How to make tabs in mastic. How to install visual bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox browser

All modern browsers have the ability to add visual bookmarks for quick access to your favorite and frequently visited sites. Mozilla Firefox does not natively have built-in visual bookmarks, for example, like Chrome or Opera. So what are firefox visual bookmarks, how do you set them up? This article will describe instructions for setting up bookmarks. Using our tips you will make your work with Mozilla convenient and easy.

Visual bookmarks are a service for users of all existing browsers to provide instant access to sites.

Setting up visual bookmarks in Firefox

As mentioned above, there is no automatic visual bookmarking function in Mozilla. To do this, you need to connect them using add-ons that you can easily download. The most famous add-on for Firefox is Yandex.Bar. But there are other add-ons: Fast Dial, Sugestron Speed ​​Dial, Speed ​​Dial.

So, to set up visual bookmarks in Mozilla, consider the Speed ​​Dial add-on. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Open your browser, go to “Tools” and select “Add-ons”. Next, click search for add-ons and enter “speed dial” in the search bar.
  • After the add-on is found, click the “add to Firefox” button (after clicking, a warning window will appear, don’t be afraid and click “install”).
  • After installing the add-on, you need to restart the browser. After the reboot, the installed add-on needs to be configured. The setup is done as follows: “Tools – Add-ons – Extensions”. At this point, click on the add-on you installed and select “Settings”.
  • The Action menu appears. In this menu you can manage the add-on (for example, you can add downloads of add-ons, create groups of visual bookmarks and other functions).
  • Select "Settings". Thanks to this menu, you can create groups of tabs, sort them by name, and also set the time for constant updating of tabs and downloading add-ons. To save everything, select the functions you have selected and click OK.

Now your browser has become more comfortable and faster in operation.

Thanks to visual bookmarks, users can easily and quickly move from one web page to another without having to keep their addresses in mind. When you open the second tab of your web browser, you will most likely be shown mini-thumbnails of the most visited Internet pages and the Yandex search bar.

Particularly frequently viewed pages are automatically moved to the top of the list, but you can fix your favorite pages yourself by clicking on the icon on the mini-thumbnail, and it will be saved in this place without running anywhere. To do this, you need to click on an empty cell, a window will open for you to enter the site address and below your site name. Hit enter and you're done.

If you want to delete a bookmark, move your mouse over its preview (then a cross will appear), click on the cross in the right corner and the bookmark will be deleted.
You can also drag it to any place, even when it is already occupied, by holding it with the left mouse button.

Mozilla Firefox visual bookmarks are missing?

This can happen in any browser (for example, Mozilla Firefox), and further here we talk about their complete recovery.

The most obvious reason for visual bookmarks to disappear in Mozilla Firefox may be due to a specific plugin stopping working. Those. bookmark plugin disabled

This can happen due to system failures or virus programs. Or maybe the second computer user changed something in the settings - out of ignorance, or maybe intentionally(?).

To restore the correct operation of the application and return missing visual bookmarks, you need to perform the following simple steps:

If for some reason something does not work out, then there are several other solutions to the problem. First of all, it would be a good idea to install the latest version of the browser; it is also possible to update it. Click settings and select the icon with a question mark (Help) in the context menu.

In the help window, click “O Firefox”

If visual bookmarks suddenly disappear in Mozilla, it is quite possible that nothing terrible happened to the program - just a settings failure. I would say that all the settings in the program can be adjusted at your own discretion. It just depends on your taste.

Unlike other browser programs, Mozilla has a number of unique features, the lack of built-in visual bookmarks is one of them. You must install the appropriate extension to use it. It should also be noted that such an addition can automatically change your browser start page. The number of windows can be changed directly by delving into the settings, so you can more easily find the necessary information without unnecessary problems.

Something about old proven options.

The standard capabilities of the browser are not enough for everyone, and third-party developers come to help users. Let's look at popular visual bookmarking plugins for Mozilla Firefox.

Yandex elements

Yandex visual bookmarks are easy to use and integrate with your account on the service. The main advantage is synchronization with mobile devices on which Yandex.Browser is installed.


Automatic addition of the most visited sites.
Access menu items directly from the main page: history, bookmarks and recently visited web services.
Adjust the number of tabs displayed in the main window.
Universal and unobtrusive themes, with the choice of your own background.
Integrated search bar.
Synchronization with the server and on mobile devices.
Access to your account on Yandex services.


The only drawback is a small window at the bottom of the screen, which will periodically prompt you to set Yandex as your home page.


The Motix visual bookmarking service is unique in its kind, as it allows you to use its capabilities and save your favorite sites on almost any device. The main requirement is a browser that supports HTML5 technology.
You can fully use the service through the main website or using an add-on for Firefox.

Advantages of visual bookmarks

Integration into the browser context menu.
Ability to add personal categories and sites.
Turn off visual effects if you are using a weak PC.
Built-in multi-search bar with choice of search engine.
Automatic adjustment to screen width.
Works on all devices and browsers, including Mozilla Firefox for smartphones.
Automatic loading of website images.


Inaccessibility of visual bookmarks in cases where the servers cannot withstand the load.
It is impossible to fine-tune the appearance.
Despite these disadvantages, is the most famous multi-platform service in its category.


Another multi-platform add-on that is popular among Mozilla Firefox users. The service is free and is distributed in the form of browser add-ons (for PCs) and a separate application for devices running Android OS and Windows Phone.

The appearance of visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox is made in a minimalist style, and in the settings you can change the background image and the number of columns for previewing the web service.


Stability of the service.
Favorite sites are added manually and through the context menu.
Minimum load on the computer.
Works on computers and mobile devices.


The main drawback is the meager number of adjustable parameters, but if you need constant access to your favorite resources, your choice is Top Sites.


One of the most popular additions in the category is Onlinezakladki. Despite the simple name, the add-on is flexible in customization and individualization - from standard changing the background image to uploading your own images for website previews.

Advantages of the Onlinezakladki add-on

Fine-tune the appearance (background image, preview image, color and transparency of the search bar, number of sites and desktops, etc.).
Synchronization on different computers.
Access to the service via the web interface.
Multi-search bar with the most common search engines.


There are two versions of the project, which in the future will become a single whole, but for now these are just words from the developers.
Due to the large number of visual effects, it causes a heavy load on weak computers.
Visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox make it easy to personalize your favorite browser and access sites in one click.

Immediately after opening, it presents the user with a page on which all available visual bookmarks are stored. Due to failures or incorrect installation, the application may not have such a page; in the article we provide a list of recommended measures that will help display visual bookmarks in any browser installed on the computer. Don’t neglect the convenience that a list with links to the most frequently visited sites can provide. As practice shows, bookmarks significantly save time searching for the desired resource, optimizing the user’s experience on the Internet.

Mozilla Firefox web browser

There are two ways to make visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox.

To configure tabs in the first way, you need to remember the features of this browser; in Firefox, the system settings stored by default will include on the home page those visual bookmarks that are links to sites visited the last time you used the application.

In order for the user to personally check the information that is currently on the home page, it is necessary to find the “Settings” subcategory in the browser program menu. Among other options, selecting the “Basic” section will help you adjust the work of Firefox in accordance with your personal preferences. In one of the drop-down menu items called “When Firefox starts,” you should select the command “Show windows and tabs opened last time.” Then in the field that is located opposite the home page address, you need to delete all the data so that it remains empty. The above manipulations will allow Firefox to set its page first, in other words, display visual bookmarks as the first loaded page. As a result, you will only need to save the created changes.

To create visual bookmarks for Mozilla Firefox in the second way, you will have to resort to the help of one of the most popular Yandex services.

One of the most famous and popular search engines among users, Yandex, allows anyone to install a specific add-on that allows detailed customization of visual bookmarks, while simultaneously increasing their quantitative volume.

After the user downloads the corresponding program, it will need to be installed, allowing the web browser to add an add-on. The application to install requires restarting Firefox.

Working in the Google Chrome web browser

Visual bookmarks that appear in the Chrome browser can only be edited when the “Quick Access Page” is enabled as the home page. You can configure it through the “Settings” category, which is located in the main menu of the program. When setting the parameters of the “Initial group”, you need to check the box next to the “Quick access page” section.

After the next opening, Google Chrome will display visual bookmarks of the pages that the user visited during his last time on the Internet.

Today you can find more advanced visual bookmarks for Google Chrome. You can install them using a specialized extension. To do this, you need to find the “Extensions” section in the system settings; if it turns out to be empty, you will have to check the gallery. Among other extensions, visual bookmarks for Google Chrome will help you install the found “speed dial”. This extension will appear in your web browser immediately after you click Install. This procedure will allow you to add your favorite resources to your home page in a way that is more convenient for the PC owner.

Opera browser

It should be noted that in earlier versions the user had to manually configure visual bookmarks, while the latest versions of the program have them by default.

To add a list of preferred web resources, enter the main menu by clicking on the “Opera” button and select the “Preferences” category in the “Settings” settings of your web browser. The same manipulation can be performed by simultaneously pressing the CTRL+F12 keys. Then, in the “General” category, find the “Startup” section. In the start page settings, you must select the “Start with Speed ​​Dial” command. This will allow you to display visual bookmarks. The created changes should be saved using the “Ok” button.

Standard web browser Internet Explorer

Despite the fact that this particular web browser was one of the first to be created, the speed of its development today leaves much to be desired. Unlike typical applications, it improves too slowly; even in versions 8 and 9, Internet Explorer did not have automatically configured visual bookmarks that functioned by default. You could set up the home page using the second method, used in Mozilla (Mozilla Firefox).

In other words, the program could be supplemented exclusively by third-party Yandex extensions. The user must go to the search engine page using Internet Explorer, find the appropriate extension and install it to further display tabs.

Working in Yandex Browser

Making visual bookmarks for Yandex Browser is very simple; all you need to do is open the application. The Yandex web browser provides the user with the opportunity to begin setting up tabs immediately after installing the program.

So, having visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser by default, you can open a new tab by clicking on the “+” icon located on the right side, next to the last open tab. This manipulation can be done by simultaneously pressing the “CTRL+N” buttons.

For the first time, the list opened on the screen will display the sites that the user visited during his last visit to the global network. You can add new web resources by clicking on the “Add site” command located on the right side.

Visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser can be configured by manually entering the electronic name of the corresponding site, or by copying the contents of the address bar. After clicking on the search result, the important resource will automatically appear in the list.

The advantage of Yandex.Browser is that the user can change electronic web resources in places by dragging them at his discretion using the mouse, delete unnecessary sites and pin the necessary ones. Equipped with a button and a cross, the tab helps you pin (install in a specific location) and remove an unnecessary site from the list of bookmarks. You can confirm the changes made by clicking on the “Done” button.

Among other things, visual bookmarks for the Yandex browser can be more optimal and functional; this effect can be achieved by installing a specialized extension.


Modern web browsers allow the user to customize applications in accordance with the personal preferences of the PC owner. The user can remove and add visual tabs, making working at the computer more convenient.