How to install Windows from BIOS on a laptop. BIOS: boot from disk or flash drive. Reinstalling the system using a flash drive

It will not be a big secret that for many users the issue of installing (reinstalling) Windows 7 often becomes a stumbling block. Meanwhile, there are no particular difficulties in this - almost anyone can reinstall Windows 7 OS via BIOS. First, you need to understand that there is not much difference between the terms “reinstall” and “install”, except that reinstallation is carried out with a previously installed OS, and installation is carried out on a “bare” PC. Secondly, the reinstallation is not performed using the previously installed OS, but rather through the use of the basic input/output system (BIOS), which is firmware in the PC motherboard. Finally, the user must clearly understand that all applications he installed on the previous OS will also have to be reinstalled after reinstalling Windows.

Reinstall Windows: where to start

When starting to install Windows, the user must prepare media with Windows 7 installation files. This can be an installation DVD that was included with the PC, or purchased at a computer store, or recorded by the user himself from some other source. In addition, such a medium can be a USB flash drive, which the user can prepare using various programs for writing bootable flash drives.

As a rule, Windows 7, when installed, independently finds and installs drivers for devices such as a video adapter, sound card and network card. But some older models of these devices, as well as non-standard hardware, may require drivers.

Next, since section hard drive Since the previous OS will be formatted during the reinstallation process, it is advisable to save the user data existing on it. They are usually located on this partition in the Users folder.

Launching BIOS

For most desktops, entering the BIOS is done by pressing the “Delete” button when turning on or rebooting the PC. On laptops this is usually the F2 button, but other function keys can be used.

A description of the details of interaction with the BIOS is beyond the scope of this article, especially since there are as many varieties of this interface as there are PC manufacturers. The purpose of using BIOS is to specify the boot device through which Windows will be installed. To do this, in the BIOS functions you should find an item with a name containing the word “Boot” and activate this item. For example, this is what the BIOS window from AMI looks like, defining the order of boot devices:

Here “1st Boot Device” is the first boot device, “2nd Boot Device” is the second, etc.

The point of the user’s actions is to make the first boot device either a DVD or a USB flash drive, depending on which of these media contains the Windows 7 distribution. required device, you should save the changes made (the “Save” function), install the specified boot device and restart the PC.

Windows 7 installation process

After rebooting the PC, the bootloader will start from the installed OS distribution. And there are a lot of options, depending on the carrier and distribution manufacturer. The main window from which Windows installation begins should always look like this:

In it, the user must select the installation language. Next, again depending on the distribution, you may be asked to select the OS version. There are also several options: Beginner, Home, Advanced, Professional or Maximum, and even taking into account the bit depth - 32 or 64.

But the most important window is the window through which you select a hard drive partition, and the OS will be installed on it. This window lists the found hard disks and sections, for example:

In this window, you should select the same disk and partition where the previous OS was installed. It is no coincidence that it contains the inscription “Disk Setup” - this is exactly the way to format the partition. If this is not done, then the system partition will contain files not only of the new Windows, but also of the old one. The results of this “porridge” are unpredictable! After clicking on this inscription, you will be able to format the system partition:

After clicking “Format”, you will be asked for the formatting method: quick or full, in FAT32 or NTFS format.

After some time, after formatting is completed, the Windows 7 installation process begins, which, in the absence of emergency situations, proceeds “automatically”, without requiring user intervention.

How to reinstall Windows via BIOS? Reinstalling windows 7 via Bios

There will inevitably come a time when the operating system will need to be reinstalled. For most users, this situation is not a very favorable moment. Some people treat the problem calmly, while others, on the contrary, are horrified because they do not know how to reinstall Windows via BIOS. As a rule, the unlucky person settles on the option that saves the situation: “Hello, this is the service computer help? As a result, he loses time, patience and money. From now on everything will be different. Right now you will learn the “great secret” that the Windows OS installs itself. The user only needs attention and a few confident presses on the appropriate buttons. Are you interested? Then go ahead!

Meet the chief PC manager - Mr. Bios!

Incredibly, the Bios firmware, the abbreviation of which stands for “basic input/output system,” is primarily responsible for the functionality of the computer. If any of you, dear reader, thought that Windows was responsible for the “omnipotence” of the PC, then you were mistaken. Take the paragraph title as important fact reality. You will soon understand that resolving the question of how to install Windows will first of all require turning to a certain Bios program preinstalled by the motherboard manufacturer. Moreover, you should be aware that the underlying system may have different versions, since competing companies in the IT industry each have their own idea of ​​the beauty, convenience and efficiency of the ROM (read-only memory) chip, the “micro-monster” Bios, activated by a chip. Yet, despite the individuality of the graphical shell of each individual existing program to control the hardware of a computer, the functioning of embedded systems at the “hardware level” becomes intuitive when directly entering their environment, since they all use the same notation in the form of standard terminology.

How to reinstall Windows via BIOS: thumbs up!

We won’t rush, because you know that “rush is only needed when fishing...”. Before you get into the holy of holies of the PC, that is, when the Bios interface opens in front of you, know: carelessness in actions, which is expressed in mindlessly pressing keys and changing “incomprehensible” parameters, is critical, and in poetic language it’s even like death!

However, you still have to do some “editing” yourself.

The only correct choice: one among many

You can activate the BIOS firmware when you turn on or restart your computer. In order to do this, you need to press the corresponding button on the keyboard several times at short intervals. As a rule, this is the “Delete” or “F2” key. If it doesn't work, the user can always see on home screen loading name of the “responsible” button (lower part of the display or upper left corner).

Why “boot”?

The most common method of installing an OS is a practical solution to the question: “How to install Windows from disk?” However, the method of implementing the system via a flash drive is becoming increasingly popular, but more on that later.

  • Depending on the Bios version, the tab responsible for boot priority may have different names. Nevertheless English word"Boot" will mean that you are on the right track.
  • Having opened the above menu or activated the “Advanced BIOS Features” item, pay attention to the “Boot Device Priority” item. Or lines that indicate the order in which devices are loaded. Typically these are Floppy, HDD and CDROM (DVD R/RW).
  • Set the boot priority to your disk drive (drive).
  • You can save your changes by clicking hotkey F10 or just agree: “Yes” (if you used the “Esc” button).

We reboot and proceed to the next stage of the project “How to reinstall Windows via BIOS.”

Where does windows come from?

Perhaps some of you will feel that this point should have been placed at the beginning of the process being described. Meanwhile, this “discrepancy” in the presentation of the material does not in any way disrupt the sequence of actions; moreover, it is the most acceptable option to learn how to do everything according to the rules. Now insert the disk with the windows distribution. If you are using licensed software, and the disk with the system image you purchased is original, then you have nothing to worry about. When you have free Windows, downloaded from a dubious Internet resource, the chances of long-term and fruitful “cooperation” with the OS are negligible.

However, there are exceptions. Perhaps you will be one of the lucky ones, and the “cracked” system will turn out to be quite suitable for work. But do not forget that the correctness of the changes made to the BIOS settings depends final result- OS installation success. It is the microprogram that monitors the “fairness of the game” of the user. Therefore, often installing a system distribution from windows environment is fraught with software failures and, as a rule, does not proceed correctly. As a result of using a “treacherous” method when solving the question: “How to reinstall windows XP?” the efforts of an uninitiated user simply become wasted time. Moral: install Windows from DOS, that is, through BIOS!

When the disc “whispers” - the user is drinking coffee

Once you have designated the drive as boot device #1, then inserted the windows disc and restarted the computer using the "Alt+Ctrl+Delete" key combination, it's time to observe. As promised, the system will “become” automatically.

  • When the message “Press any key...” appears, press any button.
  • After the initialization process, a window will open in which you need to assign the OS installation directory.

Attention: do not mindlessly press “Enter” on an inoperative Windows OS, which usually takes up space in the system HDD section and is designated by the letter "C". “How to reinstall Windows XP?”, you ask, if the required disk area is occupied by an old copy? Easily! To do this, simply format the partition, first erasing the old data.

  • On the highlighted OS, press “D”, which means delete.
  • Then use the "L" button to confirm your intentions.
  • After the unallocated area appears, press “Enter” and format the creation this section to the NTFS file system.

You don’t have to do anything else, except at the end of the installation to make some adjustments regarding the system language for using the operating system, as well as user data. As you have probably already seen, everything is quite simple and transparent, and the solution to the question “How to install Windows through BIOS?” - not a labor-intensive process at all.

Spectacular Windows 7 and royal flush download

Now the time has come to enlighten the attentive reader about the method of installing the operating system using a flash drive. The promised installation method is something more practical, as it does not require participation optical drive. At the same time, the feasibility of this method greatly prevails over the traditionally used loading from CD or DVD disc. Especially today, in our age of compactness, when modern electronics take on ultra-thin features, and technology gets rid of devices that unnecessarily “devour” time and energy.

A modern solution to the question: how to reinstall Windows via BIOS?

First of all, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive. This is not difficult to do; it is worth considering that the capacity of the compact storage medium must be at least 4 GB. "Why?" - you ask. The thing is that the standard distribution kit of the seventh OS “weighs” almost 3 GB, so the minimum size of the flash drive must correspond to the above value.

From words to deeds

  • Format Flash media using standard means windows. File system you should select NTFS.
  • Then you need to prepare the system distribution for recording. That is, if setup files are located on optical disk- insert it into the drive when the data is in the form of an image - load it onto a virtual device.
  • The next step is to use the “WinSetupFromUSB” program. This software is freely distributed on the Internet, you should not have any difficulties downloading it. After installing and launching the specified program, you will be literally two steps away from the moment when you can consider yourself a professional in solving the question: “How to install Windows?”
  • In the top checkbox, select the flash drive installed on your PC.
  • Check the corresponding box (Windows 7) and, by clicking the button, specify the path to the OS distribution next to it.
  • After activating the “GO” toolbox, all you have to do is wait a few minutes. Upon completion of the process, the program will display a corresponding message.

It's time to start a practical solution to how to install Windows through BIOS!

Flash start!

Setting up boot parameters is done in almost the same way as in the case described at the beginning of the article. The only difference is the choice of media. At this method For installation, your choice is USB Drive, that is, a flash drive. There is another way to boot from the right source data, bypassing the main menu of the Bios program. This scenario of action is possible when the user presses “F8” to call up the Boot menu, so to speak, a hot version of the base system. Of course, on different PCs this option can be activated using a different key.

After reboot, follow the instructions:

You must now understand that the previously described method of installing Windows from a disk is somewhat outdated. Flash drives are an incredibly convenient invention of mankind!


The article described two main methods for installing operating systems of the Windows family. It's up to you to decide which one is optimal. However, there are a lot of programs that allow you to do backups working systems, that is, in the event of an OS crash, the user has the opportunity in a matter of minutes to restore a clean copy (duplicate) of the OS with working programs and previously made settings. Incredible convenience, since the user does not need to install the software again and remember forgotten passwords. However, a new question will arise: “How can I launch Windows through BIOS?”, which, in principle, can be solved just as easily as in the case when reinstallation is necessary. But this is a topic for another article. Don't learn from your own mistakes...

How to reinstall windows 7 on a computer via BIOS prepared step by step instructions how to reinstall windows 7.

Proper reinstallation of the operating system consists of the following steps:

  1. Saving data to external media.
  2. Creation boot disk.
  3. Formatting the hard drive (optional).
  4. System installation.
  5. Copy working system using Acronis True Image.

The first and last points are required if you are afraid of losing important files when reinstalling.

Saving data

There are two options for reinstalling the system:

  1. The system is installed on top of the old one.
  2. Everything is removed and reinstalled.

In the first case, all data is saved (settings, passwords on sites, files, etc.), but glitches may also be saved. If you install on top, then this section about saving data is irrelevant for you.

Formatting a disk deletes all data. There are several ways not to lose necessary files:

  • Copy your personal information to another drive on your computer. Suitable if you have 2 hard drives.
  • Drop files to external storage(HDD, flash drive, memory card, smartphone).
  • Save files in the cloud (Yandex Disk, Dropbox, Google Drive).
  • Confidential files can be saved to a WinRar archive with a password and sent to yourself by email. After reinstalling Windows, the archive will remain in the mail.

What to copy from old Windows? Check out the following places:

  • Desktop, My Documents, drive C.
  • Bookmarks in the browser.
  • Browser and torrent download folders.
  • Save games.
  • ICQ/Skype correspondence.

Additionally, you can take a screenshot of all installed programs(Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features) so that after installing a clean OS it is easy to remember all your favorite programs. Upload the screenshot to VKontakte or Facebook, then it won’t be lost.
We save a list of installed programs to quickly restore them.

Creating a boot disk

If you have a licensed DVD with Windows, you do not need to create a boot disk (flash drive, memory card), you can skip this section.

Most often there is no disk, then you need to download it from the Internet windows image 7 and correctly write it to an external drive. We recommend looking for a Windows 7 Maximum (aka Ultimate) image if you have more than 4 GB random access memory, then choose not x86, but x64 version.

Simply copying the image will not work, you need to do boot drive, for example, through UltraISO. To do this, you will need to download the program itself and find a drive with a capacity of 4 GB or more:

The device is ready, now you can reinstall Windows from it. Save it, it might come in handy later. By the way, you can use the drive after this - upload any files to the free space, the main thing is not to accidentally delete the “system” ones. Video on burning an image to a flash drive via UltraISO:

It is not necessary to use a flash drive or a special memory card with a card reader. You can take a card from your phone as a memory card, and the phone itself will act as a card reader. Even the built-in memory of a mobile phone is suitable for a boot disk, if it is recognized as a drive in the system when connected via USB.

How to install Windows via BIOS: settings, step-by-step guide, tips.

How to install Windows via BIOS? Smart setup and precise actions will help you perform quickly and efficiently. The updated version can be downloaded from a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM or flash drive.

Basic Input-Output System. (BIOS)

BIOS is the basis of the motherboard; it is an input/output base (hereinafter referred to as I/O) located on the motherboard. The existence of BIOS guarantees the ability to configure and adjust the computer. The I/O system for each PC depends on the motherboard.

BIOS settings

You can determine the BIOS settings for a specific motherboard by looking at them in the motherboard datasheet. Important! Incorrect BIOS settings can damage your computer or reduce its power rating.

Information for management.

How to install Windows via BIOS, booting from DVD, USB, HDD depends on several Boot Menu keys:

Booting the device from BIOS.

You need to get into the BIOS system: restart the PC and enter “Setup” - the software that is responsible for the first bootstrap computer. During the reboot, carefully monitor the inscriptions on the monitor screen; you must not miss the line that appears at the bottom with the following text:

To enter SETUP".

The program tells you how to get into the BIOS, you need to press the key that is written on the screen, it can be: F1, F2, F3, F10, Del, Esc - on different computers they differ depending on the BIOS version.

Hold down the key until the system redirects to Basic Input-Output System. A list of tabs will appear on the screen; you need to select the one that talks about loading devices - “Boot devices” or “Advanced BIOS Features”.

If you fail to complete the prescribed steps the first time, do not despair; you need to repeat all the steps a couple of times. We select a tab; in order to enter, you need to press the “ENTER” button. After that, find the “Boot Sequence” tab in the drop-down list and check the correctness of your choice with the information that appears on the right side of the monitor screen. It should say that the selected tab is responsible for the device boot priority.

After the boot tab has been determined, using the enter keys, you need to set the priority so that the first one in the list is “CD-ROM” or that boot device. With the help of which the whole process will be carried out. To do this, you need to select “First Boot Device” in the list and then the hard drive.

You need to confirm that your choice is correct and click OK.

So all settings BIOS systems to download and transfer Windows installations ready. This was all done so that the next time the PC is rebooted, the OS itself will redirect loading windows from the previously selected disk. In order to start the download, you must restart your computer.

Booting Windows via USB flash drive.

To install Windows via the Basic Input-Output System from a flash drive, in fact, the entire procedure is similar to that described above, but you need to select Secure Boot from the list of proposed tabs in the I/O BIOS system or in the OS when simple version“Overlay” versions select the appropriate menu item.

The Windows installation process from a flash drive does not start and a black screen is shown on the monitor:

  • UEFI mode is enabled;
  • The flash drive is formatted in NTFS;
  • BIOS I/O only supports NTFS, UEFI - FAT 32 partitions.

With a new version of the system to boot from a flash drive, it asks for permission to auto mode. It is best to refuse such an offer, otherwise the OS may be installed on the wrong partition or some of your personal files may be deleted. Before setting the BIOS settings, you must select using “+” or “-” and click on the “Boot” tab.

After the approved and selected option and device boot priority, you need to select the F10 option, and then restart the computer.

For novice users who need to reinstall Windows via BIOS, experts have developed some tips for a competent and quick process. For a successfully configured BIOS system, attention should be paid to Special attention these recommendations:

    1. PC requirements (if provided Windows 7):
      • Memory – at least 1 GB;
      • Processor – minimum 1 Hz;
      • Video card – minimum DirectX 9.
    2. Time to work in the BIOS.

How long does it take to set up and configure a new version of Windows? It all depends on the technical parameters of the PC:

  • Performance “Clock Speed”;
  • Number of cores “Cores”;
  • Trunk frequency “800/1066/1333/1600 MHz”.

On average, it will take one hour to install Windows via BIOS.

    1. Clean and simple processes.

A clean installation is a launch of a disk with the system in manual mode, while starting the computer. After this, start, press any button, after the inscription “Press any key” appears on the tap. The BIOS indicates the location of the new OS, for example, on a CD/DVD or hard drive, so that the old version is not used at all or is deleted. The clean version is used for any OS: Unix, DOS, windows XP, as well as Linux, windows 8 and windows 7. The simple version is rarely used and is not recommended. This is because a new version runs from a CD/DVD with the old OS already installed. So a simple installation is more like an “overlay” process, since the new version is overlaid on the old version.

Process difference.

Easy installation:

  • Starting the computer;
  • BIOS;
  • Operating system;
  • BIOS;
  • Installation.

Clean installation:

  • Starting the computer;
  • BIOS;
  • Installation.
  • Clean installation.

Hard disk partitions.

Often, during a clean installation, all partitions are formatted and old versions and files are deleted. If you need to reinstall a system with several partitioned disks where important files are stored, you can leave the information unchanged. It is not necessary to format drive D, however, drive C with files old version Windows will be formatted.

Analysis of the hard drive during installation.

Before starting the Windows installation (if the OS is not working, crashes and glitches) you need to try to use the last chance of recovery and cleaning from malware. If there are obvious problems with the operation of the PC, it is necessary, first of all, to check the condition of the hard drive, analyze the operation of the segments, otherwise, even during installation of the system, the formatting process may freeze or become unstable.

Saving personal information.

Personal data and information is a very important component that cannot always be restored if deleted or damaged, so before reinstalling anything, you need to take care of their safety. To save information and personal data when reinstalling windows, you need to copy and transfer all the necessary files to a portable medium (disk, flash drive, etc.). It is also very important to save passwords, for this it is recommended to use Backup program or do it the old fashioned way, by hand.

By strictly following the rules and advice, you can understand how to install Windows via BIOS on a computer, even for a person without special skills and experience, in such situations. The main requirement for correct installation is the accuracy of execution step by step guide proposed in the article above. Detailed photographs accompanying the installation steps will help you navigate the BIOS I/O system.

How to reinstall windows 7 via BIOS

Entering the BIOS to select the order in which to access hard drives and other storage media when installing Windows 7 - this item is desirable, but not mandatory. The user can select a device to boot one time through the boot menu. However, if you have to reboot several times in order to make other settings in basic system I/O, it is advisable to know the correct sequence of actions. We'll talk about it today.

How to enter BIOS for reinstalling windows 7?

Before you understand the necessary settings, you still need to get into the BIOS. This is done by pressing a specific hotkey, different for equipment from different manufacturing companies.

“Hot keys” can be Del, Esc, buttons F1 to F3, as well as F10, Ctrl+Alt+Esc or some other “exotic” combinations. The easiest way to recognize them is by specific model laptop or motherboard.

Entering the BIOS on Windows 10 (for subsequent installation of Windows 7) from modern, powerful machines can become a definite problem. Thanks to special accelerated loading technology, the PC owner will not only not only read the prompts, but also simply won’t have time to click on the correct key in time. If this problem is relevant to you, go to:

  • “All settings” -> “Update and security”;
  • click “Recovery” -> “Special boot options”;
  • Click “Restart now”;
  • after reboot, in the “Select action” -> “Diagnostics” window;
  • find “Advanced settings” -> “UEFI firmware settings”;
  • We reboot, we get into the UEFI BIOS.

How to reinstall windows 7 via BIOS - setting BIOS settings

When the login attempts are successful, we will find ourselves in the traditional BIOS interface. However, releases from different companies may differ in the arrangement of sections and paragraphs. Therefore, for example, we will look at the AMI BIOS version from American Megatrends:

  • From the top, using the arrow keys, go to the “Boot” tab;
  • press “down” and reach the line indicating your input device on which the Windows 7 image is located (“CD\DVD-ROM Drive” for booting from a disk, USB HDD for a flash drive);
  • Using the “+” button we move the desired one to the top of the list;
  • to save our positive progress, press the F10 button;
  • a window appears with selection options, indicate “Save and Exit” (alternatively, go with the “arrow” to the “Save&Exit” tab and save in the same way).

This completes the BIOS setup, boot from your media and follow the recommendations on the screen to install Windows 7. When it is successfully completed, do not forget to return to the BIOS settings using one of the methods described above and set a new sequence for working with disks. Now the priority should be the hard drive on which the “fresh” OS is located. If this is not done, the PC will take longer to boot, polling devices in order, or may even not be able to enter the operating system at all.

When purchasing a new computer or laptop, as a rule, in specialized stores, the buyer can immediately take advantage of the paid service of installing an operating system on the purchased PC, as well as some programs, including anti-virus programs.

Working according to the standard scheme, the specialist in this case will install the OS by default, without dividing the hard drive into partitions. As a result, the system local disk will contain the OS, a software package, and all kinds of multimedia files that are completely unrelated to the system.

And when the time comes for the next OS reinstallation, the user may forever lose all data on this computer. Of course, before this you can copy the contents of the disk to another medium, but you need to take into account that the decision to reinstall the OS is not always made in advance, as in the case of a sudden failure, the so-called ““ (complete system failure without the possibility of its recovery).

Therefore, you should learn how to install Windows yourself. In fact, this is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner, and even more so it will save money, gain the necessary knowledge in working with a computer and protect yourself from troubles with the loss of valuable information on your hard drive.

How to remove windows 7 and install windows 7: necessary steps before installing the OS

So, it is important to emphasize that during the installation process, immediately before changing the OS, all information located on the system local drive C will be erased. Therefore, the necessary data will have to be transferred either to another local drive or to external media (CD, flash drive, removable drive or backup HDD).

Accordingly, all files displayed on the desktop will also disappear, and the work of previously installed programs will be impossible in the future, since before installing a new OS, drive C must be subjected to full formatting, thereby eliminating not only old data and system errors, but even unwanted virus software, if any (and often it is viruses that cause system failure; in fact, they are developed for these purposes).

The next step is to have a Windows OS (in this example, Windows 7) recorded as an image on the media. On the question of where to purchase this software:

  • buy licensed version in a computer store;
  • download the OS distribution from the Internet;
  • rewrite the OS image from another external media or borrow it for a while from friends.

You should immediately determine the bit depth of the operating system: 32 or 64 bit.

To find out which of them is currently installed, go to the Start menu - Computer - click right click mice on the general background - Properties.

Also, you need to write down or remember the total size of the local drive C and the number free space On him. This is done so as not to confuse the partitions with each other when reinstalling the OS.

Then, it is advisable to make sure that disks with drivers for the equipment are available (or driver versions may be stored on the PC, on another local drive).

A driver is the necessary software for launching and further stable operation of special PC equipment: input-output system (monitor; manipulators - keyboard, mouse, gamepad, etc.; sound and video card), external equipment (printer; scanner; uninterruptible power supply unit, etc. .)

If there are no drivers, you can successfully download them from the network even after installing the OS.

In case of reinstalling the OS, the user should know that Windows, recorded as an image on the media, gives the latter the name “bootable” (boot disk or Bootable USB flash drive). And, since the operating system image is written to special regime, then the entire memory capacity of the bootable media is intended exclusively for Windows, and installation of the system is possible only through displaying and changing the settings of the “heart of the computer” - the BIOS.

The initial stage of installing Windows 7: BIOS settings

If the OS image on the bootable media has already been purchased and the system bit depth is known, then you can begin the installation process.

When working with a boot disk, we use the disk drive; if the OS is on bootable flash drive, we include the latter in the corresponding USB connector and reboot the system.

As soon as the familiar title image of the motherboard logo appears on the monitor, we begin to repeatedly press a certain key to display the BIOS, most often it is the “Delete” or “F8” key. However, there are other options: “F1”; "F2"; "F3"; "F10"; "F12". In any case, in order not to waste time guessing the right button, just look carefully at the commands indicated at the bottom of the screen when the computer boots, where the “hot keys” for calling not only the BIOS, but also the general system management menu are located.

If the user did not manage to press the BIOS key at the right time, you should wait until the system boots and reboot it again, trying again. A successful press is accompanied by a special sound signal and displays the general BIOS menu on the monitor screen.

So, the BIOS menu has opened, now you need to select the “Advanced BIOS” item.

In the next window we find a list of priorities when loading the PC system, as well as connection statuses of individual equipment. In this list, it is important to select the primary priority column “First Boot Device”, opposite which is written “Hard Disk” (hard drive), that is, the settings determine that when the system boots, priority reading of information occurs through the hard drive data, in particular the registry and local drive WITH.

But in order for the PC system to bypass loading the old one copies of Windows started scanning and processing information from the boot disk, for this you will have to change the primary priority of reading data. We replace the “Hard Disk” request with “CDROM” if the image of the new copy of the OS is written to a CD and to “USB-HDD” if we are installing the operating system from a flash drive.

As for the older BIOS version, the changes in the settings are almost the same, although the overall appearance of the interface is different.

There is also an “Advanced” menu here, and switching the priorities for the primary reading of information is in the “Boot” menu.

Selecting a volume to install Windows 7

Now you should wait for the Windows 7 installation menu to appear while the system copies data from the boot disk.

As soon as it appears, select “Install Windows 7”;

architecture (bit size) - in accordance with the currently available one (or based on the performance of the processor and video card during initial installation);

installation type - complete;

We accept the terms of the license agreement.

In the menu that appears with partitions for installing Windows, by volume type and size, we find the one that is currently the local system drive C (just for this purpose it was necessary to record the volume of this disk before installation).

Let's start formatting it: select the required volume and click on the "Disk Setup" - "Format" button - in the warning message, click "Ok" and "Next".

Provided that the OS is being installed for the first time, in the menu with partitions, only one of the main volumes will be indicated with a size equal to the volume of the entire hard drive. In this case, using the “Disk Settings” button, you will need to delete this partition and in its place create a new one with a size of 100 GB, which will later become a system local disk. You should install a copy of Windows on it. The remaining large part of the hard disk capacity will fill the niche of another volume, which we will also create next to the first. Thus, we were able to divide the hard drive into partitions.

When you click on the “Next” button, the automatic process of unpacking OS files and installing components and updates will begin, which will take approximately 30 minutes until completion. Each further stage of installation will be accompanied by a reboot of the PC to save and accept the data.

Completing the installation of OS Windows 7

At the final stage, before the new copy of Windows 7 is displayed on the desktop screen for the first time, in the system settings windows that appear, you will need to enter: user name; OC product key; your account password, optional; interface language and keyboard layout. Next, the system will reboot again and then the desktop will open in a low resolution of 800*600 pixels. After this, you can remove the boot disk (or bootable USB flash drive).

Then, in order for all components and system updates to take effect, we find a shortcut with the Windows activator on the desktop and open it.

After activating the OS, we reboot the system manually and call the BIOS again, where we return to reverse order priority to the hard drive “Hard Disk”; save the changes using the “F10” key and confirm the actions with the “Y” and “Enter” buttons.

So, new operating system installed on the PC, all that remains is to connect the necessary drivers and update them to more latest versions via the Internet.

So, first you need configure BIOS. To do this, turn on the computer and immediately press the key "Delete"(on some keyboards, short “Del”) on the keyboard until we get to BIOS(by the way, I almost forgot, your boot Windows disk XP must already be in the CD/DVD drive).

Your BIOS may look different. It depends on the manufacturer and. But don't be afraid, the settings are basically the same. In BIOS we will work with the arrow keys ←→↓ . So, we went into the BIOS, then go to the tab Advanced BIOS Features:

The name of the tab may be different in your BIOS. If so, then go through the tabs and find which one contains device boot options. In my case, this is what the device boot parameters look like:

Now our task is to make sure that the computer boots from the disk, i.e. on "First Boot Device" we will deliver CDROM. Let's do it like this (select the option opposite First Boot Device , press Enter on the keyboard and use the arrows to select CDROM):

It should look like this:

Maybe this confirmation will appear. Click "Y" on the keyboard, which means "Yes"(Yes), and press Enter:

Next there will be a reboot. We are waiting for such an inscription to appear "Press any key to boot from CD", which means « press any key to boot from CD« . Press any key:

And the installation program will start. After checking your system configurations, you will be given the option to Restore your existing system or install a new OS. Choose "ENTER=continue":

Then we accept the license agreement by pressing the button F8:

Then select the partition on which Windows will be installed. This is usually the section C:

Don't be afraid, click WITH:

Choose "Format partition in NTFS system":

Confirm with the key F:

File copying will then begin automatically:

After this, the computer will restart. Never click on "Enter - restart computer", otherwise the installation will be interrupted. Let the computer reboot itself:

After the reboot you will again be prompted to press any key, nothing don't press and then you will start the installation again.

After the reboot, the installation will continue, but in a more attractive environment:

Set the time, date, time zone and move on:

If this message appears, click OK:

Click again OK:

Select an item "Delay this action":

We write the name account. You can have up to five if there are several users:

That's it, the installation is complete!

Hope Windows XP installation was successful. All that remains is to install the drivers for normal operation of the computer. Good luck!!!

To install Windows yourself via BIOS, you need a Windows OS boot disk and basic knowledge of BIOS. In this article we will teach you the intricacies of working in BIOSe so as not to harm your computer and get a working operating system.

Before installing the OS, download and burn to disk drivers for such computer parts as:
  • motherboard;
  • sound card;
  • DVD/CD drive;
  • network card, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth;
  • CPU;
  • BIOS;
  • video card;
  • Touchpad, Web-camera, monitor;
  • USB devices (mouse, keyboard, printer), USB ports.

Save all the files you need from your desktop and the “My Documents” folder to a flash drive, since all data from “Local Disk C” is erased when installing Windows.

The installation begins by restarting the computer and entering the BIOS. On different motherboards Different manufacturers have their own key combination for logging in. Most often, you can enter the BIOS by pressing Del, F1 or F2, F12. We advise you to pay attention to the lower right corner of the screen when starting to boot your computer. It is there that the combination is written that will allow you to enter Bios.

Login is complete. Using the arrows on the keyboard, move to the right to the “Boot” item. Select the “LEGACY BOOT” item using the Enter key.

We see that “Hard drive” is in first place, and replace it with “CD/DVD/CD-RW Drive”. In this version of Bios, to move through the lines you need to press F5 and F6. On desktop computers It’s simple: click on the first line “1st Boot Device” and select the CD drive. In both cases, press F10 to save the changes and exit the BIOS. After pressing the key, a confirmation window will appear, where you click “Yes”.

The computer restarts and a black screen appears, where in English. are asked to press any key for further actions. Click and wait for the disk to load, the screen will show “Windows is loading files...”.

Begins standard installation Windows 7. First you will be asked to select the language of the keyboard, computer and time zone. Then a window will appear asking you to select the Windows 7 bit depth: x86 or x64. For dual-core processors and higher, select x64. For single-core – x86. How to determine the processor bit depth, read in

In the next window, select “Full installation”. Now be careful. You have to select the hard drive partition on which Windows will install. Click on the one whose type is “System”. When selected, the line with the disk partition will be highlighted in blue. For Windows to work without errors, the disk must be formatted. To do this, click "Disk Settings" and select the "Format" button. You will be offered the options FAT32 and NTFS, select the latter - NTFS.

Once the disk cleanup operation is complete, unpacking will begin. Windows files and further installation. Wait for the end. With average computer characteristics, installation takes about 30-45 minutes. At the end, the system will reboot for further settings: Internet, time, password and firewall.

After removing the disk, restart the computer and return the previous BIOS settings - return “Hard drive” to first place. Save your changes.

There are no difficulties in installing Windows via Bios if you understand it thoroughly. We advise you to write down the main points of work in the BIOS before starting the OS installation. BIOS is the heart and brain of computers, do not change the settings just like that, otherwise your work with the PC will end until repaired by a service center or forever.

Are you planning to install windows? The correct installation is from the disk via the BIOS. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that loading occurs at help CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. If you need to make loading With USB flash you need to select an item USB HDD.

To do this, we need to restart the computer and go to BIOS settings(Setup) - a program that ensures the initial boot of the computer. When the computer boots, a window will appear, at the bottom there will be an entry Press xxx to enter SETUP, in fact, there it will be written how to get into Bios. There are not many options - it could be a button: Del, Esc, F1, F2, F3, F10, Ctrl+Alt+Esc (simultaneously)

Also, to select the boot option from HDD, USB, DVD, you can use Boot Menu, keys to enter:

All-in-One PCs and Laptops

Samsung - Esc
HP - F9 or Esc key and then F9


If you have Did not work out go into the BIOS, try to do everything again, if YES, we see the following window.

from DVD-ROM - burn a disc from windows to minimum speed, to another disk (new), select another distribution.

If in BIOS, UEFIno possibility select, add boot from disk or usb flash, necessary switch off Secure Boot or run in the operating system installation from disk.

One of the reasons why downloading from usb flash drives(black screen) - it's on UEFI, the flash drive is formatted in NTFS. Legacy BIOS supports booting from NTFS, UEFI - FAT32 partition

Windows XPnot installed on hard driveSATA III (3)

You should be wary of distributions with auto-installation of Windows, an answer file, the operating system may install on the wrong partition and delete data!

And so we are in the settings AMI Bios, to change the settings, click the "->" button on the Boot tab

Use the "down" button to select the CD-ROM Drive, and move it to the first place in the list with the "+" button. By doing this, we ensured that loading was done from CD\DVD-ROM. Take your time to rejoice :), you need to save these settings! This can be done by pressing F10 (Save and Exit), or using the " -> " button to go to Exit - Exit Saving Changes.

If you have AWARD (Phoenix) BIOS, select the Advanced bios Features item:

Second Boot Device - HDD-0

After changing the boot option, press Esc and save the settings in the Save & Exit Setup item.

Save & Exit - Boot Override

gigabyte uefi dualbios in Russian

Select Bios functions - Boot device priority - Boot option - F10

When the computer boots, press any key.

Tags: install, reinstall windows via Bios

Choosing Russian language

Click install

At this stage you will have to choose x86 architecture or x64 bit, x64 bit is worth choosing if you have more than 4 GB of RAM.

Click I accept the license terms

Choose Full installation for further formatting drive C

Click on section C, Disk setup

Uncheck the box Automatically activate Windows 7 when connected to the Internet

I hope the article is how to install helped.

Would you like to reinstall windows? It is very important to reinstall the OS correctly. The process can be divided into three stages: The first stage is the actions performed before installation, the Second is installation of the operating system, and the Third stage is configuration.

You cannot reinstall the system via the Internet; you can reinstall Windows using a DVD rom or USB flash drive.

Before you reinstall Windows, you must Right choose a distribution that you can buy in a store or download on the Internet. The disk image can be burned using UltraISO. I recommend using clean builds that do not have pre-installed drivers, themes, or tweaks (changes to registry settings). To improve performance and security, the latest service pack and critical updates must be preinstalled. This operating system will last longer!

Next we get network cable(if there is one) from the network card, so that the “evil spirits” do not climb out of the network. We check the distribution kit and all partitions of the hard drive (hard drive) for viruses with updated databases. All sections must be checked so that after installing the operating system the virus does not enter it from partitions other than C.

Copy everything you need files with system disk C (root, folders My Documents, Desktop, Documents and Settings, C:\Users) to D, E, since when installing the OS, partition C must be formatted (complete loss of information). In the future, do not store documents, films, games (do not install) on the system drive, as these files will affect performance in a negative way.

Rewriting network settings(IP address, gateway, working group etc.), if there is a home or other one. Make sure you know in advance how to set up internet connection after reinstalling the system. Go to your Internet provider's website and look at the instructions.

If you do not have a system disk with DRIVERS or saved on the hard drive, a program will be useful that will help you correctly save existing drivers, as well as find them on the Internet and update them in the future.

If you have completed all these steps, move on to the Windows installation process. you can read how to do this correctly

After installing Windows, install an antivirus, drivers for all devices, service packs, critical updates, if they were not preinstalled in the distribution. And also everything necessary programs, configure the OS as conveniently as possible (folder type, theme, desktop shortcuts, etc.), update anti-virus software via the Internet, optimize the OS.

So that you don’t have to install Windows again from scratch, and the reason for this could be: a virus attack, slow system operation, caught " Blue screen death" and the like, there is for you correct solution- special program!

I hope this article helped you reinstall Windows!

Tags: install, reinstall via Bios

how to reinstall (remove) pre-installed windows 8?

After purchasing a new Acer v3 laptop, I encountered a problem - it was running Windows 8, this operating system is unusual for many people, like me, so the decision was made to reinstall it on Windows 7.

Ordinary the windows way 7 could not be reinstalled immediately, because when the computer booted there was no message on how to enter the BIOS and it was impossible to select boot from DVD-ROM.

I managed to enter the bios using the F2 button, the remaining keys for entering and the BIOS settings can be viewed. By default, the UEFI interface was used, in which case it is impossible to select boot from dvd rom or flash drives, so to reinstall windows you need to Boot - Boot Mode instead of UEFI choose Legacy Bios.

Tab Exit - Exit Saving Changes(Exit Save Changes), restart the laptop.

Go to bios, in Boot priority order select boot from DVD ROM or flash, click F10.

asus laptop, Free DOS aptio setup utility installed

When installing Windows 7, a message will appear Windows installation on this disk not possible. The selected disk has a GPT partition style.

The GPT partition table has replaced the MBR and is intended for hard drives over 2.2 TB. If your disk space is less than 2.2 TB, you need to convert the partitions to MBR or delete all hard drive partitions using installation disk, create a new partition with the MBR table (default), reinstall windows 7.

Resize, create new partitions, increase space hard drives In new laptops with Windows 8, you can use the boot disk Disk Director Home 2011 Update 2 or Paragon Partition Manager.

tags: how to reinstall (remove) pre-installed windows 8