How to delete an unread message in a contact. Is it possible to delete a VKontakte message until it has been read, find out how. If my message is forwarded, will the copy be deleted?

Live communication is gradually being replaced by correspondence in social networks, instant messengers and e-mail. But, as for conversation, the proverb "The word is not a sparrow ..." and further in context is relevant for correspondence. One thoughtlessly sent message gives rise to hope - or maybe a sparrow can still be caught? Let's figure out how to delete a message in VK so that it is not read, and whether this can be done in principle.

Is it possible to delete a sent message VKontakte

By removing the extra preface, you can immediately answer - yes, you can. But there are some nuances. You can delete a letter in a new VK if:

  • it was sent less than 24 hours ago;
  • there is access to the account not through the application;
  • the interlocutor has not yet had time to open it.

To remove an unwanted message for viewing, you need to go to the social network through any browser. The official application does not yet allow users to hide the message from the recipient's eyes if it has not yet been seen. But probably given function added to new version VC.

How to delete a message: step by step guide

If you are the creator, then you can erase the letter both from yourself and from the interlocutor, both in full and in mobile version site. Therefore, the first thing to do is to log into your account from a PC or phone and find a message that needs to be hidden from the recipient.

  1. In a conversation, select a message by pressing the left mouse button. You can select not one, but several at once.

If the desired letter is difficult to find in the lists of conversations, you can speed up the process by finding the recipient in the friends to whom the message was sent. Then you should open the page and click "Write a message." You don't have to write anything in the window that appears. Here we simply click "Go to the dialogue" (the button in the upper right corner).

  1. Click the delete button at the top of the page (the icon in the form of a basket).

  1. In the window that appears, put a tick in front of the inscription "Delete for all".

  1. It remains only to confirm the action. Now the letters will be deleted from both user pages.

After that, you can be completely sure that the addressee will not receive a letter, even one that has not been sent. Of course, if the sender does not want to restore it and send it again.

In the future, when you need to delete SMS again from both yourself and your interlocutor, the "Delete for all" checkbox will automatically be in the required field.

What to do if the confirmation window does not appear

Looking at step by step instructions, the whole process looks quite primitive and simple. But sometimes users have problems, namely, the window for confirming the action simply does not appear. There are two reasons for this phenomenon:

  • the interlocutor has already read the message;
  • More than 24 hours have passed since it was sent.

If this is true, then after clicking on the cart, the user will see the following:

In such a situation, it will not work to hide the text from the eyes of the interlocutor, since the Contact offers to immediately restore the deleted message.

The same goes for editing. This function is available to users of the social network, for example, to correct a typo. Moreover, you can also change the text of the message only within 24 hours after sending. The only difference is that you can edit both read and unread messages.

Therefore, if the desire to get rid of the letter to the interlocutor is associated with the fear of being convicted of illiteracy, you can edit it, citing a typo.

Summing up

Until a recent update to the VKontakte interface, it was possible to delete messages using interesting expansion vkopt. This is a tool that had ample opportunities for management personal pages and accounts for promoting communities, which is why it was often mentioned in video instructions. But due to frequent updates, it has lost most of its useful features.

Now all users can only change a little appearance social network displayed on their computer. There is one more - the most reliable way- Hide unwanted email so that no one sees it. It consists in not sending it at all. And for this you need to think carefully before creating a message, re-read it before sending, and only then click on the appropriate button. Trite, but it works.

Video instruction

The video that you will find below duplicates the process described above.

So, today we will talk with you about what possibilities are there for a sent message? Can it be done? Why is it necessary? All this will now be discussed. So it is worth starting the "debriefing" as soon as possible.


Well, where should we start? Probably, before talking about what can be done in "Contact", how to delete a sent message, we need to clearly understand with you in which direction to lead the conversation. The point is that there are only two pretty interesting moments related to our topic.

The first one is just removing old correspondence. As a rule, this option does not often concern users, and also does not take much of their time and effort. In other words, we will think about how to delete the history in your profile. The second one is more interesting. Quite often, users are interested in how you can "cancel" the sent message to the interlocutor. So when you decide what exactly you are thinking about, you can start thinking. We'll take a look at both options.


Let's start with the fact that we turn to the first option. So, you have been sitting in "Contact" for a long time. How to delete a sent message from your correspondence with the interlocutor? In fact, this question now will not take too much time and effort even from a novice user.

First of all, go to the social networking site and log in. Now go to "Dialogues" and select the correspondence that you want to "clean up". Next, you need to find the phrase you want to send the message? Very simple. Click on it and a selection will appear. Now look at the panel above. There you should find the "Delete" button. Click on it. That's all there is to it. The message will disappear from your account, but the interlocutor will still have it. Until he starts getting rid of old conversations in Contact. How to delete a sent message quickly and in bulk? Let's see.

Total cleaning

Now we will clean up our accumulated dialogues on the social network. Quite often, users forget about putting things in order in this section, which can lead to a long loading of the page, as well as minor crashes. In fact, if you want to delete messages in the "Contact" quickly and without any strain, then you will certainly succeed.

First, go to the "Dialogues". Now think carefully about which conversation needs to be removed. Here you will have two options for the development of events. Let's take a look at each of them. The first method to help you get rid of old messages is to use each "dialogue" directly. Just click on it in "Contact". How to delete a sent message (namely correspondence)? To do this, select "actions" in the panel above the dialog, and then click on All messages (both yours and the other person) will disappear from your profile.

But there is another rather interesting method. Go to "Dialogues", and then hover over the upper right corner of the "conversation". You will see a cross there. If you click on it, then you will get a message warning about the complete clearing of the dialogue with the user. If you agree to this, the conversation will disappear. Nothing complicated.

How to cancel

True, recently there is another popular "trick" in "Contact". "How to delete a sent message, that is, cancel it?" - this is a question that worries many users very much.

On the Internet you can find many services offering to perform this action. You will have to pay a fee for rendering actions, then say your username and password, and then wait for the result. As a rule, such offers are just a scam to help steal the profiles of honest users. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in "Contact" you cannot cancel sent messages in any way. Be careful.

The long-awaited feature is finally available on Vkontakte. Now we can edit and delete messages. As for the change - we have already dealt with this (see). Now let's learn delete sent messages in VK.

Are there any restrictions

Sent messages are available for deletion and editing no later than 24 hours after they were sent. All messages that are older than one day will be deleted, as before - only from your correspondence. The interlocutor will keep a copy.

How to delete a sent Vkontakte message

Go to your page, find and open a dialogue with the user you are interested in. Find the desired message, and click on it with the mouse cursor. It will be highlighted, and an additional menu will appear in the upper part of the window. Here we click on the icon in the form of a basket.

An additional window will appear asking you to confirm the operation. Be sure to check the "Delete for all" checkbox, otherwise a copy of the message will remain with the interlocutor. Next, click the "Delete" button.

After that, the message will completely disappear from your correspondence. You can check - ask the person with whom you are corresponding. I guarantee it will confirm the deletion.

What about old correspondence?

If you try to delete old messages, the already familiar function will work (see).

Select the desired text, delete. The interlocutor will keep a copy. In the meantime, do not refresh the page - you can restore.

Therefore, if you mistakenly sent information that the interlocutor should not have seen, remove it within 24 hours.


Go to your Vkontakte page and find the link "My messages" or "My friends" located on the left side of the menu. If you do not have these links, go to "My Settings", then to the "General" and "Additional Services" tabs. There, tick off the links that you want to see on the left side of your account. You can now unsend messages depending on who you sent them to.

To delete a message sent to one of your friends, select that person using the "My friends" tab and click the "Send message" item, located immediately below the photo. A form for entering a message will open in front of you, but do not write anything in it. In the lower left corner of this window, click "Go to Dialog". After that, all your correspondence with this friend will open.

Now you can delete the necessary, or rather, no longer necessary messages. To do this, click on the message right click mouse so that a checkmark appears on the right, and in the upper right corner above the dialog, click on the “Delete” item. In this way, you can delete from 10 to 20 messages at the same time. But first check if they contain important information. If you accidentally delete a message, you can restore it using the appropriate prompt that appears after deletion.

You can cancel sending a message to a user who is not your friend. To do this, go to your Vkontakte social network account and click on "My messages". At the top of the page that opens, select "Sent", you will see a list of all the messages you have sent, next to each of which there will be a "Delete" button. You can delete them one at a time or several at once by checking the box to the right of each message and clicking the corresponding button at the top.

Surely, many people had “trouble” when, while working on the server with their e-mail, they accidentally pressed the “wrong button” and thereby sent an unfinished message to the addressee or forgot to attach the file promised in the text of the letter. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, it is preferable to work with mail after all, without entering the site under your username and password, but using some kind of mail program. Owners full version package office programs Microsoft was perhaps the most fortunate. Because in Microsoft Office Outlook added the ability to "return" already sent messages. How to use it, read our instructions.


Go to the Sent Items folder in your email program. Find the email you accidentally sent (hopefully, when setting up and installing Outlook, you checked the box to save outgoing messages). Right-click on it and select "Revoke message" from the drop-down menu. If you have a passionate desire to finish, supplement the “hurried” letter, check the box next to the “delete unread copies and replace them with new messages” test. Decide whether you want to notify the recipient about the returned and not yet read message. Check the box or clear it depending on your intent to notify bounce mail manipulation.

Click OK, edit the returned email and resend.

When you do not intend to correct the text of the message and want to delete the letter, follow the scheme described above, check the box next to the text “delete unread copies”.

Activate notification of completed message return process. Remember that you can return and correct or delete only the sent letter that has not yet been read by the addressee. Remember that the recipient, with the appropriate settings of his mail program, can receive both your original message and a notification of your desire to return the letter from its inbox. If in your mailbox instead of the returned letter, a message was received about the impossibility of returning, which means that either the recipient managed to read the message, or the message sorting filter worked, and your text was moved to another folder. In this case, you can write a new letter to the addressee and indicate that it complements the previously departed one.

It happens that you need to send several messages at a time. This is usually how jokes, announcements and other information are distributed. For this there is special services and programs. They will send your messages in an instant.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - eMail Mailer 4.2
  • - in addition, the program ePochta Subscription Manager


For example, you can register at This service is stable. Here you can create your own projects or blogs. Go to the "Projects" section. Enter your text that you plan to distribute. You can also find the "Action" option, under which there are several icons. Select a leaf image. The Send Message window will appear. Specify where and to whom your letters will be sent, and click the "Send" button. In the social network Vkontakte, you can also send several messages at the same time. To do this, go to the "My messages" section and click on the "Write a message" button. Enter the text you need and in the "Recipient" field, select the people to whom you want to send your letters. ePochta Mailer 4.25 is a program for sending messages. It allows you to do mass mailings to recipients. Download and install it on your computer. You can find it on the website Import the necessary e-mail and names of your recipients into it. Add text to be sent. After that, click on the "Start" button. Within a few seconds, all messages will be delivered. In parallel with this program, it is desirable to install ePochta Subscription Manager. She will be needed for mass mailings. After installation on a computer, the program is automatically integrated into ePochta Mailer. To add addresses, click on the "Import" button. In addition, ePochta Subscription Manager will be able to manage your email on its own. Go to "Settings" and set the options you need. To send a message, enter text and email addresses. Delivery to recipients will occur within a few seconds. ePochta Subscription Manager will allow you to quickly work with messages.

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VKontakte is the largest Russian social network, one of the most visited sites on the Runet, and one of the fifty most visited sites in the world. "VKontakte" allows the user to create his personal profile with information about himself, interact with other users, both through groups and meetings, and directly, through personal messages.

You will need


Find the right person. If the person you want to send a message to is in your friends list, find him in your friends list by clicking on the "My friends" link on home page your account. For the convenience of finding friends in the list, there is a special search field (above the list), where you just need to enter a few letters of the friend’s last name or first name, and it doesn’t matter if these are Latin letters or Cyrillic - the site itself converts them into the desired layout. If the person you are looking for is in friends you do not have, find him using the people search system on the site. To do this, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the interface and select the "Search" section. A section will open in which you can set the necessary parameters to find the right person.

Send a message. When the person you are looking for is found, go to their page. Just below the avatar, you will see the "Send Message" icon. Click on it, a dialog box will open in which text is entered. After dialing required text click Submit. The message “Your message was successfully sent to (name of person)” will light up on the screen.

Track the sent message. To find out if the message has reached the addressee and whether he has read it, go to the "My Messages" section. You will see a list of dialogues. Select the dialogue with the recipient you need, click on it. The message feed will open. If your last message appeared in the feed, it means that it has successfully reached the addressee. You can determine whether a message has been read or not by the color it is highlighted with: an unread message is highlighted in blue, a read message is highlighted in white.

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Useful advice

Additional materials can be attached to the message: photos, documents, audio and video recordings. This is done using the "Attach" button in the message set window. - In the "My messages" section, the dialog mode can be changed to display individual messages, then each message will be displayed separately.


  • how to send messages vkontakte

Social networks provide a great opportunity to find old friends and make friends with people who are interested in the same things as you. The Vkontakte network is one of the most popular. It allows you to both offer friendship to another user, and refuse this step.

You will need


Find a user of interest to you in the search engine. Go to his page. To follow the updates that are available to all registered users of Vkontakte, you just need to click on the "Add to friends" button, which is located just below the userpic. True, if a person does not reciprocate, you will not be able to see all the records. The owner of the page you are interested in will be included in your idols, and you will be able to visit him simply by clicking on the link.

Some social media users are very careful about whether they have signed them up as friends or not. Many people do not like it when a user who has denied them friendship automatically falls into the category of "Idols". If you belong to this category and the user you proposed to be friends with does not reciprocate, you can withdraw your offer. Go to the desired page.

Under the userpic, you will find a button that says: “You sent a friend request to such and such a user, and also subscribed to updates of his page.” Next to it is the "Cancel" link. Click on it - your offer of friendship will expire.

You may need to remove a user from friends. Go to the desired page and find the inscription that given user you have friends. There you will also see a link with a proposal to remove him from friends. By clicking on it, you will lose the ability to track updates to his page. But at the same time, he will remain in your subscribers, and the materials that you keep open for all registered Vkontakte will be available to him.

You can remove from friends in another way. Go to the My Friends page. There you will find a list. Next to each name there is an option "Unfriend". You just need to click on the link. On the same page, you can add someone to a special list or, on the contrary, remove it from it.

To prevent a user who is unpleasant to you from sending you messages and following updates to your page, blacklist him. Enter "Settings". AT top menu you will see the Blacklist tab. Go into it. At the top of the page, you will see a box in which you must enter the username or address of his page. The second is preferable.


Do not rush to "sound the alarm" when you find that the "Messages" section is empty. Your inbox might still be in place, but there's an error on the site or network. Try reconnecting to the Internet, reloading the page and re-entering it with your username and password, then check your message folder again. You may not have been able to find the message because you switched to a conversation system, where messages are grouped according to the users with whom you corresponded. Select a dialogue with the right person and use the search function to try to find the lost message.

Click on the "Restore" link if you just accidentally deleted a conversation with a user. You can restore deleted VKontakte messages in this way only if you have not yet updated the page or left it.

Check your email, if in the settings of the social network "VKontakte" you have activated the "Notify by E-mail" function. In this case, notifications about incoming messages are sent to the mail with the display of their text. So you can easily restore information accidentally deleted on your page.

Activate offline mode browser operation immediately after detecting missing messages. Next, try flipping through recently visited pages through the "History" of the browser. If you're lucky, you'll find the post page as it was when it was still there.

Ask for help from a friend whose correspondence was accidentally deleted. At your request, he can copy the desired dialogue into the text of the message and send it to you if it is saved in the user profile.

Write to the technical support of the social network by clicking on the "Help" link at the bottom of the main page. Let the experts know that you accidentally deleted important messages. The user support service can meet you halfway and recover deleted VKontakte messages using its own methods.

Try to use special sites and programs that recover deleted messages, wall posts and other information. They can be found through any of the search engines. Beware of scammers and do not leave your details to enter your VKontakte profile to anyone.

If you active user social network "VKontakte", you probably have many friends, subscribers and topics for discussion there. Over time, too much history of correspondence accumulates in the Messages tab. Then there is a need for partial or complete removal mail dialogs.


Open any Internet browser and log in to your social network profile. To do this, enter your username and password on the main page that opens. AT vertical menu, to the left of the photo, click the My Messages tab.

You will see a list of received messages. In the upper left part of the page there is a line in which you need to select the messages that you are going to delete: "All", "Read" or "New". Click on one of the items (let's say "All"). Three buttons will automatically appear on the right: "Delete", "Mark as read", "Mark as new". Click on "Delete" and you will completely delete the marked messages on open page. By doing the same with other pages, you can clear the list completely.

To selectively clear mail, check the boxes next to individual messages and delete them. Don't forget about the next pages.

If there is a need to delete correspondence with some specific contact, you can use this method. In the list, find any message of this person and click on the link containing the text of the user's message. At the bottom of the page that opens, find the line "Show message history from ...". Click on it with the mouse. The "Message History" will open. On the right, find the inscription "Show all". Click on it and it will convert to "Delete All". Click on a line. Confirm the deletion in the dialog box that opens. This way you will get rid of all messages this contact.

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It is much faster to delete the entire list of VKontakte messages using some programs. But trusting helpers downloaded from third-party sites can be unsafe. These programs can be used to copy your username and password, which you enter to log into your VKontakte account.


  • Social network VKontakte".

The reasons for deleting VKontakte messages may be different. But sooner or later, for many users, this becomes a necessity. Whether you want to delete messages to hide them or clean them up, the way to do this is quite simple.

To delete private messages, log in to your account. Navigate to the tab labeled "My Posts". Now you can delete them individually or remove the dialogue with a specific person entirely.

Hover over the cross in the upper right corner of the dialog or message. If you try to delete the entire dialog, you will need to additionally confirm your intention in a pop-up window. It should be understood that this action cannot be canceled, the deleted dialogue cannot be restored.

If you want to delete not the entire dialogue with the VKontakte user, but only a few messages from it, select the rejected messages. To do this, click on the left side of the message with the mouse - they will be marked with checkmarks. In the window where the message was, there will be a link to restore it.

To delete Vkontakte messages on a computer or laptop, it is recommended to use this method.

How to delete VKontakte messages from a smartphone (android client)

The Android client allows you to delete dialogs or individual messages. Log in and open the corresponding item. On the dialog, press and hold with your finger until a menu appears. Then, from the list, select clear message history, confirm your choice.

To delete messages individually, you must enter the dialog. This is done with a long press, then highlight the messages to be deleted and press the trash can icon. The selection needs to be confirmed.

Deleting messages using programs, scripts is not recommended if there is no experience in this. This can lead to the loss of the account without the possibility of recovery.

How to delete VKontakte messages not only on your side

Deleting messages on the recipient's side is possible only if you log into his account using the username and password with the consent of the user. On the part of the sender, deleting messages is impossible, no matter how you are assured. Even if you come across an advertisement offering such a service, this is the work of scammers.

What if you accidentally sent a message to the wrong addressee? The easiest way to correct the situation is to apologize and explain the mistake. But this is not always possible, so it is better to choose another way. You can try to mislead the system and get it to delete your message, mistaking it for spam. Copy it and send it to a few more recipients. As a rule, the VKontakte system takes such an action for sending spam and deletes it. But keep in mind that after that, the functionality of your account may be limited and the result may be even more problems.


  • you can delete the sent message VKontakte


How to cancel sending a Vkontakte message

Vkontakte secrets: how to delete a sent message

Today we will discuss in detail one of the possibilities of the Vkontakte social network. It turns out that there is a way to delete an already sent message. How can this be done? Why is this needed? We will try to find answers to these and many questions in this review.

Why might you need to delete messages?

Before proceeding to the discussion of the topic voiced above, you need to figure out in which direction to lead the further discussion. There are two very interesting points connected with this topic. The first is a simple removal of old messages from correspondence. This option, as a rule, users do not really care. In addition, it does not take much effort and time. The second point is much more interesting. Users are often interested in the question of how to cancel sending a message to one or another interlocutor. So, before you start deleting Vkontakte correspondence, you need to decide on the goals that you want to achieve. Let's take a closer look at both options.

Let's start with the first option. How long have you been registered in the social network "Vkontakte"? Is it possible to delete the first message from your correspondence with this or that interlocutor? This problem is solved very simply. The first thing you need to do is enter the site and log in. Now you need to go to the "Dialogues" item and select the correspondence that you want to clear. Now you need to find the message you want to get rid of. How can I delete a message?

Simply click on the message of your choice. Now pay attention to the panel located above the dialog box. You should select the item "Delete". Click on it. Ready! The message will disappear from your correspondence history, but the interlocutor will still see it until he wants to get rid of old messages on Vkontakte. Is it possible to delete several sent messages at once. Now we'll check.

Total cleaning

Let's start cleaning up the dialogues that have accumulated during your use of the Vkontakte social network. Many users forget to put things in order among their dialogs. This can affect the page load time, as well as lead to malfunctions. If you want to delete several messages from a conversation at once, you can do this without any problems.

First of all, go to the "Dialogues" item. Next, think about which conversation you want to remove from the correspondence. There may be several options here. Let's take a closer look at the first of them.

The first method by which you can get rid of old correspondence is to delete each dialogue. Just click on it. To delete sent messages, you need to select the "actions" item in the panel located above the dialog and click on the "Clear history" button. Now all messages that you have selected will disappear from your account.

There is another interesting method for deleting correspondence on Vkontakte. To delete a message, you need to go to the "Dialogues" tab and hover over the upper right corner of the correspondence. There you will see a cross. When you click it, a warning message will appear about deleting the conversation with the user. When you confirm the action, the conversation will disappear completely. That's all.

How to unsend a message

Recently, another “Chip” has become popular on the Vkontakte social network - canceling a sent message. Many users are interested in the question, is there a way to cancel sending a message on Vkontakte? Today on the Internet you can often find an offer to use the service to cancel the message.

For the provision of such actions, you must pay a certain fee, indicate your username and password on the social network and wait for the result. Applications like this are just a waste of money. It is in this way that accounts of honest users are blocked. Please note: you cannot cancel sending messages on the Vkontakte social network. Be careful!

Cancel VKontakte message. Is it possible or not?

If you sent a message and then regretted it and sit at the monitor with a face like this:

all is not yet lost. Everyone in life has regrets about what was said or written, if only because many write illiterately and send unreadable SMS :). Alas, you cannot cancel them in VK. What has been sent cannot be deleted. If you decide to remove them from your correspondence, this does not mean that it will be removed from the dialogue. Do not do this without hacking VKontakte. Even if you delete your page or blacklist the interlocutor, he will still see them.

You can go for the trick! We take all-in!

Bye unwanted message not read, send 20 other absolutely identical texts and at the end write that the contact has turned off. Your interlocutor is unlikely to rise by correspondence to the very top, and even if he rises, he is unlikely to see the first SMS. Just don't pay attention to it.

Removal via hack

If you can get access to other people's VKontakte messages and hack someone else's account, you can go into your correspondence and delete your messages, thereby, as it were, canceling its sending.

But it is best to think carefully before sending the text and re-read it at least once.

Cancel VKontakte message. Is it possible or not?: 0 comments


Is it possible to cancel a Vkontakte message

The social network Vkontakte currently ranks third in popularity in Russia among other social networks. By sending and receiving messages, Internet users communicate with each other, exchange information, report any events. Often, during such communication, situations occur when you need to cancel the Vkontakte message.

Cancel incoming messages Vkontakte

Cancel message Vkontakte

It happens that after subscribing on some site, informational messages begin to arrive in large quantities in the mail. To cancel these messages, you just need to go to this site and unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Is it possible to cancel a Vkontakte message that has already been sent

Communicating on the social network Vkontakte, sometimes there are cases when a message is sent by mistake to the wrong addressee, or with a hot message, messages are sent, the content of which is then very embarrassing. Then people try to cancel the Vkontakte message, but it is almost impossible to do it legally. You can resort to some tricks so that the addressee simply does not pay attention to this message. For example, you can send him a few dozen more messages with approximately the same text, then yours will rise up and the recipient simply will not see it, and then, deleting unnecessary ones, he will delete your message with all the others. You can also say that some other person wrote it, simply using the included computer in the absence of its owner. Or claim that the page has been hacked and spam is being sent on your behalf. The site administrator can cancel a Vkontakte message, but he does not always fulfill such requests.

An inefficient way to cancel a Vkontakte message

Removing a sent message on your page from "My messages" - "Sent" will not remove it from the page of the one to whom it was sent, regardless of whether it was read or not.

Illegal way to cancel a Vkontakte message

You can cancel a Vkontakte message by hacking the addressee's page and deleting your message from him. For this there are special programs, as well as some hackers offer their services to hack accounts. But it should be remembered that this method is not legal, and by using it, you are committing a crime.

In order to avoid such situations when you need to cancel a message, you must always carefully consider and check your texts, as well as be careful when sending mail. Otherwise, then you will have to blush and apologize to friends or acquaintances.

Share information with your Vkontakte friends using a special button
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  • Today we will discuss in detail one of the possibilities of the Vkontakte social network. It turns out that there is a way to delete an already sent message. How can this be done? Why is this needed? We will try to find answers to these and many questions in this review.

    Why might you need to delete messages?

    Before proceeding to the discussion of the topic voiced above, you need to figure out in which direction to lead the further discussion. There are two very interesting points connected with this topic. The first is a simple removal of old messages from correspondence. This option, as a rule, users do not particularly care. In addition, it does not take much effort and time. The second point is much more interesting. Users are often interested in the question of how to cancel sending a message to one or another interlocutor. So, before you start deleting Vkontakte correspondence, you need to decide on the goals that you want to achieve. Let's take a closer look at both options.


    Let's start with the first option. How long have you been registered in the social network "Vkontakte"? Is it possible to delete the first message from your correspondence with this or that interlocutor? This problem is solved very simply. The first thing you need to do is enter the site and log in. Now you need to go to the "Dialogues" item and select the correspondence that you want to clear. Now you need to find the message you want to get rid of. How can I delete a message?

    Simply click on the message of your choice. Now pay attention to the panel located above the dialog box. You should select the item "Delete". Click on it. Ready! The message will disappear from your correspondence history, but the interlocutor will still see it until he wants to get rid of old messages on Vkontakte.
    Is it possible to delete several sent messages at once. Now we'll check.

    Total cleaning

    Let's start cleaning up the dialogues that have accumulated during your use of the Vkontakte social network. Many users forget to put things in order among their dialogs. This can affect the page load time, as well as lead to malfunctions. If you want to delete several messages from a conversation at once, you can do this without any problems.

    First of all, go to the "Dialogues" item. Next, think about which conversation you want to remove from the correspondence. There may be several options here. Let's take a closer look at the first of them.

    The first method by which you can get rid of old correspondence is to delete each dialogue. Just click on it. To delete sent messages, you need to select the "actions" item in the panel located above the dialog and click on the "Clear history" button. Now all messages that you have selected will disappear from your account.

    There is another interesting method for deleting correspondence on Vkontakte. To delete a message, you need to go to the "Dialogues" tab and hover over the upper right corner of the correspondence. There you will see a cross. When you click it, a warning message will appear about deleting the conversation with the user. When you confirm the action, the conversation will disappear completely. That's all.

    How to unsend a message

    Recently, another “Chip” has become popular on the Vkontakte social network - canceling a sent message. Many users are interested in the question, is there a way to cancel sending a message on Vkontakte? Today on the Internet you can often find an offer to use the service to cancel the message.

    For the provision of such actions, you must pay a certain fee, indicate your username and password on the social network and wait for the result. Applications like this are just a waste of money. It is in this way that accounts of honest users are blocked. Please note: you cannot cancel sending messages on the Vkontakte social network. Be careful!