Automated information systems in dow. Preschool automation software systems. Sources of management information

Closely related to the problem of an electronic document is the problem of electronic document management and automation of preschool educational institutions.

Currently, various companies have developed and implemented a large number of automated document management systems (ADMS), characterized by specific approaches and computer and communication means of implementation. Unfortunately, these developments lack unified terminology. The products of development companies bear such names as: document automation system, computer system automation of office work and document flow, office management system, distributed document management system, electronic archive, etc. The diversity in the names of developed and developed systems only indicates that today this area of ​​the information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment, and in some cases, ASUD products appear as related developments or a by-product when solving other more complex problems.

However, the number of ASUDs is growing quite quickly. Approximately 30-40 companies regularly participate in DOCFLOW conferences and offer their developments to consumers. These are, of course, the largest developers who set the level of technical technological solutions. It is also known that many automated control systems are developed individually for internal use and are not put on the market.

Unfortunately, in this sector information industry, despite the obvious need, there is no established system for monitoring developments appearing on the market, and there is also no clearly functioning system for their licensing and certification. Reviews by systems specialists are rare of this type in leading computer and information publications, not to mention publications for office work and archives. The latest published reviews deserve approval, although the criteria, evaluation indicators, and terminology used from the point of view of the theory and practice of document management are not optimal. None of the participants comparative analysis systems are not tested for compliance with current standards and rules for working with documents, the costs of implementing a particular system are not compared with the direct and indirect benefits obtained (not to mention the economic effect).

Obviously, this work should be carried out by independent experts, for example VNIIDAD, for a more qualified assessment of the advantages or disadvantages of a particular ASUD.

Principles of development and selection criteria for automated control systems

Let's try to consider the main trends in the development of automated control systems.

First of all, we note that in order to create a full-fledged product, it is the systematic approach that allows, after the implementation of the automated control system, to talk about a comprehensive solution to the problem of document support for management in the organization.

The second characteristic of the system is whether it is a specialized system or a general purpose system? That is, is the system designed specifically for preschool educational institutions or, along with other purposes, can it be adapted to perform (or simultaneously perform) the tasks of preschool educational institutions?

Thirdly, the cost of the system and the scale of the organization in which it can be applied, and the volume of document flow are important for the consumer.

When consumers select the required system, they should first of all take into account for what type of management structure the ASUD is selected. In our opinion, we can distinguish the following categories of consumers:

1) complex hierarchical structures (ministry, department, corporation, bank, etc.);

2) territorial authorities (administrations of cities, federal subjects, municipalities, etc.);

3) commercial and non-profit organizations of medium and lower levels.

Of course, the above systematization is conditional, but it mainly absorbs the main types of ASUD consumers. There are a number of offers for each of these consumer groups.

For example, the developments of the companies “Electronic Office Systems”, “Vest”, “Ankey”, “Lanit” and others are intended for ministries and departments; for the second category of consumers, the most famous are the developments of the “Granit-Center” campaign, the Scientific and Technical Center of the Moscow Development Institute. Most of the developments are intended for consumers of the third category of organizations. Here you can pay attention to the products of Intertrust, IT, Optima, Centrinvestsoft and others.

One of the products that meets almost all the requirements of office work practice is the Delo-96 system and its subsequent modifications, developed by the Electronic Office Systems company. This system meets the traditions of domestic office work and takes into account the existing regulatory and methodological requirements for such systems.

Inter Trust specialists, who use Lotus technologies in their developments, chose a slightly different approach to the design of automated control systems. In the wide range of the company's developments, management documentation systems occupy a worthy place. The company's first product in this direction was the documentation support system "Office Media".

The "Office Media" database set works in the Lotes Notes environment and provides automation of office work and organizational and managerial activities of enterprises and organizations. Users of the system can be such departments of government and commercial structures as services: documentation support, control over the execution of documents, information support external contacts organization, personnel management, sales and marketing management and others.

The new word of the Inter Trust company is the recently developed so-called “corporate system of electronic document management and office automation”.

Another example of ASUD can be called the development of the State Research and Production Enterprise "Granit-Center" of an automated document flow and office management system for the organization "Gran-Doc", which is quite well known in Moscow municipal structures management.

The purpose of the system is to automate the main document processing processes: accounting, recording the path from registration to writing off, monitoring each stage of document review, obtaining background information about documents, analyzing the organization’s document flow.

The use of original document processing technology helps to more efficiently manage document flow in the organization and ensures monitoring of performance discipline.

Document management system requirements

It is possible to formulate certain requirements for a modern documentation management system in an organization.

First of all, the automated control system must perform all the tasks of documentation support for management in full: preparation of documents, their registration, control over execution, search for documents, their storage and reference work on an array of documents.

The system must be built on uniform methodological principles, software, hardware and technological solutions and within the framework of existing organizational and legal conditions in the form of domestic legislation, state standards, instructions and requirements.

The automated control system must ensure the full use (integration) of the accumulated information resource and implement the principle of one-time input of information and its repeated use, both documented and actually. The system should also help administrators choose routes for document movement within the organization, providing the necessary degree of information protection from unauthorized access.

ACS in modern conditions should be capable of expansion in certain components (number technical devices and technologies, number of documents (volume of information), number of users) and be able to adapt within reasonable limits to changing user requirements.

The introduction of a comprehensive document management automation system can be considered as a management innovation, which makes it possible to take into account the patterns of the innovation process and organize it effectively.

Depending on the innovative potential, there are two main types of innovations:

o radical (basic), opening up fundamentally new opportunities that introduce qualitative changes in the ways of human activity;

o modifying, ensuring improvement of existing methods and forms of work.

Radical and modifying innovations in the management process must be combined. In practice, we also encounter pseudo-innovations that relate only to external attributes and are dictated by considerations of prestige or advertising.

In modern conditions, the introduction of digital document management and the use of electronic document management can be considered a radical innovation.

Innovations of the modifying type appear more often than radical ones and provide adaptation to changing conditions and tasks. For example, partial improvements in the organization of managerial work and document flow in themselves produce positive results. But the possibilities of modifying innovations are limited and at a certain stage they are no longer able to compensate for the needs of the organization. And then a delay in the development and implementation of larger-scale or radical innovations (in our case, a comprehensive automation system for preschool educational institutions) can lead to stagnation and a decrease in management efficiency.

The “life cycle” of an integrated preschool automation system as a management innovation includes the following stages: awareness of the need for innovation and its development; making a decision to switch to new technology, its development; stable operation and development. An innovation will not be complete if it stops at any intermediate stage. At the end of the “life cycle” of any innovation, the need for partial or larger-scale improvements is again revealed.

The innovation process is primarily the result of a creative solution to emerging problems. Therefore, the stage of awareness of the need for an innovation and its development is at the same time a process of preparing and making management decisions, on the validity and timeliness of which the results of subsequent stages largely depend. The implementation of the proposed innovation depends, in particular, on what methods were used to collect and process information, analyze the problem situation, develop options and select a solution. Moreover, the consequences of the innovation and the features of its implementation must be analyzed during the development and selection of a solution. When implementing specific measures to introduce management innovations in the field of document automation, it is assumed that the interrelations between the main components of information management will be taken into account.

The innovation development stage covers the period of time necessary to eliminate identified deficiencies and make appropriate changes. Great importance at this stage has control over the activities of workers (for example, compliance with the requirements for work technology in corporate system document flow). It is important that the document management technology being introduced is used daily and the possibility of returning to the previous work organization is excluded (for example, maintaining handwritten logbooks, multiple registration of documents, etc.). This requires instruction or training of employees, preparation of methodological materials (process diagrams, manuals for users and system administrators, etc.).

It is also important to pay attention to maintaining and improving the innovation. Sometimes, some time after the introduction of an innovation, there are attempts to return to previous ways of working (and not at all because of the ineffectiveness of the new one). The challenge at this stage is to prevent this, to stabilize and support innovations, and to decide whether one innovation needs to be complemented or strengthened by another.

Thus, at the stages of implementation and development of a complex automation system for preschool educational institutions, there may be a period of simultaneous coexistence of new and old technologies (in those departments of the organization that are not yet connected to the system). "Who will win?" - the result of this stage depends on the solution of a number of organizational issues, including the formation of the necessary regulatory and methodological framework. Under these conditions, the placement of personnel changes, issues of organizing the system support service and its administration are resolved. The procedure for connecting users and granting them rights to use the system is determined, and information security issues are resolved.

At each stage of the innovation process, the circle of its participants expands. So, for example, in a large organization, the implementation of a comprehensive preschool automation system may take the form of a phased connection to the system, first of the office, and then of the rest of the structural units with a corresponding increase in the number of users. It is clear that the maximum effect from automated system, covering the document flow of the entire organization, is achieved only when all planned departments are connected.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that participants in the innovation process can either take the initiative to support a management innovation (in our case, a corporate document automation system) or oppose its success. The introduction of corporate document management technology, which imposes new requirements on employees as users of the system (including their qualifications) and allows them to evaluate their work from a general perspective, is one of those major innovations and transformations that can cause different reactions to the innovation.

The problems of introducing new technologies are not limited to the so-called “psychological barrier” and cover the sphere of interests of the organization’s employees (economic, social). If an employee assumes that the innovation being introduced will reduce or even make it impossible to satisfy some of his needs, then he will speak out against the innovation. Sometimes individual employees may deliberately speak out against an innovation in order to increase their influence over others.

This implies the need to take into account the influence of both collective and individual interests.

From this point of view, it is important that employees realize that their benefits from the introduction of CSD and the disadvantages from not accepting the innovation exceed the benefits from maintaining the previous work order.

When introducing CSD, aspects related to corporate culture also appear. For example, if members of an organization for a long time were focused on maintaining the existing work order, and receptivity to innovation and the desire of employees to improve their skills were not a feature of the corporate culture and system of priorities in management, then management problems may arise when introducing innovations.

Characteristics of the series possible reasons obstacles to the implementation of an integrated preschool automation system are given in the well-known work of M. Sutton, which include various types of inconsistencies: inconsistency, indecisiveness, mistrust, unpreparedness, bias, disorganization, uncertainty, failure to perform functions, etc.

When implementing a comprehensive automation system for preschool educational institutions, it is important to take into account that the attitude towards the introduced innovations largely depends on their following characteristics:

o relative profitability(to what extent the proposed innovation is more beneficial in socio-economic terms than the existing operating procedure, to what extent it contributes to the achievement of the organization’s goals);

o compatibility(how compatible this innovation is with the views and experience of employees - this determines whether it will be more difficult or easier to accept);

o difficulties(how difficult it is to understand, use and adapt to the proposed innovation);

o phasing(innovations that can be implemented in stages or with experimental testing will be better received) .

From the organization information support, formal and informal communications between employees on the implementation of an innovation largely determine its success. When implementing the system, it is important to provide employees with information about the benefits of the new technology (for the organization, department, individual employee), think through the training system and outline the stages of implementation.

It can be psychologically difficult for employees to quickly adapt to new technology, especially if there are a large number of changes to the way they work at the same time. Therefore, the more novel the system being implemented is, the more attentive one must be to involving staff in the process of its implementation, explaining the new capabilities of the system and overcoming the psychological barrier of some employees. It is necessary to plan the time required to familiarize workers, and then the duration of mastering the new work technology. Haste in implementation creates difficulties due to the fact that the organization's employees cannot adapt to a large number of changes at once. Excessively delaying this process can significantly reduce the effect of the innovation and even cause disappointment in it. Taking these circumstances into account, it is important, when implementing a comprehensive automation system for preschool educational institutions, to develop and approve a schedule for connecting departments with the head of the organization.

The success of implementing a document automation system designed to ensure the functioning of the organization as a whole depends on the depth of elaboration and timeliness of resolving organizational issues at the appropriate levels of management. Support for the implementation of the system by the organization’s management (“first-person principle”) plays a fundamental role. In the absence of such support, the system is unlikely to be implemented in all departments. To promptly regulate the system implementation process, it may be necessary to create a permanent body (for example, a commission or working group of representatives of departments responsible for various aspects of implementation - organizational, technological, software and hardware, personnel, as well as for information security). The tasks of the preschool education service include resolving fundamental technological issues, coordinating the interests of departments as users of the system, preparing the necessary regulatory and methodological documents, developing a classification of documents and maintaining system directories.

When implementing a comprehensive preschool automation system and expanding the number of system users and connecting new departments, the following approaches may be useful:

o start with the most psychologically prepared and qualified employees, using their example, experience and skills when mastering the technology by other employees;

o introduce new technology first of all in departments where the urgent need and effect of implementation are most obvious.

It is important to note that in modern conditions it is hardly possible to immediately implement a multifunctional automated system for a large organization. The option of its gradual development seems more acceptable. Otherwise, the development and implementation of the system may take a long time, and the original requirements may even become outdated.

At any of these stages, work can be carried out to improve document flow technology (both traditional and automated), i.e. apply modifying innovations.

Both traditional (paper) and automated document flow require constant attention to issues of its optimization, taking into account:

o ongoing changes in the organizational structure of management, the need to combine traditional and automated technologies;

o providing organizational and methodological guidance and monitoring compliance with established work procedures;

o development of the system and refinement of its individual functions, taking into account new software and hardware capabilities.

Therefore, the problems of information management are not exhausted even after the implementation of the corresponding computer system.

Management documentation is the basis of the activities of a modern organization - up to 85% of the information resources of almost any management structure are concentrated in documents. In this regard, the processes of documentation and document flow have become self-sufficient and require their own automated management systems.

Over the past 10-15 years, office automation has experienced a revolution in document management. If earlier an office automation system was considered as a system for automating the activities of mainly technical personnel of offices, secretariats, archives related to the preparation, registration, movement, control of execution and search of documents, now the authors themselves are engaged in the preparation and forwarding of documents using PCs connected to the network and executors of documents. They are now direct participants in documentation support technologies - from the moment of creating documents to monitoring execution and working with the document archive. The automation system for documentation and document flow has become a decisive tool for increasing the efficiency of employees involved in decision-making, and, accordingly, the activities of the organization as a whole.

Currently, an organization that wants to receive modern solutions for creating automated technology for preschool educational institutions, has a fairly wide choice - from purchasing individually developed information systems in the case of large organizations to ready-made complex systems - for small and medium-sized organizations.

Organizations that have set themselves the goal of automating office work have to solve a number of problems. Here are some of them:

Organizations often do not have a clear understanding of what actually needs to be automated in office process technology. This is due to the lack of specialists who are both versed in office work and well aware of the market and the capabilities of software systems in the field of automation of documentation support for management. Advertising information is poor in content and does not always correspond to the truth; the lack of uniform terminology hinders mutual understanding between the customer of the system and its manufacturer, etc.;

The organization will have to develop and implement a serious set of measures to streamline management processes and the office work procedures that reflect them. It is necessary to streamline the distribution of responsibilities, delegation of powers, to clearly establish who solves what tasks and at what level, to determine the procedure for approving documents, their approval and signing, etc., i.e., ultimately, to optimize the management system;

When introducing automation of preschool educational institutions, organizations need to decide on the choice of one of two approaches, which document scientists conventionally call “Russian” and “Western”.

Traditionally, Russian technology for working with documents assumes three levels of hierarchy: the head of the organization - the office management service - the executor. Western traditions are associated with the personal responsibility of the executor for the document and the corresponding decisions on it, therefore they contain two levels of hierarchy: the head of the top management - the executor (manager).

Russian tradition presupposes mandatory registration of each document from the moment it appears in the organization, as well as detailed regulated and centrally controlled “pre-archival” document flow. The technology of preschool educational institutions is largely enshrined in state standards, instructions and manuals. The entire range of work with documents is tracked in registration journals or typewritten filing cabinets.

The traditions of Western office work are associated with the personal responsibility of the manager for the document and its execution (typically, in English language the word “document flow” itself is missing). Registration of documents is carried out directly by the contractor; there is no centralized control over execution. The subject of regulation in traditional Western document management systems is the systematic storage of already executed documents (similar to domestic archival storage). It is on the basis of this tradition that the concept of Western electronic document management systems was formed. Hence the complexity of using electronic document management technologies in Russian office work based on Western software systems. An appropriate adaptation of Western products to Russian conditions that have developed over centuries is required.

When choosing an option for automating a preschool educational institution, the customer organization must make a choice between two classes of document management systems - Workflow and Groupware.

Both classes of systems are aimed at automating teamwork in the office. At the same time, when choosing a methodology for building an automated system in a particular organization, one should take into account how well it corresponds to the management style and management system adopted in it.

The fact is that Workflow type systems include systems focused on automating the work of an entire corporation (i.e., the joint work of several work groups), supporting a clear separation of business processes and routing of work in a network of performers. In relation to document flow, this means that the relevant documentation is strictly tied to management procedures based on the distribution of functions between employees of the management apparatus. In this case, document flow seems to be superimposed on technological management procedures. Systems like Workflow are more acceptable for large organizations and government agencies.

The Groupware type includes systems that do not have a strictly defined business scheme - processes and which are designed to function in a small team - working group(5-100 people). Groupware elements are Email, document database, collective organizer.

The choice by an organization of an automated document management system should ultimately be based on the necessary requirements for software products offered on the market, which can be reduced to the following characteristics:

Office technologies used;

Compliance with the main tasks of office work;

Functional characteristics systems (functional completeness, openness, etc.);

Software implementation(support for distributed mode, etc.);

Cost indicators.

The office work technologies based on Russian and Western traditions were briefly described above. Let us next briefly touch on the characteristics of software systems in the corresponding direction.

Software systems that implement Russian technology, are focused on use in government agencies and organizations; they preserve all the traditions and norms of office work adopted in a specific management structure. The task of such systems is to provide support for paper document flow and reduce the labor intensity of routine document processing operations. However, these systems can significantly expand the scope of traditional documentation and document management processes by processing documents on a personal computer. Systems in this direction are a kind of bridge for the gradual transition from paper to paperless technologies. Automation systems for preschool educational institutions using this technology include:

DELO system (product of the Electronic Office Systems company);

System "Cinderella-\\"1!\i. Official correspondence (NTC IRM, Moscow).

Subclause 7.8.4 will describe in more detail the functionality of the DELO systems.

Western software systems are focused on maximum use electronic documents and means of collective work of users, the absence of intermediate links, which in turn predetermines changes in existing office processes in the organization, their optimization, and the development of new technologies for working with documents.

The main feature of “Western” technology is the modeling of specific real document flow processes and adjustment of software systems to these models. As a rule, the system is delivered to the customer not as an autonomous “boxed” product, alienated from the developer, but as a set software, from which a ready-made solution is assembled.

When adapting the system to specific processes of the organization on personal computers employees (role workplace) the necessary functional components are installed that allow solving a certain range of tasks, in accordance with the role of each employee in a particular document flow procedure of the organization. The system administrator creates business functions that determine the routes for the movement of documents through the structure of the organization, i.e., among its divisions and individual employees.

To systems of this direction in Russian Federation The following three classes of automated information systems are widely represented:

Systems developed by Russian companies based on DBMS: “Lan-Docs” - Lanit JSC; OPTIMA-WorkFlow - Optima company; "Code" - State Enterprise "Center for Computer Development"; "AquaDoc" - Aquarius Consulting company, etc.;

Systems developed by Russian companies using LotusNotes technology: СompanyMedia - Inter Trust company; "BOSS-Referent" - IT company; "Eskado" - CJSC Interprokom LAN, etc.:

Russified versions of popular Western systems: “Documentum 4i” - Documentum company; "DOCSOpen" - Hummingbird company"; "LotusDomino\Notes" - IBN Corporation; "DocuLive" - ​​Siemens concern; "WorkExpeditor" - Compaq Corporation, etc.

For comparison, further in clause 7.8.4 and clause 7.8.5, the characteristics of two software systems are given - “DELO” and “BOSS-Referent”, oriented respectively towards Russian and Western technologies of documentation and document management.


Information technology






automated enterprise management systems differ in their focus. For example, for “Best” or “Parus-5” the trade sector is a priority; Infosoft is one of the leaders in the field of accounting automation in production. In addition, there are universal “enterprise management systems”: “Parus-4”, “Infin”, “Abacus”, BOSS”, “Galaktika”, “Supermanager-6-7”, etc.

However, the purpose of this article is to assess the capabilities of systems for automating personnel document flow, and only the most promising ones, belonging to fourth-generation systems.

Integrated system M-2 based on application modern technologies. M-2 is a single software package based on a centralized corporate database. At the same time, the openness of the M-2 system allows the use of existing enterprise databases with integration into a single complex, as well as modern software packages ( Microsoft Office 97).

The M-2 system is developed on the basis of a database server Oracle data 7.3, which provides high speed characteristics and a high degree of reliability and data protection. Client stations are developed on the Delphi 3.0 software system and can function in operating rooms Windows systems NT or Windows'95.

The fundamental difference between an integrated system and an arbitrarily complex set of automated workstations lies, first of all, in the design ideology. Workstation systems are designed as automation of existing workplaces, and in the future they are linked to each other. At the same time, naturally, such an information system can implement only those management technologies that were available at the enterprise at the time of its creation, since the design of the modules itself was carried out based on specific existing jobs.

The integrated system is designed immediately as a single complex, focused on modern management technologies; jobs are created in the second stage in an already created integrated environment.

In addition, workstations created within the framework of the file server architecture do not meet modern requirements either in terms of speed characteristics or in terms of system security and reliability. It should be noted that the work that was done to create automated workstations will not be lost. First, many elements of the created jobs can be used as modules for creating jobs within the new system, especially since the design of jobs takes up at least 50% of the creation time. Secondly, users have acquired computer skills, without which it is impossible to implement any system. Thirdly, as part of this work, a cadre of programmers was formed who know the specifics of the enterprise, who will also be needed when writing jobs in the environment of the new integrated system. Therefore, investments in previous developments will certainly pay off. Unlike a complex of automated workstations, when introducing an integrated system, existing jobs are not simply automated, but the entire information processing system is reconstructed with the design of new jobs in relation to new technologies.

Simultaneously with the implementation of the M-2 system, specialists are trained and are issued with appropriate certificates. Specialists trained in this way receive the right to create their own modules in the M-2 system, as well as modify existing modules within the framework specified by the certificate. Thus, the enterprise does not become dependent on the company that developed the system and is able to maintain the functioning of the system independently.

Corporate accounting system NS2000 meets the requirements of functional completeness and is the winner of the sixth International competition software in the field of finance and business. The system is designed and developed using BP-WIN, ER-WIN, PROGRESS 4GL tools.

The scheme of the complex, therefore, is a set of modules, all of which can be grouped into three main areas: management, finance, logistics.

Part R/3 systems includes the Oracle Applications Human Resources module, which allows you to get the most out of your employees through effective recruitment, personnel management, training, compensation and career planning. Today, in its class of products, the “Oracle Applications Human Resources Management” module is one of the most functionally complete systems for organizing the work of the HR department of a modern enterprise.

Its use allows you to solve the following problems:

· planning of organizational changes, including modeling of the organization's structural and job hierarchies;

· planning of structural units, description of rank, position, position, maintenance of directories, etc.;

· personal records of employees and candidates with a full record of their professional qualities (for optimal use of labor resources), data for calculating salaries, data on the use of working time, employee track records, needs for advanced training and employee training results;

· analysis and reporting on standard government forms, non-standard reporting using Oracle development tools, operational data analysis and decision support.

System “Orakl-Personnel” all the advantages of previous systems are inherent. However, it also has a number of additional advantages. The system provides the ability to work with a database system (full-time employees, dismissed employees, archive, personnel reserve, temporary employees, etc.), which significantly reduces the request processing time. The second undoubted advantage is the content of the registration card, which includes 102 topics (according to the resolution of the State Statistics Committee, the card must contain at least 55 topics).

There is the possibility of arbitrary modification of the staffing table with automatic calculation of vacancies, as well as a developed module for processing ad hoc requests. The system provides procedures for maintaining time sheets (personal and per unit) with automatic control of vacations, business trips, financial assistance, etc. Only some systems have all the required sections of personnel records, but only in the “Orakle-Personnel” system they are available in in full. Therefore, taking into account its acceptable cost (up to $500), it can be argued that currently this system is the leader among enterprise automation systems, including all functions of HR document flow automation.

Business Process Automation System (BAPS) is a class of software products that automate the description and execution of arbitrary business processes (in whole or in part), while documents, information, tasks are transferred for execution necessary actions from one participant in the process to another in accordance with given rules. The main concept of SADP is work flow.

Workflow is a system for ensuring the execution of work flows within the framework of process management. Automation of business processes is impossible only through the implementation of an accounting system, since such systems do not resolve the issue of interaction between participants in accounting processes. Similar problems BPMS class systems are also designed to solve. "PiterSoft: Process Management" on the 1C platform- an example of a BPMS class software product, which is implemented to solve issues of interaction between participants in business processes.

Also, the SADP system is a subset of electronic document management systems (EDMS).


A huge increase in the volume of information and large changes in the demand for information began to place new demands on the organization of information and documentation services in the organization.

Requirements for services involved in information and documentation support began to change. Abroad, they began to be called the service of management (or management) of information and documentation resources, in our country - the service of documentation support for management (DOU).

The main direction of improving the preschool educational institution and adapting it to modern conditions was the use of the latest computer and telecommunications technology, and the formation on its basis of highly effective information and management technologies in working with documents.

The proposed teaching aid is developed in accordance with work program discipline “Information technologies in documentation support of management and archiving”, direction of training “034700 Documentation and archival science” (6th semester, bachelor). The goals of mastering this discipline are: the ability to create a local regulatory framework for documentation support for management and archival affairs, as well as the ability to document management information, streamline document flow, document processing technologies for the purpose of their preservation and transfer for storage.

Topic 1. Basic terms and concepts

Fundamental terms and concepts: mechanization and automation, information, information technology, computer technology, computerization and informatization, automated information systems

The management activities of any organization are based on the processing of incoming official documents, regardless of the methods of their receipt and types of media, as well as the production of documentary information and official documents intended both for internal use within the organization itself and for external use.

Using special technologies, incoming documents are converted into the information necessary to achieve a certain result. The very concept of “technology” is used in industrial production and is defined as a system of interconnected methods of processing materials and methods of manufacturing products in the production process. In the field of documentation support for management, taking into account the specifics information processes, on which it is based, the technology of documentation support for management is defined as a system of methods and methods for collecting, transmitting, processing, accumulating, storing documents and documentary information based on the use of uniform methodological techniques and rules.

Technologies for documentation support of management, in accordance with the difference in information processes, are divided into:

· technologies for processing incoming and outgoing documents;

· technology for transmitting (bringing) document information to the end user;

· technologies for entering documents into information base organization data based on its internal structure;

· technologies for processing document information and accumulating documents;

· technology for storing and using separate local groups of documents.

Thus, documentation support management (DOU) covers issues of documentation, organization of work with documents in the process of management and systematization of their archival storage.

Information technology is a set of methods, production processes and software technical means, combined into a technological chain that ensures the collection, processing, storage, distribution and display of information in order to reduce the labor intensity of the processes of using an information resource, as well as increase their reliability and efficiency.

Information and communication technologies are proposed to be understood as a set of objects, actions and rules associated with the preparation, processing and delivery of information in personal, mass and industrial communication, as well as all technologies and industries that integrally support the listed processes.

Information technologies have become actively used due to the computerization of enterprises. Computerization refers to the process of implementation computer equipment, providing automation of information processes and technologies.

Computerization allows us to talk about two sets of measures: mechanization and automation of processes associated with preschool educational institutions.

Mechanization clerical processes is the use of technical means to perform documentation operations and organize work with documents. The purpose of office work mechanization is to transfer the execution of non-creative (auxiliary) operations to technical means.

Under automated information technology(AIT) management is understood as a system of methods and methods for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, processing and protecting management information based on the use of developed software, computer technology and communications, as well as the ways in which this information is provided to users.

Based on the degree of coverage of management tasks, automated information technologies are divided into the following groups: electronic data processing; automation of control functions; decision support; electronic office; expert support.

According to the class of technological operations being implemented, AIT can be divided into: systems with text editor; systems with a table processor; database management systems; systems with graphic objects; multimedia systems; hypertext systems.

Type user interface automated information technologies are divided into:

Batch (centralized processing);


Network (multi-user).

According to the method of constructing the network, AIT can be divided into:




Topic 2 Main stages in the history of automation of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs

2.1. Automation of work with documents as an integral part of automation of management processes.

2 .2. The first stage (1960s – 1970s) – the concept of automated control systems (ACS). Creation and implementation of document processing systems within the framework of automated control systems. Shared computing centers. The first information retrieval systems (IRS). Partial automation of some office and archival functions.

2.3. The second stage (1980s - early 1990s) - development of technological solutions based on PCs. Creation and development of the concept of automated workstations (AWS). The emergence of the possibility of comprehensive automation of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs. Development of specialized software.

2.4. The third stage (1990s - present) - widespread introduction and use of new information technologies, which combine computers, communications and office equipment. Comprehensive automation of all stages of document flow and archival storage of documents.

The need for office automation is due to the rapid improvement of computer production technology, software, and the widespread introduction of information technology. Automation has traditionally been understood as the displacement of routine mechanical labor, the “freeing up” of workers. However, cost reduction is not the main goal of automation. The main goal of automation is to acquire new management qualities, obtain effective management. This automation concept involves reorganizing management and redesigning the information system.

Automation of preschool educational institutions and archival affairs began in the 1960s of the 20th century. Automation was preceded by a stage of mechanization, which began at the end of the 19th century. In the period from the end of the 19th century. until the 1950s mechanization concerned mainly departmental archives. The use of “small mechanization” means was sporadic and limited to the use of matrix information media (manual punched cards, punched tapes, codes) and counting and punching devices to solve specific problems in the field of population accounting (population census), planning, reporting in production, etc.

The first stage was the time of accumulation of empirical experience in the field of creating local and inter-archive automated information retrieval systems - AIPS. The growth in the scope of application of automated systems in archiving is associated primarily with the evolution of information carriers (microfilms, magnetic tapes, cards, disks, forms, etc.) and technical support (electronic punching machines, electronic computers, personal computers). the emergence of special packages application programs for AIPS. The process of creating automated control systems (ACS) in all sectors of the economy also had a significant impact on the automation of archiving during this period.

Automated control system (ACS) - a set of hardware and software designed to control various processes within technological process, production, enterprise. The creator of the first automated control systems in the USSR is Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, founder of the scientific school of strategic planning Nikolai Ivanovich Veduta.

The most important task of the automated control system is to increase the efficiency of facility management based on increased labor productivity and improved methods of planning the management process.

The period of the second half of the 1980s - 1990s. - associated with the beginning of spontaneous computerization, first of Moscow and then of local state archives. The leaders of this process were the National Research Center of TD of the USSR (RNITs CD), VNIIDAD, TsKHIDK, TsGAOR (GARF) and other archives. In the 90s In the Russian Federation, legislative and regulatory acts introduced more than 20 industry-specific automated office work and documentation systems, creating huge arrays of machine-readable (electronic) documents. The creation of arrays of electronic documents also occurs through the digitization of paper sources in state archives (in order to create an insurance fund and a use fund), as well as the creation of full-text databases. In addition, new information technologies in the field of conservation and restoration of documents, the creation of an insurance fund and a use fund make it possible to extend the life of valuable historical sources.

At the present stage, the state of information technology in preschool educational institutions can be characterized by:

The presence of a large volume of databases containing information about the activities of the organization;

Creation of technologies that provide interactive user access to information resources;

Expansion functionality information systems and technologies that provide information processing, the creation of local multifunctional problem-oriented information systems for various purposes;

Inclusion of user interface intellectualization elements into information systems, expert systems and other technological means.

Comprehensive automation of all stages of document flow and archival storage of documents includes: automation of work with documents, automated workstations, electronic office systems.

The federal target program “Electronic Russia (2002-2010)” states that the development and widespread use of information and communication technologies is crucial for improving the efficiency of the economy, state and local government. One of the areas of use of information communication technologies in the activities of government bodies, organizations and enterprises is the “development of an electronic document management system, office work and document management standards.” The relevance of improving traditional office work is determined by the need for efficient management activities, accelerating the movement of documents in the organization, and reducing the labor intensity of document processing. The created automated system (hereinafter AS) of office work should increase the efficiency of management through the formation of a single documented information space, giving users the means to effectively collaborate on documents anywhere, anytime. Modern systems automation of office work and document flow (SADD) allow you to solve a full range of office work tasks:

Organization of complete and convenient accounting and processing of all incoming, outgoing and internal correspondence.

Preservation of all documents related to the activities of the organization in a more convenient and rational way, allowing you to quickly find any required document subject to appropriate access rights.

Tracking the status of each document, the route of its movement, as well as the relationship with other documents.

Ensure timely document processing requirements are met.

Modern office automation systems make it possible to build a full-fledged system for managing document processing processes and monitoring their implementation. SADD covers all processes of creating, processing, replicating, transferring and storing documents, and also automates the basic procedures of modern office work. The life cycle of a document, from creation to its write-off or destruction, is presented in the form of successive stages, each of which the document goes through over a certain period of time. Office automation systems allow you to automatically record the transition of a document from one stage to another.
Currently, the presence of a successfully operating office automation and document flow system indicates the well-being of the institution and its management. This means complete controllability of those subordinate to the leadership of the apparatus, their competence, solidarity, discipline and interest in the most successful implementation of the assigned work. An automated system makes it possible to quickly and efficiently exchange information between all areas of the production process, reduce the time required to prepare specific tasks, and eliminate possible errors in the preparation of reporting documentation. The introduction of an automated system will ensure ease of use, rational organization of production and reduction of psychological stress. Physiological stress will also decrease, because With the implementation of appropriate software, the time spent on the same work will be significantly reduced. This will have a positive effect on the employee’s performance, because will lead to a reduction in the amount of information processed, and staff will also have additional time for analysis and making management decisions.

Automated preschool educational systems are software systems aimed at automating management processes.

The central link in information technology in modern conditions is the computer and the associated set of technical means. The implementation of information technology is achieved with the help of a management system and organizational and methodological support. When using individual technologies and technical devices in document management, attention should be paid to the specific consequences of their use.

The following stages of work on selecting an automated system for preschool educational institution 1 are proposed:

    Drawing up a list of basic and system-technical requirements for a corporate document automation system.

    Selecting a system of weighting coefficients (scores) or ranking for expert assessment.

    Evaluation of software products from the point of view of the basic functional requirements and system-technical characteristics.

    Assessment of the adaptation capabilities of selected products.

    Selection of software products that meet these criteria.

    Comparative assessment of costs associated with the acquisition and implementation of software products.

    Assessing the experience of using selected software products (including in organizations of this type), the reputation of the developer company.

    Selecting software for a document automation system.

14 Goals of dhow automation. Tasks of the dow in the organization. Coverage of the dhow automation process.

Goals of preschool automation of all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, are quite similar and, in our opinion, are as follows:

    Improving the quality and efficiency of management, and as a consequence of this ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market;

    Integration into a single office work cycle of all structural divisions of the organization, including geographically remote ones;

    Ensuring operational and at the same time differentiated access to the organization’s information (documentation) resources;

    Reducing labor and time costs and overhead costs, and as a result, obtaining an economic effect;

    Laying the foundation for a gradual transition to electronic document management in the enterprise, work for the future.

Achieving your goals is possible by solving automation tasks of preschool educational institutions of the organization, which can be roughly systematized into the following areas:

          Preparation and execution of documents

    improving the quality and efficiency of preparation of documents created in the organization

    unification of the process of working with documents at all stages of its existence

          Organization of document flow and execution of documents

    eliminating duplication of work on entering information about a document at various stages of working with it (registration process)

    eliminating the possibility of document loss (creation of the organization’s documentary base)

    streamlining the organization's document flow (simplification of document flow charts - routing)

    increasing the efficiency and quality of work of performers with documents

    reduction of deadlines for execution and passage of documents

    timely informing employees and management about received and created documents (avoiding duplication of work on the same document)

          Organization of control over the execution of documents

    unification of document flows of all divisions of the organization (including geographically remote ones)

    prompt receipt of information about the execution status and location of any document

    ensuring tracking of the stages of the passage of documents in the organization’s divisions from the moment of their receipt (creation) to the completion of work with them (execution),

          Organization of document storage, search system.

    ensuring centralized storage of texts of documents prepared in electronic form, their graphic images and materials for them.

    providing the ability to quickly search and organize logical linking of documents related to one issue.

    ensuring prompt search and selection of documents (materials) according to a thematic set of details.