IPhone without Touch ID: what is being sold to Belarusians under the guise of ultra-cheap Apple smartphones. How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original? Is it worth getting an iPhone without touch id?

New technologies are almost always great, but only when they work correctly. Now let’s talk about the iPhone without Touch ID, what it is and what solutions there are to the problem.

Does not work Touch ID on iPhone

Starting with the iPhone 5S, phones made by Apple began to introduce the latest technology to protect your phone's data, and it's called Touch ID.

Fails complete setup Touch ID

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Now let's get to the essence of the problem, many users of iPhones 5S and 6 complained about an error that does not allow them to complete the Touch ID setup.

The meaning of Touch ID is simply simple: there is a microprocessor in the phone and a fingerprint scanner is attached to it using hardware.

  • damage to the cable when replacing the display;
  • damage when a smartphone falls;
  • buying a used device.

Cheap iPhone 6 without Touch ID - what is it?!

Review Sponsors: iPhone without Touch ID what is it? and is it worth buying? iPhone without Touch ID - What is this such.

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Thank you for your support. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE and then you will not find yourself in this situation. HAPPY NEW YEAR!.

When this problem appears in your gadget, most often we just continue to use the device, just without the scanner (you need to disable it completely in the settings so that there is no error).

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If you just bought a phone, then this is either a factory defect, or they sold you a refurbished one iPhone. We immediately ask the store to exchange the device for a new one.

Is it worth buying iPhone without Touch ID?

If you are looking for a new or used iPhone in stores, then it is likely to come across phones without a working Touch ID and they cost much less than others.

In general, the smartphone is no worse and can serve you for quite a long time. Some friends have bought these phones and are quite happy with them.

  • Perfectionists- if you like everything to work perfectly, then this option immediately disappears. I myself am one of those people, and even if I don’t use this function, I want it to work correctly.
  • Still on Touch ID- if you understand that this function is not so important to you, then you can safely take such a gadget for yourself and you will save a lot of money.

And once again I want to remind you that such devices work no worse than others, they just don’t have a working scanner. I wrote about the reasons for its failure a little higher.


Actually a topic with a non-working Touch ID in an iPhone is a rather troublesome topic, especially for service centers that repair Apple equipment.

Hello! Dedicated to the upcoming New Year holidays, and at any other time, I think the information will be quite relevant. The fact is that now there are simply a lot of offers on the market for the sale of iPhones with a non-working Apple ID fingerprint sensor. And the best part about all this is the price, because for such a minor malfunction (and a non-functioning scanner is a breakdown) a fairly large discount is offered on the iPhone itself. Why not take it? Let's figure out why you don't need to take it.

What usually sells:

  1. iPhone (any model) with a non-functional fingerprint scanner.
  2. The price for it is less (sometimes significantly) than for a similar product only with a functioning sensor.
  3. The seller assures that this is a new and absolutely normal iPhone - it’s just refurbished (REF).

And because of the third point, confusion begins, because many have heard that Apple is releasing refurbished devices onto the market. And this is true, only they have nothing to do with an iPhone with a broken finger sensor.

Is an iPhone without Touch ID an officially refurbished device or not?

No no and one more time no. Officially refurbished iPhones, the so-called “like new” ones, are fully functional devices. Everything works for them - from the battery to the notorious fingerprint sensor. They are produced at the Apple factory, tested, have a one-year warranty (and in some cases it is two years) and are supplied through official sales channels to dealers for sale. In general, everything is “OK” with them. I have already written about such devices - read, there is a lot of interesting information in the comments directly on the topic of this article.

Important! On a new original, real, factory (call it what you want) iPhone, the fingerprint sensor will always work. Always. If during the sale it is stated that the device is new and from the factory, but the scanner does not work, they are lying to you.

But iPhones without Touch ID (also supposedly officially restored) are a completely different story. Where, and most importantly, what are they collected from? It’s very difficult to find out specifically and for certain, but I’ll tell you in general terms now.

iPhone with a non-working scanner - what is it and where does it come from?

So, we found out that such devices are not produced by Apple, so where do they come from? Everything is very simple, these are ordinary used gadgets, only assembled from several devices. So to speak, “restored” by various craftsmen. A little more detail, using an example:

You have several iPhones with different breakdowns - the display of one does not work, the second is completely flooded with water, the third is fine, “only” the motherboard is broken. You take all three, combine them, buy spare parts from the Chinese - you have a “refurbished” iPhone.

It is clear that options are possible, but in general terms this is exactly what it looks like.

Why is the fingerprint scanner not working on these iPhones, is it difficult for the Chinese to fix it? Yes, it’s hard, and this is due to this:

The motherboard and the Home button (where the sensor is located) for one specific iPhone (the official one coming out of the factory) are a single unit. If you substitute a button from another phone, the sensor stops working. This is done so that no one can hack your iPhone simply by connecting another button to it. Safety and protection come first!

This connection can only be “broken” at the Apple factory, which is what they do when producing officially refurbished iPhones - where, I repeat, absolutely everything works.

Pros and cons of an iPhone with a broken Touch ID - can you buy it?

If you have not yet decided whether to buy such a device or not, then here is a list of the positive and negative aspects of such an event. Let's start with the cons. So, if the scanner does not work, it means:

  • What exactly the iPhone was understood is unknown by whom and how.
  • It is also assembled from something unknown - spare parts can be either original or “Chinese”.
  • Considering the two previous points, even if everything works in it now (except for the sensor), it is still a time bomb - any component of such an iPhone can malfunction at any time and stop working.
  • Inability to use Apple services based on a fingerprint (the same Apple Pay). And in general, the security of your personal data is at great risk.

Are there any advantages? Yes, there are two of them:

  • Price - the cost of an iPhone with a defective scanner is always less (otherwise who will buy them?).
  • You may be lucky and come across a successful device (more likely no than yes).

I hope that now everyone should have the right opinion about the advisability of buying an iPhone with a non-functioning Touch ID sensor. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll give you a hint: buying such a device is a very big lottery with a minimal chance of winning, but with a huge opportunity to simply throw away money.

Updated! As I wrote, buying an iPhone without Touch ID is a big gamble. In my opinion there is no point in playing it. Moreover, you can save money when buying a normal iPhone. How? Instructions:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Among the stores you know, we find one where the price of an iPhone is cheaper and the refund on your purchase is higher.
  3. Victory.

That's all - enjoy the phone and the money saved.

Greetings! The article is dedicated to the upcoming New Year holidays, and at any other time, I think the information will be quite relevant and useful. Why did this instruction appear at all? The thing is that now on the market there are simply a lot of offers for selling iPhones with a non-working Apple ID fingerprint sensor. No, seriously, not only the entire Internet is littered with such devices, but also numerous “real” points of sale.

And the best thing about this whole situation is the price. Oh yeah! Everything is very good here. After all, for such a seemingly insignificant malfunction (and a non-functioning scanner is a breakdown), a fairly large discount is offered on the iPhone itself. Why not take it? Let's figure out together why you don't need to take it...

What usually sells:

  1. iPhone (any model) with a non-functional fingerprint scanner.
  2. The price for it is less (sometimes significantly) than for a similar product only with a functioning sensor.
  3. The seller assures that this is a new and absolutely normal iPhone - it’s just refurbished (REF).

And because of the third point, confusion begins, because many have heard that Apple is releasing refurbished devices onto the market. And this is true, only they have nothing to do with an iPhone with a broken finger sensor...

Is iPhone without Touch ID an officially refurbished device or not?

No no and one more time no. Officially refurbished iPhones, the so-called “like new” ones, are fully functional devices. Everything works for them - from the battery to the notorious fingerprint sensor. They are produced at the Apple factory, tested, have a one-year warranty (and it is two years) and are supplied through official sales channels to dealers for sale. In general, everything is “OK” with them. I have already written about such devices - in the comments there is a lot of interesting information directly on the topic of this article.

Important! On a new original, real, factory (call it what you want) iPhone, the fingerprint sensor will always work. Always. If during the sale it is stated that the device is new and from the factory, but the scanner does not work, they are lying to you.

But iPhones without Touch ID (also supposedly officially restored) are a completely different story. Where, and most importantly, what are they collected from? It’s very difficult to find out specifically and for certain, but I’ll tell you in general terms now.

iPhone with a non-working scanner - what is it and where does it come from?

So, we found out that such devices are not produced by Apple, so where do they come from? Everything is very simple, these are ordinary used gadgets, only assembled from several devices. So to speak, “restored” by various craftsmen. A little more detail, using an example:

You have several iPhones with different breakdowns - the display of one does not work, the second is completely flooded with water, the third is fine, “only” the motherboard is broken. You take all three, combine them, buy spare parts from the Chinese - you have a “refurbished” iPhone.

It is clear that options are possible, but in general terms this is exactly what it looks like.

Why is the fingerprint scanner not working on these iPhones, is it difficult for the Chinese to fix it? Yes, it’s hard, and this is due to this:

The motherboard and the Home button (where the sensor is located) for one specific iPhone (the official one coming out of the factory) are a single whole. If you substitute a button from another phone, the sensor stops working. This is done so that no one can hack your iPhone simply by connecting another button to it. Safety and protection come first!

This connection can only be “broken” at the Apple factory, which is what they do when producing officially refurbished iPhones - where, I repeat, absolutely everything works.

Pros and cons of an iPhone with a broken Touch ID – can you buy it?

If you have not yet decided whether to buy such a device or not, then here is a list of the positive and negative aspects of such an event. Let's start with the cons. So, if the scanner does not work, it means:

  • What exactly the iPhone was disassembled is unknown by whom and how.
  • It is also assembled from something unknown - spare parts can be either original or “Chinese”.
  • Considering the two previous points, even if everything works in it now (except for the sensor), it is still a time bomb - any component of such an iPhone can malfunction at any time and stop working.
  • Inability to use Apple services based on a fingerprint (the same Apple Pay). And in general, the security of your personal data is at great risk.

Are there any advantages? Yes, there are two of them:

  • Price – the cost of an iPhone with a defective scanner is always less (otherwise who will buy them?).
  • You may be lucky and come across a successful device (more likely no than yes).

I hope that now everyone should have the right opinion about the advisability of buying an iPhone with a non-functioning Touch ID sensor. If it doesn’t work out, then I’ll give you a hint: buying such a device is a very big lottery with a minimal chance of winning, but with a huge opportunity to simply throw away money.

Updated! As I wrote, buying an iPhone without Touch ID is a big gamble. In my opinion there is no point in playing it. Moreover, you can save money when buying a normal iPhone. How? Instructions:

  1. Among the stores you know, we find one where the price of an iPhone is cheaper and the refund on your purchase is higher.
  2. Victory.

That's all - enjoy the phone and the money saved.

P.S. Agree that the information is useful - like the article, do a good deed :) And of course, write your questions in the comments. I will answer everyone!

Reading time: 6 minutes

Some sellers offer iPhones without Touch ID. The main advantage of such gadgets is their low cost. Let's look at the question of whether it is worth paying attention to this product at all.

This article is suitable for all iPhone 11/Xs(r)/X/8/7/6 and Plus models running iOS 13. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in the article.

Touch ID fingerprint scanner

A similar new system first appeared on the iPhone 5s. It is responsible for identifying data and is now being built into the Home key.

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Using Touch ID, you can make purchases through Apple Pay, iTunes, etc. To start working with the option, you need to make a couple of fingerprints of several of your fingers, after which this data will be added to the trusted list. Using the entered fingerprint, you will be able to unlock the gadget without entering a password.

This type of blocking is very difficult to bypass, and only hackers are capable of this, constantly developing new methods of bypassing the security system. Overall, this scanner is a useful thing, especially if you want to quickly make actions and purchases.

iPhone without Touch ID

Now on the technology market, iPhones with a broken Touch ID function are sold at a fairly reasonable price. A non-functioning fingerprint scanner is not a critical problem for many users. Therefore, because of a significant discount, they purchase such gadgets.

Is such a purchase profitable? Let's look at this issue in detail. Often the consumer is offered the following equipment:

  • iPhone of any generation with a broken scanner.
  • The cost of such a gadget is significantly lower than with a working scanner.
  • According to the seller, the device was simply restored.

Because of the 3rd point, confusion begins, because. Everyone knows that Apple sells refurbished phones. But the faulty Touch ID has nothing to do with the restored devices.

In officially restored iPhones, Touch ID always works. Such devices are tested and guaranteed.

The official factory iPhone always comes with a functioning scanner. A broken scanner indicates that the smartphone is no longer new.

Where did these iPhones without fingerprints come from?

In this situation we are talking about devices that were assembled on the basis of several smartphones. I offer an example:

  • You have several iPhones that have some kind of breakdown. One gadget has a software malfunction, the second one has a broken main plan, and the third one is simply filled with juice.
  • You assemble one from different parts of 3 devices. If any parts are missing, buy Chinese analogues.
  • You receive a refurbished and ready-to-sell gadget.

Similar “miracles” of repair are performed by craftsmen in different countries of the world.

The Touch ID sensor is not restored in this situation for the following reasons:

  • The complexity of the process. In the gadget, the “Home” key is combined with the system board into one whole element. If you substitute such a key from another device, the scanner simply will not work. This is due to an additional level of protection for the gadget against hacking.
  • Only Apple factory workers are capable of hacking such a “kit.” They perform this operation completely legally, releasing functional iPhones to the market.

A broken Touch ID scanner indicates the following:

The advantages of an iPhone without Touch ID are as follows.

Some time ago our site talked about. Let us remind you that these are devices that Apple itself restores (replaces some components with new ones) and returns them for sale with a full warranty.

Recently, iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 models without (a proprietary fingerprint scanner) began to appear on sale, the cost of which is significantly lower than even refurbished iPhones, not to mention new ones. So, for example, the cost of a refurbished iPhone 5s without Touch ID is about 10-11 thousand rubles from a seller from a well-known advertisement site versus 18-20 thousand for the same model, but when purchased from an official Apple partner with Touch ID (at the time of writing) . The public is surprised - how is this possible? We also tried to figure it out, searched and found something interesting.

The first option is to buy an iPhone 5 disguised as an iPhone 5s. The first one, as we know, did not have Touch ID, so it is likely that the seller was deceiving, trying to sell the iPhone 5 to a potential buyer, especially since the devices are identical in appearance.

Second option. This is indeed an iPhone 5s that has been restored. For example, if a smartphone’s display was broken, and a sloppy technician replaced it, he could touch the cable that connects the biometric sensor and the processor. If the cable breaks, Touch ID stops working, and restoring it is extremely difficult and expensive. That is why the Home key in this case stops working as a fingerprint scanner and performs its direct function - when pressed, it opens the desktop.

Finally, the third option, the most interesting. It is shrouded in mystery and whether it is true, we do not know.

Some online resources express the opinion that such iPhones are indeed produced at Apple factories as refurbished ones, but without Touch ID. At the same time, they are not officially supplied to us, so such devices can be called “gray”. But the trick is this - these smartphones work with all SIM cards, are activated, registered and updated in iTunes, and are not blocked. Sellers even allow you to activate them on the spot! The cost of such pleasure is 10-11 thousand rubles at the time of writing for an iPhone 5s. Wholesalers receive significant discounts.

What kind of unprecedented generosity? On the Internet, we found an assumption that Apple is in this way trying to increase the share of devices sold, even if they are not officially supplied to us, but pass through third parties. In this case, this is not important, what is more important is that the demand for such devices is extremely high and increases overall iPhone sales, which is extremely important for Apple. We repeat, without official information, this is just speculation and nothing more, but even if it is true, it will not make customers any worse. On the contrary, it becomes possible to purchase an iPhone at a low cost. Well, whether it’s worth buying it is up to you to decide, because we don’t know the truth.

If you have your own assumptions on this matter, we will be happy to read them and publish them in the comments section of the article.