Fast work on the computer keyboard. How to learn touch typing? Is it possible? Keyboard solo

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There is a large number associated with a set of data on a computer. As a rule, this requires a good typing speed on the keyboard.

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Key features

  • unique Alternative option for placing hands on the keyboard;
  • support for various layouts and languages;
  • sound effects for musical accompaniment of the work;
  • special lessons that help memorize the location of the keys;
  • a set of phrases that increase the speed of typing;
  • a set of text fragments from individual files;
  • displaying a graph of the user's progress with the output of statistics by sessions and by days;
  • backlight, which helps to determine the position of the current letter on the keyboard;
  • the ability to work with multiple users in the program;
  • built-in lesson editor.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • free distribution;
  • easy and fun learning to type quickly;
  • support for various layouts for training;
  • the ability to edit tasks in lessons;
  • Russian-language menu;
  • simple and user-friendly interface.
  • not detected.


Qwerty. Free classic simulator for learning fast typing on computer keyboard. It uses the ten-finger touch typing technique. Its features are a large keyboard with "jumping" buttons, different levels difficulties in exercises, set training special characters, displaying convenient results graphs.

iQwer. Conditionally free app for teaching fast typing. It has a bright color palette that divides the keyboard into nine zones for individual fingers, various learning modes - "Words", "Sentences" and "Syllables", statistics are kept for each individual user.

Rapid Typing. Free keyboard trainer. It has ample opportunities for settings for study, several useful exercises, bright design, which contributes to greater efficiency in the process of work.

How to use the app

When you first start the simulator, a window will appear in front of you with the help, called "Aibolit". It describes a little work with the program in a fun and funny way.

Help window

The interface looks like this:


It is divided into two fields. One is for working with text, the other displays a virtual keyboard. On it, the letters are separated by green lines in order to understand which finger should press the key.

Hand position

In the "Mode" menu you will find various options for lessons: phrases, letters from phrases, all symbols, etc.

In the "Options" menu, you can change the layout, disable the display of the virtual keyboard, and set up background music.

Stamina will give you the opportunity to thoroughly master the method of touch typing.


All computer users (both active and not so active) use the keyboard. Typing is a traditional procedure when working with a computer. You can type with two fingers while looking at the keyboard every now and then, but you can learn touch typing. We'll talk about this.

Each person is able to master this skill if they spend at least 1 hour daily for 2-3 weeks. Of course, at first typing will be slow, you will have to think before all the taps. But over time, the speed and accuracy will increase.

Blind print. Advantages

The skill of touch typing is important for those who work on a PC all the time. But the main advantages this method are:

The key positive side of the blind printing method is time saving. For people who constantly work on a PC and type a lot of characters, such a skill is truly invaluable. Moreover, such a technique will have a beneficial effect on the amount of work and earnings of rewriters and copywriters;

if you can quickly type text, then it is entered rhythmically, which significantly reduces the level of fatigue. In addition, you will enjoy the well-coordinated work of the hands;
this is a great addition to your resume skills, which will speed up your job search;
another plus is that you can logically express thoughts, keep up with them. Sometimes distraction for just a second can bring down;

The touch typing method is truly effective because you spend less time working and your eyes get tired more slowly.

eyes get tired quickly if you constantly move your eyes from the keys to the monitor. Thus, blind typing contributes to the preservation of vision.

Blind typing rules

If you want to learn how to touch print, then remember the rules:

in the process of typing text, it is forbidden to look at the keys;
each finger is required to press "own" buttons.

These points must not be violated. Even if one of the buttons seems "difficult", you can't peep. So you only remember the wrong order, which is deposited in the brain, and relearning is not easy. Let you make mistakes, but mistakes are easily corrected. Over time, the accuracy only increases.

Typing rules

The location of the fingers when typing blindly is the same for all languages. We will tell about the rules of typing in Russian.

So, on all types of keyboards, the buttons are located in 6 lines. The topmost acts as an auxiliary, it is not used for touch typing, so do not think about it. Bottom line with "Ctrl", "Alt" and spacebar buttons. After it comes the first, second and third row. They are key.

The fourth line with numbers that are rarely used. Usually, to print numbers, use the numeric keypad, which is on the right. This is due to the fact that you need to reach far, which slows down printing. And yes, there are many mistakes. Mastering the second row is important, but it is not necessary to focus on it.

The main thing is the position of the hands on the keys - a row for the support "FYVA" (left little finger, ring finger, middle and index finger), as well as "OLJ" (right index, middle, ring finger and little finger). At first, the fingers need to be placed on the correct keys, but over time they will no longer stick to them, but will be located a few millimeters above them. This happens automatically as skills increase. There is no need to specifically speed it up. To control the location of the hands, the keys with the letters "A" and "O" have bulges.

When learning, it is important to follow the key rules and the location of the fingers on the buttons.

The keys are learned in this order:

initially, “own” buttons are taught by the left index finger, then the right one;
then pressed with the left middle finger, then with the right;
then the location of the buttons is remembered with the left ring finger, then with the right;
the last to remember the "own" buttons are the left and right little fingers.

Go the other way, try to get started with text, but it's better to learn letters for specific fingers.

So the print order is:

press the space bar with your thumbs in turn. So, when the last button or sign is pressed with the left hand, press the space bar with the same hand. In the "calm state" the fingers over the gap hang in the air;
the buttons are pressed with the middle finger, while moving one finger, then returning it to its original position. This is how capital letters are entered, and the little finger of the unused hand holds the "Shift" button;
don't set the goal of remembering where the letters are. The main thing is to remember which finger movements are made.

Strike technique and rhythm

All machines that teach touch typing begin with stroke and rhythm techniques. And it becomes clear to beginners that touching the buttons is done with pads, but not everyone knows that not one finger is involved, but the whole brush.

The key rule of blind typing is that you need to make light and clear strokes, all the while returning your fingers to the starting position. You need to press the space bar with the edge of your thumb.

Rhythm in learning is also important. It means that pressing is done at regular intervals. , you are more likely to achieve automatism. And even when you think that key combinations can be typed faster, keep up the rhythm. To develop the rhythm and speed of typing, you will need the help of a metronome.

Auxiliary keys

First, it is important to master the auxiliary keys. These include Tab, Backspace, Ctrl, Alt, Shift, space.

The Backspace button is used to eliminate characters to the left of the cursor. It is located in a line with numbers, it is always pressed with the right little finger. The Enter button is also pressed with the same finger. Very rarely with the ring finger.

The typing technique requires respect for the rhythm and techniques of hitting the keyboard. So you can print without "peeping" sooner.

The Tab button should be pressed with the right little finger. And Shift is used to dial capital letters. It is on both sides, and uses it like this:

if you want to type a letter with your right hand, then Shift is clamped with your left;
if a character is required from the part of the keyboard for the left hand, then Shift is clamped with the right.

The Ctrl key is used to change the language. It is also available on both sides. They also press it with their little fingers. The Alt button is almost never used for this method.

The spacebar is considered the most used button. Press with the edge of the thumb of one of the hands.

How to learn touch typing

If you are interested in how to learn touch typing on your own, then we will talk about popular methods. The first of them - take any story and type. You will remember which finger to press where. And over time, you will reach automatism, since the fingers themselves will press the required keys. The method is not easy, but real.

There are other ways. One of them is a popular book by Yu.V. Kholkin, which talks about the 10-finger printing method. You can quickly learn from it, especially since it is easy to find it on the Internet.

Another option is a program called Keyboard Solo. It's shareware, but you'll have to pay to get the full version. Download the simulator and start training. This program recognized as the best for teaching touch typing. Here the training is conducted in different languages. In general, both methods are similar.

Useful programs

In order to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard, created useful programs and services:

Stamina. You can get the service from the official website. This is a free typing trainer that helps you quickly learn the 10-finger typing method;
the previously mentioned Keyboard Solo. This is a simulator, whose author is a well-known teacher from Moscow State University V.V. Shakhidzhanyan. The official website says that such a simulator will quickly and easily teach touch typing;
VerseQ is considered to be another of the most popular services for learning touch typing. The developers assure that after 60 minutes of classes, a person begins to type without peeping, and in 8-15 hours they will be taught to type text at the level of those who have completed touch typing courses.

For those who want to independently study the wisdom of touch typing, there are many free services and programs.

There are other, not too popular ways. These include: Rapid Typing, Bombina, Funny fingers, jQwer, Baby Type. By the way, the latter is considered one of the first assistants to learn typing without peeping in the form of a game.

In addition, in order to learn the method of printing with all 10 fingers, online services have been invented:

popular "Klavonki". This is an interesting game, which at the same time acts as a trainer for learning to print. There are many analogues, but it is she who is considered the most popular;
All 10 is another free online trainer.

Another worth noting is Time Speed, VerseQ online (this online option the popular trainer mentioned above).

There are many useful helpers, but those listed here are enough for training.

January 24, 2014, 14:31

When I was still at school, I saw episodes with some kind of hackers in different films or just episodes of working at a computer. And there, you know, they always show that the user taps the keyboard very quickly with all ten fingers. And without looking at the keyboard.

And then I thought that someday I can do it too. I will learn and I will tap on the keyboard, type quickly with all ten fingers. Years have passed. I finished school, university, began to work. And yet I learned to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. It turned out to be not as difficult as it once seemed.

Why do you need to type fast?

I believe that in our age there is nowhere without such a skill, and every user who spends at least a couple of hours a day at the computer should learn this. Just as every person now knows how to read and write, the skill of speed typing on the keyboard () is also necessary. It has already become even more important than traditional writing. I think this should already be taught in schools, right from the first grade, along with writing and reading.

Primary printing training in Russian and English layout

So, I have mastered the ten-finger touch typing method from the very moment I started my career, that is, about 7 years. When I was graduating from high school, I got my hands on a cracked version of the SOLO on the keyboard program. I sat for 3 nights and went through the first 50 exercises of the Russian course. They just include all three rows of letters, and after passing them, I learned to type fluently in the Russian layout. Then I lost the opportunity to complete the course to the end. But when I started working, I deliberately tried to type following all the rules for the English layout. And since I actively used it in my work, in just a couple of months I learned to type quite fluently in English with all ten fingers and without looking at the keyboard.

Practice with SOLO on the keyboard

However, a couple of months ago, I wanted to improve this skill, because I was uncertain and incorrect in typing punctuation marks and special characters, numbers, and did not like using the shift. Until that moment, I had a typing speed of about 200 characters per minute in the Russian layout and 150 in the English one. I went through the SOLO exercises on the keyboard for both layouts, now completely. As a result, the typing speed increased to 250-270 in the Russian layout and up to 200 in the English one. But what I have achieved is that I confidently and blindly learned to type signs and numbers. I worked on these exercises especially carefully.

These statistics show that I spent a total of 24 hours on the Russian layout and 16 hours on the English layout, at an average speed of 180 characters per minute in both cases.

But you need to understand what it is clean time continuous set. In fact, it took me about a month to complete both courses. Without tension, 1-2 hours a day in the evenings.

SOLO learning outcomes

Test results for typing in the Russian layout

See. Before training the Russian layout, the speed was 220. Immediately after passing, 250. Then there was a test in English, which showed 150-160 beats. After passing it, the speed in English became 200-210. And it is quite logical that the English course further improved my motor skills, so I once again passed the Russian test after it, and the speed in it increased to 270 automatically!

Tests in English layout

How important is typing without errors?

Also, it is worth noting the improvement in the accuracy of the set. This is a very important factor in touch typing skills. And by the way, if you want to learn how to speed dial, be sure to pay more attention to the correctness of the set and error-free from the very beginning. Picking up speed after is much easier than relearning error-free when you already have speed. Believe me, this is the worst thing - learn to type quickly, but do it with a lot of mistakes and corrections.

Here are the results I came out with after "SOLO on the keyboard":

Feedback on the course "SOLO on the keyboard"

I can’t say that it was very difficult for me, but the course is unique and you need decent perseverance and a lot of patience in order to pass it. In addition, the author of this course is some kind of psychologist, and he made this course so that, in addition to teaching blind typing, he also trains endurance, will and a positive attitude towards life along the way.

How effective this can be for you - I don’t know, but I can’t take all this without its installations, so for me it was nothing more than a child’s game. As for the financial costs, they are more than modest. It took me about 300 rubles for all this training. As for me, this is a penny, compared to the effectiveness of the training and the time that this skill will help save. But there are simulators that are more effective, and even free. I just was already familiar with “Solo”, it seemed suitable to me, so I trained on it.

Developing touch typing skills on Klavo races

But I didn't stop there. As effective as the Solo is, its capabilities are rather meager. I wanted to hone my typing skills even better. I want to type fast enough that my typing speed doesn't interfere with my mental flow. So, I need to achieve a speed of at least about 500 characters per minute.

I set myself such a goal after I discovered and tried to “ride” on the site This is a site where people compete in the speed of typing on the keyboard, in the form of "races", typing texts in various modes and formats. They get all sorts of goodies, ranks, points, ratings, achievements, medals there, hold events - competitions and tournaments :)

How typing skill development affects overall personality development

Agree, most of us learn much better if there is someone to equal, someone to "catch up" in the format of competitions. This is the idea of ​​the Clavogonok service. In addition, there is the opportunity to pass all kinds of exercises and dictionaries. You can also create your own exercises. There is even an opportunity to upload … books there! Just imagine people READ books in this way PRINTING their! Yes, it seemed unimaginable to me at first too. But after I thought about it, it became obvious that this is a great way to develop - improve your typing skill, read a book, develop motor skills, attention, patience and attentiveness. So I'm thinking about picking up some book... in English. After all, my print in English is much weaker, which means it will be effective. In this way I can also improve knowledge in English, which is also very weak for me :) For now, I’m thinking about which book I should “read”. If you have something to recommend for this purpose - please do it in the comments, I will be very grateful.

In addition, this is the development of finger motor skills. It is known that all the "large" muscles of our musculoskeletal system are controlled by only thirty percent of our brain. Another 30% control the muscles of the face. And 30% is the hand, fingers. Thus, by developing the hand, fingers and fine motor skills, we develop these same 30% of the brain. New connections are formed in it, which means that the general development of the intellect takes place. I am convinced of this. What is the remaining 10% of the brain responsible for? It's... language! Yes, yes, if you train the muscles of the tongue, you will develop your brain, this is not a joke. Regular antics in front of a mirror improves the condition of the body as a whole. That's it.

Individual training program for blind recruitment

In the meantime, I regularly "ride" there, I participate in competitions as far as possible. I developed myself a “program” of vocabulary exercises that help develop speed and typing skills in certain areas that I considered problematic for myself. For example, the letters "zheh", punctuation marks, numbers. I try to practice regularly in these dictionaries, and progress is evident. I can even show you my progress, because the site keeps accurate statistics in all directions.

My training progress

This graph shows that my average typing speed is now around 300 characters per minute in "standard" mode. This mode is small texts of 300-400 characters, quotes from books. At the peak, it reaches 320-330 when the fingers are “warmed up”.

And this is another mode - Marathon. Here the text is typed continuously for 5 minutes. This is where resilience and mindfulness develop. In this mode, it is very important to make as few typos as possible when typing. Therefore, I deduced statistics on the percentage of errors. Progress is obvious. As for the speed in this mode, it is somewhat lower than in the “normal” mode, and at the moment I have around 280-290 characters / min.

How to quickly dial numbers?

I began to train numbers, because by the nature of my work I often have to do this. Well, and mainly, I began to train for this - to print numbers easily and quickly, without errors. Moreover, I do not recognize an additional numeric keypad (numpad), and I type numbers exclusively in the top row. As you can see, in a month I improved the speed of typing numbers by 2 times, and the percentage of errors at the very beginning of training was 10%! This is considering that before that, even in solo, I trained to recruit them.

How to learn to type punctuation marks?

Well, this is a special dictionary in which I practice typing punctuation marks.

A very harsh thing, I'll tell you, try it :) It looks something like this.

But it is very, very effective. When I first started practicing this vocabulary, I made one mistake in each expression, and even 2-3 for each such “Yes, yes?” and "Well, well..." ;)

That's the experience, my friends. I plan to train hard until the gain rate is stable around 500. I'm sure many of you think that even 300 is very fast. But I play there every day with people who type 600-800 characters per minute. Take a look:

And this is how the set looks like at a speed of ~ 500 characters / minute:

Although the two videos differ in speed, different dialing modes are shown here. The first video has short, “sprint” text, so it is much easier to show a speed of ~700 on it than 500 in the second video. 5 minutes of continuous typing at a speed of 500 characters per minute is a very serious result.

This is exactly what I'm going to achieve. Although speeds of 400-500 seem unrealistic to most people, in this community, users who have a record of such speeds are considered “average”, and those who gain at a speed of about 300 are beginners. Like me, for example :) But in fact, all these people have achieved very serious results in this simple skill. Just take a look there and check your speed.

Here's the story, gentlemen. Yes, I just like typing on the keyboard, I get some kind of pleasure from it, or something :) Perhaps it will seem strange to someone, before I thought it was strange that I like typing. But, after looking at how many users there are and how active they are on sites and services for developing typing skills, I realized that this is normal. And the more perfect this skill becomes, the more pleasant it is for me to do it. It's my main tool. Even cutting bread and peeling potatoes is much more pleasant, if not an order of magnitude, with a sharp knife. So this tool needs to be sharpened! What do you wish!


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XXI century - the era of computer technology. Today, the inability to type on a keyboard is comparable to the inability to use a ballpoint pen. In a time when every minute counts, typing slowly is an unaffordable luxury that limits the possibilities of a person in the modern world.

Why you need to type fast

Until recently it was a rarity. The ability to type any text without looking at the keyboard was equated with magic. Only a few possessed such skill. Now things have changed a lot, and high-speed printing is a frequently used, professionally valuable skill. Many employers, when selecting employees whose activities will be related to computers, indicate mastery of the blind typing method as one of the main requirements for applicants.

It's not just operators who need to type fast these days computer set in publishing houses, but also accountants, economists, office clerks - all whose work is related to the creation of electronic documents.

Which keyboard is considered optimal?

So, there are many services that help determine how fast you are typing. Just a minute you need to print at speed, and after that the treasured figure appears. But what can you compare it to? What is a good print speed?

Those who are not familiar with the blind typing method are unlikely to be able to type more than 150 characters in one minute. Looking at the keyboard and wielding two fingers, it is difficult to achieve great speed. And even if you have already learned how to type with the ten-finger method, do not expect that it will immediately appear high speed print. At first, it will be about 200 characters per minute, which is not bad. Comfortable is the typing speed, which "keeps up" with normal speech. The more workouts, the faster it increases. Having reached the indicator of 300-400 characters per minute, begin to be proud of yourself. Professionals can boast of such speed.

But even if you can do it, it's too early to relax. The world record for typing speed was set in 2005, and ten years later, no one can beat it. It is 750 characters in one minute.

How can you increase print speed?

We have determined the goal - to learn how to quickly type texts on the keyboard. What will come of this is still unknown. Perhaps you will be praised by your boss and promoted, or a miracle may happen and a new name will appear in the Guinness Book of Records. In any case, such a valuable skill will not be superfluous, it will make work at the computer more efficient and help save time.

Often, beginners try to increase their speed by simply entering texts from the keyboard, and they spend more than one hour doing such a monotonous task. Let's just say - this is a waste of time if you do not use the correct typing technique.

Blind printing method - that's what will help. This is the only The right way, giving typing. Only after mastering the principles of this method, you can devote time to training. In this case, they will be effective, and the results will not be long in coming.

Blind typing - how is it?

This type of set appeared at the end of the 18th century. In those days, computers were out of the question, because the mass production of typewriters had just begun. No attention was paid to teaching fast typing. Everyone was looking for convenient methods of working on keyboards. The most effective way was to type without peeking at the keyboard and with the distribution of keys for each finger.

This method began to be called ten-fingered because of the use of all ten fingers on the hands, and blind - because when typing, you can not look at the buttons. By taking touch typing training, you will memorize the location of each letter and each character on the keyboard. Does it seem complicated? Nothing like this! Literally after a few days of training, the fingers themselves will begin to look for the buttons in the right place. At the same time, each of the ten fingers has and accurately remembers its area of ​​work.

The Two Essential Principles of the Ten-Finger Method

Users who have been using touch typing for a long time follow two basic rules without thinking about it. Beginners will have to work hard. So, if you decide to master the touch typing method on the keyboard, remember:

1. Each finger presses only certain, “own” buttons. This is clearly shown in the figure below.

The color of the finger corresponds to the color of the keys that it should press.

2. Looking at the keyboard while typing is strictly prohibited. This habit is the main problem for beginners. Getting rid of it is not as easy as it seems. At the beginning of training, there will be many typos that will have to be corrected, but over time, tactile memory will begin to develop, and you will stop thinking about every movement. The fingers themselves will press the correct buttons.

Only by adhering to these principles, it is possible to quickly learn how to type on the keyboard. Ignoring at least one of them, you will expect results for a very long time.

How long does it take to learn touch typing?

The blind ten-finger typing method with everyday training can be mastered in a month. Do not be afraid, you will not have to type texts for 10-12 hours for 30 days. Enough three-hour classes, but regular.

Often beginners, having a great desire, mastered touch typing in two or three weeks. This does not mean that after three weeks the typing speed will be 300-400 characters per minute. To achieve this speed, further training is needed. It does not have to be purposeful work on simulator programs, you just need to apply the acquired skills when using a computer.

Perhaps at first it will seem that you are typing more slowly with a blind typing method than with a two-finger "sighted" method. In this case, the main thing is not to worry and not to refuse the further use of blind printing. After a maximum of a couple of weeks, a tendency to increase speed will become noticeable.

Blind recruitment basics

The ten-finger printing method has several variations that are similar to each other in the main points.

Before typing begins, the fingers are in a strictly defined place. They return there in pauses between entering words or sentences. Immediately we need to find the key row of the keyboard. This is the third row of keys from the bottom. the left hand is placed on the letter A, and the right hand is placed on the O. the rest of the fingers occupy places above the neighboring buttons. To quickly determine the position of the support keys on any keyboard, they are marked with small raised protrusions. By improving your skills, you will learn to feel the correct position of your hands without touching the keys.

Each finger presses only the letter buttons closest to it, according to the color scheme.

Each is also pressed only with a certain finger. It is more difficult to get used to the correct pressing of special buttons than to the alphabetic keyboard.

The key is used to delete erroneously entered characters and is pressed with the little finger on the right hand.

The little finger on the left hand is used to press the Key.

A frequently used button, to press it we use the right little finger.

The keyboard has two keys. If you need to change the case of a letter that is entered using any finger of the right hand, then press it with the left little finger, and vice versa.

The keys and [Space] are pressed with the thumb. Individually, each can use the left or right hand for this.

The keys are pressed using the right or left little finger.

This method of printing does not create an unnecessary load on the joints of the hands and makes it possible to work productively on typing for a long time.

Literature to help

Recently, in addition to keyboard simulators, there are also printed editions about speed dialing. Books on this subject are published in the form of tutorials and, in addition to theory, also contain practical tasks.

  • “Blind typing and hot keys” is a textbook for mastering touch typing by the author E. G. Avsharyan. It was published in 2008. The textbook will help short time master the art of high-speed typing using the ten-finger method and additionally introduce you to the "hot" buttons in MS Windows.
  • "Self-instruction manual for touch typing". This book came out in 2013. Author - Vladimir Andrianov. The textbook introduces us to the history and types of keyboards, the theory of the touch typing method, offers typical exercises and provides an overview of existing keyboard simulators.
  • “The self-instruction manual for fast and correct typing on a computer” - an express course by the author Berezin N. M. The book was published in 2006. The author promises, according to his methodology, to teach the method of blind typing at a speed of 120 characters per minute in 120 hours.

Education software

Theory is certainly important, but just by learning the concepts, it is impossible to master the blind ten-finger typing method. The simulator is 80% of success in this matter. Special programs, designed for high-speed typing training - not so uncommon. The principle of learning in different keyboard simulators may differ. But all of them are aimed at achieving the same goal - to teach you how to quickly type high-quality texts without looking at the computer keyboard.

Most Popular Keyboard Trainers

Which free programs help you quickly learn how to type on the keyboard? There are a lot of such applications. Consider the most popular programs that help you master the touch typing method:

This is only a small part of what can help those who wish to master blind ten-finger typing. The choice is huge, and if you do not like training on a certain simulator, do not give up on your goal, but try something else. You will definitely find the method that will be most effective and at the same time interesting for you.

Advantages of the method

Finally, let's flesh out the benefits of owning a blind typing method:

  • Like it or not, but the first advantage will always be time savings. Keyboard typing speed is at least doubled. The time required to work with documents is proportionally reduced.
  • Possibility If the eye while typing is focused only on the document, it is easier to form thoughts, and at the same time the possibility of noticing an error in the text increases.
  • The procedure of monotonous input of letters from the keyboard becomes more dynamic, which helps to avoid fatigue.
  • Possibility of additional income. As already mentioned, the ability to type quickly using the ten-finger method is a valuable professional skill. In addition, there are a lot of areas of activity where you can make money on this. For example: paid typing, copywriting, selling articles, etc.