautiful photographs ruined by the appearance of an unwanted object in the frame? I think all the time. Sometimes you can spend hours in Adobe Photoshop trying to remove a random passerby from a high school reunion photo or unwanted graffiti on a wall.

In Adobe Photoshop CS6, a solution to the problem of removing unwanted objects has been found. Moreover, for these purposes there are two methods: filling taking into account the content and the possibility of the corresponding function in the Spot Healing Brash Tool.

The essence of this function is as follows: the program replaces the area you have selected with an image based on the objects surrounding the area. This way, you can easily remove the person against the brick wall from the frame: select him, then use the Content-Aware Fill feature.

https://www..jpg" width="435" height="331 src=">

Rice. 6.19. Photo after processing with the “Fill based on content” effect

2. Select the unwanted object using any convenient tool in Adobe Photoshop CS6. To obtain the most natural results, it is recommended to create selections not along the very edge of objects, but somewhat capturing the background of the object. The Lasso Tool and the Polygonal Lasso Tool are perfect for this type of work.

3. Select the main menu command Editing -> Fill. The Fill dialog box opens. This dialog box can also be called up using the key combination Shift+F5.

4. In the Fill dialog box, in the Use drop-down list, select Content-Aware.

Rice. 6.20. Content-aware padding options

5. To completely replace the selected area with a new generated image, in the Blending control group, in the Mode drop-down list, select Normal, and in the Opaque input field. (Opacity) set the value to one hundred percent.

6. To apply the function, click OK.

The selected area is filled with the image based on the elements surrounding it. You may notice that the image generated by the program looks quite natural. Experiment with the selection form to achieve best results. When working with complex images, you can use the Spot Healing Brush Tool, Clone Stamp Tool and others to mask characteristic “seams”.

  1. For a single-color fill with the main or background color, select a color in the palette in Photoshop Color(Color) or Swatches(Swatches) or click on the corresponding status box in the palette History(History) to create, source of information for the tool History Brush(Healing brush).

    To create a repeating pattern, you don’t need to do anything special - just choose a ready-made suitable sample. If you want to create your own tile sample, use the tool Rectangular Marquee(Rectangular area) select some area of ​​the layer (no shading!), select the command Edit> Define Pattern(Edit > Define Pattern) as shown in Fig. 11.3, enter a name and use the command Deselect(Deselect) or press the key combination Ctrl+D.

Rice. 11.3. Select an area to use as a repeating pattern

Rice. 11.5 . The result of filling a layer with a pattern

If you don't like the fill color you chose, run the command Edit>Undo(Edit > Undo) so that this color does not mix with the next one selected and does not affect the mode you set.

To fill a layer with an effect, double-click the layer name, then in the dialog box Layer Style(Layer Style) check the option Color Overlay(Color Overlay) Gradient Overlay(Gradient Overlay) or Pattern Overlay(Pattern overlay). Adjust other characteristics. You can apply one, two, or all three types of effects to the same layer.


Patterns 11.6, Using the settings memory tools in Photoshop, it is very easy to save a pattern, for example, shown in Fig.

for later use. For more information on settings, see Chapter 21, Using the Preset Manager Dialog Box. However, to be on the safe side, try to save the files you used to create the patterns in case the settings are accidentally deleted. Rice. 11.6.

An image created by duplicating a pattern, reducing the copy's opacity to 43% and applying a blending mode Multiply To create a pattern, not only the command is intended Fill(Pour). You can also use the tools 6, Pattern Stamp (Pattern stamp), which is described in the chapter"Using the Pattern Stamp Tool" section, or