How to find out the date of a like in a contact. How to find out who a person likes on VK? How to find out who likes, what posts and groups a person likes on VKontakte using special programs “Who does my friend like?” and "SearchLikes"? How to find out who likes h

Imagine that you have a close acquaintance or friend. And you are by no means indifferent to whom he likes. Question: Is it possible to find out who your friend likes?

Let's not beat around the bush, but let's say this: the most The best way To find out who your friend likes is to get to his page using his own account. If you get the opportunity, you will be able to see literally every photo that he liked. How, you ask?

If you were able to get to the user’s page using his account (do not forget that if you do this without the owner’s knowledge, he may report you to the relevant authorities), you need to click on the “My Bookmarks” item in the menu.

Then select the “Photos” subsection. All photos with likes will be shown here. Please note that under each photo the user's first and last name is written.

If the first and last names are missing, this means that your friend liked the photo in some community.

What should those who do not have the opportunity to access another user’s account do? You can try using a special application. It’s called “Who does my friend like?” (

Launch the application. In the “Enter a friend’s name or link” line, enter the user’s page ( or - the same thing). Then click on start.

The system will start searching for likes. We tried the system and it works really well because we received a list of those users whose photos have hearts from the friend we are interested in.

There are no other ways to identify other people's likes yet.

If you want to find out who your friend or the person you care about likes on VK, then our article will be useful for you. We will analyze everything in detail possible options and find out which one is better and why. We will also answer the question “How to see what I liked on VK”, because for many of our readers this information will be useful.

How to see other people's likes

There are a lot of ways to see what your friend likes on VK, but are they all equally effective? Let's look at each of them and draw conclusions.

Specific entry

From computer

It’s very easy to see another person’s likes on VK on one specific post. If this is a post on your page, then, firstly, you will receive a notification about this, and secondly, there is another option that is suitable for both yours and other people’s posts:

  • Log in to your VK account.
  • Open the desired post (photo, group, or page).
  • Hover over the heart that shows the number of likes.
  • A field will appear with the number of people who rated the post.
  • Click on the inscription “Liked by ... people” (instead of an ellipsis there will be a number of ratings).
  • In the list that opens, you can see everyone who liked it.
  • You can also press F3 or Ctrl+F to bring up the search bar.
  • Enter the name of the person you want.

If the name of the person you need is on the list of those who liked it, it will be highlighted in orange. If his name is not here, it means he did not like this post.

From phone

From your phone you can see if your friend liked a post like this:

  1. Log in to your VK account.
  2. Open the desired entry.
  3. Click on the comments icon to expand the post.
  4. Under the text or photo you will see the inscription “Liked by ... people.”
  5. Click on this inscription.

You will see a list of everyone who liked this post; by scrolling down, you can find the person you are interested in.


Let's find out how to find out who a person likes on VKontakte using a smartphone application. This program is called "Who does my friend like". You can easily find it in Google Play and install it on your gadget.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to find out what a person likes on VK using “Who does my friend like”:

  1. Go to Play Market and enter “Whom my friend likes” into the search.
  2. Click on the “Install” button.
  3. Open the application on your smartphone.
  4. Now go to the VK page of the person you want to check.
  5. Copy its URL from address bar at the top of the screen (copy the entire line).
  6. We paste this address into a special line in the application (after this you will see the avatar and the person’s name in the field just below).
  7. Now you can click the button labeled “Scan” and the analysis will start.
  8. When the analysis is complete, you will see a list of posts your friend has liked.

Unfortunately, this program analyzes only those accounts that are on the friend list of the object of our interest. The more friends he has on VKontakte, the more time it will take for analysis.

Spy programs

One of the most popular spy programs for tracking other people's user activity is VkSpy. The developers promise that with the help of this program, you will find out not only who the user likes, but also other detailed information about his account.

Using this service, you can scan your page and find out who you rated. Many users monitor their own activity, especially if their audience is quite large.

Page hacked

If the question “how to see who my friend likes on VKontakte” is relevant to you, then perhaps you have thought about. Moreover, on the Internet, there are offers for services that provide such an opportunity.

Please be aware that this option does not officially exist! All such offers are the actions of scammers. Their main task is to gain access to your account, phone number, and if you're lucky, even your bank account. In this case, it will be difficult to complain somewhere, because you yourself wanted to perform illegal actions.

Suppose that somehow, you yourself and the login from the person’s page and decided to see who he likes. It would seem a completely harmless action. However, a person, having learned about this, has every right to complain to law enforcement agencies and write a statement against you.

Here we are talking about a violation of Article 272 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The punishment may be as follows:

  • correctional labor for up to a year;
  • fine up to 200,000 rubles;
  • imprisonment for up to two years;
  • forced labor for up to two years.

As you already understand, the idea of ​​hacking a page to see who a person likes is not only stupid, but also dangerous.

How to see your likes

If you asked the question “How to see who I liked on VKontakte,” then everything is much simpler here, and you don’t have to worry about the legality of your actions:

  1. Go to your VK page.
  2. Go to the news tab.
  3. On the right you will see a block with various functions- click “Like”.
  4. You will see a list of all the posts that you have liked.
  5. Just below there is a field with which you can filter the results.

Use the filter to see separately your likes that you put on photos, videos, comments and other posts.

So we found out the answer to the question “How to see who I liked in VK,” and also found out how to see who another person liked. As you can see, everything is quite simple and accessible, and now you can control not only the real, but also the virtual life of the people you are interested in.

Almost every user spends time on social networks, his activity is expressed in communication, likes, reposts and comments. You can find out who a person likes using online services and programs.

First you need to understand what VKontakte likes are. In this social network, the like button is a heart-shaped button (I like it). Its purpose is to enable the user express your attitude to the material seen.

An additional feature is that the more positive marks a post has, the higher its popularity. By finding out who a person gives “hearts” to, you can understand what he likes.

In some cases, likes may not be given. This is due to the maximum daily limit – I like the maximum of 500 marks.

Before we begin our review of the programs, it should be noted that VKontakte administration does not recommend use this software. This material contains proven services.

How to find out who a person likes on VKontakte

The first method is quite simple, it involves viewing likes by clicking on the “Like” heart.

We view it as follows:

Who was liked by a person on VKontakte

Who does my friend like?

Application " Who does my friend like?» can be found directly on the social network VKontakte. It is designed to search for likes on photos of users on their friends list. This option most secure, since the program was developed using the Vkontakte API.

How to use the application:

Important! The application is unstable when displaying results, text information is distorted and contains unreadable characters instead. There is also no way to save the result.

Additional feature find your own likes:

VK Paranoid Tools program

VK Paranoid Tools is functional software capable of analyzing the page of any user. With its help you can view: subscribers, comments, deleted and hidden friends. There is no need to install the program; it comes in a Portable version; just unpack the archive and run the executable file.

How to use:

VKontakte Spy application

Free application for smartphones running Android and iOS. With its help, you can follow users on VK, see who people like, who gives the most likes, identify hidden friends, and view activity history.

How to find likes:

A service that allows users to view the history and who the person likes on VK. The interface is simple, on home page There is only a search bar where you need to enter a link to your profile. “Like com” also provides a function for sending anonymous messages.

How to use:

  • open the site;
  • V search bar enter a link to the user’s profile or his first and last name;
  • click on the button " Search»;
  • go to the page where brief profile information is located and the “User liked” tab will display data on the likes given.

Important! To access the likes viewing feature, you must purchase a premium account.

See who I liked

VKontakte has significantly expanded the like function; it is not only a way of expressing emotions, but also a kind of bookmark. When a person marks a photo, video or post he likes, it is automatically transferred to a special “Bookmarks” folder.

How to view your polishes on VKontakte:

How to remove a like

Deleting your like is quite simple; you need to follow a few steps. You don't need any third-party software for this:

It is impossible to remove likes from another person’s VK. But there is a way that will help you remove the “Like” from your photo by moving the user’s page to the blacklist. After this, all marks will be deleted, and the page can be removed from the emergency situation.

How to remove someone else's like:

This is the only option to remove other people's likes from your posts.

How to hide likes on VKontakte

There is an option to hide likes of posts from friends. The method implies change privacy settings.

Changing privacy settings:

Many people are tormented by the question: who does a person like on the social network VKontakte? But not everyone knows that it is easy and simple to obtain the necessary information about a person. There are several methods to find out who your friend likes.

How to find out who a person likes through his page

The easiest way to find out who your friend likes is to officially visit his page.

  • In the menu on the left, select the “My Bookmarks” section.
  • Select the “Photos” tab at the top. In this section you can see all the photos and pictures that a person rates.

How to find out who a person likes using the “Paranoid Tools” application

The program allows you to track the full activity of the user on the social network “Vkontakte”.

  • Open the “Vk Paranoid Tools” program. On the left, in the “New Goal” column, enter a link to the page of the user you are interested in, then click “Add”.

  • Next, on the left, select the “Like” section. A new window will open in front of you, with full list user's friends. Select the checkboxes “Including subscribers” and “Including third-party likers”, then click “Full verification”.

  • Upon completion of a complete check of the user's list of friends and subscribers, you will be shown a list of posts and photos that the user you are interested in liked.

How to find out who a person likes using the “VKontakte Spy” application

  • Open the VKontakte Spy program. Enter the first and last name of the VKontakte user you are interested in. Select the “Whom does he like” section.

Good day to you, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Please tell me, have you ever wondered where your friend or your girlfriend (young man) puts “likes”? I know that many people are probably interested, but they don’t know how to watch it all.

What then should be done in this case? Don't worry, I will help you. Because in today’s article I want to tell you how to see what a person liked on VKontakte. We don't need to hack anything to do this. Everything is done in an official manner. Through the application.

  1. To do this, go to VK and click on the “Games” link, which is located in the sidebar with the main menu.
  2. Now in the search we are looking for an application called . After we have found it, click on it and in the newly opened window click on the button "Launch the application".
  3. Now let's launch this application and in the search field you start typing your friend’s first or last name. The system will find any matches of first or last names with a combination of these letters. so you don't even have to type everything in completely. Once you have found who you were looking for, click on it. It should appear on the right side of the application.
  4. Well, then we just click on the “Start” button (I immediately remembered “Natalia Marine Corps”) under the photo and wait for this program to scan all friends and likes. Already during the scan, your friends will begin to emerge, so you can already see what’s going on.
  5. Once you have a friend's picture, you can click on it and see specific photos that he has ever liked in his life. Well, by clicking on a specific photo, you will be taken to the original itself. If you want to return to your other friends, then click on the button "Back to search".

By the way, you can watch not only your friends in this way, but also yourself. Immerse yourself in the history of something you've ever loved. To do this, you do not need to type anyone into the search. You just need to click on the “Select me” button. Well, then follow the instructions.

Account access

There is another cool way to see the preferences of your friends, but it is practically impossible for most cases.!). For example, this can be done if he logs into his account while visiting you, or if you are visiting him.

To do this, you simply need to go to the “Bookmarks” menu and click on “Posts”. After that, you will be given posts that you or your friend have ever liked. This is, of course, much cooler, because here you can see all the posts, and in the previous one you will have to be content with only photos in your friends’ albums,

In my opinion everything is easy and simple. And you don't need any spyware. Everything is on VKontakte itself. By the way, if you really like being on VKontakte and constantly doing something there, then I want to visit you free online marathon, in which various Internet professions will be discussed, including VKontakte Administrator and traffic manager. Sign up and take a look.

Well, I guess I’ll say goodbye to you for today. I hope that you liked my article and you will certainly come visit my blog again. I'll be glad to see you. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.