How to remove Windows 8.1 updates all at once. How to disable automatic Windows updates. Uninstalling updates using special programs

Here in order:

  1. Component storage size as seen by Explorer, i.e. excluding hard links inside WinSxS.
  2. Actual Component Storage Size taking into account hard links (except for links to the Windows folder), including:
  • Shared files with Windows folder. These files are necessary for the operation of the system and are in no way superfluous. In my example, they are 87% of the storage size, but the more updates are installed, the lower this percentage is.
  • Backups and disabled components. These files are stored in case of problems with updated components or to enable roles or features. They can be conditionally considered superfluous, since they are not critical for the current operation of the system.
  • Cache and temporary files. These files are needed for fast work maintenance systems, but are not absolutely necessary for the functioning of Windows.
  • Date of last storage cleanup. More details on cleaning below.
  • Number of packages replaced by newer ones, And cleaning recommendation. In fact, these are files that were updated after work Windows Update. They can be removed by clearing the storage.
  • I can just see how your hands are itching to clean out your storage and free up space :)

    How to empty the WinSxS folder in Windows 10, 8.1 and 8

    Starting with Windows 8, the OS has three cleaning methods.

    You can clear the component store manually with one command.

    Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

    This is the fastest way to perform optimization (after this, the next two methods will not achieve anything).

    Disk Cleanup utility

    Andrey Bayatakov, thanks for the reminder about this method!

    Type in a command prompt running as administrator. Built in Windows utility Disk Cleanup will show you how much space you'll save by deleting Windows update files.

    Basically, the utility does the same thing as the key /StartComponentCleanup. However, it is very frivolous in its estimates of the freed space, and in my experiments the error was measured in hundreds of megabytes, in both directions.

    Scheduled task

    Windows cleans out the winsxs folder on a schedule using the Microsoft – Windows – Servicing – job. StartComponentCleanup.

    The specific command is not visible because the cleanup is implemented by the COM object handler. And the absence of triggers indicates that the job operates within the framework of ubiquitous automatic maintenance. By running a task from the scheduler or command line, you achieve almost the same effect as the DISM command with the key /StartComponentCleanup. The differences are:

    • Updates installed in the last 30 days are ignored.
    • There is an hour-long pause; all files may not be cleared.

    Once you've completed the cleanup, you can analyze the storage again and evaluate the changes.

    As you can see, in my case, cleaning 10 packages saved 60MB, which is not that much on the scale of a folder. However, you can still clean it :)

    How to remove all old versions of components from the WinSxS folder in Windows 10 and 8.1

    In Windows times XP there was a very popular question, is it possible to delete $NTUninstallKBxxxxxx$ folders from Windows folders. Remember this?

    A similar feature appeared in Windows 8.1, although it was implemented completely differently due to global differences in the service systems of 8.1 and XP.

    Command to delete

    Starting with Windows 8.1, the option /StartComponentCleanup there is an additional key /ResetBase, with which you can remove all previous versions of components. This key is not used in the scheduled task.

    Attention! Removal previous versions components prevents you from uninstalling installed updates and Service Packs, but does not block the installation of future updates.

    This warning is not at all routine, if you remember the recent error 0xc0000005 after KB2859537, from which the Runet cried with burning tears. Anyway, the magic command:

    Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase

    Obviously, the gain in disk space depends both on the number of updates being cleared and on the volume of components they replace. In my example, I was able to free up about 24MB more.

    What happens when you remove all previous versions of components

    Compressing components in the WinSxS folder (secret knowledge)

    However, there is virtually no information in the official documentation that compression is used for component storage in Windows 8 and higher to save disk space. I will highlight a few points that I know:

    1. Compression is applied to files that the operating system does not use. This includes previous versions of components and disabled components. This, apparently, explains the not so significant gain from deleting previous versions with the parameter /ResetBase.
    2. Uses differential compression. According to unconfirmed information that has already been confirmed, Windows 8.1 uses differential compression to compress replaced components.
    3. Saving disk space can be quite significant in some scenarios. Yes, on installation Windows Server Core 2012 R2 Preview frees up about 20% of space thanks to compression when you take page and hibernation files out of the equation. The savings are achieved by compressing the components of disabled server roles.

    In the article, which contains all the technical details, I described the different compression mechanisms of Windows 8 and 8.1+.

    What are the changes in the Windows 8 and 8.1 maintenance system?

    Of course, only Microsoft can give an exact answer to this question, so I will simply share my vision of the situation.

    Server OS

    It is difficult to imagine modern infrastructure without virtualization technologies, the benefits of which are directly related to the efficient use of system resources. This fully applies to disk space, of which there is never too much.

    Removing unused server roles in Windows Server 2012 helps IT professionals manage their disk space more efficiently. For those who don't know about this feature or don't consider it worthwhile, compressing unused role components in Windows Server 2012 R2 can help.

    Client OS

    By the time Windows 7 was released, the cost of 1GB of hard drives was so low that the WinSxS folder only caused headaches for those with small you-know-what. However, SSDs were already coming onto the scene, and the Windows servicing system didn't fit well with their modest capacity.

    It would seem that the release of Windows 8 solid state drive 128GB capacity was no longer something out of the ordinary, but a new problem befell the developers of the service system - tablets, including their own Surface.

    Indeed, all modern Clover Trail tablets are equipped with a 64GB disk at best. And in more popular junior models, after subtracting the recovery partition, about 25GB remains, which is not enough for more or less long-term Windows operation.

    In Windows 8 cleaning backup copies components is aimed at more efficient use of the space of small disks of tablets, and in Windows 8.1, uninstalling previous versions provides a backup airfield in the most severe cases.

    Discussion and poll

    This post is a good opportunity for you to express everything that hurts you about storage. Windows components:) The survey is designed to reveal the quantitative situation, and write in the comments if the growing size of the WinSxS folder creates problems for you. If it does, describe them and provide a link to a full-screen screenshot of the diskmgmt.msc snap-in.

    As you know, many users Windows systems 7 and 8.1 recently received a message about the availability of its update to version 10.

    Despite the fact that you can use this service if you wish, the update icon after such a message is installed on the computer of everyone with a licensed OS and periodically appears, interfering and annoying during work. But this is only half the trouble, since along with this icon there also appeared new folder, having Name$WINDOWS.~BT, which serves for an easier transition to new version and the data contained therein are not deleted. This phenomenon is not very pleasant for those users who do not want to use the innovation, especially when system disk almost full of necessary data, because the weight of the folder is quite large, almost 3 GB.

    In addition, all this can cause problematic situations in the functioning of a PC or laptop, which is also not very good. Therefore, the best option would be to produce removing unnecessary update, and there are several ways to do this.

    It is worth noting that these methods work for rollback any system update.

    Uninstall via Update Center

    The first method, which is the simplest, is to destroy the component using Parameters And Control panels. To perform this you will need the following operations:

    After all the activities, a list of all versions that were installed on the computer will be opened. Among them are selected unnecessary updates and press “ Delete" Next, this action is confirmed and its completion is waited for.

    You can also get to the list of updates using Control Panel, in which using the section “ Programs and components", opens sidebar, where " View installed updates ».

    Using the command line

    The second way to get rid of updates is to use command line. To carry out the process, the following actions will be required:

    The most common of them are: incorrect installation of updates, system failures after installing updates, hardware failure, etc.

    As you know, keeping Windows 8 up to date comes from the update center, so to speak, repositories. Often, all installations of updates, patches and packages occur in automatic mode(depending on system settings). With these installations, Microsoft developers solve security problems operating system, incompatibility software, devices.

    If you suddenly need to remove one or several of the installed updates, say, not those that are “important”, but those that are “optional,” then by following the simple algorithm of actions described below, you can easily solve your problem.

    How to remove a broken Windows 8 update and install it again?

    In addition to the cases described above when Windows 8 updates need to be uninstalled, it also happens that the download of updates fails, or the installation fails. In such a situation, other update packages or patches stop being downloaded or installed on the system. In this case, uninstalling the failed update and then trying to install it can also help.

    Windows updates are definitely important process in the operation of this operating system, necessary for its full functioning - to ensure correct operation programs, security and improvement of the system as a whole. But in practice, unfortunately, cases of unfavorable results from system updates have been observed more than once. Windows performance varies immediately after installation and after use for several months. The constantly increasing number of system updates slows down its performance over time. Windows updates can result in settings failures, problems with switching languages, pop-up notifications about system service errors, etc.

    Microsoft periodically officially recognizes one or another update as unsuccessful. And, naturally, they are taking measures to correct it. But not always a problem that arises due to updates can be solved automatically, without user intervention and manual removal of the problematic update package.

    How to manually remove Windows updates 8/8.1? How to prevent a problematic system update from being installed again? We will look into this in more detail below.

    Uninstalling a problematic Windows update

    Tap the right side of the screen from top to bottom to display the Metro interface charms and enter the keyword “Programs and Features” in the search field. Select this section from the list provided system settings.

    Alternative for Windows 8.1: this version implements a slightly improved version of the Start button, and by calling it context menu, we will see the command to open the control panel.

    Once in the panel Windows management 8.1, select the “Programs and Features” section.

    Either way will take you to this section of system settings.

    In the “Programs and Features” section we are interested in the “View installed updates” subsection. Click on his link.

    In the next window you will see a list of installed Windows updates.

    Here you can track the problematic update by its number (КВххххххх) and delete it. If you don't know the update number, you can analyze exactly when the problem occurred with your system by rearranging the updates in the list by installation date, then uninstall all updates from that date.

    To remove a problematic Windows update, select it in the list, call up the context menu and click the only command “Delete”.

    After uninstalling an update, in most cases, a reboot will be required to return the system state to the same state as before the problematic update was installed.

    Prevent reinstalling a problematic Windows update

    Removing the problematic Windows update is only half the solution. After all, it can be installed automatically again. To prevent this, you need to make changes to your Windows Update settings.

    Open the Windows Update system settings section. For this:

    Or enter a key query in the search field of the Metro interface and select this section in the results obtained;

    Or open the control panel using the context menu on the Windows 8.1 “Start” button and select the section we need in the list of control panel elements.

    As a rule, Windows is installed with settings for automatically downloading and installing system updates. An exception may be pirated assemblies of the system, where assemblers initially change the settings and functionality of Windows. However, in most cases we will see a picture of total control of the situation by the system itself.

    Click "Customize Settings" to make changes.

    The parameter set up to this point automatic installation We will change the updates to ones controlled by you - we will allow the system to automatically download updates, but we will make the decision about installation only and only independently.

    In the future, the system will only download updates; you will need to install them manually. But in this case, you will have a choice - install only important updates and not clutter the system with various unnecessary nonsense.

    Conduct manual installation System updates are also needed through Windows Update. Check this section of your system settings periodically to install important updates yourself.

    If you need to prevent the re-installation of that problematic update that caused you a lot of trouble, you can hide it. On this update, call the context menu and click the “Hide update” command.

    In the same way, you can hide other updates in the future - not important, but simply recommended, so as not to clutter the system.