Guide Darkest Dungeon - The Crimson Court: tips for beginners. Guide to Darkest Dungeon for those who don't want to die right away Darkest dungeon is the best group


There are games that are easy and simple. There are normal games for people. There are difficult games for masochists and just lovers of difficult tasks. And there are hopeless games, when playing which you understand that everything is perishable, that life is a fleeting thing, and that somewhere there live very evil men who hate all this gaming, casual kids, and who want this same little one to get wet from their own tears. Tears of irresistible sadness from the realization of the futility of existence and one’s own insignificance. Darkest Dungeon is just like that.

Darkest Dungeon appeared on Steam on February 19, 2016. Before that, for several months it was in the rank of an early version, but even then it was clear that the Dark Dungeon is one of the most complex and merciless games of our time, which, however, does not prevent it from holding a solid first place on the same Steam in the category with the label “ Turn-based game." In general, as you understand, now we will tell you a little about how not to win at Darkest Dungeon, or at least not to lose for a long time, but how to simply not lose right away.

The first thing to remember is that hunting for treasures and family heirlooms such as busts, jewelry and other items is not a top priority. This is not something that should be at the forefront of any mission. At least not throughout the entire game. At first, you will certainly need this, because you will somehow need to pump up your heroes. But in the future, try to play in such a way as to set a course for accomplishing Feats. Well, be sure to choose your priorities correctly, pumping up the Blacksmith and Trainer first. These are the two main NPCs, without whom you simply cannot proceed further.

When choosing missions, shuffle your team each time, reorganizing it and rearranging fighters depending on their phobias and combat parameters. Don’t be lazy to look into the soul of each fighter and see what exactly he is afraid of. As you progress, some of your heroes will be afraid of everything in the world. Some are dark, some are of a certain damage, and some are of a specific type of enemy. At the same time, already having experience in completing specific missions, you will know approximately what kind of enemies you will encounter there, and what kind of attacks they will be afraid of. Therefore, remember the old game Rock, Paper, Scissors and try to select the composition not only to protect your warriors, but also to cause as much harm as possible to your opponents. For example, characters who have anti-monstrous (anti-beast or anti-beast) damage - in the Weald, for “fat” monsters with a large supply of lives, a hero with “bleeding” damage is needed. There are especially many of these in the Corridors (Warrens), and in the Cove location, those heroes who inflict burn or poison attacks.

Proper team rotation is the key to victory.

Also, don't think that after a few fights you've figured out the perfect so-called "imbalance" formation. Yes, indeed, after several victories you can believe in this, but at one fine moment, some nondescript group of monsters will destroy, or simply thoroughly beat up your squad. But we must not forget that a dead hero cannot be resurrected - this is the most offensive detail of this game.

And you don’t need to be afraid of medium or even long missions. By focusing only on short dungeons, you risk taking the game in the wrong direction. It is much easier to go through a long dungeon with a good rest than a short one without rest. In addition, do not forget about the basic rotation of heroes. Well, and most importantly, get a good rest before the boss battle. This is an obvious, but nonetheless necessary piece of advice.

In general, the ability to shuffle fighters is the main guarantee of victory. And in order to shuffle them, you need to have a “shuffled” team, which is subject to rearrangement. In Darkest Dungeon, each fighter has the most convenient position. But there are also fighters who feel best at one point. Therefore, the worst thing you can do with your team is to assemble it from heroes who will compete for the same place. In this case, even a small group of weak opponents who can carry out competent rotation can easily destroy you. Your group needs a core, and the most versatile cores are the Warrior, Crusader, and Nun.

Use amulets, or, as they are also called, keychains, wisely. Remember that sometimes a seemingly useful keychain can cause the death of your entire team. You won't always find a keychain that has only positive effects. Often you will come across ones where, against the background of a positive effect, there will also be a negative effect. In this regard, one of the illustrative cases is the use of a keychain that increases damage by 1-2 points, but reduces initiative. As a result, it’s worth thinking about: is it worth increasing this damage as little as possible, sacrificing, for example, the fact that your Crusader will hit last? Will there even be any point in hitting him by then?

Before a difficult mission, rest in the Brothel and the Estate, and also visit the Blacksmith and Trainer.

Don't be greedy in training soldiers. The miser pays twice, and in this game, having decided that enough is enough, saving a few hundred coins before a difficult campaign, and not buying the required number of shovels, torches, bandages and medicines, you risk forever losing a warrior in whom you have already invested several thousand. Think about it.

But the above idea also has a dark side. In the process of passing, you are guaranteed to acquire a couple of neurotic fighters, whose psychoses are so great that these characters do not leave a state of deep stress, and there is no longer any possibility of running around with them in taverns and brothels so that they can get better there. In this case, you need to remember that “driven horses are shot,” but no one will mind if they fight a little more before that, earning you a few extra hundred coins. Therefore, when you accumulate such fighters that it’s time to part with them, equip them according to the budget model and send them on a couple of missions from which they most likely will not return. This is practical cynicism.

You also need to immediately blacklist low-level characters who picked up negative characteristics at the beginning of their career. The sooner you part with these, the better for you and your wallet. And the sooner you recognize those heroes that it’s better not to spend money on leveling up, the better. It's cruel, but such is life in the Dark Dungeons.

Part with heroes who have acquired psychosis, without forgetting to make money on them first.

In the early stages of the game, skills such as Corruption and Bleeding will bring a special effect. Attacks with this effect work especially well on “fat” enemies, and it also works well on “skinny” ones that fall in packs. Neglecting such attacks is one of the main mistakes of beginners. The reason is that these attacks deal little initial damage, and it may seem like everything is in vain. But after a couple of turns, Corruption or Bleeding will put more enemies into their graves for the second time than those who died from the sword.

Focusing the attack of the entire group on one enemy is always better than spraying the attack on all opponents at the same time. This is another banal, but at the same time, effective advice. Remember that the faster you put one enemy from a group back into the ground, the faster the number of possible attacks from that same group will be reduced.

Caught by psychosis, especially by a strong fighter, is much more dangerous than simply receiving, albeit significant, damage. Such a fighter, if he happens to survive, will then require a lot of money for recovery, and he is unlikely to recover. In the meantime, during the battle, infected with stress, will drag your entire team to the bottom. Therefore, before the start of the battle, evaluate your enemies and beat the one who will send psychosis. This is your #1 goal.

After you deal with the enemies that send fear, turn all your attention to those who have a ranged attack. Such guys, as a rule, find your “skinniest” character and purposefully target him. And if you don't stop them, they often get their way. Remember that there are a lot of monsters, and you have few heroes, so an exchange of 1x2, 1x3 or even 1x5 will not suit you at all, so hit the rangers next, especially since such enemies can stun your shooter, who will be pushed into the rearguard of your group, and from there it will be of little use. Well, thirdly, you should be interested in those who inflict attacks with consequences such as poisoning or bleeding.

If there is no way to hit the most dangerous one, then try to weigh all the chances and alternately launch attacks on the enemy whose turn has not yet come. If you calculate everything correctly, then perhaps his turn to walk will never come.

These were all the basic tips needed for a beginner to help in their adventures through the gloomy world of Darkest Dungeon.

As a new owner, you have to rebuild an almost destroyed estate. Let's look at each building individually, and how it will help us in cleaning out the dungeons. Abbey: Helps relieve stress through prayers, incense and “self-flagellation.”
A very good way to relieve stress if your group slightly miscalculated their strength in the dungeon and they got a couple of bones broken and they lost faith in their strength.
But even in the abbey, some surprise awaits us, which could put a spoke in our wheels. You see, there is a definite chance that a character can receive a certain negative effect if they attend "self-flagellation courses" too often. Meditation is the cheapest way to relieve stress. But our hero may... be too fanatical about meditation or absolutely cannot stand the abbey due to his debauchery and sinfulness.
There are a number of negative perks that prohibit Meditation
Your character may leave the city on a “personal mission” after visiting the abbey and not return until you arrive from the new dungeon. Prayer costs more, but it also relieves stress much better. Not the best option for beginners, given that without improvements it is quite expensive.
There are a number of negative perks that prohibit Praying
Your character may fall into fanaticism and continue praying until you return from your journey again. Self-flagellation is the highest quality and most expensive way to relieve stress. I never understood how you could relieve stress by beating yourself.
There are a number of negative perks that prohibit you from undergoing this ritual.
Your character may get injured during self-flagellation.Tips for upgrading the Abbey: First of all, upgrade everything to the third level, which will give you an additional slot for stress relief. This will give either two places at once, or will prevent the Overseer from completely blocking one of the types of stress relief.

Tavern: Also a very good way to spend time, but much more dangerous than the church. We also have three stress relief options; bar, gambling house, brothel. At first glance, there seem to be no differences with the abbey, but there are, even sadder than we could imagine.

A bar helps you get drunk into unconsciousness, but alas, you can get drunk in different environments. And if you follow the unspoken rule “Gentlemen die first,” then more often than not you will wake up in a puddle of your own vomit, surrounded by strangers.
There are a number of negative perks that prohibit you from visiting a bar.
There is a certain chance that your hero will drink the money or artifact that he carries with him.
Tip: Remove all artifacts when sending your hero to the bar.

A gambling house is a very extraordinary place. Depending on the negative and positive perks, it can change the position of your wallet. With the “bad player” perk, there is a chance to lose a huge amount of money, which is unacceptable for a beginner. But if you are lucky, the player can take out a sum of money from there that will pay for his trip to the gambling establishment.
There are a number of negative perks that prohibit you from visiting a gambling house.
There is a certain chance that your hero will lose a lot of money and bet one of the equipped artifacts, which will consequently lead to the loss of one.
Tip: Remove all artifacts when you send your hero to the gambling house.

Brothel - A very dissolute, and therefore very fun place. Heaps of ladies or men woo you, and you give in to the wild rush of your carnal sins. But the payment can be not only a tightly stuffed wallet that you give to your partners. They are also able to give you a couple of bouquets.
There are a number of negative perks that prohibit visiting a brothel.
There is a certain chance that your hero will contract syphilis or other negative effects from visiting this kind of house.
Advice: Try to use the brothel as little as possible, and treat characters with nymphomania for it.

Tips for improving the Tavern: First of all, upgrade everything to the third level, which will give you an additional slot for stress relief. This will give either two places at once, or will prevent the Overseer from completely blocking one of the types of stress relief.

Bottom line: So you have been given a choice in stress relief, what to choose - decide for yourself. But the abbey is much less risky than the tavern.

As a new owner: Part II, reforge plowshares into swords!

Guild: A place where your loyal fighters can learn new skills that they have never seen before or improve their skills in already learned skills. The guild is one of the most important buildings in the game, most of the characters' power comes with level, and as a result with leveling up. It is also worth noting that although a character can only carry up to four skills at once, as soon as he finishes his battle, he can change them depending on need.
Tips for improving the Guild: Always improve the quality of equipment and never touch the cost reduction, even if you have money problems. Money can always be obtained, but Paintings are a rare resource. Always upgrade your guild to the level of your strongest heroes. Forge: The fiery heart of your estate and the stronghold of the strength of your warriors. We have three types of improvements to choose from;
Upgrading weapons is the number one improvement priority. Many weapons increase with the level of development, in addition to damage, characteristics that are difficult to obtain through artifacts.
Improving armor - improve it whenever possible, but never forget that this will significantly improve the quality of the battle and its duration. The evasion and health of your warriors increases with the level of armor.
Reducing the cost of improvements - forget this improvement altogether. Too many resources are taken, but there is no return. Maybe if they remake it and make it so that it reduces the cost of increasing the level of weapons, then we will have to think about it. Now, when this only reduces the value in gold, don’t sweat this improvement.

Like a New Owner: Part III, Unsung Heroes.

In this section we will learn about the remaining improvements to the estate that were not included in the previous paragraphs. Sanatorium: A terrible place, the screams of people who risk life and limb to save the estate are constantly heard in it. But if you don’t strive for health, illnesses will destroy you.
The sanatorium is one of the most important buildings. Here you can easily get rid of any ailment for your money. Be it syphilis or some kind of phobia.
Improving the capacity of the sanatorium is goal number one, we need to reach the maximum as quickly as possible. After all, any unsuccessful trip to the dungeon can end in a very serious sore.
The most terrible disease can overtake you even in the city, namely syphilis. Reducing the cost of treatment is an important indicator, but not as important as we would like. You see, when you can already improve the sanatorium to three places, you will always have gold in the black. When I myself improved the capacity to three, I had a gold balance that exceeded two hundred thousand and was not going to slow down. Survival training: One of the last to open. Will help your heroes gain new skills that can help them survive in the harshest environments. There is only one upgrade, and even then you don't have to worry too much about the upgrade, at best you only use the lady's services four times. Cart: One of two buildings that are available from the very beginning. The work of a cab driver has always been thankless, and the guys from RedHook did not disdain this. This structure brings maximum efficiency with an improvement of only half. Namely, the improvement in cost and space only needs to be upgraded to the third level. Further improvement, as always, is optional.
Trading shop: The most expensive building, which will easily pay for itself if you are lucky with rare artifacts. It’s worth improving only if you use it and only in a consistent manner; the size of the car to the second level, and then a maximum reduction in cost. Unlike other buildings, where there is no reduction in cost - here it is mandatory; you will easily spend all the money if you buy things of “heirloom” quality.

Dungeons & Dragons: Part I, let's find out together.

In this section, you will learn the main functions of the dungeon map. Each dungeon has its own bosses, traps, bonuses and monsters, but that’s not about that now.
The first thing you need to know is that the dungeon has its own level, which increases with the number of completions. (The level will be displayed in the mouth of the skull)

The maximum level of the dungeon is fourth, which can open the way to high-level bosses and new monsters.
With the level of the dungeon, the levels of opponents, their resistance, health, damage, accuracy and speed increase. In addition, with the new dungeon levels, you will see new enemies that will partially replace the old ones, but don't worry, you can still meet the old ones, it will just happen less often.
Don’t be alarmed that the dungeon increases in level, your new recruits will also be able to go through the lower levels of these dungeons, you’ll just need to choose another tier, there are only three of them and they are designated by three colors:
Green – from zero to third level.
Yellow – from the third to the fifth level.
Red - from the fifth level to the sixth. Also, each icon will display the nature of the task that you must complete, namely;

Patrol - You need to explore 90% of all rooms in the dungeon.
Clearing – You will need to clear 100% of the rooms in the dungeon.
Activation - you have to cleanse the desecrated places.
Gathering resources - you will be sent to search for lost things.

Sanctuaries - you will be tasked with activating shrines.

Killing the Boss is a difficult but necessary task, you have to kill the Boss of the dungeon.

Also, depending on what dungeon you go through, you get different resources. Above the level bar, you can see what resources you will receive for completing this dungeon.

In the Ruins;
— Busts.
- Crosses.

In the Thicket;
- Notes.
- Crosses.

In the Hunting Grounds;
— Portraits.
- Crosses.

A little about resources: The main resource is crosses, they are used in every building.
Busts - only used in the Sanatorium and Abbey.
Portraits - used only in the Bar and Guild.
Notes - used only in the Forge and at the Cartman.

Dungeons & Dragons: Part II, Not Quite Dead.

In this section we will analyze the opponents in detail, by race and skill.
First of all, let's look at the inhabitants of the ruins, the first who will try to break our skulls.

Private - The most standard undead with low combat performance.

  • Attacks: Has only one attack, which hits a single target in the first three slots.
  • Characteristics: Low health and resistance, very easy target. But the private should be killed one of the first, although he is skinny, he is able to criticize often and reach the penultimate rows.

General – High-level undead, a very dangerous opponent.

  • Attacks: Has three attacks; mass attack hitting four targets; single with stun and attack of the first two targets.
  • Characteristics: Has a large reserve of health and high damage, occupies two slots, high resistance to stun, which is rare for the undead.

Crossbowman – High-level undead, a very dangerous ranged opponent.

  • Attacks: Has only two attacks; the near one, which he uses if he was moved to the first two slots, and the far one, which he uses only from the back rows and attacks only the far cells.
  • Characteristics: Has average health, high initiative and low resistances.

Private - Another variation of the standard undead with low health.

  • Attacks: Has only one attack, which hits a single target in the first two slots.
  • Characteristics: Low health and resistance, very easy target. But the private should be killed one of the first, although he is skinny, he is capable of doing a lot of damage to you.

Corrupted Priest - A very nasty enemy, has attacks that increase stress.

  • Attacks: Has two attacks, the same as the Crossbowman. The mechanics are the same.
  • Characteristics: Low health, defense, attack, high initiative and the ability to increase stress with a ranged attack.

Defender - The enemy who acts as a “screen” is not very dangerous, but he can ruin your life.

  • Attacks: Has two attacks; an ax attack that hits a single target; an attack with a shield can stun and move the target one slot, the radius is the same as an attack with an ax.
  • Characteristics: Large health reserves, increased resistances and one of the few enemies that has its own defense. But fortunately his speed is low and he is almost always the last one to walk.

The pikeman is one of the most inconvenient opponents, capable of attacking from any position.

  • Attacks: Has two attacks; a pinpoint attack that hits a single target; a powerful AoE attack that is launched from any point and hits four targets at once.
  • Characteristics: Average health, average speed, average resistances, high critical strike chance.

Tips for resisting the undead:

  • It is advisable to always take characters with high speed and a chance to stun, almost all undead are vulnerable to stun.
  • Undead cannot be made to bleed, and bleeding effects cannot be inflicted in any way.
  • But acid attacks work very well against skeletons.

Dungeons & Dragons: Part III, The Thicket - Don't walk alone.

Next on the list of dungeons is the Thicket.
We will also consider the inhabitants of dark forests, or more precisely the inhabitants who are called “supernatural”.

The hag is a rare enemy in the thicket. Not a very dangerous enemy, but it can greatly hinder the successful completion of the dungeon; each long-range attack can cause serious complications, sometimes even inflicting diseases.

  • Attacks: Has two attacks in its arsenal; ranged attack that increases stress; A melee attack is essentially not dangerous.
  • Characteristics: Low health, average speed, low resistances.

Ectoplasm - A frequent and very nasty enemy, it causes mischief in any way.

  • Attacks: Attacks with two types of attacks, melee in the first two slots and long-range in the last slots.
  • Characteristics: Low health, resistance, low attack power, no defense. It is capable of splitting into two when hit, dragging out the fight up to twenty rounds if you are not very lucky in getting hits. It is also capable of producing a large clot of ectoplasm. Which will be three times stronger than the usual one and occupy two slots at once.

Infected Thrower – As a single enemy, very weak, but can inflict mark and poison.

  • Attacks: Has two AoE and one point attack with a debuff; both AOE attacks are carried out depending on the position of the mob itself, if the first/second one attacks the first second row, if it is on the third/fourth, it attacks the third/fourth slot. Also applies a negative effect from the third and fourth slots, which increases incoming damage by 100%.
  • Characteristics: Very low combat performance, but it is more of a support warrior than a full-fledged combat unit. It’s better to kill this one right away so that he can help his team less.

Infected Drowned - A very hard-skinned enemy with little initiative, usually found only in conjunction with throwers.

  • Attacks: Can only attack the front rows with one single attack. By itself, it is not a very strong attacking unit.
  • Characteristics: A very resilient enemy, equipped with a huge supply of health and resistances. But the speed is very low, almost always the last one goes.

The Infected Giant is a high-level strike combat unit of the thicket, a very strong and formidable enemy.

  • Attacks: Can attack from any position with two attack types; single attack on a target on the first/second slot; A long-range attack that deals low damage but inflicts negative effects.
  • Characteristics: The giant has a huge supply of health, resistances and simply titanic damage; with a critical hit it is capable of inflicting up to sixty damage. But the good news is that it has very modest resistance to stun and low speed and, in addition, takes up two slots at once.

Tips for walking in the Thicket:

  • It is advisable to always take characters with high speed and a chance of stunning; almost all forest creatures have high resistance to poison.
  • All forest dwellers may bleed and be stunned.
  • Take with you characters with a high chance of exploration, surprise and resistance to traps.

Dungeons & Dragons: Part IV, the hunt is now open.

And so we gradually approached the last of the available dungeons, namely the Hunting Ground.
We were told why it happened that all the opponents look like mutated people with a mixture of pigs. You see, pigs are very similar to humans in terms of biology, and the curse is not too picky in choosing its host. Thus, having taken over the hunting grounds of our new estate - the curse has distorted the existence of the poor animals beyond recognition, protruding bones, asymmetrical limbs and disfigured faces. Drummer - Support Warrior, unable to withstand a single battle.

  • Attacks: Attacks very rarely and only with two types of attacks; long-range with a negative effect; close, not posing a threat.
  • Characteristics: Very low combat performance, but this is not the main thing. You should take him out first, because the longer he can help your allies, the less your chance of winning.

The Butcher is the first of two heavy units in the hunting grounds.

  • Attacks: One of the few owners of attacks that have negative effects of two types at once; melee attack – imposes a bleeding effect and hits only the first/second rows; long-range attack - chain throw with a chance of stunning, hits only the third/fourth rows.
  • Characteristics: High health and resistance, the only good thing is that it rarely inflicts critical hits and has low speed.

The Grunt is a light warrior with mediocre combat characteristics.

  • Attacks: Has only two attacks; the hook attack is single and has a chance of bleeding, hits the first, second and third rows; shield attack – hits the first rows and has a chance to stun with knockback for one slot.
  • Characteristics: Low health, but very high speed and critical hit chance. It's better to kill first, as it can increase your team's stress.

Stump/Poor Sod – An absolutely harmless enemy that does not cause damage to health, but each attack increases stress.

  • Attacks: Has only two attacks; melee attack is absolutely harmless, hits up to two units of damage; long-range attack – causes low damage to health, but huge damage to stress.
  • Characteristics: Of the indicators, it has only high speed. All its other characteristics are almost minimal.

The Pigtaur is a high-level strike combat unit of the hunting grounds, a very strong and formidable enemy.

  • Attacks: Can attack from any position with three attack types; a single attack on a target on the first/second slot causing huge damage; AoE attack that deals huge damage to four slots at once; a single attack on a target on the first/second/third slot, capable of knocking back.
  • Characteristics: The Pig Taur has a huge supply of health, resistances and simply titanic damage; with a critical hit it is capable of inflicting up to sixty damage. But the good news is that it has very modest resistance to bleeding, low speed and, in addition, takes up two slots at once.

Tips for poaching in the Hunting Grounds:

  • All inhabitants of the Lands are highly resistant to stun, and the boss is generally almost immune to it.
  • Most enemies inflict negative effects and diseases.
  • All inhabitants of the land can bleed and be poisoned.
  • Take with you fighters with stun rates equal to 200%

Dungeons & Dragons: Part V, lights out.

In this part of the guide, I will tell you about the bosses of the game and their strategies, skills, etc.

Necromancer is an evil boss, with each blow he summons new minions that will help him in the battle with you. This is also the only boss in the game that only takes up one slot.

  • Attacks: Has two attacks, both AoE and dealing stress damage.
    Melee attack – deals stress damage and attacks the first two rows at once. The boss can carry out this attack only if he is in the first two slots.
    Ranged attack - applied only from the third/fourth rows and also deals damage to stress and two characters of the third/fourth row at once.
    All attacks have a chance to summon an ordinary skeleton.
  • Characteristics & Tactics: Like all bosses, it has a huge supply of health and resistances. But like all undead, he is vulnerable to stun, one of the few bosses who may not leave the stun from the beginning of the battle until its end. The whole point is that you need to take with you a Treasure Hunter, who has high initiative and a 200% chance of stun, he will constantly keep our boss under control while our group punches and kicks him.

Prince of Pig - A very huge boss that can crush even the strongest group of heroes. Every swing of his cleaver is a roulette, and his nasty assistant only makes everything worse.

  • Attacks: Has only two types of attacks with simple mechanics.
    The first is an AOE strike on all four sectors at once with a 150% chance of stunning.
    The second is a targeted attack on one target with huge damage and a chance of crit.
  • Characteristics & Tactics: The fattest (literally and figuratively) boss in the game, occupying two slots at once. Like all pigs, it is practically impossible to stun, but the bleeding occurs quite successfully. The boss is helped by his minor assistant, who commands the prince whom to attack. The problem is that he imposes a mark that doubles the damage, and if you kill the dirty trick, the boss will stop hitting accurately and will start hitting with an AOE blow with a stun with each attack, guaranteeing your team a stunlock. I advise you to stock up on amulets for resistance to stun. Or take two Bounty Hunters who wear amulets for a chance of stunning.
    The high initiative of the Hunters will block the mark of the booster and the boss himself, giving the opportunity for a double stun of the boss or two single stuns of the booster and the boss himself.

Witch - appearance can be deceiving, this can be said in almost any case, but not when we are talking about the Witch. A terribly disgusting hag, clearly obese from overeating. We enter into battle only with her, but on the battlefield there is a cauldron in which not very pleasant things are clearly happening.

Dungeons & Dragons: Part VI, random companions.

This section will include all the monsters that come across randomly and have little connection to locations. Bandit - A humanoid that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with three attacks; close point attack in the first two rows; AOE attack in four slots with bleeding; single shot at point-blank range, with high damage and a chance of crit/knockback of the target.
  • Characteristics: Increased health, other characteristics at an average level.

Private Bandit - A humanoid that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with two types of attacks, both melee, both inflict bleeding, one deals damage to two targets in the first two slots at once, the other is a targeted one, dealing damage to one target in the first three rows.

Private Bandit Ranger - A humanoid that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with two attacks; One is performed only from the third/fourth row, causing damage to four targets at once; The second deals precise damage, performed if the Ranger is in the first/second position.
  • Characteristics: Increased speed, other characteristics at an average level.

Corpse Eater - A monster that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with only one attack; is performed from any slot and hits the first three slots. The attack has no negative effects and only hits one target.
  • Characteristics: Very mediocre characteristics.
  • Note: There is also the “Big Corpse Eater”, in fact it is no different, except for an increased health reserve and takes up not one, but two slots.

Occult Warrior - A humanoid that is found independently of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with only one attack; Can only be done from the first two slots, there is a chance to inflict bleeding.

Occultist Shaman - A humanoid that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with two attacks; standard – increases stress and is performed from any point; the second – repels/attracts the target and deals small damage.
  • Characteristics: Has only increased speed, other characteristics are at an average level..

Gargoyle - A monster that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with only one attack from the first two rows and along the first two rows, there is a small chance of pushing the target away.
  • Characteristics: Cannot cause bleeding, increased resistance to stun, has little defense.

Ghoul - A monster that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with two attacks; melee attack – deals huge damage and crits frequently; a long-range AoE attack that causes low damage, but increases stress for anyone who was unable to dodge the attack.
  • Characteristics: All characteristics are above average, except for speed, it has a reduced speed.

Mad Dog is an Animal that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Attacks with one bleed attack. Capable of striking from any position at any target.
  • Characteristics: All characteristics are average, except for speed. One of the monsters that has the highest speed.

Spider – An animal that is found regardless of the dungeon.

  • Attacks: Capable of stunning and poisoning a character. One of the attacks is carried out only from the third/fourth slot on any slot, imposes a negative stun and mark effect. Another attack is a bite, which can poison the player.
  • Characteristics: All characteristics are average, except for speed and poison resistance.
  • Note: there are two types of spiders, the green one can stun with webs, the other cannot. This is the only difference between spiders.

The best party member is a living party member: Part I, characteristics.

The game has seven types of characteristics that will help make your character a machine for gutting the undead and other nasty things.
Characteristics are marked in three colors; gray - static, without negative and positive effects, yellow - a characteristic that has been improved by a skill, perk or artifact, red - a characteristic deteriorated by an artifact, skill or perk. There are only seven types of characteristics in the game, namely:

  • Health is a very important indicator of the ability to survive.
    [It's very easy to upgrade, because upgrading your armor increases your health]
  • Evasion is a very dubious indicator, because you will never know whether you will dodge or get hit directly in the forehead.
    [The big advantage of this characteristic is that, just like health, it improves along with armor]
  • Durability is the most difficult characteristic to increase. Can only be obtained from a number of artifacts, which basically can only be equipped by the Crusader class with a perk that is quite difficult to catch. An extremely useful characteristic, although I didn’t fully understand how it works, I noticed that with an indicator of 10, it greatly reduces incoming damage.
  • Speed ​​is your initiative, that is, the more it is, the better, because it is much more pleasant when your characters start moving first and are able to use controlling skills on opponents.
    [Very important stat for support classes like Jester]
  • Accuracy is a characteristic that should never be forgotten; it is better to have it in abundance, because some skills have a small accuracy modifier with the level.
  • Chance of a critical hit - there’s no need to say much here, everything is clear.
    [Critical hit by you - reduces stress]
  • Damage is the same as with the chance of a critical hit.
    [Some classes have a very high base attack rate, so it’s very good to equip artifacts with a plus percentage of damage.]

The best party member is a living party: Part II, resistance.

There are eight types of resistances in the game, each of which can be overclocked to 100%+. But make no mistake, this will not guarantee that you will not be subjected to them. Some opponents have the indicators “Chance to stun 200%” and so on. Let’s consider all types of resistances:

  • Stun; There are a lot of enemies that have an ability that can stun you.
  • Poisoning; A very rare type of DoT, but much stronger than its counterpart “Bleeding”.
  • Bleeding; A common type of DoT, but unlike poisoning, it is twice as weak.
    [All types of DoTs stack, like bleeding, like poisoning.]
  • Disease; A very critical resist, because almost every enemy and object in the dungeon can inflict a sore.
  • Death blow; A pretty funny resist, it helps the character not to die when the character receives damage that reduces his health to zero. Each repeated blow to a character with the “At Death's Door” effect can kill immediately or absorb all damage, regardless of the amount of damage.
  • Movement; Helps the character “stay on his feet.” Rarely do opponents have such abilities. But occultists are common, regardless of the dungeon, and occult priests have such abilities.
  • Traps; Everything is simple here, it affects the chance of falling into a trap when one is activated.
  • Negative effect; All other effects that do not fall into the previous paragraphs fall into this category.

The best party member is a living party: Part III, debriefing I.

In this part of the guide we will look at all the characters available to us to choose from.

Treasure Hunter;BIO: A very careful and life-taught hunter of wealth. He never rushes into battle without a clear plan, and always tries to collect as much information as possible about the enemy before attacking him. Not pretentious and not boastful, unlike the Crusader and the Bandit. His slogan is that everyone has a weak point, the main thing is to find it. Characteristics: A very valuable ally in our difficult task. He has a number of very useful tactical abilities and has the most powerful potential strike in the game, called “Loot Gathering,” which deals increased damage to marked targets.
He also has a whole bunch of control, ranging from attraction, repulsion, ending with stunning with a 200% chance. Useful tactical skills: “That’s what we’ll do,” “Surveillance,” “Scout – always ahead.”

BIO: A fanatical supporter of the church, who seems to have read a lot of books by William King (author of books on the WarHammer and WarHammer 40,000 universe). His faith is the guiding thread that leads him through his entire difficult life. His faith often failed him, especially when God turned away from him, which plunged the Crusader into despair and his fanatical cries in attempts to restore faith, which only worsened the battle for the group.

His slogan is: Be strong, faith in a bright future is our salvation.

Characteristics: A very situational fighter, who performs well only in Ruins, where his potential is maximized with his bonus damage to the “non-living”. Very useful in a group that saves on torches and tries to clear the dungeon at 100~% value of the torch, because two of its abilities can support the fire and one of them reduces the stress of the selected ally.

Useful tactical skills: “Fanatical Speech”, “Fanatical Duty”, “Unwavering Leader”.


BIO: A supporter of forbidden spells that open doors to other worlds that are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. More often this plays a cruel joke on the Occultist, because he only asks for help from higher powers, and they can play a cruel joke on a follower of their will.

His slogan is Gracchus Elmotharr Gritssang Ghudont.

Characteristics: Has a ton of control and potentially the strongest healing in the game, but alas, it is too situational and difficult to rely on. And the main skills occupy distant slots, which is very critical, given the fact that you can put a Priestess or a Jester on them.

Useful tactical skills: “Those they don’t talk about”, “Dark Force”.

Grave robber;BIO: A girl who chose a profession that is not entirely suitable for a decent person. She likes to tell jokes filled with dark humor, which, by a strange coincidence, everyone likes, maybe it's because of her pretty appearance that everyone smiles back at her or she really knows a couple of good jokes from the chopping block. Her slogan is - We'll be lucky if no one hears us. Characteristics : Specific ranged and melee fighter. She is a hybrid of a Bandit and a Wealth Hunter, which does not make her very useful in a group. The only thing that does not have control is a weak stun, which needs to be hit only from the first rows and only at the first rows of the enemy. Useful tactical skills: “Theft”, “Dark humor/Jokes from the chopping block”.

BIO: A woman with a capital W and with a large cleaver that can clearly chop up an entire ghoul without any problems. She often expresses her emotions through battles, but sometimes she can be heard saying that she has great faith in her god of battle.

Its slogan is - Let's find at least someone and kill them!

Characteristics: One of the most sought-after characters in the game, has high damage, critical chance, increased health and one of the few who can wear artifacts without negative effects. In addition to all this, it has the best stun in the game, which will allow you to keep the first two slots at 200% stun.

Useful tactical skills: “Combat Meditation”, “Sharpened Weapon”.

Scoundrel;BIO: Have you ever wondered what happens to goods that are stolen on the main trade roads? If you are interested, ask this man, he knows firsthand the underbelly of the world and all its dirt. His slogan is - With my keen hearing - no one will take us by surprise. Characteristics: A character who works best in a group with those who can attack move forward. The Scoundrel's main ace is his titanic point-blank damage and high chance of dodging with a critical hit. It's not surprising if the Scoundrel can score two successful critical hits in a row, which will finish off even the thickest enemy. Useful tactical skills: “Weapon Cleaning.”

BIO: This is the person whom everyone expects and loves in any company. He looks funny, but always hidden under a mask, it is impossible to understand what is on his mind, then he amuses you all, mocks his opponents, and then he laughs evilly and strikes fear into everyone.

His slogan is: Let's see how you laugh with a dagger in your back.

Characteristics: A support character who can deal serious damage with bleeding. Has high evasion and one of the highest speed indicators in the game. With his third and fourth position skills, you will never get bored (you will exit dungeons with zero stress). But it has a very small health reserve.

Useful tactical skills: “Eye of the Tiger”, “Turn back time”, “Every Rose has Thorns.”


BIO: A character who laid down his life to atone for sins, there is almost nothing to say about him, except that he is literally falling apart before our eyes. The only thing that saves him from this terrible appearance is his mask, which is not much better than his own face.

His slogan is: Everyone will be rewarded.

Characteristics: Armored character with his own healing and stress relief. It can compete in damage even with the Barbarian, thanks to its enhancement in damage and the power of critical damage - it is capable of delivering huge damage. But alas, it has very little accuracy and a complete lack of stuns, which are a component of successfully completing dungeons. Also unable to move around the battlefield on his own, if he is moved from his position, you will have to lose his turns and skip the attack phase, moving him back to the first positions. Even with actual accuracy enhancements, it still spends too many moves on applying positive effects.

Useful tactical skills: “Quarantine”, “Reflection”.

The best party - a living party: Part III, debriefing II.

Doctor;BIO: Few can withstand the spectacle that this brave woman constantly watches. Having gone through all the circles of hell on earth, seeing the most terrible diseases - she brings knowledge so that these diseases can never again take innocent lives. Her slogan is - Don’t be afraid, it will pass on its own. Characteristics: A gimp character, very useless. Occupies vital slots, lacks damage, health, speed and accuracy. Although it has an AoE stun, it is still only 100%, which is too little, considering that you can take a jester, bandit, robber or another Priest in its slot. Useful tactical skills: Doesn’t have any.

BIO: Unshakable faith in her God - these are the words that can fully describe this woman who dedicated her life to serving God. Everyone who needs will receive help in the person of the Nun. Once she realized that it was impossible to help the world only with prayers, she took up the battle scepter and the holy book and went in search of those in need of help.

Her slogan is May the light be with you.

Characteristics: The character on whom everything rests. Without it, any dungeon conquest is equivalent to suicide. Has the most consistent healing in the game and has combat skills with healing per hit. It can also heal the entire group at once and replenish the light resource, while simultaneously stunning the enemy.

Useful tactical skills: “Chorus”, “Prayer”/

The best party is a living party: Part IV, artifacts.

Although there are many artifacts in the game, not all of them are useful or applicable at all.
Most give more minuses than pluses. But the least critical ones are those that reduce resistance. Let me explain why:
Resistances increase with level, not all, but most of them. And most mobs have attacks with negative effects that do not exceed 100%, so you can use a high level to gain 100% ~ resistance and slightly reduce them with artifacts to a certain level. But there are artifacts in the game that do not have disadvantages, The Barbarian has these, they give her a percentage of damage and a chance to apply a bleeding effect. There are also artifacts that greatly reduce evasion, but also provide a characteristic that cannot be obtained in any other way (except by obtaining the Hard-Skinned perk). An obvious example is the Ring of Fortitude, which is best suited for a Crusader or a Leper. But still, most of the artifacts cannot be used due to the fact that they reduce the main combat characteristics. I advise you to choose artifacts with minus resistances, which you will receive with a level up to a decent level , and not with minus speed, accuracy and other things.

Battle tactics: This is not an escape, this is a military retreat to regroup.

  • Even though you are given only four active skills to choose from, still upgrade them all. Although you cannot change them in battle, you can after leaving the battle. Which gives us scope to choose skills specifically for the group of monsters that has settled in the room.
  • If you are not confident in your abilities, step back and change your set of skills that will suit exactly the group of monsters on which you are having problems.
  • Combine characters with attacks that move your characters to different positions. Good example: Grave Robber with Grenade/Crusader with Holy Spear and Bandit with Point Blank. Due to the high initiative, the Bandit goes first, and if you also put him on the first slot, you will start the round with Point Blanc, after which the Crusader with the Holy Spear will pick up the initiative, who will stand on the first slot. On the next turn you use a skill that will move you back to the first position and on the next turn you can use Point Blank again. Thus, we do not skip turns for normal movement of units without causing damage.
  • The best type of battle is to fight with a stunned enemy, try to take characters with stun. The best option is the Wealth Hunter and Varvasha, they are the only characters that have a 200% chance of stunning. And if you take into account that the Barbarian stuns two targets at once, you can keep up to three targets in a stunlock.
  • Always keep an eye on your opponent's speed and the order of their moves, this will greatly help you in distributing control.
  • If you point at an enemy and start changing skills while hovering the cursor over him, you will see the accuracy of this particular skill and the chance of hitting.
  • You also need to be able to get ready for the journey. Each dungeon varies in size, ranging from short to large. Depending on its duration, take four units of food and one shovel. Depending on the increase in the dungeon, increase supplies in multiples of two, namely:
    • Short dungeon - four food, one shovel.
    • Middle dungeon - eight food, two shovels.
    • Take torches at the rate of two torches per unit of food.

Light indicator:
A very important indicator that can determine your playing style. You see, the level of the torch gives bonuses and disadvantages, if the torch is full - a chance to surprise the enemy and reduced stress. And if the torch goes out, the monsters hit harder, more accurately and have an increased chance of surprising you, and the player also receives increased stress. But the advantage of such a passage is bonus items and a chance of crit.

Before entering the dungeon, you need to wisely assemble your team.
As your rank increases, dungeons of a lower level will no longer be available to you. If you play correctly, then, for example, you can clear an easy level dungeon with a rank 0 team or a level 5 dungeon with a rank 3 team with equal success.
In general, I won’t spoil the water; there are already many introductory tutorials where you will get acquainted with the basics. Let's move on to the most interesting part, namely, completing the most difficult bosses and the longest/difficult dungeons.


From the very first week after successfully entering the dungeon, sell all your junk, leave only rare, the rarest and heirloom artifacts, with the exception of stun amulets, which give +20% Stun Skill Chance, they will be useful to the warrior and bounty hunter. This is necessary because at first there will be a catastrophic shortage of gold.

Once you have a feel for what kind of lineup you can play with, start pumping this party to the maximum, but keep in mind that if it’s to the maximum, then don’t let them disappear in the dungeons, otherwise the gold will be wasted, which is already lacking at the beginning. I’ll explain using the example of my favorite composition: Leper-Bounty-Occultist-Arbalist.
Choose from BN not only damage skills (beginners often do this), but also auxiliary ones, for example:
2.1. From the Leper I take two auxiliary BNs: my own healing and a buff on damage and crit (there is one ability for dmg/crt, and another for accuracy/crt, I increase the accuracy of the Leper with a very rare ring by +12 ACC and +5% crt, so accuracy can be increased at the campfire using survival skills, more on them later), and two for dmg, one of which is AoE.

2.2. From Bounty, who is in second place, you can take a stun grenade and a mark from the auxiliary ones, the stun grenade is quite oblique, so an artifact for accuracy will not interfere. The mark will be effective not only for him, but also for the crossbowwoman, who has a BN, which hits the marked target twice as hard, and has twice the crit chance. On dmg there are two tomahawk abilities, one of which is +33% Dmg against a stunned enemy and which reaches the 3rd target.
2.3. The occultist, who is in third place, has auxiliary ones: a debuff for dmg, and a mark with a debuff for dodging at the same time. Basic: knife and heal.
2.4. The crossbowwoman, who is in 4th place, has auxiliary ones: AoE on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th targets, which has a good chance of crit, but is not accurate enough (that’s why we grab the artifact on ACC), which debuffs enemies by accuracy and crit (a very rare artifact only for the crossbowwoman wouldn’t hurt). Healing, which not only heals a wounded hero, but also gives him a good percentage bonus to healing for 3 rounds, this is useful, since Occultite does not heal consistently. Basic: be sure to shoot an arrow at the marked one and choose either AoE the first two targets, or an inaccurate arrow , which buffs the crossbowwoman’s speed.


Here's the team that's been put together (this party will blow anyone away). Now you need to dress it up for greater efficiency, because CRIT is not only effective, but also looks impressive (just not when it passes over you)!

You shouldn’t expect to increase accuracy, speed, max HP, defense, dmg and crit chance with just two artifacts. Increase one or two abilities as much as possible. HP, accuracy and crit chance are extremely important (believe me, crits in this game can decide the outcome of the battle).
3.1 Leper - a very rare mask only for him, which gives: +20% hp, +5% crt, +2 spd. And another ring for +12 ACC and +5% crt.
3.2 Bounty - definitely an amulet for 20% Stun skill chance and also either an owl or a rare artifact just for the bounty, oddly enough I liked the rare one more than the very rare one.
3.3 Occultist - definitely two artifacts for Debuff Skill Chance, one of which is only for him and is very rare.
3.4 Arbalist - a very rare ring with +12 ACC and +5% crt (although it is already accurate), and a choice of either a very rare artifact only for the arbalist, which increases the chance of debuffing the enemy (however, the previous ring will come in handy with the debuff ability, since I said earlier this ability is not accurate enough) or a very rare bracelet with +20% dmg, +5% crt and -4 ACC.

Just like combat ones, we take 2 main and 2 auxiliary NVs from each hero. The main ones for everyone: Stress relief 10, treatment 25% (or 35%, I don’t remember exactly). Auxiliary NVs are skills for buffing heroes. It’s good to buff the Arbalist for crit and damage, the Leper for accuracy first, then crit, then dmg. Again, don’t be too scattered about buffing everyone a little at a time, it’s better to buff at most two heroes of strength who deal the main damage, and besides, there’s not that much time (12 units in total).

Lastly in this section about the jester: always hang two very rare artifacts on him:
1. Only for the jester, very rare +12% resistance to fatal blow, +25% stress resistance if lighting is below 25 or below 0 (I don’t remember exactly).
2. For everyone, very rare +12% resistance to fatal blow, +50% dmg and +15% crt at death's door. Make 4 jesters and have fun)))
Next, let's see what happens to bosses with the right approach, and this will happen to everyone!

And finally, I forgot to write, the first round is about preparing your team and weakening the enemy’s, never start hitting the enemy in the first round, anyway, it won’t end in one round.

In this guide you will get acquainted with this kind of information, which will allow you to complete Darkest Dungeon without large losses of health and unnecessary nerves. Of course, such a passage will take more time, but it will be more beautiful and cleaner. Below we will look at the features of Darkest Dungeon that you should never forget about.


Total in There are seven characteristics, each of which is responsible for certain characteristics of the hero. They are indicated in three colors: gray, that is, static, without any good or bad effects, yellow, which indicates a skill improved by a perk or artifact, and red, which, on the contrary, was worsened by an artifact or perk.

Specifically, we have a basic RPG set:

- Vitality is a common indicator of your character's survivability. This stat is fairly easy to raise, as it is boosted by various pieces of armor.

- Evasion is an indicator on the percentage of which your chance of evading an attack depends. The ability is of questionable suitability, as it does not work consistently.

- Stability is a rare characteristic, which is quite difficult to increase. It is increased by artifacts worn only by a certain class - the Crusader, as well as by a perk that is not easy to get to. A very good indicator that blocks a lot of damage.

- Initiative is a trait that defines the leadership of your heroes. For example, if you have 7 initiative units and the enemy has 5, then the baton of moves will be passed to you first. Everything here is clear and useful.

- Accuracy is one of the key characteristics that is responsible for the chance of hitting. Agree that it is quite unpleasant to miss an enemy when your health is at the bottom. Many skills have a small accuracy modifier, so it’s a must.

- Critical hit - a parameter that determines the chance of your critical hit. If it’s not clear, here’s a simple explanation: your heroes have normal and critical attacks, where the first deals standard damage, which is a combination of weapon strength and characteristics, and the second deals an attack several times higher than it.

- Attack power is one of the key parameters on which the amount of damage dealt depends. Also quite useful.

With resistance

In total, Darkest Dungeon has eight so-called resistances, each of which can be upgraded to 100% or higher. Of course, this does not guarantee you maximum immunity, since some opponents have indicators like “Chance to stun = 200%,” which neutralizes your advantages.

List of resistances:

- Stun - the game features a huge number of enemies that love to stun your heroes. Be sure to download.

- Poisoning is a rare “debuff” that applies a tick of periodic damage to the hero.

- Bleeding is a common consequence of an attack, leaving the character with a lacerated wound. A periodic damage tick is applied, which is twice as weak as Poison.

- Disease - like stun resistance, disease resistance must be increased to a high level. In Darkest Dungeon, many enemies and traps apply this particular "debuff".

- Fatal blow - the stability of this type of attack allows the hero to survive such a blow, which in theory should have killed him. Doesn't always work, but generally useful. By the way, if a character manages to avoid death, the “Death's Door” debuff is applied to him, which makes all subsequent enemy attacks fatal, regardless of the amount of damage.

- Knock down - gives the hero a chance to stand on his feet after a corresponding attack. Opponents can rarely drop your hero (mostly occultists do this), since they simply do not have this type of damage.

- Traps - the chance of whether you will fall into a trap by stepping on it.

- Negative effect - all other types of damage not included in the list.

The best of the best

There are currently fifteen heroes in Darkest Dungeon, but, as is usually the case in RPGs, not all of them are equal. Some heroes are significantly superior to others - let's figure out who exactly.


Casts a valuable “buff” on the team, increasing initiative, critical strike and accuracy indicators. He also reduces the stress of heroes by using a secondary skill. Causes heavy bleeding. (Always place him in fourth position in the group)


In such a gamer-unfriendly game you definitely need a healer, which is what the nun is. In addition, she can heal herself, restore her torch supply, and stun enemies. (Useful for position number three)

Treasure hunter

Has good control and a 200% chance to stun the target. By equipping it with items and artifacts that increase the chance of stunning, you will be able to incapacitate even bosses.

Also in his skills you can pump up “buffs” to improve reconnaissance and surprise, which increases the chance of avoiding surprise for your group and reduces the same chance for enemies.

Place it in second position. You can put any hero in the first slot, but, again, the Crusader or Barbarian will be the most valuable.


Heals well and hits all sorts of dead creatures painfully. He can also restore the torch using a banner or aegis.


Like the hunter, it has a 200% increased chance of stunning. His attacks of enormous power can deal damage to two targets in the first two slots at once.

If you wish, you can use all other heroes. Of course, you will not find a replacement for the Jester, who reduces stress and increases characteristics, the Nun, who is unrivaled in restoring health, and the Treasure Hunter, whose control is simply unprecedented.

About equipping the estate

Improvement order:

- First, increase the level of the building for recruiting new heroes (at least to the first).

- Then raise your guild rank to the second skill level.

- Now it’s the forge’s turn. In it, first improve your weapons, and only then your armor.

Tactics of battle

Darkest Dungeon is a classic roguelike game with RPG elements that will require you to constantly think through your strategy. This applies to the modernization of the estate, the choice of skills for the heroes, and, naturally, the battles themselves.

The most important thing in Darkest Dungeon is to monitor the speed of the enemy and choose the right order of skills and combine them between heroes. First, stun the enemy that can attack your last slots (where healers are usually placed), or all the heroes at once.

The Jester has the highest speed rank, allowing him to go first. Thus, you can immediately apply a speed, critical strike, and accuracy buff to the rest of the team on all heroes in the group.

Then comes the Nun or Hunter, with which you need to stun the worst unit in the enemy team. The healer only has a 100% chance of stunning, so use it on the weakest enemy.

Having a Jester on your team gives you a 99% chance of going first. In this case, it makes sense to take the Barbarian into the group, who has a 200% chance of stunning the first two slots of the enemy.

This way you can stun up to three enemies only on the first turn, and even kill one. If the stun passes by, after which the adversary hits your friends, causing them damage or increasing stress, then the Jester and the Nun will be able to neutralize all the consequences.

Legendary artifacts

Let's consider what artifacts are needed by which heroes.

- Jester - this character will benefit from the “Hawk Pendant”, which increases the chance of evasion and initiative. Since he will be in fourth position, he will unwittingly take on most of the attacks from long-range opponents. In general, the Jester has low health, so the extra evasion will come in handy.

- Priest - any artifacts that increase initiative, as well as the accuracy of attacks at a distance, since all her abilities are long-range. The best options are Book of Fury and Sniper's Ring. The first will increase accuracy and at the same time remove the main defect of the Book of Fury. The book itself will increase initiative and attack power by two units.

- Treasure Hunter - based on his characteristics, a good solution would be to choose two amulets to increase the percentage of stun and the chance of evasion. This way you can even send bosses to sleep.

- Crusader - two rings will suit him to increase stability, reducing incoming damage and giving additional health units. Although they reduce the chance of dodging, the positive aspects of the ring make it the best option for the Crusader. Add a defense stance to this, and the hero will become practically unkillable.

- Barbarian - take him the same things as you give the Treasure Hunter.

More about artifacts

In Darkest Dungeon, artifacts have the same problem as heroes. There are many of them, but God forbid half of them are truly useful. Some items take more than they give, which makes them useless.

True, those artifacts that, instead of “buffs,” reduce some stability characteristic. The fact is that all resistances increase with level, and most opponents in the game do not have attacks whose effectiveness exceeds 100%.

In short, you can exceed this indicator by level alone, so the negative effects from artifacts will not particularly affect you. But this only applies to the list of “Resistances”.

Also in Darkest Dungeon there are such artifacts that they do not give any minuses at all. The Barbarian, for example, has items that increase attack power and the chance to inflict bleed without causing any “debuffs.”

Artifacts of another kind hit very hard on some characteristic, while giving an increase to a unique one. Bonuses from the “Ring of Fortitude” can only be obtained with the “Hard-Skinned” perk, which must first be achieved.

In general, choose artifacts either without negative effects at all, or those that lower one trait from the list of “Resistances”.

Additional video on Darkest Dungeon: city and preparation

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  • Once the quest requirements have been met, you can return to the village at any time - just click on the coat of arms. To leave the dungeon, you do not have to return to the entrance.
  • The hospital is usually used to get rid of harmful traits and illnesses of heroes. In addition, there you can strengthen a useful character trait; at the same time, it will become permanent, and new useful features will not be able to supplant it. Each hero can have up to 3 useful character traits.
  • Some monsters have a high DEFENSE rating, which reduces damage taken. Effects that deal damage over time (poison and bleed) ignore defense and are therefore especially effective against such impenetrable opponents.
  • Over time, some of the hero's harmful traits take hold and become serious. Getting rid of a serious harmful trait in a hospital will cost much more.
  • The light of the torches is gradually fading! The current lighting level affects many factors in the game. The darker it is around, the more difficult it is for the heroes and the greater the possible reward. To make the light brighter again, right-click on the torch in your inventory.
  • Supplies should be selected based on the area you are going to, the duration of the mission, and your preferences. In any case, it's worth taking some food and torches! When going on your first short mission, take at least 8 food servings and 4 torches.
  • At the same time, a hero can have no more than 4 active combat skills. Activate and disable skills, changing your arsenal.
  • A hero can have no more than 4 active camp skills, but only 3 are available to him when hired.
  • When the characters can no longer withstand the stress, they develop psychosis. This affects their behavior and characteristics. If you fail to completely relieve the hero’s stress during the task, the psychosis will have to be removed by treatment in the city.
  • Sometimes heroes react to extreme stress in a heroic way, experiencing elation! This elevated state of spirit lasts until the next stop or until returning to the village, improves the hero’s characteristics and provides other benefits.
  • When a hero's health reaches zero, he is near death. Heal the hero so that he is no longer dying!
  • At any time, you can flee the battlefield or abandon the mission to save your heroes.
  • Detected traps will become visible on the floor when you get close to them. Select a hero and click on the trap to try to disarm it. Some heroes cope with this task better than others.
  • Each hero can wear two decorations. Simply drag the desired decoration from your inventory to the cell of the selected hero. As a rule, jewelry has its pros and cons. Some decorations are only available to heroes of certain classes.
  • Each mission has its own goals and rewards, and each location has its own characteristics. Try different combinations and see what works where. However, we recommend taking a vestal virgin or an occultist with you everywhere, as they can heal other heroes.
  • For each successfully completed task, heroes receive determination points. The hero's determination level depends on determination points. If a hero with a low level of determination goes on a difficult mission, he will quickly break down under the influence of unbearable stress.
  • Stress continues to accumulate after psychosis. If the hero’s stress scale is filled twice, his body will fail. You need to heal the heroes or return to the city before this happens.
  • Dead monsters leave corpses. They do not allow you to pass, but disappear over time. You can attack a corpse to make it disappear faster, but long-range combat skills, pushing and pulling, and special corpse disposal skills that some heroes have are better suited for this purpose.
  • If a monster dies from bleeding, poison or a critical hit, then there will be no corpse left from it.
  • Heroes who complete a quest in the Darkest Dungeon will never return there again, but you can invite them to other quests.
  • After completing the game, a new difficulty becomes available: New Game+