How to make full screen. Expand the window to full screen using a keyboard shortcut. Game settings on a laptop

Often, modern games automatically adjust to display resolution. Those who like to play fairly old arcade games or action games may have a question about how to expand the game to full screen.

If an application was created 10, 15 or even 20 years ago, it will only partially display on modern monitors. In some cases, this issue also appears during the launch of modern games.

There are certain reasons why this happens and also effective ways to return the game to normal and start it in full screen mode.

Let's look at the simplest way to play the game in full screen. To do this, just press two keys: “Alt” + “Enter”.

The method is effective not only for outdated games, but also for modern ones, for example, WoT.

If necessary, you can use a similar key combination to return to windowed mode.

Changing startup options

In some cases, especially when you are playing on someone else’s PC, the game starts in windowed mode due to the “-window” parameter in the shortcut properties.

It can be recorded in the “Object” line of the game shortcut properties.

If this inscription is removed, the standard launch option for the entire monitor will be restored.

A problem may arise if the operating system is incompatible with installed game. In this case, select the “Compatibility” tab in the properties of the application or shortcut and select the required operating system.

Quite often the list of proposed operating systems ends with Windows Vista, and for the owner of a modern OS, for example, Windows 10, this option will not help.

Setting up the video card

Some situations for launching games on Full Screen can be solved by replacing outdated video card drivers. They need to be either updated or completely reinstalled.

The menus with video card settings for each individual manufacturer have their own appearance.

For example, for video cards manufactured by Nvidia, the user needs to go to Start/Control Panel.

There you should select “Panel Nvidia control» and adjust the scaling. When you launch it, the game should be expanded to fit the screen.

For video cards from ATI, you need to run the Catalyst Control Center application. If using integrated cards Intel Graphics, which are often installed on laptops, you will need to perform a number of actions, which are described separately.

Game Settings

Some games on modern operating systems allow installation full screen mode in graphics settings. This feature can be detected after launching a game that, for some unknown reason, does not start in the window.

Instructions for solving the problem:

  • Let's go to settings.
  • We find the item that is responsible for launching in full screen or windowed mode.
  • Turn on the mode or check the box.

In some cases, a restart is required after setting up the game. This is not affected by the operating system version or screen resolution.

Change resolution

If all of the above methods do not solve the problem of how to launch the game in full screen, then you can try changing the resolution. There is a possibility that the game is too old to run in full screen.

It happens that the picture looks unclear. The problem is fixed the only way– changing the screen resolution. After this, other software, more modern and designed for normal parameters, will no longer launch.

Therefore, after completing the gameplay, you need to return the monitor to its normal resolution.

If the game requires an extension value of 640x480, but the monitor does not support it, then there is another way. You need to open the shortcut properties in the compatibility section.

This function allows you to automatically return to normal resolution after exiting the game.

Solving the problem on a laptop

If a problem arises, how the game window becomes full screen, not on the PC, but on Windows laptop, it may be due to incorrectly set values ​​of the built-in Intel Graphics video card.

To resolve the issue, follow the instructions:

  • We install software from the manufacturer of this video card.
  • We open a menu with graphic characteristics that appear after clicking right click mouse on the desktop over an empty area.
  • Find the “Display” menu and open the main settings. They may be missing if the laptop you are using is already set to the maximum resolution.

By reducing the resolution we get the opportunity to change the screen parameters. Then you will need to set the scaling parameters, which are responsible for displaying in full screen, save the changes.

After closing the Intel panel, it will be possible to run all the necessary games, which will now stretch across the entire display area.

After the game, you should disable scaling and use the function only for one specific program.

Conclusions and videos on the topic

If you know the rules for opening games in full screen mode, you can significantly simplify the gameplay. Often, all these methods require few steps. Some methods, after making the settings, will allow all games to open in full screen.

To play videos on a computer, use special programs, which are called video players. These programs have the function of playing recordings in full screen mode, but in different players this function can be activated in different ways.


  • Full screen without proportions;
  • Full screen with respect to proportions;
  • Windowed and windowless modes and other modes.
  1. Some players are capable of replacing desktop wallpaper with videos.
  2. 3. If you view videos through a computer browser, then in this case it will be enough to click on the corresponding icon. Most services use a flash player on their resource and on these players the full screen mode icon is located in the lower right corner of the player. The appearance of this icon may be different, perhaps it will be a square or a double-headed arrow. Players may contain an additional drop-down menu, clicking on which will offer several options. additional features player and one of these features will be full-screen mode.

Video: How to return full screen mode for videos

“Full screen” is a mode of operation of an application in which there are no attributes of its window - frames around the edges, scroll bars, service menus, etc. Most often, this method of displaying window contents is used in games, video players and other applications that aim to create the maximum presence effect possible within the monitor.

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If an application (for example, a game) is launched using a shortcut on the desktop, then in order to force it to launch in full screen mode, first right-click on this shortcut. In the context menu that appears, select “Properties”. If you launch the application through the main menu on the “Start” button, then by right-clicking this menu line, you will find exactly the same item. It opens the Properties window to the Shortcut tab where you want a dropdown next to Window - it has Regular Window Size selected by default. Expand this list and click the "Full screen" line, and then click the "OK" button to save your changes.

In different video players, the full-screen mode setting is organized differently. For example, in The KMPlaer application, to select one of the full-screen display options, you need to open the context menu by right-clicking on the screen. The “Display” section of this menu contains a variety of screen format settings, including three that adjust it in full-screen mode. These items are assigned hotkeys that you can use to switch full-screen mode options while viewing.

Use the corresponding item in the menu if you need to switch to full-screen mode for displaying pages in the browser. This point can be called differently. For example, in Opera this is the line “Full screen” in the “Page” section; in Internet Explorer it is named the same, but is placed in the “View” section; in Mozilla Firefox - also in the “View” section, but called “Full Screen Mode”; and in the menu Google Chrome there is only an untitled icon placed in the page zoom bar. You can also use the F11 hotkey - it performs the operation of switching to full-screen display mode in almost all types of browsers. To return to normal windowed mode, press this key again.

How simple

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The Windows operating system is a complex multi-component structure, all the options of which are not known to all “advanced” PC and laptop users. These are all kinds of Easter eggs, jokes from the creators and, of course, hotkeys. The last one is probably the most useful and the most mysterious. Even programmers don't know all the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to control the entire operating system without using a mouse. However, in order to learn all the combinations, you need to train for more than one month, because there are a lot of them. It is worth noting right away that this is a long and difficult task. Not everyone has the patience to learn all the keys. Therefore, a very limited circle of the most persistent people know about the hidden capabilities of this operating system.

We will look at the most useful key combinations that can come in handy in everyday work. Having learned them, you will be able to amaze even “experienced” programmers with your speed of work.

Why do you need to know this?

First of all, you need it yourself. This knowledge will broaden your horizons and help you work on the computer faster and more productively. After all, many key combinations lead to functions that are deeply hidden in the depths of the Control Panel. Searching for them and clicking the mouse takes much longer than holding down a couple of keys. By the way, there is also a full-screen mode key in Windows. And we will talk about it, since this issue is of great interest to many users. In less than a month you will feel that controlling a PC or laptop using hot keys is much more convenient than using a mouse. This is why you need to know their combinations.

Opinion of "experts" about hot keys

Many computer "gurus" and pseudo-programmers deny the effectiveness of this method of managing the operating system. But this is only because they are terribly afraid to admit their incompetence in this matter. However, anyone who professionally processes photographs in Adobe Photoshop will not underestimate the effectiveness of hotkeys, because they increase productivity and speed up work.

Don't forget about those who love games. For them, playing in windowed mode is pure torture. Therefore, it is vital for them to learn key combinations that allow them to enable full-screen mode in the game without unnecessary hassles. However, most advanced users simply ignore operating system and program hotkeys, considering them a useless addition. They are fundamentally wrong. It's worth studying them. And this is what we will do now.

Full screen keys in various applications

Each program has its own hot keys. Including the keyboard shortcut to enter full screen mode. Needless to say, some programs do not support this very mode. For example, utilities such as Microsoft Office. They just don't need this regime. In the Daum PotPlayer, the full-screen mode key is Enter. In the Mozilla Firefox browser - Alt plus F12 buttons. But not all applications have similar parameters. Therefore, you should study the documentation for a particular program. They will show you how to make full-screen mode using keys.

It is worth noting that in some programs you can assign the desired combination to a particular action yourself. Such utilities include audio and video players, graphic editors, file managers, specialized video and some other products. It's quite convenient. Therefore, the developers provided users with this opportunity. For which honor and praise be given to them.

Full screen mode in games

Here, hotkeys will not help you set full-screen mode. You'll have to go to the graphics settings and check the appropriate box there. This is where things get a little tricky because these settings are in different places in different games. So you just have to search here. However, the vast majority of games have quite adequate Russian translations, so there shouldn’t be any problems with this. However, some novice users cannot even cope with this task. Then you should try to simply expand the game window to full screen. Enough for the first time. How to switch to full screen mode? The keyboard shortcut Alt plus F2 will expand the window to full screen. But this is not 100% full screen mode.

Full Screen Mode in Photoshop

This software product is intended for professional processing photographs, has many interesting features. Including full screen mode. The keys in Windows 8 (and in any other OS) are Shift plus F. This will expand the program to full screen with a menu bar on which the necessary tools will be located. However, the capabilities of this software product in this mode are very limited. To exit full screen mode, just press the Esc button. In general, a separate article could be written about keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. But this is not part of our plans now.

When working in Photoshop, you can't live without hotkeys. All professionals working in this field know this very well. Keyboard shortcuts significantly improve productivity. Indeed, it is easier to press the Ctrl-Alt-Z combination in order to roll back the changes made than to look for the “Back” tool. Other combinations are also effective. Although those who have specifically studied the techniques of working in Photoshop are already well aware of the wonderful properties of hot keys.

Full screen mode in Google Chrome browser

This internet browser is considered one of the best in terms of speed and performance. Millions of people use it. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the huge number of requests on the topic of how to make full-screen mode using keys in Chrome. People can be understood. Constantly going through the browser settings just to switch the view is a complete pain. So, in order to expand Chrome to full screen, just press the F11 button. Then the browser will appear before you in all its glory. To exit full screen mode, you need to press the same key again. Then the browser window will return to its normal form.

In general, Chrome has a huge number of hotkeys. It’s just that not everyone knows about them. For example, you can go to the previous page using Backspace buttons. To enable a particular add-on, you need to click Alt key and some number. Any addition will start. The main thing is to remember what number everything is on. And so on. Hotkeys unleash the full potential of this Internet browser. So it’s definitely worth studying them.

What if I have a laptop?

There may be some nuances here, because the laptop keyboard has a special function key that includes hot keys provided by the manufacturer. Therefore, key combinations for laptops may differ from those used on personal computers. However, keyboard shortcuts for laptops can be determined by eye. The fact is that each functional button has an inscription or image in a color different from the main one. That is, the image shows what will happen if you press this key in combination with a function key.

Thus, laptops look much more convenient in this regard, since they already have their own hotkey system. The user just needs to carefully study the device's keyboard and practice a little. After this, controlling the laptop using hot keys will seem as simple as using a mouse. You just need to make sure that these commands will not conflict with standard keyboard shortcuts in Windows. Otherwise, not a single command (neither “laptop” nor “system”) will work.


So, we understand which full-screen mode key is in the operating system"Windows" and in various software products. If everything is more or less clear with the system and there is at least some stability, then with utilities everything is not so simple. Each program has its own set of hotkeys. Therefore, the key combinations that enable full-screen mode can be completely different. There is only one way out: study the documentation that comes with the software product. You can, of course, try the “scientific poking method,” but nothing good will come of it. So stock up on the necessary literature and patience.

You can customize the look and feel of Windows in full screen mode.

To open full screen settings :

Selecting full screen mode

By default, when you switch Windows to full-screen mode, OS X's native full-screen mode is enabled. This means that Windows is placed in its own Spaces area, and when you hover over the top or bottom of the screen, the OS X menu bar or Dock respectively.

If you want to disable the appearance of the menu bar and Dock (for example, when playing games or while working with Windows applications in full screen mode), uncheck Use Mac OS X Full Screen Mode. In this case, Windows will run in Parallels full screen mode. In this mode, Windows does not have a separate Spaces pane, and the OS X menu bar and Dock do not appear when you hover over the top or bottom of the screen.

Selecting actions for the corners of the screen

Parallels' active screen corners allow you to exit full-screen mode and display the Mac OS X menu bar and Dock.

When Windows is running in Parallels Full Screen mode, the Parallels screen's active corners are automatically enabled. If you prefer OS X's native full-screen mode, but want to use Parallels's active screen corners instead of OS X's equivalent feature, select the option Active screen corners.

To assign an action to a corner of the screen, select the appropriate option from the corresponding drop-down list:

  • : Move the cursor over a corner (the corner should bend) and select an option Exit full screen mode will switch the VM to Window mode.
  • Show menu bar. When you hover over a corner, the Mac OS X menu bar appears.
  • Show Dock: When you hover over a corner, the Dock panel appears.

Note. If you're using Mac OS X Snow Leopard and you already have actions assigned to the corners of the screen in that OS, these settings will take effect over the active corners of the screen in full screen mode. To prevent this from happening, you need to disable hot corners in Mac OS X. More detailed information see Mac OS X Help.

Scaling a virtual machine window

Using the menu Scaling you can choose the method Windows display when working in full screen mode:

  • Off If you have Parallels Tools installed and Parallels Tools is not installed, the Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will appear on a black background. If more, scroll bars will appear in the Windows window.
  • Automatically. If you have Parallels Tools installed, the Windows resolution will be the same as the Mac resolution. If Parallels Tools is not installed, the Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will appear on a black background. If it is more, Windows will be displayed completely and without scroll bars.
  • Maintain proportions: Regardless of the presence of Parallels Tools, the Windows resolution will remain unchanged. If it is smaller than the Mac, Windows will appear on a black background. If it is more, Windows will be displayed completely and without scroll bars.
  • Stretch: Regardless of the presence of Parallels Tools, the Windows resolution will remain the same, but the Windows window will be stretched to fill the entire screen.

Adjusting the image on multiple monitors

If a second monitor is connected to your Mac computer, then by default, when you turn on full-screen mode, Windows is shown on the main monitor, and Mac OS X is shown on the secondary monitor.

You can choose which monitor you want to display Windows on by moving its window to the desired monitor and clicking the full screen icon.

To have Windows appear on all connected monitors, select the option Use all monitors.

How to Allow Windows to Change Display Gamma

If you use Windows to play video games, then Windows may need to temporarily change your Mac's display gamma settings in order to properly display various visual effects. To allow Windows to change gamma settings, select Allow Windows to change display gamma.

Note. To prevent changing full screen settings, click the lock icon at the bottom of the window. After this, you will need to specify the administrator password to make changes.

  • First, try expanding the window through the game settings. To do this, find two items in the menu: “Window mode” and “Window size”. First, check the first box and if the game does not start, set the parameters in “Window Size” to maximum. This will allow you and the program to compromise. Technically, the game will still run in windowed mode, but will now take up the entire screen space.
  • Change the screen size. Right-click on the desktop and select “Properties” in the pop-up window, and then move the slider down, selecting 800x600. This will increase not only the shortcuts on the desktop, but also the game itself.
  • Now try the keyboard shortcut. The standard combination in this case is “Alt” and “Enter”, but this combination may vary in different games. To find out what key combination this game needs, you should read the readme, ask on the game forum, or use the “Alt” and “Tab” combination. Sometimes it helps.
  • Check the game settings, it may be the problem. Right-click on the game shortcut and select “Properties”, then the “Object” field. If in address bar there is no windowed entry, that means everything is correct. If there is, delete it. This parameter launched the program in windowed mode.

For different video games, changing the graphics display settings is done differently. Most modern 3D graphics applications run on the entire monitor by default. Older 2D games may open in a window. They can be expanded to full size through the shortcut properties, changing Windows permissions or settings of the application itself.

Full screen mode in shortcut properties

This method is applicable for most older games that open in a separate window. To make it full screen, find the app shortcut. It is usually located on the desktop. If it is not there, use the search in the upper right corner Windows Explorer. You can also create a program icon through the context menu of the executable file.

Standard location path: “C:\Program Files\[name]”. Create a shortcut, right-click on it and go to the second tab.

In the “Window” drop-down list, three methods for launching the program will be available:

  1. Regular sizes;
  2. Collapsed into an icon;
  3. Expanded to full screen.

Select the last item and save the configuration by clicking the “OK” button.

Advice! In the future, launch using the created shortcut so that the program opens in full screen.

Setting startup options in the start menu

Some game programs have a start menu in which you can specify the launch configuration. As a rule, graphics parameters are set here, as well as the control method (keyboard or joystick). In addition, in the initial menu you can reassign control keys. Go to the graphic properties tab. If there is a “Fullscreen” or “Full screen” item, check it.

Advice! If the "Windowed" or "Run in Window" setting is available instead of activating full screen mode, clear this checkbox. The game will open on the entire monitor.

Change the system-wide resolution

Some games do not have a built-in full-screen mode. Difficulties may also arise with older programs that have a limited maximum number of horizontal and vertical points. In this case, changing the Windows resolution helps. When it is reduced, all interface elements become larger.

Selecting the same resolution as the maximum size of the game window will allow it to run on the entire monitor. To change this property, right-click on the desktop. Pressing must be done on free space, not on icons. To open the desired menu, select the “Screen resolution” line.

From the drop-down list marked in the screenshot, select the required value. For the game to open in full screen, the resolution must match the size of the window in which the application is running. To clarify them, create a picture using the keyboard shortcut “Alt + PrintScreen”, and then paste the picture into Paint. The dimensions will be displayed at the bottom of the utility.

Important! By reducing the number of dots on the monitor, the size of all interface components will increase. For comfortable work on the computer, return to the previous settings after finishing the game.

Tutorial video: How to make the game fill the entire monitor screen

Full screen mode in graphics settings

New games allow you to change the display through their interface. Typically this is done in the graphics configuration. For example, when using Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, go to Options -> Video Settings. In the “Display Mode” line, select “Fullscreen” to maximize the window to fill the entire monitor.