How to download an archive from Google Drive. Direct link to download the file from Google Drive. Uploading files and folders

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Download Google Drive to your computer

How to download Google Drive for PC?

To do this, go to your Gmail and click on the appropriate link at the top:

Gmail: go to Google Drive

Well, there everything is also clear:

Download Google program drive to your PC

The program downloads quickly, if everything went well, the following window will pop up:

Downloaded Google Drive

Click “Login” and enter your Gmail account information.

Next to go easy installation and sync Google Drive with a folder on your PC. In the 2nd step, you can click “Advanced settings” and configure some things. For example, change the folder that will be synchronized, and also uncheck (or leave) "Start Google Drive automatically when you turn on your computer".

After all the minor settings, click "Synchronize". If no files were downloaded to this disk, then synchronization will occur instantly. indicator running program Google drive serves new icon in the tray (bottom right):

Google drive icon

When loading files to disk, this icon flickers a little.

Now let's look at what you can do using the Google Drive program.

Google drive program - its features

To be honest, there are no special features. Moreover, the most important (in my opinion) function is missing, for which these cloud programs are needed: the ability to upload a file to a synchronized folder, receive a link and give it to anyone.

Of course, you can upload file(s) to this folder, but you cannot quickly get a link to them, as, for example, in Yandex.Disk. In it you can simply right-click on the file and get the so-called. public link— it can already be given to people for downloading.

More details about Yandex.Disk:

  • (if you're tired of it).

Opening the web interface

and there you have to tinker a little to get links.

This is the second time I’ve posted this video about this service, but, as they say, “neither add nor add”:

Download Google Drive for PC and get links

As you can see, the usual procedure for obtaining links to files is somewhat difficult here. Unlike Yandex (where the link to the .mp3 file opens the online player), music format files cannot be listened to online.

But you can watch an online video - a player starts up that looks very similar to the player from Youtube and, moreover, You can get a code to embed this video on your website. Yandex doesn’t have this (yet)

But good old Dropbox has a lot:

Unfortunately, Google drive does not provide direct links to files (like the Yandex service), which, again, can be “compensated” with this:

In addition, the video files are not located on the server on which the site is located, so there is no need to waste time transferring additional files.

Is it possible to increase the size of Google Drive?

Yes, but only for a fee. Quite a strange approach. All competitors offer to at least slightly increase space by inviting new users via a special link. There is no such thing here:

Expanding storage space in Google drive

Perhaps because Google focuses its service on large business clients, for whom it is easier to immediately pay for free space or something else... In the meantime, 5 GB is available free space.

Deleting files from Google Drive folder

If you delete files from a folder on your PC, they will all go to the “Trash” - you can view it in the browser and there you can restore the files or delete them forever. Everything is the same as with other cloud services.

Greetings, friends! Cloud storage is very popular now. Their main purpose is to store and access information from any device at any time, as well as the ability to share this information (documents, photographs, and other files) with other people. In addition, popular cloud services provide a number of other useful functions for users – creating and working with documents online, sharing, etc.

On my blog I have already posted instructions on two large cloud services - and. And I dedicate today’s article to one more thing - Google Drive y ( Google Drive). Until recently, I didn’t use it so actively - I mainly relied on Yandex.Disk. But, due to recent events, I started thinking about backup options.

I suggest you understand the interface and main functions of Google Drive. Let's talk about how to use it - upload and provide access to files and folders, perform other actions on files, work with documents and applications online.

If you prefer video format, then you can view my detailed tutorial below:

How to log into Google Drive?

The disk is linked to your Google account, and to get inside the cloud, you need to log in to your account - enter your login (gmail) and password.

You can access Drive from this page

Or go from mail by clicking on the “Google Apps” icon at the top right.

How much disk space?

15 GB are provided for free. This space is divided into files on the disk itself, files and letters in Gmail, as well as Google Photos. By the way, the latter automatically includes images that you upload to posts in social network Google plus. You can remove them from Google Photos so that they don’t take up space, but they remain in your posts.

If you need more space, it can be purchased for money. There are a few tariff plans with monthly or annual payment up to 30 TB of memory.

You can also have several Google accounts and each will have its own disk with free space.

Cloud storage interface

Let's go over the main sections, buttons and Google settings Disk.

Via the “Create” button in the upper left corner you can upload files and folders from your computer to your disk. And also create folders and documents directly in the cloud. You can create text documents, tables, presentations with slides, Google Forms (for surveys, questionnaires, recording Skype consultations), drawings, maps and websites.

Below this button is panel with the main Disk partitions.

In the "My Drive" section contains all files and folders uploaded to the cloud, as well as documents and folders that you created in the cloud.

By selecting a particular file/folder with the mouse, you can perform various actions on it; I’ll talk about this later. To select several files at once, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on the desired files.

The display of files on Disk can be sorted by name, by date of modification, by date of viewing.

In the "Available to me" section files from Google Drives of other users to which you have access are displayed - for example, you followed a link to this file, or you were sent an invitation with access. To open a file, double-click on it.

In the "Recent" section– files that you have recently worked with (opened, downloaded, edited, etc.) are displayed.

Google Photos section– This is where the images you've uploaded to the Google Photos app appear. Also, pictures uploaded to posts on Google Plus are automatically saved here. You can get into the application itself by clicking on the Google applications icon from disk, mail, home page Google Chrome browser.

In the application settings, you can put a useful checkbox so that photos and videos do not take up extra space in storage.

To do this, go to Google Photos, click on the three vertical bars at the top left, go to settings.

And check the appropriate box:

"Tagged" section– files and folders that you mark as important to you go here. Marking is very simple - select the file, right-click, and select “Add mark” from the list that opens. To remove a file from “Marked”, right-click again and select “Unmark”.

Basket- it contains files that you delete from your Google Drive. The Recycle Bin can be emptied, then the files are permanently deleted. You can also restore any file from the Recycle Bin by selecting it with the mouse and clicking “Recover from Recycle Bin”.

There are several more useful icons in the upper right corner of Google Drive.

You can configure the display of files in the cloud as a list or grid. By clicking on the letter “i” in the circle, you can view the history of your actions on the disk, as well as the properties of any file by selecting it with the mouse. Clicking on the gear will open an additional list of tabs.

In the “Settings” tab:

You can change the interface language.
Enable offline access (saving Google documents to your computer to work with them without an Internet connection). On this issue, you can read the separate instructions.
Disable automatic download photos from Google Photos to a folder on disk.
Choose an interface option – spacious, regular or compact.

There are also alert settings.

And the ability to connect different Google apps to your disk.

Clicking on the tab “Install disk on computer”, you can download the application for PC, as well as for smartphones on Android or iPhone. Here, keep in mind that the PC application is synchronized with the online cloud and all files end up on your computer, taking up space. Since this does not suit me, I prefer to use only the web interface. The only advantage of synchronization is the ability to quickly send a file big size to the cloud or save all files from the cloud to your computer at once, and then disable synchronization.

Actions on files and folders in Google Drive

To upload files and folders from your computer to the cloud The "Create" button is used. You click on it and select the corresponding menu item - a window for selecting files on your computer will open. To select multiple files at once, hold down the Ctrl key.

When the file is selected, click on the “Open” button, and it will begin downloading to Disk. Information about the process will appear in the lower right corner.

An alternative download option is to minimize the Google Drive tab to a smaller window and drag files from your computer to the “My Drive” section with your mouse.

You can do a number of things with files, folders, and documents on the drive. To do this, select with the mouse required file(or several) and right-click. A list of available actions appears. The same actions are duplicated on the panel above.

The contents of the file can be viewed by clicking " Preview" If you want to edit the document, then select "Open with". The drive will offer you an application through which you can open the file.

To open the contents of a folder– click on it 2 times. You can perform all the same actions on files and documents in a folder.

You can give access to any file, folder or document on the disk to another person. To set up sharing, click on the corresponding menu item.

In the window that opens, you need to enter the gmail email of the person to whom you want to give access. Click on the pencil icon to indicate the access type. This can be commenting, viewing and editing.

If you have granted commenting or viewing access, you can prevent the user from downloading, copying, or printing the file. Just tick the boxes you need. Don't forget to save your changes.

Then click "Submit". The user will receive a letter informing them that you have granted them access to the files. He will see this file on his disk in the “Available to me” section.

To block access, you again need to right-click on this file, select “Sharing”. In the window that opens, click on the user name.

Access is denied, the user will see this message:

You can also configure access settings. The default is view. Also, using the link, the user will be able to download the file or save it to his disk. You can also enable commenting or editing.

If you click “More”, you will see other settings. For example, you can enable access for absolutely any user on the Internet, that is, the file will be available through search. Or disable access via a link and send an invitation for shared access to a specific user via email (we discussed this process above).

The next point of action on files is "Move". It can be used to move files into folders. This is convenient if you have a lot of files and want to organize them. You can also move files by dragging them with the mouse.

Creating folders on disk is easy. Click on the “Create” – “New Folder” button.

By the way, you can change the color of the folders.

Paragraph "Add a note" useful if you want to add favorite files to the Starred section for quick access to them.

Paragraph "Rename" will allow you to change the name of a file or folder.

Paragraph "Show properties"– to view the properties of a file and the history of actions on it.

Paragraph "Versions"– it is available for those files that you upload to Disk.

Let's say you downloaded an archive of materials from your computer and shared a link to it with subscribers. Then you needed to make edits to this archive, you downloaded it to your computer again and edited it. Then we re-uploaded it to Disk with the same name so that the link to the archive did not change. By the way, when downloading again, you can choose how to save this file - separately (the link to it will change), or as new version, which will replace the previous one.

However, the previous version will not be deleted immediately (by default, it is saved on disk for another 30 days). But, you can delete it manually or check the box to previous versions were not deleted. This is done precisely through this “Versions” item.

The remaining actions on the files: create a copy, download it to your computer and delete it in the trash. By the way, to delete a file in the trash, you can drag it with the mouse to this section on Google Drive.

So, we figured out the main points of the Google Drive web interface. Now a few words how to download to your computer or save to disk a file that was shared with you via a link from another Google Drive.

If you followed the link and are logged in to your Google account, then you will see a Google Drive icon at the top, by clicking on which you can save this file to your disk. Nearby there is an arrow for downloading the file to your computer.

Well, I hope my Google Drive instructions will help you navigate the settings and functionality of this cloud service. Well, if you still have questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

Remote data storage in the virtual Google cloud is undoubtedly a very effective auxiliary method for any modern user who daily has to deal with a large number of files and various types data. At the same time, it is desirable that they can be accessed from anywhere, without being tied to your home or work computer.

Thus, having created a convenient and multifunctional program Google Drive (Google drive for computer), a well-known development company has pleased the vast majority of its regular users and clients with the opportunity to transfer a huge number of their files from hard drives and removable media to a more practical and reliable platform - the Google cloud, freeing up a decent amount of free space on their “machines” for other important needs.

Using Google Drive cloud storage, you can access your personal data archive at any time via desktop computer, tablet, mobile phone or a laptop, provided the Internet is connected (if you need to constantly synchronize data with the cloud). Otherwise, such information may be stored on local computer until it goes online, after which user files will be synchronized with cloud storage.

Thus, in any life situation, you will not remain cut off from files that are extremely important to you, no matter where you are: at home, at work, in a cafe with friends or standing in a traffic jam in your own car.

It is important to know that files that are in the cloud you can "share", giving another user access to edit or read. This will allow you to work collectively on common projects by uploading data to the repository. This approach makes cloud service Google Drive is even more useful and important for the common cause (for example, for business partners, work colleagues, or just for home users who like to share their ideas with friends, giving them access to their data).

How to use the service?

There are 2 options which will help you fully and freely use storage on your personal PC(suitable for Mac and PC):
  1. just follow the link (provided that you have already registered Google mail, then you can use the storage space of 15 GB for free) and work with files through an Internet browser. You will be able to create and edit files in such common formats as .doc, .xls, .txt (more than 30 file types are supported) and be able to edit them directly from the browser. The editor's interface will resemble good old Word, Excel (depending on the type of file being edited). Additionally, users will be able to view and PDF documents, as well as many other common file types that are supported by the web version of Google Cloud.
  2. the second option involves using special program for PC. For this it is necessary download the Google Drive program for your computer from our website(link at the bottom of the article) or from the official resource (the method is shown in the screenshot below), then perform it standard installation in your operating system. As a result of the installation, you will be asked to log in to Google Drive, after which you can start working with the cloud (upload and download different files, share access, etc.).

And although local program may seem more familiar and convenient compared to the web interface, many users often resort to working with the cloud through a browser. So you can double-check your future presentation for a business project or study, create a new schedule business meetings for work, correct errors in the table and the like.

At the same time, many users will notice that the tools offered for working with files are very reminiscent of Google Docs, which greatly facilitates the task for those who do not want or are not able to install it on their PC necessary software, but wants to do everything remotely using available tools from Google.

If you suddenly need previous version document with which you have worked previously, then, by analogy with the popular Dropbox, Google Drive saves all versions of the modified file for 30 days. Quite a useful and practical function for those who often make changes to documents.

However, for most tasks and more convenient interaction with cloud storage it is preferable to use the official one free program Google Drive for computer. In this case, the time it will take to study it will be limited to a couple of minutes, and any PC user can figure it out.

After installing it, the necessary information will appear on your computer. system folder Google Drive, which will always automatically synchronize with the cloud service.

Separately, it is worth noting that if the allocated 15 GB of disk space is not enough for you, then there is a paid version of Google Drive called Google Drive for Work, which has more advanced tools for work and expanded functionality aimed at increasing security when working with the cloud. However, for most users there is enough basic capabilities free version storage facilities.

IN modern world The importance of fast and convenient exchange of information cannot be overestimated. Google Drive greatly simplifies our lives by allowing us to upload documents of any type, easily view them and just as easily edit them, as well as share different levels other users. Today we’ll figure out how to upload a file to Google Drive.

Adding files from your phone

Google provides access to files not only in the browser personal computer, but also through personal smartphones and tablets. You can upload files from both iOS and Android phones. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Depending on the device platform, open either Play Market, or App Store.
  1. Enter in search bar query “Google Drive” and click on the result found.
  1. Click the "Download" or "Install" button.
  1. In any suitable application, open the selected file, then click “Send”.
  1. From context menu select Google Drive.

Ability to add files via mobile device Makes it easy to manage your documents without making multiple copies. When editing files on a computer, tablet or phone, the changes will be available from all devices: using storage provides access to the current version.

For many users, it is easier to structure and edit information using a personal computer. You can do this in two ways: using any browser or through the Google Drive folder.

Via browser

To upload videos, photos, contacts or any other file through the browser, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the vault after logging into your account.

When using updated Chrome versions and Firefox makes everything even easier: you just need to “drag and drop” files onto the open loading page in the browser.

Be careful: if you upload a file with the same name as one already stored, only the updated version will be saved. Old versions, however, will also be available: in order to open them, just go to “Version Management”.

As soon as the download completion notification appears on the screen, the files will be ready to work from any device on which the client for accessing Google Drive is downloaded.

Via Google Drive folder

It is common to edit text or graphic files have to be on a computer, while it is more convenient to store them on Google Drive. It exists for this purpose free application Startup and Sync: It is designed for both Mac and Windows computers. The same program will help you if there is a need to synchronize a large amount of information.

When you remove the application from your PC, the current versions of the files will remain available in the browser. Once the client is installed, a Google Drive folder will appear on your desktop. Also, during installation, you can select any folder located on your PC - it will also be synchronized. Everything you transfer to it will be automatically synchronized with the cloud and every device that has the Drive application.

Installing the application on a PC is discussed in more detail in the next paragraph, but now let’s tell you briefly:

  1. On the download page, click “Download”.
  2. After downloading, go to the “Downloads” folder on your computer and run the file.
  3. Wait until everything you need to install the program is downloaded from the Internet.
  4. Then you need to log in, specify the necessary settings and select, in the second step: which folders on the computer to synchronize, and in the third: what you want to synchronize from Disk with the computer.

After successfully installing the client, you will need to do the following: simple steps, to add necessary information to cloud storage:

  1. Select the required documents.
  2. Add them to the Drive folder.

Now the selected documents will be available on all devices connected to Google Drive. It may happen that while transferring files, the Internet signal suddenly weakens or disappears. There is no need to worry: the program will automatically continue transferring information as soon as the connection is restored.

The Startup and Sync application, in addition to making it much easier to work with documents on your computer, has another important advantage: the ability to upload an unlimited number of photos and videos. The program will provide access to pictures that capture important moments of your life from any device.

To do this you need:

  1. Download and install the “Startup and Sync” add-on.
  1. Launch the client and log in to your Google account.
  1. Select the type of documents to be uploaded: photos with videos, or other files.
  1. Select the folders from which you want to transfer photos or videos.
  1. Select the appropriate size (and it is important to indicate “ High quality"to upload an unlimited number of photo and video materials).
  1. Click the “Start” button.

After installing the application, the question of how to upload photos to Google Drive will completely disappear: now synchronization will be instant. When you add pictures to the folders on your computer that you specified in step 4, they will automatically be uploaded to the cloud.


Significant advantage cloud storage– the ability to make edits to texts so that they are accessible from a phone, tablet and computer at the same time. You can edit documents in two ways: through a browser and on the computer itself.

Via browser

  1. Right-click on the document and open the “Version Control” section.
  1. Select "Download new version".
  1. Then, in the window that opens, find the desired document on your PC, select it and click “Open”.

These simple manipulations will allow you to store all drafts in one document for a month, which will greatly facilitate working with versions.

On the computer

If you need to make changes to the information, just go to the Drive folder and open required document on your personal computer.

When changes are made, current version will be synchronized with the cloud without additional actions. The latest amendments will continue to be available on all devices.

Deleting documents

When you delete a document on one of the devices, it will be deleted from the cloud. However, if an error is detected, it is still possible to restore the information. Deleted Documents are not completely erased, but first go into the trash bin. They are available for recovery until you delete them again using your browser.